HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-20, Page 3'
LESSON1V. • • 4004, these. disciples who 'went ,thit,
flINISTERINQ TO PHYSICAL, to PearCh fOr, 40;0 knew Whi! he 410
gone off to be by hfinaelt '•• Re414,..
ing that the .41Ple!la SPA,of God,
who Ita,(1'..P4Wer ,te_, heat .011 .414eitsee,
'.fiee..ded:*•itirer. so,,keenly:Jhat,..'ha had
to..•.rAse! e4r1Y- in the Morn
tilt% ''for It, they 6140314 .j PIPPIsOlvi.30
;11.4Ve,gone ,oat. to ,be• *Ione' With .God
es ',their 'Mister was that :fiferning...-
•,,Illiiteati:•lot thek.,Were bnrdetled.
with the. linmedlateAemandii of' a
;great multitude, and:, they „dld **hat
80 many -Christian workers do, 40t
.04 • work qiefore,•praier,'. • '
38. 'And be, Saith unto, them;,' Let':
us go' elsewhere into the• next towns.
that I may-preach:there also; for to
• this mid 'eanie'f forth," • By .the 'phrase
-"cameriorth"....k6.belleve that Christ ;
, . . .
refers .definitely to hid coming from
the' rather. Therein" vir.0 ilficoVer the.
strength Of his purpose. The strength
'of 'Ills, service, ley in • the :complete
abandonment of the :Servant to .'the ,
One Who .coninuandett 110 moved, ev-
erywhere .With the dignity:of the auth-
ority .under which he served. :He: was ,
in"tbe 'world , for •a,•purpose. ,In this
sentence- is the kek-n,ot.e. of ''hiS o9n4-
donee., the, secret 'of his strength, the• ,
of the ,:poiVer that Made him
the prevailing Servant. . of Ced.,-
','And he' Went- IMO their sYna-
gognes:threughput all Oalilee,..:preach-
log and:casting out demons " '
_ • •
• ' ' 40. ' .',‘And. 'there • cometh ',.to him a
.-„,..:„la-the:Chr-ist-of...the-lionse,440f-Simon7-1-ear:"-TL-efiFEISV was ,i'e-gir:ded. • 'OS the
most leathsome,, and terrible of dis-
eases. .It existed In..variotliv forma,
but its invariable feature wad. its foul
uncleanness. . The 'leper , an ..outlz,
. east. :"kiese.eching. lilrn,, and . kneel-,
Arm down to him, and saying unto,
'4 NEEDS •
„..„ , ,
. •
04t1,k, ,
' Golden - l'eXtfLntsli he; heated : TAnt
`that were'riicr.F...77,Mark•
Place -The •e*.etits:.reeerded, 'in the
• ',greater,. ,Par.i ot the lesson, tbrOugh..
'<verse. ,33, nocurred iri,CapertiAiri.,The,
-preftehizig:tonr,: and the boating, Of.the..
leper, took place 111 Galllee,'though
• Where yeare .not definitely told.' • . ,
The?mira'cles':Of healing :Which fithk%.‘•
...PlaCe, on thI particular clay In Oap,
• :Ortianin are recorded alsci-by Matthew
1447),, and lAihe
•straightway, ..when they
wore • come out of the .•sroagogue;'.!•.
.,Thia is still :the Setae Sabbath day
during witieli :Mark tells ,us, in., the:4
preceding: :paragraph that, Jeans . had
• taught with, 2 Such astonlithing .power
In , the .Cepernaum synagogue and had-
., deliVered•one possessed by an 'unclean
spirit. Undoubtedly ,:the: Whole: .clty
was , commotion- that day' because
.0; what had takenplaceIn this house .
worship, and cciitafhJy In .every.•
liotne that noen ,,tbe. one subject, et
.converSation.Wns Julia of Nazareth,
, hie teach'ing,an'd his. rnfradies.. `"They
.eathe into •tlie'.„ bense,"..,„Teens 'went
With thein. He had •come.i0 teach mei
the •way troth the aynageghe. to • the:,
:house, The. of the synagogue
• and,•Aindrew,- 'with : James' and John::'
house 'belonged: to glinon •Peter,•
. as •Matthew „and Luke. tell' its, though
• ,possihlY also was .1.1ving there.
jainoi and johif :were:simply invited
•te.'the .home that ditY,' .peter had.:net
yL given :Up 'his home on :the Sea
given, hp: his ,fl.shing,:husiness. •.
• ,• :• • 'Th'e,-.Toiiriti of Hi Hand •
"NeW giinori'liwite'd. mother:"
the ;0111.Y.1.:apostleyrhpm tlie•
NeW ''Teataiherit defliiitely'...atatei to
. have 'been-niarried. :•"1.4ay, :sick
. fever". Fevers - are :common •to the,
and: they would he especially
distressing bi suck ' •het clirnate as
„ 'Prevails' around the :tea of :Galilee,
.W,hiehts five 'hundred feet:. below the
• level • of ,the sea.' '4And.''straightWaY,•
, 'they, tell. him of her." lii.:Lenslit had
symp..ithet*ly Suggeete-d... that*
• '; :lkcly When. Jesus came Into
'th lyitise. and did not see the • woman,
Ile asked wbere, she was, ahtl ;then
,ii;yaro :.of her,- allinent.f.' She. was no
„ , . . .
...doubt .cenflned: 'in an Inner.'apartment, .•
, With :Jeans,' • the • greatest • 'man that
. .
ever lived; it was so easy :to confide
. .
:anything and. everything. • .
. , • 41. "And'being.nioved-,-with-com-
passion Of
the three' words trans-
lated IV- "being Compaesionate". this.
. Is: the .strengeet.:' for it Means not onlY-.:
: a pained.- feeling at sight' of suffering;
:hat, inaddition; a 'strong. 'desire to re,
I 'eve. or to reinove the ',suffering:He
stretched forth his hand, and, touched
and ...saith unto h110 1 'Wilt; ',be
thew Made clean "fl ,so' touching-
-theuntOtichable bave" a •sign. of
, • . • .
: fearlessness:.• there was no appendix
: of diseased,salled-tepelessAnChristls-
Bat .,Of :ailments.; Wel have also. the
sigh' of: friendlinedS., the. lAper . was a:.
sort of hinaran islandwashed by lone-
Iy seas: whIch no trieficilytnariner ever
. .
42. "And straightway •the leprosy
•.',deParted frohi bird, and lie was: !nada
clean.", The ono-thing..that . the "man ,
31. ."And:he:-Cetne:and IOolc her 113p necded:
,niostws the one thing.l:.
, the.. hand." Have you ever ' ninde a waiited most,and It '18". •exactly
.:careftli .study • Or. the 'hands' of Jesus. thlilg that ..19SU8 i41i4
of all they-dld, and, fluialIy, 'of 'tlieir .cleansing .. from. .his...foul disease, So
piereingon. the cross, and the befiedie;-..'.m4RY" '
:Alen which theY,'SYmbOliied..ad ' theY queneed ot. sin and Of disobedience to
. ;were. uplifted • that day when he God 'want:the .cohsequences" reinoved,-
, ended intoglorY1 Thc hand of Jeans suck.ait.,,"pevertY; , Suffering, social
. :wad as warni as ;,;6ite Could' make 1988 of POOloni.•'bot dotXot
It was thrilling wIth,tenderness and a'.*' C04 to remove the love fei'elno
Vibrating with compassion. The touch - d° 'the as1( ' 41111'. rm./ cleansing
and forgiveness. No min. 'uncle' '
.0Poo the fevered : Nita' Ot that : OldanIn
: ,
woman An Citpertithria' was. iia.;:a Edii.c0°.13r caine
1(1 the 'Lord
densatiOn7'.intri• One' tiet 'Of . the -Very,: Jesus for cleansing but he , r'eceiiett '
„ principle of.::the incarnation .anirtif the. irnmeAtatelY.... ••• '
Wh.ole, Power ..WhiCh Cbrlst exercises 43.,0.4.4d, bo strictly 'Charged, him,, ,
.upon a fevered •and sick•World.. "And ;and straightway' Sent hitiv, °ht., 44: and
• raised her: up:, . and the te*et left her.4,.. saith, 'unto. him, See .thou say nothIg
• The reVera. Or The Soul to .ahy Mari; but go she.* thyself to
Is not,. illegitiniatek to allow, our . 'the priest!' and 'offer :for thy cleanaing
rninds,,•tdpass citeid,,the •reveis; of the •,, the things •;,,Whicti Moses commanded,
body to . the 'pdirera 'of 'the abut: In, • '*.4tinic-413' • unto Ixisms •
deed; that is one or...the' atitherfied ard01....004.Man 10 °aril. out,.111••
viraYs wlion wo seek to interpret tlie dne forth the Cereinonial, requirements
• • nliraolbs,..:Of the :Lord.. The 0..i/101.1i's • ••1110.,.htilgg. MOSOS' aollitlitided,;.' and
• th(raelea ..are :the .outer and 'visible. tlitio...ta• We.
typee ,Of-ifiner and greater . 'wonders. Stated ag', clean of leprosy.. jetnia, has
•Thcy are. clone 111 the, body An, -order . :not come to detrei, but t� fulflli;. the
;le* and the,- 'Prophets Matt. 5,:17);:.
that • we-, may biter the deeper-,eintin-':.' •
eionttoos:„..4.•tbe , • • , • • and by orders to. the leper; he ,hati
-6,iien; wlfen the sun -..healedsfulfills-,the4aiv-Of---MOsati- In -the-
' set; ..they f broughtUntb himall that: .,P1*-P8ent .16ase!'Thl helps to oxplaln•
them that:..were poss-
essed with,Oetnenk?' 33. .."And 'all the:
. .
. city was gathered together ." at , the .
"And he healed Maily ,that
• ::Were sick with •illyera diseases,':and
east out many dempna: and •
,tored net the demons to Spot*, be-'
.' "
Canfini they •knew• "The a1 I tr "•
laws oi the JeWfili,:.'Sabbath ,gave a :
'fi,jw.liours of reit. to. all, but. tho hlast
, Of :the jrunthet 'Which iiiineuneed: its :
close' was the ...arghal 'ter 4.• renewal
of: the i &bider :neW. In-
creased .by tIie rnmor nf a•,,Sepoild
Miracle; hadThty SiOti• Wfth
whatever broughttheni, to
iliej great Realer, the., wh,ote :town :
WaS In thetion, otowded before
the. house. '• • '
• • 45; "And . im the morning,' 8,.1 great
While before day, • he roe rose and went
. out, and departed into a desert..place,
• and there prayed.''- In the preSentin-,,,
, statiee, as•the context indicates, it was -
Jesus' ••reSoiVo. pretieli, the` gettriel
tVnngdoin. all :through
:because lie was Min.!.
RIs prayeed- Were, etniffinitiitind' With
...hi§ 'tether. • '
Shith.nniid 'they:that were
f011OWed atter:, The
Word hereAratidiated "tollOWed. after°, •
moans, Iltei'a)ly, 'to hunt down," and,
lightedthe idea of ,fiard, 'perilatent
: Work. of:.tireaal,ilni
-37, 4Ant1they Viand ith eh,tgar
unto hint, All are , 0004 'thee NO
Society Memel' Girl Off on World Cruise
• •
Bake,r and her mother, Mrs. Margaret Emerson, are visited in, their
state room aboard the Franconia by George , Vanderbilt Mrs EmersOn'it
spiv as the couple sail kiln New York on a cru se
, •
Conducted by •
with the co-operation of the various detiartments ,o
Ontario Agricultural College
crOam. to a local 2.,--Q.---"The butter from my last
'creamery :and am..unable to -under, two churnings has a 'very, strong, bit
stand why' the test varies from time ter flaVaiir. I have never, had this
to time , On the list statement which trov!bielielbre• and My 61.19tOnlerS are-
.coMplaining. • I take'every precaution
to heye,everythink clean and:the cows..
.4.:new-fifteen4ninute, 'radio pro-
gram, called "Hollywood 'Spotlight
Revi0g-presents an •all-star I ravjew„
feitAring such favorite Hollywood eh:
tertainers as Phil: Harris,and .11d or-.
' Chestra; •Bob -Burns, the. Arkansas,
traVeller ; Larry •.Barke,,
wood 'troubadour; arid a . different
_ghost: star every broadcast. It tot*
• the.air over stations CFR% Toronto;
•CFPI.4 .Lochclen :CFCH, North Pay;
-CKPB,,.1`iiniiiris; and d.JKL,,Kirkland
Lake; eveiap Tuesday
:Wednesday frorn 1.46 to 8 p.m., corn-
hiencing Monday„ .January
"Hour of Charm".
Phil. Spitalny, and his popular
„ all -
girl orchestra featured on the "Hour
of Charm" progtam over an N13C net -
Work including' CBL, Toronto, and
CBM. Montreal, are now heard 'every
Kon-da-YTti-glit- at 10 :39 11117Spilfaliirr:
and 'his • orehestra'• are illustrated
above, while the inset shows Miss Ar-
lene Francis, dramatic 'starof radio
and sta!gei Who is Mistress of Cere-
'Monies • on the J.`./lour of Charm2i- •••
received; 'the ,test was 32 . Per . cent,
while •the test, on 'the, previous: ship-
ment was 35 Per cent: ',My cows are ,are •fed mixed -hay., oprri,Silige, recite
on the same 'f eed:and.I do the .seParft, and, Oat, chop."--.R.T:i York co.,
tion ' myself so that the separator : is . •• A.:7, --Bitter and rancid flay** in
..turned at the sgine..speed. each time., butter are, quite •comrifoh.,at 'thikeett-
t-herbe-41iis-41-ifferette • c
in tests. .J.S.-Oxford that :one ,or,:more of the cows . in. yOur
• „I' is to be •,expected that 'the, lide,cr are advanced in.'their; lactation
per,.,cent • of. fat. In crcan will vary ..period and producing inilk which con -
with each shipment :and With, different ' tains ahnormallyjarge,amonntsni,an.:'
separations. A nithaber, of factors enzynia .known as lipase.... Theobjec--
'May influence the:test' and. it is .,qtiite, tionable. flavour is not noticed on the
inipossible to, control • ,therrf.! cent-. fresh and cream,: but if it is held
pietely.' Teets, Made at the Dahl. De- for a -day or tA'r.a itbecornes.VOti-no-
Partimerit; ,G.A...C•t; :show.. that slight : The cows causing the triCu7
!:differenCes• in theteinperature7 of •Ihe ble maY he dOfectedby holding', a'
Milk, :the 'anhitipt of Orr,skini- Carapje of milk from each. cow for.'46
Milk used gush the sepaiator,`• var: • hours and:then examine the •samples.
• iationS.,in the amount :of Milk .in ..the . Cows. producing' ,defective rnilk
--supplY--cani-the-sp.epd7tit-'#hitif'th-d7-, 7-sli-etild-treitile-d-Ziff::".711OW-•, if mr
Separator bowl- driven, and the per cows in question are producing :Well
-Cain(' of fat in the milk, .will;a11 haie. and It IS not 'desirable to • dry them,
.an.,influence on the test of the cream. the Cream ihornediately after -separ7
Too. ,:mophaSid: should' not keatihg inay.;be heated to 4.45
..pleced upon the variations in the per. and , for a -chUrning.-
Cent' of 'fat in the preen). The iniport7. tenriiing -inactivates the erizynie, thus
.ant point is is the .pounds of 'fat :paid the development of • the f.flayenris
for . Many tiines 'When' the test is up, . :checked! - •
veraa„ ..• : • ';
•the...linat phrase, "tor --a: -.testimony, for'
them." • . • , •
'But ' her/.:Went''.oht,. and begh•n•'...
:te•••Publiski It' much and to spread
abroad- ,the tnatter,;••• Ihaeinucb a, that::
:Jesea, Couid 00 more enter 10
to a 'city, but. wak.,Without in desert
'plaes and they caMeto:, him from
eVerY quarier.".::ThiS., Verso •explains 7
tke.,.etifaage.,mearitog. of :Testis in • the
preceding verse., In definitely: forbid -
:ding the. boated , leper to tell others.,
:What had happened to7hint.,•
Lord enjoins,silenea .becaude..,he dld
not,.: as yet, wish' to dra*,.,on hlmself
'the public attentlem, when owle.!!.
halo:, been Prepared to:, reeeii,e...hiln,
'then,- but not 'before, he • would eithrt •
'the piiblieity'fronr•Whieh,' as aet,...he
shran• "
,lC . ` ' ' :•
-Dairy 'Department, <0./A.
Canadian Poultry,
Haa Bumper Year
OTTAWA.- -More Canadian dress-
. poultry was exported in 1937. than
, ,
in 803' other year,the department of
agriculture reported _with figures
-•whiCh showed cont.' rise
•Pver those of 193(. •
'Exports in the y ar"just 'ended to-
talled ' 88,996 boxes, ephipared with
.49,452. Weight ,of the .1931 , ship-
ment was -more than 2;678 tone,
• There Was alio a record export
movement .Of live poultry from Can7
ade 'to 'the Uiiited 'States in 1007, In
the first. 11 months of..the
erican buyers took 1,157,768 live
„. chickens. and. .fowl, compared With
;. Thera are.' ' about : 0,069 different .344,937 birds : in 1930 and•• 35.'547
languages In the world. • birds in 1,.935. The IncreaSe. in '1,93.77
over .I936 , and 1:935 ::represents 8.12;7„
' granite Is a fine,formed. reck:.which 1.831 and 1,12421 birds or 235.65
.has- been exposed to-greatiteat--indpercent. and 3,157,01 :per -terit;
pressuro, • peetikrely., •
, •
College Stddent Awarded Hit Trophy in Pinehurst Golf Title
. • i , •
' lett. Yetlnii..0.01ege•littliletit, „.tte6eptd•the,Atistiptite.itt theinid.winter.:golf.falierripionihip' at 4 irt.el.titsb,
• • •• .
.Guy",•Pietai as them,uflder u Maptes dOWil•eii;.1tirlOW In tho flna1r'" • ....J. ••;<, •• '
• ••
• ".Cata", the term .'deieribing
p101 who folio*, tEe awing style of
popular music, will c,erta:nly enjoY
tening 'to the guest band'on the pro -
Jap fiknne Minister
Admiral /4obuiria.sa Suetsugu has
3C9'11,appointed to 'succeed Dr, :Eli*,
Baba as the Home iriiatelfterrJaPan „
graM '"Styled Music'," heard every
Sunday froth Over C.4
The regular hard on t4e. pro-
gram is that ' of. Eddie Daphin,. and
the guest band' selected by the re-
quests 'Sent in. if. you. Want to heir
your favourite ,setchestra, just drop.
a note to 'Styled Music," Music,!! care of
cic.C.L, and we: understand the boys
Will be.onli too glad to play all, re-
' • .' Amhteur Auditions
•• ,Another new 'show. started; last
Friday, 'featuring amateur' and seini4,
profess'onal talent, over CFRB. The
sponsors are asking for 'applications
for auditions to appear On' this pro.:
gram; Each act chosen Will receive
regular professiblial feed for the en7
gageAnent. We understand that regu-
las% vaudeville tirnits will be formed, •
_and_wilLbe.,...sent7....on.. a coast-to-coast
'Circnit lack! Murray, producer of
the show, infortris us that -air ;who
-wish auditioni• will be giver' them,
the age limit, starting at fifteen.pears..
Of course, .there,wilibe One. or
Vary exceptional. circumstances :Where.
the age Will be., leas,but from What
we have 'seen' of" the program, they
would' have haVe exceptional
indeed. • The prograni is heard over
. ,
CFRB from 8:30. to,9....00.
.It. give S :e's pleasure/ indeed to' say u
few good words fpr Bob Eestan, who
tides the "Early Bird?. program every,
morning 'from 7:45. to 8:45, ,Over, CK
CL., Gags cialore•atkaInusic that Will,
'reallrn*akaYou'illfia.04 have you on
the tips of your ;toes by 'the, time you/
reach your place of Work, ':ia,the 'sort
Of business : that toilleSout„-during
. the program. It :realty was quite'
surprising to iit„tv• learn that a Catut4
.dian announcer can de. Such. 'It yeti
bare any •Munbers you . would like to
request,. and we 'don't Mean "Asleep
.in'' the Deep," 'just send them along
to RoV, and testi-all 'be limit b499Y'
rplay 'them. • •
Stars of the Metropolitan Opera:
Company of et !New York will be heard,
over the Canadian netork.bar Satur-
day, (Tannery 22nd, from 2:60 te
p.m. as an NBC -CBC
onal exohange feature. The :perfOrni-
era will be presented en their.'reg'ular
Baturday'aftetnoon.:P4forniance di -
red from the stage • .of the fainous'.
70pera House.„
' Arturo ' 'I'oscaninf and his NBC
Symphony Orchestra Will be a:feature
presentatioch .on Saturday, January
22nil, 'from 10.30 to '11.30 P.M.,. The
91 -piece ‘: orchestra will play " the:
works Or `outstanding compci3crei 'on
0 4
. ., , •
., .•
"our ...Bitthdav . - '..
Pt •
By A.' R. *ilk..
A 7.ruSive,-fiiithful and patient.' :yen er.e, Of .a.serions turn of :mind
1. you• It ,•(..,),:i ....,),...e •a listed101.,aaboire yoll wer , , 0 _
.' 2 sign,Lof the Zodiac Aquarius,•Whith..le-This gives •you a,nature iiii.,"b•:,:-X
's If the irate 'of - your. birth is, ,0 born in he . 0
• WH*T. Ttilt SrlitS ' kiREtti.L. FOR THOSE BORN ON '
• ' JANUARY 216_ 22 "23 24, 26, 26 end 27 '... :
*,.** . .
' •'
• .4
* V '
0 4 '
:tai've:i.ld mheuierihg,hsttopi:Pi:call'iak: evr3'... 61!`e 'and' precautic...11,„":'$ear. and
-‘4' ' '.. WN BIRTH DATE: . .
'Ott and the ,refinerLandintelieatnal-elderof-Jlif.e7II-gr.eatly•--. a.7:e.,.a...to-- yo.7,,.:.,§,..
' ' . . ' . ' have
6 JANUARY 21-Youa‘ . . n‘ if steadfastfriend.:friend, • :',,i3a careful to $.?
X JAN'T;TARY. 22, --,you.. great 'liking K
you;Will be ..successful even though.the year is not withti'ot-i. ta 'clifficul-t
shown inlove. _ „...,. ,
fOr solitude,.., , . s ... - . ,. , , •.,,,
: Beware' lest,' X
6 thisdeS:re Should make you' untheughful, and at -, trines ;.eltisn .,. w,vv,e i 4
,,.,v,,V trflollrySt:!ogriVseohitlalpprriiante:e,s,s‘,;te.; i:eap'.,1•.i..,a.p.p,i...n.i,ets.s.e,t..1.1:6:Ata.siu;ien:::::Ocrxn.it.ii:ltowoo,ini:t,u,r.:,..,,,.:.
16. greatly help You fihane.ally. though the. pear is not. eii. tire2ly .s,a`..yiaf:ac.,.!. ,
$42, ,.TA. NI?...Attlir...3...,:y6ii 'AVevhottat.4%;111..yde.ali,y.ist:,,titrDbet:esililop,e8thaisff.'abieth4t to the 0
0.4 44119S: of your .abil:ty. '
give pleasure.: An inniertant.-change, is ,indi-
,.cated as the result Of genie •iinpPrtant in your
. ,'"?:,•:•.‘ .'
indicatedjAi"vAil11iYuin'6'di.2::".•Tht af'ilt.ou,fri:11.ni.I Y4',, gditt4'..' ..(41: °sill. Tb...srh,t (:)i.ti°'11111:: Isiteai::::.:4,i1. t'4, i tla:: til. hue.11:1111:d il' aarers,: ;!:
,. 6.
much -as possibl.e.. d A ..c,oiwisiiidierahi ii4r6yOrlent is shown in kon., . ,..,
'financial pesition, eh you., ,. gaifi,,,8 the.'„ii:..sti.11ei..k)r!i,.e,:hp.v.: w.e.k.„:5.
. , J.i.i4t1Aiif 2,---' 00 do :iii•A•ti8iie wealtkaheirohots, although you re A
". „ d • d st ' Wens %worker, tlYeq ho.tild.. experience i eat, developn*t_ A
111' your prob bly,:aii increase iii CalarY or promotion. A,
jtj. The Outlook is not So br,ght 'socially .though we should net. ekpect to x .
4tn The
everything and take everything With a philosophical attitude...,.
JANUARY 26 -It is not likely, thee Yo,n.:Will, litarry • early .in life
iaN 'though much happitmss is in Store' for:thesein love and horn .ori..,,,tlgs.e4,
L•4 date,' •Vinandially you fi
.. Will. lat't Set the 'world On fire this year ,. but
`• .th .k. should be 'aaloW, steady iniprovdment and all ,is Afavorahle sect,: •AVi•
IANi•LI:AIIIr 27!..--$1i'eCe. sa Iii:il tette tO.:'Yatt,Ohlir,throligit YOWL'. Otyn ,e17. A
. .6' .,,ftirttde. het •spareeffort, onlyiridustry willbring you., your heart's 0
y desire, Your' br.gliteat ,outlook this year 011(3' be :Within , the social• X
:.:' totlibeirtei6.iu/
y.,Otir firianc.ial AdV„,tx,beement• depeit,da eiitirely Upon . .F,0,111* 15t1 ' g
;:x ' ;On birth claie is mit'v:Iiited:abOVe and yod *Mild:like a lieroscOPe
X .•• ;_..... •
fdit any ,bietii'd00 iti the Y0a4 or ,if you would like a demplete?DeriiOna,1 0
horoscope for :any 'date. Iffited.aboVe,,sehd 10c to A. 4: Weir,"11 Adelaide 'N
. :6 St, W,,, TOrbtitd.• ;Please print your yout .hamii, address and birth dute,o14,thly,l,k,
, t.i..xe.i.:.:01.1.010.I.1.14:44:40:ttotAt.x4c.x..1.1.14t.kotfx:ork.:*,:k.z.t.x.1014,41
, • . .
W •
oid $toragp:.
• , •
Poultry' May Be.. 11101
•Leu f..9154: 1,71Ad_er',Ne,
A new.riiettot tend.litig!,P0Otry
In cold ,storage, likely to be or. great -
value. to Canadian ':eXporterd, was
•..prOven at . the National ' Research .
Cfnineli Ithildin.k. In 0it4. :a When, 4'
„•bn.x: 'sof frozen ebieltens we' taken.
theTilpt.t7fieve yUleaef7119rs•ibtlY, 121'firej;).rii)lieil., 96vcielc,r
eliininaths tlie :pock. inSrXs .or
er • J4.urns"'. which, 'Ordinarily • appear' •
after - -.4. .few "weeks'ef,.Storao''e reduc:, •
irt7 betause,ot the '
.dpotty 'appearance:. . • '
, Eliminates' Spotty ',Appearance .
Refore the's°, latestiga.tiOrig, various
theories were advanced for the spate,
front hacterla:,to Cheteleal 'reaction,. ,
This series. Of studies tiffany revealed
the cause as.'iirface loss at moisture • 1.
daring storage, freeZers being dry b
reason of the cenderiaatititi• -of `molithre
on. the 'freezing COASi.
SOdiet1 ln .Wax Paper .
Several methods of pf surfacing the
birds, to keep their. Moisture, in: were • •
,possihle,•by• oiling or glazing..7with• ice.
I3oth methods, however, had, • dised--,
vantages in retailing.•-, After months
of tests, a wax paper lining. in 'the
packing box Was '.. cenipletelY
:with - successful .. .fesult. The birds
Came' out of. their .:4 -month. 'freezing'
ry*.;liout a:Spot and their color- Scarce-
ly darlieried. , • ,
• Major-General A. G., McNaugh-
ton, 7'•We'.eldelit7 Or flit: .fre-s-ear.e.TI:ba-un::-
sUggeated•:-tbis, developiricht would • .
assist poultry:Taiserein all .parts ot
ti Country.'
ed With
"Dget Let Girls -,Think You're
.Helpless,-HAdvlses 'James Ste-
wart ; Cineinadtof.
11 you are a bachelor i and, want to
stay that way,' take :4 few tips frem
one or 'tellywood'a most eligible bach-
114 Is jellied Stewart; who _admitted,
totTit set of ten ..requireriimiti-for Sin
gle -Wessel:these.. Ile occupies a swank:
apartment With tWO-scheoirnatee, John
Swope and Joshua Logan..
.•"All.,the married."inen• I knoW, have
. Certain riles ;for happiness in the re,
.lationship;" Stewart sald 'I don t
know .anything,'about that, but I ',can
put down some Pretty work•able., rem,'
tenons for'. hachelOri.":. •:, ,
, 3.." -Learn. to take care of yourself.
to cook, and even to BeW on buttons,
Then you Won't annear.heipleas„iikt.he
'eYes of well manii femaie A helpleas men is sunk.
A Bralie'•On ,FlatterY
2-Don'ti pay careless compliments
to giris Make them, sound careless, 7
• but think.them•Mit ahead...a time.put
a brake" on flattery and you're. not apt
' to skid: into matrimon);,, , • :
; 3.-- It',8 .better to aimed' ' quarters.;
• with another hach,elor. or two. Then
no girl eau' feel sorry for 'Yon because
'yott..,art lonely; : • ,
477:CiiltiVate 'a-hebhY., 1 theee'avis.7•-'
tion. and photography. :They. aiWaYa
. provide • good ..subjects , for tonveiaa,
:lion' and they're safe. ' ..".• , ,
'0,--,-#emetnber. that 41 ''.you're . seen
twice -With one girt (especially in •'
lyWeed)..:they say It's
.kou ,reora ,With' ether Sadie-.
lore,. don't get sore if. ' u finit•tive
ti'.4)&p 111 you.r. bed.•
‘:'•• •Asserthi
. 7 -When you dine. out -With
choose only 'the Meat'. difficult. dishes,
neVer dere ' Say that her. book,. •
Ing is'better.
" •
y,on''re Wita-a girl ;who. daheett •
. „
, Veree. thejeOhniane . if 'she"s the Waltz.-
ingsort..,, (One must he assertive.)
97-WV'S sinart to be gentle, blit
Shea yoin, great necessity for free-
dom. . Blaine it. ph , YoUraeleand sigh, ..
as though you .you :regret it.
wait until you 'meet that 'cep.'
taiii gtrl itn.d then, drop all '•pr,etenain
•••' If, she .doesn't •understand, the Isn't
-the ene.,. There'll' be enbilier .One along
. .
, .
soon.", • • • •
Humor Cilled
Chinei, Weapon
A '.serise • of humor ' PphilosephiCal •
attitude greatest weapons .
fightst Japan 'in their 'present
Legzio. schwtirtirfltitigar!,an.
.• ar-
tist . living in San Francisco, tufa:
week, •
On a WOrldtput in seareli. of
mor bobk., -Schwartz said his
hinter 'map Ot the world s divided
into twesectiehaperginfa Whelitukli
at, others, and • persons 'Whit); '-tantiot
laugh at themselves.
"The. 'Japanese 'cannot !thigh ; at •
tlietilspiVeS," Ile Said.:"The Chinaman .
ean. The :Chinese tiro a peadefill.
paPple. Where:people' have eultivat.
ed great art from itittetlilie; as baVa
the. Chinese., you wilt fnd huinor".
Schwartz :said, there is no real
filor in. ethifitries• with •dictators he.
cense.' "obsossjon kilis tho, Sento. • of
tinnier. That's .'whSi ,dictators never
• t"