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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-13, Page 2
v � • -��.�.r':r�•. •aww. x«w,»+err+ot�• ii �, . - • E You WASTING MONEY INSIPID TEA •a J41..„ TEA:: .VOURED. • • •" Change .. .. a simple •thin to • Chan a to Lipton's": g gp. da .. batt it will be a revelation to Teufel ore s ti t sustaining tea en'o m fyasng,mere ,, 4 g 1 y• meat. Per Lipton's is never insipid .. , even though you brew it weak. Its• rich, full-bodied flavour is concentrated ; in every leaf .s , in • every,cup of .tea you make...giving you, a. fragrraant: "-refreshing ' beverage -you'll'. appreciate more. every • time: von taste. it.• UPtON' � is. more .conomical-oas arch. . • ,, . e i r It a the largest selltsg tea hs the world.,:: • FREE: Save the coupons in Lipton's , • acka s e 'll 6 o .Th You P g4 Y riPB eauisi a Wm. Rogere & Son t 9 Silverplate, Gifts Write •now, for Premium List, to '11109, 1'; Lipton Limited. 43.'Front St East. Toronto. 'RED'LABEL. . i33c 4111.' ORANGE . YELLOW=.. . . 40c 3 Ill*. INA LiPTO N'S }u1E-4�ute�P TEA • THE 4WQRLD AT 'LARGE of the CANADA'f. wloalebody's: Doing'?It China`s., casualtie.' have passed the ton mltrlf _1+iven,:;.Iapan should, be Prepared to admit that this' indicates hiit somebody is at, 'war.• -Financial rn Tlite ualci is . be. ing, taught in ;128 clasat. 'in, the,rurai dchools: of this die,: 1938• ,,�+lisildians Will See Three. Partial shadowings of Sun' In f - , Year n,'.1"'.1938. `scientists will have to '�1•enture•• .,Into remote are`''.; ot•, the world tp study phenomena, attendant upon a"'tota'l. eclipse of• the faun. Last mar :in're"stigotors' journeyed''to Peru- untaiin topsand mid-Pacifi Tian mo c f.lett[ 'to gaze 07: `the- onlytotal solar' ,ticlilpae.''.--• ' In 1988 the sun's. lone 'total shad swing oscura • May 29'and,, will be; vis sills only i•n" the extreme southern per Iot. In spite -of -that -fact we"imagine ` ,Hthat • man*,: ot:.the: pupils still` continuer to, tune 3n Cab • Calloway --Peterbor ough Examiner; Those M� rkers ! • 'Science. has now changed ' stat3,mind about the atom, 'Is it, in -these circum'= stances, too much to hope. that, the On' tarso'Government can Change -its• collectipe,',_ mind, about lie 1938 auto'- mobilie markers?=Toroifo 'Globe and 1lrfali tion brise �lflentic ,ocean This Is one: of • tour eclipses during the year.; Two total'�`'lunar 'eclipse'. are visible May 14aand November 7- 'The remain/ "in one n is $ shadowing of " B Partial' the sun on November 21 Must Get •Up Early Can adian u s ..can: witness .the' lass; tree but h .t a will r 11 hav 'to ise'.rl '' Y e ea y.. to see the Mag '14, lunar show: ;Its` period. ot greatest totality is St .3 a tai.;. The other lunar, eclipse rakes. p1aL1e .. at five o'clock 3n ';the - aftl'ernoon, when the brightness ot the ;sun May. it ' British Columbia le the only ,pert of Canada •privileged to, witness th partial eclipse of. the sun, November 21. Most, •of, the west coast of North America°a ill be able to*view the sec tacle , `of G�nac�a eports CO NYurderl Not ,Kar, 'says Vittoria Mussoliniwar • is the quintessence of beauty," What that 'oung ., ameSatoc lanisa doesn't know about war woald fill' the archives in Ronnrid e. To e 'safely thousands, of `feet in the •air and rain bomb on help less natives is not war; at most:• and at ,Omit -4 is cold blooded murder, -,•I;Caliiaz Herald. An Important S I tion; Parents should take enough interest i- Public c o n the p, b lc s h of tq at least atten"it the annual m. g ' e tein : andt vote tor• the' • election, 'of a trustee whom, they be ileve.'has the: Interest of the pupils; at 'heart, rather then tho sav n g dt• a• few pennies to'.tho•.ratepayers. The•'years spent in.°school are veiny'important •in• the lives of the boys and••girls TFar• flier's „Advocate , o. ,rft iffPIRR. t� Solitude W , ted.. DI man a d red •s; n tics ' ' ' i X . er . o , 4 amal. ad , vertisement in' The•Argus''recently 'in- viting' intellectual and 'refined 'people., to forma, colony' on a ,South Sea, i's- , ldid? Apparently many did, for the advertiser has, received• more than 250. replios,froin those:"seeking'solitude-- provided; olitud'e- �ro ide' v d it is net too'lonel . PThe 'ad: y, vertise h 0 r w t od r u'bed his .. .p c edentials,, •is• a', member -of the Royal 'Australian Air Force, .perfectly sincere' in liis in-: tendon to'form an ideal' social 'centre,; "to'eliminate hatred and poverty and fear In his Utopias he promises .wild • hors es and cattle, cascading., streams,... • tropical fruits .• and no -tax collectors ;. or other pestileirces. •1t is.'net true` that of the, replies already received' to this alluring advertisement nearly all came'from politician$. andribookmakers seeking surcease from turmoil;- They .cams -from.ordiiter.F,ainiple,.,tolk. whom are tired of this, civillzation and who" cannot stand the noise of the trams -In` Elizabeth, street' any longer.; -- Mel boui.ue Argus. In Soviet •Russia, more than 43 per •• Cent: *of the entire present': population was born singe the • •revolution in 1917°. A -.-C Mysterious 1.8h S icides -$91Ved, FSaScient Polar Schools orced Into Waris Were, Water. IViass'sulci" of fish, a Mystery,, that has,¢een baffling;"maritime lead 1 s o / era and scientists sfSout hAfrc a for years, have been explained. Hot and cold .ocean cu_ rrents are held, to be •,respotable. a Tens cf millions of^dead .fish float-. •n oath u-' e, s rfac of, •}. g, a •.th the .South At- lantic - lan is re l . t cent y issue, forced: tna y ata F.. .. to me s, to chane their courses. The : research ship • Discovery . has Juet, issued a :statement, made:,public in Johannesburg, that, the "fish :ides"" have also'' beeii: !. •seen along: ;South. Amer;ca and that, they,: were caused;' by the finny swimmers, acids tamed tocold water,,'being forced by Shifting •;South° Pole currents. to ,death dealing' warm water along the coasts. FROM . TORONTO - . HOCKEY 11 a PLAYERS Inter -clewed o,i NETWORK PROGRAM Listen to Wes McNightinter•• • 1, dew your favorite"National Hockey League. Players over: , Toronto CFRB, London CFPL' Hamlkott CKO .Chathim CFCO KInllatonCFRC Noith��.ayCFCH ,. Brantford CKPC, Sudbury CKSO • r_AtItohenerCKCB SaultSt.:Marha.CJIC., St'ratfoid CJCS Kirkland Lake CJ KL. Wingh.m CKNX Tlmmina CKGB • St. Cn atMsri aaCKTB • • „EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT' 7OOPM: M ra* tica $EEHIVE GolO"DAfENS1 CORExa' N SYRPod UP Comghlmenttlry;th Bzights ofon -ths;ewee" c �' . PAST PACE Old' 4434( oswo theytellnhstornoved•,more ly, ata such,a'Ielsurely rate, .la f ct; anti that people- could• sit 'bask d" sp ecu-. late a"whileabout each event after, it a e b ned Pp n i' t these t mss. we are al,:. lowed no 'such. pr'iyilege, ' • Terrifying' ;things. occur in- a' great. man ,parte of 'w the orld, slmultaneouslY and t►,atign,wide: movements surge 'up and :threaten'•to engulf us whenever„we pauses to take' thgilght Dr; Alexis Carrel`•worid- ,r. _,, ta>b, *,,. e4 medical scientist a. •: . s rs the ;reason • for this • state of affairs as: ' •th t ina a ins Centr-ol over” matter 'a Centro]. and.' . dove , his own S .. mind •has not 'kept pace he With t' itis• ychanization of the', age. Machines. have ,gone, ahead. Man; has'st'ayed behind until now things' are happening, too 'swiftly for hini. • Iai r , • • Where does it all end? If Y a wish to•turn:aside the :mire and fearful fate ' awaitin�our presentday Ciyization, 'we -shall have to bac oma' once ce'•more, Masters of our •own destinies. • REST: IS BEST- The best way -: aY to fight n cold either bad :or indifferent,. , 15 to sayY at H ome�and segs, bed' Paye the Toronto s y, onto M. O..I3. Dri Gordon•GdP. Jackson. Rest' is the Most important thing, it you want to' stop sbort of in flilenza or ,pneumonia. Incidentally, Year staying home will help' your fel low workers to avoid infection ANEW -SPIRIT — Therews scone - thing g going • on. in Canada' which belies the'' separatist attitude shown by: the Premiers •of Ontario, and Quebec, and that 'is, according -to John W. Defoe, ,,editor' of `the: Win, nipeg" Free Press, "a.: nationaf 'in• .tegrati`on;, the extent• and. strength of which, is: not yet known."' Following • this strengthening ,of the •popular,• will;, he continued . it wil'the,, !y Peter Randal country' called •,Canad s, a. neat conn, tr " an tha d the.. Y. na -•. _ _,. Canadian. borne'by its`peopi'e is not term mere. Y;(4 convenience.: Haven't you noticed it; -too, this :new „spiritawhich'has just„begda to be felt *Wilt- the past year' or so;:, the last. ,couple ot, months?, A': mant : ac great y tors. are ' contributing ten :Its growth, not• the • feast of which is; the deplor- able, state ,:ot affairs' in: many foreign countries.. • By . Contrast ,we feel • our: selves'.extrenely lucky, draw closer to, to :one another within our ;o. .bo d w n.. ,,, 1' - ere, are prouder. to cal' ourseives� "Ca nadians ” ' Editor Dafoe .expresses, the . hope' that our whole Canadian system may bo strengthened- and vitalized by the new spirit instead •of. torn' asunder by; sectionalist agitation in this. and t at.• .. h t f Par•o the =cou n t r Y • There are three times asmini Parts apianolisI an auto Women . are being . g ,taught • to run - farm; tractor in :Soviet Soviet Uzbekistan, in i mobile. ,CAN. ADA 9 38 IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S INSPIRING' PROGRAM Every Friday 'Night, on a 'National Coast -To -Coast Network. ussia Planing Air Expedition- - To Antarctica Trip to South Pole .I' in the:004 dills for Nezt Autanm -;- Eight: Men to Investigate For, Thrtee Years • Mikhail ode ., ;.. V.- ,, .pYanoff,, ,who; '•p[loted • 'the." lirst, ,plane -et the Soviet tion to the North " Pole las , 'Ma'teat- t ..,_.Ye week ' k t os w 'proposed! sed i Il -' expedition to the South Pole. ..The 'flier, who gave the. first inti. mat on . of the .,North Pole venture a. similar, war, wrote -;in Pravda, the; Communist PanrttryY .00norga,n, of an Ant- + ' 'arctic expedition as '' `a 'drea n" but. •a concluded: i r.conr reahlwable" • , Gr+omoff AIeo 'Sug e is ^I • g?F t Itilk ai 1 Groniof . ' • t lead' ,4 : - _ . ,. .. er oE the sec-: and Russian•-, flight to North, America • • across, the, North, Pole list Julywrit-. ins 'in the newspaper ,"Mechine,l3ulld-• ' lug," also mentioned the possibility ot a'Russiali, flight' over the South Pole.; Cr rite and ff nd _ R � his co • m anSon 9 '6 a' P t e. ell an t c e race rd o 6,2G2i e s nl l .. when. 'they. landed at -San Jacinto, • Vodopyauoff described hie "dream" expedition es leaving:Leningrad.in'the autumn in th;e new Soviet icebreitker, Jose li Stalin,ler or establishmentoP a ' camp at oi, tile' Soii 1 Pole t t for a tlree- year stay. •Ibis 'North 'Polo' expedition' • left four scientists ,on an acefloe near •:•tide Pole- for :a, year's, scientific study. • • ,70 Experiment•al• Flights �IIe said f ve bi'motoret1• planes • 'would . be used to_,fly_pravlsions. iiegent'Liutpold, .land' in the Weddell• I Sea S00 .. ewes' to the ., Pole in three, ' s. tri After Af er ?0' flights:: 1n:different ,` directions°'from' the Pole during a• • month's stay, four of•the' planes would f''• depart,, leaving eight: men and one: • plane for three 'years ,ot investigation ,. ' et 'resources •got' the Antarctic Contin, •• tions... eirt, weather'•' and other ., scientific • • ques Yodopyanoff ',sail • Rear 'Admiral ltichardl E. TBj rd and 'other Antarctic' , explorers spent •.only -a.few .min.utes."4ar hour at the'. South' Pole';and.•ha:d not ffi • had sufficient'nine 'to • explore . this ,,Polar • regions 'properly: • 4/:j 61'�GrI i 111 SOUTHAMPTON 141 ��. PORT. .gt6IN i • CNAPLEAll , c OB Y EH �. BRUCE MIIV.ES TWESSALO 1 . WE88 WOOD BLIND OVER • ...ESPANOLA MASSEY 406Z5 . P•. OWASS/a!Y SOUTH PJVER PARRY SOUND GRAVENNURST .9ry !9� O O ~G. LIONS' ' not:ANp. Total .11ilfsets ;$849;538;000" up ;:.$14,000,000. Deposita Increased $10,000,000 ,L qu,d Assets 65;53`% .of Liabilities to the Public -Increased ".Profits Shown 'The • Annual.- Batance 'Sheet • of U45,666,274. le , repiOsOote.d Do - Provincial; Gov.ernment• sectiritlee;'; Pahlie securities. other:. than Cenedian:attintinting t9 . 927,48,2' eliow. an. increase Of • stood 'to be reoreeented ip netV high 'record in the. history Of. et its, in Vectin mite by dentin erdial Profits Hrgh,er .Net profits' for the year ato at 83',711,269. and. conapared With .. $2,600:000. The Usnal apprepriatieet Of ;200;400 Wart made. Pet' tank 'Penitent rund`Stidiety Wei Inerette, Milner lipPrepriation of '$200,000', 'Carried •torweed tetali ah' increase of $411380.. the 'Sharehelderit be held aV the the. CAnada :Made :pOsite i•anieunt 'to' $756,085,690. and' are higher .than• At' anY thd..paws history; 'With. the...Single' Provincial GoverniiiPtits,.amourit' ' ;20;063027, an ineteaseof'aPPtoici te• $1,01,141:192” Are "anprOX•imately. of yeart,' the reiereal in the trend,' of% tOrneriereitti 'loans ht. en, ;fit of. Preeent pteek Mar= Gall' Loane. beta in ()MHOS And abroad hate been slily., redtated... Call". LOOS Ihant Matted faineant 'to "$10i, .biititten. la strong, to. t *take being 38;112t, teidlitiented. lit Oath On de:petit ivith the batik ithd *het THORNBURr (REEMORE:` 9 P/1t5LhY FLESHEatoN (OOK' TOW ° tiL. , i?ci ow our HAM BETON, ' I. PW/aY ROU wl(N', B12AoFoRo '! Te '5WATER,, GRAN, VALLEY.. /� i1QICH NARQ15 rQM, • 74rrEs p .1 ERyo,BG. . N PALML'RS'TON gTwuf7 ERIN, ` :-; BLYTH fLORA.. 5Tf2 iSvlufc MILVER.TON , HESPrL. t PPRic NEIN HAMBURG HILL LUCAN AYR T�1Y.ISTOCK, PLATTSVILLE eEAMSVIL. OREOjr N , A.PPIN EM 9RO : HN(A57ER • 6LENi-gE' 8EL'1"IONT 5M17HVILLE, s4LVINSTOIJ• PRINCETON. MERairroN 70&iesViLL.E,:: NORWICH 'URFORp. NAGCRS• VILIe • HIGHGATE RoONey '11f1RVIS iJ r . x1,00 r. z, 1 , dRl `' 'E NNf• ! I BO Controlled Press Like Black Plague Twice -each week : dayThe Toronto . ` o Daily'' Star broadcasts news over the Canadian; Broadcastin g Corporations,. new: high-powered 'station CBL;:' 'Toronto,' Mornings=8 -8":"r5" .A 71 Evenings=6 :15*to 6:30 P.M. . —on one of the . highest -powered stations in all Canada -r-50,000 watts =covering practically all Ontario;—on an air -channel free' of all interference -- Clear as a bell. pet your news Red Hot—news from all the World --brought 'to you with the imm,nse 'facilities of Canada's Greatest Newspaper. • ALE XA,NORfA 4/4f5 7POR NIAGARA vow • ,'Dictatorial M,e�'.iods.: Put A Straub; on National Mind -Saws :Pr. son of Journaiism , • NEW YORK.—Dean Carl W. Acker•''; Man' of the Columbia ' University School • of Journalism this week de- nounced :dictatorial 'contril, of, the! Press as. a `!black: plague" threatening •World peace Dean-AckermAll, reporting* to Dr:. Nichola$ hfa ray; Gut1e0. president' of the university,: on. his world study, of the growth of 'censorship and super est. son declared: • `.'I,t is•significant, 1 think that no nation• where; the' press' is 'free 'from ' governmental em tter is today directly intro v led iii- the. t e war in $.pain ,or China '; Must Have Freedom 'of `Expression "Where, there is: freedom of •thought. .and expression;" he added "as in the Bi•iti sh 'Commonwealth., nw ealtli� "Stmltzcrland : ..�;,. I-Iolland, Swedeh,',Norway, "D ifinatk,'. Argentina and 'the United- States, the , natio nal state of.mind,toward' inter- ' national relationships is; 'as• different.' �l froni.the present situation in:Brazil,' • usst i; 1 1 t' 1 y Geriiiany • and " ,Fapan..as day' from.aiight. Dean; Ackerman• said' peace' •between • nations could notexist unless people are: educated day,.�by day to become familiar with international relations" and to understand their 'impact' and • influence. tipo•n domestic life and,' don dations ' A 'Profound Iefl.ue.hce "'Phis Cannot • be aceomplished .eras f cent. through the freciloni of agencies • of 'coniml.nicatiori? -.lie-said-•the ciraracteirDt-irew'g-fronr" the..Un.ited States: had. led to doubter•' . in •ii'ictator-i uled countries of the, abil- sty •of democratic countries to face, the••' dangers' of internal .disorder and 'wtir ' 'News 'of the inilustria9. warfard, in. •,' the • United„States this year has • iiad a • Profound influence: VillO fever printed;'. ' h©: az"i17. 4. UttseirnsceF:iGrsrtealomirdr He Lost,. In Battle • Liett.:Cal..Oharles:Pierson of Port Austin.. Mich:, speke in .whispers hiet The offieer,'*ho.,19:ned the army 1002° And 'Spent . three years ht, West One., ef the' first diVisions dePart. for Frande in the .WO War, He' wroi ,ghsfied And in:',27.places while leading his 'men in Charge Against a machine. giinnept," ateal plate in his ch64 And the. oon-.., tiection :hie Windpipe by •a Steel of' blood', Latet he -digeevered" that for the htst litter 20 years her Waif , •able tri talk ht *Wend)... Phy,sieihni, believe that hit Wiled beeotne •