HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-20, Page 1•
" 12.00 A YEAR. -41.50 IN ADVANCE".. -5.00 EXTRA TO D;S.
• •
TspR:ApAy!:.4:ANOARy.:2Pth. 1948
Wm. 4' .
.• DffieeEottrai
1.00-73.30 P.M. ' 7.008.00
SAndais-te-2.0,0. P.M.
Or 14' •AP0i4!li0..V.;
. WANTED; Reliable men°. tqx- Raw-
.Route .00 OansilMara. 260•Leas-
ily Sold household- necesSitiee:. Sales
jkay up.•this year. We teach you how;
supply sales advertising' literature—
all you need. Thonsands earn $30 to
$100 meekly. Rawleigh's Dept, AIL -
271 -04; Montreal; Canada. .
Sealed applications will be received
by the undersigned, up to ,2 o'clock
of the afteknoon , of February 7th,
,1938, for the 'position. of "Assessor
fer the Tc•MinshiP of Kinloss", for the
year 1938,, at'a salary. of $80..00., , •
..!; J. R. 'Lane,. Clerk Township of Kin
' less R 2 HolYrOod
. MAN 'WrrE c:A4
Watkins Dealer' (preferably, •:be.
tcy,en 25and50) -heeded iniinediately
to supply established demand for
. .
World Famous r Spices, Extracts, Bak-
• ingl,Powderi Snaps,' CleSrisers;,
Mitieralkze:d Stock and 'Poultry
• ,Tonic. , 70 ,year reputation. :.,i.p,000
dealers. Must be satisfied with po.tio
weekly at start.. Selling, experience• .
unneeeseary... Finn experience . help-
•' ful.•' Credit 'fiiiniShed right • parties;
In ,the' Matter of the Estate of
Elizabethi Rutherford ilate"' Of ,the
Township' Of West Wawairirith in the
-' County of Huron, Widow,„ deceased.
Notice is hereby given •pursuant to
the Stl-trite in thieb-ehalf that all
creditors' and ' others having' claims or,
ands against' the Egtate' of the
said 'EliZehetir, Rutherford, ; who died
on er about Abe Seventeenthday pf
October, 4..D.„ 1037, are; required on
or before .the„Twenty-second• day of
January A.D. '.1938, to send by post
ordeliver,to Hugh 'K.-Ruth-
erford,j„..R. R. No. 2. Liickripw, Ont-
ario, :thn".: Executor of thelast. Will.
'• and, Testament of the said deceased,
. their names, addresses and.: discrip-
tionS;4.-the-- 4011.---pertieulara or-. theirOdin's, a statenient of their;eceonnts,
and the nature Of the 'seeurities •, (if
• any). held by them duly verified by
.• affidavit.'
-, And take:notice that after such last
„•mentiened date the said executor will
proceed to distribute. the assets of
the said deceased: among the persons
. . „
entitled thereto,' having regard only.
••; to the claims of which he shall then
have notice, and that the said execu-
tor! Will net be liable .for the .assets
. Or any Part "thereof to, any person or
persons of, whose : netici shall
not have been.receiVed,by, lain at the:
tinie"of such diatribution. . •
Dated .at LucknoW, Ontario this
twentreighth day' of December,
1937. Hugh K. Rutherferd;
' Lueknoiv, Ont.; Executor.
••;l.f.keletr.bill arid His Hillbillies' Will,
play for -a -dance -and floor show at
Whitechurch Thursday,. 'January 26
(tonight). Don't miss this event, 'un-
der auspices of the, Whitechurch Wo-.
• E 4.
• Brussels at ?Lucknow , this Fricla5?
' evening, !Innuney 2lat, at '8.18, Yon'O-
aSsured It` stirring battle and
; LiickneW needs the. Victory, .The,'In-
cals are Putting up , 'crowd pleasing
Mickey. 'Don't ,miss thig game. ,Ad-
• mission, 25c and i5e, Skating after,
, , , . ,
ablyWOod Filth co. presents under.
,i,ucknoiw L. 0.,L. auspices,' Bob Cus-
ter 'hi "Scarlet Brand" in the Town'
.LticknoW on Mondak, Jai -Mary
. :31st., Ektra f6ature "Dionne Quin,
tupletS". Other Short subjects, yVait
Disriey's "Silly , Symphony",
'.. woo ddies and Spills and Thrifls
:The amine' meeting of the Luck.
now &Mit. Club will be held in the
Orange Hall, LnelinoW, •;oti Wedtied-,.
day, Pebruary, gnd, at .2 p.m, God
'attendance s requested.— •
'• Ale* McNair,. Sec'y,
doderfeh tIerk Stricken
Knox, Goderich'. town Clerk
or thir, ;past twenty-five years, was
stricken with theart attack on, Fri.
Two Esteemed St. Helen's
Residents Laid To Rest
Mrs.?John B. Rutherford And :Mrs,,
.Charles*Durnin iikeineved By 'Death
'.Wit1,iha, Past.;%•vife-1.14,1e0 JIis
:Wi4;• -Or! -TWO' Slaters,'
A ,•• Brother , And prather",147Paw
. . „
"'al; P Said Away' Within A Fie*
..Death " on Thursday ..night 'Fenloved
3.'dear1y belOvedrasideni, of, the com-
munity in the Person.' of Mrs;. John
,B,' Rutherford, Who • passed E*0,ir.:. at
her heine here after la: short. illness:
As a reault""of 'a: fell, •,.nearly two
years ago, Mrs. Rutherford had been
Confined to her:. home,but'Anti" two
iiieeicelage,:she was able to ,bearound
the house each , .
The Jate Mrs. Rutherford, fOrrnerly
Mary Jane...Mirth-I; was hornin,-Ged7
prigir Township on 'December 'leth;
.48.51i:a daughter of the late Mr:' and
Wm. Durniii.:-.Later7the-4ainilY-
Caine to reside on. the fnrin...now
ed purninr Jr. on the 9th con-
• • . • . .
.vssion. On Deeember 5 1877,•' she.
'Was Married. .toMr. J.'B.• 44)16rfpr4
who p'redeteased her nearly '4'6...yea rs.
"ago, and Caine' to live ,on.. the :farm
on which :she . I -Sassed', away. Of ,a
'quiet; kindly, disposition, Mrs. Ruth-
erford was kiaoWzi 'es -a 'geed, neigh -
Ohe Will. be 'great
'iniSeed. • . .• ,
- Funeral services were conducted
en. Saturday afternoon; by R'ev. H. M.
'wrikht . of the United' '.Chiirch • of
which 'Mrs.., Rutherford was a valued
meinherc He was ,assisted l by ,Rey. R.
W. CraW, a .former „pastor, now of
'Seafertli, Interment Was', made, in
31eenhil1 cemetery! With .,a4c_neigit-,.
Louis Grant, Robinson
•ViroOda,.W.',J; Humphrey, David' Tedd •
bonald McDonald and Wm. McCros-'.
tie as pallbearers.:
'..,'Surviving are one sOn and three
laughters; lIugli and 'Mary' C. at
;mine,' Mrs. W. I. Miller.';(Margaret):
. it' St: 'Helens and Willieniiiie of the
Kirkland,. Dake High School Staff;,
l'enr .grancliitiii4en,:-Mra.4Tont-Vodd,
DerothY and :Gorden, 'Miller
ind one great ..granddaughter, Anne
Todd. Also one, sister,. • Mrs.'. Thos.1
Phillips '�f'St. Helen • Ana four, bre-
:hers, Tom „Durrim of Alberta; ,John,
James ,and Charles .of 'West ..Wawan-
oah. A sister, Mrs. Hugh Rutherford
and ,i' brother, •Mr. Robert ;•Durnin
ot LtieknOW, :predeceased her only
few Months . ago and two sisters;'
Mrs., 'Courtney of Ainberlek • "and
:Mrs. Homuth ;of Wingharn,. •sOine
Years : ago. ' . • 2. .
. ,
'Much sympathy kelt for Mr.
Chas. .Durnin and family in the loss
of 'his' Wife, *a higthly respected resi-
dent Of the conunimity.'. The Durnin's
have been sadlY:hereaved, as besides
his' wife, -Mr. Diurnin has lost. tWo
.qisters, Airs. Ilugh and Mrs.
ftlitherfoll, a :brother, Mr. Robert'
Durnin of, Luelcnovr and a ''hiother;
,Mr: Thos. Phillips, who have
all passed .away Within the !last 'few
• ,Oittee
, ,
-Bowles, „passed aW4Y: on Monday
ter being' ' seriously ill. ,since, the
;Christi -nes 'seeSeii,' Forty :Years ago
she miir.ried! Charles Duinin,, Who
, survives with:A family of three sons,
James, on the old" Duriiin,heinestead,
And :'Allan and' Wilbert at heme. Mrs.'
Diithip was in her .65th year • ,
Phe funeral .Se.ry!ca on ..W4111e44aY
sivitA‘otidtieted by Rev, A.. A, Maloney
of' St Peter's Church,: with interment
in 'Greenhill, Ceinetery,. •
- :
• MrS..StanleY/.T., Taylor' and NI•rs•
Wallace miller were:. visiters with
Goderich. friends last. • Week: '
Taylor, , who has been a visitor, With:
her mother MO. R. K. Milier, since
'Christmas; 'left, on Saturday for her
heine at Ednionton., •
Miss V. D. Rutherford , left .on
Mendes,' ifor Kirkland ',Lake,"..aftei
spending a ;few,: days at her lmme
here owing to 'the illness And death.
of . her -mother, ,
:The weekly meeting; of the Y.P.U.
Wflg held vith the Rine side' With
Cuyler Rainage as .eaptaiii in cifarge,
Wilfred. Ramage Vend the • scripture
lessOnj:....and Latirine Miller gave the.
Bible. 'character on. "Jonathon, the
.K1141100 the Bip1;:;' The topie On
!tithe tong Look" was takenby Coy -
ler Ramage and •Rev. IT,M, Wright
ledan interesting discussion.
eahrie ,favored With ,a• 'Selo and
Ugh and Grant. Blither& 'd With 'a
et. Ne'rtt Sunday 'night is the final
gilt of the coiiteek '
ddy,,,,that Will requirehirn to have ztH
lost a month'a 'vet and fdii
• poit ANNUAL.' ‘fAT
The January Meeting of the „Wo.:
irien'a' :Institute, was held at the hoine
Of. mfrs. 'Canipb01,1 '•Therripsoni,'
1'1.40.an'attalla4aea 'af.thAFt!
nirie;''Meinhers. • and
In -
eluded in the eommunicationa[were
letters ef-thanksfrora';thos'n,, who
The Pr4asitleir to iaCinde a
cial Institutes- in the Ag-
ricultural Society's prize list was dis-
cussed, and a • einnmittee • appointed
to attend the, Society's meeting. in
this regard. " •
It was deCid,ed to 'hold the annual
"'At Horne"; .either PtibritarY 1.8th . or
25th. Committees were Appointed as
follows; Decorating, -Mrs. Orr,' Mrs.
Stewart;',Mrs, FONOief.,, *kg:
Yoyen; • RefreslimentsMrs.,.. J. C.
Cook, Mrs. W..J.
l)ouglas,•Mrs. C. Thompson, Mrs. S.
• Decker; • Prokfahl.-7-N,r&. A. Stru-
thers, ,Mrs. 11. Treleaven, Mrs: R. II:
Thompson, Mrs: Jewitt, Each 'member
• nay bring s'their 'fainilY and t,wo
'rlie, *4o e‘stifire§-7-611-d7Witihm:
are 'needed rniist. in winter"; was tak-
en by Atha:, Jarnes Little. The real
enil was .answered by "New' Year
Resolutions"! Miss Peggy' MacDon-
ald took ' the toPic. "Guiding Children
to music." Mrs. (Rev.) 0:. M. Young
gave a. 'reading ''• and • Mrs. Andrew
read a :PaPer•:'on "CanaditinizatiOn".
-prepared by. Mra..Joynt,:,A ;contest
was :,enjtiferd..:71,6 'mince pie 'cont'Of
Was °won 'by. Mrs.f.P..SteWart.:'
An interesting 'gime ..of curling
was played at. Nutana rink, Saska-
toerr, a' few ;days ago,between two
links • of Oldtimers'. from Ilarriston
Ontario, Sknipect by.
JIM' Wilson and. Bert Finley. The.
IlarrisiOn buys Wen out by • three
The :-'1,ucknoW was .conapbsed
of .Di P D...Stewart,', John D Mur-:
doch, • Gda. A. Cammings', and 'R. E.1
(Bert) .Finley; all formerly' or, this
Community., Mr,, Curinnings• *as ' born
'near .8f. Helena. •
WEDDING ANNIVERSARYA •very pleasant " evening was
spent at the hoine of Mr.: and :Mrs..:
Jiicob. Hunter, on Saturday Jan.;
.uary 15th, when about thirty-five
friend's gathered to celebrate their
tw'enty-fifth wedding. , anniversark
. ,
and express their bet wishes. The
evening' Was Spent in garlieS,.. after
which a varied program was enjoyed.
Mrs. Ira Campbell played "'the, violin.
and Miie, Annie Watson accompanied
her at the organ. One of the features
of the programwas some old time
'songs ' by the brides. father,. Mr. Jeha'
Campbell of ' Belfast,. '
Mr. WM. Humphrey:I' inoved
vote of thanks to Mr.. and Mrs. Hun --
ter for the good time they hadfrt'en-
• 11 •
joyed `and, a Joined an !singing' for
they are jelly • good fellows,. after,
Which' a dainty ,Iuneh was served.
Mr; and Mrs. Minter' were ,the re-
Cipients of numercitis.: gifts.' of 'silver.
.Big',Night-Next Tuesday,
Group-, Leading Mitchell Tea* -Play
• • Here -Tuesday Night Followed By
• Annual Behby, Burn's Ball—Pipe"
• Band At. Both Events:. ,
• •
' • Next Tuesday, night, January
should provide a full round. of i'.•!14.-
tainin6i,t;:..with :one (*.the best .hoe:
key games of :Abe' season. billed for
that night, ':followed by. that long re-
nowned annual event; Bobby- Burn's
Bali. . •"
.1Vlitchell the grotipleaders,. were
given' a. run for their 'inoneY"In
ellell. and the 'locals are confident
be the best home genie of the.season,.
win, lose .(4. draw. ' It is the lest sched-
uled .honie game.of the season and
Will likely have an .important ;bear-
ing on Lneknow'e playoff *ea, •'
The game gets ;stalled: at '.8.00
sharp; scr,as not to,dellaY the'litait of
/the big dance that follows. Its ,Bobby
Burn's` 'night, , Marked.' by, the ever
popular Fire Company Bell, Mac.
Kenzies five -piece orchestra and
pipers will provide the, music. A good
lunch Will be served,. Bill Davison' is
master, Of ceremonies and. 'there Will
be_free cheek rdOin aet61110011t1Ott for
The ripe Band will be in .atteri-
tlancai :both atthe game and dance
like a high
rating night of entertainment. ,
$1,54 St'ik.*., C*".VV: 'TO, JANUARY 31 °
' • '(J.,,BSCIt/Irnill•I' RATE
.The pazd.inradvane' rate of
'die :Siiiitinel,, Olt; We effeCtlyeAm, '
tli Januar, "31st. After that 'date.
, -
' rallnefi.°$12d:grOate-;'to:t!tf:h.. e$,'S°11:atilens Cain aadir- '•• ?..
• Vance,: will ' be charged.' - ' .
The increase is imperative due
, to,lfcr,.teha:e, pdt
:a.'istos. s;iconnection, Cw!2ticin
, :
with the producing 'of the paper.
few Years, ' The
Sentinel rebated 50c, when ,sub-•
•' ScriPtianS, were paid -in -advance,,,
and wag one of the few papers
adopting this policy.. We. regret
. .
however that if is neCeSsary to
return to the regular raterwith-
out exception, on February jst. •
The. death •of. 'itoderick,•Bain
years ef age,' occurred' Ole' .Wedries-
day at .his home• ,Kinloss Township.
The fuiteral service will be held on
Friday from his lite residence, Com
cession 5, at two ,o'clock with inter -
'merit in Greenhill cemetery.
- • . . . •
Mr. W. 1 Little Probably
Has. • Been Engaged In Thec:Briainess
For .70 Years: :'And Still. • •QuKe:'
Active—Keeping Weather Report
Has 'Spew. Illobby. For Many Years
has written articles'. on imasual-
thei Conditions, froin inforrnatiOn
tained in calendar records kept by
Mr. .Williarn J. Little; Luckno*shoe
merchant.‘This has longbeen a , hob-
by with Mr. Little and for sixty years
hack-, he' can produce Calendars. that
will telt You', all about the •vagaries
of the /weather and settle;Ali
rainfall of the old days- . .
Born .Inear : Pert '. Hone,. Mr. Little
celebrated his 86thbirthday' on 4an,..
nary: 3rd. He is stillactively engaged
in conducting his sliee business, and
still'holds the PoltiOn as clerk of the
Division 'Court; for the 'County: of
truce. '
He , Made , hi e first pair of 'ShOeS,
seventy-years-agor consid-
ered that he -Prol!4131Y ,holdS.A pe -
minion record as the longest praetis-
kng„shOe merchant, still engaged in
this :business.
/ A ?great adaiirer of' horses, Mr:
Little was noted' for inany fine
vers he lia$ owned. Ile kept step ,with
Changing' ,conditions however,and in
1915; early in the automobile era, he
bought his ',first car, and has never
since,: beer,' , without._ One. • • '
• Spry of ,foot,, Mr. Little does , a
great deal of walking, which he rec-
onunende' as a prescription for long-
evity. He has equally nimble fingers
and uses a tyPeWriter:'for all his cor-
respondence: '
The ''Ashfield ,Manse :Of Presby-
Church wee. the scene ,!...af a
very ,interesting and. happy 'event' on
January nt,. If ‘a.m., when:
there arrived, 'nothwithstandine the
storin and the. blecked•-condition...of
the roads, the principals and their
ceremony .perforined; andthen it -!nriis.
that Mr., Hugh., 0,...',„.M4cIrenzie and
Miss' Margaret'. M. Parrish 'were.:'uni.:
ted in the bonds of holy wediock,
their Minister, K. Macailli•e
. .
yray, 'Officiating, and Using the „ring.
cereMony.,-The.,haPpY•Conpie left.. irn,
niediately, byautomobile for •:Goder-.
ich, where it • is understoed. they tea
thp 'train for 'points east and south
on their heriesiMeoli trip and sojourn"
somewhere. ,The objective still re."
Mania' a Myster..46' yeur ''reporter.'
That i was a case of getting mar-
ried Under difficulties is quite evident
frorn, the fact. that the grOont, was °Uh••:,'
Able to reacli the,bride's hoind
dence, and had to have his par pull-
ed through -the 'drifts • in order to
reach the nuiriSe; and 'again in•the
trim to-•;Goderrch it was rieeessary, to
have' the Perfermancc. repeated,,r the
grooni,e.• friend, ' Mr.'k West, the
most recent previous addition to the
ranke. Of the Eenedicts,,, being the
symptithizinig ..Good Samaritan, Who
helped, the. ankioui, Couple. On their.
'The contracting parties "in •thia
marriage., are Very' highly respected
both in 'the Comriuniity and in .the
,church, and gartY 4iththem the
:most earliest Odd& wishes ofall their
nuinerMis .frierula in their lendable
venture of eetabli8hIng.a new hoine
in the. denninniity. Their' return is
eagerly awaited, •
With J. W. Joynt acting as instal-
lation officer,: LuelFnew,,ChaPt.er offi.
:ce3S %tere''' installedoffice. WI Tues-
day night.-- They are: ,Fast Z, W. B.
Anderson; ..Z; 'Dr. WM.' II
641740(1.• MacDonald. I" Cameron
Donald;Scribe E, W. A -
Scribe.. N,„ D. J. Vaciutiles;';;Treas;
W: W..' gilt; P S. pr. R. L Trgeg-,
very, s. S R. Rae- J. S., T J. Salk-
31ch Mast. of Ist..Veil, V. A. Mow.
bray; M. of 2nd V. G. 8.. MacIntyre•
M. of ,3rd V.,. N. S. Calvert; M. of
4th. V:, 'Neil McLennan; 0: G.,N. E.
Bushell; • D. of C. W. j..Davison.
Mr. R. S. 'Hetherington- of Wing -
ham Will Young Men's
Glass of the United Church this Sun -
,day,. January 23rd, at .two o'clock.
Everyone ' is cordially invited to hear
:Provincial -Officer MCCIevis of
Walkerteni_s_cheduleci speak -Jest
'8;t:iii-daY, was unable to be .present,
but Willaddress the Class at a later
date and his visit will he awaited
with interest,
The.) winter • program°, of .the class
be drafted shortly.
' haS7elpiertak
stage a. Minister Cambial in the
CommunityHall in the7ii-ear future
which premises to be the outstand-
ing event so far staged; in the, new
Committees are 'planning
or the event and if paat sucesSei
can be taken, as a :criterion, this
eight will be: one. worth „attending.
:91d Light •Lodge, "A.,V.& A.M. in-
stallation o officers was held On
Thursday ' evening ' with,• -"Mr. George
Stewart, presiding as installation offi-
cers. The new (slate of 'officers is as
follows: • k: '
Donald Blue; W.M.; F. MI
Paterson; S.W., Neil McLennan; J.
T.; 0-.CraWford; Chap., lie?".
MacDonald; Treas., W. W. Hill; Sec.,
D., R Atte;
George Kennedy; • S.S., ' Wm. ;Porteous;
W. B. Anderson; ,LG., Fred
Newinan;; Tyler; R. 'Cameron; D.
of C., W. J. Davison. ,
' Mrs: Stanley Taylor :left on Sit:
.urday to return to her home , in Ed-
monton. Mrs. :Taylor was formerly
•Elizabeth;.Miller, and her visit at
iSt. Helens :with. her. Mother, :bars. R.
K. Miller...and- other relatives, Was
her ,first visit' to her old home in
.nineteen years. :.;
Card. Of " Tbaaka.
' We take this opportunity of•exten-
ding our, sincere ,thanks to , friends
and neighbors for .'‘their many, acts -
.0f. kindness extended to us in our re-
cent sad bereaveraptit.—Mr. and Mrs`;.'
Elwood Barbour.
Curling Club Re-Organiies.
At "Enthusiastic Meeting'
After , Lapse Of Inactivity For se;v.
eral, Years' • 'Club Revives' And
Plans To Get The •Roarin',•Geme
Underway ',For Balance Of This*
, •
Inactive an,ce the winter of 19g0,
tneknOw is to again have a curling
club, followi ,Monday',night's.'en-
thusiastic • rg-organization, meeting,'
Witha little work and effort it, ap-
pears that Marked .interestiwill again
bt-1.611I,ttvoiwVe51. n 41PatslIti`s, ganie in
was widely
loloWri,and wee their share of•West-
ern Ontario' laurels.
Officers elected were, .Hon..Prea.,
G. 11, Smith; Pres.; Dr. R. L.,
leaven; • ,Vice -Pres., A. E. McKim;
See'y.-Treas.,- 'W. A; Performs; Ito
,Stuart Robertson, Wm.
TTornelI; Stones Committee, AM.ith'*
\lcKirn, Jack Carnpbell, G. 11. S ;
Membership Cemi G. H. Smith, Wme
Davison. '
, •
With a View to encouraging a re-
val of the games, the COMmunity
Hall‘,Corninittee. has ' granted the Club
free use:Of tho ice Ter 'the balance/ of
the'AOrisbe,. Se . Icing as curbing does
net interfere With skating, hockey or
any revenue producing events,' The
Club will be responsible for building
thelit, own lockets,
••, .
SOP°. Ys,Dinlibed Wingh.amt:
'Squad6-3.0W, Tuesday
• ,
Duti4n.i,ed 'Engles'P
00 '.! .o.N1.4.1
„Win'', .Deciiii;Ve. Yiieethri;F: T.417.1
- Avenged '3*.:••• Defeat Sepoya
ed 1n Opening Ilome Genie.
•The''Sepoyg did it. , They:, .adninie:
tered,"%a 'tm.3" licking to the
halnEakleS on their home ice os
• ' • •
reCsday_ night And the, score ,pretty
Much .indicates the ' margin that the
Sepaye had over the Winghernites,
..11alf4 of Luclinow took in • the
game and Yelled themselves' „hoarse,
as the.. locals. turned the tables •
make up.. for the , defeat Luck •
now received here in the opening
game. The game, ternporarilynt least
Put -'141chnoW into 'second Wade with
;3'whis and 2 losses,. right 'On the
'heels Of the Mitcheli ,scinkl who 'head
the,,parade with °a '3 and 1 record.
• Godeiich played in ' Brussels last
night (Wednesday). A win for the
Sailors ;would send thein into ii. Sec-
oncl•-place-tfo.mith-the "SepoYs....
'.• Wifhrriopenedthescorinftfter
the goal and "Porky" Mitchell
getting An aesist., • Jack Fisher • ;gat
the. equalizer at'..the 4 -minute , mark.'
Bathson' put Wingham back' in the
lead.'a minute , later and ;Jewitt tied
it ni) at S minutes'. -4Vjth five minutes
to go, Fisher got :his second goal on
arr-a-seiSIT y the 'per-
iod ending 3,2for the • Sepoys.. Bate -
,n. and ..111C--Cdrinick servecr penalties.,
Five minutes had elapsed in ,the
2nd Period When McCormack .beck
handed in counter 'nuinber 4, the
only goal of '-the period that saw
Book, Cameron 137,teson...,s4rve
• At the One ininute mark in the 3rd
)Pyeriled,is4eSti,liniliadenedpitrs5o_n2to. Gdreeal as
neat goal five Minutee, later, and ,the
badly' diainganised Wingharn squad
could do nothing., right to out down.
the lead, even when, the SepoysWere
two _trien...hort; With six minutesto
go, .Wingham goalie was.. struck on
the eye and -while •eff, for Irepairs - the
Eagle e got settled down, and Murray
Rae 'managed to7break"-through with
of ot Turthhe71. iiiesupi oihyst t: le .0 ofko:. bf, eotri oh; sii,Nrififer:yt
out, with, both forward lines .going
at top speed, both way's. jack Fisher
inirnt nnontfituhade,f1:rosnt
line, wagpaired
4 , Page 5)
.ELECT iirAkbEN•
:Alla, order of 'business when Iltir7
on and ,Bruce County Councils met
this week was .the-eleption -of wardeji.
for the respectiv'poUnties. in•Hruee
the honor goes. to Henry Lantz ' ; of
Carrick who is ,the :first Warden .to
represent Carrick in 51 •years.'
In Huron, Wm. Haackp, of .Golfer-
icli., Township, and with'' 13 years'
municipal experience wen out in the
balloting; '
INSTAL . si,Mrk. ()It ..pptIcEigi
= The 'Scarlet
anneal .mting On Friday night, Jan.
140. Sir Kt. 4., A. Grahani past
Wor.. commander •took the chalr for
the :ftlet'Allatign of offieers.Th.ay. are
osfollows: Sir Kt.',,,WOr.. commander,
Jehn. Milier, Lucknow; Sir Kt. past
%Voi',col/inlander'Wm. Haldenby;
Sir, Kt, Deputy commander, ' George, •
Haldenbi- Kt. .Coznpanion ChaP-' •
lain,. Gedige, MacKenzie,, LuelMew; '
Sir :Kt, Companion Scribe,' Art Hod-
gins; ',Sir,. Bt. Cerapanion. 'treasurer,
'Oscar 'Hodgins; Sir',Kt. • CoinPaitioh,!1
Marshel, Jaines 'Hodge. Sir Kt. Com-
panion 1st lecturer, •Isaac
Sir Kt. Companion 2nd 'lecturer, Wm
flalderiby; Sir Ict:' Corapanion „1st
conduetor, H. A. Graham; Sir Kt
Companion ;lid_ conductor, Noble
Guest; .Sir Kt onipanion
Earl Hodgips; • , SirKt : Coinpanion
Sentinel, 'peter, Carter,' Ludlum*: •
The season's"' low was ,. registered
, „ . —
on .Monday -nightlg when the mercury
dtopPed to an official 10 below zero,
Triesdaynight' the temperature fell
• . • , ,
back to. zero:
(By A Community „Poet) •••
Once. More we think—et aehh7
The 'familia •Seottiali, bird,
;Who rose freni. huinble,peasant.
To claim a rich reward.,..
• His: early Iife was filled With toil;
• He dreamed of better. 'days, ' •
And he gaVe, expressionto bis -so
Without a thought of,. praise. •
His 'life, till) Alert,: was rich in level,
Alove that only gives, '
And like .all. Scotland's greateat:.ifirt
His name immortal livek.
! • . •
His pi:erne have r,brightened many s• '
• 13eWelf down._ and • „sore:. oppressed, And ineny it broken spirit has,
By his bright .'poemly'bein-bleased:
There' surely is a recompense,
We use a line, he, Penned; .
:He Sleeps 'today in Scottish
In Death, the poor niati's friend.:
ciuTdhi.neg dtc.ihrieblemnifeetuArepapyrograwithTho
in ,
Quints'? presented by the , Freinier
Talkie Show in the town Hall,'
'Thursday night, drew :is' good" crowd
in spite of othek- attractions. -•• The -
Preiiiier Show is noted for the high
quality picturei it presents, and the
perfect sound reproduction, and this
double feature bill was no exception.
The audience was well pleased. ,
' A.. return engagement- with
picture is planned for February:
Mahood - Stewart Lumber
BOX 296 'PHONE 34-111r
. THE GitE. A...TT. EtS,..T: N.,,,,,,7 IN RADIO
, ,
.. • . . ,
RADIO. 1410ENSE ' AND'. •
2 ' Y.P.,AkS,.. DATTEE1.( CHARGING.:.''
'' WITH' . ' ONI • CONSOLE' ii(ADIO, 'OURCE.AS*.• .,..,.',DF.,:
ANY„•MA C . .. •1 ..,...
.'OLD SET..., : , ' '4