HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-13, Page 1, - • .
.12•,90 A 'YE4RT-$1.5.0., /It! MWANg*-009 EXTRA TO XL 4/,
t 7
LUCKNQW, ONT., THu1sDAy,,JANUARY.13ih 1938
...Wm, „Fowler
:Office Henri;
P.M. 1-09-8.36.M. •
SifildaYsz---110:--7,2:04, P.M.
• Or Hy Appointment
'Phone • ,
` COW FOR ,SIALE-tc; freshen on,
Apply at Sentinel Oflice .
'''..v.CATTLE • FOR. SALE=Three ..H.er;)
„revs to: freshen JOynt.
. FOR SA:I.E.:- Young. 'Shorthorn
Bulls about 12 months, Old.-Andreiv
GauntR.' 1 Lucknow. •
• IfOR SALE -4 'mild' co.*, due to
: freshen in April , and a two-year-old
heifer.L-Apiply to Wm G, Armstrong
100 acres,. Houndani,:, 3 miles West of
Ludknow For information apply to
Mis Ida Stapley, ' Brussels..
• NEN WANTED •1•-• Good nearby
Rawleigh Route now Open. If).willing
to ccifiduet Home. ...Service • huffiness
write inunediately. '•Rawleigli's Dept.
Mt -27145-A, Montreal; Canada.
,.. • ..
•:Theannual meeting nf the , Luck -
now', Agricultural Society will be held'
in the •Town .Hall; Lucknow,' Ont, or,
ThuredaY ' the 20th day of January,
".• " • ,All MeMber'S are .hereby;notified-to
:attend, ..• ' . , jeaffO1r.2.4::gnew, See:
,. will be. 'received' by the anderigned
until Thursday, :Jtanuary 20th,, tor.
atiewploViing; day 'work, Man And,.
teini; ;grading And dragging. :in. the
• village Of ,LucknOw. Lowest or any
tender, net neceiniarily oceeptect.--;
Joseph 'Agnew, Clerk. ,
frhe 'trucking bnsiriess recently
• :purchased from Virden Mowbray 'hait
• been. Conibined, with the business of
•A, the:natne of •Nirll.
;Son Bros:, And lire are nOiir. in a peal
lion' to do transport work, ,Including
• loads •-toPr.:frOin Lucknow; to any
place in Ontario, as Well•as local work
'Phone /O. -
• In the. Matter of the .Estate Of
Efillheili-kutherford7late of 'the
TOWnshiP. Of West Wirwenosh the
_ .
• Veunik of. Huron, Widow, deceased.
Notice .hereby ' given. pursuant ,to
the ;Statute , that ,behalf that, all
creditors and others having claims or'
dein:ands_ against the Estate, of the
said :Elizabeth :Rutherford, who diRd
:on. or. About the Seventeenth day. of
October,: A.D., 1937, are-, required on-
.' oi
before the Twentyseecind day of
January. A.D. 1938, to .send by .post
-prepaid; or deliver,' to Hugh K. girth-
' :erford;: R. R. WO.' 2, •LnekirdV,'`Ont"-
ario, ' the. Executer: of the 'last Will
and lestarrient, of the, said deceased,'
their naines,1 addresses and descrip-
tions, the full particulars 'of their:
'clainsfe, a statement of. their accounts',,
and the nature Of the .seeurities (If'
' .a.ny) :held by them , duly verified : by
, affidavit: • • • '
•And take notice that after,sueh last
mentioned date. the ' said executer will
proceed to distribute, the assets.' • of
' the,said deceased among : the ,Pereetia-
entitled thereto;:. having 'regard only
'Ito the claims,' of .Which- 14 • ahoi th
have notice, and that Ow said :execa-,
-tor will net 'lee liable; for, the ...assets
• or.any part thereof to any Person or
persons of ,'whose claims notice shell
not have. been received- by hina at the
thine of -such distribution. • ••
Dated at LucknOw, Ontario, ' this,
twenty-eighth day, of December, A.D.
Hugh K. Rutherford,• •
R. rt 20 LuCknOW Ont 'Executor.
. „
Theq will ,..be .danc'e'iti,::HolyrOod
Township' Hall. On Tuesday,. January
18th Under 'aniPices of Holyrood'
Weide:es Ifie itute::'4",McCartirey's Or-
effestra: Gents '
"kA cit, Thanks
The faiiiilY. Of the, 'late Mrs. "D.
Geddestesire to thank 'publicly all
„ .
-the.,,frient16; and, especially, Kr. and
Mrs; Agirevitc.whel ,do ,genercnis.,
• )51' helped theni et, the- time of their
mother's death.' "
Card Of 'firanks
4ik.•• •
draeo ttiekliatt and:family
• wish to thank all their friends for
their' kind asaistance and Ourealloils
sYMpatIly (hiring their r•ecent'-'•ber,
Beloved Resident Laid
" .•
To' Rest:,On Friday
wool* pe,r4i4en,i
' •Ot tiickhOw; Passed. Away Last
Weiiiesday •At The Home Of Her
•1)aiughtvi In Mount Forest, After
Muidena--deildes wife':of the
late Geddes,
at •the .: home of • her daughter, ,Mrs,
<T. A. i0)bertsoii,.;Moilit Forest; on
•Wednesday • lat. For the pas • few
,years! 'Mrs. Oeddes, bas.hein in fail-
ing health and for the...Peat year has.
beeri , With :her daughter in P116134.t.
Foiest. Silice early 'in. August, she
has. been.eorifined to. bed and her con-
ditiOri regarded ai quite serious. , •
• Geddes, formerly_ Murdena.
Ponerozi,.. was :thc youngest child, of
Duncan Cameron , and. Jessie . Mac-
kenzie; natives of Roeshire,.Scbtland),
who Settled ' -the- 'early' fices.
Her fa.ther,...Was known as "Duncan
Can:Oren, the•tailor",and he 'heearne
famous a..s: far. aiToronto; as '.a Mak.
: ' , •
Mrs...Geddes, who was in her 69th
year, wits born in Lilleknow; July ; 22,
1869; .and has been a.: lifelong reei-
dent. A kind 'neighbor: , and :friend,'
she was., held in , the :highest regard
And was ainerig' the,: village's most
beloved citizens..'
.• On ..SePternber '7th, 1892, she mar-,
•come • here six. Years previous. to, prep.
tise veterinary I:surgery. :The :Doctor
died On Decemi--iei.7--grtl, „three years-
Both were, 'devoted and faithful
members ' of the Lucknovi Presbyter-
ian Church; where. the funeral. service
was held on PiidaY vvIeri Rev. C.
11. ,MacDonald paida. fitting tribute.
to the faithfulness of Mrs. Geddes.
• :
InterMent was in, ,Greenhill.:
etery, .with Harry :Nixon, D. J... Mct
Charles,. Clair Agnew? 'Cameron Ged-
des,. Kenneth ,Murdie and CanaPhell
Thompson, acting' as pallbearers. ;
:Surviving, :arel• two daughters, : Mrs.
.J..A. Robertso'n (Dean); I Mount
Forest; Margaret, Niagara Palls and
two sons, :Cameron of .Luckriow and
Evan of. --4L o s 7 -Angel es-: -Curieri•Ith
C L Yoerger; died :in TOronto, an
June, -1981..•
family sof four,
Mrs.' Pincombe alone surVives.
layson; died. sorne years age Du-
luth and a brother, Alex Camer-
on, died 'in Toronto. in May, 1936,
a sister,'
. •
g Young Men's Class of the
United 'Cluircly have arranged!te have
-Provincial ' officer: Otto ;McCievis ad-
dress ,their gathering in the United.
'Church , this Sunday, January,..,.16th,
at two, o'elOck.., Mr. MeCleyis. has at
different tinieS: addressed' young pen -
l'4 groups.; And hi,s• talk on Sunday
is !looked forward to with interest.
'The Meeting: is an open one, to which'
the ,men, •and young men of: the vil-
lage are invited:,
John Morrison Passed Away
innaai In His86th.--Year •
Death 'occurred At Horne •' of 'His
Sister, Airs: .Grace E. Lockhart,-
• Wei Pioneer Of Kinloss Township,
Spent Many Years West -a&
turned Here Seven 'Years' Ago--'•••
Was Quiet, Friendly Old Gentleman
- On Sunday, .January 9th, the death
occurred • of -John Morrison,, it,. the
twine f of •his sister, •Mrs-- Grace 'E.•
Lockhart. Mr. 'Morrison was, in his
eighty -Sixth year and enjoyed. fairly
good health u e;few days before
his death ;
• • 4
„, The funera
Thesday, ja
noW iiresby
• .
servid,e vas held .on•
uarY"Ilth, in the Luck -
ow Church and Was
conducted by the Rev. G. M. Yoring
of .Setith' Kinloss, in the absence of
• Rev.. •C. 1ViacDonald:' . 'Internient
Was:inade in South Kinloss Cenietery
The pallbearer were WM:: Spindler:
John MacKinnon:, Josepk;
ston; Alek .Maebiarrisid, -Andre*
Loelchart and •Thinean 'MacLeod.
, Mr; ,Morriaorr as horn in Kintore
in OxfOrd County and/ taint to Kin.
loss at in' ,early" Age. lia 188 he
hear itierioreo 'Man. He: spent A nth*,
her of • Years in Vancouver *came
to inekirow „seven years ago, Where
he IntS' resided ,
BeSide,S, Sister, A !brother' Henry'
of bike. City, ',Mich., survives:
• , , • .,
, The .inauguial ',meeting of the
't.iichnow Council was heldOn' •Mon:
daY with Reeve Bindle* in the:chair,.
and; all, members predent,
, 'First business was tlfe. striking ;012:
committees .follows, • the first
named .heing the "ellairrflair In each
instance.: , , •
iOn.•, '
• Hydro -Bushell; 'McNab; McQuilliii
Roads and. Bridges --
Bushell, Paterson. .
. Property and 'Supplies-JrhOMpeon,
'Vie/slab, Paterson..
Petition d By -Laws -Paterson,
• Water, Fire, -Light-Council as. a
The re -appointment of ,all 'Village
-.officiate' 'remained .,unchanged with
Wm. 1VIcNall appointed as weed...in-
spector for .the north of the ' town.
M. J. Raynard was re -appointed for
the'south half of A'Itie village, the,
dual, appointment being with a view
ti, speeding the 'work of butting'weedsn,
at 'the: proper time.
to.'" the Library Beard for .a three-
year •' term and Mr, •A; E. McKim re-
appointed as a member of the Beard
of Health., ' •'
• ,Council decided to .call for tenders
for snowplowing, day Work; and grad-
n dragging.
• ,
„ • . •
7 MacK-ENZIE--,=In"7-4Gede.rreh -,General
Hospital On. ',Sunday; January:9, 1936,
Ernma' Jane :Millen,. widow :Of .the- Iate,
Donald Neil MacKenzie, ;in : her: 75th
year.,.. The :funeral :iiois, heldfrom her
late residence,. Piunel'on. St., Goderick :cies§ ....certificate :from Belfast, school operating, thfie,,! limit ,. was .d4, , .pift,,
.on Tneeday, With. ; interment. in at .that tun ; and .way,. Geolge
McQuesten stated, to his department's
Greenhill cemetery,
'andi.:_eucceSsf41'._t..,... 'eer neaf..,4 .
Weeds; who: .., ,r.y.,rard., ,had a. long, ,r uctance to interfere' inany y way.
th .the..C4riefirme: and.' New :Year
' GOderich, passed the . entrance ,. x
.e 7: .. • ., • . • •
'anairiatibnifrOn.f.'pe,,,s0„!004 .„ the. samseason..
NO': further extension is likely, . -in
Year.' 'Tour 'Alton •was g teacher, ;for • • ... , . .
,The,' local Post Office ..contract ...vit.fai, .a.,.mno.eit jai yeara;: His
sail: trati; .• ..• • ' . vie,* of the 'fait that .1938; ‘-marker
among, those, announced on Fro id
. . . . .
had .been en *lie.; aince'''Oct:Oere' l... '
wrio4w11.c:porrtin,:oprli,pg, alit2d7,74tite:.;dpautitili4c.tsit,phol- in-
hY the federal dep.artment ..,pf -pUbiie
works. W. -1.I.:•...kintOill.,. Of ..Wingharri mi,s.
!....--,:''• t.:.i
Wasthe stceeseful/contractortheit°''isks4:eesfl1:ieft°1ereltle1otori:ts.cpihEsq.rkersal
nontrctzprice.being_annoUreed4S saff,sfthe•LndOnpiiblicSe3o°PSrater's"Parmit-60fsre.the:deid
$12;634. John Agar, on-wi6se TurinthilS'":.
• '- :
school' was • built, we's.' one ' of . My trus- '
tees, and I :Was ;greatly delighted to ! .
reCeiVe: a coilfat 'letter ' ,t0,,Ojr...L:sun. liArti4wnti,fieddes..... . i,
oti.e-.0.t hi§•:...gra:hdoi,s,' in '. , . , ,.., . - • -. • ' . ' ..
. . , . this let- iifilartiiitOn ' On Wednesday-
, . , , . , .
was froin.Charles • Agar .6f Sasia.-: - ,.....: ',---,•••-,-,•, ... , : • . .
tOon,, :who ,has :":been: for,:-. ;seventeen Was fornier....gestderit- Of •,Lucknow,
years : a• Member , of -thelegislattire in . 'Funeral - Was In: Ifitniiltim , On Orli.
Saskatchewan and is.. now...theof the.d..A'epit,tiy„,, .',•,,..d‘,.),,.._Ttiv.i,l,o, 1.,...; 9.:!. ' The, tate'," Wm,
'speaker: -,- -. Horisei,....Jaines.„...
my trustee's 'eldest serwriierried. Miss '', gedd°s' ' LiiCiaiqw. ' Cerl*i'' : Who
.Eliza .potnin :of, wa*ailosh,..my. •:k..s., : ,Euilr The .,Presbyterian •'Manse
sistant In.,.the school, ,and this a,ke., - ....... - •-•-..
tnon ' Man ' is theii. eldeet.sOn."...' ' - .. ' .: b,,roAke• Tillako:•with Wednesdayi'h telean;.o
•.; 'John iStother•g ,Who owned the farei.
in 'the:. .sectioir. .6pPosite 'Ha& t,.' :the Passing of SiS ' William Geddes,
wchurch, was another of.. my trustees. , 97-Year-old:resident„.,.of' Hamilton and
1, -iii• eldest ,Sen. William,.• Merited -.a formerly of ...4tIcklicl*. The deceased
pq"aioung:fre,sr,161,1f •t.s.heelii.itt-4Ajoriidt,iri•iieNgv:„':se:hie000lf .8telic_e.: ‘'''"-1:1-86, ': :11
:the;'i widow. of .-Williain. Geddes'
ad been'illfor ;Ahenti a Month,
. , )
tion on 'the I2.th:. 'Con., andthis eoupie anik..'.i'riOr to lier..,inArriage' was . Miss
had -a. family:: of, 'Song. '.Stephen Sto;:. 'I.'49- :1-1.anna'.Harsiey,--
.thers ' is agricultural :representative; -.!' 'She • ,was.':. born on 'December 26'
for Wellington : COtintY, 'i, located. ' :.' at 1640, . in :Montreal,' and the :following
,A):ther; ,. ISaac. ' of Western' . Canada 'ts• - siit;i'llg ' !PPvqd . With her •'.'parents , to
also a graduate of the Ontario Agri- .Ilainilterf. She received her •earl' ed...
cultural; College, ,Caiman ,is at.'„Pia,. 'ueation at :a private..$,Clieol io'llaM.-:
t,:.;p; 'inspector ..9f , e'lip.(51S' ,,fOrr. 'the 1!6,11 6-ild was ' 646 of thc. *Mils .'at7
Ccianty'ef. PrinceEdWard; Jahn C.''is' •I'Ondirig:''CO6'di' selleel erhthe'th.tit'bf
414dOei.,ef „SchoolFfer-W,citi . of. .;4e.-; cteilinr:'Sht.7!'Wea.:::•'an -liel176rai*:
London, and Bailie is an: aceonninia .., Member of. the 'Central' old Girld' Asti
. , .. . • .• . , ... . : •
alio .in London. ',All :_these .are.:grand. .4aciatia.n.'" ! : . • ..' ' - • . • .-
sons.. Of my old friend and :trustee,. ., : " '
• t .
. , PiOneer At LucknOW
. . . ..
, , ,
Jill* : SfOheig,..': :' . • ' • :, 11,1r. Geddes ' lived :: in • Hamilton(
when'..'slielneved 10 -LuCknent'..Iri 1818'
• ,C• initintied: on Page . 8) . . • . . •.
„ • . .. • • , ,..
until the .death Of, her father' in 1614
' • •, ... „ ,
• :she •Married William' Geddes. of , this
iTillageit'One.-ot,.".:he parly settlers and
•'. , , , ,.. ... terriained in :.:tralitrioW..fer, Many,
jack )3aiiin'i'!..t4feco a, ..sagFA,L..cOn. yeArs, Where the •enjoyed. the • highest.
.. • :' - esteem and 'hall many friends, in the
.ctission ea a reerilt'er a heed injurY_
Some Belfast Pioneers•
And Their' Descendants..
Iljf'',1,0htt'lliattt.l.,Ondoo' •
the way to
lauckTid,W? °-ici a Plan:t° me
Lueknow's 1307• :COMO' :coriipleted:
their term, At 'their' final , Meeting.on
Monday, - • which '"ceasiStett chiefly of
the passing of'YPar7ehclzeCcounts.
r°t: IOW agt);* "and S4W nothing
4Mashell j.'endeked.a
there; no :Store,r. no hotel; pe.t„,0en .1s,r4kte', thanki. the ,feeve
01:05." and 'councillors,': which was secended,
MY. daYltf.waS, •Olifeyant.,' TO°1111 Pijarieillo'r IfeNreb:
Reid 'kept the,...fitbre;:j§hO'',-LOughbee'd.- tidn "in, reply stated he
the biter, : and remeMber .witness-;. 'had._.'• enjoyed ail',his•.,yeeis on. the
Mg. thd agreement.. ..,31hen Lance Perk, Council; and, that .he believed that
ningion sold out his blacksmith bus- anyone who disagreed At the BoArd-
iness, to., • Mr. , Thomas MeBrien, Meetings did so, :because they felt
terwarda of Ripley, and .00,Orge Snell; they •had an honest opinion, --
afterWairde of Loadesboro:„ .both then To the new Ateinbers he painted
beginning. in ,their, :first shop. The put that it is impossible to straddle
poet office was there .too,`, kept by the fence ; Do what you ,think best,
Wm. 'Phillips. • ' • ' although at times- you Are bound to
:My esteemed:•triend, John. Jeynt displease someone. He extended his
of Lueknow,. lately.paseed,:away-;:iiic-' West-, wishes -to?:-the new 'Reeve And
ed s to;•recallin • our occasional chats,
the time...When he, • as a's:young, man,
was ,beginning. his business career
ting wood , ashes' With St:. tering the field who could: grow Up
Helens as his , headquarters, and 1, ,iwith the work Which he had enjoyed
anotheryoungster,: was., learning to: but into whielihe wastoo late in
teach sehool.' 13e.lfa.st. That;was
. . .
nearly -sixty: years-ago,Tanemost of Mr. F'dignson: Wielied-the
the 's,iiioneers of the .4istriet,' now all 'new board sUccesi, and good luck. A
gone, were still' living. 1 came to round-thetablehand shake ,., tookknew thein 'duping iny lour ;years at place before .theitrid:'retired and the
Belfast r and it is pleasant ilOw to new. council, Wassworn into . Office:
think of these,' wOrthiY Men and wo- -• -
Men and their descendants.'.
•There was a little: 'Colony Of • SET
tens; :in fact ,• saw_ an old print in
Mr, •MacDiarmid expressed his
pleasure ,in ,seeing younger men en -
, .•
name of,:the .hernlet. %The, fainilieS
of . - -.. ., Aiiiiou ment has be 0 made. at
Dan.; and Samuel and Jeremiah and
Vinentine-Alton .Were Alri-e-7.-e-ril• -11.:6':.°11t°''''bi?-14°11;-'T=s-8-24eQueten-
i4..,the school. be, another brother' Minister .. of ' HightvgY1;-'that. ,. 1937.
had mOved,:away:And kr: John .,:kgat trioior car markers will be valid up to
eccupied. 'that. Alton farm. 'Samuel and including January 15; 1938.
Alton'e' eon,: Torn,'Passed for. 4. third •._
This.. two Week's' ' extension of the
:CONTRACT !PRICE, $12,834:
Robert A. McNabb, Sort Of l'ioneer
Miniater ' At South Kinloss And
, ,
Luckruiw, Died After Brief 'Illness
At Brockville.
Robert Andrew McNabb, eatinfable
ditizen of !Brockville' for: the past six'
years; • passed.' startling
suddernieSs early last Tuesday niorn-
ing, January •,4th.;, At , ,horne, 4
John ,Street.., • •,•
MeNkbb,;:. who : tonduCted, a
'taller.; Own in ,BreekVilie; had 'been
at hie place of briSineSs ,that 'ditYH and
as -about town' that ',evening.. Taken
sudhinly !ill with pneumonia,- he .pas -
:Sed :away •about five o'clock the next
morning. ,„k„ , -
His sister; ,Miss • Catherine ,McNabb
.of, WianiPPO, 'attended "the ,•funeral,'
which,' was held on, Friday.' . •
; In his 6$th year, deceased Was born'
at ' Little Britain ',Man 'Et. "iOrl of the
late. Rekr, and Mrs) John McNabb. He
spent the grater 'part .of his , life in
'western Ontario. And: Went to : 'BrOckti
vibe:, six ,Sr oars „ego. • •
' I d'''
His '.wife; the former Miss 'Beve, ra.
Cain,- surViv,ee; with one son, John
Albert McNabb' of •NeWark,
also leaves three sisters, .namely.MrS,
Margaret . Urs. Gilbert ..MeEfty
and Miss Catharine McNabb,' all, .ofr
Wuanipeg. Ile. was a Presbyterian
in religion.
. • His , father, t):;ie late Rev. John
McNabb, was Wee. the first Minis'ter". of
outif.'icieloss Church,. being ;ordained
and inducted en December 11, .1861,,
resigning 'about two Year later -He
went tO, 'Manitoba tie it, i'missionary
but returned later to Otitarie. Suff-
ering froni ihe',Offeets exposure
end hardships 'on • the mispion field,
He Was called to St Andrew's church,
Lucknow. fiena Beaverton, in. 1882;
and niirrietered ',here until 1886, when
be resigned to make. way for the
ion of the 'tWe PreSbYterian,,congre,:
gations the..village, $t. ,Andibw's
and knot: • ,
•delidernirie annoyaiicO caused b'1t,' rad -
lei keing, 4erated loudly tit" late'
hours 'Itt night. 'Redie 'users who are
guilty.' of `Creating atiCh 4
would be . advised gOVeril
thernaelveS eetordingly„
Looking. Backwards .
Events Of si -Yea,
. .
. .k7,rom:thi.files:,O# The Sentinel
atnianiftrize some of the events,Pf• the
past ,year.
„ jA.NEY•A41(..
Funeral of Maitland -Carnpbell, 2 -
year -old: son of mr., and NVo,
cnee Huron, was
held 'New 'Year's Day '!'he little.' led
was. drowned:: when he slipped intd: a
creek, :swollen by a late December
HAD COME .TO, OF•44091'
• It ." J. -,Moore,; local constable atia'„
6 . had a; recent- incident,; occur •
that iPs'on•Ot. 1'41 liewsOiRar
itY as well as .'haafpg Jim Hunia,r -
Mention the „fteeurreile0' 9,0. hie
ing' broadiaif.. • . '
"Bob" 0.cqn.ti5r was "'
'41A10-#:!'seiglire Of 4eha,ttell at 'a 'terra, 4.
home near' Winghani. '••• He became
stuck in the snow, and the •fanier .
unaware of his mission, pulled hini
out, to have; the chief pay him for -
the- task; and then proceed' to Make
the seizure. ' . ,
But Moore has better ones thin
that he can tell.° At. One time .sirrit.),,
lar duties took him ..to Huroti
Township farm. It was reining, :the
proverbial "pate and dogs" and .after;
Making the seizure, :Mi. Moore
,unable - to start his car., Repeated ,
efforts were to . no avail, and finally
after receiving a.„ thorough soaking, •
the chief summoned a Ripley' gar
• -
agernan, Who towed his car to Ripley,
Where it was discovered , that, the
trouble was
of the irate household hiving shut •
off the gasoline 'supply:
• Friends made presentation •to Dr,
arid Mrs. James Little. . : ,
Mr. and Mrs. Win: Sherwood _ of
Belffist,', eliserved 54th .wedding
niversary. -•
Fire ' Thoinas BOYest.building
threatened 'business section; •
-COuncillore MCISTab, ' Bushell • Fer-
guson and MaeDiarmid were, elected
to the -Village. Council. '
,Rev.' G. M. Young was inducted as
pastor at South Kinloss and ICinlough
V. N. • Prest appointed manager of.
-sank of. •,Montreal,, succeeding S. D.
whakieY• '
Department. of ,Health 'recommen-
ded acoeptance of seicoridary
which was shortly . after accepted:
.' "Dr. WM.' Fowleropened practise
here.' : -
; $ecibci conceSsion 'school closed
with view ..te Checking scarlet' fever
epidemic:• ,
Caswell Hackett' went to rescue ••of
his threo-children' anger of
drowning in the mill pend.
LeonardMacLeod wnnt to Ottawa
R. Tomlinson scholarship. •
Alex Havens appointed caretaker
:at 'Waterworks Pump House from
four applications.
,St. 'Peter's, Presbyterian and Uni-
ted congregations, hear review of
year's actiVitiee. •, '
"-Sleet: storm' glazed ;Streets and
road's; .to the. grief • of motorists but
the delight ',or skaters, • •
• 'Donald Blue 'installed as master
of Old Light Lodge., • .
, The discussion of an show building
and• racetrack came up at the an-
nual• meeting of . the ,Agricultural"
January snowfall -sot-'record - for::
lightness; With frequent. rains during
inontli; ' ° '
:(Continued On Page 5)
'Mr., and• Mrs. Diniald'iT.'"Low, for-
entr-rt-t-Knriogs;---and-, --yr
:New Jersey, have eilrned
--to•-the s-,States,•-after-'11-7-six-7-monthit"'-':-:----; -
holiday "Seetland,'
In advising us of his new 'address;,
Mr. 'Low 'rites in part:
We had Very enjoyable trip, and :
found the q01d. Land" much 'changed'
, „
for the better, - as far as -living: oon- '
ditione.ge:WOrk in most 'lines, was,
plentifulrandthe-peOple-seemed-4W •
PY and much 'better off, than 'seven.' "..
teeze.Yeitra 'earlier. As for the coun-
try :,itself, it 'is, well named :"R"ci '-
Seetlaini.." • Mrs. Low and.,
some 5,000 miles back and forth
the hills and vales, from One end a ,
the 'country to the other, and it would
„take someone who coUld'reallY„write,,
to 1,eril of the--beauty-.--watsaw.--It-woret-r---
attempt it. • • „ •
1Wishing . you, and the Sentinel a
happy and 'prosperous New Year.
; Donald Low.
A few ,friends of Air. 4od.. Mrs. tco
. M.' ,ThonipSon arranged •a , sprprise
.party tfor. „Monday eVening, I • which
marked their. thirty-eighth ' wedding
anniversary as well :as Mr. • TirOmp-t.
sores - birthday: 'A Very pleasant even-•
ing was sent, during which gr. and,
Mrs. Thompson were presented with
a lovely hOuse :plant. •, ' '
October.' ,18thl,'".to December' llth)
In An. agents' contest :conducted ,-by
the ' SOyereign, 'life' Assurance ' Com-
pany in Canada, for a :period frOm
Phillip. Stewart, local agent; 'received
the highest number of , pornit, and
receiVed,e handsonie wrist watch and
Het Point electric Coffee maker; Phil -
Hp , Wrote, ovIr $16,090, worth Of • in-
surance during the contest, ' ' '
Former lucknOw Rector ,
TO Take (barge At Winghain
Rev. Gallagher, ,Iteetor Of St.
Thomas':, Church, OVvea .Seond;
Since Leaving Liicknow * In 1932'
Will Aistiiiie:.ReCtorship At Wiag-
Th appointment of
'recerVed during tho practise' :session, ,
, y - - - . , communiey. In the autumn '6,f. J.91.4 Gallagher to the rectOrshiP of ;
r ' • • ' " the ,. deeeaSeil .ftioir.,e0 • to Paul'.$ Anglican'Church at, V inghain
befer.e. the start . of the 'hockey Match
111 1Vlitcheit ett• :Monday. Jack, played • .
• • , . • , !ton. oixteen years: ago she euffered! fiaS :been officieliy ,eenfirtried.,. Mr.
a: broken .niP in A fall, althongli Gallagher ; will .• succeed • Re'. .E
onlv part of'. the•-tiiiid ,p.eriod :of '
s;he::,regairied her ;health' after the ;in.,: .Roberts, who goes to Owen' $ouud.',
the4ganie and did not.•c,omPlaiii ofthe
V She: Was, always slightly criP: :The, exchange, expected tCr. .1)eeorpe
injiirY but the ' next Morning he was '
effective- Sunday,, January ;28rd,
has the approval of HIS. Lordship
Mellon ;C.; A.Igor% of :London. •
• ReV....Gallrigh was rector at Luc,
kin* :front .1926. :ntO. 1932, and since,
daughter, „Mits. Agnes Geddes,nt, then .has been in Owen Sound. , Tho
.hon. The funeral .•was held • rain Sun. -Times of that City .saYie'-'7,'
.• .
PLEASE '' THE :CA.ItTONS her hosnie.-"Mt.,:letidaSt afternoon 'St' "There i1l be ,tenekat regret. at
. • O'.eloek With 'InterinetiOn Hamilton the' departure : el' 'ley'. Mr. "Osiiagher.
entered the Yeast: ,ceinetery, • , • • • fromOWen Sernid,-Sinte doming 'here
dake'COilteet, With the_ hope that 1 Mrs, "(leads was the widow: of the 'ha hastaken an .detive,.ititetest. in the:
niay. be fortunate in SOCtiting a prize 'late !,Geddes*.„ former ideknow Worit*.of the Ministerial Association,
that oulcl it least.pay tuition caoper,'' thesi' lived itt the louse nov. of Whicii,:efoniiatimi 110 lies been
fe't a year itt N�r,nal.-r *75-ii1ty -*1100 and. Mr. president, and has been itt all
'Peditite '1)0:Abe users of 119;sial least; decides also' built the McOhatiii willing to: assistany"&ttl8e that
save thO carton fronts. lot' Mo • ,atid hothe and the Presbyterian Mange, was for Ithe 'welfare Of the people •of
. ,
if , COriVeinent• to leave: theM, fay' To the tete Geddes, 'along vitt.. Owen Sund generally. He bet -e
:gretery Stea Bohert,NeOrea0i' heiohgeti the honi, host of 'friends here Who;
Mari "Carter, .:,et Stetting' the iirst4, Sunday ry to-eoo hin, leave, Will "Wish' hint
Co Peter t Oartdr,, Second Con, School in .LtielarOW. , "
not feeling , Well,when the. injur'Y
was H -f r • Mrs; Geddes belonged to St OaUPA
. . e Was , ee mucn " Presbyterian • • -
improVod on 'Wednesday, This is" 'the • and held held life
seCOnd,head injury Jack', has received irieniber8hit) Nit(nnen's
this Season: • '. • • • Sienary, , society. Surviving her is a
, •
• ' .
The, Premier Talkie Show brmir •
the latest picture of the most talked
of children in the world -The Quin-
tuplets. . , . ' Q. • .
These darling Children are beautil'
fully' photographed ,as they laugh,
play and talk in this new picture_ _
called "A Day With the ,Quints''. ,
You have read lots about them,
now come and seathein in your own.'
Town Hall, Lucknow, on Thursday:- "
Jan; 13th, at 8.15' P.m.
u're missin
Maraini Receivers
Are Now On Dis,play