HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-13, Page 31(011.. • c11491.04.,$.tc)0? 1 If hie* York is :yoUrinex1,:thip.,. •:yooll Wont to know ;AMA The' ' 'v•Shelton NOW, • . TherSheiton proyides' its guests with "added otqaCtions"; at no ,addod cost, among 'them are the '• • '• famous Shelton ioimminq pool, • gyfenci'iluirt; • libenry !and FOrtheriner,e; The,Shelton is in the 'Grand zon4 • considered Ue best I�Cotjcffi . 14ew York. ' *RATES • $3 per, doy '. single •tr • iiitELIABLE WOMEN TQ SELL A ,CANADIAN • • ' _Penmen; produet.ot une quality. Facial ax- perience preferabi but not eissentitti. • Lib- flral. co salmi • and premiums.•Evelyn Davies! er, 47 Trifler Toronto . gs g or, ref; re .4, 3,44 re • Jass r ism r I I I 07.0:KO: go:YKYNK.:0;0. frIA•Xy:07. 10;Y:•;•.:•XO:Y.:•:01,+:0:4:0.70: X*. AGENTS. WANTED HAIR GOODG cg;gs ..FqR lai;OA; • ;CUT YOUR oyvN klAig kirry„,n. iM4kpyr .pocitur.-43Anapt,, TILE , sntomatie bair-euittery,..pfor, men, and boye, &ally dogs eut and 'trim the hair, and .dOes, , It Well. Send fur Circular: 0,13; SQ7 Sleek Weet,,• .Torortte,cOnadian.4lti,•••• tributer: • ,• • • • • . ,„ • . , ,. TRICKS, 7oKEs, PUZZLES AND. MAGIC. ektioltiea. Seed. 25 '•centit, for eat,Edegue,. • decked nom' first order of 51, or more. SA, • $3,• 55. aesortmerits, ,CroWn Elimpfy. Ceriapany,, 1.2A. Queen Dast, .TerOntO, . • AVIATION, " 'FIPPIISES /19., FLiGHT INSTIft1IC'i'ION,» „.aereplane and engine..niechapics,.' licensed; inetruCtors: ' -Lefulens; Brothers Air • SerViees, Liraltedi Barker' Airport, ..reivito, ,cLOHING FOR SALE _ - coon USED CLOTHING, totygwr pRICES, Write for catalogue : Yong e Street. clothing Exchange, 502 .Yonge Street., Toronto.. [MPS ' •FrOR SALE -AMERICAN PLT BULL TER-' ' • „ tier ,male pupa; tea diallars,, registeredChu, • 'ence Fleming,. 0pringford, • ante 'FEATHERS,. WANTED' . IfEaTIITRS BOUGHT, • GOOSID AND /DUCK- Bighest priceis paid.' The :Canadian .Feather Ind Mattrees Co.. Ltd.., el Spruce St., Tor FILMS AND PRINTS • • ;LOLLS . DEVELOPED: PRINTED, 1 FREE snlargenient 25c Ike -prints 10•- for 250..,• King -'St • E...• Torento. • • • IliE1t0„ ;PRICES.. ' EXPERT WORK ROLL `with, free enlargement '25o. Trevanna..stud- • los, 93 Niagara Street . St. 'Catharines, Old. . . • VREF4.- Two ,REAUTI PUL ENLARGEMENTS 4one colored) with roll developed, eight ' .ffiossSp, fade -pried prints, 28c: ' higbeet quark' . ity 'Maahray Filme. Winnipeg • . . ' "frILMS• DEVELOPED Willi SIXTEEN ,t1L0st. . ity Opts itwo of each) 25c:. Free enlarge- , anent -Eight, Phottignipine „Greeting Cerdil, Speedysatisfaction guaranteed. Su- .„ perfor•SerVicei. Meehray, WinniPegr-. , • v_Ea OME on, any Bur ace, or paper,,Wilhout., skill. , or darkroom .' Less than cent each! Mifacle Foto Kit,oemplete with ,Instructions ..for 2.50 r„ints$1. 3. C., Williams; 5,11.1chrnmr irtai TODFKRB, TRARstroltmaTIONe. tralde, Curie, andall.;tYees of finest GOods..'Write- fde,111tuitiated cata- , • Josue. Tenant°, fAtiMan Halr fit1P1dY, o., 44i • Bathurst, St, *Tororffe., HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS . , „ • . • 411PYPIVIT2t aDADEMY OF HAIRDREf3SING; •Goirernmenr liCenied. ' We train yfoe, 'ExAminatiollt. 'Free pr95Pectilef, 961 '• paint Wept'''. Terenio, "f- . MADAME. BUDSOW 18(11100L, •liaIRDHESSI Ink and Beantr,Cultrure,, ,'Write for pansphA. .let. 102 .Yenge Street. Teri:into. 'MEDICAL. ' 4400. TOMOST. ON' :•61',1144$6.-.TRBY:344'Y'':"TOR and Powder, „herbal !remedy -••••rhOW- - , Matierni "arthritle, ,nenntift, •eteinacil trounierW, etc. . Two Weeke, 51.50; ' One:, pent,h,•'$3; MoTrMa, $5, Druggists, or "..: c. )1404t.yye,.. Edmonton, Alhertg.- '" •-• , 'MISCOALA,NEOUS., Yil.A.29D" •.' cottO • LEARN, SHOR , A , NTANCy, Typewriting by mail,Satisified students . throughtiut. Canada .° iVVrite. for . tree. prestige- tus., Dept. C.; Canada Eitislneee -College, Hamilten,, chit. . NOVELTIES NOVELTIE8L-12, ASSORTED • SAMPLES, , only .10e. Iioveities,' B. •Puszum, B.C. • • , ,PORTRAIT IN FOLlakR—FREE WITH• 'EVERY "ROLL. PERFECTLY 'DEV161,- • oped 'arid Printed. 25c (Coin). Star Snap- ; 'het Service, 180 King Bt. West, Dept. Y.,. PATENT ATTORNEY • 'It! •te. • KNOT,• RTGIBTERED ' ATTORNEY. • Information regarding Invention Patents; ' Drawings; RegletratIons; Sales.... 14 Metcalfe, . " PATENTS__L. . AN: OFFER. TO EVERY 'INVENTOR.,t, LIST . of Inventions and full information sent free. • The 2Rarnsay. ComPanY, Registered 'Patent .Attorney. ' 278, Barik: St.. Ottawa‘ ,Can.. ..F,ABBsoN.AL • ARE YOU ROFTuRBD• RELIEF, COMFORT, • .positive sapped with' Our, advanced. method, No elastic or uoderstrapvor .,eteel.. 'Write. , Smith mennracturing Co, Dept 219.. Pres- • • tom Oet. ' •or. 4 ••:.• A • ' 17••• , 6 , If ,Santa Claus of 1947 miss d r-PY of the hard hit families of the . tied autare$8, of Saskatchewan, Or re dY' :homes in rural sections of the •Other,a,- Provinces, It was not •-the fault of the BOY Scoots "and Giri Guides. As the'r, .1.4th Annual hatlorial Christmas pp94,:. Torn, A coast-to-coast chain, of Scent- Gulde'Toy'sholis,bnee'again provide& Cid ,Santa. With •,,ApProkiiitately 000.' toys, .j),&O,114- and - Story; boOki,' conditioned.- and practically'as good. • OS 'nelvt and •rniNtlih6uSandS.-of new 'WOodeli toys and soft dolis toact,ileed in Scout toyiilants and Guide „ glaaY egtrea the SPonfs anti Guiclea'had_the co-operai.'on of ' mov- ing picture theatre managers, who . gave Saturday, Morning. TOy. Shop- .41snsi;caidall:joisrl.si:thPf:,ecrevi:ef welfare organization's. chtbs the 'Salvatien .Army and Other • . .• elle tar: Local diatribution oegitta ,Th'speizil„Seout,,Guide effort this season was the bulk shipment from toy, stops in the .other provinces to •'Saskatchewap, t•o assist the Saskit-A. • ehewan Scouts in doing their part. tOWard• .ProVidinit gifts •for Athe 'ap-. Proximate 50,000 Children of listurita Claua" age who otherwise wotighaye been missed. For this work the Scott Wan Into eight toy'distrihtition areas,. and the !ley shipments !Were allotted ' ;these areas .as called for, The shipments, were provided 'by the toyshops at Sherbrooke Mont- real, Ottawa, .Toronto, :Hamilton, London, Winnipeg And, Calgary.' The: Scouts of Mecr.cine Hat, in the Alry, area of southeastern' ,Alberta.„. were, , FOR • SALE.. ,'•ron SALELAVENDU,LA VERA - ,Yrt,t1D „ • "Gottlieb, lavender fitilvers, for satitiets.One , Dollar a pound, •detivered. 'Canadian:Pacific Bulb ' Gardens: "Duncan, Varteoever • ,Island. FARMINGFUR!-)+ "oc, book aatturig fres. -Fue . Trade JOUrnal,"! Boa 31 Toronto' Ontario.' • , • , , „. -4".-*FURNITURE .,.rflg E 1, 2,010 'Fieota.,Fai•aitit.ro FREE". `• , IN •LroNs. 1938 cATAL;Pcus oF NEW AND • •.Re -conditioned ,,Fisroittire, ...Write now for this. ., : gree„.311estrated 'catalogue to, give you ••,tie ' idea • . fie" Lyons' remarkable furniture.. values; • . LYONS' TRADEAN DEPT. . . '. 'HEW' AND ".10400NDITIONED BARGAINS' . .:,t11.41-cn, 5 -Piece : Bedrooln Enke; In ‘ tyro- ' 9V47•404,•• bane witinut Wash..' Dresser, •••Phif;-.._- • . . (other, tidi size Panel :bed, gulags Spring and . ;brandnew all-feltInlittretts.:,••,geniPletely...te•:',, Antehed. . , ' .: :. " • •• $23..Kn. 8-41,eee toliaLoti1L,_4:801egftoont._ 10`07,8tilte;-,Large-buffetz--extension-ta=-• ale ane . '11 .leather ' unittiletered chairs; Akemew : • reZ.se.;!4•InHestutifts1.3-Pieee Chesterfield 43ulta • . Il• 4•••uv,- ,FMI eize'Chesterfield and 2 roomY. ' . chair o' match. uphorstered. in a• good quality. ' ' French • jacquard., with .reversible „Marshall ,,. Spring cushions. Thoroughly cleaned • and re-.. r e On CI ft 10 n 04 : . '• . • • • . 7' . ,...-.7 . . , • $92 rin .Large 39irawet„, dresser. with 23 00 ror,• in walnut sinish,', ;steel, ted,:' In , walnut% finish, eagiese lining and •• brand ' ' . new, , roil• hdge, cot ••mattress .' CoMpletely. re- : .$15 6.0. sOtt,PlO i,nernet,Breakraist ISuite. ... • • Burtet;•:dr.Op-leal.tabiti„ and fent . • 4VIdeer' chairs... Perfect condition. .• • , • si .. . 1 gfi • Oak •Kitceen Caeleet; •• Top has - .A..16'4' eliding door.. front,' with. Spur and auger containers; large cupboard .space in jbase with '•bread, box and. •three drawers In fine I con- g,lq.•3-Burner 'Gas 'Ste* With'. oven. ...... ., "•• • 4••, ,Guarantced eAcin Brand new3„pieee ehesterfeld uite,: upholatered 'la.. Una eatility • • . • .. repp: cover, rilitt .. shed*, Marshrili - revereihie- ' ' sprit* chehions; [till' webb construction. ego el fi ntAnd. om: ehesternoci goo sotto. . 410‘.1. -!*-4.#%, • ChestOrtiete, hed line . large ward.. • • robe, 2.tee chairs. to Met& CoVered in hard ..' , svearbie :reins ',rtiaterial • (rug • shade). . 'A real '• ' $4 ,,,,i. OteaSers, le ••fill •finishes 'With. • 50 ' • • • . .1'4 • large mirrors 'sind 3 drawers.• . $6:50.• op .Ciliinift4fhOner,ils'•.,1”,„iialt, and • Weinnt• rkitirti-j. Drop -head Singer ,SdWing. Machines; V., •••"•-"k•• Guaranteed good•,canditloh., el% cm Brand rig* allilel - trettage,leVith , '`F.'"•'•.!i''..4leaVY"rtili'.-ei 't Mat' . eretefine':-"eeyers: ..Alt,ior,'.. teek'...terti;., ic • 4250,,iiiiiii,Metal ;Bede., . Mi_sizes.....7,". .., _.__ -'." . .• .. 71r" • , • . ,$1 4 96„13reric1,neiv Chiffonier In selected Vorienhn'invidtpetitgweent .flelish ...fire , • drawers . - . :tA. foie odd .c4egtei.o.eid 'Ch.alri with T -F-4,!....0 ARA, reversibleeusblona• • $6pf cA.,Beautiful ,,a-pietie-Walent...Bedrebril . I ..14•F.' SilitC, , Large ()teaser, VanitY, chit- •.fonief',,, NW. size bed; ..stigtose 'Spring. and brand . , neW all -felt .-rnattreas:' '.,CeinpletelY re.eondi-•,• tteitiol.•• Like, rib*. • , • ,• , itta„fin Nine.pleCe , walnut , finleh . ,DIning • •P"-iu•I•no ROOM . Suite. Illifiriti . ehhia heb- ',Ind, Square MitenSion'' table and 0 leather •tip- .. tiolstererrehalrs. - Corneletely ft -4101110d. SUGGESTIONS' 'FOR CHRISTMAS „GIFTS•' •, • We have a large aeriortinent or: chairs, •cet. • lee tatiles, end teblea, MAO, "seWiria efiblm• , 7:eedrit' etieliti,nritilielf,`"111W-lietitratiraTif-rid- . 14' dining -Meta furniture, - ete,;•• at the' 'plait rert.i . '• *enable ,PrIeee. in Toronto, . Al! 'our ,furniture •: • to . thoroughly • cleaned and..-reAconditioned• In '. itair MOO. factory and Carefully packed'. tor•lfiv simiste ithiPment On „receipt Of Morier• Order. our tit sew leas illuittrated Catitiogne to now ready. tie• Ore. to' Write for one. . . • ,,,. • ' :' •- • ' LYONS! REDOING 'AND.. - • . ' UPHOLSTERINGtO,.. • .., ,Maii.utactio.00t: ' • . . . , .., • , OPENEVENINGS , - • 47,.8 Yonge- St., Toronto . . . . . • . ' , • WayMit, taiisdo's faiiieff lissein pretiken; roe teed ' • Clehettri en,1 Peis4oli4 Chad AO/ 4 im414:414 write, lute ,Thit 444 , 61.011erfs 4414,1441, lo itAiON'S Iota° AMOY ' AK: INA 44411411 ist emend won' w 104, swots, a 0114,14.Efoll, dented ' ,.• tioelost.see0ori irossifo • MASON Lwow .4 it *tea. . 'ewe* sseiee PorCourt;-,RIGH ODA LITY GUARANTEED.. ---:--one--,mundred---peunde,als, Dollars ••••-- • *ith cirdei•.'' 'John •G:' Coleridge, .Box., 479, Kingaville, Ontario; Pout_Triy OUR CHICKS GROW : ,FA,STER, ••• BIGGER,. • . . ' make bettei gluteus, :iaers• ,Ilealthy„ hardY, ' bloodiested. • Free ;chielt- feeders Witli each, . • Orders. • 1938' erices floW ready CeraWall Chick Hatchery,. Cornwall, • Ont. • , WOULD' 'YOU ,LIKE • YOUR' 1938 . --FreeT-Enter-the-74'wedd10 dhicto..44entest.,,_ 1,590 free chicks, prizes to 'esieryone. 'Send , for contest ' form. Tweddie Chick Hatchery ,Limited; 'Fergus, 'Ontario. . QUILT. REMNANTS • FIVE , POUNDS !-GT1 ILT ' REMNANTS -n.06 Free! -1i0 p:tti,erps, ;Designs. Washfast cottons,,, sroadeloths, Bilks, collect' Sampiess-2' Refund ' Guarantee' Mari - Dine Text Department, • WILS. 8049'. „Degaspe,, Montreal... STAMPS AND COINS • WE Loh AND BELL OLD STAMPS.. TOROK- to Stamp CoMpany; Ring Street West, •• Toronto. - i-Shided Ateas , Shaded areas in the latest war, nidp show the Japanese array is nor boss' . of .all _Japan and, halt of China. T1gFp, or NRVOILIS.1.' Is ..bile doing its ..)rotii liVer• is 1aZY,, OM'S- virliy•yOu feet iso rotten half the Oink; your .systein, 111,. not gettlng enough bile. Vont head ,aches, your backaches; YOur rawt doesn't digest prop-, , oily. It stagnatei • and dectlYfi .for, leek 'cif s. bile;" 1311e Is ft digestant and an antleeptic. Your liver • ihohld. •Prodtite' 18 to ao. fluid Ounctiot elferY, 24 liana, ' •, Tatuit,•Tahl4tri will Mahe your Aver de'.1t0, work: Bailed, lirroa a wmali pr0p:n.1160 Of CO, offset blended, With, dertidtt other 'Weft* Medi- elnal ingrediente, 'rabbi ''Diblett act; promptly And alrectty 'abort. the' 11901, etiintilatingthe' flow of bile. They are easy, to take and firer Vide 'a *aft, esitY WA 0! WOW' .pro- ablyealdit111.,.• tag Mat' *needy.' BYO ko.ovnt, • They are brit But 'tlitY are • eitflolent,, . TOW: drugglid them, 604.• •• gay Issue No, 3.'38 • • the scouts a Calgary, Cardston and , Detaila°of „the heroic firstaid and other .rel'ief .work, done by Chinese Boy'- Scouts At Shanghai and other.. Chinese .cities bombed by the 'Japan- ese have been hinted; at in press 'de-. Spatehes'and1;-news reels. .Th e• Inter- national Scout Bureau- in 'tendon 're- orts•iiiiii.e fullY as followS:. • Despite the grave:' danger •�f -con- tinued boMbingin and around Shang- hai; Chinese ,Boy :• Scouts ,earried out 'their Scout obligation to 4fielp, other people...at- all ,times."., Their. services in the hospitals and Other places can be rooked.. Upim as nothing: lets than hero c, and Under the inevitable clan, ger they still ir carryin finmediately. after' high explosives Lhad hien_drop.ped,,dii...Shanghai, Young Scouts began Searching for the dead, „dressing the 'slightly injured With Jbandages improvised from bloodL-spat- tere'd piles of .material, and act'ng as streteher beareri., • , „ : One of these piling hOys.'performed a iiik from which many a grown man WoUld have shrunk. 'A lift in A buildling ,had . been halted . between : the ' ground and first floors as the 'ex- '•• Blood prosic,0 cut. off power:, s learn- , , ed from the :cage, the door •of which . . 'had; been•:Vartially Opened 'hy.soine. injured 'person before -death had in • terVenett A . ladder was. rim Up to the cage, but the opening Was too small for an adult. A Scent went Uj' hesitated;.:beford What he "savii Irth th”sew. down a Pith helmet filled, with: end ' perforthed the gruesonie .taak. Of removing...the dead. • . An early inern!lig, hem•hing 'raid, raining' dean:11 'nn Ver-hsi,n-ching:Vii- lage for tWerity rinutes.Was another., scene' described in which Boy Scolita;, •other Worker's ruShed to resent the.WoUnded. the destruction deverea.•A Wide arca, : apd.,up to a • late hour s'eores:vf yelunteers Were bod'o§ pinned:beneath the debi is on in. `,6-howkO,effiab 'in .the, ;Tesfield :_and ' many ,civilians were killed. 'Shortly after' the', raid '.eVei'Y nvallable'..firernani n'olicemon lloY, ,of 7:014 • It iS one of 'tbo tragedies of the' • post war era.' that 'we liaVe had ninth taik and „little/ • action .• ,Conferences -Welt sliould have been the prelude to more Ideeislyepolietes 'havd; ended • In the futility of. trianY worda, We. have ,ditionssed..,;etonoriale'diffienities, , . the. problems - , War and peace and 'the menace of iearmanent Oui fears have now become: facts.: eaotioillto flahoeas htts tin riot and the liikeag,.4)f War isupon ti. The -conference meth, :dd. of InterhatiOfiati" diPlinnaty has falled ha,Oaa.a,o, itatipos 'I'aticed...the ill to, twit their, words 1240 aCtione, " 1, OpETITE:!. BUILD' UP YOUR NERVES slorretirved, wosned, *set henna iliat'vatimay are tila eitheiVefIsilln4140getia, kand -up' avaiaeraer.,-*Ith thi reit mere, , teete,.-Pliosontrna,,,eed recho* *demo. jour oppedeogersei.o,'Oed otiiifttit Merit: At. *mils* if $U* aid $t* • fl• a • • , HOS 'Mgt .Scout, together with thoel who ,had • received training,wei'd stun - maned to thescene of terror to res- cuc thO ..mr,Onnaeq, Boy Scouts, together with Girl Guides, also are% helping 4zi. refugee :.camps, and ateriding .the ;wcoinded soldiers in eniergncy:hhspitali, Offlcials of,,the:Frengh Gencession Se'ryiee. Sanitaire , found, .§COuts ex- ' tremety.--iiseful, While t11 other 'Scouts' were- Called 'upon to, help- lOols, After Ihe,"crowds eitfx„,frightenedi're-'. 'fagee children. Whdn, A group of "journalista„„wdte ' being shown,thrOngh thd•hospitals.'in the Chinese territory, and were 'taken to the Vienna Garden, a ddncing hall tifrned into an 'emergency .hospital, they discovered mote Bey Scouts .at- tending the, wounded. Indian Rights Being Defended • It those -Who' 'write. :Minting laws Made • new, year's Gedsell, ...renew of the Royal Geo ,graPhic. Seciety., and . author,' .! hopes • they. remembered ; theforgotten' red apart whose „hpn rounds. ate .EIRI‘' ly betng robbed e white brother with his. ingenious ways of ;earning a' ' • • • ' , • • • of 'Canada's. frozen 'frontierwho came'. . to the ,Doniiiiien front.Hnglapd7thirty. 'years ngo because he wanted a: war bonnet andpeace-Iiipe, today. scanned records of northern eXPerienee, and. fopnd. one' jarring vote .in songs , he• Could sing of! those' .ho he in the rand *of ', :the snows. ,,:Andthe. white.' 'maii'S airplane filimmed..the."inCat:-dis- ._turbing:Ainad'___, • •‘•..:•; : 4 -=.-L•••- • ., .GOdSell "said ',faith i hasnot been kept by those 'who. Signed thc teat if1iThe e"'hUIitg • and '.4shing Nvotild be •fol •-is : long as the nA,taters• ran and the Stl-R, shone.' Through numercius• hunting lieenses.: given to white' trappers 'the. Indian. IS' steadily: being pt shed • Into. i6W. moi . poor. health .And ..impoydrishment,.. ..(locisell,.,Who has. trekked,from Labra-__ der :to Alaska 'and learned. t07.'si)e0t- •:-.:$11Ini-htedi4t'.1.,%•• .fieclatad • , • ".:Now; Liektityte. '• , knew .• of Indian .Years ago who :took: p»de in theit•: :ability!' to derive a living Ircira forests and str,eartrandrhe.as they thought • independent of white::: Codsell, ' said,. "Tdday, I'•Ve: • Seen those same' lamil es brought to utter: destitntion,. by inroad 0! ,• white 'trapper's, and .d&' ,pletion of.' areas in -which they "-Mint- • ' • • • 'Godiiell" explained. the50M).6 Indian Men, Women" and children up north - itive tridde of. hunting ecUld not match the:white '..man's Mechanical_ bird nor , his other „tricks: Of .obtaining a ,1.1,147g, from,: animals of nOrthern !i•Wooda' and the•11Sinedt areanisO .' •nef •A. these. •, .;'. • h-1 . . , ,• • diabolical tricks in -trade as use :• ' "Hunting and trapping Privileges; 7••sel - • atratc in RELIEVE ITCHING' in A Mintc Even' the Most Kubborn itching of eciems,• blotches, , pimples, athlete's .forit, rashes and -oilier skin clip; tion, quickly, Yields to Dr. Dennis, cooling, antisep, tis, liquid D 0. 0: PRESCRIPTION: Its gentle eili . seethe the irritate. skin.. Clear, gtessrless and 1416. - Stole' tbs 'ascot interiSe itdhing staidly, A.33eVial bottle; at dreg Ft tkeA, proves it - or money habik. Ask forip:E.11 -20 inlys.,aino*pia'rarnfe'ed:. eREMGTON -PORTABLE. • . . , TYPEWRITER with all 'essen:tin1 featttrfs 'FREE— CARRYING CASE , yoycli ;TYPING IIISTI1UCTOI3 Remington Rand' Limited' ' T•orbrito COULD HARDLY CLOS HANDS Had' khournifisisi And • 'I tiered'Severe'. ly* 'frees •Rliesnisittissii, and Netiritie,'! *rites Mr, -w..t.Ttacy:a7roroato. ' :could NIT* Walk • ,0 •.., or dose 'inj 'hawk ..Aftei:taltieg .Fnlitativet foul•daye. the Swelling left fay hands aniLlniee.0 I toidd rlindittitirs and ladder. I ldrise in, Emden suffering as I didto take Frult-ipi. They Ore itidektelliV"- .114 thia real fruit juice, '• herb ,onsttoaic 00scriPLiser if I (sinew Canadian. ifeeilt4 If you 10E4, . 'they,iniiht diet*" -yete.'ease too , tk• .nd:SOC.. N. inthditutei At dt#01141s. FRUIT*TIV , . , • „ FINE CUT ALSO IN PACKAGES HALF LB. TINS ICY 70` • should, he. restricted in: 'all', northern Canada to the Indian and Eskimo poptilatiOn. The, white. trapper tuna be 'eliminated if juatiCe is to be, done• the nctrthern Indians and, unless they are to become entirely dependent on the taxpayer."' The former Hudson's Bay .Company 'fur -trader sketches a picture of "In- num annually. • diens and their ' families dejeCted, broken, -down,' spirittese:. specimens of depravity,;,,fotally, at a loss AO know ,howto meet economic disaster ,Nvilt.h. whichthey: are faced.7 ' • Anew plant is Lozovac,' Dalmatia,' will 'produce 110,000 tons of alurni- HtfitOYALBANK OFCA A • • General, Statement,• 30th Notember, 1937,, LIAEL1 IES ' Capital stock paid up • . , , ... $ 35,000,000.00 Reserve fund. , .... . . . „ . $ 20,000,000.00 13alence of profits 'carried 'forward as per Profit and Loss Account 2,325,17614 Tree Hes Been Found to 'Croy/ Too Quielfly, Thereby Using Plait food Nee4ed for Other Orowth. I ' Trees, are. not often 'thglight• of WePily •Iloa*Slhilitle$, There' are • : sonie, it is true, Which are regrded as weed trees inia'atand,.:hecause less deOrable than othera which mighL,od-' • cupy..theii....011aCe6 -Tho Manite4 maple IS a fast ,groWing , tree, -int. :rather" 02011 -live& ,anknot Wtherwise'Superinr. „ , , „ ; • „ fre- 411nePilitalyn.3iii'ec:LheoP;e4r47PtilYS.en'ketli7;-nel}14).2;t1. " •exteM,.' is a weed. tree. , became: strugg1inr in jmabit, ap1 is' • anbjegt ta'nnsiglitly dapia.Gehy.iniects •• , and: 'brOwsing It over'01e0tion.a.hle on 44'coMi.e.,Of.its,n free h'secenedt .410pita, rwh. an. 1t 5 s'o ne Ind OnIy gc eecl ti'ee is growing 111 Proximity. to nAgarden Or pther ei.1- 'tivated land an annual ' crop 'of seed- ingsto be destroyed,' and 1! not taken' in tinie s s.00ri so well, anchored • , that some effort is required,to unroot, the young :saplings. Cardene left , low :for a ipeepon. ;have -been seen as thickly colkerecl.:as if '•sown to a• cfoP • of grain 1 and hbyrc become in a few., years a dense thiphel worthless for 'anything.• Even thethin sod of_road- , '71soon invaded byairde°!1.retSp.ts• .hb:01•1.1*,rthai5vsa'gwelititi 6,0.1 • Passing Fortunately it Is ,net uSually.neces• 'ple Is One Of those speeles;. .;'whi'eli ort: one., individual, and • stainhiate • • . •'' '` . from such trouble. The , , , treea. After 'floWering•te pollinate the . dOWn the former onlY,' the, nuisance : is • :avoided; hecause Only *thete are seed •Infale)•floWerii, on another. Ity,mitting the trees In prcler 'secure 'iniMunitY. sary ;to SaCtifIUe more thanfOW Of ,pistillate' 'trees,' the ,afamiriate trees beat -only, follige,free of :the 'ntidy, bleached seed keys y,tich •keep the ' othirs looiJn.g;As :.th b ugh clothed"in - a win err o g. . ,x1<nowri • The, Manitoba inispleY also known :' as , bo*- el-derr.„.'is'.'a native cf.'the'-.1'irairie, 1q:•rovinCes .,whore • it: is ceinmon.along sA',,)nter-courSes.., and' . lal:e. nrgjns, -but also ''Stabda, dethight well when,plantecl,., -aivq from.,wate.r, While 'not-origii,ially,. growin:,4,i the East, it , has been. ex- .. tan si•vely planted, escapes.. freely!, and Oren' near the Atlantic' const has been . • seen to .have' colonized • river: haul*" as ,t 1te4),egij4Omple ' • . S•1.111C ' 15379437 Didend NO.' 20 (at 71;;I: , December, I937......, . e.... ..................700,000.00 •-ts _ .• • • • Deposits by and/balan' ces due to Dorninion•Goyern.. • ' . , - . ' • merit. : . - ......:.... .. . . •, 6,637,546.08 .1 . Deposits by and balances 'due to Provincial dovern " • : 10.191,971 P1) Deposita by ibe public not bearitdint'ereii......... .1. .305,179,75i:97 Deposits,- by the public bearing iilterest, Meludind . • . . interest accrued to date of statenient . . . . . . . 420,492,615.88 Deposita by an'd b,alanCes due. to other cb.ertered " „• • _ 'banks in Canada 4%. • , . : PePosits. by andbalaricest.due, to banks .end 'banking'. , correspondents. in „tbe United. Xingdom, 'end foreign -countries. .". ... . . 12,50.5,0P 5.73 os,696.•57 /Vacs oftthe bank -in cireu t ion . ;'.. '.• . . .y3,644,831.14. 26;405154,736°96.8770. ,• , ••• 192,953.48' • Acceptances andietiers of er.tift buistending Liabilities to the public pot included Under the-,forc-, • •AGSE.TO ' Gold. held in e.anada ' .... . ... ... . . ...,..... • .12,280.65 Subsidiary coin hod .. . . . . , 1,280,131.09 Gold betel elsevvbere..... .... .. ... - 323188.46 Sialasidilary_coin, held 'elsewitere....., „..: . 2;277.708 65 -•.:-Notes of Bank of ... 4'. .10,528,282.75 • 'Deposits with Bank of Canada: ... . .1.. . . . 58,548.733.36 .• •• Nest:se ofother-chartered-banks'-.:-............'-'-'7'........ 1,407,58939, .Governrnent.ispd bank notes other than Canadian... „ 19,632,282.58: . • , • . 93,410,196.93 • , Cheques On Other banks . . . .. • .. . .. . . 14'28;076,87422 „ 'Depoeits With and balences due "by other chart:ered, • • ., • • ' • • ' 15dialis-in Canada . . - , • . , 2,669.35' • Due by banks and banking' corresponcients.elseWhene. • • • than in Canada ...... .. : .. . . .. . . t• 47.I49,387.68• 75 ,228,731..25 • . Dominion and ProVinetal Government' direct ',lila " guaranteed seeurities Maturing Within two years,. - 7.‘• • not exceeding miarket value. . • , , Other Dotinnion and Frovinciai'd'cwerismeni direct and 'guaranteed evcnrities, 'not:exceeding. market Canadian Municipal gecuriiies,' not exceeding.rnarkci • Public ssecterities,oilier than Canadian; not' e:';ceeding' : Other bon -ds, deberittres and istticks, no ---------------------xcet,nq L. rnarkervalue. . . . . ... . , .. . . • • Call and short', mot exceeding, 30 dye) ,io Canada On bonds,:debentures, stocks end ci.lier sec?cytierr1t!ea .o. .. .......t marketable vakie to land Short (not 'exC.ee.d:ng 30.:days) loans else-, Where than Canada on bonds, elebentures, •etocks and othei'setui-ities of /a sten ..•.4.1t,malicet- able velue to coVer: „•• ..... , . ' $469.538,112.77 • . , 95,745,198.1,3 149,861,176.76 9,127,673.57 ' 25,927,482.06 . • 35,907,386.75 _19,392,906.77 • 14.070,583.59, •, 5514,t7,1,335.61• • ' .• . , . , •chrrent loans and discounts in Ct•naticf, not Otliet,', ••• . . . i, • wise included, ektirnated I( :• rovidedlor.......'". , $135,406,955.62 'storms to PrOVitteint COVernmt.. ---. ,...,... „.,..,:„ , . , ,, • 4,5e0,0,f7.,.99 Loan to; cities', towns, inuni.:cplitiea 4110 S c h 4.)6 1 : • . . ..• . ' " a iSiiCt 10 0 ---------. ..,... . 1 . . ' • . ... 0 .,.'..0 0. 0 . 0 0 • ' 10466,673.62' ' •Current loans tinc. oiscour t n , •eiseWrier'e tohn • in • • • '• ••canada, not otherwiA,..1,,,:cluded„. estimated '10..3 • . ' . ' • . % . Provided for.... . .. ,.... • ..: : , ..' •., . . .. , .. .101,147,19S.10 • , NoMCurrerit• loans, et.i im.,,''ed:l.ase provial far: .•. 2986,428.03 ''' • ,., • •• .' . . . ' . ,. • . . , • ,. -7-,-.,--1.-' " 304,697,35396; 'Rank Prerrrises„ at not, ril.,,ri than deist; lese arnoutits Wi-itt,en off , , . ., , 14995;1$7.31• , • leal estate other than liank,preptisea...". ...-------------------------2,531.01554 . Martgages-on real c.,kt ,tie•staid by.thc,111frik........`..., . . , . ,; .. , L ,, . :-..., • • 788,834.19 . ' Liabilitice 'of eitstOrneea tinder ticeepterices and lette'ra of .eredic as ' • ' _,, . . , per contil.. :.. :Alt....* .. , . L. . '." .. ' ',.. , ...... .. • •. 7; ... ... • _ ... 125,053;369.87 Shares of and loenstO controlled corenaninieS, . ,....:'.. . . • , , . , ...,,, , , . „ • I 3,805;482;30 ; li!icpiasit with-the-Minh:tee Of-Eitianco.for„tlac„setn,irSity.,,ofnOte_e,r_etilti=., • . •tillfl ' • ' other 'esact..s•nOt inthided Under.tile 'regoiris beads ..1 ..., a.: . .• ...., " , • .393,533.69 . , ,. ._ • „ . • . •• ' • : :$359,534,112.77 • , • . . , . .. , , . NOTE -The Royal Rank of Canada (France), haS' been Incorporated tinder the laws ..,•. "et France to ronduet the inisitieseof,the Bank in l'arisoind the easeta and habil' tiea of '•T';ie ItoYal Bank df. Canada (Fraece),. are iiititikkt,ld to .thealodve.Cieneral• Statement., , • I 4 • .0 1 • • „ MD W. WILSON, . • . . ,, .. , ... . , • .. . :.'' . ... . ...Sfi. Q.DeOnHerar •SQ,N.,;•flManager, presiderit and.Niart aging.`Directiar., „ .G„ '. AUDITORS, REPORT... . . A • To Tits SnAihnlos•Drissa. 'Tsui,. ROYAL DANK.QP CA&AOA::..I . II."' . , : • . 1 We hive examined the above'Sthteinent Of Liauilitieli and Asiwts as at 30 th Nevem r,1937, ..witli the books an4aCeounts of The Royal Sank of Canada at Heed Olhaeand*ith the certified returns frOm the brandhes. We have chocked the .cash end the'securities reProsentirig the ' Beek's investinerits hold at the Head Office defile Close of the fiStal year, and at verge:is lihtei . duriPg the Year have,also checked thn cash and itiVestrisent,PeaUtities at Beveral of tlie•ira;.. Va ' ' We have obtained ali the information and expi eatione that vie have 'requir'eci, and In our riant branches. • • ' ' • 1 .... . ihitnion,thattaniiittionaaLtlieXiiikiLethicti,hlive_e matinder.,our-noticeriiiive-been-witliiirthe ' riewersof the. Bilinki The above Staternehtia le'eueopirlion properly drawn up ad as to disclose : the true Conditipn of the:Bank as at 80tif November, 1937, and it ii nes ishOWn by the booke of • the 13anie..N.,,,, - . • . •. , • , , . .. W. ,GAKTict".THEINfSON,'D.A. ' • , '•• • ' ,, , ' • of Peat, filarwirlr, Mitchell & Compedy 'Atiditatit.- ' NL.OG.DEN HASKELL C.A. ' • - .. .. . of Haskell,Aliferkin le Company Montreal. Canada, Deeeiiiber 22 19S7.,, PROFIT AND LO88IA000Uitilr' ..ponnee Of Profit and Lou Account, 30rit November, ' • . " pronta for tbe year enai '14'verni:er! proilding fpr Dominion and Provincial Govern. . ft " went t131ICS ankoun,ting to 8947,835,26, and After . snaking approprintione,to Contingency DeServei, but of evhich•Reservea,provisiort for all bad. add • s' • ' dotibtf debta hint been misfile 4 • . •4• ' 4i••t" 347lt,379.65 0•• •••• C625,176 14' Aiqiiitaslitnertri:A i•cm.,t0Wit . • • ' • tiividend No 198 at 8 Per annisM.. , i 4644440.46. • i '4' • 1 ' 700,000.00 .D1videstd NO, 199' at 8 pee. itainurti ... '424 • 44644+0444,r . 100•0011•00 . I•• • Dividend No. 200 At 8 per ariiturn,,‘..i,01.1, • V, V • 44.4 ....' 7001'000.00 4.... . • DiVidendNcii 221, at 8 0, pei• liktliliteti, 0.4.04101' • • 16444 .,4". 700,000.00 • .1,80066.66 • . thiPentilott Ptititt'Sci414tt,i t ; ;•1•o• 300,000.00 . ' Aeopeisititiet fair Bank Preinniera. 4,4 4, 4: 6. i" a • • 414.4, 200.900 425 Int4 , • • .fliihinea Prtifit arid Lotist ...tarried feirrhied '2,325.476,14 " .0..t•tiMON • • vittAbtAfi • • Genalitaitatipoi,, • Pieddesit suid MoneirlisiDliestor, $4ediSratiti Dioambeir,11; 1037. •• • • Traffic ,P9Iicernert Taught . Mann Nem% Type of.English Cop is "Be- . ing Instructed — Flust.Have Perfect -Road -c ort.di•ct •-• : . • . An entirely new type of traffic, Pol- • •iceman Is ,beIng trained .in • England *here two ;mettopitlitap,poitee, • - - - tors. Ate • teaching the Arst hatelr of 100_nlpii..10 • beconie.motor7drivers;•traf-.,'.:.. ilc experts, ,and natrel. t'torkers." 'CO,Or se these .men are taking in-,, 'Chides instruction : on how to diserini • iiiatebetlWeen ngerous.. behavior and - What?, is, me* y reaeh Cf. good ma • nera. • These nT die to, Undertake .duty,. quite tinet from "-otiliiiarY • .patrol or. n011ee •.Verk; the being to intpro's4,..the, standard of road COri-..'. duct .arnorigall usei s et the King'S ' . Highway. . • . :Punctiliously observ ing good man- • veri .thetnaely.eS': ns' they Patrol the 'ciingested-.reads ,tyPicar of.: weehencl, traffic. to rind, ftom the fio ite _bean= i .1.yf-spots.,- Of,: Lancashire,: Chaifhite' and ° North Wales:these no nolice-motor- Isis' areto give advice to c&ists pii. • viite "attforliobile :drivers,taidii' es, "•tti. Cli-drivets• 114 p:ea-ostrisms. Advice . . . • \i 11 bo given' to thOe whose road' eon-,, •a Certain standard -4'A.. •: ..vildso.read' Manners .ipv'ojve otl*r,s in ditilculty or risit, • .savs_ Eveiest- r Never Ie CIRm Menber.62..Eineilition Winch. AS-. , , tempted. to Seale, the. Peak.. Is: 1)0Ohtfol if Ever . , 13e' Conquered `. • , • , , .1%1J.for j'ohn. Whotwice :Was. tratiSPOrt2ollicer for expeditions seek- ing the DOA. tyeresti: 83.4 111i3: ' Ni,601i*Irel1fyWbdif, '140114, 11131 ,lhe dizzy 4,2elglita,.Of the: *orld'S biheSt' tnottnifain inay heVer::be •,atta hied. the onlv Way to 'reach the 2,01;)2--foiat-reef .of the 1-Ilinalays is by -. painfully, ,S.leyvli„ foillug,upOrd,nfoot, ', • .;hei sad. .4 • ,'' .• Major , ha „retired from .tho. Indian Ariny.' ,During e nearly 1.*eaty. ,-Yeare.of service' tn India ,he VMS, no- - in seldhce,ithd writing 110 ia Ating his btether, E. R.Cadh0d 4,30O Foot Level • 11.nbt year iint eined.ition` of which tho talrel' Mlle& was tranntert, bff17, dal reaehed the,' 24„:306:tocit level •60 't'Vereet, tq't toOli weeks to, 'ereat • the illnittiayen` and Tibetan 'Dialettit freitt tkaileelfitg, and then the expedl- ticsn had teak:he'd only. the baae .Of thoY, ..kteat, moiffitain" ' oleyAtIon- o fedL; At thatbelgbt; thtY Major eaht tvery• ni,00..la an • • tiO12', Airentliiht, IS diefitAlt. Two attiod'ItIoAa will tttetriPt'. 'to. ' ,1111tht .4.hefr. rt.*, up to, the, ziesk-tnest A —. • 41. • • 4