HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-27, Page 6, • , •..'41lner"Ame,s... • feleS,. to escape- „the- l/tharthOetfc Of, • hes, pastnoned, •rnarrlaile • /tif•P!!.."..fierpatt'Releri.i. 0*...beCOminii. an aIr ateligaitteel;,7 "Pit 'Reaero' 'mother • approves an allitecce-bet*een7Nortnan:, limik.*.eelthi,..F.ranline-,!Olyiees;', nor.- 100040-.;ef Jack. Newton, -,the • .'Pliat,•14,c,ficr; helped EHnor get her 100. .:•.14ulat,.:Itogort-,,,liortoareikiisistorplaIov� with Jack, but - they hive qUar, Ii 101 -keit ntilterlinis• rifeilifge.7•nerttP. , • -.Seek ElInor, however, .sys. on her.,,relew; aboard..- 'eerefOIVL'.00earda. :two bogir*OHtlaea'.•:!0#1,'':.1 - Trio04.--;at ,'",Olaea*arosti faile*Ifte 4064 through. i.fsessifyy 400and storm Visnor aLt•PWO4?"1', aatt.' ra.:00reepe'otiti.in,;.t.WWinty,:nfithetatW: •• ,,•.. ,,.• , • „ could- he'in,thabags? something.dan- gerous ,or Leola would not have rlsked her life to warn them! . Irtt/dmirs was 'struggling With . Bail* • eY,'• cursing and raving. 'moot ,Itnew7,. she couldn't open. the plane ' door against the rfish. Of 41r.. The: passen- gera' windows dld••nest• roll Ociwri., she raced back to the pilot's compartment ancriyith all her. Strength,. hurled the , • hagS, out of. the Open. window...'.. Asshe-7#10--ito.T.-stie.-screamed-"to )1ritneti... "Quick,. gir Instantly,!:•the • devied on the histra- ntent.panel told her they were : but at ,the same second there, Was a thunderous roar, it flame Of red, Iight.."The ship . lurchekd fietti the 'passengers scream- ing. ‘ • Grimes ,stuck. griMlY • to ,,the con- trols. Jack, his -face :like:. death „• „„.. . 4.41.1e-tiOti014440:11' ing brief words of suggestionand en- couragement .to 'Grimes. ,The ship 'righted after the terrific. bunip. They began.. to fly smoothly • • :Elinor had: taii,; dared'ionk.ht the Other. • ship. It MustTlmio felt • theex- plosion: toe. Perhaps it Iliad, Plunged ' earth. Norm's, Nottafr She • .• • . . dared .not look! • ; • ....4ut'.she, Mast •carry on, .juat, as Jack and Grimes ; were ,t1Colng:': 'SAD' •19.Dixt .liaCk•to. her cabin. ' . • •• •.Sky Heroine ValdMirz ,-Was, prone on ••the`.• floor, Whiaiperiag; Inerlhey'll: kill me: now!!! •• •Eliaor's. mind was In cha�s. Wbat 'did: it all .S.Letin? Norman '.and Leola following them • to Warn -7 -but jiy— how.Ber,:theLights'weeldel; make • • ' She notIoned to flailey and, to- gether • . • fl• The IlPrOSiffikt.tli,ci.,'w!Ok*,, '411e oher I etrelghL4tfe,(1 up. R ha1 blew wfldiy ifl.th�,',,)gate; Orie„..Iliand.:, was gilen :;t4g..f T.13# other Iiand cluhde de)Vd„ and N8liet/c",led ,D not hear.but she- - tnlng illuminated hr face. It*.444- -0 a4,,,ia.:4togerist • - e • terrified :glance,: Elinor 7 •n :73afekeenie 7•44.•••.77-, • ; TAP,. re.! Elinor' "Leola!” ',Jac,.16.)itiggetl.i,:,,Igeattiinbled — .. shaft' of light penetrated through hd•:,:elOnd,S...lighting.;.•,,the'inthei piane and tbe figure of.tbe girl. :She :es thee4.-.*B400:ittA0ing dOportiteiv,i9 • convey iome r •"-nest Ieaned •'ver heid tts, green hag, up Oc1.7'threiv it'froielierlite* it 'far • . •ont:Oreri: the.: wing, and ":01eted.doWn- *raid.; " . Siii1001?;.;Elindr knew what"; Leola was trying Valdmlrz-nerv- eus ane,tear.craiedThe bags be Cal..: riedi His disconnected' words took on .tinister EcplpsIoIn :.,he Air, • . Cenctulagely:, pont TeitflMek to the green legit • lay- on the seat .beside him. Elinor,,, seized them. ,The' toiti:„Made 'a litnge at her as she backed qWay.' 'IToId h1m•7 hold' ! she screamed ,Bailey as her thoughts span, around dizXily....pid she dare, throwthe bags, put? : :There ,Latist ;be • something In them -an ,.iniptottivristir-arr3xp1O7i. sion...woulci.'ocour hefoxelthe_b.ags_tat the , ground anyway. . It vas a fantas- tic. thOaghtHan, explesiVe---but t4114 There II' JittIe doubt nowadays that the 'best WO te. tackle' Sciatica, Ltunbago, Abeli- an:tele Pains, ete.,,ie from within. You can't • . • 'rub out Udc Add, you muse'rinse it out. _ Itynnon Solt 1. an Ideal Internal rinse. A atall tesipoonful in water nialten a pleasant, 'Imowdszy saline. Lade.zi with Sodium, Potasdium. ' Rathbun and other remedial' elentents, that wistly rinse' the system of the clogging deposits formed by UriC,Add. It li these deposits that • eit up,those agonizing twinged of penetratiug • Moat rack the body and ow .the 11 mosso when you have 'cleaned the ordain With gYnnew Balt for a few successive ,nterninge. 'There's nothing ' drastirabout • XrrSint, aoabinajuu.sli or harmful, Its ai slakilar to Mineral Spa water with • , Otis important advalitage. that.. half teasPooft- fel et Frisson Belt la a glass Of water is eemal ,S edldnal value tothree. glasses .of Spa. • Water. 'VP Irynnon Salt. the fanione Britleh 'newedy, foe your *hake*Ltimbago,, Rheu- matte Pains. , At *it drug dotes. 75c a large • lumbage4, If you have nn Y difficulty getting w supplies, write Laurentian Mewl", St. Gubtiel•Street. MODtreel• • 3 "Well take him back to the trash ..rOom,"_she said. "111. give him some- thlng to quiet his 4i:eV:es." • They, half -led, "halt -dragged •the fel- ' lovi, aft. . Elinor Mixed- the .ziaadielne With bandit that trembled.: , 'Irou"Ve been a;real • sky heroine,"', Bailey commented, admiringly: .,,Elitiorntarted to give the Medicine to 'yeldmirz, theta stopped.' . • •: "I believe I'd .better nsk the 'pilot about this: This .maa should. be ques- tioned" r • • „ talk." , The Man's eyes roiled. , Gray -don't take me me to: ;stew York now.. They'll: be waitiag.7foLf,-this • -ship. They'll kill Me! I won't. have a , . • .. Chance!" ' • ' • ; , "We're landing at ,Bellefonte." • Elin- or : told; him./ ,"Now,,,irm going, te.enli our pilot."' , ' , • . • . .Thtew Out the ,Baea. ; ;- As, Elinor ran back: to get Jack,: she • Iniikedonti-siek-with-apPrelrension. Bitt4the- Silver ;Plane had net, crashed: It ' was an ihdistieet lifer in tli& ,dis-• • tance, 'Elinor hurried on, • She found Jadk eIninped.inAis: seat.. -Sack! -What is it?"' He covered hie -eyes as though to shut out ,Sonie terrible. eight. •-•-• • •- ' "Leola,"" he 'choked. "Didn't You . "See?". Horror gripped Elinor. • "Right; after 7 the ' explosion. Leola slipped and ' " • , , • "Jack!" Elinor wailed. 4'N'ot .'h. she didn't fall?" ' Jack nodded. • , Grinies spoke. "But you 'realize, • Idles Ames, we must go on. atiek 'wants to land. itli.foolbardyia these L untalns. We have got to get :Oar Paisengers and the :Mail ' „to Belle- fonte."- ' • „ • irlres:!! Elinor ," tuarvrered quietly,' 4i;ve roust." She turned to , 'Zack. ' "Conte tick to •the 'Washrooni. talk, tell, us why he.: was e4itYlag* those Jack made an effort,.te :get up, but stink down WearilY. • "Please,.lack," , • . • • VW. , ".* • . • Brown Egga Ar NotBetterThan Tho Icicalhat bi•oweegg's, are bot - ter tilaa wliite. POPP. is, :0 ;comOlate,,. :The. body Pt every hon hqn talesa. Pertain amount • ef dEIrlc. Pig* 'tient and this- Is 0absorbed ' by the . shell of . the; egg, BUt 'tag ;limply. of.. "pignient,Is liiiiited,*ansrllennetter,:flie 'layer the.niere pertain IS if that., meat :of.. her eggs viit 410 .white.' • ' • :Absorb Odors : • NOP have poreinvehells and itheorh • 'the • etntePPlierfi arenitd:, 'theta.. Contly „eggs which had travelledneXt. deer to Crate -of ()ranges all tasted of the: golden •fruit. . Similarly it • is -"unwisej.to.--leaVnt-egge-for any length - of ' time- near :scalp, cheesel or 4113.";. -highlyanented article. 'South Africa, which,. Snips. tO., Great. Britainboth eggs andt..erenges, Made' this discov- ery.• Specially prepared air-tight.wax paper packing is now used, that not :only,,_protecte. the egg.•.from the. sur- - rounding •atmosphere .but,,enables ' arilVe Britein .the conditi , . . en , . . , or anegg only three day old. " •Dn..yon know hew to tell the age of an egg'''. There 'IS: an.air apaCe of . • less. than a quarter of an inch at the• broad end of every new -Jaid egg Each . . day this alightly increases in eiza,due to:. natural • evaporation • through • the porcine shell. • Se, by hohliag an egg to n strong'llght the size of its air . apace Will 'give' you some idea of its' upper is es Simple menus and easily prepared.. dishes are something every housewife is locuting4erd There are times When. you' Want to Atm un and spend time on, meats but that is only occaeronal,- Iy:,.•For day in and day out purposes, unadorned,- but tasty and nourishing nItheetile.ei'?oakres;aWl;it4. nte,,,,..farltlYn,eed4 S.,and.2 . .Here are sale, :seleeted. luneheen and supper etirlaue::::',yilarlieltiit`h, .r1)111 perfectly. ° They. are chosen for foictbeti On Fridays When, jfist, for a Charge you want- something that's .neither meat nor fish, you'll be: glad- to haVe a Choice of these three menus which *are built around one delicious • ,Buttered Asparagus on Toast ; •" Stewed Tomatoes . Layered Cheese ,and Apple Salad ' Whip • 11 Tomato Senn Whole Bran;bluffins, , • Layered Cheese and :Apple Stdsit Ginger 'Snaps. ' SPariteh Omelette Ilalciag Powder biecuita, 4.YUTetl, Cheese ,and Apple Salad •Grapefruit • _ • Layered Cheese and.. Apple ;Salad.' 1 package quicrsettiiiglemon.jelly- , . Powder • ' . V ,Style—Cinchet These Lauri Wheele:tloves • • , .1 PiUt•Waral water_ 2 'tahleSpoOns lemon 'juice 1' teaspoon _ salt 1' red apple, eat •la Us -inch dlee teaspoon sugar - 1. Package (3. oz.) eream eheeae a • • ;10 cup walnut meats, broken. Dissolve -jelly powder' in warm wa- ter. Add 1•• tablespoon lemon juice and , salt. '• Com1;ine .apples, „ , . , , Sugar,- dash of , salt, :and remaining 1 tablespoon: lemon juice. When jelly' is slightly thickened", fold, aPPles in- to % Of jelly mixture. Turn; into -mold. • Chill until Am. Beat .remain- ing jelly r with roterY egg beater Until of • consistency. of . whipped • cream. , • Fold hi cheese„ and nett. Pour over firm ,first .layer. Chill until 'firm: Serve in csquaires on crisp lettuce. Garnish' with mayonnaise. Serves $. Here are sorne ideas for Sunday • . night tea, for suppers, pick-up lunch- eons and bridge,luneheons. • India Relish Supper Plate . et Rolls •* , • Coffee' • • •• bake Ladia Relish. Supper Plate I. package lemon ;flavoured , jelly • powder ' • , 1 pint weriii water A ,teaspeOri-ealt' ' • : cupe. cabbage; 'finery 'Chopped • 2/3 cup India Relish Dissolve jelly powder in warm •we - ter; •salt to • cabbage, When jelly is slightly thickened; fold in cabbage and "India Relish: •Tnrir AntaLindimittael_molfla: until firm. .1dakes 8 molds.Salami : and PiekelCPrri, Combination a•Ptlihotne Coffee a, Apple Sauce* ,Cookies • Salami and tiiiakiec . , Plate 'I Packagelemon flavoured' sjellY powder . , • 1 Pint warm Water" . opoon ,v:neger •1/2 teaspoon „salt '`::•4 cup cabbage, finely' chipped , .°Y4' cup sour pickles,. finelY, chopped 1. tablespeonred pepper or pimien- to, finely diced • 1 teaspoon prepared horse -radish Dissolve. jelly .powder in warria-• , ter.. Add vinegar. Chill... Adirgelt :to 'cabbage.' When jelly is slightly . thickened, fold in cabbage, pickles, red pepper and horse -radish. Turn Turn into : individual molds:, . Chill until • finn.: Makes 8 Molds. Prepare Inn.* Aeon plate ofthin slices of saiami, rye bread .and butter sandwiches and jelly salad ,nprneldediOn crisp lettuce: • Spicy. Beet and Bacon Grill Toasted bus .• Atolls ,-'• "' • Coffee' ,Baked Apples with Crearn Spicy Beet - Wth Sacs* Grill- :- ...)..,package lemon flavourcd jelly 1 pintPoWsva4miter"'-'water , cup prepared horse-redish cup raw apple, finely diced %; Cup raisins tablespoon vinegar • • % teaspoon . onion juice 1 teaspoon salt % teaspoon caraway seed 1 cup cooked beets, finely diced , Dissolve jelly powder in, boiling water. COOL- Add horse -radish,' ap- ple, and. raisins.' Chill. • Combine vinegar, onion juice, "salt, earaway • seed and beets. 'When:,ljelly is slight- ly thickened, fold; in beet 'Mixture. Turn into individual Molds. Chill un- til firth. 'Makes 4 "melds. , . ' Prepare luncheon plate of broiled • bacon, toast 'points, and jelli'mold, unineolded •''ctri crisp lettuce. -:.—'CROCHETE.13-p_ovgp--,- • ..PATTERN 1350 The, easiest possible pattern . crochet these popular: gauntlet style gloves lengthwise, sewi; the plain front to the, Opeoxn-tritnrned back and there you ire! Thte wool or string, Make' several pairs in, ,colors as bright asyou can 'And . they are .the newest, gayest note of. this 'Winter's: faihions. ....,Patterri 1850 contains directions for making the gloves in a small, Medium, and large else '(all given in one patetni); an illustration of •them and of all stitches used; materiel requirements: -.. • , ' . Send 20 Cents in Coins •:(stainps cannot be accepted) for this pattern to Wilson Needlecraft Dept.; '73. West Adelaide St., Toronto. Write plainly. Pattern' Number; your. Name and Address. • ' 1 understand. But if Isola really fell, re'e nothing . . ." • • "Go cie," Grimes urged. 'j'1 take the ship . • Elinoi held "Sack's arm as she pro. pelled him,; aft. . !'We'll, manage yaldmirz," she. said ,to Bailey, 'A. thousand thanks tor what you've done," • •As Bailey ,left, she turned' to 'Yald- , "Weire-tWentyLininutes: before we land said. "Tell ; us everything before, then. If -.yen don't; we'll 'turn: you over to the Pee* pie who are leakingfor you.' • • . • "The bags,” nieenedthe, man. "You ,threw them out. "You . .' Suddenl', he leaped at at Elinor. • •• ' (TO' BE CGNT1NIJE13). .1V140..,Learo• Ho*: To Be_Flousewife Every ,German ' „Girl Under 'the, NAZI! Regitise.M*t Matter the of 'llauSekeejliing. .•• Under a decree Baldiit Yen 7SChir- • 'itch', Hitler Youth" leader,....anno,uticed that all ntenthere lot the League • 'Of '• •Gernen WO, einaPritling-the vast majorlty of those 'frets 14• to .21, •vviii .htt've to learn heimekeeping,• either in • the lettgue'e. ItauSehOld tichaele or by Yeiteeservice In private hoimehalds to Which: they'wiJIbe lunligned, Tide, dittY"o., may . be 'served 'either In •the country *Or •city. . Soecial PorafCrende, Will be given to large househoids Whore the over -burdened housewife .„ IS ijnablo to; hire . help either forneanelai reasons oi b6CAD86. of A illiOttitig of such The gli'ls are to be Puld according t6,4 Speeitil Wage scale If the heuse, 11,0a• Is unable to 'make'. eu,ea pay menta, the State: liehie, • Special dor. initCrlos will, be Provided... for those giris i%olfo Ottanet be stetointnodated,in househoJd to *filth 'theY), are as- signed.. ' Vitamin, Cancly Improves ' Teeth Confection of Three. Vitamin3 Is Invented In Fiisland Professor George son . Wendt, of lieleingforsi-rinlancl, has -Invented -a .13weet:Ldolitainjng Vitamins Ac' and aiiffIcium-thatdoes your teeth good instead ;of harm. • These three vitamins .lie've never before • been combined tined foad, and C 'is a . newcomer to -•-the--oonfeetionery-world. Made treint- greee !pepper, it 113 a ,, remedy for .eleeplessnesS, , • . ;But because these ' 'SWeets contaiti so many inany vitainilie it ',dope net mean, that they are not. nice to eat.' 'They: are tasty; and •a email tin of them' has it geed Value equal toone. half pound of .fresh butter,: Ave ''eggs laid: by cod-liver-oil-fedhen and fouraun-ripened tomatoes.: • • ..Fighting in Palestine ' A 'JERUSLEM -Plifty"-• persons were , , , reverted wounded this week in fight:, .Ing-between-SYrian-Natienciliste -and- Sept/Atiots n Jebel, Mute, Swat-Mit-- ortornotte area in the' PreaCh-Mandat- ed territory of Syria 1 • . . . STOP •THEM. SCREAMINO'l: that queer taut teCliot In yoUrctomdch-tak&L10SFEIUNE A to* .0 •„thin epoitoiniCal drOpti each day Will help ' Wady aids° lagged • neiVetr, iiiiproie Your 1/4* appetite, build up your attength. 'At (haat*, 80C. 11.1.00 told $1,&0.' • , • .• 68 PlIOSIEltINENTPE'CRE T 4 _RYE TONIC , . •Appeal Diszniiscal ' TORONTO-Wittiout •calling -;PA the brown to present its rebuttal, the Ontario Omit of Appeals ,dismissed the -appeal of Frank Dolanof EIk Lake, Ont., againet-tis-convictionler the- murder' of-his:L*0e; :-Leona-;:--iitst' • ' The 33 -year-old Northern' 'Ontario - mine ,Worker and "Meehanio, had. been Sentenced to: hang Sanitary 25: 1:24,VAY-REttET. • immERy;4... RELIEVESTIIROAT, PAIN -RAWNESS ENTERS BODY , THROUGH ST9MACH AND INTESTINES , ,Y0 ,EASE PAIN , The speed with which "Aspirin" tablets • apt in relieving the, distressing eYntP". terns of colds and accompanying Iliore throat is utterly amazing and the treatment is simple and pleasant. This is. all you do. Crush and dissolve three., tablets in one-third glass of Water. Then:gargle. with this mixture '.t,wiee, &Adisg your head well: back. .. This inediciniii gargle will, act,ahnost • :like a local anesthetic an the sore, irri- tated Membrane' of year throat: Fain eases promptly; rawness is relieved. You Will say it is remarkable. And fi the few i cents it •costs effects a big . Ciaithig over "throat -gargles" * and strong ;Medicines'. • • "Aspirin,' 'tablets aro made in Can. ada. :°Aspirin is the registered trade- mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, • . of Nirindsoi..Ontaile. Look for the name Beyer in the feria' of a cross On every • ' Demand , a • MADEIN CANADA j...••• AJA., oney Retains Food Moisture KeePa Bread, Cake From Drying Out When Used In Baking'.1" ,c :The power Of honey to absorb • and retain nioishire . gives • it Many indus- trial uses, in additienc. to its value as ° food, studies by the Bureau .of ,Chem- istryland Sails show. This.'„quality of 7 honey, called ",.,'hygroscopicity," 'will -make--for /greater useofthe )Mitei,7 'grades not adapted' to, home' Use. ' _ • Bureau. ,• studies - la eluded the •-•••-bv. • health.' of honeys of different "floNver. origin-7White • ,clever,. tupelo, bnek- „wheat,. tulip •poplar- and ..niesimite,'• All 'thet'e , honeys are l'iourid ':useful in comMeicial baking of bread, cake and. .•'POpkies... :When these products are , _ made ;with, part •hoaey, in place Of sugar, they lose les% Moisture :after beingstored seven days than ,hrecid, .cake ,and cookies: Made.: with , Other sWeetening agents.: Buckwheat honey gives: particalarlY goeVresults. : r . • touring. the rainy Seasen, Penaboo, will grow as much as a foot k.day. WATCH OUT •FOR YOUR LIVER! 7 And 'YoLL',11.'Alwayi•Peel:Great Do you 'Often say, "I feel rotlen,"-Ifrcd r out, no peirhatetsget up ifOinings,pgroucly-:'-- headichy, nervous, constipated. The reason is a aidtrliver. A.healthylirer,does four” things'. It implies the body's natural Inca:. Puts prosq-nourishmiat-in-your-bliio4 , - helps.the_hidneyarintestines_and,stoinach, svp,phes the body .with energy, it it is. unhealthy your system is poisoned, and out : of eider. "Fruit -a -live,"; made bele fruit' . and herbal Mirada, arethe quickest; safest and most natural way of restoring your liver to health. A celebrated doctor's 'forriiiilae. • 'Soon you reel like a new person. Try PruitArdvea. Sc.. 50call druggists. : FROITATIVES LIVER OK, ./A4oTta. THAT COAL IS COLOURED .totti!Dred '4131.0E ,as Yber" iniurcesee ofr quality;,%lue cool' hams evenly, Without.. Waite, MHO your homo. ydth tendert . giving you thogreateit'beeihig satisfaction . Ot the least Ott throughOut the Melton. Your "•••Iiirriete li'detigned ld tinn :onfiltotile., So • Ordeebluotool!,•=ihe'woild's finest amino - cite. Six sizeses size ta Oft every furnace. , . , • . „ Send now for. freit Mint.ut 'FIRST AID TO SETTER HEATING. frOin YOU* neatest 'blue coal' dealer Or write, %Ina COOP ?d/6.217 Pay' pt.; Toronto. '61UAYtodir , , , quire *'blue coal r HE SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT Usti* Us SIIAR?W't RVisry' CIFRItt, to 030 pas,, • , OTOS chikireP Surgeon , Makes Unusual. Expel+ Ple14.to .Save 44: Oc.1.040. • 4.•$0.4.enr*Old, giri to become netaltli hunian beigg, • - Au -- 18-ilieli tube' ti„eah litc,rally '. ins:40.!4Pnn..14sivin. "POnner ap(1., 914ra: floipard mis Indivldual. •The.Eitrango, tbe• two tIgro . avg.:: • eonstograft newshinon "thelody ' a : ' . , , . _ . • , •of,,the ,little 'girl to 'pleee,..f1C.sh 71'ettred . by a Are in,Nerth •Carolina MOOthan year ego. . E. litlOra,,M'Atihi,ectil;:,"illo., 'Per, • ferined ;the PPeiation.- itt:•:•411nergOileY,'. .WaSeingtee,,.... said; thafenll*„ 4.1414•'•':YQ.::t11:04;(.1991;114.°;1Yje:till•:'%°.a.!afe 'red' "A year ttgl.), the girl :was. seared by. •• a. Are. •Her: florin • *Ike°, •eurbed • that . doctors said she eouldift ;recover.;She did, recoVer, 'hoWeVer • but the flames lefther body ..a•,inase ef scar tissue, 80 extensive t 1.4e body. aa,114,!, right•arni was , surgeons were itb: to ,•replicce . a Portion of the :searcl• • skia., in grafting. •. operations: . But the...major .transfer Of skin necessary to. reStore• her to .nor* Mal reqUived. desperate 'measuree. , • Ilnking her wlth a slcindonor.'willing,-,,-• to tinself to be •joined - to to •. permit ".hia.• blood stream, to join .. with •here, to,:enable a graft of 24 - ,•onnees, of flesh, , • '. Young., Bonner • volunteered. Since last November, the two 'children hive • been in emergency Preparing for the Operation. •Surgeoni slit his Side in., an 18-inch.eut, i- 1ed the flesh Into'.a ,fuhe . and allOwPdthe'-tube. to hang< loosely front ,his'tiOdy ' 'attached -.Only et., its 'extremities: •••• ' • . Soined by 18 -Inch Tube •:„ , Under oniv a local •:ariesthetie,,,..the • two .children • watched • as 7 .,stirgeatts •• completed• the operation.' One .end• 'Of John's flesh tube was severed froritLy•• "-•.:.tirVo67.7,7-ATC.:..firalTliin:7Atia6 • nntde,. ' - the lititle•'girre• elbow. ; The :flesh. tube'. . •,*ae inserted 'ancr'their.,...(blood-Streanie7'. • intern:tin:0'0d.. ' ..Swatebed inhanclegeeand adhesive, tape, the Children , Will be Confined'. to. :bed. for 'a Week, ;, Then • they will be .• .•alloWed ' to leave their' beds, 6tit , • will • ,be '1olise.4..by; the 4tiihe .ot. Perhaps in a few •weeks, . if the opera- tion. suctessfel and John's .' ;flesh • ' 'joint; that Of the little' girl, .br.'..moreir7' Will eut him loose and•teeniplete the . 'graft' of ,24 winces:. o.f :skin a the ..Seared• Sections,' of , Defeat Planned Of :iPoliomyelitis • Stanford Expert Telis of Inpro'v- . • ing Nose Spray System Hope ?:,that !practical measures for for •-''control-or pcilicimyelitie`(inferitila-par- alyais) wIll:moan ,he available" -Wail held Ont.. by Dr. E. W. Schnitz,. Stan- ford -University profeseer 'bacteriology, "Enough- Now ..Icnorii" •• • •`. 1)r. Schultz, • stating "enoUgir is now known to justify" such •. hope, said he . , , . • . • and 'Dr. .L. •Gebhardt, aSeistent,. . , . . would ..ciwalt the next outbreak of pal - to :make a debierve test ,in their eiceerinients in :the. use of -zinc sulphate as: a preventive againat in- tection. • They • dieeeVered •,;effeetivene.se ,o zlnc sulphate as s PreVentive. against pollomyelitis last ; spring in experi0 inents on monkeys. Tests Ward made by by Toronto physicians last .sumnierl • during the 7 poliomyelitis ,e,pideinie in • • '•Ontarie.• • „ ° ":••, .. • Application IrePreyed, , An itnereVed niethed of applying ;the • solptiOn'to the iiliakteiLarea waeLnet • 0 diecovered•; 11ntiI hear the ''oncl" of • that,,' -epidemie. ...Sined., then fouSta,'Tift-If0 inen havefound a 7 ' • Sitniiin ...Way Of aPPlyiltig , the solution • 0 010 • effeetivenesS,Lin-CoVerhig_Lthe • ' 2214149r; Linere„-il ,sercd, • :___ br. Schnitz ..painted. out, however, • that it remains ,for testsduring, the . next' epidernit. t� ShOW if jinn stilplittte.. aPplied 'so' thorotighlyas to denriye: a °child of its ,of sniell :weiild .also: make tbe • Systerninnervious ,to entry 01 %ilfl13. Such fe8tilt8 ...hevebeen experinients:on ' monkeys, :Dr. Schultz, said, . : ' •BelleVe ,It ':Entees. • Thrangli "Noae. , ,The epneinsion n$ Dr: Schultz and . Other.IPOliOniyelitia researchers that the Vireo; :enters thatodY.OnlythrOuga the olfactory area Upset pretriOUS". be- . lief , that, vaccines and tretiantri...Would • prove to, he ,the..priaelnal.-,10,eaPonk,i0.'' the ,.80at againat: the diseaso.. Di,t0eit PrOtet, Garb •, "NEMitONARDS'i ---J�seph Black, 45 -year-old' farm la- horer toee to work slailY in skirts and silk stockings. He's done this for • eight years, and vows7he',11-neve,r wear ',pants again Until return.'to .lOth century fashions. 11iD 80 -year.. old Wife approves of Joseph's decision ' and they go Ott together Shopping In the Women''s depalitnent Of the .local stores. ;SaYsl3Iaik: "Wotnen have been encroaching fartee bandit On • men's. ashforiS:. What girls of today should ' do is get back to the dainty thihk0 women wore WOrg the 16th cen- tury." • 1,4,11 • • !,t,, • .0 olo 1.;.fi