HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-13, Page 4•
SMALL .BUSINESS CON --•-m• prosperity. Conservative borrawmg
CERNS — independent, well- may be .a comitructsvestep.
niana established 'on personal '
• ` � ' The Bank of Mance
ability honesty and • industry—�
fortunately_ abound_.in_Canada : enquiries from sucli business
have ' all the ale- terns regarding loan:3! and the '.
Many of them m
of our' nearest branch will
Meats of increasing 'auoass. •
:.. may y
.need only sound financial : be glad" to_:discuss, w th you,.
assistance to make them even- - .®; in strict confidence, any plans
roallY large and ,important t'li,a.; �: you may have for taking a •
contributors to :Canadian coranecti r:step:forward.,
E. whe,r actarc urc
eg rts, me"
s•'V::N... P
rax .'held n'
ivCnmg Ian.`
'vas opened .as
to. the',
.T arle�r '►e �mm "ef he
', c ,left over to ;.tlie next Meet,
;AA cre
eittfiral"A o t prayer
Lha president, followed
's Prayer in :unison. The
s :men b .,the .secretary.;
Was sung: The scrip
„taken by. Edna Bark',
+y's very interesting
of by Alex .McTav
3' sung and the mee-
>y the.. •repeating of Mis-
etion. The, convenes. for
wits;Nexrme;Walden, and
s1'meeting'.*111" in
Hanlston .and
Elie close -:of the ''meet -
1 s contest. given .by
of -officers for INS:, „Pree-
1411 slorrenni
"Let' ' Mk 1# kll Over"
In this series of fireside ' chats'
unless names are giYen in ,full, com-
mon Christian .names and . surnames.'
are used. anony1hously.2 They 40 not,
refer to,•,particular individuals.1n •ithe'
litic/FnOW. district, and any similarity
in' name mor character is Purely unity anauety.
tentional, • The; views. ;expressed , are Miss Jean Thom bas tone to Tor
those of', the writer• -and }'may not,, three here she has e�na► • fo ri old
necessarily, be: shareli' by the; Editor.'
Science under the, Youth • `raining
I $c Petty Tkieving Movement...
Jaelc: .I'm glad we started teem, ' All.• Meinbe are` requ ,� to at -
Sunday afternoon get-togethers; Jim- tend, the ,meeting of the " asters'.
Take :.this rocking chair.: p•ut•,your' Club On Monday next at it 'clock.;
feet on • the damper :;and let's •;get: The "Januarg meeting.. of the
dawa to, our .weekly talk. mens:,lnstitute was held.' at Mrs, D
dun '.►at were we going:' to ,+lis •' Tc.dd's„ with " nearly 30 ° present., The
cuss .today'► Crooks, ;•thieves`' ,snd sb roll call , brought' some `"worthwhile
t q. thoughts for the' :coming .year' The
o• tasty t to is Fire_ protection in the .home",
,Jack:' That makes it sound pretty was in charge pL Mrs. E. J.,:Thom.
terrible!'' But 'we did. decide :to taut .
Thorn -
about thetui d I eke ' Short .articles •were read,• "Beeping
• J' D* Anderson attended ' tile,
funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr.•
Chas.' Hill at Milton last week. '
The condition of Mrs. d: B. Ruth
erford' and of Mrs. Chas.. Durnin ,of
the 9th con., anel.•of''Mr, Wm, Woods,
is causing their 'many friends•much
By ,Barry J. Boyle
TM SICK . , . I Tf INK" '
A doctor ,would have had ,a very
lean- living, .if he had- to depend on;
the residents, of Lazy°:Meadows for
the past, fifty ears We :were all the
"Pink of condition", es y. ou' might say,,
with the :.occasional. :slight cold or a,
little dyspepsia. when .,the ;sight 'of:
"biled" cabbage was. too :much •for
me. •
• Now .I,• thing' .I'm sick It • all: start,
ed when' that ; crabby" 'sister of my
siter's come 'down ,for a visit. She'i;
a .nervous, little. fuss-budget,; and she',
don't know liaw to ; sit :AUL', Every'
time' she comes, those little eyes just
go darting. around' the :room and she
_ ow. fixes. -on something • and. then ' she'
around chimneys clean" by Mrs Earl. Dura- bare
worse here than'.. • • son it for' the• rest of tits time,
s Jmq:Surely no' n in; "Fire in the Home Improvement. Last time she,'; came • down here it
in :other places around, Once m• a u , cost ine for a new.stove. She kept
while you hear' of something .but it.'G, plan, by Dies. E. ,W., Bice.. Keduc...
ing Fire Hazards": >by Mrs D Phil- talking about .the fact, that our o1d'
lust ii#tie staff'_ •" , " stove ,was ` 'bre to. start a 'fire and
' and" $arty Fires are. preveatable
Jack: Just •.little' stufft petty stuff P she kept ,telling ' Mrs., "Phil' about it,
. mut . 's• :thieving, t the wine:. by Vera Taylor. , • At the , conclusion
g a pleasant.'social hour was' enjoyed until well .I had to buy a new
chickens, auto robes, horse
. p f, , or the_ tea. --c Ps with Mrs .D:_:Phil atove�
blanks Zvhi s 'atld s _ °I'll' uP ... , .:
' P ' lis `Mrs. R. W and Miss She, came in. here on Monday,, and.
Yes;.. I know' there'smore 'of P �. ' .
• • _ hurray as ,:hostesses. : I. made a halfhearted greeting for
it than there should.. be. Why . i've•, .
�' chs :wh , 'sed. is din- , The'weeklp 'meeting of,. the, Y. P. her, 'with my* fingers crossed
all the
talked to • ps. o, 1i ...
' i '"tha , •sort' •it/ thWas m charge of then Reda side time. that I ,was talking to :her'. 'She.
West u here t
telt in the W t .. :�
. and then
o ,thin was ilnheard.`af, Stanley Todd as'fess E.: sort /Of squinted at me
f g .• :. Rith . AAD' ou feel.
It' funnyanyway. .we Rice reaitem scripture lesson and started the attack o Y
`.'tacit s HereMrs. 'Ball tol the sto of "The Wo- alri ht' Phil?'r.,
have; a comilnunity `. nearly •'one• hue- d , r9 � S , .•
dian. born and Man of Samaria". Stanley Todd' read I gasped at that,.' 'swallowed my
dared •per cent Cana s poem', and also: •led a .discussion on Adam's ' apple •' and' said: "Uhj ,.. me
Anglo-Saxo»;' Azid--there-;-aie�still; --.- }
"False Shepherds"; Mrs. E. Rice . of all • . Sure, oh sure,' I feel
P tlbelieve favored with h vocal. solo. Th •topic good " • - .
len who ' in the mental si7�,
moral superiority of the latter Per,
teas in the,.form • of a story "It real -
haps we'll find'out some' day `that we
are neither 'superior nor • inferior:".'to ly :happened" told by Gordon 1if ller.
r or or 'J s:' or Negros
s A 'committee ams' appointed' :to .:con -
Turks Finns aP �'Q s' ro.: �
:..except in what• education and: culture dei the. p. lett :on Musical Appre,:
for setierai caner ons;ha _ : atipn
Miss "We ::D. Rutherford its . home
from Kirkland ..,Ln accoun
the.: serious:: inlnessake of
'pher 'm. ,•otht erof;
; -Jun You're getting a bit offthe
subject, Jack.. Let's, get, back; to this
petty, thieving.
.j•. just
Jack: Yes tty'thie, nig.. I'm
ovondering ' ,.the condition. :
w�11 im=.
rove or ` get: worse.. I. see the crowd: (Dedicated -to, my old Pupils and
of boys ,that congregates at' the'dun- Schoolmates )..1
Ices -or on Saturday nights _ the
zso''Yesrs' S Y Pa* O atioa
rs . • Iwlding
:fiance next Tuesday:'.Bead.'the ad..
Mr..:Clar�.nce Ackert of;.Kincardine
is visiting his .grandparents;.' Mr and
'Mrs. Ernesto Ackert " at pzeient. •
Miss: , Mary Cox returned to Mac-
Donald'•• College;•' Guelph on: Monday.
• Mrs;• °James ; Valad ,,held :"an :alum-
inum-demonstration- at her home
Thursday evening.:; ,•
Mr. and 1Mrs. Eldon . •Erienswillef
,. CA _•
Mr: Jack Bosses. •
`and Mrs. Ernest Acct :and
,Winifred were ' the guests . , of• ;Mr.
and ,bits Wm Col at. a dinner . on
Friday: evening. ,
Messrs., Howard and:Earl` Harris
' and .Hobert :MacDonald •,were resent,;
.visitors with ` Mr : Pichaid :Baker•_ .. -
We extend our .sympathy to Mi•.
kodger Corrigan, ow ng to the death
of hos. sister,' .lion Pierson ides,}:J
Wloidstoek. {
Mrs._., 1phonso •Murray and family
pent Monday afternoon with M s;�
Alden ` `E^-1 ensswailer.
• Miss ' Winni red "•Ackert • spent- .g•
few-; days, recently With'. her, brother;:
tlr. Harvey' Acke t, ,Kincardine::
Mr. , and Mrs. 'Howard.' Harris: and
Miss Madeline, `Breekles .returned
home after ••spending some tante, is
Toronto -
Miss Evelyn McLean. visited **-
big' the; week With Kincardine friends
'Mrs • Wm. Wall spent •a few days
Kith her !niother'Mr�. E.:J. 'Holden
-s Cok return to' Gtielpii
after;:a -two weeks'. vacatiOrk at ' her
qrahanits 'during the 'past We' ek.
The firat.,, Meeting Of the Church
s:.$Ociety pe held 'in ',the Preshy-
.terian Church. On Monday 'neat, J„itn
'rood. :ictlifereg iietitute *As, 'held at
the chair. :A./ter , the ,,asnal hpehing
Mr. Karl ,HarriS spent Saturday• ev.....exerCISes.. it.: Wig decided :to bold, a
recent vim rs
tipley On ',Sinday,. having
,Tent.,the. past tWO Weekt with bar sedretarY.' ;les: Hodgins gave
riuxolts • mr. bi2 hitstt, 'splendid 'reading 'froze the Living
.reading On the itiew ' Year, The topic
s`P•untic OhlY taken', by:
Aeeve... aad Wall favored the meeting
johhiton w411 duet tHow Heaven
summer. , There are , :quite • a ' number From out: the dark and distant
of, young lads , in •'their ,teens , they There • comes :to me tonight Well
shave' left school and there doesn t The forms'of those 1 knew . so,
•seem: to',be a.;place for'them:.` am In youthful days bright .,
'I:toroth.* Allatinnon has re,
the week with relatives
.;;enitur; ion* here his tel
We. aie glad. to tay,,that Vr, Cook
'MOinitati.it,Otiliiinprov*. His' thin-,
Iffe , hope semi
eatfiried'" 'lie 'borne for the last
ed iwpie.,,iirter;',4aitini With
Muni 'pality
wPadering if ,soine of, these young
'chaps won't develop a twisted sodial
I'd'. cell, it, just plain; cropkert
The same sweet,' modest -girls, were
The gilit'.we used to know; •
acts::: I 'bare, 0-x0r...fOrgotten Jast like the best of girls:to-day;
.1 heard Dr.... jelinston buzieh The.: ones We!re.'glitd .1.e• knovi.
of ;arcince: 'Tie 'contended -that none
oitrselvs •tbat 'under .the 14317e
acuthneswtiin' tCheous;gtte' to°*itiejt*t.blte'd.T. I liFie.311‘Atis
so. believes'. that he ' is); lustified OOr' hearts Were fdled., With gayetk`
,stealini., our, 'chickens:. • Our nerves With. 'tension, strang.
Old ebrin/5'reneWed the*, earlier ,days:'
member' reading: ,of the ; eonflict
4 PrettY. My heart Was. sed,'.. old friends Were
Detoit a few years,' ago: saw a . f' as :One bereft- •
3order • I said '"Not •a, 'thing." _when: Matter oi,e1,. it seete our pwn
asked •by, tbe customs. ofbcer if, .I'd joh, not 'that .of the' poliee, tO Clean
1.111',A tie" , hritY;' i,°P;rgeuetd• elefchhiniself'Pe:rg°ilanina__ ..d_baugt4ge•iust:_eaC-hr4Aber':
The'heli,t tstits.1,linnegt. ntlkoitne F4c;i'n idhe°ea;:- .14r*Bgentht•tii7.**13111kistuilltIrs4'77C7fult4idne7 ehilOeich. B t, :felt ns .if I _IA:ould nev.er
mY ,senst 4 jestiee • emid°n-, .d°ing nearli all 64 .eaxi donel ,e cover. Then ;every: 411ile: that
snffieien*- "Ive'ye t°. f4ce." the 'b4) She will sori': of size ine 11P, agls.
But that started', me thinking My
pipe had abad" taste, to it,: and then.
I 'remembered.: what they told me
about a bad taste in a pipe, 'and of
wa, getting • sick.
I went Out to 'get,' some feed down
for the cattle ,before ..supper, ' and
managed to chase away, a 'good deal
of the ,worry "that''had "bcen n:'miY
mind. No, I wasn't 'sic'k.' Just let old
"fuss-budget" try and tell. me that
We: sat down. to;:supper and those
gimlet -black' eyes darted up , at: me:,
"Have; you • got::, any, plain, Phil ?"1 1
started: to s: -.allow something that
;turned tasteless: --Then 1'.:thought_of.
all the Sundry' aches and • pains that
had been playing hide=and-go-seek in
my bones.
"Well,. I.' don't `know , •.-.but there
is sort .of a 'funny', feeling in' ;my
yceum • 'Theatre
Show , Starts At
T.hursday,,. Friday, SatnrV
January 13- -1415
Haugh` y Marietta,'
, Victor:Yllerber f q • 'grant •
Mance:: , fvi.th musCF •
Adults 35c .. ' Childretl .2Oc
Monday, Tuesday,' Wednesday.
January. .1.7-18-19`
Let's Make a
A Comedy, 'Romance from :
;'StarTFrq Finish
and NIE H
pointed per Ririe:at ."That's just
the.3Vay 'ink Will 'Weat, after he took
and then and tben :Sniffr•
he died; and without' 'Oen making
that tpok him away from , me,: .1
rOoin. and everYone seemed :to turn.
their eyes on me, You could. alincist
bear' .them :thinking "How Much
long-er will, he lost? For a, moment
thought I Was. eating putty, and
then.it began to' sort Of ,Seep into My
had-, spots before. my eyes., Heavens,.
that's What yOu got before you diek
"§tick out yotir ,tongue,'!
didl There we's a' regular chorus
of' gaip.s. from iherri , all as they' saw,
My- tongue,' • I'.*as certain: :then,. be-.
clinChed the fact that, .1- Was, going.
to the. They kept -On 'then, and when'
I, tried to get:0 from the Aable
knees started to waver bacic and •foith
.tpamig. fro* e whole,:tellectien of .-,.*9; Might oall it.....n e,..mn,nrun,... itY. well" *,.."•%7.ell, you better taitneara 0. f yinit....
„A`Slifield .yijiyedi:e4Viditturoaals,3j• ztt4heihiaidt tiritAiiii:.n.',31,, P.feli,.nifilielpiet tfn ,. wfareerote;,eonepr,wittohrsent,ti inditzo*,.retacTo ii sftlf :Are, you /sure you baxe your Wil)
id -thLteirl*n•Zewaiherfilitstri,.steteki'h;tdiv%32,441ie'''w.'"Iit ; :Ittliald6i-tiYell'g) lit:Tilii' la15'illie••ag n''Ll el; a' tar:7:141147 6.12r k est' tbai i‘ it i Is' 80.tri,,,..liceeicl,.,,:tn.v.c1;iet?lab.6htAceruitoo, s.,1.11.11ey,411:1'.
/T. got med 'yesterday .and threW, A.
5TBY. -.-....4,-..,-,.(beP;) t6:?s- t• Wils°i' •I'lltnlitY'' •Sinting'**"d 'tl'ie. Nuttaht;tnt •?.;tr'r...iutlz.g. ..ti.11:•.*i.enc!ralN7‘,.1031vtii;is'ilapellyttY1.6ttell ; Illilithe :ttiladiii;itlif.. : :thitleril'Iter • back downstairs ati'd , tOld Ifni/ yvii't,
1.1014-lek • . ' ' „Icitin . A, hrilLit 4 .c.??st-,','IATF140 ic...as.' sPre!d, !)*37•J'•h ' *fr'-a.:tkii.r:mni•Thd3,1'',u3itaij**a•e;,t'ele.‘1; e.. '''''et'isel..x.:A‘41i, i''.g.lir;.iit).116'210511.2r,...th e*7" eht44;Saahi. ty‘Pl:I', -11.i,. othi„.tin,:co.iii .tip.•toeihe ari thti ,sto,,,,
Aiillett ' : ' James i*i.0.i a 8,e'cial baY heltr Onicle4.:, -:..• 01...honcir .sultitient, et.. least,: t.e ,Pre- ',I githrlO of "totial. englieeta" aii I O.Othe aml, snEl.aking in ilia, door. . ..,
.11eltilltip , ''. ., : : . , i''. lit-ECkert. . -' , • • . • , ...i:eidalt it:::1; stea:rtiaolinigoffro,iitatbte.i01144,itilii aeito„tialTrairn.tioitliai.,•wonitteliatitri*e. to,o,tils?.e rninitlite, .t.;r:lip.oahlittpbbtil ,w',, II ifo:.!pli:rt:11,:, tt,v1:17..itii, :.evoilsifiec.,.
fe tie' .better when she leityea, ..iiiid
tlingratalait'ions 12* 'extondol. ' . Jeke±arala, -"---'•--."-clier. les Mell-OT # Lake: ••visi'cied, 'With his mother., ' Mrs.. .fl .. eniselveS. heY' innst. eel. tb2",' 'earl t see ' whY ', Ice .." ahneldn t' have
.„bituujitr., 4,Ltiitit4Litru.,,,,too; •:,tufgt,o0 .,tibtatdaltacNta*y;iiitint4trthe .. ,-tnl.su,71,ntnerryoz- -. -, ••:_1;ilan, 411:",„ rnmote tl)0,w1111,,„a,Alt000riet,,,, taintht ../sn. ttveees rare, .. . .d. ,),..1, ,the, ,e6-iti. reionit.y.,:,-,7 . : . ,, : , .,;.100•.* ;out 1,7. e, b,ee4 ..,,tiiiiikm--. g., , if,
sifi,..ifies :Mary :Watiort4 ILK.; 1 :from. , stavetios, ,r....—,, -.Pe, ter 'Fi5., • Scott leavin,-• ..er tfie Eldorado .fitineswt, 3" . ' • T I think If * stUdit'll ' anYtine -were, listening Int be would.
-:„%••''..atsepdarkse. .. • i. ,,, •41'.<;•• We A antiall ,,.,...,4_,..,Nr. .t.. ste,45,NorthB6f, Ea m, • • • oototh., whote lie 4‘.4,,,ec.ts I 'liditidigil Net.g.ail.1 '-'We ' Wertid find that! think the ceinorrinitk Arent& Luck-.
1,1*, •Goidfe ant .itisa tt461 itatii'n ,;,.*Iittott, ; - • , - , Tied Litterintire to be for''e, i6r !lila, ja, livil If' . 'il3T16 'of Ahig ik 4110'.. to glttfetiorj# 1 ilov, ,,.wat a tettil•le Olaoe; : .'
• • Since:Pit sera ent. a t 'MI6 ,not able.
ainotnia ttIoic O., ttitak,,,,,,00 bit.,iidd. wifighiiin. , ., *Area T.,,, • bamagity 1 to. get kea-6".V° ,we.,,,•... ' , .,--, , ,•,.., ,,..,. rinitt, feel that *,ely art MIS,Ati.:TheY,ItY than ,liere. Bnt their* aee 8 ,IeW--,-,
, Getnigi,.' MeNiii ./1-4,, _'1"' ''tilj'er,'.',• Ilre_itil,' sPent rn,esn*Y. likely. Are niit ', kaan .iiii -'4ort.i' *ikriti :jtitt; a fe*,,, of ;Agit ,-iive Mighe:Call
. 14,'„ t,, keti, iii ••!.•001titte tv•iii uernet , - . .ginies, . .ti .bobbile,-..wood working', liohihthhe, les :hat :job te tee the
,U044i.liki and iiir4,:iis Herniall" ". . ' . ' - ''' E.. gliaddialt tit" :6m:00, 'il,g1' .**d Ptek tiled ' 6e inethinies of sonia land.- • ", • i thelt all ':'6edoine good .r.itizerias Psi ;
:a ' .,: lc 35. 'i;iiiiiiiiii spent 'Sunday lit' te i'atirg, . Iiiii..t. Xo* that. .wei't ' talkea the iiit thitnahivial'aind i:,t .their '
,.litfitierY' 8, 111;18
MONUMENTS at :first cost:
Having our factory equipped wide,;
modern, mac
h class
ort al
h. You
g� us.;
the most-'hiner,y for the
execution, oft hip work,- No, salt
ancients' . of., any, '. factory in . On v
tario, All finishedsand' blast ,ma-. '
Chines. We' i np l.. our granites, •'.'
froze the Ole C quarries dit.
act; 'n `tha rou can 'save, all
,l , g,
local dealers', and middleman
profits by. seer
E. ,J.', & Son;
Styles tot every bas
Various colors and de, •
Samples suggestIons a. 0
prices without obligat.0-,
have met their master ss
1,11:irthade by the rnek-.,
"sure. fire", relfef"Toriall,,reaptratory ,
diseases in'hories, cattle; sheep, pits.
poultry gnd dogs 'strutting- boar--,-L.,-
,hoen eMes. In fact, vie guarantee legit
' to' do fa a day or two whit it took,Old
fashioned temedies /14noritti to do. Pet
„site 5oe, stoot site Get 2E1.! at
W. Colwell in the chair. ' Members
Moved. ,by, Neil 111Kay,,, seconded
Dan Di McDomild; pl'at
utirS of last meeting be adopted tis,
'tininerion.•,' Work on
'Moved by 14,011 Vie„grry, aeortile0
'biotin CelWelL thit 6.14 our...
rolinal :Meeting On /VridaYr