HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-13, Page 8e r.; ••• „ THE MICENOW SENTINEL • • Tnugswilt, .TANUAIRY' ,. 1 1.'.CHLTRQH.. NOT ..„..,....,..,„, (ow ,PRIRAST.'..piow.ppg$. 4.11g THEIR. DESCENDANTS . . ,.. CLoc.*!.ind,,GEHERAL e a Ira. ,. v . otadi, coalrch: .w..•. (paa,aaad fram page 1) . .„ . •. .i.9,.teUr lhticillex.*S4.4°weeI4eketta4.Si.;h;4n'I•iQP"...!.1a17141:'e ,0u.rse. These arga,iniz;,:s.:,7-4thebon:fgrs.q: vIsi44;at410estakeS40tT8,'.. .Decker for their annual meeting last at that :time,: f ather ,I•jacIrett, .4S. be, •• . . , , • , 'i • tive,d4e.,oda7.,, .w4e ..voiltctent.„. mrs,.was tamillar.13." P440, 'Was the . serdor RathWell presided for the devotional' of. the name; .0 'leader iP• the 'Church" Mr, :Witl. Johnston, of Hamilton is • • , . . and linsiiipia,..part,of the 'meeting, En- and ealsrannitY. His Son. j.ames;, had spendhv,a.few WeehS• With his: sister :•severtil ;boysm', the,,..etime.idest, passed' MI's. Russel EnhertSO4 •''. '''' . couraging reportshr, 1V . from the different te., ent ance in, my aod.Warit On . , lES $1111(.0RESSES• !Real' Silk tl ..;017:npirt,t1s.., wcreH4qZ ::::,,a0,,,,,°P.::‘,.d;, ,to the high' sehaal, Walter.4.4.P. net Mrs AItonvi • sited, her, sister . Mrs hrother 'followed his *example •130. .'''.0..139,1,41401,5e‘74;:eira);t7,41e., . • Dresses. .: 1141,, tO, 11;50, ,,toi Only. - .s,,.,,.*., vi.‘ for-th,e7 .4q1i) And co-operatioa dor; . ing. , tkei, .44 7anr .0.11,1„.0cpios.04... p . are. now prosperous physicians' .' 27ty; ' .desite. to -More 'Members' doting, the c4D:itiits,t, Aml.d'57si1.4nec-g:4r4,:f •oblr.,61:141.1:irn'e;.j.::s;paini,,,:, 4 . 4... ;Apr' .r :eTt.e,e4ht.01..; ! , vRii4old.74.484.7,.644t;.ti4agii tfewe r , . -coming year.Mrs.. ' W. F. Reed tea4 :•hf. Detroit, had the hOtior .0:0°,01°0'11*S. A. J. Wilson and •i1.1r.'WilP607.'of. , 'charge; of .t4a. election , of, • officers- OrOP140as • • mayor; of the municipality ' et.; to.wri., , ...: , ,. • / . ''' , '• President, S. C. . 114.01W01;::'1.,§,t .. C Highland Park:. in that 'Pity. ' .' These: ' vick lldra,,W.-...'/"-. Itoed;oil vice, Mrs ,-,' ---•-i. are.,.Hackett- grancisons:.f. .' 4 '.': ., '': : : Xii'S'' :Willn•ift4...1:19tiglaS'';R:ki' N.) (g.o.i.9.8'..I.•.•Tpckei; ar07-Acc, mrs.,- , Rec.. See 4;. lisr,. 13.: th0 ''',.th• . f.: Or; WaWS.nesii'' side Of 'I'M'S. retorbeit to kitlitarat .1,dow.gker, • • • ' - '''' • • ' " ' • e e section, -lived • the Entherfords,• I e three Wp0)5p, visit , with her . parent*. 'Audition ;.., co 'and . Press. secretary, ',#uiii,„ goli.c.i,f9r4•..i..., ,p,N :11117.,, r..t ,,. 1,1m., ,. ,., ,r51_,•!EiH':.CV-i.;114'11''s4"PC,hr.rtst;i.a1Z7SiltSel,W,C4;_dsliliPs,' 'IstWe'!g' HI41e9ie4;n''afr,:a• pk8' !s•:;.ii',.,i,4t44-ri;iihS'n'i... cah9; ...C,41it.:'..:•°Toe I : iNI, r' ,''P'' ‘:'*-P , ... MacLennan 4 *.eek . ...,,, Alta.,C. Decker; Associate Helpers; the :West Of Belfast ; about 3-1/2. miles, d :visitor with his daughters, Mrs. "' ;-: , Mrs: 10.1.. Tncker;, -Stranger's. -•$eo.,,, , was T4.4.isoiji6 or Lane's p. , ,•I I 1ales of .• Richmond • •• Hill and. , MTS. •Mr.s.T, -ll, ,Alton; Missionary Moo- , , . • . • Mrs, Robert , Fisher,: Mrs.George . thly,. Mrs.' B. • Stektbar,s; Supply Com., *Liteilme,eirsit..1.1.6.):4:4s;39if ' t,7191;t1r4fa. IlinialrY'riiiieVo7tilii.,....i''Nek;ss,.6.f:,,,,.11-2:71,A,,t;m: s't' rnno, sr.,. npd,'F. • 'from ' • Irlitup, Mrig m'Alst BARGAINS NOT MENTIONED il*RP: II daughter •of .lingh.' Rutherford,. and 1,Beatrice retureed,home recently ., , , 0• '0 .• • . that: worthy Couple had a. farnily:, of' I 0,„ -010 :Weeks' , wisit . in. •London with - • • 14 ,.. Harold AMA; ,' Literature See.;. :Mrs. ., ' .• MiSsioii Band; Mrs. Tarnar. and Mrs. ,fili,;. .. :Gteer, ., ....• , , oys sonie hOrn at LEthea, otherS I the.. fornier's -family'. • , - wth.., moroie.; , Flower, ,, Corn. Mrs. R. alty,'Kinlough in Bruce, vthere the Om, I.,... . tUCKNOV,: GN'f. ' ... . . , .. ___••.._ .Mrs. V. lVIOrdie:'Mr.a.: Rathwell.,'elos son; fianists,_Mrs_.3...R. MeNab.;....tmd,. ' • : J.' caineron and 'Mrs.. .11..11; .. Them)), `Itna'W. Richard,. •With ai One', time .1''Poci",,, is '''YiOtin0.7. '1'.1t .,108.:' Jatber, , - ..1 grew ,ap Four of, these ' boys, I , ittpt.,r+.. Alfred': NeW,01.1 0 ”Reecl:', CitY, taught:t. the.--SchOOlLat-'' Holyrood;'''' is 1 1--).x, G. A ',--Nev4eni.7ii . h,/,414 ni,it-: been .. GARDNERMORGAN . ' Come wAondi.flinie.airtilAa,7,87,drzso.n• -, 7VV EPPING. .0E.II.L.S. LUC1(1.10V1;,GOSPEL. '.11ALL, , ed the, inettyw. wtth: ,prityei, after now ns.ot.w, irtri.:3,0:Rt.oD; .„: 'wLaninoi;'pishy.RSiecvia.n.,..w13.1:6:or!..: e xi. ie Yr ill, andk.ge.7ividi.: .:47.:t .,,,,,, 9 •••• , 'of ,israntn . Athen8 Alie.' bOlid4011ne. v.T6ddir.igs• . .....mooTIN6s.-_„,. - which the ..hosteas- , served gi :dainty Lane' •miniSter: 'of North. St.. '. , ' • - - • • .: ". • : • , ..- .....'. ;of interest was.. that. la .the Church of Friday,. -.1 030,7 -Young People's Halt: .ELEilto NE .•.TAtK,S, iN, .ttik E.. WA,TSO'N. F.Allill 4Y. : . lunch •which. 'Nvaa' niaCh enjoyed ''hY chai.p':h, ....andelich, . and ..paitid,: Uniteds.hs anci ' MisS' 'Weir . , . of ' NVIemPeg,: were ,the .13,edeenler, Ierento;' ,-T.he „bride_ FiidaYi • ',SI .0..m,.. --Bible Reading ...and: . . , ,flogloor, , the. ,rnittietor of Knox ,,,res.r, We:ek- end vialtors .at . the ' hoine of was Mildred „Agnea,, datighte ..nf the ‘ ':•••Study, 11. ' .... Presbyterian w. M. .S. ' all . I .. . „. ' bYterian' Church, ..GoderiCh.. Andre, ' *l.'s'. 711".. 41!)11. :'• ..: late Mr';,'Ond Mrs. Levi Mo. 4n, II.P.7.;.'SOnday,.• 1.1 430r-7Thl,a, DO It,•. Rein M... .,,T, of :the United . Church in Mr,: J., E. cNab . and ,,Mrs:s• : .. C„,;,,,ICY,:„...Oritario. TiteL,_gto_oln.:„.v.o. „V.:BHA:al ..............„.....4.;....biaii,66,0/7.:•44.6,..& , -,, • i...:•,... , .. . - ----- ‘1V46.. Itiii•glail youri • --,7,-...---..The4-141.444:,-*Petirig---;of- the :Pres * . ' •• byterian' W:. 14,„ s.., was held' at the • .. • feeling 'beiLei, Moth*. I ''' . , . iidioo. .i.r- .010 Y. W. . A.: jOining ;And of Belfast section And, their . grAnd- . MeNab's, uncle, ; Mr, ,John,geieklejohn.: • rarie; ,pntarie.. BeY,• • Dr, „Arniiairthig ••naanse.,: : With. 4 large, attendance • the , . FosroeStioCcohlinftoY;;sotif X•fen'thoft"itIne. pioneers .*44(''sriltobli:i•,,iwerieatoi,gii dineaytrutteccnainni.•)i:Mmoni.-'',..a,IS?.sn...levv...Y, ;iGii:irldi4,;.,j,2,:.0.e9alrld'Il•t. '00:f!.....4:0.1.4tcht: '.w..,„".,,4a:Itaphybig;SA.g.•:.-I).,D,..thei:oci.:i ,Inta:A,:eb:1,6:tetidusiltubitg i,,.6.nal, . •. ... • - .. HilitOpt. :C011114TY•":!,I,Afi' ViLLEN. for.,thi,ftrit.•ineetl4,9f P.,e; Year,,w7aS:','‘'Wler,'411 rePi.eselite4 'in 'the .-se.11 r: and :took' charge :,0:.,,the devotional . ,.. ,.. : ..,. .: ; ••• ..• • ...., • . ; .. , . .1k,finee, Pie 'Contest. •• ' ., tailewetL....Mri: ' MaeDonald' ' pr,eside,d ' - . ' ' • . • . . . ,-',,hit Fri da34 JalatiatY" • .1.4.th, at '' 2.30, taking •Part. 'in the :meeting. The •Pro, 'Omni .outlined in- thGlad.', Tidinws . ' .StOthers 'An& . Hackett ,...fantilie7S- ' rnle' 'JelitierY ' nieeing of t4e. 14Ve. children., The Ruthettetd, .Alton„. Ai.',... .711,itirvi:,:.,4.•,;•,.s.,,...,03,. ,...t:.•:,7,:,:,:,,e•w4,4iii,,.p...bb,, il.,....1.:::11:....,..etii.,d....p. fli, .t.pihne,. ,hiyi:ictic..islieher':i,iii,tdilin;a:,,ilt;vgi.et;.ehi.4.0:e.',:t.e.0,:rb:ittr..iiiJI.irilaarnpto:;.t,:y.;0.7tlielii.., my 'tiine: and 'Mani others. who ' inight be monied; ' These are good • samples. . • • • • , . .. .. 'Jn:: k'v'ef'wonreeedtreanteieine:e,tinelleUr;Oina'• Perntlirtit":; • • - .eriod.:' ' Alter' reading . the minutes, :. brother; -Dr. .0, M. MOrgan. of . Buffo innell;.MOre •Will be•dinie :in '1938 ,rie4..4 '. .'•'4.-4.: letter from :..Saelcatelien'en, • f4441.0.: respondence received, which included :$:4"'::."4$*:tiEtti.'''''''ill'it ., s4oCh.i..--r,s1:44,-Al.*iik-IF4 ..,.11TA 7.e.11; ", 1113.'/, ••.lii , ,• t?bTita; , the. ,Iiittet... paii.,4, ihe, 1.,i:ok. •elYe,t With :3)haki.t., 44nand'ilm':.*.eil iete"444". -Match and -:1 ..A..i.aL,rirje,elini.,.h ,t,(.7,..,;.ite' ' '.,..a..,714,' t°11 7141' , ,. ing•ithe'lathea for clothing 'Sent: ...Mies. • • ',.;,iiiieftiMili.'of Mrs.:John... ' ' . . , . ..,Stewart,,. Mrs. •"Jack • 'Ainisiteng, ' whe. passed: .1.3r of the valley...,,,,... _attenditw. the funeral or her sister, -47.c°raa.•09-'47L-49,1141,.Hill.,-,...,--7..,se, s,...a.71, 21.. icio,.ithiituiesatisohniiiivots' that the .tChee!pyro..vnia,;,..,,, • - •' " :. ' . '• • ' . ' • : 'gen, :. attended: ,lier'sisterrinqaW .M a acrea.....• to, : • every .100,..: . .0.I''....' -•,,, • . , .,. , , 1 - 1S , '''0": 111 •.-, - • Rh•elui. Mullin • sang, a'. solo; prayers., filet' ,at 7 the holds., Of her sen -in away" in that cit '. .. . 401;1 prayer. ,.. A Seeial.-. time was much , fu:i4te:rodr:fi;oett,tSsegoease‘tW, teoie,e;'ieriteest,,Ae.4.'hfertlxhi ' •• ler • 1,938.,:.Fteident, Miss Ehnira Al- -ter, Mrs. ,Toini: A. Farrell, of Clarks _7*.e:'''•-oriertajihed while there at :Mr, jirid..oceesoi,,iestr,.....4mt._ , Mrs: MacDonald seky. ed2',..ref. r!s..17e.iii.t'x'tifivale.nh,,,Ie."'.0,kife.7.gitit..4*.:‘..g.t.;..-,;,:.ik.a ,.7.,71:',,P are:nsjie7,;etd,.7Ri,ol.ii:le,i-t8:..:i.r!..%:::e.t:.7s'p7::,'.., ,,,wi.,64x:0,..,.c.,;I:i:,..:,,,e,gk,e-'7or.fe,P.,.er.ta' r‘isiml.1.6.1na ' ; , roses black;. . , hat,..and. ' . ..lie: tz.ve4dio ;p:6.,.iti.79;wdal;;,;.i.a...ili.0"Eiti,:s.arid . -.,,'7•E-#..fit6t4.1g-7-"7:7:-.7;:•:. ''''!'"". •••-- .• - •••• ren.' ,' . .. ."; ., . ,''''2 ''' '' ' s ' . ' ' ' ‘,•RI:s.V.:cl, :?:vitir.iiL_MtShpistni.:gdi..ri.,. Theg,,of:_aiii.eheitimnoaieth -,19f1., grs.,', M. ...Henderson.; The, topic, •11;t0iir.i,i.letie:ot.i:i?..keiflordtel.lhd;itithr.rih.im,ttt, fitieeiiitli_ ',lei?' Ai;i•ind ..i.i4i.i..i7'(;:n9rf, Sijans't: interest that !**tat 47. he,' '..oh.Yiii91..r„ .::w.sate:i.1;44O4;:a..81Lidetielthe..11; .Pronrecenep..;illenWasi:1,4baesn; Ashfield• .. • . tori;.'1Yice-pres,;„ Kish '::Beinadine"..41::. She:..bas ;Many; Lucknow friends who -wzieer;eMer4S!.:11ed.:Ai3Yi'tsc. Mbirsee;nRM:. Vrs. ;311nCLIC:tetnl. :•'1$1j1:1r4.';'isITtillaili.nee''D'IgYile'kte6re'e331.efbraAtitilu'it'l'i. '''h°1.1 ' W'''i Ili* .•1.: ye' 1.. . '.14i.'; ' ' '11'1;g. ' ''' ,, ingi•iind; 'elected .. the ..'following:lefffeere--ePeada'•••the,,anminera NI „ ?What -Prayei, Dee0;,.was '•taken ' hy, • -. Y..:P.:' T.' • Of . Haekette 'held ..• their : 'Mrs. ' pteiot,', .*hi) . foi•rnerly ''', te- ;annual ..nieeting. last Thiirsday. ;even.: Sided on': Concession ., 2; Huron, ,, .t 11 'enjoyed, fc,illOWing .the:ineeting,:*lien . , • • .. , . , • •.• . , . , ... . , . ; • . . , . ; , . lett.: Telegramk .• roses ,and.'con rat,, uninipaited ' iiid''..i' ' ..i 11 'ili -her. de,,egh' I.Fornitnre' Shovi. .1V1i.: and 3Ara.,rFisher r randchild, ' ' ' '. Doy .in, honor: of. Mt.'' and MrS. rvettitire •n-•,.rrne',,,e'cld'in.g..:. inacheOn: .fellowed.'"'it'll 117" TiOraCe : Aitchison. and. ••atten ed - the .w01:4r411:4,.. ;,.,7,61.1441,4gb,taid.,.. :Ttliiv.heti.e..r silver: .the .b0141,16t.'hall'• of " the-',..Kieg . rid,. 11..‘ ,e.e.ei,.e04.,..: hi. ,Kithenei%. :,(...TPeY.' . Later - the. ; .btidal: : conple, ,, left' • 'for ' . ' : :ar,i(.1.' Mrsil. MaeGillirOY'a .1AciliOe'' and'. /ler .Will Make their hohie.• in. ,,s•nth :',Telesii;:altenr, ... citleet were. acconiPanieti•-hy Mt.:. and, :Mrs. . : tathern4 . held On New Year's. ,to,o' • ,.. • , •q-, „_. • . . . , , . . . , ,., : .4. isith.'noiiino...3,:cii: .92..6iashotrb;a,•:n.i.dca!;.e.,107.1...;1!,184,,vvr'aallini.7P:'.7..a.:.aoils.:;:.•, . . • . .. , iets. . •• . - --• Soy- 'NO' i'..&.'“Iltit&r lie.' i "i-i;Oni's ' '-'mniber ".;14.;:e -wla.ends: , ,witwa4001 ..,74,, 4s. hoii'vn: ' ,!:. )11 ida-81;14(1 veil She Sv.11°17Wt ew4hi.i..11.'rt-.7 aeres : ii:tiii,d.,,.h.: 3",.,,,:•••t...1.,.9044.teiot.drh_.s.:,,,,i_P.Bee.uil,'t.te.te..ntta_5Filie.:,. travellink:in. Raspbeirsr...ffiallis .goWn: IuMbetiesi Lodge; MuSkoka, the bride: y7itli'Persiaii.lanib.:enfit''.and'black. hot , . . • • . • . " . . e • • , • , • • " B/147.7qa'rd'.,- . • . . , . tion11i ' t 'a'swii: 99 acres ...41i'‘."4::.iil'''... 7' had. declined' to 5i7...;.: • . . , . . . 65 "'irEkitS. kARRItto. . ., , .. . , . -.,'• 0.14.ing..,' telephone --- they ' are . playing • stone; Asa't.. 'Sec., lYkies . Jean .•.Cain•er...••:.:. ' •'• ' ' : • , r4...on,g, Pistance-17--(071.-oligTpiuitaiiisa. • keep the family. tOgether...., • Let tlie,- tele- . .. ' ,i)eapive :habit that iiiirti anxiety • and Atellmt:. ' .,Iiiilbit With ..the ,Watio!i; family -7' an. ibex-. The .117ateett,. youngsters are.. mg. merely .• Christian •:.rowship C.onirener; ,Mr.. '''.. .rouintr-7coN.,.KINILOSS , . . • • . . . , . •• • :Jean'..Canter00; &KM' • on,..i: r.. or7 :611ent• t,11:e • we.0.4.-,14:*ith,.1:1‘0 •I'l'ot!Ir '. Alex:..Baek Hackett; Missionary -Con., - Mr: Blake ....Alton; ' Literary" Con., Miii. ..- ' Mias Ethel',1' orireasuret,7"---Mr. Eussel. AltOni' Buckton, :Of .. Toronto, •. , • years :oito:.7'rt:ito 'prohsh, the worst, . dy..:::. :,..0,:hirdi7m: d:iel.o.t:Ailetittc. j:hiSneolirrt.a.: .7V.ei:ite:tr:;:n.14:,:c,ei, sds: ,F0: r:e1); ji4nie:ti.:B•:aiviNra'p:eA:iy:ot.,3.,v,6:8,:.0..; par „a.7. .134•17::::1,;:;14.170,EvFa,,,3:n..iviyooers:taaryi!:,..:oonnti•nSualitninr:d,1.1.,e.Yx.,. Mary 'benefit', :• ' •:' : '': ' - : .With 4,..4 .rnile-arl'hOO .gaia.':VoNiink..... • # , . ... ,„ .441M -it -health ...and'. are enjaiing ,Ife: . . • . . f • • ' rA,70::.......:0 ' ton;,..., Secretary, i ivliae. : Myrtle' "Iolin... extend,. fejjeittitfoOS:. ... phone;-..ekr.,030..,Our..- horizon heyancl• 'yank' ,. • • ... .. . . , •. don Oehnstatie ; Organist, •Misi. Violet; -Derhert..,1. • .:',:::',:. .: '''''. :' • ' . „•-•j_r:-• ' . ' % ''ancr .a,"t6'#Oiititire ••ok• 14' bele*: ..tera• niOnfit .; ladies is in Inheld at the .'' AT HURON TosyrIsmp. Homo .. immediate , neighbourhood. ' Let : . it ; keep . ..Y4u. in imilekviithfirOial relitivei' an:ol :. w*amiey Aso,t. Organist, mit!. Len_.. ‘Mthis4:4.;.•,13,.141ar..ti.C.,h..4i.-9.7r4c,D..olvliiegtialfiti.:g7id,i., ,het -t . - .',1'ilfie0., :ipani!er-.9dat., ,B.uoritiniir:.7„1tahyl'it'sintoidr;eboltnelsoitite :.fit*.t„ge,t9in:,,ii.,.1.4•J.,.;071...iwe;A: ,,,;:c,M14 iG1.14i41.!......`R‘A.e.icl,,,,e4a11;, • .. ,• ..,, . • ., • , . . • On of. the .Oldest and bestknOWn ''..ora '' MacDonald.See'Sr.. ' . •; , ., , „ •.. , .• frie01H:.ih ...Cost ..ls. surpriabigly•.stn0...,, Siii.g;: &lir, 'llair ' or • P43,7,' . Fregram fanners' Of Huron Township, the ' : distance -in .1935,.. 16: end .17' have affitriecU . , ,:. seeings to :telephone. .users' in OtOgrie end . Quebee' of nearly one million dollar' Yingii. ... Rednetioniin telephone rates--lecal. aid tong [ • , Miss :B. "a::::::::9::11.11:''t- . , Otpiii,:ed.dingt 'c,a,,,,,f:Vd,odra:i7:iti:r.7.c.o.:e:tit:n.,..1,.. ., 1 , next i,ic::::;., 1..i, ejitiiker: ce.". I, .:tto. wasiekkse..t.::tfroho,far.o. liitei,.• ,hS, 9;:e.hil:i):iiri:yan. ti thate:no, I:: . oa ,,s :.,,,pma,:ci.i:di):3ira ,s:,131:6:7s1,0,,.., mi.s. ..tehr:et7rto.:10.;:mitihe:et::::::::: . :. .....]yfies ;Eeisie ..CarPOrban.; ca ,ears, • ohid.: a , hurried .visit here' the it., itieh4r4. we :Wodld:lae. il ' ' Person 04 'Matthew Welsh,.. died on , ...Mise Marjorie 1.• MaeGinivray. • re- 'Hagen MaeDenald dropped dead. ,: -iiceciinditia:.',1'.:.rioe,t'-iti:It:....:7:ol.i.:,s,:,,..'rli...,41v.titieti:•,:sNjitieharcei .,, . • week -,end with, :Miss ,Sadie... karOeh:.a., • . ' . .. : .- .- .. .., . • ... . ., , .• ..- •:". Goderich, Higi- SehoO.' .. ' ....•,:, ,..,-. ;been ill is ,Able. t6, Comm.Oct?. . '!'t.O. Ayr, .Mr. Welsh was hia. 85th. year, . Quite' a number 'froin this vicinity ing..this week', , :. • :, , ..., ....:,•'‘, • •:., end• , . . . • in and plied. resided '. in • lignee.;COunty . . .. . attended tbe'ShoWei, ' .of *jai Marg. , ,.sti.r.., Alexander ',', Pierce who .. +.1;0167., bao,, .werk.,iin the •KIdo,i7ad• ,Mines in the • . . . 7 ., 7 , • , .• , 7 .7 • , ' . SI; S. No, 4;'," West " Watrannally .. : • ..., : •,•:1,i,, ,.: - ..,. oggi Margaret MacPherson 574; mell:et'ciniegb.::t,isit aii:siea.te.f,e...yveseiceoiinteii.,e;'•iie•X•i: *ince 7.- • 7 ifififi. : Surviving in ::addition. to • ',... . , . Junior Room),. .' l' ar'et.:1.‘arile. b ' et: Neil ,..T, MacKenzie' .been Suffering , with • pleura ,. ithout, °reit :Bear ' bleiriet ' north :et :Eal .130- last ..Thuisday night. , . : : ........ rssiiia . ,it• in4.1191411g.. „;•. 'Menton, :leek , has ,.., been ...in a gold' • ,''7111r., If-fleyd,; 4endersan 'Pam'. Torop0: Grade., :II= Florence • . MacPherson,,•.,. : hie, Lyons 516; -Dorothea'Saran*- 47;;..:. ,, itins, :Jena osisso, who attends . Mr; ,Itsniiio ;01,0islis, .0, .. Torofito, mine• 'atKirkland, but silver and ra..; viiited,,7iacen,ily..At..hiS' 'hOnie :liere.,' Teat- Mar.ks--, ' .. , , '.' - : Alice Buchanan ,•• 417; • Ruby Bannia-, 'diiim 'are' :the minerals. mined :in the •,Mr. ;:earnian.:•Hamilfiin .is.'at, pres; :' :Grade', VI -Shirley Bannister :14...tee. "460; .1`,4rse.9a*61...4....4.7.• . Lockticw.' Sni.gh SehOOL. ,s0604 ,. the spent the ,We4it••••.end. at •hie. home, . . •erit :engaged in. bi.iali whaCking.at ,St',. . • • • .. . , , week -end at . her home, con. ;10:. :': ' ' VIV,.. Alex. MlicIntyre,: who has, 'come. ' rieW akea' he. has 'e't. (:* fel% :. '. Shirley Buchanan • 72. • i'• ' ' ' ' . . ., .:mr,. Ants', Culbert 'spent• the n.ti,' i fran :the .West; .4 ..,:renewing: eid.. a.e,. • : Anglia:tint...• •:, • , '''-'1'. ' .•.1 •':' meriehad* • •st, ... ••-•• : , :grade: I -Billie McPherson .... ' 625; : Bolt o4.,n,d with Mr. ..,Jte MachitYre's on thel tuaintancet OW the fourth. .': , .. . ..: Mr Albeit ';Cook 'visited .reeently weish..:of tb!:R.C...170; ., faivin.-the.";War... * . . . Gtritie 1V.Wiltna :. Ooynovi, ', ,• and Verna . McDonald -602;,• • Willie --,- in Toronto. -‘-- .;...-‘ a,. The funeral l'„WaS 'held :onitiridaii;',Op..,:.._ ,.., .1011, latrighi- . (664 -,o;-. Jeari,..Afthi 514;:- Jackie • AitehitOnot,..:484-;:-Geoige' •13. 41.6*.Eitel.',. '. • ' • .... '''.. : ' ''' ''. .. ' 2,, -:' • ''Miss, '' .ka-aVine '. Martin returned ' •••• . '', '. • • .. • I CranstOi*. 371. • ' .... - . '• • , • - ' ' •• ',. .• . ' ., - passing:: through, betWeen Wm _aMick..., , . , , , . /., Two Wolves .. were reported . aeen. liaise -after, spending a 'few Weeks. in.: • , . • • , . • . •• .. „ ,, , : . : , ,Ain41,Ay7,-I.h.!..°RAshfield,• ,. an ' ;:_,,....!"_ ...L.Mr..; NorYal, -RiChards---returned--': to-gm/tin conduetiein Pine-X.Ver ITni,.• • ' . ., . Thur ••••.----.-Dailif-Marke-'' Grade .111. --.ROY BeriniSter*.'311 ' • .Those•: marked • .t. Initsed . one lir ringhinic arid .: Coral.. :•MitcDOiiald's.: '' ,' Mt...J3obbie. Cainfib-ell- :spent - Alio son 7'.1. •,:' ''' ;',''' ' . . ,•• at . his :hOhje.,here.• .. ;:: ' ' - :' • MVO", .0eitietetY•i, • ' .'',. ' ' ' :' ' ' 0,:yi....lootiary,- 6t, , t,. 7' • . :.:•::!:_.,,-,-.,. „uelph! after; „spending..., , is ,. 4(.> 4ats ted, Cbutely with. interment 'kn., Pine., - more days -77 Beatrit-atMegilli.,:q66...i.2... .. . .. .... • .'. ,.. wee ,,,e .., .. at-This'hOme, ..;. . . , . , . • . ' ;Ale* iVlicRay, a son.' • . . . HIS WEER -END WE ARE OFFERING MANY BARGAINS ;opR, STOCK, ITS YOUR :..CHANCE TO ,SAVE 'MONEY: • DON'T mpg, IT LOOK!: WE ARE CLEARING ALL OUR LAblik.S", WprIskft COATS AT A DiscoRTT 'LADrOs,'Afost=sini, and w(144 Orrtisitinres Hoae. A Bilked; number at. this loW price of „ ."...:.39e Oslo • MEN AND ; YOUNG Aig'0. iyir.ERcoATs-.4ine sftiv!irtoneg; ." Checked Materials: and *Otani." in ne4;r, with : half belte and all-round beltss, Are at; Greativ'Eeduced „ ' -SPECIAL! YOUNG- • iniM's• .COATS -Bine • 'Mellen " ekiiit. at. Only'• • 7.. 410.50. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS -Men's fine Forsyth Shirts in ;pleura.' blue; tan and White, with: Sta-set collars. Regular $2.00: Now • THODIE 85., • WINTER CLEAN 0.A4T1NG THE NEW YEAR RIGHT WITH A HOST OP AMAZING VALUES.: BOY'S(Maple Leaf Colors) SWEATERS -Pure WOW, 34 Regalar, 51.50., Sale Price COTTON -37" wide, sturd'Y aualitY. A gaini house. ; f hold quality.'Sale Price - ..•; , 15c. 167 CO'rTON 7TBI.tRY TowELIAN9 dark -gr,od, colored Stripe. Solo Price ' ...•. 19e. CHILDREN'S WOOL .PLT,LLOVER.„SWEATERS.4ome all wool , Percentage (Pf 'cotton. Sizes 2C.32, Sale P., 59O,' nAlli NETS -Natural hair, ,cap eliape.' 6' netafn box. S;11,4 lAc ECONOMY.. BATS -:-a ''good white cat* opens to 2 (Pik site. 'LCiTS OF OTHER BARGAINS NOT ADVERTISED. : mpieton the widow, Christina Murray, are, six children, Thomas Welsh, Huron Twp. MTith Mrs. (Dr.) athome;)W. lji'aMekre.11 ett':1RDet•mEit E• - liott, Toronto; Mrs. H. R. Ruther- ford, , Hamilton; Mrs. George Beatty, Varna; another son, the late. Murray