HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-06, Page 6e
Elinor Ames tries to escepe, the .
her,poi,dp,oned ,marrleme.
q, by'''beaciallna
41)911teitattesa.' Dr. Rogers' MOThei
proves an eillineabetwees MorMai.
i,Frar0,01.ne, Bayless. Mom s•
1ian Is'40004 .e1-4,0ek-,NeWteno the
.gat. her Job.
NerMen'a 'Oster, la Ini.with .Jack. Leola
and Jack have
1....!ati,e„ett -*Verleola.:„takina. a ..poal-.;
.0.0%Witlf.:Ned•Cathney •iff the. Cathaey'ow,.,:
Otar!:;Ctk.i.,Eliade 'plow a dInner..tto
104.(#effl!,:'ei!Slett.iiIN':'N,forlilaft 'arrives
Ile:" ft e jealously an.'
4!"riex ,'•morning, Elinor takes
for Fort Worth and, Whlie
terng tUedle.al.",;tresittnent to a. pasa.,
''''f4illii.44''•:::natICO'lhat ':.SoMetine
as tampered.,y/ith her ,supplies, She1 put on •
•Norinah• returns; ;
, .
•: '
.n, hi eyes4'; avert
toward the Elir
Otie4',14:him, .took. his
Will At ....her„,„ his, eyes „
en ArM.A.1. were ,..abeit
_ . . • ,
Ysik oeilee moio4 tvin
LI»ma!'ry- flle—flow? Will you ge,
Illiee:',iteii..erett,;:-L4tre112hIing: • Why:
ekii7,4.5:,*(40-1 it* 4Wai froin
'raw away, "I'lI"malty . you,
14•:40t...44).11:i can prove :tA the •
.10.1 011i1*e".#'1*11.1.CtiOffdenCe •
in'ei• a .1Ot of. '40047- Just what hap
Pened, anyway?" • • • ' • ,
'Elinor told Ihim, oinitting.ne
"Whew," Jack .whistled.- 001d, Man
Trouble Is sure canlifing on your trail.
.But .defet 'worryHyou're-Olcay..:, M4". .
1001;7 you'd ,never. _suspect „..suelt..,
''What ,have we here?).
•Jack started •toward • .tlie door to
answer, a.• quick, :demanding knock.
but, , before he eciuld reach It, it Op-.
• ened'abruptly and Sally Nelson/rushed'.
•"I've :newt; Eliner. • 'It :,:Was Judith
who tainpez'ed with --year
• Kay'Esterly told Inc all about it. Kay
to. get :it off her ,mind,. And by the
..WaY,, jack; .Ws• all your fault.".•
: "My fo.altrf ..ifiCk queried: • . ,
"Yea, • for taking Elinor, as your
stewardess. -Judith think8 yoa two are
"Oh,- , how • can sh,9 • hate • Ine• so
, • • •• • '1
0,1F --won • eed-."7"sto , worry • about
at once. I've got to Iush—get back
to. "the •airport, • But I "theught.
should know .first." • • •
• •' PleaPPeaoCCI-.:
o n't go WO'
o , Me • now. or ll'ever.,"il gritted,'•
Seek: 'again
„ • '
„6,,,;:,Nriiin said. harshly. 1"A,
00, his .4Wik Ores..
' •
clne -want you • ,•'herseli,''
noaj, rsbe went
:Va. Ito!, you. She's •
ncujie out of tlils,"
OWI he* been . real .
4,•.•alids,lOe are
t, or are you",
your crazy notiono and
- your'jnfatt,fltlon for Jack ot
ry you, EIfor, for the toe.17I,:hlolel.1*g7airri
4TO' feel!" ,' Elin••••
... ,
'44 iiii;:44044:.^.1 mArrY
' ou.
ter.. 'werde.
was lain Whisper. '
NOrM:llithed.'and.,went• Out. .•
What SiOppenedt,
•.,'. Made Attellintto--detain-IL
,hini., She ::011Ulapecl, down On. the
POLL': xierieforgtia-,Noilat; NOT
1; matter. -what he do, :even ,••
Afl the: ango;':ibialght.:.iveot through
"h„ shOtit,tia,..gteatoed. of What
Norm Oret niAny days had
, .Th41.
War!: ••vo
ne. rang. •Jack New-•
,trithavYered her iiatleta
qievozi ,
"1m comlbg right up."' ;
Sha:Wendar,a4 IT he *ere° tbiiing to
reprove -her tOtell ber how miserablir
libkliaillailed him on the job, he had
secured, .for her.
• MIs. itrit Vttirds, were reassiaring.. "I
*earl the'coelc-eyed World" isn't treating
*Off •ko, geode the 'whole force is agog
' • . • ,
. . „ .
aybe you need more
. Yeti: ,tint4114 'frte,nd ,01.• the
*Orld'.ttnd,ilfe not 'Worth it red tent
thitt,t: 'the time your: IlVer .:gettfrig..yCit;
litrn, • Don't 'tall' for it.. Make yotit, Jivep
'reed .tabletit. do .0i. Job', .'"ibet"
alrettly. the ;tweets%
, • propletIon bt• OttnPriiiinte speeOl: bleed
tertatzi • latteitiviteg,,tTatied,„.Tabletehinolude
, -IOW] litinitirfhtit' of •eateinel, Probed* the .inOst
Affinterelleet.sittititattist*knOwiti,.:.,in ,a,dek or
ttki Ititek at WO:* again est. !teen tie.
' you feel at Mende WIth: the *rider'
101/e, World. All' drogglite hate; tithed. Tati.
11100. .1 ' ' • •
. -,•After goy had gone, , jock ,
got more news, for you."';Elinor
..was amazed at'ithe• herd expression
on hie' face; the ,hatslinese Velee;
about ' • '' • ' • • ..
• "Leola! 'Jack, where is she?. Norm.,
was 'Ingt 'here. He told Pie 'Shp had
• 'Tye :seen., ter," Jack' Said
•Oln o small tptin•hear here; ,R,ta hotel
With Ned ..,Cethney.".; , •
• ' "You' Mein," Miner •gasped, .atheY
are niarried?o • • '" •
"Jack—not 'Leolal. • There's • some
• mistake. Leola' is wild and reckless,
but: she wouldn't, . "
—:-"I--had hoped net," -Jack .1 replied
-Curtly. "tut I canna doubt my. own
: "She 'Wouldn't • have known
., • "Jack, ..-yOu' idon't Leola
. • r
wasn't drink! •;YOU're,mietaken. Norm
had A Wire' from her. She told hint
,Was ',in• danger. • ,ITeu i,reMember her • .
telephone . call to ' befete. "I, left :. for
,• Fort:1 wOrth-,, She Said she had • to see.•
me. once. Leo* knows : Something;
...reek: .do not believe She went -Wilk-
, ; ,:•.;.:. . • .• . •
, ,
• • ".1011 Weald ,shield. her,. Jack, Said: ,
it,'isn!t any use, .Eilnor,:"::*. •
•.1The day•Elinor was to start on her
'next regular trip, she noticed a silver ,
plane • the hangar, It loOked
prlvaeIy-owned Plane. •
"It belongs to 'a .rir.'Nortnatr, Regersof 4tlantjc City," :'
one .•bf ,tbe Stewatd, .
eaSes Oaf& 'flew. 'in • thie. :Moth,
„Elinor.. Walked °Vet: to ,'•the Silver ,
Ohio: .1s/or:WO ,She climbed into. lt,•:
-teat' '•laY, , On: the inlet's goat. She:
•tonZlted • the sleeve tlnildly, lovingly.
Then shesat'down and buried her
: •'111.Olnit" 'The Wird, iva.e•-.A..i.te,11,-
She 'lifted her heed. A ,Crilinpled,
newspaper on the floor, -plight. her
• co yftev. An: ntiO.
She. began to turn the. ,Pages, hilz
Then :elle:, sew F,roindine'il- face. "Be-
trothed," '1i2 hold, black type, ' Elinor ..
• road the account of the Coming Mat.:
doge' Of Francine' Bayless : And .Dro
.1110nia4.: 1A1-ogere, • .werd • hir • *PA: '
opeotitiful: heiress:. Pipinitent. stirTgr•
cop.", ;She ,dropped the ••palier, , •
Agoi/V-elle•'-buile-dlier7faCe*Fn the
ioat, ;and "wept, •• AS only . girl , Oen
•Wee47he has lost theinan..she levee:
, .
(TO. coNtiguED)
, • A huge 'forest, covering about BOO -
square Miles, has just been found in
the heart ,of the Austrilian desert,
hy:LWIr. P. S... Hossfield; senior geolo.;
gist ito the ;North Australian '•Survey.
/CO rnoWy of desert oak, and is situ-
ated ,A.old-hearing country
,about 70 miles from "The Granites"
gOldneld; the scene of the latest
"rush," l'tossfield estimaias that
there are at least two trees
• whek are .Valtlable• for building and,
nihing purposes:,
* •
Princess Takes'
Starvini,, Wolflaa. Thief Identified
. As Member of Royalty
4 Olin, .gray-hidred vir.pnITAnt dressed
In -Old *thee', :Wiiiketl: up. to the co:in,
ter Cf:'a WAre..4W ,grocery ' store, glanced •
over: her "shoulder;.:and put ,a packet
of bitter late her
11110n,'A .1349.0 'deteetive•fitepked her,.,
An helm.' later•,., -at, police • headquarters
-faded IdentifIcatien taperarevealed:
her as •'.,Prit.feees.":Nteria, Totienri. TIM;
,gutoy,•boin 56 years ,Ogo-44 Russlan
'PrineeeS, ence"..14lilene
for her big-
caIc frentert4lOnletits,
4' efhtisband;•Prinee ,T144'110ki shot
by Bolellevilia •in 1921, WAA .0ae . of •
Czarist Russia's wealthieSt,.men and.
OWned: 'gold. and :Oliverminee In
Siberia. • - • •• .•
She told the police.' "For ten, years
I have lived in Poland, struggling to.
keep alive. Recently I. have been at.'
Meet Stet -ring." '
Spelling Match
Do you knoW'what are. your, most
.• •
"Calmno• n mistakes in spelling? • Since
. .
the .publication, in a recent book of
.tho woven words supOsed to. be the
most common spelling mistakes peo-
ple are springing impromptu spelling
matches on each other it every social
gathering.' Over in . Hamilton, the•
School -childrenhave been participat.
mg in a. radio: spelling match spon-_,
From those in charge of ;the spelling
bee. wesecured a list, citt the twentY
mest coil -mon Mistakes. You • might
'liketo try ;there out on Your,family.
Here a,re the words: pedestal,cour-
agsous, indelible,. !kernel ' appetite,
•canseqpence,'. cession, manoeuvre,'
14 1
ate, .ilhiterat
vagant, ,benefited,,..linoleutn,;, 'solicit,
accelerate, • docility, alteration, con-
conant and, -wield: , You may 1 think
,these ,arcLpretty,:siinple.)mt7-reniem-
ber they are for public school
dren.' „ •
Museum Seeks --
Odd Lampreys
Wants Specimens of SmalILF.el-
- Iiice—Miater Animal Formerly
, Thought to, Live Only In
Here's chance for a :Snit,:
ford boys., to .ea,rn 'a -Kt . spareTeash
•next spriog'ond at the same time help
the Royal ,Ontetio M.u.Seurit.er Zoology
In . its IstifilY 'Ot:' the 'trek! Of paraidtic •
ilaintreys,,,,from .habituali Odeon hatintsto JitIle .
streams: in: this part •of th,e
province,. says •the he.accinlieralcL
In7the-7-iipring,4314931,-•--Dr,---W., T.
Gemmell, et Stratford, ' Maid
Water anlinal4p stipain :near .
,The object was sent to*,
the .Zoology Musehii In Toronto 'for
identlficatien: • '• ; ,
• firat
'.Now ',Dr.' :Gehiniell.has received • a -
'letter. trent' the 'finiseinn
stat -
Ing the' "e'er!: is a fehthyoMyzon fessor,..
(that's not a typographical error) :and
Was •'Probably the'..first ever., taken in
The =lie= .olficialeIbaye asked
:Dr., Gee:a:ell to get in touch with -boys
or • anyone' else • interested, and - ask
,thein to 'try' to. mut few more similar
'iandpreys:.• The =seam in-
terested ascertaining how •the
„preisliete able to teaeh as far inland
before being' illedotered.-:
. .
they. hate•been. found only in oceans,
•This. particular specimen of lam-,
. .
preY is,' 4' Parasitle 'aniinal;',that
ten& 'onto ;other ;,fish. Eventually, it
eats its wayInsidefish ,but, before
the .tletiin .dies • the lamprey getg
enottgli rimirishnient to, live and ',Ater..
,•,:.-.ArOaragitic• Animal ,' • • ;
The SPeciee' . believed to .sPoWn In
late, May,'Or • Site se ahyone wha *rots
to help, th0. museum.. by finding the
,.hunPieVr.,Might chebee• that as the
• O.
best titue .Search, The • museinn,
will 'ply 50 Centelor'..the *first steel.'
Men reeelved and 10' cents for each
, „... ,
addttional ..gplechnen: .It *11.1 be found
In 'streante, never in lakes or 'Donde;
and Is described O'S four to seven '
,Oliee' long; yery- dark' :green (alihoet
bledit). in 'Color. -The len:prey. hoe ,set-•
wliicli 11
„ • ,
• .1
Wtttg you:feel
„ , out of •,,sorts.
aPPotite, stout,
;eel] giveg-tratible,,
With. gas or acid • •
' • Sidigestion,,,•. Why'.
not .,fry'• Dr.
• Pierces• Golden
, erY?' If 'you want
• tes,ititt iStf healthit fie611:-..thia is the tonics
for yotr„ Read what Mrs, Frank .Littnothe,.
27 North ,St., St, Catharittek,... Ont,, aid
'`'f had .nei.appetite,.. -was ondsoveight,
elesp visii at night and niter eatnig I tut!
feted a good' bit With. acid indikestiOn and., •
traig Gorden Medical' DiscoverY '
soon nie feeling. better again, my api.
liege unproved, my thg la. was better
'and / •%Vat'listich strofter." scat
blood' tonic. Sold. by.dreggiste4 • -1 •
icious Cakes
For 'Inter
Along witli rnir New Yely,?4•rdS0-
' Itnionar 'add one 0.4ont thalcing. fine
cakes, for ,ho famu1y, throughout the
-Whole Year, Gladden :yetlr •tahle With
home -mad!? cakes which are so 'far
aliPfd of store-bought ones that there
i'64t isd't.'44Y cPt4Par:soni--.1144ke 104. -
ref different 'cakes, too the old 'stand-
bys .are geed; but rnost',.p&vie get
tired ''the POle, peke, and'„the Oalne
:old frastingi''', •
tFine cakesare peolly• a Work otArt
and ,a credit, to •any took., And .the
• success. of 'a. cake is not just an ac-
cident. Cake hakers.often experiMent
for a long time before they ,acquire
the knack of always turning• Out 'a
perfect product. • Science has elimin-
ated one hazard of 'coke baking, by.
producing n fine *cake flour. Flour
,that is sifted and sifted, through silk-
en sieves • till t is. twenty-seven times
finer than ordinary flour, , has . been
produced especially
• The--11-01;-,--fiailierY texture' of this:
flout provides- a fool -proof main in-
gredient and provided .the other rules
of cake baking are followed exactly;,
every woman should be able to :turn
out light, 'evenly textured and-dellei-
, „
ous'eakes' every, time.:
Here is 0 brand hew Cake with1
which to start : the News Year. lt-) •
to make. It will •be- especially .pdpii-
lar4 with youngsters and is 'perfect;
for teas and luitcheone
, •
Feathery Spice Cake
2%, eups %sifted cake flour.
2% teaspoons ; baking powder.. •
te_aapoo •salt
le-aapoor: cinnarnon.
.1/4 teaspoon cloves
-clipbutter or othet
1 cnp. sughr,
• 2' eg-ga,"•intheateih... •
1/3 clip inolasses,:,
'Sift flour onde„rneasure, add halc-
ing powder, salt; and spicss, and .sift
together.'three times: 'C'ream ;bitter
thoroughlY,• add Sugar gradually, arid,
cream together until light mud
Add eggs and molasses and beat
woll, add flour, alternately With milk,
a small 'amount' St, a • time, beating
after each addition until sinooth.
Bake in two lgreased 9 -inch layer
pans in inederate oven (375 deg. P:..)
80 miniftes or until done.' •
This cake is delicions. served *Orin
and unfrosted _with baked Apples' ;
tea -wit - caramet!-frostang..
,apple Sauce. It is especially geed for
Caramel Frosting '
„ •
'1% cups brown sugar;Arrnly_packed.
M. g '
1 pip
1 tablespoon butter,
Boil brown aim', granulated sugar,,,
and. Milk .until 'Syrup .:forms a left
bail' in ebld water (232 deg. F.).. Add.'
butter,. and remove from fire. Cool
to lukewerni (110' deg. F.) ;Ileat un-:
.til f.thick and creamy and of tight
coilsstericy to. spread. Makes.
erietigh frosting • to • cover , tops :and
sides of two 0,ineh layers. Decorate'
with pecan 'halves or chopped .nuts, If
, desired:-
. :Here is a real 'treAt in the form of
Creple, Fudge 'Leaf, a 'rich. velvety
square loaf, beautifully frosted in a
two-tone frosting, of white and brown,
For all its good • looks And taste, This
'cake: is surprisingly economical :7- it
requires only,ene egg.
. '
.• .__.
Creole. Fudge ',Cake
2, cups - sifted flour. -
2 teaspoons6Oking :powder.
% teaspoon salt.,
52' cup, butter or ;Other ,
' 1 'cup sugar.
--I egg; well -beaten, - • .
melted, •:: .!
% 'cup milk, • '
.1 teaspoon 'tahilla.'' • • ,
Sift_ flour price,:MeaSure, add bak-
powder and salt,, and silt togeth-
er 7three tittles, •,•Cream butter, Add
sugar gradttallY,,..and Creandlogethei
until ,light. and ilufFy.' . Add egg •and
.1i6At ;Well then 'chocolate and bleridg*...,
Add itoilt, ••alternately with:milk; a
sn)alI',gonoUnt at a tithe, beat:neafter
each aUdition untir Snleptli. Add va-
inches, in 'moderate, ,Overi (325
P.)' ilheut , 1. hent: 1'U,- VL :cake, with
'Creole :Pildge' Frosting, • •'•
, Creole, Fudge Frosting
• 2.'egg whites; unbeaten.. •
1 -cups sugar.
• 6 'tablespotins water...
..teaspbehs light earn
toaster:fp vanilla..
Pitt, egg whiteS, Sugar; Water. Ernd
apfn syrtip in tippet part'of double
boiler,, Beat With; rotary egg :b,eutev
unt:l thoroughly mikecl. Pined OVer',,.
rapidly b,eilhig , water, beat conet<ly
With' rotary ogg heater," and cook 7
minutes-, or until frosting Will. Stand
in:Peaks Pernote froth 'fire •add
and beat until thick saribigh to
spread: ; lVlakes enongh:. frOstingt to
Cater too and sides Of two 9 -inch
laYert.' SOiarett inStveeteried'
ChOCOlat'e With ,O teasptone
ickpocket Expert
trent Of 10 1.4084nora-,
091,110, of them "lifera-a 8.40. "ptek-
'peOceV •var4t4F. ;ogre. :thiy4 $10.0'
weak, demonstrated the finer P01.40 01.
POCket.Picking, . . .
• Gloyannl'vo„tathe artiat.••,With Mau-
, ilea •hies,,OreheStra and the
entiro cabaretscoMPanY of 30 frona,thePlccadifly'
elitertained, prisOnere at , 'Maidetone
GaoI,• , • u '
For the ttlrno belng, the',"
ehatel•heoame a mu* 14414 Vux.
ta!ned stage a4d 104ileima1er0 ah9.1/4
the,"Walla. : • • • 1,, •
' Then ceine, Giovanni, "who; aked
that 12e should not he introduced AS a
"In the Sento.' Byeineae't
, • •
040 two Pries:leer efrem. the
audience, and• with these, .and • with
Padre 14.4Y14,..Preceededt6.;Show • What .•
•14004er.t 44 - • • ;•:••
. • , •• •
, He ,removed‘the padre:: waistcoat
But as he wus picking tbe po`p;11tling'
.04 Picking his own • • •
\\'':\L\‘'' :•ivtk\
• .\
\t,,, • ms -\\\N‘.•
, •
Crocheted in, , o .Iiine. with Liiiiral Wheeler's Help
.: Let ...winter ',winds, blow; :thig:saue ' h,,,-•'• ,.•,,..,,j3.ggyle61.,=:0,2Glefe-1- 1 e
tothe. - • - ••tyris - criliffelit6'.rnateh. The set, 'crocheted
In Oct:hie •crochet, ', will keep: you practiCally• air -tight • On etildeet day's . • : .
nothingietter,for skating or skiing. Use soft Germantown yain with bright
border accents ,. . : .the" brighter the better: -Pattern 1656 contajns dirge- .exe
tions. for makin • hood:. i scoil.and.rnitteng4-material requirements; color, .. tiin
'___•suggest!ons;--illuStratioriS76t the set and Of all stitehes used. , - iire
Send 20. cents in, coins Istamps da,nnot be accepted) for this pattern to Or
WilSoff Neeillecreft Dept., 73 West Adelaide St., •Toronto, Write plainly, •
' PATEERN NUM/3ER, your NAME and ADDRESS. ,‘ . tra
to :
in avore
Win* PoP4.417 g' "s. Day
Miffs and Mittens
t -The inine younger gene:rat
l'ns g011e .."seneihle" in
: it. Is their Inoth Ord 'a,-11
th.ay . 4. •
.1f:4•,Their college:age daughters have
Oh..01.0e4,:tnwe' ..thi..4-and.4.11:ats. he,
gone in :fer.eneh it'snie as: ,
:rn:i.c6i:L;Anguer.104s'llw 46.7;d:in ,n,e1i7nitigehilti, ?cilvwnwst:
,,10,4x,slcoveo; Itqcialei,neek cotton •
Jamas and woolen,- heavies, Seine. of
"the latter' •recl 1., • ,
IlnderWear the knee
length 'varicty iii c�lors—red, green,blue, yellow '- are favoi'qd by the•
,younger, generationl l'for "Winter oporta,
;it' was observed co-eds ',crowded .the.;
counters in.'departinent, stores where,
leng.,sfeeyed: ilfgh . neck • light.
wel.ht. flannel lowae-77.senns with tiny
tose-hud-patterne-,-And. oki-suit pajain.
ea Were -tieing . Their. „mother°
were ''at, other counters buying..iilee'te,
. less,: backless 'gowns;
.Child Muit: SleeD
TO DelieilOp,',-'..Vielt;
.Refnial. to Sleep MeanSit'Haa'NOt.!';
Been Well Trained. .•
Children . who go to. bed
at a reasonahle..hehri.ar.Whe sleep too
• little, hove not: been trained properly:t you .
:'accuetoni a child to A• regular:
bedtime', from„ infancy,: .You not only -
help •Ins'cliances for norinal
mentef:bedy and .mind, put, also :you
nisiniantif9Ym. et.. cliild
of, the•esSentialg for a child's mentol.
Long hours Of s.eund sleevaioni'
•a.nct phyeical, develop:tient: The.
dep.emfge.ly, upon how the
.withOut :a nal:. thays•:lte,a.ve a , liter-
ally too :tired.: •to sleet.. Especially
•shOuld end of the ;day' be. free; frO
Itemeet.,• The half:110dr- 'befote, bed -
0 .
,Slieuld.be deveted to quiet pleas. .•
s: withaut 'rompiag, eXciting.gamee..
ritarieg. : child' who geee. to bed • .
be easy to thanego ,the next dak.•
are 'Often clue .ta•the fact s that the: ••
Child is:worn .oct froth leek Of ,sleep.
;•"' your ;Child ' is• developet-it7.:
be' has ;Arm' .niuSeles, . Stardy •
• erect 'pestire,'..a. olear Atee
• Without • circ -les under: thenti, A • hapPY
• disVositien,. and a good appetite,•be is
• Prob.ahly.:. getting the 'tight hind.' and .
examine 91. sleep'. • • •
.: •
'Other. Conntriel; Japan
One Of .the Most Difficult Mat -
*eta to Supply With Moves. '
4 film center exists in every .coun-
try to -day, But . he works by ' very
,different standards An. different 'coun-
tries. .What goes for one nation 'Will
.1n9t_tlease, anothr,. So difficult are
• these people to Please, that the film
makers of :Hollywood and, Britain
2-Whether-Certalirpiethres will pass the
censor And make ,money for them in
the various countries .that buy these
films,• • , ' • •
Here in Britain the censor Is,
haps, the most :broadminded of any
'country, -Says' Pearsen!s Weelcry, But
even Britain lays, 'down" certain ta-
,boos for foreign films; American •
'film 'magnates' kh9W that the British
censor is .pethapf,3 more careful about
the dignity of the British Army' and,
NavY 'than about whether tome adol-
escent. is going to carry- away a
moral blot 'froni seeing a picttire. • '
Certain Natichis Susceptible
*iut.more worying to the film pro-
ducer fir:Seer:eh of world markets are
the growing susceptibilities': of vari-
ous nationals. Make your in
the film A ..T.apaneac, and the picture
is promptly banned in Japan ':and a.,
protest forwarded to ,`WaShington by
.the japailese goyernnient..:
• - ' .1,10 Kissing Allowed
„ :Japan; in fact, is.'• one .of the, most
difficult markets to : with
Matter, of course'. '
. . "
• ; Nor is, at:Ailing .sateuring•of
lutionary , • Perinitted. Scenes.
which , are hoistile .te_royalty'tr
'ore .ctit, on "sight, I', Myself have•
experienced the .tingas,:nesi, of a. jap, •
obese' audience 'when a man, le
opening a door for a wernAS. Saeh.,
politeneases, are considered •to zits, •
ftlae ideas " to Japancze arid'
.not to , agc. - . • ,
. .
. rhio;Ce Of. Killers Stuns, Italy
• , • ,
America discovered _ _during
gangster Warfare that many of U.
ruthless were Of. ltalMO
some conning from that '
of het -blooded •
fIri it
• 7tva.'s that in.; nearly. the friOst murderotn*.charac,ter war;
-Mlisitolini ;and a1,':(.7.Writhed .urider thls intittnent
of th
Italian' in AMetica. They' Proceeded
. to ban all films in Whidh,...4110 Italian
is net the:herb. • ',",
*The ' ,Scandinot'an eolintrirg , have
an almost fanatical dislike of hbrroi.,
and thit •hag 101 to the baninittg tt
settrai Walt Dishey• carns
too' arid ell
the brachia und Toranlcensto:n
ors; ,en the other liand,
seding, One,..er: the inogt• 'toletant ef
nations., Vranae reeetite. he 1mi:tit:tate' ,
.iniktUre. ever cake., ictcni it rh n down ,
on sides.. Mikes enottkii frosting. 6-1
corer tops and sideS of two' 9'inch
Pour chocolate 1
French vllains or • comics, • but will
not ..permit a slur upon, the French
nation. :
Vhere ,
ens'orfditp...lis Strictest '
In Quebec divorce, may not even be
• Mentioned on the Screen, • while affec,
tie/tate:Scenes ' 'even between actors
•,.:4ho-•-•-are-----playing • ' happily married
folk, are forbidden. • '
.:Ask film prodncerswhere', they
-,find • censorship-. most strict,-.an,0-the
)point to two Cities, on the ,world Map •
,-Quebec (Canada) and, Singapore
(Malaya). •
THE• .
"Addld• " At•tracticUas •
' •
The ,tnetton's added • nitro&
Pons br,ng It oitt Of. the
overage, hotel clots. ,
. A swim:1.4)9'15.00, 'CiTinleis.
• ' 'slum; .sotarium; library a• ,
' hies fpr YOUR .siqoyinent.
As for your room; it
decorotsid,: It's One of ,
' rooms you..cOultkfind—
. in Ottiliotel.
And The Sholteri'l'lecolien
h Ideal ...on !be @doe eft he,
'Oland Central sone.
letisi $3 r dpy ihogh'
,orv irolg
•buyi ,a; nevr:duaranteej
With all testklal fbitiute*
.cAttriVit4a GASP.,
,t6tiC1l TYPING ti‘tstRudviit.
Repihisttio RanJ„Liiillted •
• ,t okont,0
• -"
Revised- le -‘
• Arguments' • that • are ',"somewhat
:vague"'in the hooks of Job arid-L.-Ro.
=Marls , in. reviSion•:.
of the ,Anierican •standard edition of
the Bible, Prof... R. Taylor, ••
only CO/ladle:1 pn the revising 'corn.
l •
olnlittote,e, 'said in an intervieW at • Tor.
. • ,
ce, Tho ,4eek results of modern schol-
arship expressed the Siniple; • dos-
sie style of the King •James': Version”
would' be ,embOdied. in .the. revised
..Work, Prof,:•Taylor, ' white-haited
chief. of. the dep,a,ittnent cif' Oriental'
„ lane:ages. at the University of Ter -
onto, said.. With him • will work 14
United. States experts. or: the 'five-.
year. task. •
• "If A man has more than one Wife;
: that's his bUsiness:-7-or ' he :
coinmented on the ,:-suggestion , the
cOnithittee might make textual chang-
es in, ..scriptufal. passages that,1Ove
to do, with polygairty, ; "We aren't.
. :Planning : anything 'sensational," he
'added. • •
at— os'
:Even Pink Is &Oak SOnie; •
. • • . •••
There„used.to be wprejadice against
Ceitttin celorEii en People with.' red hair,.
' hut We.'itre coming,to anderetand howkotgoona thig 'deleting ig '•lvith• „ManY
,Pnee,lorbidde,h lines: "Of. .Course, to.•
hair la really red;,. it le Carrot, or cOP,
per,er, or 4ttetlet; :or htit not red,
The ,general:effeet any :Special -shade '• •
convey is ehorniouslY, module:a, the -
akin and 'eyes that aceempanY
O. we:0d hate' to Write at gi'eat
„length :in -Order to laY 'doWit rules, but
tlte writer, knOWs •giri 'Witb. brilliant
eireettitered, hair and hive eyes who
le•,:, mottclotia pink: ltec1'-' hair
' be pinYed till; not down,
A ld.grOOne, Inplieg.Lany ;tea ,b1.44k.,' • -
'grey Mid i ci,Sate
• • It le' fk:pillentlyateted that
• should, net .tv-ear Yeild4,• fhcOrk," ,
, lieweVet, hi'dehtritty; to fact, end the.'
ctidatfo• 'designers of coatinpeo 110 VO
this deleritig.; Worth' bride 'said, "Whitt,
boautitlif 118 bt ()We§Iti allagiOriet "
‘•.Tlidrjaf6re, I love to .ilteSS then" In 3d'
lett." In OAS belle It Is the Inetratia .•
.."fabrielli. such n sitf,i,ivhich ate pari •
tAularly -enolianting. Of ceurse" thero'.
are' hlendeS and, blencles ;and ' the sal-
low k1 nuly ebc Against :yellow,
-th••,:cleAro brettiny 'Monde With litilieY:1
. , pre , hale le'. netetleveller than