HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-20, Page 7, • if . . . 0:,.;,:,,,Kcx.;07,4:4-4:0-01.:0K.7.0xxx.x,;.:oK,K,:00,•:,•:•;•:•:•;•,04,74. , . Ill11 • • .. , 1 • 1Cassi le : verb.s' As , . . . Jo . ;',4:".4rVIVIVVVVIVeggir•regie•Well'ee4relreegeeelregi**Weelr4Ve••••••••Wee ********** A** *•• *,* ********* 4. ‘-'.. I. I' . It .,...... I, I. 1. . 'I..* t. Ar .. !.! . ARTICLES FOR PALE , ' FUR FARmi9 , YOU.R OWN: .447.74.14, ol4Aff ROOKE'r .111Aftnnit, TRE sutomattp., tvor..,eit,tter, rgr Olen Mad btiyii. Really de en 41m, the hair, and, dasse-, .• It weli.. 8 097 moor Tofontih: C06.41613 44' trIbutor. , . TRICKS, JQKE13.. • PUZZLES• AND • MAGIC . 'Novelties, Send 25 • eente, for. catalogue; 0e,-; dUcted iron's first order of •61.: or more. 64 . 93; 85 assertments. •Crown Supply Company,, • 120.: Queen 'Plat. -Toronto. • • . AlUSICAL, 'INISTICDMENTS, 'CORNETS- .ANP • trumpets,' 7twenty dollar: :.ClarinetfL.• POOP; systens„ thirty-elght, siolleres; trombenee; twent2 .'d, °dare,. five dollars. ,guttare six dollars; :Conn alto eanophene, , thirty ,dol, 1-rs; Ternfe. Bar,rMe, 208 Victoria, Toronto:. 's .6E7; DORADElft . (KLINE) • IVEIGE8.1• EAPH • Kernel,: proof best, Used. Klines bring price ' • ,fiew• (Farm ;Sales). Kline Manufitetming Co., Talington,•Ontatio, •• AYIA,TION COURSER 'IN FLIGHTINSTRUCTION; NAV - gation; airplane and. engine mechanics, hone,: atUdy courses. Leavens tiros: Air Services. 'Limited, Barker Alrport;,:-Toronto.. ''ITHP WORLD BOOK,')' EMPIRB, EDITION, an all British Encyclonedia, , highly endorsed. .Efficient salesmen required, AtfraetIve. In. , . troductory. price. .Low • monthly ..;.• payments. Dolorous eommIssions.. The Quarrie: getup, any,‘,57. Bibor 'Wept, Toronto. • PORTUNIT 1ES' • • -WOMEIN=••=as: -TART A D1ESS-AND-Z/NGEItI13- ' buelneSs 'of yoUr own, A ahop, .or. from your ' own home: 'Excellentprofit, Increasing 'bind- , nese, prices, •to meet:competition, and gar, ,inents superior in qualltY., small Investment. „start,/ you Off. Write Camden Dreei• Comp- . -any, TA Camden Street,. Toronto. • DOGS • GlIAPAT DANE PUPPIES 0314 _CHAMPION,. • '• iffilti'iittatifrtieentYzfe , 'Hain 'Maze!, 13race:br1dge; ' ' • FEATHERS. WANTED FEATHERS BOUGHT, GOOSE, AND DUCK:. Highest pricee paid. • The Canadian Feather , and Mattress Co..ieLtd., 41 'Spruce St., Tor - •FILMS AND"PRINTS, .,notas DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE. . , . enlargement .25c Re -prints ,10 •'for 25e. ,01t,..s•rart ' 183%. King . St ELL Torindo. • ZERO PRICES." ' EXPERT. WORK. 'KOLL us - anfree enlargement* 25c •Tretianna .Stud. • __ins, U3, Niagara -Street :St,....tlatbarines._Cint. VRE,E!'TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENTS (one colored) With roll developed.eight glossy: fatie-proot prints, 26c: higheat' qual7 .,Ity Machrav Films. Winnfpeg : PAINT •YOUR,. OWN NEGATIVES AT HOME. ; . on any surface, cloth: or paper;, Without sidll or darkroom. •, Less ,than •••cent each! Miracle.. Foto ,complete- with instructions for ,150 prints,. 51: WIlliams,15 Richmond' Torino. • 'FREE-ENLARGEMENT_W1t/41 Order., Roil film deAMIdped and 8 prints, 250. ' . : Reprints ••• 3a• each.: Brightling Studio, 29 ' • Richni t:, E. Toronto. ' FURNITLIRE • idiNK 114.4.031 q'.ri1x pyMt•GAZiNE:. 10e, book COMPS, free, PIII-rr0ds JourPal, Doi(' 31 Toronto ()Altar's. • . HAIR GOODS „ W1(:0E4 TOCIPpS.S., TAANSF"ORMATLObillt., Bralds, TAO, all tYpes', 6r -finest auto,. , . Kehl •GOOde- Y.Viite'lfOr Illustrated; cataT.- °looms: Tortiato:fluman Hair Supply. Co. 52ifi . • Bathurst 'Elt.....,Toronto • I FlOREA.P1.149 4 DK.EWS. PO .0A tftpftEPlatNqp.• ,lVerbment lensed. trald you •fur !IAN Paulthrlation, Oree.,',prosniyatise.- 661 B loor• West. •. Toronto. • •,, . • • :MEDICAL 5000.-IESMONTON .fATIZENS TESTIEST. von. - ilk - ' (rt. • ni :R. )., Powder, herbal r,elnedY --, etch., : • mq . ,, itrth, tltle,, neuritis,, stomach trembles, 'etc.. O weeks.' 51,50; One Montli,-,83t two. • month , $54, Druggists, or ,I" ',P,:.• Mcintyre, , • Edmonton, Alberta: '' , e „ 'LEARN SHORTHAND, . ACCOUNTANCY, Typewriting by Mail. Satisfied • atudents , throughout Canada. Write tor free .Prospec- •' tus. Dept. C., Canada Busineis College, • Hamilton Ont. • • ' . . , ' NOVELTIES • . . . . .. . .. FORTRAIT. IN FOLDER—FREE . . . . . , . .. , . . WITH EVERY' ROLL 'PERFECTLY DEV,EL„, _. oiled .and:_printed,o_. 25e,(,go1n )_. ' 13tar Snap,. • shot, Service, Itieriting •Se.:'Weif,',-Def,),-L-' y.:„ •• 'PATENT. ATTORNEY L. KNOX, REGISTERED:ATTORNEY. Information . regarding Invention Patents; Drawings; 'Registrations; Salei. • 14 Metcalfe. Ottaw • . . a '' ..pRgEt 2;000 Pieces :Furniture ,FREE,! • IN LONS MS • Wel'ALCiGUE. att NEW ft -ND.-. • .Ae-conditioned Furniture. • Write no* fOr this ' free, Illustrated catalogue. to give you on .idea • .01' 12•Yons' remarkable 'furnifurc •• •LYONS--.TRADE.-IN NEW • AND itE.4:lt1p11)ItiONE1J tinftGA • '..$A4 5o • '040-. • tone.° walnut finish. liresser, 'Chi!- ' . fonier;' full. size 'panel bed, sagless spring and . - brand. new all -telt' mattress,. Completely, •re- ' $er"; Kri •ti-Psece pubd oax Pining Room d•i•••••••••• ,Sulte.--,-imrge.: 'buffet,- •eittenslon' 'ta •,ble• and: .6 leather. upholstered ,chairs; like • ..$29 00 • .13estutifill 3-pleee. Criesterlield: Suite. .-• Pall :size Chesterfield and. 2' roomy to match,' upholstered -In, a -gqod, quality French. jacqUard with reversible Mrikehall, spring .eushions: • Thoroifghly .clestned.and re."toditioned.::.- • • " ••.. . • •t4,2nn Large 9-rirwer. dress& with fair- • 414,••-• .ror, %In . .walnut' finish, steel. bed -In 'walnutaagless ..ispring and brand T , • ,, new °oll, edge' felt-.MAttressf,• .Completely re. • • ilidshed ' ••• • • • ' • $15X0 Enainel• 'Breakfast ite. Bisfand I ourfet, drop-leaf table l , Sp„ Windsor (Matra- Perfect condition.. ••••• $11.50 .°11t Kitchen Cabinet. • Top tins. - sliding doge :faint 'with ' flour and' nugai containers, large cupboard 'space 10. base • . with . bread box And three .drawers In: One' con- dition', . • t6 3 -Burner 'Gas 'Stove with , ••F ••••0 Guaranteed. ' • . • • • $49 00 Brand new ,34dece., ehesterSeld , , . • • ',suite, upholateyed In fine • Miality -•repo „cover, riot • shade, Marshall reversible • topring:'eushions; • full. ' w,etib c.onetructimi. . -$ o& An- Brand new Cheitertield • Bed:Suite.: •./•• Chesterfield bed .has, large ward- robe. 2 'big chairs. to match.; Covered In hard • wearing ,reppmaterial; (*1st Shade). A real bar aim• . . • • Id ga ra•ti' Dressers .in all 'finishes, with • ••-r large' illAfroris and 3 drawers., $6.50',up Chiffoniers in, Oak and walnut . finishes. ' . . •• Drsip-head Singers SeWinsi , Guaranteed gooCconditIon, . ▪ 445new'Mattressee• 'with 'heavy.. rolLedger %Veil. tufted Jn e,retonne; covers. All alz•eis. . $2.5O up Metal- 13ede. 411 sizes. oa• CIAP3rand new. Chiffonier. in . e!lecte• d • • . birch with: walnut fnfs. -- dve arawers Colnil design. ' : • .$4- 95 Odd chesterfeld Chairwith Mar - shag reversible cushidne.• $67•50..Bennitlfni 6 -pee 'walnut. Bedtoom • Suite:. Large dresser. vanitychlf- tenter, full slip bed, magless Spring And .Srand n ew all=felt 2 mattress. Completely re-con61, tinned, 'Like new. ' • , $59.00. ,W9Artit dnlsh , Dining. , Room -Suite: Buffet, 'china 'cab- inet. square extension...table and 6 leather' up.; So/stered Chairs, .Completelyrefinished. • ' ,OUGGESTIONS, FOR CHRISTMAS 'GIFTS, ,• We htlye a Tarte •misOrtnient Of • chairs, cot, :lee tables,: end tables, lamps', 'sewing.' cabin.' eta; cedar eheetis,' radios, .rugor, bedroom and • dining -room dirnIturee, etc., ab the Mott- reit-- . son/ibis Ortega:1n Toronto. • All our 'furniture thoroughly cleaned: and" re -Conditioned,- In our own feictery and' careftillY packed fdr im- mediate' shipment' on receiPt of Money order.. ' Our blg new 1938 'Illustrated catalogile Is now Seady,. Be .au.r4 to write -tor, one. • • ' . , , • •.• LYONS' SEDDING•AND .1"1)PHOLSTER1NG CO,' .° 'ManUfacturers ,OPEN EVENINGS' . , '478 'Yonge St., Toronto • !opt druggist :Alas them. 150C. •• ».(ai• . • VikEE CU, tal Ilayinated Canarlaq' foie/Reit Admit' °Whole:on erobleres;:iillierid ' chosen's' ant Personatity Vaal troo eteggoog who liAtes hors This amosimg• 81• offir is Meld. morels' io odreitlit ' ' :s4A16144 If COLD ADM* •• 4•ellobl. tot iirnirst sunl olife sir .1646, thetor,66. 6 nit orittesterl, stomped incl Omit W11,404• Addles's-, Raymato est R. ik(DIES L.i.4 A'S I ITEV. • 14 1;kAillt 814 , , T•40•16' 6.0400,, , 4 • PTENT$..". ' AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. •LIST of •inventions and full information sent free: 'The' Manley Company, 'Registered :Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St.. Ottawit. » Can. •• pkRSONAL, , 'Litt von, rturo.rtirtn07 RELIEF, COMFORT: •• positive. support- Withour: aslyaneedmethod, P10 elastic or understrapa or 'steel: Write,: Manufactiirinit' Co., Dept. 210, .Prcs-. OtEt ? BotHe of .KRUSCHEN • 'REYO YURS' NOIA, , Ask your druggist for a 75a' KruschenGiantTadeaste. It Cell. •tabus a regular bottle sad atrial etre bottle. Use the trial size • first and if not satisfied return,' the regular Pottle unopened. .Your money will be cheerfully refunded., . ,1•11"'" and, are willing, to pay 01Sher Pri0g3 t_qi-'1117-,Mhere is; good. reason behind:. APe Preferenee. For the' 'CQTABUTner. .kond, Colin'. is- e...practioal 'and ..easy guetoseieqtioI f,4094::: ri,pti !fruit., ;the.. eh ern feat ',Changes. ":1 hat, are .e0;' Bential • to the formation: et .good Color ; are the changes that are alsnreqUire4 to bring fruit to maturity and to de-". velop .flefori,nroma; and palatability... This. regearch does net compare • the :merits °of yellow apples'. end red .VE4It doeS, hear_ out thei popular idea' that 'to," be •goad, red ':garieties ought'to. be red and. yellow' varieties Yellow; • • . . . Oinewbere c4elies ;acreeti a . frail: forth. shakes With gobs. ▪ ' Through weary :menthe she searched ftir. work - but there' weren't .any • .11er 7emptr!orme prove 'life. Is cruel. • 'Though young, .she's lost all dresiMe. ShOrnat ..to:IfiaMefor..circunietitnce logised -her .inte:ite, schemes. : ' ...: . A.. thing 'that.. promised- her deep Jay • :brought horreir, UnbelieVable..:•• RYt 7.101''D-4kiit:-- They!ve .torn.her: baby ; frcitia . her : a•rrns. • . ----0,77.cr,e7tiffitle-1ticente1vablel-,4,;7-- m,gikri• , • • Wh)le--;througli mere lack:of money:7- , . • . , . . , . Potaatty...EQUIPMENT, • HIGH .'QUALITY ',SPSIIPB like thie,'•are "authorieed,-. ' - at low..cost. MadaIn Canada for, Canadteneo. - Eatli: day throughout Our land' --,,-'•how Write for .our. new; catalogue. •Mtitiel..Inenba-I. ' •- ' : ' . ' • ' ' ' , tore -Ltd., 196 Rive! St., ,Toronto, • . , ' Call : We . think, we. re .. civilized .. ▪ .. ' ..r-tyla Myers OUR Ciliiiks ..dnOw s'ipTin.-, : ni96,En, -, nitiaii:fbette),• Pullets, layers. ' HealthY, bardY, ., TINief'paysOtts' were having :lunch at,. • -biguatestod,:, • WPricesee chick:6w feeeddy:ders • with i:searly .. • . orders.' 192fi :41 ,r • Cetwill a. fax The farmer's. wife CoOked...a .'eltick.fietthery, ..Corrits,411, %Ont. t: . ..' • dti41#6, of Chickens, saying that the . . . 4938 CHICKts womb YOU 'LIKE, Y0UYOUR..._. ,. ._ family could dine on the.reniaineafter • . :',.' -' 1ere6?- • rinter-,--ard-Tiye-ddle--Ch1tirc0iitest7-.: .7-ther-,•' isittors:bad-,gone.That the hungry ministers at them, .all. .• , ' .... „ .• ,. Later ,the ,farmer , lies ...condizeting, his visitors • abont the. place Whe,n. a reoster ' begana lufitY . Crowing: :One 'of the Ministers :7,, . 'Seethe Mighty protidnt bitioielf." •. • .., • i • , ' Farmer ,(groWling)'..7. 'No 'Wonder. Ie -has iviro..sOns intheminietry."- • • 1,500 free chick, Prizes to eVeryonc., •Send for contest form. Tweddle CMOs Hatchery .- .Ltryllled;• Ferkus,, Ontario, , QUILT •‘REMN'ANTS FIVE POUNDS!-Q7IL7 REMNANT/IL-0..00Free!washfaet• • --.-110 Patternso, . collect_ COttons, prints,, .10roadcio , . fterund Onarlinteel." LDeaaspe, time Twetiles. • Depa en!: .solg- • ' -SALESMEN WANTED • ,. ' TAILGRING SALESSIEN, mAKE BIG ,MONEr . . Made -To -Measure Clothing, ,Free. 'sample . outfits. Morton • Clotheg,....• 1108 at. • Lawrence Blvd., Montreal.. '" " • STAMPS 'Al4D,COINS 'WE Bill' .A.ND' SELL OLD. STAMPS.TORON-'. .• to Stamp 'domiimay,', 56 'King Street 'West,. Toronto., -, •• . • . • • here Apples Get heir Rosy Cheeks hemical Substance Called 3 -Gal- • actosidylcyanidin is Said to Be Natures Rouge; Effect on Com- plexions Studied. According tO'cliernical tests•.earried out' by. the 'United ,States Departnient of `Agriculture, it Is ..not reuse' that'•.. puts the.1„)ltish On the cheeks Of apples, ,byt.n .Chemleil..pubstance that, sports" -.-tbereire-hispiring4ithrot:737galactoat:, dylcyanidin. If .an apple Merely.has '3- , . • . • •zalactosidylquercetin , is. •usually: );e1lOW lit' appearance, but ..;9-galitettr-s, 'sidyleyarildin is ,...the.• Stufr that make ,'yotts_leve •tneruneli.: The tests have this' pubatehteris -present in .yellow . APOes. of • the: Crimes °Mien .variety,..' but it is rot identical With' Or respOne- 'ible.fer the' yellow C010e.' Of' the eltitt.,,, ,In red aPplee the unseen Coloring:Mat; .ter acted :, Upon'. chemically and :changed to red idadizi,..Whielilsn 'pler. nettle', for 3-galeCtesidYleyanidin. They. have not yet identified the den. clitionathat ,Cautte;.thla change train. • to . 'Calor Important • ,Coler In .apples Is important to gra*. era'and to eOrtattnier,S;,.Por the gro*-' 'et:, there is. the Practical 'advantage that well-ColOred Apples are not nearly" soe subject tet 14 storage peal& as are antler; .in • whichthe color, IS 'imperfectly, developed ; •Otiyers,1106 ,decitled preference for Well -colored • ples; whether their are yali9er Or red; MAKEYOUR.LIVER: ,• • Vein liVer bairri'big .iob,11o, do'. Maki it de '- What' it, IS, inifilloSed to.' it, 'JO( id.td produce to to 90' flitid outieee Jet bile :every day and tend it ibittlpti• the syqaterri„. le. itfella down on itit „,tely.'Sron,.stiffer; 'AND HOW!' • Ike' Moat 'effeetIVM stlinulant for theliver known to niediciii 'science IS talothel, *bleb in tmall WOO; Or the • hisliett nee 'conges. nye e:atainfoit#,.. colioheir '01006' .4u01.1:6 eittingi over indhigende In alcohol, 'Mel( ot ex - rase,. ete, Tanen. Tablete Contain a Certain: , piveprirtion of, thloniel,. blended, ' With etietata and ether tileditiMie. They' are Mild "and haren. lee& Hitt :Yeiir Illittiirideretatirle and takes the hitit.:• For ((Ain ''at ildruggists„,60( • .-,(13) •••,,• I •'• •'° • CORRECT TRIS . ENTENCE: • "John lets nr charge everything; IT :wish," said the carefree wife. "so never buy anything unless I need it.'" • , " Profeisar of nfiliiffi-"COrrect „this Sentence:' d1rls Is naturally. .hetter looking, than' boys'," . ; • . • Pup11-"Girlsis artiflciallY better, looking, than bays.'! „" READ IT OR NOTA- horse has no . eyebraive '» ' ' ,A mari witli•a big wart .on his Chin dropped into a:doctor's .office to have it renibved. When he falled.to return: for, additimial treatments, the deCtor ' phoned him, to ask how the wart was 'getting .along. "Just fin:e," replied the, patient:, "My face is gone, but ,the wart -is still theile.", heir that you and Ebner are engaged. I don't. suppose he told You that , he ,was engaged to me last' *ear?" ' • dear, , did "say: some-, thing about there.being things in his 'past he was -ashamedof; but hefiidn't go ittto details." -,-inother-itlaw ',joke . Eier . notice that ,wben. there , is: Sickness. 'In the, family, the' first :Derson seat' for is he Wife's inOtherl 'golfer *We ,driving off about; a foot • in • front' of .the teeing ‘Inark, The secretary Itappened come along: • Club : Secretary • (indignantly) Bere! tint ,pan't do :that.-You'redtB- qtalifled,!', . :' ' Golf. PlaYer----"`.i'Vhat , Club ••Secretary--"I'Ou're in front 'Of •the?marki'',' • ctolt41airer•liereelY)--"AWay 'with you", I'm playing „my thirdt :stroke." . ong Canada's • rro,* coast: 19 coast the .ag,gyestfivoi .04P4nelell'Pee „1417,-',hringkitg' results that 1/14Jeate .;.4l0t.141P.P new recqid :° production, for 1931.4,,, The' Prov.hiee, or,qaebee inthel scene groat activity. 4aat 11a1arti5 Co14. 44QW developing nnflergreend; •ellgwedefialtelY 4 "big' Ininef" .0121100k, . . _ • • ,j 44101040P.0:0JP ,41.4 ,the Ttatul'. .art'in_prOperty...rnportn. pea' clinnientl. drilhing fteulte.' LaCtHRH,' pro- ' The mills 'of the .getis. _grind uslow: And: thafs, aldo the way the old. lotid *olio whoo •You'io trying ,to 'think tip tt snappy :retort' to tiontebody's track: • tinkers Herbal Pills for PI L ES: 'Medical autherhice qUite ienertilly ,ag're'e tliat 13LEEDiNG , OR PROTRUDING PILES are cattiest by indented cAnditich of the loWer' 'bo'Wel and Congentod• liVer. • This' HERBAL ..tnedieln.e had. been Made. •trinn the • OStradt ofIltItliWONLY ;for (Wei* Yearit,.• ter treat Bre INTERNAL CAUSE oi ,prica 5200,by filial), PirilnlY *ranted, Send. P, ,O, or xpress, Order.. rolirlitONEY BACH It liettt-' • • lieVed, Banker's:Rabat ,Medicines, Vorento, 9 , • • • . Issue 'No. '38' , perty in Talernier tOWnShip exceptiort - • , al reginits a.re yeported from ,first,new .work underground -The East Lacoma people,are plaxining diamond drilling.. flt% the ,west d 6 Ct1011 . of the Province, Powell ,and Beattie' Show ,healthy de- . Vel0PMent. In .the thhrder Lake district of Ont: ario, great activity apparentr,. At the Barber Larder propertf mining plant ia, being 41141404i Preparatory to undr ground, development:of, the 077.1ttensiva Orel:4)0es !agitated by diem:gad. dr117 , is preparing ..for shaft . 'sinking „Kerr : Addienn contianee TelepMent on, a large scale, , Bird, is shaping up with import- ant new Ore 0,01'01-PIM:tents in the wept section. 1$4,44,01(1. 1-44.1te- POW, Parnell!' • and '- Buffalo! Ankelite receive Mach ' faVoer, able •eorrinient in the :Older inining414w and: ;Debi' are ,lonnningatp!-IMportantly,Itt the Patricia distrit 7 , •:1 : "Alberta ,reonrteittucli geed news, In dleating this. piciyhice,as a 00tentlat' big source (4,011 supply far the.',British • 11:1Pire.„ On the ,W,est coast.iif.„Vaacitu, ver Island a new CAMP causing'some excitement, Bralerne and yntir Yankee. Girli report favourable developMente.,-, Money- Spent Was Boon to Industi _ $61,006;000 Spent By, the 'C. N. R. During 1937 From Mmost Ten Thousand Canadian . • • • 'PflrchasesmadO by the Canadian National PailWays, during 1997 amount - Ing to :over si#y-two 'ddllarit.. •frorn appreximately ten' theirsind. Cap,, "..adian JirnIa tiesieted, very ,materially. bringing_yariona bieneyes• of Cana- ; 'Man induetrY • back to: mornial condi- tions;. R. C.' Vaughan,. Nice -President , in .charge of . purchases, stores% and. stettiishipa, Stated itt.:an lnterview.at. ••• lVfoitreal last week ;in...which 'he' ye-,• eaesectivi partMent. . • • .ehiended- ,coneiderably .rnore fOr,the :purchase of Material and Jinn- : in : 1937 than in. 1936,7 ,Valfghan 'sald,.:"That was necesSitated., .•,:by: the -increased. business. ' handled, / which :required the running .0?. more,. -passenger and freight :trains, to meet the , needs .ou increaged, trafflc.Con mere. 'fael Was' burned'. and. A larger' :quantity.. of. tpin "and Other . • supplies:weretiSed.".• • •: , "Oar shops Were also. Operated .to greater capacity. ' during, the year which.. Was .nebesSary » to meet' the equipment' reqUiremen•ts the: ,.way, 'and, therefore., ;More nutteriel was required for ;that', pin:pose." : • '. •Flfty First -Class Coaches •• '"Our total ..purehases Pt 'material 'in,. !Catiada? MVO Mated 7162;- 506;000. Of thai_ernount.....approiimateL :•$15,140,000 !::.Went, for • new- equp 'Merit, and '01,216;000 'fOr.: Canadian file] •ueed., on. Ourlocomotives and in our boiler.... henries.; stations, •cerieheri,1.,. • etc ; 'Approximately 315;760,000 feet. of,; "forest !prOd.pets.. were : bought in Can, „tufa ..by ..the. Canadian- NatiOnal Rail- ways in 1937,‘.Which consisted di• terialsi. for 'Construction And rePairS, to equipment, •buildingir, qttantity 220,700;000 ',feet are • yeprel: seated, by 'track., tie0."' • • '• • . • 'During the ,yearf the :following:new, ;.equipment: was dellVereir In Ihe,,\Na-;, tional 'BYstetif by Car :.13:ulldere in 'Can - Vaughan 'atufhinked.' tifty • ,.first Class •epathea; and . , Press •••para; 2;695,bok. ears'; '49 •flat.:. •.care; 15, ballast,'etiri;. 3.0.: and' 300' gondola care; . freight friteraters. • In addit1on,,4.$7 freight -re-, frigerators were . bniTC in C. . , , 64(.':'14- • • ' '"During the year 'wn. had al: heayy , ' AirConditlarthig to ths. Fore ' •.gir-Contlitiozilitg7teregrAiutie in7COnneeT,-- tion: with our • passenger 'care; and 1213 r J Were • alr-COnditioned"'•, Mi :lrangheit-added:::'• ''' • "," • there-Wee:Ai substantial 'Crease,. in- the, priee.,:of'.•,-soine'lineav-ot. •Material; but ,ztveare ,honeful. tilat there:Will be retteSSiona in price dtir-•; Itig.• Abe year." • , ' extenditare by the "Canadia'..n. Natithial IttiiiWaYs Of ..sueh ;large' stint0 �t,nioney'in Canadahas meant *any million, man hours .of, ;.work' ;for eirr Canadian 'C.:Wrens and hativriOne macll. • to aagist'..)rarleite lire,nches dana. ,dian.. incluStry,' beck to noritialreandt- ssenger Traffic s Up 15 Per Cent. . N. Railways Vice -President Re- ports Volume of Freight For Year» 1937 Also Tops 1936 Fig- . • • •' MONTREAL, Jan. 11.7 -=The, 'volume' :of freight and passeng4 traffic car-. oVer linee.of,,the Canadian NA-, tional Railways :during the past year slio*s ,a considerable imprthement • Over that. 0? 1936; Alistair:, Fraser, iribe-President: in. charge '•Of Traffic, tls,tctletke, .rev/!V• bere. eat , '"The • year 1337 was Uzie'efl'ateadY . . . progress In the Volume 'of , freight. tic ;. 7art-c -. tige and improvements effected- in our 13ei•-.', said Mr: ' Fraser.; : "While there was. a hea.vy falling ,Off • In grainshipmente, resultirig from the very' light 'crop in 'parts',.of Western; Canada; this; was more than offset •the improvement iri general' btisinees, resniting In an ,.,-increase>in freight , tonnagehandled of .approiiniately ten . percentoVer: that of 1936 ' • • . •-•,-•-•PrOgreas-in Mining Devi...lee-hi' • "Mining. dev,elopniepts • North- ' weaterri." OntariO, and 9ttehee have.: Shawn reinarkable'..prOgresOluying the .pant • year:. The onening 'of that perc: tion of- I the 'Oarrafitan' National 'Rail,: • ways ' ne* Sefineterre7Ropyn line *from .Senneterre. to Val rlOr n .1‘toveMber. 29 .provided 'intichlieeded rail; ,faci.li- ...tieeio...the7.nuineroue."Mbies• lobate& in• „that. area," We all feel this way at Hines: • PhySieian--Are you ill? Let me See , 'kyour torignetplease; • • 'Pat1ent-"1,1's no use; doctor. •No , t,Ongte 8an tell you ho* bad' .1 'feel. HOW'S YOUR STOMACH? Increased 15 ' PoTtent. .-"Alr.'• Fraser, stated that :Passenger traflic On Canadian. National linea had an. inere, a!e• of fifteen', Per -cent.,-.." during the . 'Year. "in0easa in train 'travel generallY ,resulted from the. up- , . . ward trend: in. sne'nding Vetwer. • that. ' Was noticeable daring the' greeter part of,the year," I he....said4.,.'"Prequent low., :fare excursions, between Canadian cit, les -And towns, and ..tpPcints acress, • the international herder; ,brought hin- dreds eljbousatitia •ef people to t: railvo; for :short; Coach ',trips; .GoOd • progress • Was niede• the air.contli,.7 • tioning, et . Our passenger . equipinent.„ - We:have had air-Conditionett.stantlard andtourist sleeping Cars',' dining cacei •Coinpartritent,''obseriation 'andillg,ary ears; parlor • cars; buffet• 'club toadies, and io.uog.e.4)0tet, tE.).A. in ,SerVice for. :ome thne':BY :the :purchase „fifty', air•eoaciitioned,,.first-elass,•Coachee of ' thelateat design. during.ihe past year,. haVe attained' the .objective -Of : ...ling all Prixipp:Uppaigo fveltri, fully air condltioned ' , • '• vop. lose Vitai nerve force it you alio* :your, ' stomach, 'to dis-, • tress you. „ Dr Goldcxi 'Meditat: Discov. ' ,,crY is a' depend. I 'able tonic which. „, will increase- thc. appetite; eihninate , waste :the' inteStirits, Stimulate:the di- gestion slid you , thereby gain. ettenfoll. Mrs'. Nellie,Winegarden,,467. Maid St said "Dr. Pieree's golden' Medical Discovery!' Was very beneficial to It helps the clfgestiVesystein, relieves , gas on the", stomach and acid 'indigestion. When One has no appetite and feels ;tired. and Upset •the 'Disdovery' ia very helpful." Bily now of your near -by drliggiSt. , NOW site tablets 50 cctitet,. liquid $1.00.* Large Size, tablets be ,liquid 51.3.7. VI LLAGE'd7EYEN I NG ' .Sunset,1and ,the lirat Star' burning Deep' in the leptlis;.Of. Imtnensity. . , , . Nightfall, and. :the last„Of 'gloaming . Lingering along..the .lake shore; ' 'Evening bell,, and' ti late herd ,horning, And :a womln franled' in la 'Cottage' ' " door. ,• Wise roll-your-oWners will tell you ' Ogden's is the feature of the Smoke- f. estiayrnenfPrograanne-idThey know I. thatlinet flavour and caceri 51111dOthqf sinoking, cae :assured -revery' tiniq- with Ogden,'s Fine Cut and, Wosni,t" ' Or:"Chantecler" POPers• • Arld:there's obiOgep, 15,s,.'pachogly. of Ogden s, nowt • ' . • , •Yotir Pipe Knows "Ogden's' . Cut• Plug , • 'the knotted .spiral nebulae. ihrOwA off' by thefinn In.''tite,formation of the solar .system began ',drawing the outer..-PartiCles, or_P1anete1302* ttla them. Thus' the earth. grew after It • first I Was, formed.: !The' firet 19 . years are the nehiest:- ,WHEN INDICESTION"'' STARTS • CARRY __AL.KALIZE R • amsys The fastest 'Way .to is10 caitY your alkalizer with you. !That's., what thimsanda do now that gen- •: nine Phillips! comes in tiny, *PPP'. mint flavored tablets -in a flat tin for pocket Or purse.: Then you are always ready. ' , 1.1init this way.:Talce 2 Phillips' •tablets 7e'qual in !`alkalizing'.! effect. to 2 teaspoonfnis of liquid Philips' ' • from ;the bottle. At once Yon feel , nausea, "over -crowding': ,froin hyperaciditybegin to, ease. "Acid' headaches "acid ' breath,' over7acid stomach are cerrected at • the sgurCe:;This is the quick way , to 'easel your own distress -avoid ' offense to others. ; „ MADE I& CANts.DA • Of ECZEMA, kflo CRAW t5l$314131.1% ,sloppEn og • UV ucCoSn'n.. '115 • TOWN BY TOWN VILLAGE BY VILLAGE MORE ONTARIO 'HOMES $ tet *bLUE be roi;t-gulda la better, ifiating_effiCientY :and greater eco- ' , nOrny. Femembet, yourthrnace is de- „ signed to burnanthracite and 'blue. , coal' is the.world'i finest unthrOcite. Order a trial ton. Six :sites... size ' • to Suit everquincice, . Ask' Szonr nearest , 0 • 'bine coal' dealer for • free dopy.•of. FIRST AID TO ' BETTER• ' IlEATING,'Or Write to !blue Coe cid 217 Best St.; TorOnto. • s'lami Consul, your netted 'blue, cod!' &alit ! toddy. •• ricu1ture ' Under Nazi Dictatorship 18 a Tough FrPPosition for ths Fanner Who Own; Hill OW11 Farn3 Can't Control Pr_oduCts. • 71,40 Gevertimenf,40„..arijve. tlir. cow. s are filing into .the.. harti.!. They take the.stople,. front tifejarinett wIf and ,the-Ifired girl; sit dOwn•and begin . Milking; They strip the 40' COWO end Bet' dOWni .littnres. in Jheii Acite,hooks.,. every farm in derinaeY the go* ..,:ernatent..Men. tottie 10 Wake Bare that , . ; '414e, anleuat ;Of: milk the precIselt4e4,reetlet•440 draw* : .froi* his ';emv0;.• „writing 44., the . Country Home Maga, ,t ,zine, .;Eor'-the farmer .must, :bring . to -a 004061:station, het retain -even •nnint to churn butter: „ , . , , for! the,'..lamily. Tile akim mflk be needs " f9t• Pts..P.IFglie•-..11)nnt,tniy, 14014... Theprice be :gets. fixed for every- thing he grows.. ' ' OffIcr pOrninefee.. Market ."- ,' ...•.-Let's consider hew Hans "Vogel, 'IyDleal German, forMer, Ate 'into'. the' •• ; • 'intricate ' ticnnoinie • plan of • the Neel 'state, .13etote the ,ftictatorehip:.Hans. .each fail. Our or five, fat olge., and. made .theui into it winter's .supply' of sausage. and, headeheeee- ..brings all•liiS pigs. to the Nazi cont'rel station and receives 'for•the44 the' Gov, Lernment,,,Price", He_ has a•fit'inogr.ta,•. gall In The Market, "xc1ting places, •' thee() ,Derman 'Markets • used " to be. ' The 'trader. beat bia palm dB; he:naimea • a:figure: The fernier beat•„his. palin as.. •he. nerned•anOther.- 'And : the cbaffe- ing oroceadod i.ungi at .last 'a 'bargain was :made.,. Now, in' the, Market :Meta... nxerphoWd7by•the Nazis , an. officer . '7 ,eomes: along, gianCeS at, ,• the beast,. names ,a' ligure.,4114 :Hans •Must take:, • • 1National feed..COrpor*tion, 'Cretin:1n. agricilltrire,ii,!literally one• 1cOrParatirnol-the;'NatiOnai Food '.Corporation.:.Ae'lts head hi...the • .ister.,9f, Agriculture,:R Walther:Darre, ..a Man with absolute polveya that*.interns,"fariking..-'H8e Controls:al-, • el et' ' • • Se -c a tre. - Hans. can own his farm but he cannot own *kat he pre -41100g. -Darre's.. Supervisors ''stalk the: far-.,, .mer's; .fields, squinting, estimating. When the, potatoes start, to grow :the supervisors point to empty spots and .ortier,A ne* planting there:, • :By. edict' last July. the 'entire. wheat . and rYe 'crops'Were requisitioned, to . , safeguard' the;nation'S -bread 'supply:: rate...reLma_yLiceep_only„wh:at ,'.they need- for their fanailies, For feeding _bread .CropS In livestock they may be ' fine ak heavily: , . , -,• Making ,Country SelfauffiCient . According to G.L, Steere., American • agricultural • attache at 'Berlin,. these. ,° Streaubue effOrts lifiVe succeeded in . making the 'country 1 per. vent. '.selti „ Th ,syttleient .B,ut _many farmers., evading the rigid ,iffuota. system: Gangs: - of syndicates, ,opeiating stringe: high-powered'. cars, Sell Coveted • focd- Stuffst-.Widely,-and.,intlividual hnotleg-' • gers travel' about on. trains with 'food • Concealed in -ialse,bettemed, trunks - and stiteases, :'The :penalties are Spy!. . ete=fines,. prison, And in the .case ,of , , • large-scale operators,'. death.' ,Yet: the ;;Minitter of .Agriculture 'estimatethat one-third''..ef. 'foodprodueed is sold , . ' surreptitiously. . .1 ! Nameless ihforins rts :Sdentistsat New : York .AqUariurn • :•. Watch Creattirei That, Arethe • "•'.'Saine.. at Both Ends ': • , ' . . Tao anonymous Wormlike' creatures tb.:Et,t Will:Bever .need t ttirntheY • : , look the genie :it both • d ecientiits..at the lqew York. liquartuin ' thiS".Week by .their disconcerting bab, ,tt'of iwitnniing backwards or forwards • With eqUal ease • •'' ' . 'the .'rare snakelike, amphihia •Wrig- gle,cl.....iinconcertiedl,Y,:in.,..a.Lts.'nk eXperis in the . 'piscatorial Went , , . , , . . „ . . into :a huddle, over their identitY,.., were .c.aptUred at the lune- A . 'non of. Peru, Ccilumbia...And , explained' C. W. Coate's, aqUarist..• •• StAiirn 'Both- Ways r • . 4'1'11(0 are, slithery and , hamlet: 'lb • Cath than aa,-„eel,4s: ghoS6 The , ers Wito solid them' to us nio.nolt they, 'were'tiva-headed The Creattirea-aboui 18, inches long. , • stnd dark li'rn jn color..L-sivani idly haett and forth, leeklug as rare . • , as •POssible.• , • , :." COAteS.en'd Di Ross path,. ; • ologiat, afterporing throtigh''Sevoral hugereference yolurne's concluded the. ; aquariuri!s rarest 'aenniSitions: 'be- longed to,. the "order Anoda,• family •-•cobeilidae, getins. tiphioneeteei'! ' , "We . can, safely 'sax' ,.they arevery" . close ''relatiVes ,of tinillonectee colta ,PreSiicSucla and tnaY. a .socciee,." ,adnittted •. pr.. Nigroiii, • • : As they 1.6ft, ono .tiplileneett,s7-look- : ing'.1eis..ananynnms---y,'as 0v:int:ming 'backward'', and .the ether. forward. ..end .tetiellA are Made • graplio, • ire and (lay.* the, intine .eornes tedin • 'When peoPle wrote *ith.; • piceesof lead., •• „r. " •'•44" t6 the yatoritigq gurgOnOtto.ttomod it ita.Callo, 'enn a tftel , brqte ow,ok: frDai watkod, zto. MM.'S „I'Ytk,••• to the-. .-e* tilspetsary, 'and, rettisee'te,leaVe.. • Sam.. .