HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-13, Page 7.0.• •
SPN HI* •• _ ,
Mark 1.`: 14-28 ,
,Gettlen Text "The time is -fultilled;-
. and the,kin,gdom of Cod is at hand; ,.
repent ye, and helieve in the gegriel,,
15. • . •
•'The Lesson In Its Setting • ,
•A:Pr4 and May, AD. 28: ".
•Flaee ganernauta at the north-
, . „
orn.ehd er the .Sea' of Galilee..
Chapter' which elosedliat week's les-
ion, in, which Mark briefly 'rebeirds tho„
: teniptAtiOn of „TeSua; •,,ahd the :rout:.
Ieentlt "Verse of this chanting:: with'•
• which our .Pr-esent••lesigion otienst, , ap,
proXimately flftee,n:Inghths Intervened
• from the:la.st oJ ,JannarY, A.D. 21, to
. April, A. D. 28. Of all, this period Mark
, says. absolutely nothing. The record
or it • is; aintost entirely., foundla the ,
4,pitspel..of jOhn:',7- • ; ,
"Now 'after: John was delivered' up;
Je„thes” onMe.':'' The IMPri*Senmellt .of
:John the Baptist will be found reeord:
. -5 Mark . •
Lake 3:19. •
• J6Sas came late .Galilee at this' time •
not•froin :any' fear of Herod, but he,.
‘D'aine.:oelbe inereSsing hardness of
. .
e• -.Fishers of Men •
"And Veen& said unto thent,, Come, ye
-after me, and 1 mill make you to be- .
'Come ,fishera of inimp. Aad straightvia.'
they left the nets, and followed him;
'And going on fl little farther, Se. saw
JaMes .the..,son of. Zebedee, and 'John
his' brOther,. who were also in. the ,bolt
-Mending the. nets. And straightway he.
called' them:, and they lert:tkir father *.
Zebedee lp, the boat with the'llired ser-
vants, and Welt( aftet. him." Jeshi•-ne-
ver calls to MO greet Work a man who,..
Is living 111 indolence • And ialeae40....
a man is, hot,,energetidally engaged In
Secular •,purStiits; it id airnoit-incon- •
ceivela that be will show any oneigy
and 'entlitisfa.Spa inapiritualwork. Je-
sus here cans men to ie his followers
who were honotably•occupied in a bus,.
, 'neat; that demanded peerage; strength
. and skill and patiehee,He told these :
fotir future alrentlesi tbel they were to
be fishers of ,men, heeattoe thelr busi,
. hess then was that of fishing,: The:
Lord .uses wh'atver talents we patur-
i-alip-possesa. .•• • '
• • :
,"And they gelato Capernauin." Ca-
PerniuM,,Ilke Nazdreth;.Owei its .farne..
-solely the'Saviour Who did oe many
inight works there: 'And straightway '
the hearts, :of the •Jtulapans,' and be•• in the sabbath day he entered•:into.,
the synagogue andtaeght. . • , , • ,
The synagogue u the formai es,
seipblY in Jewish • towns. 'Dr., in the
„Jewish quarters Of AbeGentile elties
forinstruCtren in the laW. The service
•consisted of,Prayer,lreading of Scrili-•
'.ture,•dnct. exposition ,by arty rabbi or
Other . Person .prelient and competent'.
to teach. :Testis"as a well known citi-
.Zert,•:itna a trusted. teacher, Would be
allowed tho ivflege of. sneaking at
any, synagogue he Might :be:attending.,
• chase Ile itnew that the:seed. of the
•he wad.:ttpostkii-4 wOuld.. find a '
..inore fettile:Sail 'in „the. leas: prejudiced
areas of:ha:Mee than athinig: the prOud '
Judaearit • 1.v ngin :and
hoar;' the.. eity: • of Jerusalem. 'Preach -
Ing the gospel of God,".' Here, in the •
speaking of .the gospel as •"of ,god,"
Mark ineatte,that the, good news; °rig-,
front..goil;:is•agift.of God. And
•. •there.• is a .difforenee .between.
• trig and. teaching.. Preaching', is, the
: proclaniati h'etaldin • ot.a.
s. -devoted,
• ., for the' niciaV 'pert, to: tfie ,explanation
• and, vindiCationof truth,
, never Changed .the tundainentattheme
.• of his message. He hed,,1110' greatest
• message iii the world, and anything .
. !Lose than that Would. have'bepp:inadn.:
. . • .••
"And saying; the •tim'e-is,•fultillee'..
. .
•,The. thought here Is ot the:Opporttine-:',
hells of the moment : The seariOn :flied
;in the ,foreknowledge of .God (Acts •
1 for, Which the:whoIe.,motal,
guidance of the .elirbi had Prepared':
waS"'fAlieome. "And : the kingdoni..Dt, •
• God is ..'.L#T,anci."' The. Phrase "the king-,
• •• .siont :of doe Is One '�f the most
leapt in alt Of the,•Nevi,‘.'keetanient. The '
• 'kiagnom of .dod, is God'i, sovereignty
Or: rule; tun1 that means the thiltilineitt
Of his Will. Josue' came to establish ;A
•: • IcingdOM,Ais,was.:,the-Hp•reaehilb,..-..Of.,.
•-:righteonenesa; and that Is Why:,lie Iaid
• down a rule' of llf� lofty' and exaeting'....
:As.soon a's'itis 'Preaching begins„:the
kihgdora of God. begins ,,•thitt Is • to
say,.the assertion Of eoverelgn-
the.kingdoms. Ofthe. world..
.and the :,,kingdoni. 'of .evil. Into thit
•. 'kingdom Only `..thtiee maycomo who
. have .acknowledged.: Gist's •Sway'. •in
• theit..hearts-All,Stich:they,he•Said,.to
• .haVe llfe. l3ut the life liere 18 onlr:the
' -beginning Of A life Which IS, to teat -fOr.,:.
• .eternity. •:There ;Will be 'a, tirhe :When .
God's' sovereigntywlIl be unlrersally'
. 'ettahnshed. A kingdom .demands A
The•.:New,:Testainent: knows no
• ., king but the 'Lord Jesus Christ., °Re.;
•. pent ye." "And believe in: the gospel." -.
John the- pantistlippeke only:of rep.en-• .'
tanCe..,•He. could not say "Believe In
•. the •gospel." bedairse the person who
• MaireS the gospel possible; the Lord,
• ..lesPS Christ, had net ,yet begun his
..Work. jests instated is *dtd . John anon:.
theneed for 'repentance, . whiah
•••niore Dr. less a, negative ' act, a turning .
•.'atottrld .from. that 'Which :
• definite Putting out of' life all that:AS ,
Wrong. 'fint:' he also • Made' clear t that
reteitancewas not ..ellong4.: there is ,
Poen:lye"; respitrethertt, , and 'that Is
that then sibcruld. believe.
•,46., hello*. as the , word is :Used in
•' the. ,NeW' Teststinent;.,15 Oet tO
• ,otircelVesior.,#.) tLii.re",in„ „the fat.
to belley6 lit 1llI0 Men,' Or • te,,
-bellevo-ill :metal ptinciples,.hut.it i to.:
• belioye „it the, .goSpol; .and the:gospel
thc 'New Teetantept IS 'nettling. ela0.
titan that the, Lord. jestia..christ,, thd
2 !$.460:hf,(104,•toy,pCti.8 ahil•-/gaVe himself
• for , ts, that he div1 frit chit' ifl5, Ptid •
• Ire(46 'agstitt"for'•ot r .•
Li'Anfl., passing aloiir by the • sea of,
•,thilitee this ' thn. settle bOdy• :of
•. Water asi • fillet., called" e1 soWligt6 1,1,1te
iSert.'of: cillipneroth,". from' its harplike
Shape, the..LSko'-'tt ;Clonitersaret; and
.also titd• Sea of Tiberias,' sfroM'the
nains 6f the prinelpal City OP its oWn
thoreit e'..T•ite Lake of: galileee Iles in
• a greet a ritplittlientre-like ' basin, part,
.d.Y Stitrenitied,lil hills, -It • ia:Se•beatr-
•tItul 'and -ethereal; Setlike,' a jewel
„Antidst 'its hillo,Jlisit it. hiokri Metre like ,
,a work of ail than u nattital lake. 'rhe •
(alined calIS it.the "entrance to 'Para-,
dIse' riral Avladtt Of.Gbdit, nit title
• . -la all its, -,',(',;1-44‘,•'l Was the takOarrpopn
lObst and litespetotia SS in .Jesus' day."
•. :It 'Willi a •htVeor lattestry: and a roetta
Of dYnaMIC'hintitthitY, The ptinCipat in-
dfistirY was • fishing, "He ItaW *Shawl
• • Mid. Andrew: the. brother 'of Simon
•;'cWstleg a net, in the -BOA; for. ',they.
•W'ere' lioitere;" Nets . Weeci :genetaity „
-'004,0icittit tied'lliio being•.OnlY in tie-.
Ottelanal airin Simon Is, of course, Ilene
Other. than •klimon .Peter, One 'et. the
.1464 iftestest Of the twelve apOstleile
tiligt•betkielitit 'mentioned In the,
dolitieti. Atari* ',referred to moo'
• ono bjp; matiti •
„ ac . e °
• ."And..they•:!3vere astonished." IA':
elFong descriptive word- • for ,:.ernaze-,...
,raeni, 'Which :means strictly. ‘to..atrike
• a -Person out of iihse&•.by'eome,
!lung. such as'• .festr,oroilder;, :or. 'even
40y; "At his teaching; for 110 taught
thera.AS having authority, andnot•ait.:
1b13•:..ecribes." Vhen : Jemitt:, Catne,.. lie
sleeted no 'preirions • rabbinical Inter-
preters .or the .Scriptures. He ..spoke..•
With authority ..COneetning ,God: ..be-
cause he •'.ottine.. from,: God : and .was tho
Son ofclod;'he•-sliolte?-with-4Uthcirity •
.concerning ',heaven; :the resurrection,.:,
and the hie to -cOme..bettaii,'.iie
comefrom 'heaven, and Was Min:
, .
eelt.th resurrect n-arict, the 'life, .He•
spoke, w • h au ritY. Coneerning. what•
was, right and wrong,,; for In him the:,
word of god was 'incarnate, and'-.. he,
Was hiMaelf.,the...very embodiment.'ot
_Ood!a•Pertect *HU:Or .men,:He knew
•(he Father; he 'knew life ,la heaven: '
heknew' the.fhtnte:'
lie knew the hu-
man heart; he 'kite*, the..niesintitg'or1'
• holiness,"and its cOntrary-;Ahelnean.:-
leg of sin;. and When he •snOke,. be
spoke on 114 .4:44authority, and the
people knew. it,. and ,••.ittraitted.•• that
. here,Wai.a„, teieher,,Conie:„froin.
. different from any ;other:teacher they
hadever' heard; 'who was breaking the
;shackles.' :of 'antiduated.,-. :traditional,
moldy' interpretations, • and bringing •
•new life;,, beauty. And reality to .the.:
,' lair, of god ;and the truth.' Of: pod.;
'.• :“Anti Straightway ;there was In thelr
synagogue a Matt :with an unclean.'
Spirit'And lie Criedl'ont:". "Saying,
Whiehave We to do 'With:thee, leatis
, • . . . ,
-thou ,Nazarene? art then cone teclen.A
trey us? I know thee Who thou, art; the
Holyr One of dod.". , The 'demoniac re-
gardedChriat' •eir : an, enerity; and ,so'.
, •
to,day;.. when. •ChtiSt ,comes , to save.
; Met :from thetr'sini,: they ,celitanOnly
..regarci• .hls'slittervention rut an . attack .
-theli- interests,. pleasures,. RhertY,: '
'progress. - "Art ,thon 0On:ieto destroy.'
us?' So blinded are the minds of them'.
Tata believe not, 'that they, .regard. an.
•;at tack on the devil's kingdom astaniti-
vaaten..of 'their oWn. rights,. a corxriSe.a-
tioot theft, o.wti .••• ' •
' .• Casting Out Evil;
, “•And--,TeSus. rebnireci---hirsal:ring;
Hold thy• --p eaCei"', This VigoretiaLviotd; •
Might properl,yhetr'analated-•"BO-Mitz,:-
•ox; "And,',corife' chit of
11 i111. .And the micteati tearing•
line Atilt , crying With a' )6u d ' Voice,.
came ont: of hint." , Ern- maY 'Cry out
,With a ioudVeice,.,it May.; rage and it ,
May "threaterr"and 'tear,, but: it mait go
When' Irir'e .014'olifsOiies at.: the Re-
,•doentetS .fect,,Let us not be afraid Of '
evil 'When. it crieswitli a loud Volee,...
'16r; crying vitli a • istud *00; it still.
`,C6i11es mit.' The devil liart often,..won
:With his feud yeice.);'-it Is one of hist
fayokilto 'devicea to create •,,,panic;
Iiis th 'eat on ings iiie simply:
.bitt-.11lipotence Is under .all the. show, .
004 liraVely Contreited,la,,,the•naMe
of Christ, . the, Vaporer COMeal Otti. ;The
'Whisper of elitist 'Prevails against all
the' wraticola ray.e, arid roar of hell.
• °Atid they \vein 'air amazed, ihsci-
mitth that theotteationed among-
AltemselVelt, Sayitig. What is this?
..new teaching! with alit or y e com-
. .
rilarideth, even the *unclean Spirite: 811(1p ,
they,obey hitt., And therelied or hlin
".,*eat nut straightway over:y*110.e into.:
alt the. regiokof garnet§ rent& abut."'
If the aettacin teVettled,hith ea the att-
thOritatiVe. Teacher,' -the' Miracle re'
yealeti him as the almighty belivetet,
double asPect of Chtlatia author:
ity exactly meets Out human need.
.,•out two great desires itre-theie;•-etil"...
tittidein tierealin of truth
and dell-
Terance from the thraldOnt, of ovlI.'
. •
.4 01. 44.
Unskilied Workers Four Times • as
• Vulnerable as PrOfe0sicall-
; ••*Clasies
,'S,gientists -learned ..laot, 'week that
;pneuMoitia., third most deadly •dieease,
Is fatal atuoeg salesmen 'and clerks,
laborers. and ,p,tciry workers, •• rear
times mere 'Often than among pro-
Worke`ra—And that 'hog of its
victims ,thight e. saved through sertira
ttica(pient. • • ' •
, Drs. Rustitell I., coil, •Loilis.l.'•Dub.-
11ir.and Donald. 11 Arhietrohg of 'NeW
York, told tlie.,4me1le111. Asseciation
for the.,AdVancernent „Of pcience that,
. the disease hes:a-lower: thertal4 tate
„aniciig-:thekprolesSinhal occupational.
claSe:than any .Ctliero •
'They :coptliTeted.a,„;itildY, fer:eight.:
• • t •
d:1 I 1(1 selected States.:' 0! ;
cases hiStorles, 1'..G pr beal . of
ekllted Workers ,died of the: disease
compared te only -3.9 per ceht, or Rte.
feesioaaLworkers. .
Agricultural, workers • were next •
lowest with a. 4:3 ger cent. rating..
Males: More Vulnerable. •,,
'The; disease haS higher„"Ileath.
-rating ani-ohg. males than :female's' and :
the .excesS is more tharken'ht indus,
trial thee 'in agricultural states, they
."Oe, the. number Nvho" new, die frOm
inhar .pheNnnoulat' they. reperted„‘,Italf •
, Might .,13e, seaved, through the, :scrum
. treatnient." '
• They . petit test. ,pat • the advantages cf
determining where the 'tliSea•Se.'strilteS,
mosreftett, thas.glittag-tiMe ter 111.iiee''''
coniplete,..treatinent and admin1Stra!'
'tiOn: Of sprnm a 80011 08 the allinent
•, •
• Is •diegnOsed;'; .: • •
pneumonia, they. said, causes more •
.' deaths than any 'ether' disease except
the: heart allmenta and "cancet;;;.,
Intoxication .Chilt •ConclueiVe .to •
•••• Pneumonia , ' , .
new reason. why either alcoholic
.:1110004tionf or :Chilling,..eold can:briek
te '11
to the Socioty of 4rneiinan'.
Iologlsts * of Vii6b.lph
.. • ,
Drunken stuPar :Itself does not di
tectly 'aid the pneumonia genii; their:
.0sperlinenta, showed ,.-Neither :dem
chilling.: But, either condition' works
°hide epiglottis,the covering on the'.
!Sure of the 'Ongue•ctver the windnipe,.
and On the vocal Cetds: ' • ,
Safeguard ..Inoperative • •• . •
• These''two organs ,relax and let In .
lly keep, • troni entering" the., lUnge.
India ink; piaceii4,1n. the •46.0.011 of
• •
•• 11 • ^
,rats, supplied.fit.. clue to the
pneumonia germ:trait. Much 'inore Of
the ihk was...drawn lato the lungs of
Intoxicated er .chilledrats by way of
ttu 'itindpips than in normal ..ratsi
pneumonia -gerrni were, -Snhatituted
.for the ink In therata'Aoses. Drunken
rata caught .more, cases 'Of pneumonia
• than sober ones.. This was apparently
because':theinebriates breathed Of-
ferehtly so as to Suck more of the
, ,
germ,e into . their lungs. Ti�sane
thig 46.n,pened with rats ehllled by
Cold, . • '
Cli;gese Kept Fresh
• •••13ySiiiiPleMethod,„,
p•.: -*Nest • ppoPie, Who live Conveniently •
hear a groeerk Store buy cheese, as
• they do other leodslin small quanti,
ties: In such cases there' is no heed
ter concern over the. problem of Stor.-..
'ihg'cheese ih the home. It is Simply a
.matter.ef keeping- a. pound or lesi. in •
• good cend;t'qn for a '011Ort
Cheese 1hould be kept in a coef
OS high temperature will, cause some
of the fat ito trielt and escape frem.
the • cheese,stites the "Chcese for
Better. Meals7. tniletin • issued:by the:
• Dominion ,Department of Agri:Culture.
.11igh 'temperature 'also has the, effect
. of 'drying, out the cheese; particular -
13,' if .it is left uncovered. :The 'best :
-place fer Cheese .cs the ,:refe.gerator
or a very cool CuPbeard..free
damp. The flavor and, tekture., of the.
cheese: Will be :Pre:Served: if it is:kept
111 :i COVeed-42COPtailO4270i-'iS wrapped.
iri heavy waxed or parchment paper.
. To prevent Waste. scraps of ch4se
.may be grated, and put in a oovered
jar,- tobe used as required in cOok-.
ing. •Process cheese should be stored
in the .refrigerator and , may be left
in ..the • ,paelcige, in , which it is purch-
e -v -r•--
772'2 .2
•The picture_iin this weekla colarrin
is that of The. '.13uckingham. Hous'e
'Party,' heard every Saturday night:
:fro in 8,3p to 6 oyer the CDC: Ontario--
notweits'.. The melodious liarmonliihe
er the popular Campbell Sisters coin-
biries *All. the blues songs of .Leuise
King and the Silver Stiingt of Carroll
Lucas to piovide an enjoyable' halt -
:hour's entertainnteht,. . The "Houser.
Party" is Proving to be one of the
moat pephiar Canadian programa ,on
the air.... Louise King, the :beautiful
and lOride 4.qi 11644 •men. e on the
'program ;Was ,F6h;sidefabli7faal-67e-x7 ,
perience to her crect!tr'hakringappear....
ed With Luigi Rornanelli and, his nr-
Phestra-at-the.King Edwardjn 1935,
.and then .weint: to:. the States to ap-
pear with JulekAlbertyand.hisband
over Columbia.. On her retiiin,..Lou-
ise.has been heard over the CBC net-
work for , past three years, 'and
we bear her on the tHouse Party
. , Three •Singkeg Sisters. .
The three..--;CamPhelLsisters,
11/Yet and ;Jean, Started thee career
, by constituting •half of a..family •Or-
• ehestra, which consisted of :themselves
and three brother's: Later the glrls'
broke Into ,r.r.-4io Werk and hecanie
:still betterknown duritigthe •f011Ow- '
, • •
ing eighteen months when they. sang •
,at the leading .daneeries,. Mr: 8teizi
one of the-foreinoit-4bookers-in-ClilL--
• Cago, was particularly' inapreised with.
their talent'dtiring„hie visitto Tor-
- onto ansi. took them beck to Chicago.
Hylton and his based ;brought theiri.
• wide -Spread recognieon,: after. Which
they, sang .fOi Horace Hcidt for one
' year. The Music on the program it
under the direction Of Patrol ,LUettai..
former arranger for-OZSY .Nelaon 'Mid •
Leo Reisman,' and already known for
' his popular intermission features for
the hockey broadcasts, completes the
entertainnie!nt :for the 4neitingham
Houie. Party. t•
a large cheese; is bought to, be stored
in the home„ care must be taken to
prevent, drying out or the 'develop-,
:ment of mould. A- good. plan hi :to
cut a` small portionfrom the cheese
and wax the cut surfaces Of the re-
mainder With a 'coating. of paraffin
wax; applying tlfe melted wax With a
small brush. When stored in a cOOI,.
well -ventilated, city place, elieeae- so
treated will keep in perfect •eonditioin.-
' • ' ' • ' ' ' • •
• . • • . . ' °
, POlieeTplinee have beett-.-exempted .
from the 'British Air Ministry ban on
fly.ing:.evek ,ctOwds.
• ti
ers Afire After Borrilling By Planes
. • ' • • ,
• •
An indistinctpyre in the distance, the tankers 'Mei Hsia and Mei Pimp,
American vessels, are hidden by the 'smoke they give' off,:following their
bombing by the Japanese platzlhat sank the Panay in the Yangtze River,',
. 1 .
Iley're Treating One of the "Panay" Survivors
'S'earnott,RI,Aer,left, and It C. Orazier; assist one of the Wohtided Survivere
. Of the Panay borebing, Alex KeZtie. Of the- Pansy, drew, after the victilt ef ,
the boinbing hMI Si:night a safe shelter at Hanshan, •China.
, • Wes' NcKnight's Saturday' night's
,.sports broadcasts at 7 pan. goes net-
work. li,'ourteeri'Onta.r:o.,statiert4 in
additin to CFRB are. carrying thisweekly,:Snd hockey fans all Over On-
tario will be able to .hear ''es inter- !
yiew players for the regular Saturday
night in Toronto. ,In Montreal, 'Cliff'
Butler conducts similar prOgra for.
:same :s1)04s9r.' . n PrYze.ws.are
•place at 8:45. p.m. Over eight' stations
in Quebec!, ,These apotptograrns are
7:now in their-fourit,Censecutive. wear,
'•ivhich proves ; that Canada's national•
sport has ruitiest any of its glamour.:
Break for Canadian Arne s
The Peed Humor Amateur OW is
•progressing to its final contest, the.
:wip.her of which will receive a :trip
to Hollywood and screen andvoice
tests.' ', So far;the ei!gibleS are Evelyn
.,har„i:Ja:e.lgP:p Wi14Ons•al1,fl,iind half woman Ongand costume—
the (11101et al SYlvit Bagby anEulah
ey, who' does a ,Martha' Raye act, • and.
'Quelf:Hyatt, Singer of popular songs.
We understand theie.ateeithefeeveh'
-• ofeight ccntestants on the,final,pre-,
iiam•which will take place at the etck'
�f January, and we shall do our beet'.
to get :pictures Of these people.
4-hew.4ae,ries of prograrns.featniingga=:,
nadien amateur talent Will start in,
February for the same sponsor, and :
: just what the filial Prize will be: for
•the ::ne* •series will'. be • announced
later:The new series be broad-
cast over:A network of Canadian .te.7:
tons reaching into Montreal.
ything Worn
Under Ski Jacket
' PAR1S..-:Under'the ski jacket, any-
thing may be Worna doggy flannel
: shirt, Or .'a Silk one if . you are not a
chilby person; one or more sWeateri.'
.bleudes, or a waistcoat of Snmethirig,-;
or other, eyenof fur;:„saniegnies trade
'With sleeves, '; As to headgear, lets
of women ski bareheaded; otherwise. •
they wear different thingt; a Plaiiv
felt, tat: with a brim ;•• a knitted Cr a
furcap; just a headband 'eoinihg over
the cars a v!sor clipped,: round the:
hair with ail 4; pcasnit
. handkerchief tied . under the chili or, ii,Forii
t'ttapceLk. A- ardpa
wound round the head turban fasbiOn.
This year, the„closefitting.hoeds leek
'rather new., • • .
. 'Another -garment that all the :out...
fitters are recommending is that :Cr.
,tra .jacket, windbreaker' 'cr middy -
blouse Which IS to be; went whOri•it'
It is -:?rnacio.. of some, •
• light-
wcightmaterial • so that it may easily
' cdrried. on Ski :hikes: It always :has
:A /Close littlehood that ;.fita tightly
ro.u.ind the 'fnec: to keep out "the so ow.
.MaAeleloe de RanCh. inakes',..bers 'in
thin. glaied. cotton; !sernetitneS„.4bltie;
Printed,,with ,giant Snowflakes, Or of
sitdeleth or .of the stuff from 'which
tainceatS '
tIthig 'I :will heti,tio..„• I
' Dancer Take,- Her. Firs,t- Ocean -Voyage
. .
•2„ 2:•
'Falettnor Powell left waves .ati 'entiluaaktie .gondbYe as She. and her "mother
log from Los App:seles, (1 1.; on Miss PoWell s'first. sea voyage, )3111y :Seyinbtir
(s• shoWit With ilium. • '
. part!tIZIthio aroef, it he 4,T er : h, 1 oil go. v re; ri *t !IP al 4 t A ..*
or of 'a phraee, which .Canadians - hale.
' Mu,414er4.4r1M4 niocitrtah.011,;blunt -.-tobfe‘ ivd4broke.e A4Orli. k:•:,,,:: • .
C10710#,,haVe so tar ;been 'fruitless.
• Adorning -the • arched entrance -or:
the 4tentorial Chamber In the Partin
merit - buildings are inscribed the
'words: 'All's .',Well, for - Over Theret
,•ainong his peers. A Happy warrior
tisio6WietP,h, 8a9r.!:WhirtetePt t.ohfiz4t'l!ew;PC;ardrlsi7a. in°e114:b14uelildr.:
links,' does not kheW,"b• The 'National
Defence. Department, ;under. whose in4',„
Est4rti,nic:Italownfrotrhices,,,rni)e:::2.Z11:teith.erst4pbeof, .'"W;iffic.r.^,- •
.deaigned, have, no kno'nedge.. Tigg,
•, Pubilc• Arelliyed; are -lenuelly.'in,,,thO
• .rrein” tipie , to ' time information IS':
'asked of the Various departmentre-
lating to, the identity of. the ankhoWn
, creator .of• those lines; and each 're,-
`,.cineat ,Seedsofficials pOridg: through '
•--,dootrients, only 10 emerge With . the
• confession • that 'they dont know, . '. .
...Tbe...1ines.'were ,chtielled above •the .
:entrance by the sculptor, Lake, who .
• ' had much to do, with the .•synibOlisnd '
of 'the ellamber.,:, but Lake; ,who re-: . .
signed' :tvhife the -WOrliAVacifill'iii'llfol
greAs, Canhot noir hej-lecatedi -and ao.t .'
• far he aeeins to be the Only -individual.
in possessiOn of the „necesaty kaowl-:
,edger;, • ' •,,. , ' ;',.... • : , '4 '
`.Meniorial,; o July- a,, 1936, • King si
", ,I3uring, th unYeifing of the View
, . '
wardIFIll niad the sentence a, text
. -whereon tO 'fniind:,his'dertreatory flak, . .
•,,dress. He 'ciaotesi_iti,..recallingtowhi.T.„...,..........—
had; himself formally inaugurated 'the':
meinerial chamber In 4.9,37. The phrase
. . . .
'haS passed into cornmoir adage hi cnr-
rent.literatate;:and Is, in Canada, per.
haps the .best known Send/Ile/Aso! ri.
men/bra/ice .uttered, :_excepting „only
".They Shall Grow Net Ohl"? by Lain', **
ence-: ElinyOn..., •
The • search • has sr
1A11:1118hed •At request for the authorship •
of the. lines. No •response itas ap-
peared.Saggestiona that theymight contained in Wordsivorth's "Happy
Warrior. 'have'long ago been set at
rest. The worcls are net there. •
-* Thus, Until' the sculptor, -Lake la
found, or until some Canadien:with a.
long memory Can he discovered- to re,
call: where, add: ,When the .verse.
Reared; and by, whom it WO Written.'
the authorship of ofie or the:noblest: -...--
,rierviees ot reineinbrincis continue* a •
inyetent.• ''•
ur Population
• Rate _,Dec
• of ' natural Increasiaan-
'.14 C.
. . , . . .
jj013:U4ttiOn2 fell 1.3 .per 1,000 In
the yearly torn 'arisen of. the first,halt
20f•1037., the Dominion iireau sof Sta--
tepotted..,:,Bittha. dealined':0,7
, deMhs increased 0.6. The
• • illn.eacrt°26i
.eal'at'olgefrom diseae sowed a sharp
as the toll of measles rose
more than .100 per Ceht.,. and that , ot
influence almet.10.114er-4ent-, ',Atitenie., •
.bile. fatalities hicreased.1,bY 148, a. :26
• . , • .
..cides• declined, by amOunts,
. •
per ,cent.: Sateidea and. •hontk,..
•- Here are the.' six riOnt,ha' figurek,
' with. ceinparatiVe' 1936 tOtala,in:brack,
"eta ::.• LiYe. „births, 10,9,992. (113,267);
•,•hiith 'rate,- 20:0: (20.1); fliegitimato
.(4;878) ;;-.per :cent. of total
.11ye1bittha, 4,1..(4.3); stillborn -births,
3,197.,(3,342)t;•'Per'Dent.:ef total births,,
,28• (1'.9),deaths, 59,419 (55,848);
death • rate, (10.2); • natural, in.'
' Crease,. 59,513 '(57;419); '..rate :or iiat',2.•
'Oita Sle'reeee. '9.9 06.4; ",,cleaths::un
der r`•:Year,.. 8,301:. (7,632); tate 'Per
1,000 i"ivehirths.4r1 (87); ,deaths
.nn -
der fi*opth..4,0.821(4;039.,):..tate. per
births, 5,5 ,S6,0,1; nitirriages,• 35,5.12 ,
i,33„8•511; marriage rate :0.4 •.(6.0).. .
-front specific, causes for the
• elk -months, With comparative figures'
:Typhoid :And .paratyphOid.. fever, 79 •
0.211; .Amellp6x, 2 (2) ; measles, 538,
(243).; -,scarlet. fever, 151 .(136).;•',
Whooping cetigh, 368 :(309):' diph-
theria: 127: (112,1; in,fitietiza,, . 4;331
(-2,193); infantile' paralytio, 31 (20);
-.tuberculosis, .1,121! :0,69111: cancer, ,
5,882' (5,838); diseases,' 6! the heatt,,:',
8,817 (8,617) ; diseases • Of the artetteir,
5,089. (4;830; l)neurnonia„. 4,759
38$1:. 'diarrhoea. and *ehteritte. ' 872
0361; nepitCitis, 326(3,402).;
Cline; 481 (485); .
automobile' itechlerits,; 578 (413);'• Other '
Vi01eitt1deaths, •
Thedifillentital 1)(titii
, • ,
The I: istery: of ;the League,. of
• •
. , .
tion ii 'timid:not be
and :d'sappointing: The high hopes "
entertained at 'the 'outset have been
rudely dashed and have proved
sory. ' an instrument to
•War it has been showtrtiMe and again
16 be.a. broken teed. No League of
Natiope cah be better" the:rillie States ,
Which ,COMposo its ineniberChip. If
any , One State or *.grOttp of States is,
ben! tn taking its 6Wh Selfish line and:
Waging war, Geneva' is .powerless to
stop it. Not VI( .the,beart of Man: .
.the:worliPoyer.is Aired With geoiivoili
Will Wars?cesie, :and if that happy day.,,
should ever coMe no League of Na..
tion wotild then be necessary, -Bal..
Pet Telegraph; •