HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-13, Page 5oro
T 1
Follow "Miner to he all -year-
' home. Thrill to golf under blue •
'skies, relay on •warm. sands,
.,Por !F. winter' vacation' or. s,
songer • stay,' there, is never- a•
dull 'moment. Andlivingbosts •
ere „YerY mOdfrate.
Choose -Your OWn route. Fakes,
apply dikect or,yia the Canadian ,
Rockies, 'Vancouver, and Vic.
toria to San Francisco in one.
or both directions.
, On Apoitootion to any Attnii-
• Death Wednea:
'day night 'aliout. 6.15; :to -Annie Ellie;
wife: of Thonitte .Stethers;'Postnuleter
Dongannon. Ms. Stealers wee.
supper 'when :she ...suffered a
weak spell .and 'died within five mrn
• Utes. shehad been •eertfined to: .the
since injuring 'herself in a fall in her
home,abOut two' •weeks age but her
condition had • not been iconsidered
was born ,at
church, :north 'of' Toronto. she. *Mid,
have , been 91 yenta of age .next: May
, 6th, ,Aheut, seVenty 'years :ago,: her
parents mune to this district. On
October '• 5, 1,981, Annie ElIis wag:
. Married to Thomas Stethera 'and:they_
went to live' in Kinloss,.Tonship
,After-abotivtwoTyenrs theylneVed
lipthe ninth'.concession of;*est.Wa-
wanosh..Fortyrfoui:' years.'ogo, they.
.1914,7 after, the -iippointinent. of ',Mr,
Stotheraas Postrizaster, they *dyed.
to. Dungannon 'Since that tine, Mrs
Stothers:,:had carried_
office.' .
.s. ISte'i'hers• Was.•ti meinher of
Church.. She: was
laterestediti charitable Undertakings
:1:i4' was 'a strong adV.Ocate"of tem -1.
. •
ane. • ' • '• , . .
Surviving:. ale hei husband, three
. arid ;Ellis of, ;Toronto,'
and Gordon. OC.Calgari,•nnd. three
daughters, Miss Jean Stothers
-TorOnto,„ • Mrs.; WOW Bishop , Of.
Chicago , and Miss Edith'.StOthers of,
• ' „ •
• 'Mrs.'. Stothera.' had tWeljhews
f.,0cAtis. *MARE MIT,ClIgol.4.
STEP 'o. WIN .h191,IPAY
$6F0Ya Were , Ri.ght In, There Thr4-
: Out Entire' Game • Tliat
4 SirOad. Won:. TO 4 -,r,Plefier get
Three Go
Llicknow poYa '1,9,st ,out • ,ht.-"Mit-
Oholl •.on Mori ny night 8 to, 4, hitt
provided, '„Oitchell'' fans Claim-
ed,' was theb,fst: game and their big-.
kesecir'eivd„.111 two •YeOre.• .
Cenaidered "Iojie: of the best " tpoine
in the gibilP the locals kept the win-
ners .battling all tbe yttyto take
kpui goal lead. The first periOd' ed
ed,: 2;4; the 'second :4,-2 and the 3rd
4., it...Was a 'high.'speed affair,
throughoutthat kept ,.beth goalies
workiag overtime all CYPeillg.'
Jack fisher got himself a,' goal a'
period, With George. .Book; account•
Mg for the 4th niarker in° the final
stanza. 'Fisher •opened the scoring,
in, the. first period, whMi he hooked'
the disc from the Mitchell' defense
and carried it. in, to; .beit Casey.'.
I.,eading 'marksmen. 'for
were their •defe'nse pair' kit .Charlie
Stoneman and Rudolph Rominger,'
who netted 5 of' the 8.• .,Bill Graham
got a, pair and Culliton one..
LticknoW-Goal,: FinlaYsoei, De -
tense,. Miller. end Thompson; Centre;
Fisher; 'Wings, Henderson And Boolt;.
Alternatea, Jewitt, MacD nald, 'Solo-.
..nion, :Cameron, Treleaven ' a On.
• Mitchell --Goal; Casey;, Defe4se
Stoneman, Raminger; Centre,
tQfl;' Wings, Wright,..Thoin1onis.
ternates, Lippard,i' Gatenby,:oGrahazn,
Holmes, .Stoneman. ••
Referee, -Jack McCully, Stratford..
1. The follbWing" paragraPh is from
reprirt of 'the. genie by a
(contploed from Page 1)
• considered it was getting
raw» deal' from other Bruce, CogutY
interests in the Matter of seeking to
have. the Amberley-Elmira road talc-
en 'over
Peatlia,-,Bev,. John D 1jttle, Reck-
Wio joit,p:FiroflOer,IY9a0.:ri:eh
IBt;; Ilfeoleinmee;rrciy. he.of pi
titiblilinw; Mrs. Paul Reed, in her
8814 .year,
• ReV; McKerroll.resikned..Paatorate
Of, Victoria Church, Toronto, Where
he. Ministered '.for '21 rears„
Reeire.:W 8 Anderson and Coup-.
nllini1Mcl!ral; joined .(110Pntatinn..ffei..in7
garding AMbeileY-Elmira' "road.' * •
t• Women's• .Instittite annual '"A,t•
'Home” immensely papular.
Meetings held :at.. Kinletigh • 'arid
Whitechurch With' view to obtaining
rural hydro' Service, „
1628 ''Fard 'coach stolen:, from gar-:
age .Of D. J. 'MacDonald Ripley,
found abandoned in .1.a.icknow.•
TeesWater Fall • Fair . rePorted as,
sets of chase to $7000. • „ •
Mrs. David "Girvin, Dungannon,
observed .95th. birthday:
-.Movement cernmenced to Make
Truce County' a T. B. restricted area...,
LuckliOw• SepoYs won grOuPi 'toilers
in W..0.11: A. from • Ripley: Becimen.
'Agitation lanncite0 • to: iiecuie ar-
ena in ,Lucknow. .
Wm.4. Muir, widely known 'Ripley
agent, received inove to
. Ewart MacPherson stripped of Clething When caught by' mandril of
wood. buizing Machine.
:• Women's Institute., Membership
neared the 100 mark... .
• Who are public, school.inspectors. One
• is J. c.. Stothars of ;London; and the
/ether, is. Carmen Stothers of Pieton,:1,
"Another nephew, ' , S. 'Et.. Stothera. Of
Arthur, is Agricultural Representa-'
• tiVe for Wellington County. Former-,
, ly he held n &Millar post in.Huron•
The funeral .0sis eld on Friday'
Nil son; It N:-OVW hit=
..„14,•,..spent , :the, wee -end
• .ParCets, Mr. and..iiVs. Ws. „Wilson.,
We are- pleaied tO 'say 'Mrs; Ellie-.
•• lieth -..:Patterson . returned ' home .' last
• • Week' froMi. Hamilton' HoSpitat after'
her recent' serious ePeration. :, Het.
daughter; .Mise .Cittherine, "Patteraen
, i .home: Nti.ithiher,. • • '
• We ore .pleased itiy,saY• tars.
•,' Martin has retntned home .froin ,R:
Toronto hospital after her reeent
, ,
1. ;Serious „ 'operation, , ,
• •Mra. llaggitt ,�t, tlyth: spent lat
• u,r0k:'with'' he ,..mother, Mrs, A, .
"niersbn, WM), Lite ,Ern-
•.‘merabri of Wingbam i theie elso;
Agnes". Patterson Is spending
days .with Miss Sallie Alton ..et
• • Lticknew. . •,
. The tegnlak Mon'thlY met.•
ing Of •ilie :Presbyterian Yo. g;, Was
the, home: of Mr and, Mrs.
ert Mowbray, With it..gOod atten-
dance' present. The Meeting Opened
• with. a .byran, ,followed by the scrip...
reading,,by, Miss
:Son,, :meditation nerfod by Mi Jas
• ' Wilson Jr,, .solo by 'tnby COM'', 'pray,
er by, Mr: ,iitek" Oifering„
closing hymn an41.15rayeri After The
• . parogratit, PieeSSive ei.okinol Was
played; . • Messrs. Ith`ks.' P011oek !and
'Al1an ¥8CCh811CS wintng the „ovo
h(glieat prises, • Lunch • Was he.6ed;
mid an enjoyable evening. spent by all
Tho manseis 'being Wired 'hy
. ,
(leo' jltis NOOK.
hteclly the fastest, • the 'third ' the
wildest, 'bid no game has been idaked
in .; the local arena within the last
Nur seasons that •eould 'it for
excitenkeht. .
Wingham And Lueknow. . Opened
:Hockey Season Here'.
ing Scoreless Gime. Until Dying
-Of-Third-Period .„.When
• 'Visitors 'Ran In Three. Goa%
Three goals in about as Many min-
. ,
ntes;. that came •near :'the close ;of
'the; third ; period, broke up a SCore-
less,. 'Wide open :hockey match':, that
'rnariced the opening hockey game of
mnrtity. Hall. • ••
• And the tough .part of it.'was that
it was Witighani. the visiting
that. bagged the:. trio of goals to win
1 3 tb 0 decision. Some 500 fand •
Were on hand 'to .witness :fast:
ing game that lacked tthe tem play,
and polish; that more practise ehbuld
• .AlthoUgh ctitscered;" 0. to; 0, spec-'
liators declare' .that • the._ SepOirs had:
the': e'dge• On 'the. night's" .
Play • The
break, Caine, With. oirettinie • almost 'in
sight, • when ',...Bert, •MitChell. bittted in
'the rubber. in a: ,scramble., Murray.
Rhe Within 'a Minute .:repeated on
neat.SOlo titan, and thisfait skating
centre- ;repeated' 'Shortly for :the third
tty• and cut 'doviik'the lend: ,
• "Tory"::: Gregg handled ...the.. •hell
lianding out .penalties to and
Carlieron° ter' the holne team'. While
Mitchell Of l'Winglinm....vina the L"bad
.mait"-i..Of the night; .with four trips
.1.0. the. cooler.
Members 'Of. the!. Pirie --Band .viere
on hand ,and • paraded 'the • ice. fer, the
Anthem played, and the Pnek
ly faced by Reeveteleet-N.'E:
Goal,' Fitilaysen;
Defengb,;1 .Stewart Cameron, 'George
Book; 'Centre, C. Thompson; Wings,
. Bill' Henderson and Harold Greer;
:Alternates; 'jack Vishei';; till Jewitt,
Leonard i‘ofaCPOnaido, Gorcitin
and 'Harold Treleaven
'Witighaip-LtGoal, Lang e ense,
:Cruiclishank. And • Mitchell;. Centre,
Murray '.tae; Wings, Elliott .-LOA
BrolVti;-' ,Alternates, 13Ok,
• Stiird.y) ..1t: 'Rae, tatesO'n.'.'i.
Opening Crowd,. .nnhaber-
Mg,. Seine 500, reattlted.in "bb11,Office"
reeeipta 'totalling $110',00:: •
• 4.. #
'In spite Of the loss, the I Arts
d generally. Pleased 'with the :brand
hckoy pr�vided and willbe back
10,higlitf OhurSday): or the'
fel!' with Goderieh.,
But' let'aget this ',gable started at
the .tiOvertil'ied., hpur-8.15. A cm-
ok • late' starting Of, gaindA
i's. bund' to ''nitect attendance;
• And ljereli: 'ebellter: 4'ip. Seating
hes; ben SO..arrOnked, Vint 'fireitt row
Spectators! can .see' the' glinie",from
tWele stt 1r1 yen intend, to atan4
•on'o;, the ,gaine., make ,tie'O' o the
Iltithding teent‘nt;th'nbatkfitStarid
isecoriti. row .SPectriteta had their VieW,
mg hydro 'Ciirrent by fall, • .
Mrs.' A. Emerson presentedby' W.
. • , •
of, Whitechurch Presbyterian
ich; ainembeeof I..!ucknoW Lodge 1.
for 5.7 YearS,, his:
87th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin 42
'years; snarrreil; Ali. anti Mrs' . T. V.
forinerlY Of St; I:I-piens and
mark golden vyedding annli
versary. ,
Waterloo nosed •out Ripley -pick-
, now ',Juniors in ,rellarnPion'shiP: Perie
of W. 0! #. A'.
'Village: Council tikes out liabilify
insurance . against road or steet ',Oc-
cident% .
• Enthusiastic , .../Meeting"; .diaCtissed
plans to Makean ardOe..,e:
, . • 4
Re'y; G.. 4.: .Pieltiesint‘ appointed
'Beek , Steward of the United., Church
ptiblishing".,hduse,- ' '• .•
• Miss Votialda Douglita hondid•••141:
sowers 'preceeding her,lharriage...;:
tvirs. ,Helen Hudson Observed hi
92ne birthday; •' ••
Mrs. David. Ferrier of ,Lucknow,
member Of: an, •unbroken", circle of '8
brothers and,: sisters, all.
a 25; mile radius,. .17i/hese ages total-
led 58� ..years.
1AShfield ,..Coun01 Planned to anOly.
some 9000yards of. gravel to Toikn-.
ghip roads at 57Ca. yard. :
McInnes .farrtilY, received •farewell
letter journey into n6rtlilithdcein-
mericed.. . • :
• • ,
Deaths.---111rs. Thoinai Miller; 86;1
Mrs: Robert Hunter: Ashfield. Mrs
James A. MaeLeod; O native of Ein-
los; Mrs. Peter Mcicay. ,
Council' decide to1discontinite.irelief
the Middle of' April. .'•:
'IC. 4- MaeXentie--„donatsdilding;,-
knovirn as the ,West Hotel, 'and ad-
joining lets to Agricultural Society.
Mr.. and Mre.,..rolln ',Gillespie' cele-
brated 56th wedding anniversary. "
, Fire Company' aSsured, asSistance
to Meet ' Arena.: debenture payments
.1.!1..e•cted, as .5th. year student at. Kin:
Cap:line High SChool, to attend Coron-:
„ • .
Church for her faithful.`"'eetvice as Disastrouts-"- fire at Dungannon,
secretary for` 30 yearewiped out four bUsmess places and
Lnqknow eliminatedin first round
three dwellings
of W.' O. H. A: playtiowns by Paisley. --Mr. , and -Mrs: .'red -drtunp and
February remarkable month...* its family left 'Parambuhttor their new
continued ' mild 'weather and lack Of ,h*e•. near. Belgraie..,.• • , '
Robert J. Moore had chinaware set
his-mother"s, =that .Was.:100--Years'
Deaths -Mrs. • Wm._ Mole, Wm.
,Lane, native, of Ashfield. '• '
inlay' Machines set .otit froiri, The
Pas 'onan.: exploration : tothe
kortliern part 6f Baffin- Land
Supplementary :' estiMatee brought
down-' Tlie House at -Ottawa, Pre-:
videci fOr '$1:5000 ,Post Office irklittolt-
. •••••
rreikifiy: plarke was re-elected
. • .
president of .:th WOMen's Institute.
Mr. -and Mrs. James: Levis of .St.
marled 52tid wedding annio:
versary. ,
B.Obertson, a' friend' of.Peter
Shiells for -,60,'• yenrs, visfteii hint on
his. one...hundredth. birthday. -o-,
nd ,Thavid 'Kennedy ob-
Wm. F eyd local ,accountan was
• ,
appointed: manager of the .brnttch• at.
' -
•Couneil cancelled siot machine
ense, and refunded, proportionate
anaotint of', fee'. '
' Women's Institute: staged success-
ful amateur . night; attracting, More
thaTi• .60 -entries.
All employees nt • Lucknow, 'Table
CompanyCeased • ' Work as general.
Stt0,e ,in , Western "Ontario plants
celled. -
•Mr: and Mrs. Hector Mega*. ,. of
Whitechurch,. Observed' diamond .wa-
ding. .• ; ,
• Provincial subsidy of one .mill
nounced'timOuntingto: $414. tO :.Lne-
Igr. 'end -Mrs. 'George' Baker ..ef
Tiverton were 'fiftY., yenta married.
• Eldon 'Johnston sold . • his barber
business to . Jack Campbell.,
blocked,.by, abine..Who insist on stand-
ing these two rows,
s appreeiateA the
gesture of ',W.";.$,' erSon,'„retiting,
, , , • •
ethr.e, who-t-treaca--Ane--poylito
, , , , .
ofeed":, the -
. .
'iteinernber -the tWo , fixtures' this
week. ' GederiCh• Sttilors play
terniediate game here tonight '(Thur-
sday.) •••aiidtomOrrovs%? night ".,(Friday)
the ju verifies% pat, on', thieii• first •htnne
perketthance'1 with 'Pert :Elgin pro-
viding ,.the. oppesition.
The juvenile game has been Called
. •
off as Word. Was irectiVed•Wedriesday
that Pert' Elgin has: dropped:liut. cif
the , • ”
• Results To Date,
• Goderich ' .2 '
Mitchell: 9 a hrtisaela 4 .
Mitchell 5 Goderieb
• Luelthow 4 1Brtissels.'2
Wingliam 3.--=.1.4ehilotV. 0
GederiCh " 4 Brussels
Mitthell 8 •-•-• Lutkno* 4
• "i 1'1:
Team t Wort teat
1Vlitchall 3 0
Goderich ' ' o 1
Ltiehno've. 'g
trosipla '• • 3 •
• • •# • # #
tlitinee AVeah •
• jett.,1gOoderinh' at ideknoik.:, •
Sint' ‘0'-',Mita1te1l'' ;st Winghtint
1,8---Itieknottr:at Winghain
19.,-,GederiCh a biesselo,
-COUR R1 ES:LC-01114-E
_ nYinber frOn't here attendad.. the
shower ehvld, holler Of Mies. Marg-'
aret Ferri* brit:1140.-bn,, last Thurs-
day evening. - '
Air! B!ilr: Parrish is qieiting With
M. and Mrs. Noble itelinsten of
Mrs Robert Nelsen visited 1,Vith•
Mrs.• Floroice ..FaXrish reueatlY•
Mr. and ire.. Stanley Richmond of
Parry Bound are s'isitdra of Mr. VA
A FIFAL:TH sEntimi
Mrs Jno.•'N• 'NecLeed• North line,
co5.NAPiAtingGicAl- M the herti\c141). Meeting On Sat,.,
INIWIANcE COMPANtEP 'urcI9,y -the fIrall Rangers" received
• ' their, caps, ,whihh are. the :first 'part
c99ful.thilleitte.u"4'teifTelet oTnilM'es Thyappointed
into. the .matter Of :a.'flaCe of recreaT':
gs,Adaughsie:rintofni ir,7:rdMrILWm'Pinnell
row.193 whio4srcn:oepartotbpbodyi:4wee4a;Zt9p, wlth
coo1., or chills that4 part, . while the "Mr. and Mrstart moraatt:.. •
Then: :were 33. members of ...Bruce
rest of .t e o Warm. We •••s Moore is sporting311
• ^ • 6. . • .
county .counot in "3.937, but 'there ;w411 'Carol:PUT-4 aut,Pf P°d .8t1g St; exa'n.de1r7ivais "hosteL
e only for, -1888; ,Bruce 'Tominehii ,breeze and - f41 stimulated' ' the B
lia`vhig" lost. its deputy 1.Y.,the ritiOlher rush 'of air' We can .ge fri b4thnIg and recently too. several of ' her: .Behoci.-
• ••• er' nothn but oo ou of the.
• . . grega lona Meet. -.
, Cit •• • • 'P lence 1 " • g 4 • t the 'annual ton 1
af munic•ipal electez's ,falling. • herow `whole beliY:',ve-t;i1r4d let3; • ;"•• '
.plunge; hour,ever„ have
ceptible breeze: strike. only "One Part
Of'' the '.body;. or If Our feet i?..6"ennle
chilled after' im‘Ting been Wet, such
an„experienee is apt. to be follO-Wed
by di9condert inthepart chilled by
the ,,draught; h. cold in' the head
may follow. There' is no question but
that some people are, .more• sensitive to draughts than are others.
.Fear of draughts' shonld, net lead
to • our n lif 'e shut: 'Off', from
fresb , Living. in over -heated
rooms, with the air absolutely
is :to lie. avoided, for it has, a definite
ill -effect, on thebody. It is' quite'Practical ' keep :the ,air in a room in the
•gentle motion which ceinkort and
good health demand, -without than.
• gifts. 'The motien Ol air which does
ing of ;the. Uhifed. Chuich. its: ,being
held On Thursday' evening,
ARRANIsalah "Menkman.
BRANT' -W. Chisholm, A. Ahrens.
. • their daughter. Mrs. 3. Shier,
BRUCE -Kenzie Foster, now on MonditY.'
pAttitICK--tlenry Lanti.'
CHESLEY-L-S. M. Ewart.
meeting at' Miss littargaret Jean' Al.
Mr. andMrs. A. E.' SlesSer visite*
Around, thirty attended the . P's"
CIJLROSS-David McDonald,
EASTIVOR-John •Dawson extuider's home last Saturday even..
ELDERStIE-Robert Sloan. '
mg. Prograin • was a good one, ,
GREENOCK -Alex.. *ravish!' • of 'which Miss, Zilla Osborne was in
IIEPVVORTH-A. j. Mercer. charge: .
, • .
HIJnbN-gen ,Logan Mrs. 1t• Brewn and ion Ted.
KnqoARD'INE-41.' D...McCreath. visited Monday at the: Begg home in
KINCARDINE TP.A.. Robinson. Bruce, where Mr; Begg passed
KINLOSS-Richard Elliott..'•away on . Sunday. , • '
LINI):SAY-Daniel McDonald, •
LION'S HEAD-Gord'on White.
LUCKNOWr-7Nelsen,s; Bushell; .
MILIEVIAY=P. D' Leisiner.
•PAISLEY.1. H,. Logie.
-Polt-VELOIls1=W:TS. „Fenton
RIPLEYL-Ifluncan Minn. . e
ST:'EDMUNpS-J. W. .BaneshiCrY
' Bear sighted by. seCtion,Worhol, 'and.
"big, Story" .-develops.- . .
'not strike And chill one part of the
:bodf ifs an . essential of • good' air„ and
makes' a : Most desirable' atmosphere
in which't� liVe and work.
• Draughts may be .avoided by -open-
ing the WindOW an inch, instead of a
ReV. F. C: McRitchie and Mrs:
McRitchie returned •Saturday' from
their vachtion.
, r
Finis was Written recently.. to • other chapter chapter in the district's,' moat
serious Motor accident When W. 1. •
loot, or :by. . the . using of w
.indow' Connolly ?;f 'paid_ to the
boards to direct th air ' u
offices and dirct
id if. "cilreaeild-. aging 411 ar 9
ght In :don $8,862LBeatd:loat his life in
practice is to ,Open the windows wide head-on : collision on the Eluer'6i''''
at regular' intervals . while hyp*onv near Underwood .on July
V'es about or takes some Ms Connolly died acime weeks later.
*ts:::d-Pae::gd esbroauggehipt'eatMr C
n. foronnisolliai,
and ;at high .court in • tendon reeently...
minutes of, settlement were filed'and ' •
approved by Mr Justice Fisher: Mr.
and .Mrs.. T. A Mur and Mists Grace - •
'Day of tendon have entered -separ..-;
ate,:f actions against' Mr.t_Connolly.-sta-,
a, result of the motor misliap.-thtder
Mg to: the ' thermometer ' is also rieees..
• , . the ,settlernbnt reaChed. Mr. Cennolly
eyent; that Cleared nearly "450..(10 to
.c.ommence Arena Club" hind,
,Race track authority ailvisecl.
cctors of Agricultural •ISeciet,y;-,•Lnek.
now, could have one of the, finest °
,frackS' in 'Canada at ..ap,:..estin4ated
•Lucknow ;4'0d POW' held. first
onion in Teronto at the boine of Wil-
'fred gurdoch.
• ..
Many -local pupils; prepared te-take.
part :in West- Bruce Musical. festival
1 AnnounCement was: madethntW.
R. Tomlinson,:M.P.- Ter...Bruce and
.'Mrs, •Tomlinson, attend -the
Corolla ion.
Deaths -John MncDonald, one -
.time' -ainong Huron 'County's* strong-
. George
Lincoln • • •
served. 55th 'Wedding ' anniversary. (Continue4 ;gest Week)
. ,
• .
exercises. ' ' -
Those who are senSitive. to _
ghts,:can, frequently',,oynrcome the
cenditien. by -the use of cOld.:hatlis or*
'hi. douching the cheSt witt'cold wat-
er. In -this 'way' they 'tone. up their
'hernia; -tiradalit..theinselves:. to'. chin -
gee in teniperatgre:-.01c.rthing-nccerd-
, • •
SOUTHAMPTON -4.,0. Tolinie.
TARA-R.„ Yeung
TEESWATERS. • E. Jeffrey.
TIVERT0N-A1ex. McFarlane.
WIARTOSIL-J. R. Hunter: -
Styling ,is Minn* et
ic.,beautj.ful, 'for': this
'looking Chevrolet. •
• Smoothl-pOwerful-posi..
• tive . :. the safe,' self -
energizing brakesfor
modern travel ... giving
,mamum protectuan.
. •
, SO safe:, so comfOrtable
. .="thefi
;world's.nsst Ado".
•' Mester De' • Luxe
' Giving the most efficient
r.combinatiOn. ,•of 'Power,
economy; dependability.
'brighter colors=and.lini, •
stiel-CoPstruction with ,
Safety glass for safety':
or. re s„ smo e,
windshie,d clouding , und'
eisuring -each passenger;
Individually 'controlled. •
• '
EaSier, •.tiptoe' -pressure •
.• crutch operation. Wear' is
gXeatly reduced. No lub-
Ocation 'required.
will pair Mrs., E. "Beard .$8,500 and.
wilipay $2200 into the etnirt to the
•credit, ok the 'elder child Mary •Louiiset
and $2662.50 into 'court to the credit •
of the ypunger Betty Ann Beard,,who
_ Was torn -three and a half -
•ter her father was killed; at aftldav.
itg filed with :the Court revealed.
. „ .
. .
Buy it Now,' and, Put Yourself Ahead in Style and Siavingti
. . in. Winter-drivingv Safety and Dependability '
0 cheek ,the exclusive features listed to the left ie.
to know that Chevrolet leads because Chevrolet
gives more for the money. To check the advantages
of buying your new 1938 Chevrolet now, is to know
why you see so many on the streets alceady.
example, . . You can face bad 'weather conditions
-confidently—no 'starling troubles, no repair ex- ''•
pense, no worry about wcak, smooth tires. You'll
• enjoy the priceless safety of perfected Hydraulic
- Brakes, alwaye equalized, quick -acting. ---the proteC,
1110110f ein-All-Steel*Budrby Fisher„ -and Sifety glass
all around you._And-don!Lforget Ou."114,10sivin
costly depredation on yottpresent car.. • .•
Cheyrolet puts you aheackid everything . imstyle,
safety —'in the little it costs' you to buy and run!
—411netr4ead—Manff Special S.Part, Sedan sash monk.
$12 0 „_
• (2oPotti. MOO, Bkritfeti p5iolooi);
Fkoht $892
bcivcrcd ft factory, Ont.
GoVeninienegte*. 'freight and lieente
''eictra, (Prices subject to change with.
Out hotiee.) Monthly ;payments, to
tuft -your purse on the General
400. symaok 0.? SAVINGS-,
•-•\"\ , 1
A NI 0 NI,.