The Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-06, Page 8• NQ's'PREF{ BIG IDE 1E.it. `1' .�G ER - ERS tug rides—breath taking 8ght'a •--'real Western okkct • : ,I A. swift' moving drama : of. Ake • Weat.: IT H'. HE., .., e • ie the, latest • ictura 'Of Canada's sweeth' .. p• . m . , .. earls-tbe Diolnne, it 'let$.: ',These. darlin c i ,.. 1�P. _, _ _ ... , ,.. g h ldren:are; beantfu hold ra h- 'r•tl1 l a s .e YYsRg ► .0147 104 d ta 11. 'You Cant Afford To: Mise 'This•'• on.er fol ' Pictui'e• . , . •,TH ; E ATS CAHA I~S,.11 is i4 TOON JS1 SURE T$E ” hulls �Ac ion. # Romance: "THE FOURTH ALARM" NICK STUART,, ANN CHRISTIE . as" RALPH L$WIS I. of the greatest fires ever ,recorded oii,the. screen and the regcae of s, girt trapped. in, a Proou filled, with dy, nanite. This •Erie- ,feature is. full of interest, and excitement. • • YB& TES11; `SOUND -ON -1r IIJIf ERUI#'!.MBNT.'; TB$ Y LA F'B�CT ;SOUND REPRODIUC1 ION'an FULL SIZE'`3CREEN t,k' uc n�� QW '�, 3 .,,. 1M1.. THURSDAY' - � :JANUARY 13 A' us i' ce. of s ,Rebekah, `• Lod P n.. f3c. (hill". TO TRE'BiABOrOBB po itucK1�NOW f+adjea mrd Cetltieme ,r: Your aup>trt an; election day awes mueh appreamted. Z, assure ygtt I wtli' in all, times: endeaYot to'.fui011 the. ;duties' of niY; bmmce to..ti�e, hest 'of': nny, ability, • '• Respectfully,; N. E. Bushell, - TO THE ;ELECPORS FLI.IcKNOW Ladies` 'and.> Gentlemen,, ' . Sincerel thank., _hank... o y , Y .0 ..for • yo�r., wonderful;' .sup • rt, ' on ` ., nude ' J.. ,C+;,11dclslab. T O TilE E CT• • .Q Cltl! Eadie . an Gentlemen • • is with_'since " " r ' . °.reap eciatio ' � that �, x► Y acknowledge the 'fine. sport: " Ken me ,on Monday. '•' , . ` ,Sincerel Canipbelh":Thoni son OW si E, Ta. �A PUP • ., t u• ane an •` absolute is n c , house, there is truly - The' December hof ..� meeting the W. M.:. was' held S. s e d at 'the ti n r, p e of Mrs John ',Coiling. The. meeting�.•,,opened 1 t 1104;%:: h•water andPhali of the re : • acid the and he scat-. - r James::MaCT$vnsh rendered'. r •lass- f. eaasr in G so tt" g 1 The• followi cera•,, .were T O THE LE E O1Z ion CT SOF : I es Ander •bines and elected � for '1938 s 'Hon: Pres:, 'Mia: K NLOSS TO THE ELKTORS OF LUCKNOW Ladies. and, Gentlerrren,, . • • , Please accept ,my sincere thanks for the support given me. at, the mun- icipal _ election, It was much apprec lated�. • • • Sincerely, . Herbert `McQuillin. . T-"TH EEI:E'�.:0 r O CT RS OF-LUCSNOW Ladies ;and•' Gentlemen Many •• thanks. for •your-,su ort in the:re ten •, e c ' Assent le tion;, It Was •.apprecat- ed indeed. Sincerely yours, F. M• 'Paterson: TO•:THE ELECTOR.Si OF LUCKNOW ,Ladies and=Gentiem-en; Please 'accept `my sineere: thanks. for the'support• you gave 'me on 'Mon-<' a d , .• It' w ' Y as ' in e appreciated. d ed app tic sled e _ to: _ 10 • • • rrFrfrliENTIXEL SAcalira oPAsimg4p :PASTO1 _ PASSED AAY•ATG,TELPIt,: $exp.. Al . J. ltiiaeGillivritY, Bronihep Of Rev, . J, $, Ma.CL`lllivray Died '•Oz Saturday In:Guelph: Where He Rae Mtnintered For Twenty -Five Yeare ,Rev : 4• ;J. MacGilivray 700 for • Moderator ofthe General Assents sly of .the' Preabyterian,'.Chureh'':In Canada/And one •of the most widely known. o clergymen in. the : I?ommon p.. died. in the :Gaxel h 'General hospital,, $aturda,y i a , I�,s death followed a short tineas • For, twenty-five years, • Y , Minister of t ox PrsbY-, t., er,..ia G...hu r c Guelp h MacGilliviaY:'was j'eengniledt on of e the leaders of the church . b@ has served f'or '.: ore'tban,four''decades; R$D,A;Y J,ARNU Y Miss Zylda Steward apent'last week' with'. ralavep, in Ripley. , , Mr Sam McGt$ a ,ia ,confined. to bid' suffering from •a heart condition'. �Mr Mervin McDonaldr of.,Kitchener apedt, the'week-end at'the'home,,,of` Mr, and 14Irs. Chas, •Steward's .' ' Greg•• n,�ict J.ac1c Leith stave returned to Peterborough, after, : spending the. holidays th their' 'parents:. Jack a teiidin ' D sines `• cg 4g0.: g u s , . , 21.. lie. ,there; 'Mr, and `Mrs.: Llo 'd' : r �# ,. x _ ... 3. Rtld ed and Mrs. Moore of'Beryie a ent r. r P .., o, New -years, .,wit ' ' ' „With Mr, and:•. .., . Airs.. Frank Cole • ,r. ,NT ,. r. a'' n a, rs •:'' dM c . .�;..h..n, son';.. c s Ne w day inand hs workovatiQuschurch boarq ,towel'with and' Mrs: � Gentgi• seand commi tee , gained for.,him:a • wid8 tonne titin. throe ha Leah' ' c g ut .,Canada• • • • Br ] n n r M r o ... , ea-, . Port:.:'Elgrn, ''Di ' 1VIae;' , � M: s , •_.y tie ' Webster of Ottawa;; G lhvray' was educated at ,idgetown and Mr. • s ' A,• Johnston; and Ehg School 'and the• :University of daug te. •anh My and Betty, of Kin* .rs Shirley Manitoba; lie received' his. Master' of cardrne; spent the Christmas 'holidays' Arts Degree at .Pri 'talon :University wvrth.;their parents, Mr.•. and Mrs.. Jas, and ;graduated from the. Princeton' Webster: Theological Seminary;. E • : Two elderly and eateemed i ., • . - .t citizens,. 'First Charge In; Oklahoma• • Dr. G A. 'Newton and : Mr. D. • C. •THE BUSY HOiJSFWIOE HA , TIME' FOR UIL ` I • - .._ S..- . • ._, .FO Q T M'AK NG, REPLENISHING .BED' LINE . S ` ti' d,to �► N ,, KNITTING, ;SIEWINt,I. {� U R T OCA'' S Q F• : S•.. , ..: O , CRINT?,, ;BROADCLOTHS, .PRINTS, WITI•I NO I1vCRE4SE IN • PRICES; Y .. S= : ,AK Whe , N lin �� _ �? Tarn,. •'F'n e . '. g 1 tin 1� nc ,. R... $ YY,arn.. OU 1t�WH FEEING' ;A � the ,.. , _,. X RN is, , t `the :, ',sun bra ' r p.:. ee roM • burr�i c olvr - . 2 and 3:,ialY. hob::°,�...• ,:....,.,:t,. ,"°:., I'I LO'W COTT ' L. O , S S N HEETi;�G, "ROLiEIi TOWELLIl�iG'.' TEA TOW ELI4IN , ' FACT,')RY •COTTON LL . OU ''. R.D• _,.AESSES G1tEA.„TL.1'::B'E. CEO, :.CREPE: R -- DG ST:Y'LES, 'AS tow AS: ,.,� ; :... $2.25. ,, • c` lStarting his:, ministry in .'1894 , hr Taylor,, both ' of *ham have always•; ,7ltory._just. after, it had '•been -open= seheol-, a,l m tters�, ere a£eT:.'i, WHIT 1!J CrnSON ofrhYennfined t' h A • Wedding; h don, Ont; Which ich'wcas' • oil ` ' _ • , : its "situp icl. y,' took place .when Mis' h b t In his .time. to be . about theho , s t .. use each day,; l Joan 'Ruth Iiutchisony daughter of Save e Seven a late s r h' Y.. r emoved:to • tint , to Oklahoma and served in the taken an interestE` in Municipal W li�.� • c] al I d Jarnesr - , 0 1S om�: I A. quiet we lug; c _ ai aeterrzed' b.. s Presbyterian Church. in Lonw.. for some y ti me •' is 'hut at t present sent 'able ''t 1' 't and.. Mrs. Gordon McWhirter;I,.Mr ands coulter where he was'' minister of :St.; . , •' .- ..,•. Mrs.. Flutist Robinson.' - and sons, Pou las;,and 'Ba o Hut ,,ohn s•, aP{iesbyterri;a ,•Church, which . , g .: :. rrY ,. f Kel .. chinson, of 'Walkerville was . u e don;. ; were ;recent visitors. 1b d `was also built during his pastoratel 1n ma r] �.. ; , . _.,. - d�'Mr"'.W. .�,.�... _..� _-� r.:r age:. •to -Mr: "'Willi�t-�--,Gso ', Dr. MacGillivray :received his Doc .?l J. ,Spindler and other m t n for of Divinity,begree ive :Westmiri relatives':'They,: were accompanied••by, •�!Vhite,: on,, of Mrs, ':White „and the , and 'Mrsi Donald` McLennan. of date Mr. Ernest 'Winfield .White, of: Duluth Who 1 w o ackn ted n owled tint ' ,his g of • s ai�t i p n the so ;vial i the, com- Seafo rth,: •'at ` St. 'Mar u's Ari lican Y g • : foundin' , ... ..' iunitY, Mr • MacLennan': beinChurch. Sintered , g of the institution: In :1926. g a for- Chur h, Walkor villa, .'December. 27th Y, m L h h li on 'I e H • M'Lang in the for 'gift ,of. the church when he be- Mr. Charlie Webster of Tor d., officiatedt Mr• -•':Sidney A. Tarle-. Ionto, Hugh MacIntosh a was honored with the highest office at .12 'o clock no er oc a s oy. came moderator the so i n organist of. the church, .__._ a General As son n Mr:'.;`n c , played' sem Y n a atrent 1n. Tors :intoLad1 P uta •Gene t e• Lord's.Prayer m unison: ,; Mrs. es and Gentlemen,:,.,.:• I Hos Mu'Accept, cG rrt a 'took the. m ' ' inter . tionai read. P e than ,: Y . ks .%r` your,.. rug -the: 'Chrratmaa- ptory�; :Luke•» 2, x expression, , of ' confidence as ra e we ]ng _ mum -CT -and during fshslroicoebrn.batfetctr�h.s el:`slist int f. r 0 m t. he .lid Y" •:. t e rgn ons p i,with rheumatlc fever CharIie ,MasterT rrY shown b: 0 U 11 r Y X r, s pport•. on . elecCion. M . .Alex M ' cTaviah • a. told the story . .' , , . : da s 1 th n st. y e , wil do 11 R a .:I ni of , .,Scrotrge s/ Christmas, tardier' front.^, -.' , .; my power, to promote .the hest inter- Dickens ::Chris.tmaa� Carola ::'Mra.,,`C . ' es :f f: o ,,the ` muriici all . P tY N:.M enzi ..:" c v e CK 5 .'.N f= . ga to :;in r• '`-Yo' r sin •� us cei.l Y,- in d h 1 f -�! an a ulChris g p t4sas �titlk: Mrs.. , i ar .R ch d. `lJlliott: ...,,•: ` .".5..1 .. d ' ,was a.-'emberof,Waverlevhas not been feelingwell"for a time,T CIs mdee04.40 s er .tons , , .,.., . .• •. er., e ..Lodge- .AF &,-'c.M:;and-was_..ehirsj h . --were- used a outspent;Crista'aalibi here - 'in manyorganizations in.. GuelPh•• and: ,upon his return was, ad fittedto given in •.by. •her 'father,Suring areh�s�widow, -the hosP hospital under observat�n•Hiss were a,aress of • lirown crepe,coral merMinnie :•'Gertrde Sherigan, 1acas was diagnosed ,early this e, clips and belt,with brownaccessor-wek Mr Doul H..�H'` ois d utchinson,.'�bro- lermo, , n , one : son, James of th =.'1s 'rheurriati' feV . a De c er caused' b , on Y, P .. partment ,of English of t • '_: i ` hisiter of the bride' wa• ... , 8`. he' Uriiversr n system froni�' an':urideterm' ' • . s, the. only usher.. 'lnecl. qty of 'Toronto: source.- r'`A :race tion wa' ' one. daughter;;Mrs: li•:. .,p . , • • s held at the :home of „ .. Baker Belmont• , .the. brid'e'' are ,. ra ,Ont, one: brother, s p its The brides mo- b riaraiake'ervNre ,,Y .,ngi' ht' 'with • iri- for'.s Foil- nape . ._t• no' '&18'4';, t, getting• a o hath esooth li r m �u�asTC doh ' Co• ,1:"*V4'and"GentlemeTb . r Mie. Roos Blow, • Vice-Pr• e§ ►' Mae.:' arofd Vo an, Sec. . I.'.s . thank k ..., Y,: Ou h, earti1y foi< your' sup- . Mmar Brooks, T=eas•;: Mrs Alex port''In 'Ter electing;me as• a, member MacTavish , orre of .Kinloss Cou til' ... , .. G sliondtn Sec., Mrs.. . . n .. •. •: ,, a. • ,..• J` ohn,•Colluig,,Aasoc te Very•sincerer' Mrs. Warren Lever;, Christian Stew-; Arthur Graham. ardshi . P Sec:ire.: Jail: � MicTavisli ,TOTH E . ORSi Supply` Sec., Mrs. Elmer .Osborne;OE KINLOSS Literature_', Sec. Ladies° and'Gentlemen ' • ,=....Mrs•.., D '�11dcL'eod , n -excuse me, but ' what did n I?m the g-, •.I i. .ou • h ._.; v . t nary e e e. to : su. ggest that you71 take him ,iwith• pleasure!- tell,'certainiy roti IHe's• an; absolute. te']I` Chuech Y • 1' P.S. • • The -first meeting, of the New Year peened :, •on ` Monday evening; , with by tun•• 671,, and the Lord's prayer.`':The scripture lesson' was: , read: by Iva Greer 'and the 'devptidnal period; wa'1 chased'. with the ainiing of:hymn 388: �The:•minutes of"the'' last meeting were. then read and *the,' roll called. Doris. Ritchie gave• a' reading and .the • topic was taken- by Stuart Collyer: Hymn 469 and 'thea Mizpah benediction„i Rev J sK MacGillivray Ashfield 0irt� • ther 'wore a gown of_powder blue;' and: two • siste'rs, • Mrs. Mar Stuart. , Y tart, .; -�WHITEGHUR .. CH • ;i egroonis silo •. r wore black• e navy hat : and 'corsage of'g`ardenias,' •an ' ;The d Miss Isabel' ..MacGillivray;�::liofli of ' . -r.,• br d th Detroit. • Master, Kenneth :Pardon ' '6= 6 -year-old . georgette, ..wine ' hat . with 'a corsage �► a Funeral took`; lac ': ;son: of 'Mr: '' of . ardenas: •Mr, a d • e . on , Tuesday `,at and ,Mrs, JohnPur' don_ rs g , n r s- : White • e3 m: with bu • , .. :. i , . left b t . eP tial 1n, Woodlawn Cem- seriously ill with pneumonia. Y mo or for a.. wedding ,trip to; e oint . Gael h ties t s t t e• . Y, •.• P P e t av ellin S. in ° � rs°: •Ceiba rine,• Eaglestone� s ant , , • : . .. a fe ':da a: smart pink flannel: ;.dres's,':tailored. w., .. Ys . last:vveek with her. dao beicoat, • ' 'MRS: DAVID ' : ' 'ghter, Mrs; Bert Reed:' beige. ,,;with mink collar and CL O W"•; . Bei, ;t - r. n � ssorres.tdo their, return' ' F Il ! '''Th Laidlaw relatives set ' N 0 0 n w win e g an 111 .. f , �' • : p h , •, , .: < - s an a rate- _ sear" wit ear t „ , s h Mr. and Mrs. 'Sam. . � • ..; _,., .., ; y Afar .Orr . _ foul.... • weldI Y widow . of the:. let n ailment ,en, Strangers..Sec.,•Mra�,Melvin payers of 8lnloss fortheconfidence •� . � s, Walkervllle: • . ... ;• • ter::. , , R _ . _ . -fo Collin,:Pres ori `• ,,David-Clew,,-passedY g, s' -•C es:' ean7MeGmre•• th-e lac•ed in el. a a at the fam- . , Y P me '•on ec�ion da a d � • ' ,an di vY 1 1VI' • J h' La• 'd dl �r Organist, .ra ;, y rest ence Win diem Wednesday; Missionary illness o about they mill na Monthl a 1 reside i Y e th $ec Mia n Renfr rY W B I wish snit a e' Y t tired w A '- o Y thank th to Y l? ` r: q na; i aw, Mrs:"T os.. In i g nist, Mrs. W. J. 'Ronlston•• Asst. will endeav : serve ... , � 'Mrs .g ., ,. d y, orthour to erve the municipal-: •Dace 'b rells and Mrs r•. 22.A Eine so M n C1 1 nist t ta'•' �-Re ga . Waldea�:Teni' :_iN • • .: .. • • ., -Walden; perince ty,to_ a best-of-my:•abrilty.�..1. .,, : •--%� ' '•• ._ ORVAL-BELL-':IN�•CLiS-TODY= s• ow as '`vvrnter are on e • C a Sintered hrlatm � , .r Y, Alen Macgenzie. . . , .. .. ,: made a ' remarkable ''recovery: h,,� . • Mr.` . � and' Mia_• T:nrnn T1nr,i;.. _n..a6..« xT.« Was very •111 with' pneumonia but she ' sick'list Sec: Mrs.,'• 'Mae. McGuire. . carols . were sung A : Christmas tea was sawed. ” and;.: enjoyed,' by all•. The Y. P S:. held 'their final neat- -- L girl: :Ingersoll , is n _ _. e, --- einea that' tinie she hos been. in fait- of. St Helens; Mr. and MO: ',Harrr ing health. Charlie. ItoiiistOn ' read ,tbe sthipture spent die past week with 'their' grand.: .kinloss, end fOr- the nest' :17 years bas, Mre: cniklit of' • Linwood, spent lesson: Noilne,'Walden took the parents, Mr,' and,Mrs. J. AI. Hodgkin-' resided in Witigham. Misband.p79- Year. 'with Mr.:, and Wt. Dun.; disciissien . and Mr". john Celling„.the son. ' , • cieeeised her 12 Years 'ago. . can Kerinc,dy, Whighaft • , topic NeW Year's' readings were giv- Mr., and Mrs. ,Wait,eF .Niehoisen Slie leaves t9. inciorn. ne/i passing.; •:AtisS:47rarices Wilson of Win:giant, en' by -we. Omer BroOkak and, Beth ;the Seuth TAU% ren4Wed „Old' esauein. two daught4a;;Olive and Meda, bota; • spent Nei years. With her ;brother„ , Mis. Warren (Lever and daughter: ,cangtatulation; to:Mr. Arthnr.0ra- shd a brother, Mrs. J. J. Ersyls,.....ot, Mrs. Alhert McQuillin 'spent Sunday Patsy': spent the..,houdiys hem; who Nes. a-gein elected tO the Wingham, „ end . of '•KinlosS. 'kith 'her hrother, Jas. •Misa Dorotky 'McKinnon of Ham-, rennicipal COuneil 'for the fourth terni. , The funeral was hetd iron thc faM-:, And. her siker, Alfa, 'Neil: MecCallum. llten is visiting het raint; Mr: Earl PerCr.: has returned to ily. reSidence • .on' .I`riday . after:rime; 1Wr. 'Heiidereon' and son An - It O elatari. • -; ' his home S.Mathesen after. sPenci:- Tlie,Service, viras....Cen- • dew. haVe rettirned froM that steak sir?" * at Walkerten on -the. nib -ming Miv- tenee .'the Kingston ;penitentiary far five years for'tlieft, Is in the euS!- todY Of. the: United. Stites' authoritiei Albany, aecording:tol gram receiVed 'on 'Wednesday !periling bY Provincial. Constable Otto. Modevis charge Of :illegal entry intoi the. IMF - ted Stetes.. .will have., to serve, hiS 'rieturned to the, Canadian authori; , ve ere. due ed. y, v. enneth MacLean (4, t'oit, after ,spending a . few weeks ties. We are pleaSed to report that Mrs. .4 Andrew's Preibyterian Chui.cli 'of visiting:relatives there.. I which She was „a meinber, '" ter room for tile -past t*O • we lc t it was." Vile -,hope, -for peed re The pant:manta Were! Gorden.' Ma; •. Mother, When the ,light gOep out, Jahn Pardon; Alek . Orr and Melyiri "I don't knoW. 'You ',might' just as lite train, with, three drankt -aboard slowed doWn for 'the ...,Stop ,at Wembly, L UCK �: W GOSPEL HALL 'ome PAnd 'Rear "A" Word, In Season. To Rim That Is Weary:,:.: , •• ' •---MEETI • NGB— 1.,ni. a Y,.7 p ,• . Young.. sople s • Hoart Friday, a d 8 .m.— Y. H161e P. din ' Stud '* ' g and Y.. unday, :11: a:m—This Do In Reme�n • brsnce Of Me--- • 'tiunday,8 p m., -Gospel' Meeting :,PEAKER:,-MR:'GEORGE LOWEY �. NEW YEAR A. est" to �` of the .Old year, :a .toast: to :,the new,,, bia ;: its pleasures:::be,man • rows: few. hif 41 ope 1 �... e o the fa r tve—a: „sight'''for:. thea' st' R , �A .smil e for tile resent— hf P t a hour s r speeding' fast•' toast st ': 4 to h: l t old friends, re i nils, a toast: t .t othenew ,• .1 to as � t to:: the'dear friends, -'and '.one ' to the:. ue • tree; A•ra. e.� P.Y Our x .Maker-. in reverent fear, When n we Meet . ., t in the `twelve- b �n nth:..•. may .we •' Y e be here., :•'''. --Nur ae El .N X, . WINGHAM Friday, Janna ' 7th,:�2. i 1'Ynoon-- OID Cana ' d ian--Farm-a -- ' nd Ho '"'~ m � me, Hour�'`�17fi-" P , Ca 'sole , s of p Melody; 6:45;•=• .. immy and Bob.. S tui da Janu - - ry 8th:12 00.non ' •. —•: n Farm :and game `Ho' 14:.45 •p.m. -CK 1: NX_..Hill,-.Billies••-6:16--•- 'Reg Douglass; 7.00—Wes. McKnight; 8. B , 30 Ukelele Bill's : Hrhlifllfea. , ..4yis.,10:13:incdoecnspis•'2t10..44, .11erd lit the Organ. ,..Church of the 12 00 Canadian' Earinand„ Aitt.tr,irti_Ortemitionommiit• '44 qt .-.1:.•1•••stifirtqllaft. "'t ; MOO,. f.115".0:140,ommirimiTomemimininh. 10 I earl • • • t.