HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-06, Page 7077-74,4"; •
Golden Terrt-,7-,Make. ye 'ready the
--`waY of Ow 4.9ra• Mark. *13.: •
selfin all of his human limitations ,
'that, though he is gladly the servant
of Christ, .it only by the gree of
(od' that be is Such, for in hiniself ho
is not worthy eVen fa: perform. a me-
nial task' for the'I,erd•Jesye Christ.
fl;',I'briptVed you ••in prate4 but he
ElhalfliantiXe k,‘014 .i02!the:"HolY• §Pirit't
The contrast between the work Of the:
Baptist and. the Mlr
amounts to " this, that the mightier. •
One .*ho.,..ie.to follow John • Will. do .
the rear Work of "Whielf, the Bantiet
ra-,able .to perform. Only 'the'
Water; cleanses only the body. But
the. Holy . Spirit is the element in
which man is cleansed inwardly and'
reellye and At. is ,this real baptism
whieh,the, on One .was to ifei,
J.... Baptized
9: And .it ening to Pass in those .
days; :that Jesus came f_rom Nazareth
:of.'Grililee.- Nazareth . was located
.midwa3i1mtweeri the Lake of galilee
and the Mediterranean Sea. Andwasbnptjzed Of Jelin in the Jordan.
"Jesue recognizes that the office of
John was of divine, appointment.
Though he had no personal need of ,
baptism, by refusing or negleeting it
he Would (it he had not been baptiz-
ed) have . Cast discredit: upon the
Work of ',John." . Futtlierinere„ our
'Lord •forrnally identified .himeelf 'With
* John :the. 'Baptist ;b,pg4'n. ^LW;
.preaChing,.b,et it is gerierallir assign-
.,.'•lo the ;summer arid. fall of A.D.:*26, '
,while, the:" ball4sin br• 3443'. ttiok;.
place ii-v:jannaty,:"A.1), 27, and was
'immediately fellOWed by the temptn
Con; . •
Place. ' ,ipreaching „took
place in, Judaea, the Sonthern. part of
palestine, which, included' the city, Of •
„Jernsalerti, though meet , of it was
.probahly done on the eastern side of
,Ipdaen in, the Wilderness: neer *the
'Jordan. River;: where alio. Christ was
.1)aptiZed; and gomewhere near which,••
possibly . on the eastern side of the
Jordan River, he ,was tempted. • •
,I..• The beginning of the, gospel of
Jeauechristi This verse is a super-,
scriittien, et- -not. for: The.: first
'fifteen:Verses- of Mark's gospel,. brit'.
for the.,entite book; All that •Mark
recorcla, May be eenSidered only as.
the beginiiing,of the gospel Of Christ:.
The word ,.`gospel" meant" simply
"good "good fie... s..."2•41ii-the phrase "the gos-
pel of Jeses Christ" we are to-under-
Stanli the .preposition "of" to mean'
"th '
, Time -,-*O de -not , ItneW exactly'.
spe, ,which concerns the.Lord eunlan.race
"go-ad7'.'datiOfi*.7 '
aye .10. And straightway. Coming rip
ave. Out of the Water, he saw the heavena
the rent asunclei., and the *lilt as ndeve
descending upon him: The, apPear-
is ance. of the. Holy ,Spirit. in the farm
the • Of 'a dove ieiridicatiVe Of the gentle:.
, • , • •
' . 4c !P
. ew ;would' never.:h heriti,* and: ..which never. Wonid. h
had an= existence, e*tept • through
Jife andiverk .of • Jesus Christ:
• In:Jhe "Jesus Christ"
the ,•esperrdeeplyerebeildect; for
• fact.eie Would Cottle One.
...deliver:11i%, Pee' • le ..a ro
_ _ •
r ;71`a ate. o • el teken..as
only. gotl., ews,'. but the g.teatest.
• "•, the; 'Son. 'Of -:god...• 'Merit
• and
early CI:ristians.knew. the Lord jes
to be the: VetY' Son of..O.Od;•partaki
. of pod .his•poWer;..af
• holinese,':, of his wisdom, 'Ority:1)
• gotten of the Father.
• • -
.. .
Joh*: the 1.3,aiiiist
ven.,.as; is: °written in. Ism
the Prirphet The, two passage he
.euoted 'are..front,•111aLL:311.-and.--,Ts
40:3.,Professet,Lerraki wearer/rip
Mark, . by'",refetring only
Iitifalbi. and n,fcleed, the feria or ..t4
:,loida • makes:: the*, 'MO
le: • The v.Ords, I front::: Melee
and•added as of nature,- Behoi
send 'ity'ineseenger. before thy:fac
• 'Who 'shall prepare the Way," The. F
ther is actually_speaking-t6--:the.r-S
, Concerning the messenger Who as, t
?iitecede,him and prepare for his
..ing.. -7•• .• ;." ';
• 'The voice of one.cryingjn_t
wildetneee, • Literally,L• the:•Wildernes
here refetted.te•Was.that great deSei
. • •
, the whele . 'eastern pettion.
and' .eirtending . On ',both
..:eld:ee of :the Jordan •ItiVer: '.In this
• ,VerY wiiilertieesElijal),Matie his last
...ai)Pearanee! . John. Was.,:a living
tiatjon ofshoW.little Mari reallY,needS.,
..•;here..befeW; seinething: we. are Keno
to forget." •,' '
• llake: 'ye ready the way • ef. the
• Letd, paths' straight, jese
, when, describing'. a. Met:ch.:of
.,Saye.. that ' with •the van-
guard of Ali Otientel, Procession were
'suclia$ were to Make. the toed elicit._
and straiglit, and„ if it weie'anYwhete.
Ugh.. d, hard to be passed oter,. to
plane it, and to put doWn.the;Worlds'
=, •that •liiird'eted their • inareh,;• thnt :the
• arinY . not .be
M. Lindsay. ' • *
4.: Jahn: petite; •who .bapti4ed in
• wiitleiness and preached the.bapt
Of reirentariCe . unto, rein issieri; of Sins.
•,. The werd atenentance" ::rii e•aTis ''in
, turn. aroun( ,• •ehange_onee:.
reverse one's ,attitude and
. verrdiet79,••:' -.here :Oat -
baptism will 'pechre. the 41/mission ,of •
:sins„.' but ..that baptism': was:a. nubile,
' • r•ecbgnition that, tlie heart had • re-
p anted et :Sin. Baptism for adults,
theote -,,ie.'"ropentafiCe • .ried. A
waShing away of sins .bsi the Lotd.
Jesus,'. is ,Of 'Fettle whatever, init.
reallY 'a moekery.
J. Aeci johe Was' clethed, With cam., ,
, hair. . This •nrebablY.,tricans that
.4..eint *Ore. it ..lehg, lOnse robe woven
....front earners .hair; a : germent • of
•eeari•se. texture, often 'Worrieby the
trOme poor. And hadt.,;# kleat,herh
girdle about ,his refire.' "The, girdle ,
kept. the robe Ji 111 :=Ilappitig apart,
. end 'enabled* 'to, be , tifeked 'for
rapid *unclog."' , ..1
loeusts andwild
honey.. "The :law nonrated the use,
for fo lectists and certain:large •!
: 'grasshopper:" "
hero Ptorieth
preached, eiying, ,Thore'
t 'after me' he that is :Mightier
-11440:;te • here ireplies that lie
.t00. is strong, the:AN:10e strength of
the Worcl.having. been given to
'Ibelatehet of whose.,shOes.X. amnet
Worthy :to Atom) 'down and nnloOed,
In an 'Oriental hoillehold, 14 Wee the
tfok 0.4. the Slave to Sidon down and
" .:tiploogo the thengs whiph...b'eniid the
. of a gUest or the slaVe'i
fer to t,heir feet, and l'ohn.hero
neWletlgoe tilat•,..th.ere .itteh 'an in, •,
ilnitCf`aitterenee between Christ. all,
of glory and. per,,feetness and him.
th'•.: noes. and•Iji.dreneee,Of the: One upon
e -
. .
Andyoiee came' out of the
..heayens, ' Thau. art my beloved Sec;
:in thee I am...WellAilea'seL,'l'his is
the first three, deelarations ilheard,
Item heaveri;..theeecond being.at the
transfigifration ,and the third .being
just before the 'passion of '•our •Lord..
There can .be no question that -the'
ieice .• bore heard was the:voice 'of
none Other than Go, the '.father. •
Of 'ne, Other Person' in all' history
were these wordsspoken f torn, heali-
en, ei-etatld-thef"heliterally• true: ,
And straightway the ',Spirit driveth
him forth into the wildernese, . The
etrong,nrge•ef the. Spirit Met the con-
sent of Jeans; He did net go•inte this
temptation 'against his Will. Yet Je-,
sus .did. not throw Fin:itself. brio this
temptation' Of. his own accord.• Jest'
Was bretighOnto it. by his Father's
n -own 'Spirit.
ThiCirTeiins :
temptation had to he; -and;, at this
, Very time . It Was God's to have
his Son's 'ministry begin With this
---mighti-battle-agarnsrSatan and with .
.the resultant ,Victore,'
10; And he was in the .wilderness
forty days. Forty is almost .24 ways
in the ScriPturee nsed.at. a .symbol . of
testing, of trial,. Of suffering, of pnn-
ishinent., Clif-ist could' not he tempt-.
Win his divine' nature, for. God ean
never be tempted•to evil. The temp-
tation relatesonly to tlie human
ture of the Lord Jesus. And he was •
with the Wild. beasts. ' •
" By inserting • this, phrase Mark .
'probably intends only to. eMphisize
the loneliness•andthe' Wildnese of the
.enVireinne,nt in Which "*.Jesne was
tempted. And the angels ,Ministered:',
• .
unto' him,. •
. An. Austrian, asking for ' divd.rcea
said ,..;"My . skirts are, , :far too
'She doesn't seem to Mind hew
inuch4 her legs she shows when the
wind blows." She produced evidence
that she WAS ,l'ae'relk being .fashiett-
able. Oleo •dis,misseu.- •
Moclern4ile Santa preps Pown'Froni! the, tlo—uar
.lising a hew type plane
.•••,nowoor•voya•numie.,...tur. al",..,...^7,414,4143 oW•002011={4
a modern Santa Claus finds this new flivver' plane adequate .in malcing his annual visit-
Prom H�llywood conies- *oxio that
.mieliey:JVIgt9O;• with Miiinic, and oth..
ors of hie' farnees •gagg, IS Starting a .
'series of Programs on ,Sundays frein•
•`•tb6 11110ket Holrep..T.heetre of the Aft,'
••,..Which"ii*.alred ••ilier*:ther"coastte.7coast,"!..
_ 07.1 • *
540.; ice sa; lime ever!, six 'fteref: now,
'that Mickey has been,btinging •smiles.
rind • hearty laugh*. to Inovie . patron*._,
'and devotees of the., pop* .strinoii'but..,
now .-be.:COineS,1'n vOlee. citreetlyintti:;')
' the honipEi.ot radio listeners to entive4:-,
voices of Mickey and his gang' will he
the Musie. of Fehix MIlIS, neted..1-IO1),
w.00d musiclan.. blitifOr.ve,'ICIie!ce..Y.'f9, •
Ahe radio-le:another...leaf, in 'Walt
crown of . laurel,' Already, the
antieu_'•nt.the •= lovable.1cortrics---L•irave-7
.breught.:;fartte,' and •forttina. to ' their
. . ,
creator; .4: native of ..Chicago, ;•Disney:
:fcatind-the..StUdy of art a troublesenati.....
OrohlarA'-in hi inntir, and It was not..
.aatit;tie .reft..hist native. city and, set-
tled In Kenriee City • that •Mickey.was:.•
'herrn:It was there' that .therflitit
ey. 'Mouse ••-tricei14.• Was. Created:. The;
• working .staff•of the:_pleney_stydlos-at.;•
7tIfilr Hine Was ,Walt and his .hrother,
Rol.: Today, = the 'therrey studies
ploy six 'hundred persons... •
• t
Team's pouf* Wedding',
, two piano ,teani3O(1,:ou .S.ifiedett
and..„11furraY Ross. plailng under ..the••
'narne• of •-f..The .,Sciphist.feates. of tho
Piano,'' over 0130 andthe
Worke;:,is perlrepa the :inept popnlar.:*.
piano tcanin Canada. Wo ufiderstand '
that e double•Weddieg is being Oahe&
•,.by these *we aLserne, date in Febru-
ary, and thiEi should be 'quite 'a -novel
%Lou are, very :tritieli, -attached,1a theft
reapeetive• Feting ladies, who. are, by
the Way, :non-profeediarial. • ' ' •
• 7 Ir..
7 .01.1:101‘nity
We'. dropped in !eat Sunday to to „see
the,.Cemniunity Sing -Song 'out at the..
Century' theatre. ..:Stan 'Francis; . the
of the, program, turned in
(Iuite a nice ,performande...;;he little •
sittPrisee , that .ceme 'in .1)1)?Ut :the 'PM -
die, of,' theprograM* ate sOniewhat
original... Vince:B(4.d; the' 'men behind
the piano; is: quite' a , favorite
,ticicets are.
:.and allare weloonle--
g Dial
RADio kigAouNERs:
'It !I. a .11ttle•lctio.*it:fact: that those
four hayilmewn :aft the Bagannifilne;
.heard ' every Monday night at ,1.9:00.
.o'Cleek, started their :tareet
In a cel-
lar.: The boye, scriniped andsaVed,:ta:
buy instriunents, and -what- Were:106'1
.034441.v.Ferf aa a . a h en?.
Selves: ' TletN;ieen 'thent•:•their..play'. two •
clarinets, ..t.Wo.'•gnitare; a..bairs • fiddle,,
and •:. a.collectiou:of • pets; .toans; Avasb,;:-
... • . •
boarde and tin horns; and 'believe. Me;
they. Wake- intigie, out of it, •On top. ,of.
"all..this,.0eorge..),Eforl, the. tin horn ei-,•.•
. • ., . •
pert,' .imitatee a trirrapet • and deei
' chOlee, bit Of,,singitig.. To sky' 'nothing'
of the.,Voeal tries and .eirattets thet.,
:the .hoyS•h.aVesarrangediferVeir'..Tene'.
'Oar, 'Alfy Ennieg, and Ell-
'constitute the. telgalej,og..Mete-''
-bort-Of-tile otganizetien.;*4-hout Syear
• and ;.a. hattago.the. boys' Were taken' in
. OW:. by Wally' 'Ainiorir,•'erinductOr, of
the Pond' p.ragra.M, and after Mich "!
Work' he has 'prodneed a :smart : *milt
6e:4:band:with _Nat rheas: tour hey!.
• . •,.• 'e „ic. • !'
Aired Six .Thousand ..AMiteera,
The =teed •Hunrot, AntialeurJ Show,
he'aidterer.k.tSthijity„attLit!;0 over an
eastern 'netWokki Is blazing. . 'ahead,.f
bringing to the microphone : new voteei
and novelties,le Is now *ailing:
-i-one-,yeitessinte• 'uoOd--:-, t-1117,4nor4statted•
the.:a.intiteur, eptiteati,. andIn that Hine
,LatPreximateiy six thoupand, amateurs
'have been, ' auditioned • and
mately tbteeluituired
uted to radio listener* In.* next'
few :*eeka the f Gond Humor people.'
will conduct thefinal contests, the
.'Wiener Of ,which will 11(1 sent
to Holly-
wond for screen and voice tests. Frain.
' hat: *e have seen of: this: talent We :
feel that the .'„luckY one =to , be sent'
down.; will .intilte a ,good stab at See-
, eine in the glamor* eitY of the WOrkL,
There Still may bean opportunity for .
• *YOU. to 'take part., 'Jest .seird,.yept..a0-
?:Plicatien.:.fat an audition ' goet
Hnirn:er, In. care of CFIIB Or • CM:314.,
. .
• •
'The •sniallest English .Ann consists
of one town Meahnring 15 ft. by .11 ,
' ft.. It is the Smith's Armsd,:gedman-
: Sterne,: near:D4tchester, rind has -just
been Sold.' •
. •
_liritishLhOusewilies,,buy something
like 1,600,000,000 tins of .foodstuffs
every year.
• „ ' , "
Still At Work on Ruins of Crystal Palace
• *,4,
Worl:nlen are 8till breaking up, the nietallie Wreckage ,of the ..Xamed prystal Vaillee" Lendoni
• Months.after 4 burned clowp.
••>. •kSs, • ,
Ind, Id
Trying to Return:
Lind, to Indians
Weary Homesteaders :in , '!Oust
'Bowl" Area Are. Wilmg to
' • Sell Out '
.Hiscouraged, weather-beaten, home-
steaders of NO*71V1eileiiiiienoieif to
give' their land back to the •Indhingi-
, Several score * Wor:-hardened set-
tlers met with blanketed Navajo in
a••bi* pow -wow at the White mazer)
.kiVe at Crown F'dirit, "N.M., uniting
efforts • to ,get the Great White . Fa.;
ther...in 'Washington • to: ,bny. ; Up' .the
high,' wind-blown •lated
an s an • ptesent.them to the Navajo.
, .
• ' • .
'To the -Indian, success wepld mean
"21-0.4rilTnInnfrieeMaroerira.1"Dhienmetealhan"—d tohl a
NaVaio in North Central NeW
To many a White homesteader, it
would mean a chance to sell Out
lands on which he has battled 1.1e4t.,
drought, bitter cOld, cl5Ing range and
all the pioneering vidissitudes. :
The immediate goal -of this 4,444toe•
aasocidticin.' Of Indian and ,paleface is
passage in Congress 4.the, Navajo
boundary. bill.' The measure wegid•
' add approximately 250,000 .acreso,ta
the Navajo rese*yation7Aand now
"checketboarded" in alternate strips
of public ' domain, homestead lands*
and Indian holdings'
.Sentenced To Life
Niels N1cgugdrae; 19, yoU4igest
persemstd: ••be sentenced to life. lin-
lige -es,
years.. ,
**we— 8. All 0/bilk.'
It Corn;
Ontario. ter re is,-
' • 041s
General Conipnla4y nab' teurizattott
of- milk was lorecas*, 01 a recent radio
address by Hon. fIftrold J. Kirby, .04k -
lifter of gealtb,.,In. which:Abe Minister
protection of thes•suPPly„
• .The new aed, far-reaching
en apProved by ,i;render
0.4, t,ko,,Cghlnet,.•.und will he, ex-
.;140.14ed In*dean, tli. farther radio' ad,
-dreaSes' witichi.Mr.:1.Cirhy. will Maketn:
the near tutur4.,,
Pointing to.the,mirriber, of ,diseasphrbelleved to be ,
.was' aknown and •protective
%vhich; though -le nee In oyer..sixty.
Still•-lwas -not ap-
plied as generally as it 'elrould be. ••
, "It is t00 much to expect that vol-
untary . attfOtt by the public in a mat-
ter :off this • kind. earl. alone 'be= effec;
tive,"• he said.,"Official support :al*,
parently. necessary, and steps are •be -
Ing taken to change,the'esisting
latlon to ensure More adequate proteo-
Alen for the 'milk-. Coneunter„,"
• He said: he .harls;heen "More than .
impressed,' In resiiewmg' activities' of ..
the department during , the 'last tear,, =
•,14 the large number of of instances in
whlch tynhoid. fever, .nndnlant! feV
er,summer ditirt..!mqa nict,,other-
•• eat* which. are • readily •,,transtaitted
by Milkappear to ()cent „With...Hied'
"'-.-r,Ogillarity,-:s-..it,'.:-.reaule--ofrtWiniide. •
..quaey: Of the •present, eafegnatde.7*,,.
,Pasteutizatiori; be••sahd, was "effec-
tive in destroyingall disease germe
Which' .might be ,tranemito(:lbrough",,
niuik, and:"would. eliminate 'Milk • as 's:'
factor the ,spre.ad Of COatiaaattable •
,diseaSe.•qt.did net interfere With. thefooti value,
Patients Vote_in the First -Soviet Election-
. . .
Corfined to a hop in Mescow, RUSsia; Mrs. Z. linedakOVa: casts her vote
• , lit the first general :Soviet election,
A ' ;
' A '
• p 4 .I.A.NPARY 7,01 94 10i 11; .1,2' -and .13.. . ' ,. ;:,. • •.'• .' 0
• *If
X ` and-bleelc or very dark blue *yeer lueky•Celour: It .also.euggeste that, :y
..,..;•—:- 7 . . r 4
' • - 1 4
the 'date of Your birth is listed abo e, CAPHIC,OHNUS is yeur (Zed], .po
"...,A ac sign. . Thi,s Makes, the White..OnyALinti,Mcionstonezient. lucky-stenea. •44.,•-
,..0 ypii should Marry one .horn..hetween...A9g1.1.8t '21.`stan'a §epAqinve_t_goth.4.,
;•44-. -Dee. 21 and Janilary 29 or Nifil 2,1 tce.:.1day 20,, -,et .one 'who bee the. 01
;Moen ;in Capricerhusi Capricotniarie .tiSnally)iye„to, a 'd'.eat. Age. an& 0 ,,
r4 ate. zealous and diligent PeePle ns7,11,•1',111.••.` ' : ' ". • ' ' .. '§:
,.., ., . .4. •
YOUB OWN BIRTH DATE:. ,. • . .. , , . ..,.., A.
.‘1,../k.'N1..l. ARY'7;-Your viewpoint 'is.".usunIly serious. ,' You.: take life sell A
• _P•I Onsly.- You takepeople ser.ously.... take'.' our trouble S Much too; ;401
• . eerieusly... Try to Cultivate eptinuent.lihis.shoyyld be a suCceesful. and A
'prOsperots7year for you -.--there shod be. marc -.stability in your life.
.' • Q '',iAN.LIAlfr 8 -L'i'on 1;re. very aifeetiorlater Very loving and very kind
' li" ' ' - p . 9' n. . ' Tare Of this You, are too'uniet,•:dignified• and ,,
: •"1 • keecarrettedveYaltil.kit ;one; ineotiorts, peicl eVen•celd'aiicl selfieltIn your Manner : •
A.' towards others. ...'YOu shoirld• be inteli more demonstratiee. 'Some very X
: . A
tions are good. „
• '4' inniortant changes are indicated in ...Yont ,btieindss affairs and an.,..d all indica,4 .*
he Stars n
By A. WE111
WHAT THE STARS irog4i...td,' F;(4 :::T,H0Sh.;.,..11PW 15,14 ;
• .
14 •
4.4•• •
'1 4
.."-it4 '.: JANUARY 9--4ndieations are that You have lot ;Yourself.,:get into a M
, •
:'.:i ,int, Why? It is important /tO,sticeess,that, One should keep pate' with `0
'6 'Progress. 'Capricornians usiiallY atnaSA• great wealth, When they are X
-',0' nitibitiouS and steadily 'ad patiel,itlY iedusttiOus. An unexpected gain. 0•
1:4 ' ' ' •• • . . • 1.4
JANUARY 10 -.--.-You ere sincere but Selfish: Yon are,zealous and'dilt» X
gent but melancholy ithd,introspeetive. DO not Ie SO Mtreh alone with ,t.4
yourself. • The kee..r.! is gi?od . ftr • social, affairs - and also for love,
' nelatives 'Wilf lienefit'yOu.. Business affairs sheet(' ,be , excellent. • ei
. :.4 'IANuaitY 1i ---Much happiness should' eonie your •way'tliis Year. -,It
, • • A'
p, you are . single yeti may marry. You do not make friends: easily. but K
'sheuld cultivate, a mote friendly attitude toward- others. . .''' -,
itie '3"Al‘TUAltY 12 .'•••,.- Your fitinneal affairs this year should have a big( in-, :+4
fluence en, your later life, It should be' a .prospqoUs period. Your 0,
• '')V health *illi he good arid 'a pleasaht holidityjia indicated. A° 'careful .:.:,
14 `lest yosur.,natural• thrift beteines mettraiese.;•• ' , • ' . • . , ;, '. , • 1:4
nt , ,, .
JANUARY' .1.8—A considerable" inipeinent 18 shown in yourfinnan- y
'V' cial 'affairs this ..,ear also inniertant news from. a long distance. You N*!
:+.1. w'll •alSo be lucky in le.r.e, lir business '',ou have great, ambition s but ;f4
N0 vicially jtou coirsider.your..fainily.611,,yetroceuirThte. s.is net good, Pi
pYou 'rnay allow yourself to get int, a ,t,I.I.t,K' , : ' , . • ... , , , ,A,
•:1le you birth ditd is not ljeted, a,bev'e. and you' w,ould Illre a lierOscone •
ter 'any bIrth datii lir the ,'O01 01 or it YOu would like a coMplete perSollal .8.
herOM'ond tor ondole lisiod abovo.. Arnd l'oe 4i A. It.',1V-eittL:tg Adelaide t;
. i"W
v 0 t . T Oro n t 6 PI ellao 'print yew.' ,na mo, address 'and birth data Plainly,
titkel'sVolt."V:4•• ;Itt-)X)..91+V•Vi'..e>•1:,ete..-tto'4',..t!4.r:Q'itea.<to..'..rt'..'Z,)-tgX^NPt,'.a.A?,,,f;:e.t.''.4•,'
ek Spanis
Buried '400 Years
Dutch Engineer Will Attempt Div-
ing For Sunken Treature of
Island of Mull
Nearly 400 . •••
years sage the:.,•Deeine
=.Florence.:,a galleon of the.Spsnish_Ar, •
'••••madla.. ,destroyed Off ,Tebermoty ,
, harbor; ',file: et 1V:full. She is Said: to
;have carried to. ber..grave.'unteitl
tire, ineluding_p,000;o00., geld IdUeats.
minted 'when Philip of Spain was at:
*sr with. :England's Queen • Elizabeth.
Whether the story is :feet or, fiction•
willbe determined. shortly by He
•Van. Wiener, Dtiteix' engIrteer.';an,d
venter. Ot..-..a.:4,ew 'type R .aiVirig-appatt
, anis, wfie has ,obtained .Pernrissiotr to e
rase: the hulk.. *"... • '
: • ,
throngirthn.yeark,the. search.,:
for'-the-treatet•e:nes-heen pursued
Yithiahle articles .are -retorted to -llama
*...been...repovered, ,near th spot.' where. .
theL.galleon believed te.' have gone.' •
. • •
down, 'One ';'heul...:.hought of. ;
* plate. .in: 'gold.' and.-silVer. valued at
thotiSanda.''or dollars. Coin, daggers,
scabbards and and ,:cannon halls.'have, also
-been 'brougbit to the siirface,"
by the the,:storninthat•scatter,ed.•the'ArMit-. ,
.• . •• , •
The Duku said to have....
'..been.dtiV.en 'into.:$t.'0eOrge'e.;Channel •
ria; Beaching the Lsle of Mnll, the = ,
Seseel,"took an large' .kuantities , of.'"
PfOres .and sailed away before the. id-.
• hinders. Were • paid,, - ..= •
According to',tile isantiers.,.
'T"lighlander: ;Managed to get aboard
and •light • a fuse' leading to ,t1:1
• .poWder magazine., He planged
board •e few lniflhjtc5 be,fOrO the . Ship
Was...,shattered.'hY;(..bSi, blast: ' •• •
Fatat „Toe:A.:Chest'
In . Bovine,Chest;
,co*.Flad.:.Penchaut :For.
.• A ceis.,' .Robert Trigg of the, Fourth
CbnceSsiOn; VVIrithy TOWnshiP;
. ,
cover.ed, Can be peculiar at times.
VVhen: hoses:, •d fed, ..T,i'igg.Was' Of h toss
the understand her iseAse 'Says The
Toronto " .dlobe and Mal... , •
' A'post-mortern,revealecl. Aiat bossy
'was carrying around a immature too
'chest in her ehest;1 More than a hunt.•
dted 'Metal articles• ,including nails,,
*hay:Wire, 'Small; bolt's' and scrap iron,
Were found, eno,ugh Materialle niaket
a cream. separator' and then some.
ataTrigg is loss t,ounderstand the
bovine penchant for . •thathinetY..
"There Was no sound ,Of loose '
chinery.," explained:the ovner,
just beeeine bloated and died.'
flWflS For, L9ViS
.. • Exeept: aS ..edibles; We de' not ire-
gard. onrveg_etahles voy highly, but
in :Ancicnt :.(iree,ee cabbages ,were
, .
sacred and oaths were sworn on thent.
in eouria of justice, The , onion Was
used as alove-syinbel, 'Itiet ae•*our „
mistletoe is:to-day, and betrees were
disinfeeted..by iti It vas also .., put'
nu:1i Oreah,
tae agf f '
liltaitillots,ic.k:•,00, ms te fi, ttpitact 1 d iseaSey .just.
as, it i$ pidoed.iii iie,virly.tpaiutalieuses
ntsw.te'kway', the -
'People Ofteri tk`onder 'Why it ''''ras
..iliiit tho WolSh rtdOpted fle..,leek,
thei: national dinblain; Ilic .m.,.,,en 'kir
that ,it 8howd. n4i. so woll tho to...
Cymric v 0 lyar,4t, ttran.nna Whit',.,,,,