HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-27, Page 5, 44444VART:g7:?: 1838! , ).!A• '•,15 ht.4.4 •,. 0* I 1114,10#CliNOW: ,SPNT*,a, , 1.• ,,:70.9117,,eF...:17Eil 100,4. ,•••• •Al• I rAGE, •,• „ If You Coniot Cal1 111 ANKAIY .ersonv 'Ithang•b ,,ltriv'e S.00 flanches, YOu'kuty not find k ca4venienttg"cnInC tothe ;Bank to 'transaCt lbeilness$,. • You caicl0.4'Qur, banking •••mail Thousands, of oun'cUS- • towers n;kako depOsita{,and • •:7ithl,ElfaNYAIS by ,111111,4 ,The , Prbc0{0. is simplified by the convenient forms whichthe. .• .Bank supplieal". Cif: charge. .' entliusiaatic • *nail-., customer, writes: . • • "Please accept:My sincere ap- • preciation of. the careful and Conscientious mariner in which • ,youi; Bank is, .handling ;:tny faneilyis accourrkis.• The"are - not large .but.if there were a million u each •they• catlici not- be lifbiced after jetter, and it mekes banking bytnall a pleasure." • Write for ani folder, "HOW ;�Bank by Mail." ANLOF;MONTREAL • ESTABLISHEI? . • , '-•• harsi where•srnall- accounts are welcome" Sociern, Experienced Service „tho Outcome; o ' 120, Yearf Saccairftd opecafion • ..141Eit*Or OLYR Former ,Resident Dies ' Miss Doris and gr: Jack Bert spent. Word has been received here Of the week -end with their .grandpar-:. thedeath of.,Mr. „Malcolm Weather.: ents, Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Percy,' 12th head it his-horne at F'ort Ilope,•Mich- con: . igari, on Suridai, January, '16th.„ Mr. Mr, and Mrs John Watts and farri7. .Weatherhead, Who was in his 72nd • ily;Spent• the weelt--erid with friends • year, was bell). and 'spenthis early I at Glamis. •{,1" •, • SEPOYS SWAMP PEUSSETA SQUAD iirigoAT 144_,,Cals "qva :IpialPla.X.01 .* Ted* "Work.' In Spite Of" Sticky Ice To :•Sinothei• YiSitors-{,-qTnalt. 7-0 „Lsead in.'Fitat Period LuCknew Sepoys set.theinselves up irk "second -place in this..W. 0, ILA. group,. 'on Friday night, When, they aOrriiniatereO, e 13-3 t9 the EtriiSsela,., boys, while, "Ingham vV44'0,clgingwoi,lt a:3 to 2 deeielion over .the. Goderich Sai1os2., ;4tktP14 00.r scoiing sree aarbi" in the -firaV, Period, the •lodalS•;.: bulged the twine. 7. tipies. before the 'frame. ended, and by.this time there` was little to ixttereSt. the fans, except .te -entluise direr- the. scintillating pass- ing attack and fast'skating exhibi- tiOn•of the 'locals,' who outplayed the *iaiters at ''every tarn,: in the,' -first • period particularly • . Fisher, close checking centre on one line, scored... three • first period goals, ,each on assists by. MeCorinick.• •Jewitt' got one, assisted by Greer and • MiteDoriald;. unaseisted, jAlc- Cormiek :from' Fisher and .iruniher seven' when Book tesok Jewitt's pass skirted the defense' &titled in -to" the "side of ••the..net arid ,passed ! out. te MacDonald ...for erre :Of the • neatest goals of the 'night. • Fisher: drew 'the lone -penalty for .the ,iSepoye„ ;while Bill Griffith served, timetwice ter the visitors: • : The line of :Jewitt, McDonald: and ,Greer .were sifting in the secnd per. ied for three more goals, with Jewitt •getting.a pair •and im, assisti. Mac- Donald a goal. aid Greer; • the'. play maker . of the .night, .3 -assists;. .11. Workmen conriteO'Brussels -first{ goal On en itasiat byLovry. Warwiek and J. Ru.tleclgeserved: time: ."• • The lOcala rah ;the rnI tofal.. to Allirteen•,-m.• the on gee's. by Greer, • Fisher and. MacDonald, Book and Greer getting assists _on the last one: . pru.ssels beat Finlaysentwke :aria „ {period 'with WaiWick and I•intiedge the triarkemen..,C. Thompson, 'FOX" anti Griffith were, penelized. -.,LucknewHGeal, •'.Finleyactil; De- tense;"lEook, Cameron; •Centre, •Je*- itt; 'Wings, MacDonald, .:Grdet; Al ternates, Fisher, Henderson, •McCor: mick, Miller and Thonipsen. ' '..Brussels --.1).• Miller; Defense,. War- wick . Griffith, centre • N Rutledge; *inks, ;Workman, J. , Rutledge; Al-. ternates,,Fox, .Lovvery, King, . Mac Dowell, -Elliott.. ,.._Referee-;•,;Shirl • •Bewere, Ripley"- • ' • brether,, Lewis. About 'fifty years father, i Alert MacKenzie of Lang-. agohe went to the 'States .where he side, spent, Sunday at Mr: Richard' followed his trade as a tinsmith.' Elliott's: ' , Later ' he Was a rural .mail..carrier . Air .Howard Legge is assisting MI - from which position he was.suneran-.' Angus Macintosh at present • uated a few years age'. Surviving ',resides'Mg..widow • are One son. :and, -1;Wedanghtets,• also one sister :and two brothers, Miss Hinny, Frank and Lends, all of this .community. he final" meeting of the contest he Y. Pi U.'"viaa held , On Sunday °./ evening, •with tlp Red . aide; ,with • Stanley Todd as captain in charge. . The, scripture. lesson was read. .,by s.^MaeKenzie Webb and Mrs. Ball . . gave a splendid talk 'on "Monuments kir .V,femorials". The topic was taker. by Stanley Todd who those as 'his' ...subject -"Sir Anthony Eden". Durnin Phillips led an interesting. diseussien. A. chorus by Mrs: Tom Todd, :Dorothy and -:Gordon. .and , SaicaPtiong ,Solo'by :Harold° Taylor. •'trete enjOyed. At the conclusiOn Wal- .1aCe Miller gave •the jtidges' decision in favor, of the .Blue side, with 74• points of .a majority. The 'Reda *ill • ...have charge of the entertainment al social .to,be held' on Friday even- • ing.: _ • . Tbe ..Young people are -presenting their . play "Safety First" , on 'Friday evening, • Feb. 4th, in the 'Corihnunity • :Hall, • under the ',ituanides of ,. the' • Farmers' Club Ladies•, -please bring Next- Thursday, February 3rd, will he "Grandniothers? 'Day" at the •{Wo.: rhen's institute, {t,c,,lie held at the borne of Mrs. fames Gaunt R911 call. "What.1 would' like to possess when• . I-arn Sixty".,The Meeting -mill -be -in- ' eharge of Ms: Gaunt and Mrs Ja I:yons • and e splendid ' program '•• is heir* Planned., Each 'member is re- . • Mr.: and. Mrs. Wim Eadie, • Doris and Lorne, Messrs. ' Donald and 'Wes.: ley.b1opherson spent' Friday evening at. 'Mrs. Rachel Culbert's, .10th 'Con. Mr,. 'Richert' ,Elliott ,spent the pest. week at County{ conned ;Walkerton. • Mt. • and :Mrs.,: Peter jolenaten,Don.: nid.• end Rah,' 'spent Sunday:at Mr. . ' • • James Veled'si • .Mr. and. Mrs John ..Barr, and fam- ily sPerit.Sunclei at Mr. Win.• Percy's; • . • •Miss. Wirinared and Mr._, RaYnard Ackert, -.Spent.: the:: week -end, at -Mr. iZoderick .,MectrougelPs7-":- • Mr, arid Mks. Win. BtiShells. of Rip:. ,Miss .leanr-Meore . of 'Bervie; Mr.", and Mrs. 'George Colwell * and family' 'were Sunday visitors at . Mr. Jehn Celwell's... ' • • ; Mrs.' rinci Mts.: Eddie' Johnston...end I:evilly:end Mr Dave Johnston, Kin- cardine, :spcnt Sunday at Mr. _John -; • -• .• :Beyle,' 10th• con., is•'is. Vitt her sister,' Mrs: (Rev.) •Towne.... . . , end .0. London; :11/isa, Oliye Boyle of, Ripley,. spent (he , Week -end. with. her parents, 'Mr. nd MrSt. Prank. Boyle, loth con: • 'Mrs. Alfonso Murray..and Spent Menday 'at Mr. •JOhn. k) Mr. Richard 'Baker •receive4 word of the. death of his 'brother, IVir. -aeorge Baker, of the West. We extend. int sYmpathY,', MAFEAKING , Kilpatrick of .A.tWood spent the Week -end at her honee. Mr ,end Mrs. Hiram, Moffatt • of .2,,:nuested,to_bring...a._penc_it.es_We_ILAS• Union ,' spent ..Monday- 'With Mr ad ' an earlyPletagrap of herself. Hos- Mrs I itherd Johns on • MatherS, .NrsWe ae softy. to report that {Mr.' 'MeQuillin and Mrs Earl Earl Gaunt' Richard Johnston is seriously ill with •pfiehmonia. Miss MeQYaigi .of .neknow. is in •ettendance. 'We hope, . % . , -tor a speeOy. 'recovery. , •• ' • Miss Jean 'Anderson of Kinlough ,spent Sunditather home.{ • Mr. and Mrs, ' Ernest.' Blake'. spent Tuesday. .of' last,•week in London., , The • W. M. S.,- will hold their re- •100UNDARY The, meeting of the"TJ F W 0 was .1410, At theItortie of Mte: WM. 167 • Gill :•oti, Tuesday, rJanuary,18,th with , ,e:•good attendance.' The; Meeting . was Opened 'With 'the'l"Glub 'Cod.o" • 'arid' irteyet" in • Uniaort. The • ihniiites of ,the lest,' meeting: Were ., reed and' 'Mrs.. jerniestin Movect,theit adoption. There Were btisiness discussions 104 .*.or.ti -f ,appreciatidnOmit those., vAio re- eciVed. Chritnies •;gifie; • ..,*trtin: took Pioneers, ',•theY. • Were :end why .they took ,action."- eon; • • .staillif ...a.. rending" by • ,Mra, Martin, • "eon,Cure";',.A &ratty, voteof thank. Was •liondeteen. tOry:. the. • Splendid repott of, the convention. in.. • etinimental by 'Verna •HriMiltotik,. red- , by Mrs.. iterb Ensign 'Totten. • troviWa. 'Courtshie; reading by Ms. ..Richards oft.,13abby intinity :singing. "Afton Waters"; 'inotto°,. Mrs, •Gtiirit • MeDierriild "A Cliderfid gtiii Will 'let •y.oh, in ;•'i• rent events by Ethel :Martin, thanks' was 'tendered MKS, 1:M.60ill.'fot.the,hee of her , President clinked. the meetingwfth prayer and, refreshments Were -aerVed. , • • ,. guiar, monthly Meeting ,'On...Thi;iraday afterneon at the lionie-of Mrs. Hen- -ey Ilertoh.. • • •• mr. ,prod „Afideigori 'Visited friende bete. on .Tueaday.,- s•., •• ' FriOnd here received the new of the deriih ° Of • MI'S, • Wilt:int. 4araeS- Tydeas,otl, ,Oky. beet!, residing' with.lierddughtet„ Mre,. Bead • ,Tre. m1316; Regina Seek; . The deceeSe4 Was 'welt ki0wn in thus .Cominunity hnvtng lived ,hei.e with her' husband And' 'farnity. smile"' thirty, years . ago., bir the farin.,nOw Owned by '1111%. johp Blake. " Mi. • .Treleaven predeceased ifor me years, age, She leaves .td MO1U'?tl her Ides,. three daughters and. font sena,' et! of 'Where :are new Mat- ..exterikla SYML' Pathy to 'the :beteriVed....• , • • YOinig Yes, do ell the 'peek- ing and .baking. ,,fpr' you, and,wliat• .(16. I get?. Nethifigi. Ausbandl•Lueki yen, f get indigestion, • • • ts, • Hiving played more games than any other- Cl. b,th e S f • epoya. o owing lest •• Friday's games Were actually leading, the -ieague with 8--, points, as •against'each . fel? IitcheI1,Godericli and .Winghain, ' •- Giese -to 400 feria Witnessed • Fri- day's: night's' game; and while 'there was little •to get excited fibout,. one could get 25 cents Worth n�f setisfac, tion to watch' the locals- elicking. , :• : its the fastest skating, Smoothest Working teem' lAreknOW has iced in many a season. ,-Both forward lines • . are travelling at . top speed -both • Ways too, which is no little factor in .keeping.' them. mit In front:. . Edger Hollyman treated 'the boys lunC'h after Fridey., nig t arne• .,2Ira.ka. • te Ptah Mitchell,' intothe lead { again. Getenby ,served a ' pair cit P911,41tigs and '13ook. One,. ' 1.. Benninger• ,pt Mitchell 8 'np. one Lrnnute after 'the see.ond perio4 et4i- 140 andat tbe four -minute mark Gra, ani mide it 4' to 1., POrolnge* and , getting five ',Minute's. for ,diantiting ltferee Bower's decision Sepoys .4torreed. Ceaey!s. ,net,ss showering: vith• rubber. frOiur -.angles but °,:locidrh•.:,get one ;04. bina."'• °(1,,tvi;1111:1"1. Pton174 •her shot that Caught, the tep. Corner., t.. four Minutes -in the thittl.' per-. :Sepoya"; ,four • rnSn, ganging° (Ajeke4.'.rwithTheIPP!aii "MOO -4g it 4to 3 -On, aSsist by ;Fisher.With 1,44, (*hew: fereing, the'ial4y to ,tie it pp. Culli:ton.„brOke away e,t the -half way M4rie.t6'.'Make it'ok* had 'difficulty lfl protecting, • Thompson and Q4tOilv were chris- cd,'- for , tripping and 'Treeaverr, and ,Grairiun for highaticking. . .• • tasey;• befenap.;. ROminger :and: $tenemank : 'Centre, ,Gat,pribyk, wine; l•L‘Pic)ar4 and ;Gra- ham; Alternates; Wright,' •Culliton, Sykes„ Tbeinpaon and Stonenren. Lticknow-7-:Goal,• Finlayson; •De fcjis, Milier, Theinpsoni Centre, • 'Fisher; ,Wings;' Henderson,. McCor- mick; 'Alternates, •Jewitt, :MecDonald, • Greer, . pooh, •Treleaven, • Beferee=•.-Shirj. BoWeis: .'.Sepoys` are ,the Surprise package of!• th. season. • Considereil at the ,stari-of-.:theZseasini4o,,be-alSo„ •rans,- the beYs. have turned in somespaik- hui heekey, to he in 'the ithick Of •the hunt for a Playoff :birth: - Friday ,night?s grunt in Goderich will have ; an iniportent 'leering on: the,stancling and Will end the,SePoY's schedule. * ,* -* ••sis " hank arid 'Gsiderich„,.each have grimed:le Piiii711/fifehelI,an t e eaterline 'af these genies will' be 'the final factors' in deciding the atending.. Brussels is definitely out. •• George BoOk,1 who hailed from ithe West and s eriniloyed at .Jack IsMee- Intoslea/ is, a had .hitting, defense man and a good rusher, knows what the ,game's all about endhas strong, thened the lobe's. Atoticerible; as has Keith 'McCormick of. Ripley, who is .playing' aggr.essive. hockey in the .first line. • - , WIIITECHURCK Mr. and Mrs Cecil Forster and, little 0On sat, Pnimeratc.M.vIited on - 'Snt1443? :With his parents, •*17,. 14.1.4 Mrs. James ,Voroter. Miss 'Catherine Patterson, R N is • Einmeraeri not as Well as hetihny ftiencle would wish" her. The Yew*. People' of Relere Corn- ers. United PliurehePineRiver,. Pta• "seOted their {nlaY• "The ftOnd tO, the qty.,' in the: ',1'istitute: gall* :hre last Tuesday evening,' which was an4gyad • We. re say1 Mrs James 1V,1.4rtin 411e to be p, again,'•an(i ,gO'°:','ont, "someofter. his Sericyns: 't..'Th.•Y!y,uii':iil°44:411:f hePreshteria:dhu;Ch40V1ng a-speeialetat niens0 on Thursday JakinarY ..27th • when in .nvitetion 13 extended to alt the ladies c..fmtrlise.s..ephaurveidh,:o. io.ko....4.7 as '..4..e'itilted• •hoine front. DetrOiti after ,OPentling several°. weeks with...lher ,datightera Mrs, •dringle and. Mrs....Kruger, there:, 'Mr'. Ronald, Forster returned hbme , • , • lest: week from Northern Ontario,. where he was working; . •. ,thia;.c9mmunitY eixtendedeepest syinpatliy to, Mrs., Duncan McDonald Snd: tk,o.• Pad-, den :death. Of Mr..D'encen MacDonald as it, are 'as a. ahoCk to: them all. His ion; Mr. sPrick. MacDona1s1 Of -LeaMingten„. also Mr. MCDOnald's sister, 'Ms. McPhersen �fMorriston attended the funeral on Monday. . -Phe-annual ineetinrOf "the-Presby- tetian, -Ghurah, WM.:he:held:on. Mali:- i.1‘,Iirili.'sJ.E7Ananrn3; 'e,3,111a,:ioae,tr.s20.1,13C.)...Pnand:_:!ittIe• .grani40.00 ,Of PO:AratylAn are isiting her aunt; Mrs. Christine Laidlaw, and othet., relatives. •'; : •• i:SEILFA4T. • Altogether. the .boy's are making the distriet:hoakey',minded, and Tues.:. day worth of fans ,erow- ded the new .Community hall, : includ- ing sPectiloraWhe ..prior to this seeaon;., hevenit' seen ..a..tame in years Milehell to Or. titre& o'itanding perfotrikera-1.4epperd/anlii- dian, who patrols •right wing, ialtbo ,accused ..of not 2having:1,too. much In- testinal, :fertitude, is sure. a sweet skater. and gave some clever .displays of stick handling: „.•- ..„ • *.: * * • 4' --"-tcreknowviiitls• up theliffe" :unit tFiidy will haveto wait's, a week...for the other 'teama t� finish before the final standing' 'la determined. • '41 L' The' JUvenileo siting into act'ion ileine• this. Friday night and if -*on want to see an interesting,. •genre; :dished lip by sOme' prothising: lads, he, on hand at .8 sharp.' Ripley is :Ale Visiting team. ' • MllTCliELL" NOSED OUT SEPOATS 5.- 3 TUESDAY 'NIGHT Between. ?,0(;' and 800 'Finis Witness ---- • . Torid Gerrie 'Peeked • With -Excite-, ntent' As ."Visitors. Edge 'Qut 0.-3 'A ••"pack.hotise", of. - between 790 and 800 roaring "fans Witnessed . the hockey.tiO-bit of the aeason, �n Tues- day' night; whenthe„ fast travelling' Mitchell •,gang nesed Out a • 5. to 3 tiecision. .in a torrid, thrill packed „ Pecking Mote weight and -pink t effeefivelY, 'the fast skating, visitois inede -theappear a it: offl- or :as they failed to 'Cli6k'on their paSsing attaeks in the 'Briissel's game. .It was ariybedy'S battle all the. • way through however, and 'Mitchell had te he at their beat all the *ay to • The firat period iVaS. only Utes old when" Reiriinger, hard hitting defense Mark,,• took .LepPartl's assist, Lor the opeiiiiie goal. Jack% rieher Lied it up, at the 11.minute mark hilt S tone Man sOlOccl as the 'period • ended 'Peat . Two :Weeks'.:ResUlts - Lticknovi ,•• Goderich 2 ' Mitehell, 0 • Wingham 3 Bytissels •:Brusaele..8 • , GoddriCh .2 tBile.ruicalsli)el*.s, • * tending • Won Lest' ,Nyingham, :8. I.,ucknow 6, ,. ',,Goderich,,8 Luckn•ow 13 • Winghain 3 Mitchell 5: • Wingham 9. . • * * '* • ' g Team • ;Mitchell / yin_gham L'usekii;;; Goderich • :Brussels.• 0 , ' of *S.O'ichile. • ,Tan 28-Lt&cknow at: Gedetich{ • Jen.. 2&--Winghem at, Mitchell'- , 'Feb. 1-7-Bru5se1s at Wingharn. 2-Goderich ,at • - Feb. 44-Mitehell at ttrUsiels,.. )3Abm1irr014,' Norts. • The good, hockey andskatiulg Wea- ther' of 'fhe ;neat few "weeks, ,haa.driv7 en all'. thoughts op hadmintere,froin evellerie'S`. Mind. Out . the -'letter , be low, 'received .today fivin the ':Kineers• dine Club; brings it forcibly to Mind again. Shall, we have , home tourna- Ments With other clubs, and if so; when Wull all these •interested niake if Ppint to -4;•• sneak to one • a :the members of' the Gaines?' Conrinittee or k the executive .befere. the :end • of this week?, That is the Only Way wri have of „knowing Whether' it is •worth While- arranging to entertain o4.er „Kincardine, bntario, , Jatitiary. 24th, iogs, The LtieknOw ' BaamintOn Lticknow, ontario: Attn.: WM. Fowler, ,• • . • bear Sir: , , As recall I iePlied. to your' hiat: letter- • sonic -tithe -before' Chtlatmet; and is Yet liave• hedneword from 'you the talked, of and: lietne" • Badminton aarnei between Itirieardint -LtieklieW; hOPO le77glecte4 As ungannoji Fair -President .cov,s0A1,4110N, :lows" `E108:•9fficelra • • W.roescba'S' ..1.11,4.48, ..9y,ei actai oiion" 49 ilnited c .4 termion•,.' Jan. lOth, to hav tha. -Fe7 gi4r,114ecting°-'44 install the;'..ofilee:rs• 'fOr: 1938, Mrs,' Jas. MCW.IlinnO,' 'the president, opened, the meeting with. hymn,. aarl Prayer 'Wea' Offertl' Rol* Wore; Th.e, neriptorn.Jea, 'Sen, was re:0i by Mrs. •/ortan• Reaselr. .Reports were heard of :the year's workand the treasurer's etafoineet • AoNved.,:tho 802wasthe, alohnt, •turned : Oyer .to the '..official,,bnaidiof 'the, elinieg...,The•ptogrenr • Cerisisted of 'a:SO.4;4 by Mrs verett Harris.f!A, 'Out"' One by Mia. Xrthirr .ROtich, "Ring out the old" and., one..by...mies Celia ' 'P ' ii• • 1,1The Little - teat Sheep." Mts. ReV, T. R. Turner' Sang. a Solo 'entitled f.Th e Ninety and Nine'. The; attendance ,was 18. .Rev. T. 4. , Turner was; in eharge of the 'election • officer's: which were f011e*s: President, Mrs. 'Jas. 'IMcWhinney; Vice,,, Mrs, T. R. Turner; { Secrete17? (recording,'Bo4press) , vIils. Melville Culbert; Assistant, Mrs...,Byerett Han: ' Treaii Mrs . c Treleaven;: Mrs. Culbert; • Aesis,' trint,'„Mrs,:,:Turrier.;„.....Pareonage. Mrs. Thos. Webster, • Mrs.' Robert _MOtire.' and ',Mrs; • R., A. -.MacKenzie;* GrOn0 'eeriVeners, Mrs. • R. McsOte„ .Mrs.. 'R. A. ,McKenzie,:'`: A. Culbert, M. Whyard.',•The • meeting; was . closes:I With prayer by he pastor' after waa serv- .ed' by'• Mrs Robt. Moore's - group.' . ' Mr Max irleffinen,.• who iS opening business trip to Toronto for a days last week • • • • •: .congratoationa to E*, Mrs.' Win6 CaldWell. on the -advent '''of • b"i° 414ig4eat'FhieiraO ,Y':!TZ'on‘2•4:1,11•if,11;it:is.'s Con. Buist �f Totonto, were Week-ehO. ilsoits..Otris.toWtrert4h. e,.:fOrier"s. father.; .Mr T • Mies Care Finnigan,':elieraUsr,..'et 'the .-Dungatiiton;Tilleilhorre ,Exeltinge. was :Off :duty .a..:feW • days last week With the 'flit' Mrs.' Cleo. Ifainilten,'' .4' forrner, Operator in .the for,- . . mer's. absence. •...m:T.arid:,{hit,s4e.•Intialiy.. ben.:I.I. rewer of Goderich, „ Visited ',Mr, 4 ic.nRoach (!n 14 Mrs:7 Mus Melba, FOwler.,.:ia'ecoVering front: inhad:.attick of' the lig,' Which. • • • ia,prevelent :in...this :vicinity... ',. .." • ..{ and • :Mrs.. Leslie {Scholtz.: and tion.GorAen,.viaited their cousins, Mrs., and Mrs David McMullan .and 4napy, of ;on; '''''-‘:The.--,..,Seirior-FitancWOf7thellrenien?-e-,- •:lestitute is eelieditled,to:•,reeel 'Tliurs: :day ' of this Week for ,•the: :January Meeting' at .the heMe- of ,Mrs-,,Clies. , •; • • .• • sibikliert,Of .Godeticetil.-and.„Mia. 'Thos. Mr and Mra,•.,, Met.' Ainslee :end Shields of ;,'Saltford„, Were ..,visitors Sunday' at the. henie Mro. • Bert lBradford. i• • ,Mte: C. a.,-.Einevin and: sons '. are having hYdra.hinatalkdnt.the'it bathe jugt north Of the. village. Little Infant Dies , • •eXtenOsympathy to. Mr., and Mrs. Wilfred Pentland in the loss of their little 3-day'old son „ (Donald ..Alexender).,.. Borri.,!on. SiknOey;. Jan- uary Ifith and Passed l.awaY. • early .,Wednesday morning:. A private fun- eral was beld- at .the herrie in...Charge "of :the:-I4ited Cburci minister, Rev 4...R. Turner, With burial 'Dun- gannon ..conetery.' ••; • • ' Oen: atutLion J C,vus ited the. fOrinees uncle, Mr, •Herb Altonon Sunday. •t- :;. : Mr, and •••••MrS. ledy. • an mferiii..1..y*I:O..p7,t1,4$4411a,,,,Y;twrilittAf';o:i,X4..1:1.-4.0,1:4,- . Mr, and Mts.' Howard ISuites, and arm tionia .'attetuloo the funerals of their, uncle 'Mr John Talk, %Goderich' - • ,, °11.:M5ru;natidY,'''k'rs:, re and Andrew spent: Sunday.' with 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey Andrew.' • ,•A"' Joe Alton 'of ,CUrrie's• Getters is. Visiting: for.a...feW.. days :at the homed 'Mt:: Herbert andson Harvey Alten'a.:fot a', few, days, - .- • • • Alga *MilOted{Anitersen,- teaCher. at Benniiller. and. Alma. krideraen 'et G.:. C. I. eflerich,-.Spefit 'the. Week. 'end: at theirparente'hoine„.;.Mr.‘and lltra,• Anderien. • • •71.1e• Piing:EOM:on Agricultural So- ciety Met last' Wednesday ' eft:err-idea fqr the: annual Meeting which Was heIdttheh�hied'Mr. .tobt,.'DaViti- senoiallinige Lyon'a. Was apPeinted chaaitnien -and Mefvilla 'Culbert as Seeritary;::The financial :standing . for' •the •yerre Showed '..the receipts to' be $80..8fr• eitpoiditurea $2ePt, lenv- a balance of ,:$4148: 'lie fair Was. held in 1007, being. .:cancelled' for -filo reason that there was intantileipar. :a1'sj in A•slifleld tOWikshin': et Ilit; Iiirre;-The President rerearked ie,iinprOyeLatentlatice at the hoar4 iiieetizigning 1631, Lettera. 4 '&4°,6., retitiOndende• Were read; twO were lettetcof apprecietion'for fl�w eta sen toi., hp :funeral of,,,Mr, John , Mk. and Mrs: BerbAlton and Fran. ces:visited with,Mr.-.land /Oa. j, . . N Scott of .Ripley.ee Friday.- , .Aften, is -in London at •preaerit, Whet* her sister is 111 an the Heepitel., . ' • , • • •:,Miss Lenore :MacDonald spent the. week -end it Ripley with her ••sister, • Mrs. Kenneth MeeKey, . who is Lack -with ,pireuntimie. ' • • Mi. 'end Mrs. Glen: Canieton are yiiiting With: Mr. and Mrs, T., A. derrieron...Glen isnot --enjoying good health end* 'confined to bed:. The Haelrett'a W.1Vi..S.. helda suc7 Cessfirl ineeting•at the 'home of, Mra. Rey „Alton: on • Tuesday. ••-• • • RAPID CITY: This . community was Shopkeff On .Priday. eveningwhen we heard of the sudden,end_trfigie,death,ofiMi.„Ken.... neth TO ,the relatives .and friendS. We extend our eirirpathi., .1.. 'Friends: Of Miss Mary Murchison will be sorry to hear she is not. so A AA • , • well at present. • ;Miss -Ruth, England.. is assisting at the home Of Gee. :Gibbons, town. . Charlie McLean, Jr. of 'Lanes; Was s. Stinday, yisitor in,. the burg.. these games have .net•fallen throti h, Persbnelly know that Kincardine Wotild,cettently.appreciate said games betry„een . these.: two, •toWne. Hoping that .1.:Inay• hear froni you in• the, near, future as to: .whether yeki.,,liale an open date that . your team May Come to KinearOine,. Or ollig o doW11 d • • • . •••. . YoUrS truly,, s. -II' 'IliagN'tnaii;* , Seel...Trees: ,BadMinton 'Cltib KIDS-BEAT,AUNGANNON.. '1e -'Were p1enty�f ail hirda on hand on Saturday 'motnjot to, ness 'the' clash. hetwe'en the • fiucknow, and :Dungannon 'Midgets. ,The ,team ,Wete cenipOsed ledsabouti'eleVen • years of Age and . younger, !°;tri`d, they. proVidedothe "beet genie. oit the . sea: seri", ',With,' the: iced lads taking a 5• to:9 decision •heavy lee: • , punfiarinen.lada•who do their practising on an open aur rink, may iiiake,•the .1.9Cet kids: step When they, .play the, return. eirgagerient,, These youngsters ,ere '.getting , early 'startand, there are' these among them Who she* signs of being. promising- J.Unier ;Materiel pre* thank; Roy iinv.ens; o.roino- etYprti' Of lis teammate s 'scored fem. goals, With BIM Ort•getting the other Goal, Stanley '•••Preat;• Defence, Bill Button, :DonaldJohn- ston; Centie,../tonald•, MCIntietik :Wings Eud Orr, Bey Oa -Yana Alternates, Allan McKi*M, jaek TteleaVeri,' Fergnaeil, Bit j'olniaton„ :TIM :Purvis; Bill Chin; Bud McCartney... • •• bangennon4Coal; Len Rivett; siownli;, Paul Caesar,. Ger.. dou • Seholts:. • Centre,'• Boss' •Ee(13,.q Wthgk detal.d Currie,' Matiride ;Brad., •'tet41;" 'Alletikates,'{ .Harold Ertingtori, ;Sleek Orteirit, Mottle Okitrid, •Roy r10ea, NiVer: letri4 ' 1W eeWeliigt�n.• . ° • Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Show &EU At 8 P.M. . ThurritY, Saturday hiliary 2748-29, • JACK BENNY, . •.G.EORGE BURNS GRACIB4LISN Broadcast :01'1937" CloWning;: Deering,: . eaturing,tamow,t-rado• stare; ALSO •-"NEWS" Monday, °TuesdaY, *editaday January 31 February MARSHA HUNT • JOHN HOWARD "Easy To Take" An interesting story about :an. , - - "Uncle Bob"' prografa on the radio. Also:" •, • "TRAVELTALK" . •141illyTH11,1 ROUNDUP'', ,;."VAIJDE FESTIVAL!!, " •,• ' • , LOW ROU N D *TRIP RAIL FARES stimnier tc, its idlyear •htimetilirill to golf Under blue • skies, relax on warrn sands.. F• or a:winter vacation or a -'1Onger•Stay,•.there,is never- a .vinlI:Inomesit.' And, living costs :are very nioderate.{ 'Choose. Yinir own 'route::: Fares apply direct Orvia the Canadian Rockies, 'Viuiccurier. and Vics toria .to San Francisco in one . .or both; directions: ' ,FULL INFORia*TION. • • 'AS.10 ROUND TRIP , • '''Ilk.STANDARD FARE • TOURIST FARE. 77:07COACIPFARE ApPliergion toany .Anwst , CANADIAN NATIONAL • ° 0 GIIS, DISTEMPER, BROKEN.WIND, have met their master i• n ZEV-made by the mak- ers. of Buclriees Mi,yture. ' stockmen, oultry breed- ers, etc., who have used ZILV say it is positively "sure fire" relief for all respiratory diseases in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs,. poultry and 00.. It is amazing fusw quickly it gets results in the most stub-, bora cues. In fact, we guarantee ZEV • to do in a day or two what it took eld- fashioned remedies a month to do. lPet dm SO*. Stock aim $tag. Get ZBV at : , AT • A. E. MeliIM'S • Dilstow-and Mrs. Thes.,-Stothers, bestir • 0.•whoin ha been -honorerdirectora Mr.' Jas., .Y'Orrs' ,Waa 'appointed as,. . delegate t� attend the 'annual' vention of AgricUltutel•, Societies ' toi held in February un Torento. Mr : 'Regiriald"-Glen,-Tas-a- „director,' tosigi- • .ned, frorn "the, Seelet Theofficers• • Qlee'td-tA,1** 1938 Were:, president, :las., Lyons; lst viee,' Culbert, 2n4 .Samuel Alien; • directori for Ashfiebd, Jrie'oh Reed, Mervin' burnin,' • .Wil•fred Drennan, EIOon:7Cillhert and . John Brodie; ,'fOr *est :WAWA -nosh, • Henry. Leiehreen, William Watson, --. .Lorrie'.'Durniti and GeOtge Alton; for (;olborne, Rose McPhee, 'Prank' Mc- Ilwain and 'A. E. Errington;• the Vil• - •lage .of ,Dungannon, Alton, Heber J L Eed and G c. "tro•&i.., • yen; lady. •directors, Mrs: 11.;,F, Why.: 'ard, :Mrs. Gulberr Mr, J4 j.,• Ryan, {Mra, ',Arthur- Culbert, Mr-' R' Davidson and Miss • Anna Reed; as. •. , Soelate directors, -• ThOnlea Anderson t• : Prank Pentland, Bert.' MciVhintreY, ' Alleri Cecil' JOhnriton, . Wilber • Srown; Vidor. Yonne and Walter Dickson; auditors,, Williani Stew- art ,and 'Robert2,lievidscsii; hen, Oh'' •cetori,, Therna,s' Stotheta„ :Wrik. Thompson and Albert' Johnston.: The directors..elected Melyille •Cuiber,t as. secretary -treasurer for 1938 at the Seine, aalarY..'.They. decided to. hold• . the fair oh Oe..8 • alid 1 this Veen'. A. • vote •ef thanks as tendered, Mr.. rind - Mrs, Davidson fOr She use of their home for'.the meeting. •' " • Mt, Neil liamee who is engaged with Mr; Al. H. 'Atidettini'rZs 'a ferni hand, fillet -tired. {When.. he. was trikriking the:pee:tor one Any ing Iven,k; , •