HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-20, Page 5„
THURSO:17o JANUARY 20, ''193t
1,Y4G2 P.IY11
(Ninhoy. pares: Adults. 75c Children 40c) '
from 1. CKNO
To Oshawa Bo manville Port Hope,.
Fri. & Sat., Jan. 28 '
Cobourg Trenton Jet.1 .B1vi11e,
Napanee, Kingston, Gananoeue, l3rOckyi11e, Prescott, Morrisburg,
Cornwall,Uxbridge, Lindsay, Petorhore,, CaMPhellford,' Newinarket,
lene,ang; Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie„;,Qrillia, Midland; Gra'Ven-.
Ars Bracebridge, Huntsville, Callender, North Bay, Parry Sound;
Lon jac Geraldton Jellicoe Beardinore •Ftirt . •
at., hn, 19 to TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham,
qiesley, Clinton, Durham, .
„ Exeter, Fergus, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover,liarriston,
•Iugersoll; Kincardine, Kitchener, Lender:1i Listowel;: Mitchell, Niagara
,a1ls,. Owen Sound, Paisley, 'Palmerston, Paris,- Port Elgin. St.
Catharinee, St, Mary's, 8arnia. SoutherdPton, Stratferd„ Strathroy,:
Walkerton, litriarton‘ Wingham.-Woodgtock " T557 -B
For Fares; Return Limits, Tra n, Inforthatierr, Tickets; consult
nearest, Agent; , See handbill S for, complete list of dest,inationi•
. •
• Miss Marjorie McWhinney; return
the first of the 'week to Goderich te
;Continue her commercial studies at.
.the GC.I. '
. •
. Mrs', Elizabeth Robb, who has been.
•, staying with her daughter, , Mrs. Wm,
SIlb lately?iis. much irnpreved after
:being quite • -
. A very interesting and, pleasant
evening Was spent it .the .,home
Mr. George Irwin, January 13th, in
celebration Of Mr. irwin's 77th hirth:
, ,
. day. A hot fonil supper by a. number
, Of friends and-relativeswas served
at p.nt as a:Surprise.party. Arming
those•preseiit..We make speCial men -
:flew.; of-this.2.-clinghter, Mrs. -Donald
'Fowler .whiC11.1ves' her first time to
be out, since her operation!. •Many
• happy returns of the daY to Mr. Ir-
Mrs -,'Leonard CrawfOrd. of . Port
•* Albert. spent the .week -end at the
. „
°. home .of.'her arents r an
W. :A. Culbert.
'Mit#.' DUNCAN 88eN*E
Early -Friday morning,--January--14,
one Of the Pioneers in this 'district,
• passed peaCefully. aWaY,fn 016 .person,
•of' Mrs. Duncan hIckleein: her 86th
."Year..;Sho had .been I» failing 'health
for some time and after 'IreCeiving
a fall and breaking .her Wriet. about
three' weeks thefOreher death,it is
supposed that she became. 'weaker
4oni° that ,ttme on• ,
rs.. MeNee was fort/idly 'Dorothy
whose Parents were David and
Laving- Ellis. Born near Prislifieli in
Brant COshe moved 1.Vith her par'
,ents at theageof twelve years to
the farm of Mr: Dick 'MeItityre's,
Nile She. was -niarried
years ago to VIr'-Duncan MeNee whe
Reedeeeased. her &tie years ago: To
them was born one son; Mr, Ross Mc
N, whorri7sliiiiiiied-rfv-ithili"e-latter
years i was; the only surviving
member :7 Of. a: •family. of .six, -four
• 1)05.'3 and two giris.
, The :funeral service teeit'place Sun,
day d'aiiernaon at 2 P.m. .With Itev.
Pomeroy In. charge.: 'The :PaRbear-.
ers: were Messrs Jas Sproililel,: Thos.
' Dickion, Howard Sp:route; Henry
David hicGrattan and.
:Robert Barr .Tho 'reregna Were laie.f.
to rest in ',COlhoine CeMetery.,
monthly: -Meeting of the Uni:
7 Led, Chiirch..W.'M. S. "met 'last, Vritley
afternoon in the basement ,.., Of the
church Mrs Mrs. A: 'McKenzie,. the
4 ,
• • . •
president . was in charge. The meet-
ing :opened with a hymn,' and '1,Ord's,
• ;prayer in 'Unison. The roll 'call Was
• 'Itnswered'by,."paying their 'fees". The
Ainiatei nriro:read. and adapted.
ter a, short ''business period, another
hymn was snag- A, .splendid discus-
. .sion took place from some qtiestzonb
• in the missionary; MonthlY. Which
Were "What is; our Church doing, to
. help. accriiM1ilitYliar7",Wlint7rnor,e-
• • ean We :do its Church :members , to
carry out GOd'a , desires' and. purpos-,
' es" What can. We do :as -meinbers
• of the United Church of Canada and
• its M. S.;'''tO riiake our church' a'
• greater iovver for ;the KingdOrn in
. 'nation?".. Smile .readingi were
•'given !rein the strati,' book;with Mrs.'
J. J. Ryan reeding "The 'fitinistryof
.read. "Dr.
Hapfter!s Hoapital at. • Tultin, China.
„Mrs;;;Turner.sang,a•Solo after which
Miss ,Luella. Laicliaw of W. Wawan-
&Fill spent the week -end with Mr. and
Mr* It. Stuart: • ;
; Mr. It. Tijfln and ,Fred spent sun -
day with ,Mr.'an4 Mrs. RtisSel Rit-
chie of 8th cow "
Miss. Muriel Patterson of Lucknow
,I3-pent',the_rweek'-end. with Mrii.
Taylor. , "
;kr.. and Mrs.. Victor.Emerson spent
'Sunday with';Mr.', 'and Ars. George,
,Mr. and ,Mrs; Wm.' Smith and :Mar-
ian ,spent SuntlaY' ;With Mr. 'It; Caa:
I .4
Mr. and Mrs. `. Herb. Laidlaw aid
Ivan ,Of Wawano§h Spent Sunday
With Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuart.
. •
Miss Nellie' McCallum, spent. the
week-emt at.her tome' here.,
Mrs, Thos.,,Hockley SPelit the week
end with Mr.: and:Mrs!' Ittisiel Moore
• The Larigside Club held theirenter-
• ;young,:
the. ;following prograin 'was giveu.
with'...p sident, Charlie Tiffin as
9).114tLYeca1duet) and p!ayiijg
their 'own :-:guitar '''accompitniment;..
Fyanic: MacKenzie and Tom -Wharton,.
with , piano- 'Aecompant,
merit: littler Miss- Ruby 'Conn, pain.
Pletek .0rVil1e Tiffin; George' Wadell;
ineuth organ duets,,Joe Mid, Dan !I‘if-• .
fin, Harry:laid. Allan:Wall; Highland'
Patterson Trio,
(-7,askinette; reading,' Mrs; •Victor Ezn
'ul•Son.. The:. "Langaide- '-.IsteWS" '• was
ead by liarrYWall The ',singing 'of.
ihe,'!isiational Anthem 'brofight..this
part Of the,entertainment to a ..009.
:Lunch was 'Serve& anti: dancing was.
then resumed. It was,. deeided .to meet
again, and the pregrainprinnittee,
' • '
I Hanna ' Mis • Oaborrie.
Bathlee' -McKenzie George
Ar.e..A.11,_ho_Lp_r_e_p____ared ',to „have p
gr in hen:celled .upon. Music for
the cin waS.,supphed W. Gordan
and Hene all, Frank:: 'MacKenzie,,
I3ert; Rose nd Beatrice piskinette,,,
Eddie Wedel,Walleee Cnn and Mrs
7fohnson Conn, Mr. „Bari and. Mt; .and!
Mrs. HowardAlarris..Callere Off Were.
John Smith; „Orville and 'George Tiffin,
Alex McDonald, ' Vic Kniereen• .
The Whitechurch ,Weeieti's :Insti-
tute ;held ii•sOeiai evening on friday;
'when program; glaines,' hinch" and
dancing wag the., entertairinierit.. •
The 'Langside '-ehlpfiing Mill has
. • •, .
been,. real'. busy . the 'Past • two weeks
,malcing.41ie pace a real he centre;
MOS'. Rene Wall spent j finrAilys,
lest week with her sister Mrs. Bert
Moffat of „near{ Bervii.;
I dirma like ' it Sandy; Yit take
every Corner' on :two ,Wheels. ,
: 0o, `Maggie, 6ut .dinna • dis-
-turb, yeaelf; -it --.,cuta-..-mw-yearly-Itire-
' 11 hyrnijT was sring and , Mrs. K M
---e--en- Will'. be,next Tuesday, Bobbr,,,Burn!'s
:xie Closed the Meeting' with prayer. I' • '' ' ,
mght, ,
Miss Mildred 'Johnston of 'Cour-
rlia',S' Corners is ' assisting Mrs. David
• S. Vrringten With the house 'werk.. ,
A----colored•wornan went-intO-a--store
to buy a cellar fin.7 her 'husband: - -
What size.? ,.'asked the „clerk: • ."
I 'done, forget. de size, replied the
Ah kirt lea' Menage: to
reach around his throat *Wif .my hot
sels will be an imPortant engage-
, •
Ment and the fans Should, be sure to
see it..
; Biggest night of the, 'Season' t� date
"Mta. Max- Iloffniin 18moying., his
tailoring business • to a Store; in' the
Allan block a;eli; the. dentist;
has ,his office hz rooint ,at Mr. Bruce
M' r's store. . • A
• fit8.1 David IS. Erringion, Vv.;
ere ',Vrrington' , and Victor •brring-
teir',hate installed new radios.
, •
' Mrs. Mary' Elliott, wild. is con-
,ValeSeing from an illness, ..spent
j. few days ,With her sister, grit: goY
LudkNOW: t
, ii.GB14-=-Supday, ,JanuarY 13th,: ' to
, Mr. end Mrs. Wilfred' Pentland (nee
1 `Marjorie, McDonald)" B., son. Congrat-'
ulatiOnS,.'lVilts'''Mildied Wilson, R.L4,,
• Goderich, id 'nursing 'the nether and
* * *: * •* . .
;The fast ,travelling Mitchell gang
play here that night tirid Bobby
BurreS` annual ball vvili get OriderwaY'
titter: The pipe Band will Play at
lioth the game and 'datice.
* *
the: , Goderich • game was particu-
larIyele4n. Dawe and Book drew the
ealr:two penalties with BOvvers Chas-
ing them in, the 3rdi period for reugh-
ing it:back of the net
* * •*. ,*
MOrgan llendersOil has 'been *
Pointed Manager,. of"the : Intermid.
lutes and is shoWing • marked' inter-
est in., his now job. Bob TholnPSOn 'is
assisting in cOaching the , boys and
with,this popular pair tit the helm
the &Mad: will Ve OUt there giAng
their beat.
•,(0/1ctinfie4 frPP.P iNge ».
Of • against Rae, speedy • Vinghara
centre, ;Iv'ho was held well ,in check,
all evening: "Toby" Greer turned
probably. the Most improved perfor-
mance of the squad, with Clark Fill-
layson, ,again • reeking. • good in the
'.FiNtivicm; 'De-
fense, Miller and. ThonaPsen.; Centre,
Fisher; Wings, Henderson. and
Cormiek; : Alternates? Jewitt, Mac,
Donald,- Greer, Beek:and...Cameren.
Lough; Defense,
'Oriiicksharik, ,Mitchell, Centre; -M,
drovei. ".;
Bateson, •Rae
RefereeTory Gregg,
v.. f's • . • .
The'Wirightini genie Was chuck ;inn
Of Speed and aetion and even had a
brief round 'Of 'fistkuffs, Which cen-
tred in ithe goal mouth, with, Clark
Finlayson and yours .truly chiefly interested •from, a •local standpoint. •
-, Clarke apparently held' his own,
while the •writer got into it and out
of it, unscathed,, Via his hands and
knees from a maze of lege.
*. *'*•.* •4.
Tory Gregg, ;the 'referee, was the
only,,,casualty,. and in' atteinpting to
Separate. the pugilists as,. well as
would be. ,peacerrialrers, somebody
"playfully" bit tr patch .of skin Of
Gregg's finger, .sci be says and in
any event had bin). hollering'for the
iodine- bottle ;•.-- . - 7.. 7
. .
The team - is faring well for feeds,
this. season:. After the Goderich.gaMe
" ,
N E..lpshell-treated the team and. in
Wingliarn W. B. 'Anderson again 'feot,.
ed, the bill for the boys'', lunch. All,
. .
of which is much, appreciated.;
• "
How Contracts. 'Are, 14;et. And Pneificnts
FiHed . ' -
By J. Deacinean," I);
•' 'North Huron •
The „following is art•
• in a .recen
radio address deliyer-ed, by MrrDeach,
man: •• . 1 •
ProMisecl, shortly after 'my
tion, that rwould speaktO; y�u fE9111
tie to'. tirn,e,.. on certain 'matters. in
connection'/ 'with 'the ,•adthinistr,ation
•of. the.mratiOn's businesS,4 have .lept
that promisetoday i.:kattAo gPeak.
to you on ho* government.conrat:s
are 'let and .how Position are filled;
It is a subject gieatLr iniSfroder-
stood: -Many, peoplep. beliey&;thiris
which are net trUe.,,CoifditiOns which
•once 01.6.‘iaiied.'do not now eicks` on
tracts are let by tender. Positrons in
the Civil Se:I:vice are won bycompe-
titive examination.. ,
.' "In, this constituency the govern-
ment, through the -pest Office De-
partment enters into contracts for
• carrying the: rural mails. These. cen-
tracts publicly advertised, are let
by tender to the, lowest bidder. :I
have:nothingte--do-with letting -these-
. . ,
Contract's. 'I caninit give:the job to
one 'mark nor withhold it from ano;
,ther. Neither can Any other Meniber
'Parlianient. If the :lowest' tender
le' not, accepted the rejection must be
"for 'cause" -and if the. Postmaster
'.General ValrieS. .his own peace , of
.mind; it inutit be,ora cause which
is'reasonabie, for these. • contracts
,may, at any time, come up for dis
'cussiion • before' the House of poin;
mona.1' . : •••'
"the Postmaster?, General .lias no'
:authority ;to set aside the :TaW nor
has the Prgne; Minister, -of • 'Canada,
' is ;Canada,
Parliament ,passed .- this' slaw, if itis
to be repealed -it must be .repealed
by Parliarnerit,.it can be° changed in
'no!..other way. . ••
• . • '
,• ...Their 'first game with 'Port Elgin
defaulted,‘, .the. • Lucknew Juveniles
motored by truck to 'Kincardine on
Tuesday night' to play a scheduled
gam4 with Kincardine Juveniles ,
It was provoking; to the manage-:
ment and lads to arrive:there to 'find
there was no gamearranged,*:" and
no 'one ab1to makthkids m ch
wiser;; why .not..
. t4At '..simPROVIED
.1.::uCknow seiniys Tattled. In. IinPro-Veti
•-77-rperformance Thuredar-Siiilit4-TO"
Take 2; Decision ,Prom Visiting
'Goderich Sailor
an inioroved. brand Of
'fioekei; Luelinolv; SepOya'Pletiied,-.a
large • crowd of fans, here last: Thurs-
day .• e;,..ening, When they•toOk•a 4 to
2 decision from thelYiSiting-Goderich
• Tho victory sent the 'keels:. into , a
third :placelio, With Goderieh,:" With'
!LiOth tennis .tight" On, the heels' of . the
grettli lendeYS.;!The...first. three teann
playoff' for-: the group championship
and the 'locals arnaiining to ,be in
'there.. • ' • - I
The game opened up slowly but
Within ,fiveminutes the,• heys • Were
travelling: at top 'speed and kept' it
throughout. Leonard 'bitieDimetd
opeeed, the .scoring in the first 'frame
when he Said( .7eWitt'a Pass. George
BOok.'made, it. number: two When he
batted in Fisher's visa Out ;.t.roirt the
the SepOys, took..a. 'three keel lead
the latter getting: the 'connter. '
. The .secorid.,peried.,4ened .with .the,
'sailors; ganging the Lucknow heiii
it looked as if the'. harassed; ..l0enis,.
might blow as the:. viSitorsran in 4 two
goals; Their' 'first ..goal was ; -gift.
'With' Miller -kickingthe .dise' a
skirmish, as he endeiiie& to lear
a rolling pueit'bitund". for the open
corner. ' Goderich's' second goal . came
a few ininutel later as Skipper Mace -
Donald' 'sank Sill :Rob,ertsOn's re
bound, '* -• •
The loChIS, Settled dot/iv:from then
on and 'before thO.peried'ended! Mee-,
Donald:• and Jewitt combine& for: the
prettiest goal of the night With 'Jew-
itt s9001R.' !
The, third Period was seateless.:with
the locals , playing careful
• Gotlerieh tossed, out fivelorwSrds for
the last five minute s and only bril-
liant • net Minding by , kept'
them Off the, score
Goderich-Goal,,'*d WOrtliY; De-
fense, Stoddart, E. Robinson; Centre;
DitWe; Wings; Scrimgeour Gus War.
thy;° Altertiates, Aril, Doak, Mac-
Donald, W5-`,1iobliison, Art,Doalc.
fense, Cariireron; 'Thompsont. Cent,'
'Jack Fisher; ' Wings, • Book and: Hen-
derson, Alternates, ".11/1apDona1d; Jew
itt, • GreerfAtiller r Solomon,
t • * * •
Itt spite of Coiniter attractions the'
gate at Thursdays' game as $62.00.
PrichtY night's genie here With Bins,
- "I kriow .that2a greet Many. People'
; • - . -
do , not this. I itrue never-
theless. From time: to thhe 'men come
tome and. want the job -.you
can fiiCit 110!" I Cannot: fix. it up.•
, "A: mail contract ',Wei\ let. in...this'
,eonstituendY.,:ifOr:".it,',. certain sum
His, friends were My friends -they
kere very anxious that he should get
it: I an not ging tefl! you b9w
much it worried my „goeli; Itwonj4.
have. been the job . me it T.
have helped' Wm, but if these
ngs were Permitted, kiVcOMS •ex-
cepOolis, *bat would; fellqw? Every
case would be an exeeption. All the
barriers Vieelds be broken down. The
whole 'idea. of legitiniate tender. for
puhlid Wortc of any.' kind would be
forgotten. Thereare13,000' mail con-
tracts of one kind and another in the
Dominion,'and if that -variation, in
.Price took place in. every contract,
it would. mean pretty close. to $2,000,-
060-741;950,000' be'exect-in add-
ed' costs for 1i:wiling. the mails. •
"Do You „want this dope?
. A .Clear. RaCar.4.
, ,•
, have been 'told.tliMe,..and time
again by strong party. men of zy'
Ovin" faith..that th'e Conservatives get
.fil, the jObs-?; even when the Liberals
are in power. In OtieWe, J have, been
told .by diniserVatives , the: •opposite
story -the Liberals get the jobs even
When':the :Conservatives arein power.
The suggestion is that there is a way
of "putting .it over". There is not. --1
have heardthis story so...'often,
. .•
pecially in 'regard to mail contriets
-t}iat ,finnllY -I -decided"te cheek over
the. records and find out The coni
:plaint came. particularly from: one
section of the constituency. All these
records are accessible to a' Member
• of Parliament, henniy astr:tO see the
official .files. From the • particular
tOwn in qUeition there are ,six inail
route. I carried- .the-'eheek-Up-back.
to .1919, the „days of Union. Govern
ifient. • During -this 'period this Ode-
StituencY; has been represented by
Jas. 13oWrnan, J: W. Kink, Gee:. Snot-.
ten and myself. All these men are
g_ene.7.,frein the scene except myself:
If had , found anything 'wrong. , in
th re o ason these:tenders' I •WO id -
have reinairiedsilent ori -this top e to-
day. 1 Wdold. haVelet-tbese men sleep
in the faith' theirfriends had in them.
I 'do 'not have to keep sheriff: There
was not. one doubtful actL.--not nne
amibtful suggestion in :that: whole:
period -not, 'one. :Every.,.,,Contract'•was
regular, Contreets, were Apt then' as
they ..are ,now•-•sc, • far at leapt. aa
'North Huron is, cohcerned a
buSineas baisI inr, glad to .,testify
werepartieultirlY anxious that it to you Cr, believe me when I say that
should. gete another mai. gis, price mistakes of . MeMbers" of Parliament
. . .
. • , ,
Was $150 more than the lowest tend- . are largely mistakes of ' judgement4
, . ,
erer. In this case,. there were. rea, they are not 'acts of crookedness.
sons why that ' man Might have ,been Members of parliament may .be eta:
choen, Re had fought a. hard .liattle pid. We may not ,know, which is right,
- . .
. ,
against physical " disabilities Yet "..hete do. Sometimes it is very difficult to
..Was.,:etipatte_zof_LeirrYing; to:do,„ 'but I ven„Wria_to_
suggest, that' there is lust as much
honesty 3Y1.juin9
we t
s there is
led calling politicians crooked. If they
are ,erooke(.1it is h'17eflection on the
people who elected them. They are,
on both sides, in m$'T humble opinion,
an' honest group of men striving
honestly te do their best', .
• No BribeITY
• "Binally mag I 'say this:. yen can -
hot .brilie.your way into :a, 'govern-
ment contract or a government posi-
tion. On contracts the job goes "to
the lowest tender -,Len piva Service
appointments -,--as '1 Shall ,presently
shoW-it goes'to the Man %cat. quali-
fied. 1 have :told you, and,if is trIto,
that I cannot help' you. Wouldn't •it
be ,feeliSh if; yeti tried.' to bribe the to
use, ray influence to get yea a; job
when I ha:Ve. just told ,you 'I Could
not help you Wouldn't 1 be scoun-
drel if I took .yebr money. No: one
needs to •Pay money to anyone:to
get a government Position. in Huron
Co. or to hold ene that he aireadY
has. Let that ,remain abrinclantle plear
to everyone. •
• Government Positions
- "Now :want to turn to another
practica11 problem. I am going to dis-
cuss a . question, which touches the
familiar :ground -70f everyday exper-
ience. 1 want .to deal With the niethod
by which appointments are made to.
Gov ninent _positions. •, • •• :
e 43,000 in the Civil ser,
the Dominion' of 'Canada. This.
t include these. who work in
• the- nadian National ;Railways;
W. 1 s--,a-governmentt.oWned7Corp--
*ration but they are "not in the ;Civil
•derviee The statement is as at. Oct.
1936, there, would not be any great
change- since•that time: Total salar-
ies and Wages in that. Month amount-.
ed to :$5,215,504:69. In addition , to
this there was paid in wages; to thos'e
who t':corne.: in thehen-enumerated
plasa;,`a triter.. of $1311,696.44 , 'This.
Was paid to 'temporary ,,emPlOYees,.
onie of Whichmight' be on only: e
fa* days,' inernhers-Of' militar?.
and :naval Services; revenue poat
Office employees, ;and ; Many '; other
similar ,classea... •now
cussing wages or numbers. from the
standpoint et. criticism. • That .could
only:be done after careful study of
the 'facts -to -day
given above the majority' come -an-
der the Civil Service COmmisSionnso
far .as appointments,: and proinotiOn
is ..cancerned:' There.: are exceptions.
VmPloYees. vroxiOng. .on .cpmmiaoons
arenot under:. the Civil ,. Service.' The'
biCanie : tax department is outside. the•
,schtiperieithetare,,...SecretarieS;:._ Min
isters,and Deputy Ministers uncle? Ile
_directionthers -pre AI' few others:
Ashte from theu. and thenon-enum*-
erated. clirsa mentioned, appointment '
is by the Civil Service Cominiriajon;
• "The, 'appointments are Made net '
by political Patronage, net, by "Or
hut by merit,- tested by exaniination„
written and oral or both. The work is
done by competent examiners of the •
Civil Service. Otimmissiori. Ina.,single
examination 'I have known the. ,
suits to range froin 13. marks, to 98
out; of ehundred. It requires 60% to .
PaeS, There is a preference for re •
turned soldierl. 0 they pasa they go
to the top of the list -no matter how .
high, the civilian candidate may rank
So far as 1 know : that its' the only
fair 'Way ,of Selecting;', Men or the
different departments. There Irialy,
other -ways bfit I do, not knew a. bet. •
, ter one. •
• '"Then' there is one other Matter' .
:which. I think ought to receive.eont
sideration. .At ,present: appointments
are made .front the immediate
tory where the position is to be fi ed. • •
-That is to •sey-4. a. postmaster i .to .
he'aPPointed the 'appoinfinent: Would
come f,rom„among thosi'Who'receiie
their mail. from ,that ,POSt• offiCe.':If
it .were a eusionis house appointment., '
it Y.i7oilq he made fromthe territory' .-
served '12.yhat particular . customs
hoose., There are .certain variations
, from that role 'Intt in Practice not
many., L ask you to cOnsider tho'ef; ;
feet of thzs It ineans that if a ,Man
•is appointed to a position in :Huron
he is, ina large mea -sure ;barred from
went that? Ihnitationn Yciiir ions or ,
daughters?' Would it not he better
to. have -e district wide: system of ap-
pointnient and promotion. • In that
easel a:. Man might enter the givvern*
went service in Winghein, cir Gederr.
ich; or • Clinton, or tueltriciiv," and by.:
a s alein,ef ioniotion, through' tier:
J. he .might
sniffler "work' In: London or, TOrOnte..:
,Why, do we insiat on Of
apyetdiimept?, To a. certain . extent
loCal' ,tippointmente, When.,,,,it. should ,
be entoUrage& by moving men from
place to piece: as they develop great'
ter capacity for Work., You to .
think Over that 'Very, carefully. The: 'I
in,en , or women of Huron: coin:Ay:era
ctpab1e'• Of ..fillinr-the; best Positions
merits and, others do the' same, we
limit and Prevent the ' accomplish -
anent ofthe things we desire,. The '
banks do not do War A -man anay
start .work in a' bank "in WinErhali
and. if he has the ,eaPaeitY ne may °
'become , general , , manager - why
.slumIcLyte.._,Iiiiiit the Civil„Service?„„
• ealser Masier'De Lime Sedan. •
• •
V2413 PAR :>14
I •
,ktit AR NS+ 4s
Styling as different as
-• it•is beautiful, for this
bigger -looking, better.
looking, IoW priced
Smooth-- powerful -
positive ... the safest
brakes for modern
motoring conditions.
'w.fh tht.chp oat slter.,
lo sate,su c0nlioriui3te,
so di f er en t. "Works
flnest ride". On Master
De luxe Models.
oqeI inlotioisinisieti
..,ofety yiass
all around. More head -
leg; and eibow-room.
r------1 i„
/CH EVROLET/ big.; Smart casr you get for the ,thotieki itati.it'inireosts----4i6,tett to .
,'. Add up thesati4gieyokie#joy,iill along the line,Av , yotrdecide: :: •
on e theyrOlet l' :Priee?...-riglitdown with the leive , and •Ati,t.t It%
ineimmunik ewero:Attitthey'll tell yoti that giteinilease runs as high as 25 and. ..,..
more to the. gallon, With never a drop of oil added between eh:tinges, Upkeep?..'.. -.`4, .
.'costs i6i.i less; because Citetolet is faniens for dependability. .. • . ''. :',' 's, : .'' "
Add Up ekeveoteei eX0higive ietitittest PettrOki: Itydkaulic &Aces! Ibiiiiteel 1
, .
,. Bodies b,. , Fisher! Safety Glass! . 84,1tOthen0 .er:ft•reliti-in:Heed, Enginet 'Itic*
Action (On Master D6 Luke Models):.!'' Visher Ne.braft Ventilation!:
It all add a up t� 'this,.:-', . That ,Chewoletle the year's ,big value ;, ,,, a the Mir tn' ate, : ,
., drive and bny.right notni.i .' . .
•.' C-06
Giving the most efficient
ombination of power,
et onomy and dependabil-
ly. Gives you thrilling
85-11.P. performance.
Eliminates drafts, smoke
windshield clouding. In-
dividually controlled. An
exclusive comfort and
safety feature.
• iiptoe-pressure
oilorrition. Wear is
?educed. No lubrication
ever required.
$ 8 2 0
• .(1c;a5 et;ger'
Master'B' non' est Coupe)
. FROM $892
Delivered at factory, Oshawa,
• Ontario. Government tax,'
feeight,antli license extra,
,(Prices subject to change with,
our notice,)Monthly payments
to suit your purse on the Gen. ,
teal Motors Instalment Plan.,