HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-20, Page 6ortatiofl lncreases
rt west Territories
:Forgotten Hero , , •
Afiviis the itorgottigi, :iioroe.ok
stailt in the hither Will derhY.-4=-Iian1"
• Or Grapefruit!
An -exeharige points out that ,the.
tronblewith too many ambitious men
In the public .eye Is that they are in
the public -eye••=like""T:a
- • 'Undisturbed.' - •
Canadiet ,gold nickel, &inner .raid.
lead mines . are yielding more than
ever.befere in our Iiittory Hvldently
haitn't heard the tales of , the ticker.
Ottawa Reports Important Addi-
tioni_ Made to Facilities , CP
Noah During 1937—Lend and
• Water Traffic at New High;
Transportation activity • An . the
:Northivett. Territories reached .a new
, high in 1931, when the four principal
transportation comeanieti usiog'ttesin
and diesehpOwered boats, carred 2.3.,-
.1°Ibeevi]a4etlet"g":setaiiMan of the Ails- ooq tens of freight from and t) .Wa-:
. , ,
tr-eifea", Wine. Board has assorted that at the •end of
the Federal DepartMent Of Mines and of 'knowiedge. Of -Ceokiak it 'tier,
haps the mOst prolific Cause dc 'divorce., R(;11;Acg, eeh, erte a last
The -statemeat • is • provocativo in this 'A -DvadditIon, two main airway coin -
compressed form, but ,whens,:At is ex- ;PP.'nfee'hanalett 600 tons :of freight
'handed it touladd;riniteT,.feesible." Bad and SupPlies and dueto inerease4.
cooking Means had iliffigestiga: bad/ mining .tiatiVity-the. transportation,
_indigestion means bad teraPhr:. bad icolnpaa es are looking forward to an
. tempir loads to the neath. Or twig, So : even •heavier movement in 1936.
the autopey reveals that. love died
ot *minds inflicted by (a) a blunt in-
stfismentetch as a, frying -pan, and.
: (b) a. thart instrument such at a can -
opener. But 'Pad cooking 'doe t not al- :
ways lead to divorce. Many a husband
proves long-suffering In niore senses-,
than one. AlthoUgh,he,gpeedily Iearns
' that •his.oless With a ,delicate alr' is
alto a .lass .with a delleetestea
orie frgieiber --=MelhOurint AiAght
, . , • , • • .
ss "
so ut tendot
Unless a larger spirit of goodwill
bollt up between :the provinces of
Canada, tine. Dominion. is certain to
face.trenbled times. It should not he, '
• ,ffifilcult for • any Provincial ; gOvern-
ment...,to achieve at least a :Measure
"-.;-nt--anderstanding,:nt the. viesvponits
and 0:alai of 'Other •prevhaiiiik7A1:-
er all, it Is very doubtful it the peo-
ple ,•of,...rany pravfice, as lndlvlduals,
harbor toward ;their fellow
Canadians ,who happen to live in „other
Parte ef;,,the.Dominion. --,Ednitinton
No 'Holiday For Death.The 8hadow ot Outarlo's traffic .t;-
• .
.repeated warning that it would be, an
• alaiiiihig It Was an ' alarming-
• One.: Marc people were kiIled in the,
province than In the state of Netv
York; • appalling number injured.
.thatis one of, the • nitrat sinister ele-.,
:mentii.in,thie'nevertnding inagdtlY Of
the.,Mads.,,, It ,is, worked out like a:
• ,,..birainehs •,chart. '' The T'shattered lives..
t. end; sorrow that follow In Its Wake are
'Itis a chillthg conimentery on Care.'
losmiess and negligence.' ---. Hamilton
„ •
'Spectator. • •''•
• For .some Years. British -Migrants*
to. Anttralle,, was in the .doldrunis.; lit
; feet:the 'glow Or Migration ran beck,.
wardwItliajoasteAnatrelle nf,
.30,090, 'people nf1British"stoek'
, . ,,
ing the period 1930-36. NOw:. the tide.
has inriie4at, lett, and the. flow. iti, In
.••the norrnal direction, outwards from.
Britain,: to ,this country. In ' the nine
:months ended in September of last
year our -population • gained; 117, Peo.'„-
pie by'inigration. For the .tanie periled_
.this' yearthe gain was 436, a rapidgratifying4nCrPa5 wliich Is also
• a, -netgrel. indication of . the ' change
from 'depression to ecohornic,reanvery
"With-lsetter-coeilitionSi.teo, there has
been a..reeent psycholegiCalthenge, In
. the attitude to Migration; both ,• here.
and •In...,'Great Britaig.:,. It :It
telt rightlY-that,•the time has come,
.when praeleat: plans ,:for.. etiniuleting.„
Britith nitgratine. 'should. be Worked
out and • pat. hito Action.. Sydney
(Australia) Herald.
• .
Melte Of the Peon _
it well .10r, the people to renieni-
er:!alWays.. that ,,,,thilt:freed014"...ei the .
reap. .14s.. net a prlvllege enjoyed', by
owners, publishers nd editors„of
• Ute;:and•tidVantage„...;;Ail a matter of
• fact, the press bus no speclal pr1vi1ge
before the law.,-Free.doM,b0lie'Preet.
was to -
the Vithent It. derciecreei
earinet,,Ifunetieni*:,44eWinepers• may be
„2,,•irked at t,uppreatlen.:01.neive but it •ISA
the people. Whe. are nJured.• When e
, „
right Is enjoined: . The people who are
shet off .;treni' pieta:1,4911A ,'tlieir ,get-
'..ernmentS Or neWa.ni:naneriii or peo-
ples are ,the i,riUcIpal infterere,.i.--
' Brandon Surit'....;
Ciiiad**'Tlielle:10:;,1938 • • ,,,
• Make Canatia.,-;;.ene7raitioni.. that is. ,
Canada's jets:Of:” tho year. Itis a Job
to which every cltfzen znust'ut his
. TO leave it, to; selfish, nerrew-mrad.
ici prOVincialf,,politiciant of the., type
that have boon ..:particularly ;vocal in
recent yieeles,:.li.f.'te jeopardize Our fit -
...tote as a nation.•
...The ' jolls,',i!filF,retigire. a modernized,
• • ' • ;
New Boats Launched . •
The - report stated that an irrspott-
tint addition to transportation.- facil-
ities of 'the northwest during the past
:year. was launching of the diesel -
powered steek,beats, 'Radium 'Queen
and Radiunr King,' ontheMackenzie
River --route, _The, tugs were biiilt at
Sorel; Q`Ue., and 'moved to the north
in •sections by rail.. '
- 'Another noteworthy • develoranent,..
the report said, was !construction or:
an eightend-a-helf,Mile pipeline with
storage tanks to overeorrienavigation
difficulties at St. Charlet Rapids on
Great Behr . River. Th!s it believed
to be the --wOrid'aTferthesP--nhith:
pipe -line. . ;
kfieet of tanker barges wad Con-
structed at Fort Smith to aid; move-
ment of .eilbetween.went 00 miles
below Fort Norniiin and the consurn-
points. . during slimmer
Months' now: moves , on • regular
".schedule inlhe• northwest. • ,
.• • ' Tracker Road Built
77-The.repo—wriafutti-a-ciftip tionif
a Winter trictor. road .frora.
lCn:fe Bay to the Gordon take area-
ipeeded up movement of heavy
.freight, 'Brought 'le...Yellowknife Bay
during the:Water navigation .season,
freight and sUppliee:are,,reshipped.75-:
Miles by, tractor . at , Much ; cheaper
:rates than the former : method of uer-
transportation. • s: ' . •; : • .
The airline continued to, playan
important role in northern develop:,
Ment, the,repOrt,saA, with the num-
ber Of planes in, SetVice in the north
west ; last year varying frOm.1.-0-to 20
operating from Edmonton, Prince A1
hart and Fort McMurray.. Indientions •
are that this riUmber Will increase this
Hitler to Visit
Duce In Spring
•CeinFnittee Starts Work on Plans
For Colorful, Reception
• Plans to welderM Clialieellor'Hitler 1
of.Gerrntiny *nib fanfare rivalling the.
, greeting :of Premier
...inany lett September were discussed
tin. "Ock by an Italian doyermlietT
rece on 'committee.. .
iltier will visit Italy: next .springi
returning, Mastolini's.. trip tbranglt
.,Gerniany. The exact: date has not
..beeii fixed but he is expected to ar-
rive in Rome on May 9,•secord
versaly of the proclaniation.,of the
Italian. Erapire. •
The committee sought .to ,arrange
for Hitler the most speetactgar en-
trance possible into -Remo, ,'Newspa-
pers already have Urged that he "leave
his tran outside the city and ride
ceremoniously past the Celisetire, the
Arch of .Censtaatine, the, Basilica . of
.Mesentio, the Roman Foranywi
er veatigesof the glory of Ancient
awyers Offer.
Services Free
our Young Winnipeg. Lawyers
Have Been Appointed to Hear
Inquiries From Those Unable
to Pay.
• • . . . .
Persons unable to liaY.,fnr.legat:0-..'
vice 'win be: airdeted....bY a social ser-
vice to be setup ln Winnipeg and to
7pizr, Ifircrivn-attrth0-Isteddy-lieystmat*,:-
vising Centre.
, R. p.,'DfaChines.Lof the Law,. Society'
Of littanitoha,..amionuced the ..rieW' ser
Vice:. being sponsored, by the society.
It will .be :carrieil,On. for ,a.Yerit: .in the
A Winnipeg judicial area.etter• „Which.
decision Will be 'inade7iii:te,whether
•the .service:shoeld branch ..inte:all
• judicial ..distriete of: Manitoba.
' Meet For..Consolta,tIon.
MecInnet :said a committee ot
four, young lawyers has hden
ed bY.the society to beer lathlitied•
from.thossei. unable to pay for legal/
'conlinittee will. Meet;
,regularly in the law coulta'• -Where
,bentraltatiolits•Wili take. plactiS -without
tee ,,payments.',,. .
After hearing the cases hhti moting
. , . . .
necessary inquiries, the, .cianithittee
will make recommendationstOa ter-
•••tilleate-lishing..; Committee. 04 a gen.
will reqtdrethe. beat. wisdom: and, ,.dral.':cheittintri-.4cir-fizial-..decision.; The
judgnent i147.11.ichvell.coinraissien. can generalchairman is ,1hn Kelly and
bring to bear �u our complezjtfittncjaL ..the tertificete-iseaing coniraittee"M-
end, •• elides` It:
„ .„ _
.It will require , , of over. •
iapih4i,sfilirlils,:anit, of the. vexatious
Conftia100,/ 04 Waite t116,t have crept :
fate our.; geVettireentel '..systeni slnce
• 1867.. " • .,. • •
It ...tdaiiirec,„encoure.gemegt ,of
everi`.4foilliing,:toree such as ourna-
tlonal„nuhlfcatiens. .. •
• .Above;likit',will reeilire, the active
,co-operatioti of tillCanedians who .hei-
lieve Canada should go forward as One
nation and who are premixed. to Make
itectifiees, .1t,iie•ctifsol,. to achieve`this.
•' This 'hi ,Caneda's .job for 1938 -To
vorito :Financial •Post, .
ar Iliet Kills 1
kfadrid Elep.tpant
Baker ,and. .:` •' •
No Criminal Cases
If the aitqa4te-ifAuthg eoniniittee
considers the easeswithin theirjniis-
diction ahtt they „paint tci..a .possible
eueeestiffil Verditt,.. their. reetinainendii;. '
tion is , nettled nn to the.general.
inan-wlio; .supervises the, Operations et -
the. ageney,,..”. ' • .• '•
, Mr. Iltichinea,taid the taii"Stielety,•
. Weald :ttrets..the. duty' of prac-
tising in giving hit iiervieot
free; Cases. ,outside the •scope of the •
servlet .Nvoit4i mottle .s'sfangetilibel:
sinall dehte, cases against the :debt ad..
••,justinent beard: or such
heerde; and .appeals to the Conti; of
Appeal, unless the cornmlttoe deoltied
there, had bean a inftearriage'tif ,
fleeand considered -an appeal
News In Review• .'
New, Jap •Conscriptson.• Law •:
lapenete•War Office@ T;cif,•-lie,efile--Wile-loolt.-telna,..-perfectly_.
,normal; TiVo:sPecialisti speaking be-
fore the'Americaa.Associetion for the
• Advancement ot Science; went se far
as .to: declare that n great many sup -
Pettedly normals shotild', trade pleads
with ; insane.netiente In Mental hot-,
, Commentary on the,
Of' the Week's News • •
=7-, An inter-, .
eating: article, hy. Frenk Illingworth in
Un guglish magesine, tilOnsees the,o;„
geediagly timely teple. fiTan China"
„E'Ver'fits Cenetiere0."• Drawing les
.acint trent Chinese, history, the writer:
ehmes' to the cenelueloa that the 3ap..
enema v,,.111 detach More and' inore•ot
Chinit;•.that the,Chlilete. Will right det,,
perately, mid • prOli.ably jose
But ,chlihaerer 'Pet-
' ties: .grtliack-
.to hi fields back to hlq books of wis
'dein,. hack. to the c nes " and: .villages
' where life lias..00t.altered one bit _ter;
:. centuries'. 'And the,depeZ 'They'll be
..c:91rnch4i.nCallihliteis8e al "1r ead Y'L'sis en. a co»quered
sneeesitivoly In the past two thousiand.:,
years .IsY the Tartars, the, ICitans, the',
Itichens, by .,lenghiz',Khan. .aad. his
.1goago1 hordes; by the Manchus.,, But
all 'these, invaders have eettled down,
and been tilssinApect emongtt•the Chinese,
Two thoetand .years. Of history have
ht now accustomed China; to • the
thohght.that anyconquest: of her 400
000,006ipeopte .can only ;.be • e tensPor-
ery affair..
. •
CRAZY .‘. 'Scientists ,
psyehologistst..ere telling us now
and apparently 14 one it daring to, say
them nay,. that Insanity or a teadetiby,
'.towards , it Oasts in a large narglier
,from the W°; stick, to common.
sense. .
It takoSall Man,.hissi, to ride abolre
a name like *" TM" or 'Timer".
• ()uteri') were given .t.te chance tohe-
have, themselves ''oir the re,ade nt
Christmas time, and•loek what ainest
"theymade of it.;the. ,blaciceet4-'helh
day toll ver! A 'wave of protest hat
; &opt, thd, country and indiguant.clet-
ters have been appearing In'The press!.
Now the Attorney:General �f Ontarior
,it dolag "tomething,:ahout, the .situa'.
hien, ordering an,,,rianierliate and su.
stantial. increase' of the nuitorcyc e
patrol force of the •Provinetal Poll e,
instructing them how to prevent v o-
latiOnt et the treffie laws,
, We Motoritts, have failed,t� net like-
• adult human beings on, the streets ahfi
highways Of Ontario's:* If for a change
V') are treated like the •children
evideatlyare, better road behavior
nifty .retult,
has 'celled' for a' new conscription law
, . .
to MObiliZe additional Man power for,
thewar. tin-.00.1iina,.• While Emperor
1-11rochite presides over an,
. , • . •
conference On the ,cdnflict..
„ . .
.• The • MinittrY 'et. •Wer, aanoauced
that the :conscription: to be •tiuh'
mined, to parliament would .sWell; the
.renkt. Of the arailee by restoring the:
" c -instead'
pf the; pretettr,terni of 18 months,
.a.The former term was In effect:until-
1927'wth the conseription-laW,was
' The . agency •v•ill not teneli criminal :
." Poncho,. the .Retirts Park Zoo Catet• as thegeternMetit stiliplied a
phant, .Who. 'thrilled .generatientot • lawyer:. when 'the'ple,intiff' Or aecused•
• Madrid .children, died ' as without meant.- '• ' .
Wer casualty; t-•,•,
Piiiicho; illfor inontlis.frelii Oder., , Await New •Japanese Moves .
,tioiltlehment, tiled An' his snots':fated , LONDON.-cWitlithe testioneet
, Pen' Without having , tasted a peimut Tanariese Imperial Conference.: the ,
Or any tidbit ..except coarse black. , tiat•gast, situation 18 belleVed, here to
•'bread for:17 months. •e, ." be entering; a new and 'more glanger-
' .Whst Is left of the fat of his body - out,,phase. it .is.,recngisited that Jan.,
Will be of:inverted :into grease for war rinese strategy ,tonprittei•te he 'direct.:
litirPosles. • , ed against the ;Western., powers, the
• dedlition of the Tokio Conterence re.
"Tho bungling, rsentlmoflL'il or gsrding the actual war 10 China beingwilful _
Inuidling.of. tile Perole, nrtiblent, relatiVely. inetiningletto •
attn. One, of the greitteet die- It it learned that British" Cebinet.
graces!' Anierlca hes :Otter!. Ishii/OM'. • .Ministers have been notihed CO
lfeever. ' : themselves irt readiness for an miler-
• lenty fieitolo4 if iliTeitio deVeldiiments;
• , fellOW the ejtOotted eatiree' and .41iPan,
' • • tornitillt 'dentin** War 6n Chtno.
/la 0
• ore oal
. • . .
Unemployment Insurance
. • •• Proceeds,' . •
OTTAWA.4:-Althougli faced by in
opPotitioa 'blockade Of three•ProVin-
, ,tial Governmenti,':theFederal-AdMin-
istration.will prooeeds with plant to
• • • • . „
ance ineasisre,:Prinie Minister
King Intimated iitt week follow-
ing. a ineetingtt his Cabinet.
Younger' Men.' Appointed . .
LopilioN.tPuither iltlet 'array ap-
pointments were announced hitt Week
end as additional:proof the polity,in-
tary for War, ot bringing youth and„
to.... the fere, is being aggress.'
tvelY pursued.
• ' The ileiv.:appiliatinents are it direct
. • . . •
-,-.consequence of the--eateeping_ahak
up ot the Army Council, Dee. 2, when
the Minister passed Oyer fifty senior
Generals to •Viscount
'•Gort • Chief :of the IMperlat, General
Staff,' and, by wheletele retirements,
reduced - the.” average of the, Council.
.,fresin '63 to 62. .7 •
.000,000 TOM F -07-r Year: Is'
• pectatiOn' Voieed. by Anth-
racite •Ticite•.Inititute •
-P4pOrts..Of Pennsylvania anthracite
to Canada.ln 1937. may 2,000,-
000 tons
fes the. first time eince. 1931;
the AaUuaelto inittitute tine
week., , ' • • • , •,. ".• • .
During November, 1937, he expert
total was .23.9,517 ,net tont, according
to thin,ainfen Btireau ,of Statistics• lig; •
nted„':the .highest ,'' tonnage , for ."..eny
' tranith 'Once' February, ' _psi: The
total for thelitst 11 months of '1.0;1
..Was 1;695,199'tOns;.and•compilation Of
;Deeember •figures . expected • .tO
'push 'the . tonnage abdire. 2.090,000; .
• . •
A,,Year ..ago ,PethisYlystnia supPlied,.
Canada with 47,6 per cent. ot anth-'.
TaCite,.but the percentage nOWiliat
creased to 662, the •Institute.'..tald.
The Vatted Kingdom's anthracite ship-
ments. to, the: .DOirtiniOn. have dropped
. , • , .
12 per
'They bested their .rerearktee tests
reede of 'forty-three patients : in an
Ohi� rileritat hospital and of another
7--group-o y
Which Shows you never cafl tell At .
the old -saying goes All the world'i a.
little: I:Otter but thee and, nie; and
sometimes I. think. , theikt a little
queer"... .
loving parents bent on. giving their,
firstborn beautiful: manic) would
pause nioment .and ;reflect on :hew .
that • name \ is piing to 'isound to. the ,
bearer ;of :q twenty :,years hence. there
would he. far tower foolieh.,monitkers
disguised under: variegatedlnitialsin •
,the, world . today, and the number of
slinitiag, Omit their, daily rounds
• Would be considerably less ' Think ot
the effeckthe Precious name is. going
to have year..!delisistiVe -Child lig.
fore you -Make the -xlecisiniOrreVoe-.-
13ALANCF powtviti:.1 **lion Ito.,
person. of:II/140pol_
• lini's: ,Count Ciano, oroseed.
Into . Hungary last. *belc:. on. fa , '4101O-.
matic Mission; it mot with, a sharp
disappointment Hungary .and Atm-
. • . .
%trig refused AO Say "yes': to. the Ital-
ian suggestion that .they , the
'fieague,ef Nationeand recognize the'
Whuid they, join 'the ,aisti.,Ctiminunimil
pact "recently 'signed ,,..hy Germany,'
Italy. and Japan.' •
. The dee:Octane powers had reason
to breathe easier tolitsWiag thls re
• Nevertheless ;the • new 'Itunianien
ifelLup. With 'Cletittrian, Coga as •Virtnal-
dietatolt. under .King ,Carol's :Wing
vieWed,..a$ threatening to reverse the- nceofpowe
...ope,, atia- thecteniecratic".governments
trenthle. Reason : Rumania;.: as,.;
.selii up., to now Of Czechoslovakia; has
;beenhelping tO ;:bleelt Hitier's
• .
o e lone
Borrows Potent
Witches' Brews'
aon Helps to Cure Colds
Mediaevel Tilnes—Snake Pei-
. The days when .witcliikli4Vreil.'Vfkr,
tient of such weird Ing
dere, toade,'beetlee, and serpents, may • •
temn.Very far .away. ,Tekqaeerer Oh- r
ettiacet ore,. used In taeidei•a traciflo
than "
Asteeisli'llig:'0,e0S. Wive; often been,
reported id which 'people; • apparently
tiedd.,.Were, :restored to lifo. by. au in. •
jecilen'et ',Oregalin..,Asthina, suffer-.
ere ,know the,..elmoet intranuleas relict
an,. injection of 'Ott Ong gives during
, , , . .
, . ,
•en, •
'Prods:. Ox' Glands
.; Aad. adrenaltii;f • winch has. ,brought.•
relief 1.1e, , extraeted"' front,
tito glande. of :01[01 and, recently. Irnin,
• traPieel ifrogs.:. • ' •
Muiy a. twinge of ju.mbeg.o rheu-
mat is been. :cased. a....canthar-
ides plaster, ••Chatharidee' coniiista
merely of e certain. kind of dried poet-
ics. Vietinis of e bite. from a.med dog
rUsli to •a ,doctorA. to ingeulated
against rabies.But,.Most, of them "do
not hriow. that the' injection is Made
train the hralad of. infected 'rabbits:. •
••' Snake. Polson •Per Healing',
• Snake -bite, which. annually.. tools . an
tropie$,. has lett inueli ;Of 'its terror
since . seientists. disetivered • that it
could be ' cured Ify venom"Millied'"'
from the 'flings Of , the •enake. Snake
venom 4s. also. used , for; heeniehhilih.,-
. „
the bleeding'•ditease.
, .1.Meniophilie, the:Mood doee' not
harden . to terra ,.a•,.,ectili; and the Sul- -
ferer, May, bleed .eiteeseivelY, treni
trivial wonnd. . ,
• Even'the •extraction ot a tenth may
have' fatal results. .1-lertlening ot the .
blood. is '.definitaly'hastelied. Cohre.
.t Vonont..• •.;• "
• The.. cemnien. cold is .,now '3.reated
. with' a ,talve. containiag .the venom et.
the:•Vieer, sialve, which. has been.:
• ;e d • a: Cientifte institute, • in,
Austria,.:1,0„,rubise •in,to, any par • o
the body; and headache . . • ,
nose promptly disappear. As
'killer, .snake ventini'has been nt'great ,
pesed•march•east thenagli •Czeclieslo- and it establishes . •np .•
v,akia to teize.,,the'011:enci grate heicit ...hahlt. • . •
Of the .• •••• •
.. It .is our fervent .hepe that Raiiiania'
will' continue. with:, her .'fiiinier aliles
;spite et, .goVerninetitel cliangetniid.
Mit line up with • the Fascist ' powers.
Supreme " Soviet Foregathers • .
MOSCOW.. Newly -elected • Soviet
deputies gathered In colorful array
Moscow this' Week ready for the
first. 'ilitsion of the ,SUPreme. Soviet.;
Many .of ttie.-deriri0ea,, dinning from
dithinteigions; had to start their
journey by reindeer or
In some cases •It toOk. 16 '•daYa
'•iti reach ,P rallWaY. 'Several had never
Been; a•trein before., ., • ' •
Pope Warns Hitler
BERLIN. -4A.; ditnietia „Warning' ;
the. eniiii-76E7Voi--"'isius, to Chancellor
Hitler: that , niankind • calls for 'peace:3e
.tind.A reply in Which Hitler., pledged
, . • ,
3 Shots a
From His -Body
.13IRTH‘falt °Flt.Lt.'s:, In the first
halt of 1937, births, decreased 'in the
Dominion Canada. 07 Per thousand:,
At the same .thin deaths' increased
0.6., the figures raised a higher die-
• ease toll and a larger number of auto-
• inohile fatalities. . "4
Looks at if the •population .of" this
:fair chuntrY--inay-shrink-; to ,nothing
..--.before...-Wa.knOw_ what it's all
lihnselt; "%antra* and tonfidently7,
to eh -operate' with, all nations marked
. New ,Year reception to the dialo-
matte torpe this week when. brilliant-
', ly:• Uniformed, foreign .enyoys. , and]. it,
..utuii 'group of high, Nazi .Goverament.
..eitheralsi were &Mined 1..in the '
' Fueh-
rer'sChancellory ikmie
hellietraste. ' • • *
to e h
g Classrooms
Tide Has Turned
MADRID. --=President Manuel Amnia .
declared In .4 decree' this Week the
victory 'of GovernMent. forces oVer,
Spanish insurgent troop,* at the .pror,
vincial capital of Teruel, 16,0 miles;
eist. of Madrid; changed. the !ace Of
. . , .
the Spanish war. • ‘. •
, OXanis awarded.. the Laureate, !rang-
nia.of Madrid. to General Vicente Ro-
jo, Chief'pf. Staff of the Governments
,..eenrtur:11.0.arti;n,y.slyao.nd:.coMmaarier of. the
Four Big Planes Will' Carry Six
to •Eight • Student Flyers And
Instructors In the R. C A. F.
'Flying classrooms" ' will , lighten':
the tecliena of 'learning for Royal -
Canadian ./4.4r . Force , student
• Construction of four big ; planet Will
,be. started '.toOn. in a 'Montreal
, ai-
ctaft factory at a coat: Of nearly
tit10,G002 ;
- • Each of the four sturdy 'NeOrdayn
•"NOrteinen?" will have
for six, te eight instructors and •St.u..;
:dmitt.and..Will be used to teachem-
bryo hiCrt, such sciences. • as .boznhing,
map reeding, ,-nvIgetion, sketching,
radio cOnimUnierttand ',.spotting".
for artillery.
••:. '
1. .4UPPlesitent 'Ground "teaching
. :The aarial classes
the usual theoreticalteaching of
school. .Under flight .
Condiiient;_Canada's-' • ye:.r.g.:. airmen.
will lcai-n the scierind-driferialTWIK"
fare ander•the firet,liand.gnidenele•of,
-•eXpetienced ,instructors. .'±'•'"-
."."‘The 'big Craladen-det:giied 'trans,:
port planes, will 'nave attachments •for
bcinh tights, 'gro1nid-t(4!aiie.tadio,,
removable ports and mounts for „aer-
_, Jai .canfers; and gurirtnaulits. '
itobert,'Horne,.left; and Georgd SPerriak, the Sailors who achnitted throwing
ed Jack". Morgan to the, sharks, .wait t tell their weird Story to the'
.court. In . Lot Angeleti. , .
Rioting In Austria
• Disorder raged •threngh-
: Out Austria this . Week-end...at b.-genii:T.
,chists• and 'NaZis:Clathed With clubs,,
..''sitones.ifialidetillittbandistrit: sixty. mass.
ineetinge, called toOlib:0-4.7,4-nTliitign
to rethare. the "'25.Yeitr-old , Archduke
DUO to the' Hapsburg Throne. .,.. •
' The .worst disorders :: occurred in
:Vienne:, where eleven "meetings were
told in tributete 'the. hernitionie 'end
• exiled youth. who l liaild as;"Aut.
savior." , •.:' . • • ' . • ••
Fifty: anti-Monarchisti 'Wetearrest,'
ed. in Vienna atiti ..at .leasts. pot) In
er parts.,of Aiidla Nnmertait sus-
pects. were.. role altd ef ter • they were •
taken Into Custody for in restigation.'
• • •
. Refuse: to, Recognize. Him, •,
•'WASHINGTON. • The e United'
States' refUtel,te recognize King Vic-
tor Emmanuel of, Italy as ginPeior
Of gthlopia,„fiae ,resulted
In suspon-
slr)n . of the.
. tient, for e., commercial treaty.
'Infornied sourcos Said Mussolini re -
nutted 'the new tretityAh be Madein,
the Mime ot Victor Emmanuel at,
. king of. Italy and Eiriaeitor ot Ethiopia
and that State , Secretary Hell
• re-
fusad. •
:AlOaree, 'POctikrii•
• Fights , .; . „
th; &iect
..•.Arrented :
1•'pkItLotti.Sk,,..n;S,...--7' Royal Cana.
diari '1%4:bunted lett 'Week laid a
Charge of atteinpted. Murder .against .
Dennis; Rees, ot' Stoney Island, at
,the .Mtin -heli; alleged ,t9..!have shot.
;-amazett:docters With.,,hit;fight• for .
The: attempted •.murderi charge was
:iiiidaftert hese, Was taken teYarniontii
Hospital; Where Warren, '.Brown, . 41,
attineylsland etorekeeper and taxi
driVer, with more than 50
gun • wounds, Police refused to,,. say
.. what ,.hapPened • in ...the'. hospital room
'rafter :they brought Rest intelt.' • "
. Penetrate. --Stomach, . Intestines
. "BrOWn't 17 -year-old Warren,
• heard ,a .shot ;onteldo,. the .
dwelling , and. father scream-
Ing-' Brohwe n7Waliat
1;physiejans..said they expected Mei:to
die An ere*: hours. .. But ha stilt fought
Fraud go
was set ,at $6,006
eaeh last. weekend for, tWo 'London,
Ont., Men whe allegedly -obtained $396
front ,st 'Raleigh tOwiithip' resident by,
chaining their were Members, Of a tyn,
dleataliviiicli.had sold' a Patented:
Cheinietd .fornuilit to Laritionto 'titt•
Pont to't ;4,600,000, The. two aro Sam
uel Willls, GO'i. and, Thoinas Agnew, '51,
. •
Monoplane- Transports Usedeid teaching' navigation,' especi-
ally under adverse, weather condi-
tiens, :latest navigation instruments
will be installed,. • , • ,
• The "classroom planes" Will' be
builtby Noordnyn. Aircraft, Ltd. at-
` 'Suburban Cartierville, Quebec. ihey
will be motionla.ne trantimits of, metal t
construction and powdered. with "a
liVngiienginehestnni'ahioat 54.05eldiei,of
'sh giyr
•iniles an hour. • .
itr-lieeping with canad:an flying"
condition, the netil planes will be
adaptable to skis for Winter, t'iying
• and to either wheels or' seaplane'
floats in the Sumner.
"There...este protperitY fit
ttate pr. 'nation ter,Cither the, lin:J.(14
eitY Or th•tr agriciiitural. ceilatry,
tvitinitit the :other, being lsPeitth3.'"
Herhert H. Lehman. • '
A year ago a discarded • cutting
from a pineapple plant was thee** on
a rubbish heap at Torquay. It is now
bearing "6:nit and growing apidly. SO,
althOugh it refused to thrive when
PardPered with cite' and attention, it
Manages to enjoy life when left to
its own devices on the rubbish heat.).
.The No. fa shotgun 'pelt*, more
than 60' of which. entered ;his body,
penetrated his • stomach, ' intestines.,
bladder, hand and. akin. :h$Ityitlifee Of
the shots ,wereremoved from hii
body. •
, -
To onto•Surgeon Transplanb•Cor,
Froin Eye oVStill-
born •Infants ;-•••• Three' Telma'
./-"After ni-dre 'than. three years of ,
research, -,:a new technique 'for. the,-
'dclicate , operation.. of ,..transplanting •
cornea.' tissue. has gen developed, by ;
Dr. A. L. MOrgan, member of the der,
partment of ophthalmology, Univers-
ity Of l'cronto, and assistant eye sur-
,toat. the Hospital for Siek. Child-
, The eo('rca is the trantparent ;film
over the eyeball, which aderat light
to the' interier of the -eye, without
. •
which ;sight isnot possible. :
' The 'Cornea; it WaS said, 13 the only
part of the' 6ye*wIlich surgeons have,
been able to transplant. Dr. Morgan,
Working. with rabbits, has fotind'al
210i' hiethotvhst which it is riesell4e
'to graft healthy tissue taken from a
foreign eye :in place of. the .injured
• Not YetApplied illisitnans
. . .
;Per clinical Work,' human tissue is
nec'eseary. Thstissuc is reknoved
from eyes With thecornea intact; but
which have been .reirloVed.;becauso of •
'other .causes from stillbritn.. infants,
and fromi corpses.
• *rip* iPPLIhiebtinteew'hIneraautticillb .611Ca4i.16;jett.ittif Ileteh*rie '7*
lack of 'suitable patients and the .
certainty of a sum* ofcornea.' The'
operation to 'be successful must lie
performed with tissue•fram the same
Animal cornea grafted on
humans Vototoos epacitle. '