HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-20, Page 3' A 4 ino6n.moimme,‘ • LESSON1V. • • 4004, these. disciples who 'went ,thit, flINISTERINQ TO PHYSICAL, to PearCh fOr, 40;0 knew Whi! he 410 gone off to be by hfinaelt '•• Re414,.. ing that the .41Ple!la SPA,of God, who Ita,(1'..P4Wer ,te_, heat .011 .414eitsee, '.fiee..ded:*•itirer. so,,keenly:Jhat,..'ha had to..•.rAse! e4r1Y- in the Morn tilt% ''for It, they 6140314 .j PIPPIsOlvi.30 ;11.4Ve,gone ,oat. to ,be• *Ione' With .God es ',their 'Mister was that :fiferning...- •,,Illiiteati:•lot thek.,Were bnrdetled. with the. linmedlateAemandii of' a ;great multitude, and:, they „dld **hat 80 many -Christian workers do, 40t .04 • work qiefore,•praier,'. • ' 38. 'And be, Saith unto, them;,' Let': us go' elsewhere into the• next towns. that I may-preach:there also; for to • this mid 'eanie'f forth," • By .the 'phrase -"cameriorth"....k6.belleve that Christ ; , . . . refers .definitely to hid coming from the' rather. Therein" vir.0 ilficoVer the. strength Of his purpose. The strength 'of 'Ills, service, ley in • the :complete ' abandonment of the :Servant to .'the , One Who .coninuandett 110 moved, ev- erywhere .With the dignity:of the auth- ority .under which he served. :He: was , in"tbe 'world , for •a,•purpose. ,In this sentence- is the kek-n,ot.e. of ''hiS o9n4- donee., the, secret 'of his strength, the• , of the ,:poiVer that Made him the prevailing Servant. . of Ced.,- 39. ','And he' Went- IMO their sYna- gognes:threughput all Oalilee,..:preach- log and:casting out demons " ' _ • • • ' ' 40. ' .',‘And. 'there • cometh ',.to him a .-„,..:„la-the:Chr-ist-of...the-lionse,440f-Simon7-1-ear:"-TL-efiFEISV was ,i'e-gir:ded. • 'OS the most leathsome,, and terrible of dis- eases. .It existed In..variotliv forma, but its invariable feature wad. its foul uncleanness. . The 'leper , an ..outlz, . east. :"kiese.eching. lilrn,, and . kneel-, Arm down to him, and saying unto, * '4 NEEDS • „..„ , , . • 04t1,k, , ' Golden - l'eXtfLntsli he; heated : TAnt `that were'riicr.F...77,Mark• ,Tlla %LESSON IN ITS skTTING. • Place -The •e*.etits:.reeerded, 'in the • ',greater,. ,Par.i ot the lesson, tbrOugh.. '<verse. ,33, nocurred iri,CapertiAiri.,The, -preftehizig:tonr,: and the boating, Of.the.. leper, took place 111 Galllee,'though • Where yeare .not definitely told.' • . , The?mira'cles':Of healing :Which fithk%.‘• ...PlaCe, on thI particular clay In Oap, • :Ortianin are recorded alsci-by Matthew 1447),, and lAihe •straightway, ..when they wore • come out of the .•sroagogue;'.!•. .,Thia is still :the Setae Sabbath day during witieli :Mark tells ,us, in., the:4 preceding: :paragraph that, Jeans . had • taught with, 2 Such astonlithing .power In , the .Cepernaum synagogue and had- ., deliVered•one possessed by an 'unclean spirit. Undoubtedly ,:the: Whole: .clty was , commotion- that day' because .0; what had takenplaceIn this house . worship, and cciitafhJy In .every.• liotne that noen ,,tbe. one subject, et .converSation.Wns Julia of Nazareth, , hie teach'ing,an'd his. rnfradies.. `"They .eathe into •tlie'.„ bense,"..,„Teens 'went With thein. He had •come.i0 teach mei the •way troth the aynageghe. to • the:, :house, The. of the synagogue • and,•Aindrew,- 'with : James' and John::' house 'belonged: to glinon •Peter,• . as •Matthew „and Luke. tell' its, though • ,possihlY also was .1.1ving there. jainoi and johif :were:simply invited •te.'the .home that ditY,' .peter had.:net yL given :Up 'his home on :the Sea given, hp: his ,fl.shing,:husiness. •. • ,• :• • 'Th'e,-.Toiiriti of Hi Hand • "NeW giinori'liwite'd. mother:" the ;0111.Y.1.:apostleyrhpm tlie• NeW ''Teataiherit defliiitely'...atatei to . have 'been-niarried. :•"1.4ay, :sick . fever". Fevers - are :common •to the, and: they would he especially distressing bi suck ' •het clirnate as „ 'Prevails' around the :tea of :Galilee, .W,hiehts five 'hundred feet:. below the • level • of ,the sea.' '4And.''straightWaY,• , 'they, tell. him of her." lii.:Lenslit had symp..ithet*ly Suggeete-d... that* • '; :lkcly When. Jesus came Into 'th lyitise. and did not see the • woman, Ile asked wbere, she was, ahtl ;then ,ii;yaro :.of her,- allinent.f.' She. was no „ , . . . ...doubt .cenflned: 'in an Inner.'apartment, .• , With :Jeans,' • the • greatest • 'man that . . ever lived; it was so easy :to confide . . :anything and. everything. • . . , • 41. "And'being.nioved-,-with-com- passion Of the three' words trans- lated IV- "being Compaesionate". this. . Is: the .strengeet.:' for it Means not onlY-.: : a pained.- feeling at sight' of suffering; :hat, inaddition; a 'strong. 'desire to re, I 'eve. or to reinove the ',suffering:He stretched forth his hand, and, touched and ...saith unto h110 1 'Wilt; ',be thew Made clean "fl ,so' touching- -theuntOtichable bave" a •sign. of , • . • . : fearlessness:.• there was no appendix : of diseased,salled-tepelessAnChristls- Bat .,Of :ailments.; Wel have also. the sigh' of: friendlinedS., the. lAper . was a:. sort of hinaran islandwashed by lone- Iy seas: whIch no trieficilytnariner ever . . 42. "And straightway •the leprosy •.',deParted frohi bird, and lie was: !nada clean.", The ono-thing..that . the "man , 31. ."And:he:-Cetne:and IOolc her 113p necded: ,niostws the one thing.l:. the , the.. hand." Have you ever ' ninde a waiited most,and It '18". •exactly .:careftli .study • Or. the 'hands' of Jesus. thlilg that ..19SU8 i41i4 of all they-dld, and, fluialIy, 'of 'tlieir .cleansing .. from. .his...foul disease, So piereingon. the cross, and the befiedie;-..'.m4RY" ' conse- :Alen which theY,'SYmbOliied..ad ' theY queneed ot. sin and Of disobedience to . ;were. uplifted • that day when he God 'want:the .cohsequences" reinoved,- , ended intoglorY1 Thc hand of Jeans suck.ait.,,"pevertY; , Suffering, social . :wad as warni as ;,;6ite Could' make 1988 of POOloni.•'bot dotXot It was thrilling wIth,tenderness and a'.*' C04 to remove the love fei'elno Vibrating with compassion. The touch - d° 'the as1( ' 41111'. rm./ cleansing upon and forgiveness. No min. 'uncle' ' .0Poo the fevered : Nita' Ot that : OldanIn : , woman An Citpertithria' was. iia.;:a Edii.c0°.13r caine 1(1 the 'Lord densatiOn7'.intri• One' tiet 'Of . the -Very,: Jesus for cleansing but he , r'eceiiett ' „ principle of.::the incarnation .anirtif the. irnmeAtatelY.... ••• ' Wh.ole, Power ..WhiCh Cbrlst exercises 43.,0.4.4d, bo strictly 'Charged, him,, , .upon a fevered •and sick•World.. "And ;and straightway' Sent hitiv, °ht., 44: and • raised her: up:, . and the te*et left her.4,.. saith, 'unto. him, See .thou say nothIg • The reVera. Or The Soul to .ahy Mari; but go she.* thyself to Is not,. illegitiniatek to allow, our . 'the priest!' and 'offer :for thy cleanaing rninds,,•tdpass citeid,,the •reveis; of the •,, the things •;,,Whicti Moses commanded, body to . the 'pdirera 'of 'the abut: In, • '*.4tinic-413' • unto Ixisms • deed; that is one or...the' atitherfied ard01....004.Man 10 °aril. out,.111•• viraYs wlion wo seek to interpret tlie dne forth the Cereinonial, requirements • • nliraolbs,..:Of the :Lord.. The 0..i/101.1i's • ••1110.,.htilgg. MOSOS' aollitlitided,;.' and • th(raelea ..are :the .outer and 'visible. tlitio...ta• We. typee ,Of-ifiner and greater . 'wonders. Stated ag', clean of leprosy.. jetnia, has •Thcy are. clone 111 the, body An, -order . :not come to detrei, but t� fulflli;. the ;le* and the,- 'Prophets Matt. 5,:17);:. that • we-, may biter the deeper-,eintin-':.' • eionttoos:„..4.•tbe , • • , • • and by orders to. the leper; he ,hati -6,iien; wlfen the sun -..healedsfulfills-,the4aiv-Of---MOsati- In -the- ' set; ..they f broughtUntb himall that: .,P1*-P8ent .16ase!'Thl helps to oxplaln• them that:..were poss- essed with,Oetnenk?' 33. .."And 'all the: . . . city was gathered together ." at , the . "And he healed Maily ,that • ::Were sick with •illyera diseases,':and east out many dempna: and • ,tored net the demons to Spot*, be-' .' " Canfini they •knew• "The a1 I tr "• laws oi the JeWfili,:.'Sabbath ,gave a : 'fi,jw.liours of reit. to. all, but. tho hlast , Of :the jrunthet 'Which iiiineuneed: its : close' was the ...arghal 'ter 4.• renewal of: the i &bider :neW. In- creased .by tIie rnmor nf a•,,Sepoild Miracle; hadThty SiOti• Wfth whatever broughttheni, to iliej great Realer, the., wh,ote :town : WaS In thetion, otowded before the. house. '• • ' • • 45; "And . im the morning,' 8,.1 great While before day, • he roe rose and went . out, and departed into a desert..place, • and there prayed.''- In the preSentin-,,, , statiee, as•the context indicates, it was - Jesus' ••reSoiVo. pretieli, the` gettriel tVnngdoin. all :through :because lie was Min.!. RIs prayeed- Were, etniffinitiitind' With ...hi§ 'tether. • ' Shith.nniid 'they:that were f011OWed atter:, The Word hereAratidiated "tollOWed. after°, • moans, Iltei'a)ly, 'to hunt down," and, lightedthe idea of ,fiard, 'perilatent ' : Work. of:.tireaal,ilni • -37, 4Ant1they Viand ith eh,tgar • unto hint, All are , 0004 'thee NO Society Memel' Girl Off on World Cruise • • Bake,r and her mother, Mrs. Margaret Emerson, are visited in, their state room aboard the Franconia by George , Vanderbilt Mrs EmersOn'it spiv as the couple sail kiln New York on a cru se , • • rm Conducted by • PROFESSOR HENRY C BELL with the co-operation of the various detiartments ,o Ontario Agricultural College `411slosnsiessmismem crOam. to a local 2.,--Q.---"The butter from my last 'creamery :and am..unable to -under, two churnings has a 'very, strong, bit stand why' the test varies from time ter flaVaiir. I have never, had this to time , On the list statement which trov!bielielbre• and My 61.19tOnlerS are- .coMplaining. • I take'every precaution to heye,everythink clean and:the cows.. RAMO ilEADLINFAS • OF 'THE WEEK.:: I3Y FRANK DENNIS .4.:new-fifteen4ninute, 'radio pro- gram, called "Hollywood 'Spotlight Revi0g-presents an •all-star I ravjew„ feitAring such favorite Hollywood eh: tertainers as Phil: Harris,and .11d or-. ' Chestra; •Bob -Burns, the. Arkansas, traVeller ; Larry •.Barke,, Holly- wood 'troubadour; arid a . different _ghost: star every broadcast. It tot* • the.air over stations CFR% Toronto; •CFPI.4 .Lochclen :CFCH, North Pay; -CKPB,,.1`iiniiiris; and d.JKL,,Kirkland Lake; eveiap Tuesday :Wednesday frorn 1.46 to 8 p.m., corn- hiencing Monday„ .January "Hour of Charm". Phil. Spitalny, and his popular „ all - girl orchestra featured on the "Hour of Charm" progtam over an N13C net - Work including' CBL, Toronto, and CBM. Montreal, are now heard 'every Kon-da-YTti-glit- at 10 :39 11117Spilfaliirr: and 'his • orehestra'• are illustrated above, while the inset shows Miss Ar- lene Francis, dramatic 'starof radio and sta!gei Who is Mistress of Cere- 'Monies • on the J.`./lour of Charm2i- ••• received; 'the ,test was 32 . Per . cent, while •the test, on 'the, previous: ship- ment was 35 Per cent: ',My cows are ,are •fed mixed -hay., oprri,Silige, recite on the same 'f eed:and.I do the .seParft, and, Oat, chop."--.R.T:i York co., tion ' myself so that the separator : is . •• A.:7, --Bitter and rancid flay** in ..turned at the sgine..speed. each time., butter are, quite •comrifoh.,at 'thikeett- t-herbe-41iis-41-ifferette • c in tests. .J.S.-Oxford that :one ,or,:more of the cows . in. yOur • „I' is to be •,expected that 'the, lide,cr are advanced in.'their; lactation per,.,cent • of. fat. In crcan will vary ..period and producing inilk which con - with each shipment :and With, different ' tains ahnormallyjarge,amonntsni,an.:' separations. A nithaber, of factors enzynia .known as lipase.... Theobjec-- 'May influence the:test' and. it is .,qtiite, tionable. flavour is not noticed on the inipossible to, control • ,therrf.! cent-. fresh and cream,: but if it is held pietely.' Teets, Made at the Dahl. De- for a -day or tA'r.a itbecornes.VOti-no- Partimerit; ,G.A...C•t; :show.. that slight : The cows causing the triCu7 !:differenCes• in theteinperature7 of •Ihe ble maY he dOfectedby holding', a' Milk, :the 'anhitipt of Orr,skini- Carapje of milk from each. cow for.'46 Milk used gush the sepaiator,`• var: • hours and:then examine the •samples. • iationS.,in the amount :of Milk .in ..the . Cows. producing' ,defective rnilk --supplY--cani-the-sp.epd7tit-'#hitif'th-d7-, 7-sli-etild-treitile-d-Ziff::".711OW-•, if mr Separator bowl- driven, and the per cows in question are producing :Well -Cain(' of fat in the milk, .will;a11 haie. and It IS not 'desirable to • dry them, .an.,influence on the test of the cream. the Cream ihornediately after -separ7 Too. ,:mophaSid: should' not keatihg inay.;be heated to 4.45 ..pleced upon the variations in the per. and , for a -chUrning.- Cent' of 'fat in the preen). The iniport7. tenriiing -inactivates the erizynie, thus .ant point is is the .pounds of 'fat :paid the development of • the f.flayenris for . Many tiines 'When' the test is up, . :checked! - • ,--the-.,weight,Ptoream-As..--down.4FLvice.--- veraa„ ..• : • '; •the...linat phrase, "tor --a: -.testimony, for' them." • . • , • 'But ' her/.:Went''.oht,. and begh•n•'... :te•••Publiski It' much and to spread abroad- ,the tnatter,;••• Ihaeinucb a, that:: :Jesea, Couid 00 more enter 10 to a 'city, but. wak.,Without in desert 'plaes and they caMeto:, him from eVerY quarier.".::ThiS., Verso •explains 7 tke.,.etifaage.,mearitog. of :Testis in • the preceding verse., In definitely: forbid - :ding the. boated , leper to tell others., :What had happened to7hint.,• Lord enjoins,silenea .becaude..,he dld not,.: as yet, wish' to dra*,.,on hlmself 'the public attentlem, when owle.!!. halo:, been Prepared to:, reeeii,e...hiln, 'then,- but not 'before, he • would eithrt • 'the piiblieity'fronr•Whieh,' as aet,...he ' shran• " ,lC . ` ' ' :• , -Dairy 'Department, <0./A. Canadian Poultry, Haa Bumper Year OTTAWA.- -More Canadian dress- ed . poultry was exported in 1937. than , , in 803' other year,the department of agriculture reported _with figures -•whiCh showed cont.' rise •Pver those of 193(. • 'Exports in the y ar"just 'ended to- talled ' 88,996 boxes, ephipared with .49,452. Weight ,of the .1931 , ship- ment was -more than 2;678 tone, • • There Was alio a record export movement movement .Of live poultry from Can7 • ade 'to 'the Uiiited 'States in 1007, In - the first. 11 months of..the Am- erican buyers took 1,157,768 live „. chickens. and. .fowl, compared With ;. Thera are.' ' about : 0,069 different .344,937 birds : in 1930 and•• 35.'547 languages In the world. • birds in 1,.935. The IncreaSe. in '1,93.77 over .I936 , and 1:935 ::represents 8.12;7„ ' granite Is a fine,formed. reck:.which 1.831 and 1,12421 birds or 235.65 .has- been exposed to-greatiteat--indpercent. and 3,157,01 :per -terit; res- pressuro, • peetikrely., • , • College Stddent Awarded Hit Trophy in Pinehurst Golf Title . • i , • ' lett. Yetlnii..0.01ege•littliletit, „.tte6eptd•the,Atistiptite.itt theinid.winter.:golf.falierripionihip' at 4 irt.el.titsb, • • •• . .Guy",•Pietai as them,uflder u Maptes dOWil•eii;.1tirlOW In tho flna1r'" • ....J. ••;<, •• ' • •• • ".Cata", the term .'deieribing p101 who folio*, tEe awing style of popular music, will c,erta:nly enjoY lis- tening 'to the guest band'on the pro - Jap fiknne Minister , Admiral /4obuiria.sa Suetsugu has 3C9'11,appointed to 'succeed Dr, :Eli*, Baba as the Home iriiatelfterrJaPan „ graM '"Styled Music'," heard every Sunday froth Over C.4 The regular hard on t4e. pro- gram is that ' of. Eddie Daphin,. and the guest band' selected by the re- quests 'Sent in. if. you. Want to heir your favourite ,setchestra, just drop. a note to 'Styled Music," Music,!! care of cic.C.L, and we: understand the boys Will be.onli too glad to play all, re- ' • .' Amhteur Auditions •• ,Another new 'show. started; last Friday, 'featuring amateur' and seini4, profess'onal talent, over CFRB. The sponsors are asking for 'applications for auditions to appear On' this pro.: gram; Each act chosen Will receive regular professiblial feed for the en7 gageAnent. We understand that regu- las% vaudeville tirnits will be formed, • _and_wilLbe.,...sent7....on.. a coast-to-coast 'Circnit lack! Murray, producer of the show, infortris us that -air ;who -wish auditioni• will be giver' them, the age limit, starting at fifteen.pears.. Of course, .there,wilibe One. or Vary exceptional. circumstances :Where. the age Will be., leas,but from What we have 'seen' of" the program, they would' have haVe exceptional indeed. • The prograni is heard over . , CFRB from 8:30. to,9....00. .It. give S :e's pleasure/ indeed to' say u few good words fpr Bob Eestan, who tides the "Early Bird?. program every, morning 'from 7:45. to 8:45, ,Over, CK CL., Gags cialore•atkaInusic that Will, 'reallrn*akaYou'illfia.04 have you on the tips of your ;toes by 'the, time you/ reach your place of Work, ':ia,the 'sort Of business : that toilleSout„-during . the program. It :realty was quite' surprising to iit„tv• learn that a Catut4 .dian announcer can de. Such. 'It yeti bare any •Munbers you . would like to request,. and we 'don't Mean "Asleep .in'' the Deep," 'just send them along to RoV, and testi-all 'be limit b499Y' rplay 'them. • • Stars of the Metropolitan Opera: Company of et !New York will be heard, over the Canadian netork.bar Satur- day, (Tannery 22nd, from 2:60 te p.m. as an NBC -CBC internati- onal exohange feature. The :perfOrni- era will be presented en their.'reg'ular Baturday'aftetnoon.:P4forniance di - red from the stage • .of the fainous'. 70pera House.„ ' Arturo ' 'I'oscaninf and his NBC Symphony Orchestra Will be a:feature presentatioch .on Saturday, January 22nil, 'from 10.30 to '11.30 P.M.,. The 91 -piece ‘: orchestra will play " the: works Or `outstanding compci3crei 'on • 0 4 • . ., , • ., .• "our ...Bitthdav . - '.. Pt • By A.' R. *ilk.. )4 • 0 ,04 A 7.ruSive,-fiiithful and patient.' :yen er.e, Of .a.serions turn of :mind 1. you• It ,•(..,),:i ....,),...e •a listed101.,aaboire yoll wer , , 0 _ .' 2 sign,Lof the Zodiac Aquarius,•Whith..le-This gives •you a,nature iiii.,"b•:,:-X 04 's If the irate 'of - your. birth is, ,0 born in he . 0 44 • • WH*T. Ttilt SrlitS ' kiREtti.L. FOR THOSE BORN ON ' • ' JANUARY 216_ 22 "23 24, 26, 26 end 27 '... : ' *,.** . . ' •' • .4 * V ' 04 °•4 0 4 ' • • :tai've:i.ld mheuierihg,hsttopi:Pi:call'iak: evr3'... 61!`e 'and' precautic...11,„":'$ear. and -‘4' ' '.. WN BIRTH DATE: . . 'Ott and the ,refinerLandintelieatnal-elderof-Jlif.e7II-gr.eatly•--. a.7:e.,.a...to-- yo.7,,.:.,§,.. ' ' . . ' . ' have 6 JANUARY 21-Youa‘ . . n‘ if steadfastfriend.:friend, • :',,i3a careful to $.? X JAN'T;TARY. 22, --,you.. great 'liking K you;Will be ..successful even though.the year is not withti'ot-i. ta 'clifficul-t shown inlove. _ „...,. , fOr solitude,.., , . s ... - . ,. , , •.,,, : Beware' lest,' X 6 thisdeS:re Should make you' untheughful, and at -, trines ;.eltisn .,. w,vv,e i 4 ,,.,v,,V trflollrySt:!ogriVseohitlalpprriiante:e,s,s‘,;te.; i:eap'.,1•.i..,a.p.p,i...n.i,ets.s.e,t..1.1:6:Ata.siu;ien:::::Ocrxn.it.ii:ltowoo,ini:t,u,r.:,..,,,.:. 16. greatly help You fihane.ally. though the. pear is not. eii. tire2ly .s,a`..yiaf:ac.,.!. , $42, ,.TA. NI?...Attlir...3...,:y6ii 'AVevhottat.4%;111..yde.ali,y.ist:,,titrDbet:esililop,e8thaisff.'abieth4t to the 0 0.4 44119S: of your .abil:ty. ' give pleasure.: An inniertant.-change, is ,indi- ,.cated as the result Of genie •iinpPrtant in your . ,'"?:,•:•.‘ .' indicatedjAi"vAil11iYuin'6'di.2::".•Tht af'ilt.ou,fri:11.ni.I Y4',, gditt4'..' ..(41: °sill. Tb...srh,t (:)i.ti°'11111:: Isiteai::::.:4,i1. t'4, i tla:: til. hue.11:1111:d il' aarers,: ;!: ,. 6. much -as possibl.e.. d A ..c,oiwisiiidierahi ii4r6yOrlent is shown in kon., . ,.., 'financial pesition, eh you., ,. gaifi,,,8 the.'„ii:..sti.11ei..k)r!i,.e,:hp.v.: w.e.k.„:5. . , J.i.i4t1Aiif 2,---' 00 do :iii•A•ti8iie wealtkaheirohots, although you re A ". „ d • d st ' Wens %worker, tlYeq ho.tild.. experience i eat, developn*t_ A '.o'..4.. 111' your prob bly,:aii increase iii CalarY or promotion. A, jtj. The Outlook is not So br,ght 'socially .though we should net. ekpect to x . 4tn The everything and take everything With a philosophical attitude...,. JANUARY 26 -It is not likely, thee Yo,n.:Will, litarry • early .in life iaN 'though much happitmss is in Store' for:thesein love and horn .ori..,,,tlgs.e4, L•4 date,' •Vinandially you fi .. Will. lat't Set the 'world On fire this year ,. but • `• .th .k. should be 'aaloW, steady iniprovdment and all ,is Afavorahle sect,: •AVi• ' IANi•LI:AIIIr 27!..--$1i'eCe. sa Iii:il tette tO.:'Yatt,Ohlir,throligit YOWL'. Otyn ,e17. A . .6' .,,ftirttde. het •spareeffort, onlyiridustry willbring you., your heart's 0 y desire, Your' br.gliteat ,outlook this year 011(3' be :Within , the social• X :.:' totlibeirtei6.iu/ y.,Otir firianc.ial AdV„,tx,beement• depeit,da eiitirely Upon . .F,0,111* 15t1 ' g ;:x ' ;On birth claie is mit'v:Iiited:abOVe and yod *Mild:like a lieroscOPe X .•• ;_..... • fdit any ,bietii'd00 iti the Y0a4 or ,if you would like a demplete?DeriiOna,1 0 horoscope for :any 'date. Iffited.aboVe,,sehd 10c to A. 4: Weir,"11 Adelaide 'N . :6 St, W,,, TOrbtitd.• ;Please print your yout .hamii, address and birth dute,o14,thly,l,k, , t.i..xe.i.:.:01.1.010.I.1.14:44:40:ttotAt.x4c.x..1.1.14t.kotfx:ork.:*,:k.z.t.x.1014,41 ... , • . . A W • 04 AA411 r •test'Method oid $toragp:. • , • Poultry' May Be.. 11101 •Leu f..9154: 1,71Ad_er',Ne, Exporterstiermfitv A new.riiettot tend.litig!,P0Otry In cold ,storage, likely to be or. great - value. to Canadian ':eXporterd, was •..prOven at . the National ' Research . Cfnineli Ithildin.k. In 0it4. :a When, 4' „•bn.x: 'sof frozen ebieltens we' taken. theTilpt.t7fieve yUleaef7119rs•ibtlY, 121'firej;).rii)lieil., 96vcielc,r eliininaths tlie :pock. inSrXs .or er • J4.urns"'. which, 'Ordinarily • appear' • after - -.4. .few "weeks'ef,.Storao''e reduc:, • irt7 betause,ot the ' .dpotty 'appearance:. . • ' , Eliminates' Spotty ',Appearance . Refore the's°, latestiga.tiOrig, various theories were advanced for the spate, front hacterla:,to Cheteleal 'reaction,. , This series. Of studies tiffany revealed the cause as.'iirface loss at moisture • 1. daring storage, freeZers being dry b reason of the cenderiaatititi• -of `molithre on. the 'freezing COASi. SOdiet1 ln .Wax Paper . Several methods of pf surfacing the birds, to keep their. Moisture, in: were • • ,possihle,•by• oiling or glazing..7with• ice. I3oth methods, however, had, • dised--, vantages in retailing.•-, After months of tests, a wax paper lining. in 'the packing box Was '.. cenipletelY :with - successful .. .fesult. The birds Came' out of. their .:4 -month. 'freezing' ry*.;liout a:Spot and their color- Scarce- ly darlieried. , • , • Major-General A. G., McNaugh- ton, 7'•We'.eldelit7 Or flit: .fre-s-ear.e.TI:ba-un::- sUggeated•:-tbis, developiricht would • . assist poultry:Taiserein all .parts ot ti Country.' ed With er-etir "Dget Let Girls -,Think You're .Helpless,-HAdvlses 'James Ste- wart ; Cineinadtof. 11 you are a bachelor i and, want to stay that way,' take :4 few tips frem one or 'tellywood'a most eligible bach- 114 Is jellied Stewart; who _admitted, totTit set of ten ..requireriimiti-for Sin gle -Wessel:these.. Ile occupies a swank: • apartment With tWO-scheoirnatee, John Swope and Joshua Logan.. .•"All.,the married."inen• I knoW, have . Certain riles ;for happiness in the re, .lationship;" Stewart sald 'I don t know .anything,'about that, but I ',can put down some Pretty work•able., rem,' tenons for'. hachelOri.":. •:, , -Here-theYLare , 3.." -Learn. to take care of yourself. to cook, and even to BeW on buttons, Then you Won't annear.heipleas„iikt.he 'eYes of well manii femaie A helpleas men is sunk. A Bralie'•On ,FlatterY 2-Don'ti pay careless compliments to giris Make them, sound careless, 7 • but think.them•Mit ahead...a time.put a brake" on flattery and you're. not apt ' to skid: into matrimon);,, , • : ; 3.-- It',8 .better to aimed' ' quarters.; • with another hach,elor. or two. Then no girl eau' feel sorry for 'Yon because 'yott..,art lonely; : • , 477:CiiltiVate 'a-hebhY., 1 theee'avis.7•-' tion. and photography. :They. aiWaYa . provide • good ..subjects , for tonveiaa, :lion' and they're safe. ' ..".• , , '0,--,-#emetnber. that 41 ''.you're . seen twice -With one girt (especially in •' lyWeed)..:they say It's .kou ,reora ,With' ether Sadie-. lore,. don't get sore if. ' u finit•tive ti'.4)&p 111 you.r. bed.• ‘:'•• •Asserthi . 7 -When you dine. out -With choose only 'the Meat'. difficult. dishes, neVer dere ' Say that her. book,. • Ing is'better. " • 8-11 y,on''re Wita-a girl ;who. daheett • . „ , Veree. thejeOhniane . if 'she"s the Waltz.- ingsort..,, (One must he assertive.) 97-WV'S sinart to be gentle, blit Shea yoin, great necessity for free- dom. . Blaine it. ph , YoUraeleand sigh, .. as though you .you :regret it. wait until you 'meet that 'cep.' taiii gtrl itn.d then, drop all '•pr,etenain •••' If, she .doesn't •understand, the Isn't -the ene.,. There'll' be enbilier .One along . . , . soon.", • • • • b Humor Cilled Chinei, Weapon A '.serise • of humor ' PphilosephiCal • attitude greatest weapons . fightst Japan 'in their 'present Legzio. schwtirtirfltitigar!,an. .• ar- tist . living in San Francisco, tufa: week, • On a WOrldtput in seareli. of hu- mor bobk., -Schwartz said his hinter 'map Ot the world s divided into twesectiehaperginfa Whelitukli at, others, and • persons 'Whit); '-tantiot laugh at themselves. "The. 'Japanese 'cannot !thigh ; at • tlietilspiVeS," Ile Said.:"The Chinaman . ean. The :Chinese tiro a peadefill. paPple. Where:people' have eultivat. ed great art from itittetlilie; as baVa the. Chinese., you wilt fnd huinor". Schwartz :said, there is no real filor in. ethifitries• with •dictators he. cense.' "obsossjon kilis tho, Sento. • of tinnier. That's .'whSi ,dictators never liate•hilieoK". • t" ,a".•