HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-06, Page 4•••
January iS
INDSqR Ont. ancrICIETROITi Mich.
$3.55 Return
illy low ..fares from *11 ad AnfrirmatiOn frtlin Agents
for handbill and campletejacent C.NL, Stalicein%
\Under the abledirection of .Mrs.
urnin Philips and Mrs George S u
rt*Pena people'prese ted their
"Safety First". in the •CommunitY
'Mall, .on Thursday evening. The. Play
centres around Jack Montgomery
Stanley Todd) and Jerry Arnold,
• •
ck Weatherhead) who: get into a
loll with the police while trying
Puituade Zuluka, a .,Turkish for-
e t,eller,(Vera Taylor) not to mar.:
ir• friend Eliner Flannel (Geld.
.PtIrVes),;1•They with Zaluha-,are:
teneed to thirty dittxs In
fieXi the disgrace fronijack's
a 1 ,(LaurineMiller) and
(Isobel Mil-
Inother Mrs. Barrington
rs.- E. W. Ripe),Jhey, tell
• are,going to,,a, Shriner's
• his to a tangle
n lY? happily unravelled.
ocha Played by ,Beh,Pui-
Pluch excitement • as, he
Ortge4or the disappearance
Zuluka.. The part Of
. •
' detective was played
ice' and that Of lila fiancee;
'Finnuty, the irish,egok
hhumor as played by
IL et, The. Taylor _orchestra,
WiteiCal numbers between the
G. "Vireatherhead left 911
orPortHope,. Mich., where
-tir; Malcolm seriously ill.
Mrs. Alex Murdie „and Mr.
' Schlenker, .* of Stratford,,
gore for ".New - Years with'
S.%Robitison ,Woods. ,
ar pReth)g..., of the Y. P. U.
Sunday evening with. the
charge. The scripture
1 by Arthur Ramage.
e Ten' Virgins" was
eatherhead. The topic
, as. taken by • lir. Mo-
andthe discussion- led'..137 OnY''
• image, Who also favored With a,
ont 'igen, Selection:
hool Meeting
-Monday was a busy 'daY with aide-
trna-ikboth the village and•leivn-
ahip,..Weergratulute the successfnl
Mr. Charlie' ,Thoinsoli happened
with a rather severe accident on
day evening while 'doing the chores.
;Hie leg get eaughtsin the .power root
pulper and 'several stitches were re-
qUire.4 to .closa the wound. We hope
for a .speedy recovery;
• Mr. 'rank: McNeil, 'limit the week
end' in Kincardine. .
Miss Myrtle McQuillm. is assisting
Mrs. Jack Thomson'in town.,
Mr. Will Reed had hydro turned on
in-his7lionai hilt Week:•
and Mrs, Fred Andera..941, char.
les and David, spent .New Yea' S Day
With Mr, and MrS. John MCI)niagh,
Mr. and, Mrs. Ernes Gardner Gliirdner and
'family. ',spent aatuiday„With. Mr; .and,
Mrs. Robert Helm.
• Mr. and Mrs. Will Bunter and
family :were. pests of Mr,' and Mrs
Geo. Hunter On New Year's year's Day.
•'Mr."' and ..$60s. 1Hen.0 .Gardner and
Lane eil,,i0Yetl the l'iOlidaV with My
Peter 'Watson arid Miss Annie ,of
Mr. and Mrs.' Henry Horton Of
Mafeking, were New 'Year's guests
With Mr, and Mrs. I, Andrew.
The Zion Y. P. S. Met at the home
metonMdra,y and Mrs Thos.;i Hackett
Mrs, James _McKay and son,Jaeh
of Tiverton, ,spent Wednesday and
Thursday' ,With the lady's. .. parents.
Mr. and ..Mrs..#1tallih, Nixon,•
• Mr. Sidney ISMith of Toronto. Bible
$ehool was a•New'Year's Visitor here
and took part in the service on San -
day evening ..
Wawanosh.• •
--Miss-Grace ,and-Jim-•;.'-Richardsort
spent ThurstlaY evening with friends
in Teeswater. ' .
. t • • • • • •** ' , •
. • #
Mr. and Mrs Harold Johnson Of
Lucknow;.'speat :the 'week -ends with ,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Conn'. ,•, te' h. work we ' t under. -qrs. Reuben Brewer, coderich., •
-.thenconditions undtir w'hi611 Mrs'. Q.; P. i"wri and son Albert
• • , onday t at her t)ittit 1VIrs. PBrien "
AshNli(Wenver:Yles.:... •
Blessing To Pioneers
— •
BY W. IL Johnston •
• On lot 'i3t co, A'shfteld tOwn-
ship, '.gurround,ed by a well-cultiVet-
ed garden of One., acre, .130ocl EV.cosy
loghause,WhieR-44.eit the Mena
of children the flower lover of 'the
.neighborhood and .the )3ene.factor. of
a large .conimunity. BY name, Jelin
Brown, and "a -weaver trade, • his
crattenianalliP Wan in ahnest;.con-
,Stant demand in the early -daYs:-
It is true the cloth' produced wac
sometiniiii.coarse, according ;le the
woolen ,yarn brought to him; but , it
Was' always firm and well -woven. How
Offen.have 'We. sat as,children, 1.
if* hini"as , sent the shuttle
acroiti"oigik:. hae,k` and ..te.rthr aad
then,* sent the .threads home With si
bang of the 'SWinginv• beam of 'hic
loom. •
In, the 'shade Of a,taMaraek tree.
between the house and ,the yoad. he
had a large bed Of pansies er heart's
-ease.' The children • en their' WAY to
school often paused by 'the fence:
to admire andlonginglY gazed at the
'beantiful blossoms. They were over-'
joyed. when the hind -owner, „after Mr. Marv.in;Purnin' and Mrs. Durnin,
passing a remark or two about their , C. .
.beauty; presented. each with. a single 'IVIi•'..and,'Mrs.....Bur,inkReacit •enter-
• ,
blossom. •• - tained New 'Years, Mt and "Mra.,
But it it is, as a benefactor of the "'am Roach, Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur
eemmunity, in a material. way.'. We -oacli and Lerna, Mr. and Mrs.- G.
wjsh tcirswrite of him..In..erder to ap- C. Treleaven and Lois and Mr. and
, , . ,
Mr. 'and , Mrs; Everett Harris and
-on George spent' New, Year's, Day.
with the lattei's 'mother, Mrs..- Dun -
MacDonald', Sr,, at Luelnlaw.
Mr. Cecil Clreer„ Detroit, spent a
''-ceitv days Christmas week With his.
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald : Fowler, who had a
--•,UeceSs.ful operation at Gederieh HOS"
lital for removal ef goltre'ten. days
1T,0,, expected to, arriii, home Wed.
. iesday .of tthia .1week. '
Mr. and, Mrs., J. J. 'Ryan motored
WingliaM 'and had 'New
linn with Mi d Gordon
Kidd. They returned afternoon,
Spent 'the remainder Of the. day
'ith' .and Mrs. Pinion 'Roach.
'Mrs. „Win. ROY.' and , son ".Jinunie,
'ho spent the Christmai,ieason with
-parents, Mr, and• Mrs. Jos.
returned to her home it
,rtilton on Monday. .
Mrs, Stothers, Who is .eon-
aleseing since a fall two weeks". ago
'inpreving and able, to be Up: a lit -
'e. Mre,:T,. McWhinney- at the Nile,
• nui•sing and in charge of the hoMe.
;Miss, Letitia Dreaney.spent New
ear' week end with her. nephew,
h • IA 7the":"Ttit'yrnelid ;,`iind'Aithur; spent. Neve
,t* , •
• 'CREW:a. •
'year to all..
* „
. #aPPY .-a-iinT:TrefiPerona New
. The ,New 'Year intends us .to. put
away, our 'tars old DObin for
a means Of , transportation, is it is
__The f9llowingjathe .iistoL. the W.
M. S. officers for 1938; Preis' Mrs.
Crosier;• Vice Pres, 21.re.;..John
Menary; aid Vice, Mrs:, .,13ert 'Tre-
leaven. Christian' Stewardship -• Mrs
Rev. Turner; Rec. ,Sec., Mrs. Wilfred
Drennan; ',Cor. and • Prise Sec Mrs.
Sam Sherivcitid; Treasurer, Mrs. Matt.
Shackleton;. Temperance 0; Sec„.... Mrs.
MeConriellrFlower Mrs.
Raymond Finnigan; Organist, '; Miss
Frances ;.Crozier, Ass'f.; Mrs: Wilf.
Officers Of W. A. for -1938: • Pres.,
Mrs. John Ildenary; lst Vice„ Mrs.
Treleaven; Sec., Mrs. Roy Maize;
Treasurer, Mrs. Wilf. Drennan; Par-
soaage Conn., Mrs. JOhn•Menary, Mrs.
Sam Sherwood, and Mrs:. Drennan:.
Messrs. Aldon Hasty and 'Colin
Crozier returned to their, respective
;schools after Spending the holidays
Mr. Fred Wainwright has been been 'As-
Sisting, Mr. Bert Reid get • out .his
winter' s supply of , Wood. this ' past
week. ,
annual school meeting was held
appointed chairman, and W.
,Miller,:neeretary,.f for. the . Meeting.
Reports were 'given by Cal* Mae -
'maid,; "OlitirEntitb of" the. Board;
secretary -
Gordon, McPherson,
or. Cohn McDonald was re7ele&'.
truatee lor, another term and and W.
Miller was elected as ratepayer's
auditor. Frank -Weatherhead was re•
MieCharlei and Miss, ficOnillin, The
board now is 'composed of Magri.
Archie Ait.chistin, .:Peter 'Wetatin' arid
Colin' MacDonald.-,.
appointed ,caretaker. ' The secretary Mr. McKinley Rarnige1 was home
was authorized to extend a vote of froni St. Paul's where hehas been
appreciation to the teachers,. Miss employed. ,
hail passed awar.at,the,heine• 4.4eher land -had; to be cleared Of the for- Years, with .Mr. and -Mrs. -flarvey
daughter, I'etcy Vincent Of E: Stria crePs' were raised, the 'greater ningham, and•infant awl. at the hos-
c M;
ests and this was- done by degrees. • e , Mrs. Vere Cun
Wawantish, on Monday. ', • • ' • '
• • ' A. ' -•
part of which .had to be used to feed pital, .al,O..visited.
• i.;
Forsythe thefamil3r, the cattle, and, 'Other. Mr. and Mit' Stanley lor; Toronto; ..Spent -the helidays with, " • •
their parents, and Mr.s ek; ,especially ws a large pertien baby daughter Mr. and Idris Marshal
: • ), ' • "
- th used to 'fatten- the' pigghtera
s and:. tvio little „ditu,
- of e gra n. •
order 40 provide the year's meat- iPefit New dist With the lad -
for the..'home; -Any spare grain,,for tes'; parents, . Mr. and . Mrs, J. :•
,,salit4h.La9g4t. -
astt„.r. Eldon an la Eiers�n,
••k th holida ith Mr. n
V. ,Emerson.
Mr and Mrs. Russel Ritchie of the
8th cJn, spent 'Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. V.•Emei-son.
,2ND' CON., KIN L,0
t • , .
:miss Dorothy ;McDOngall'is 'a,
itor with her mother here.
Mr. Gordon McIiiiieS, ,Pefreit, is
visiting at his home here..
Miss • Isabel .;1VIeCharles..wak as re-
cent guest at D. A. mebemPirs..
Miss Gretta:Hydson and miss pith-
iie Purvis, "were visitors on Wednes-
daY. at W. J.:
Mr. and Mrs. W , 'Hunter, Leis and
Lorna, Mr. -and Mrs, A. McTavish
-Were Monday :visitors with. Mi.. and
Miss Doris Irwin spent a few days
last Week ,with. Mr. and 'Mte. Wm.
; Mrs, Annie Culbert' and Elden,
Dungannon, were recent yisitora . at
Mrs. John. Irwin'a,
Minister: ,And;.what. is the child's
'Mother, Shirley. '
.Minister. Shirley? •
Mother: Yes, Sir. After the famous'
Shirley Temple. •
Minister; Yes, yes% of • course,' Let
Rio see, who's the . preacher there
• . , ;, •
eedxchtlefren,•from all over the ,Prev.
Eno are,treeitqd.regoi7dleitiof rise4iikeeid, •
or. fitoiwial..Oirottritiltonce..
This policy has, been continued for over 60 years hi
-the firm belief that eveiyone who understands the facts
would want this great' work tp continue ... would sieve
that no Ontario child' should be denied a chants for
health or escape from deformity if mere twiner makes.
tin difference. ; •
• Over 95% of our beds are in Public Wards.
The Hospital receives no support from the iToronto
'Federation for Community Service because patients ars
accepted from all parts .of the Province.
• We must therefore aappeal ;to a huMane am, generOui
public to take care of .,,an annual deficit., .4; this Year'.
It is $78,930,53.- • '.
• PlOaee mail a donation to the Appeal Seer' ear"
' 07 College ,Street,,TOronte.
Thelhanhirof little children Will bl'your reward.
• °NIA* reduced In the roe against .
r4t, 1' in
lie when he lives oir children root
' ever ,Ontitrio Were. at • stake daring the '
'Irene •Spiderinie.• They provided the OnlY • ,
chaste' itobslite Marlins the), edges! skeet "
ist', the ,dlontsift
' livery 11101'111111: Is the far Billions mar -
teens tonic,to oar operatink rooms to;
tionite theft services More than 8,100
operations are perteentei; annually,: But
there are many extrai velvet' and the
ataintenasee of this . neCeourr wirfiGe
bt. von “sur,, ;
The Week ot,Prayerja_being ob-
Tea $1 Pound
pressed ,pork'.Often sold ; for: less '.'elhrelOthbriee.::li
'nights: services in the"ehiur-
than $3 per -Cwt. Tee' post $1, a lb. 'the. a,- sivica was
, .seheduled Ytoabell ng
Even gunpowder tea that rattled like 'ollorge of Rev. A. A. Maloney in, the
',Ir.wt's/7.4:1i.oenuePd7inreidit'i°;epeut'riestts:$.1r1;;.:14'..- .United Church; ThUrsday evening the
Nearly: all People had mortgages •,-,••
were only A few hundred. dollars; but ?ReN,t.., TT.._,...R.___T,xner_wi.vTeoi..du4, the
on ;their farms:' True. they , generally ,44livre'erhijigswitthhel Rgineevs:Isd9i;e7Fir... MeFridayatnDgnOinilgeaahl
unless iietOPle lived salinglY, ruin servien in the, 1,„rest;51erjah,
staredtheT.: the face. .Moit,.nncluding the , three services .0f.
dies had in 7m,store bills 'arid e
ItaA to. be in with trade from the Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Burtsli
farm in the :fail:. ,is it any Wonder ,f,R0,tila;lw):iing;tgveueastsd,imaare.t.;;pdartmyts..te4t?hsa..
11ton, gr., and Mrs. J. J. Ryan and
11r., and Mrs? 'Chas. COngrAin.".-..
Mr. and Mrs; Thos. Dickson; Jr..,
arid :family; Mrs. Tom Mcintne and
,,on'hArvey; were New Year's 'Visit-
irs with Mr. and Mrs. Dick • Mack-
yre, Nile.
• Master Harold McWhinney; spent
the, Christnit,is holidays with his
-randrnother, .Mrs: .Wm. Carr.
Mi. Ed, Bowers :has been a visitor
•vith 1St. •Thomas : relatives lately.,
Mrl Wm.. .McClure Jr. retUrned.
from • Toronto after a 10. -day. visit
ith his siSter,:,1V17q.; Alfred tlefford...
is • Relatives to. visit Mrs. Wm. Carr
family recently 'were 'Mr. and
Mrs. jai. Carr and daughter Helen,
A. Carr
and Mi -.
Cairn. lyn. airn Ntligi:ydjeanii .band
end/Mi. and Mrs. Lloyd.McWhianeY
.son Donald, of •Whightim; Mr. lied
Mr...Wm. Andrei% entered into reit
1;te, Friday afternoon, December 31,
-.fter' a lengthy illness. • He , the
iofl. of the late Mr. and wit*. wm.
fairriers"..pockets,' were generally eni-
ptyl. In - fact, .sone people had .7 to
Wait ,'three, menths, to secure the 5c
necessary ,•te. post a: :letter;::!Indeed,:
thoUgh. it -:area humllatrng, an odd
. odd
-time; a letter was :sent .out and thc
friends.- at the. other ;end were, al-
lowed t�. pay the pOstage.'
Then as now a- certain amount of
groceries, hordW'are and Cotton goods
had to. be Wight and ' paid - for. For
alMost all other needs the; home had
to he depended on to • ariptily
The women kriiited. all the stockings
and socks, made, their own dressee,
and other 'Clothing; 'inade'. a
clothing for the 'boys and nien.;';
even caps and plaited the straw, for
the hats in summer. It is true 'that
cotton -goods', Were, fairly c1iei19, ,fne.-i-
torY cotton costing 5 to 6c a yard;
gOod, prints, Sc,.and shirting, 1.0e, bid
woolen goods were out • of reaelr. of
the average it:tinily if they had td.,he
purehasedtIt was here that the farm'
and. the. neighborhood Weaver 'Coin
bined to sairejlie day. '
•. • ;
• . Sheep .Life -preservers
Sheep have beentailed the Mort-
gage' lifters, but in the backwoods
they should on account of dur -Cana-
Alan ;winters, have .been called the life
"4,preeervers of the people. Each Tar
mer Ic'ept a ;fey" for their wool and
tried, to:,have, one, Or two :black ories.
'so that by mixing their vvool'.With
the white, they' would have gray.
Preparing The Wool
After washing' and shearing the
sheep, the weel,, was first ,picked to,
get rid Of 'burrs; tits of chair and oth-
Tills was n dirty job and wo-
men, hated it. Then With a ,pair of
cards, -airried with ;herit wire teeth;
they combed the wool into rolls, after-
wards these rolls On A7sPinning wheel
were Spun, into yarn. The yarn had
,be unWound arid reeled into skeins..
washing,. was ready for th
It .was all hard work but vas' re -
'paid when a fine .Web' of flannel of'
giiYards in length, came home to
clothe the, households. :
'Andrews '(formerly 'Janet .McAllister.
. was born., in, ,Goderielt township
years 40 On the 25th Ot'ianiiary.;
e pa010..4.0th , his •parenta"wheri but
thr,ee months old to a farm on the
fith ..concession..; of. Weak- WawanoSIL
When a ;young man; he, stTa ,
'her, the late John Andrews 'Andrelia;''Unity,
'(who passe away one year
ago) bought the.; farm • now occupied
by his 'Seri I Harvey, on the.' 5.01 cstm
,Weivaricish. Ile, was marrierj
r‘ine;10th, 34 yearaggo, to Miss
Mag -
1'; dianudghmtaerry' efttothe7, iiishtsey-
• ,ided re -
on that farm. Until' 7 Years ago,
;s ben they retired to live in thef-vil.i,
lage.f,r0 them were .born three child.:
Harvey and Warrener in W: We-
anesh,.'and Mrs, ;Ben Vele "(Marg.:
..ret) on the 7th on. of Ashfield. Be -
d5 being' a !geed farmer, be was a
rnechartic-ef no small ability, and, el -
ways' proVPd himself a. true, staunch
'friend and neighbor, and gave Wise
Counset Whep-reciuesiecl,. and besides
,1 The :teal value of all thii to the his :sorrowing' relatives, he will be
• pioneers may be understood when we tree* missed by Merida and neigh -
estimate the ' chit. -The wool was
thrown in at nothing, :becanse it was At 2, p.m. Monday, the funeral
raised on. the farm. The work we Vice' was'heldat hie home With Rev:
not counted. A .bunch Of cotton warp: C. H. MacDonald sle charge, assisted
e0St abent• 42.25; the WeaXing.'12We R. Turner. The. floral IA_
a' yard. . The result was ,g yards of bittes,Were Mang' and ?beautiful and
serviceable • woolen goods, almost a
yard -Vide, at a, cost of $5.38, les'
than 22c a vard.
Is it 'any wonder theAveaver's
appreciated; espeeially
• ••
iou coldiirs, Tiles With, a little care
red fhtert4 were . 'run . aer0116 it blue
or ; purPle web, at interVali.tio as to
give a red lin0. il'earthe; hOttoni of
when lie Watt a '41101. Worlottin like the kirta, dttr tothere, looked' weif
the hero, 'et our SterY, With his m thdie"' borne -made dresie,s. 'and: We
ice hiOthera dyed their yapi Irk var., ityere pioud of them. , •
TAtTAA„Ao.,• .40A4410.:(4k,
Published every 'every Thu... mt,
at Cneknaw
ciorlibolog.tiwiT0105.f):,-...ti,;1,!i*O41. •
• •
6th, 1938
and Mrs.. Ernest Ackert were
merit guests at a dinner at Mr. Robt.
Rae's, Lucknow.,
• Aimer .Ackert, Gw_enfaliti,Jack
and:Mies. Katherine RobQrt;.orril"weie
Sunday' gpeSts' aY:*r; Richard ` El-
lititt's: : —
• ;Mr.. R4Plia,rd • Baker • spent, NeW
Year's .day ',Mr:, Vin.e..Jackscin's'
.• •
, Miss; Gwendolyn. lAckert 'returned
to Brantford. on Monday.
Megsis. 'Inward' and; Bail' liarriS
and , Stuart J.amiesOn - Of
spent FridaY:. 'Ohesley friends:
BORN, -,To Mi.. and Mrs., Harvey
Ackert, in in Kineardine General Hospi-
tal, on Monday. January 3rd the gift
of a Son. 'Congratillations - '
Mr, and Mrs,. Mark Joh,nston and
,ferhily Spent, New Year's' day at Mr.
John Johristons. '
lirtfi Mrs. John, Jarnies6n of.
Paramoant; • Mr. limier Beak' et
Lye um ea
Show Starts At 8 P.M.
' Thursday, Friday, ."Satu
Jaluary 644.
• -
storY, 'of the Raab. Trark.
_ ; Akio -
""CARTOON" .and *NEWS"
• ,
Menday,.. Tneeday, 'Wednesday
•Janilary 104.12'
4. •
• JOE BROwrt.
",. IT FOR A KING!„1.
An 'Amusing Otiniedy.'
A Also °
"Workshops Of Old Mexlite
(Edgar Kennedy)
;Brune; .$1ek.,. Kr. and 'Mrs Gordon I
JarniesOn, Isabelle and Stuart,'were '
,., ..., , , .. , , ‘,..iONUM:ENTS at: first cost
the Nsvv:Yearts visitors at Mr: Thos.
' ..„Mr. and, .,:mr, s.,.:14s. ;yin Hooey .and : s'llav'.
• __..... ..., .
he ,intst‘,3‘ilinredenaiTent°m-aCehigriueipriipe--dle.ilv:htill'
son ,w;ere. re:e,n,t vis.it o,rs at, ..i‘iis .A,i-,,Iveoxteleinot.iinep,e . nti4 e, ihighlargest
eclass display work, .0wemaollak.
'mei/ Ackeit's. ; ' .,
FloMrreilcaePdan‘diVI;J;:u.. kR, 9Ab;eirte recent vii-! I t'''ll'nriro.'ri..ts.A. 11 f finished any retail- i) ysand factory blast in ma. t. * .
to:4i at Mr.' John Barr's; , , , '• .
. ; ; •• • ,,
letWioena: wtois'ilioutr° Reeve, Mr. our
El.::: eenhe`Pt111,1:Ii3a..Y11-tYelia.e"riadi;niugPCh:.i.iun'ittaaPrall, . ec16:4:- rna, ": saveiegdgranites ai 7 .
, . ,
Hatt :.who bas again been.'succeSal 1
in 'winning the election, and to our 'local. dealers',. agents' snd,midd email
"E-6.0F,111hrer Mee3r4. ;.1Arthi±r.; Graham, i"...9.4,t4,..1;Y seeing us.
us • a n --5 , nr- -;.--
Alex-aiIacICenzie. •
Miss ,pertrude Ilainilion, of Clifford
,spent ' the . holidays With her parents;
Mr. and Mrs. ,Andrew liainilton.
.e.t�flT 0
Styles for every business
Various colors and designs
Samples, suggestions and
prices without :obligations
I hate to be kicker, I always long
for peace,
But the wheel that ,dOea the; eqUeelf- •
ing is the,Onethat gets the grease
nut'.too hard to, please; •
.l3ut, the dog' that's; always:. seratelu
is ,the one that has the fleas.••
The art :-cif soft stun spreading is,a
thing thatlialls and stales,
• But the Wields the . hammer
is the guy who •,drives the nails. ;
not put any notiOns-that•are
harmful in your head, „.
But-the-babi that keeps yelling
• ' • the, baby that .gets' fed. ,
Mi.. and. mrs. Needh and sons
Burton and Glenn returned Sunday
from motor trip to.. Kansas, where.
visited the former' brother.
Mr. and W; .Wyldes and-,daugh-
' ter•.e.; Misses , Kathleen and Viola, *rite -
'ti Teronto during the holidayirs ..
TTilolrieo-o!tSot,urg: 7on visited ,a fe*ivs in .
, .
1t SCS Lona and Myrtle Chadbourn
Toronto, were, home .fere the .;h91-.
, tdays% -
the pallhearers were Messrs. J. J. •
Ityan, ,,Leroi R j:' Durnin,
FHugh King, Jag. ;Gi n ,an , owes.. Sound has reported that the
innigan. .Tbe remains -were laid to .paSt week ,.edveral merchants; have
rest 'in 'Drirtgarinon cemetery. WO.•\v'O....xe-. Tmheeyxiaatine
similar to Canadian
$5 00 biils in eircula-
teid \to his
:,...1s, but are worth only Cents:
WM. Hamilton (,t1i2alieth) of gthel.,
;and Mrs. Win., Benjamin (Janet') Un-
ity; •.; '
Decide, To Wire. il;choOr-
The 'annual • ratepayers meeting. (ft
S. No. 8, took Place Wednegrlay.;
Dec. 20th, 'at the schoOrat'1- p.m. MrVictor ,Errington, ;
the,,.retiring trus-
tee, •:was re-elected by :aeclarnatiort
Mr. W. Stewart occupied the chat)
and 'Mit. Davidson, filled the
positiee of :secretary, 'After a ,delay
Of 'a 'year, it we's finally. dacided to
instal hydro, using, the latest thie of
indirect • lighting, with work' to , be
done as quickly. as Possible: 'It has
been decided th serve hot 1 h
.• •• Ooniathotio •• ' . ' •••-•-; ' ' 4.1-
.1...lailililtegosiiit;";e4stntri4bblirnnrat'otIlb4ru':41°66a 1w6aauirinf it"' :#
• troilitent and care Oyn4aa, terAo. r" ea'
Of tiniel, It can Old:. laws. " ileghl
borne.. Ther„iso,, it is.na .1'e,upin' rrujigal blot ..'
.dhien.se, :aspen 3r, .dangorsous, to young. : • •
• fittrilY beilo
mlfreeTeiltakhibh:oro*"FitmartatUtdbill"li41;480:34v:±341470:1;:tAMPCI"cti.hbov'eted'culh"Ht'cna'. . ;12°7;
' t'et the Rastonal rsliz by tn°:'muidel'i '
•thinu's 'which had G. 1....ilt...0_.i?r,..t.9.0,
, - ,
abtait-fi::777 -7 ';',-..-,-.71?7,71:,14r.rthillf .
,n3o_ ent easo:t. tothp 1.1.10goiwinoovnero,f itthhiweasm • lir long "before
prising a 'stove '
a hospital began
show rostiltapoople. wore' • .actuallY
„' creen an(I dishes The
being mired °inn
about it' h°r41. and "MI*
,Wood, contract Was Seder 'd b
'Anderson lit' • • Y 811dh"14
ex Trasfee The prtirenre, th'e. chanede '
In outlook neVti° a n b
it, 9 Of , be attended '•jv&IIo for mors than ono
..etn 3-.45 per cord, Oth:or
W111 Come up at '-th t
R.Ob'eertniDo".iati9L(it'ren'snsii:t.?,; o(1)Yrntifv113:enrc:011113,°tiheDominion,taan4%1; tibitbtothYetlohar7rgaoni' 37 in"
er tine. sanatoria ,throultiht a '
NCW Yeara- with th f • are ?sting np'
Board' meeting, . •
, The gereulcis ' re
. as. ilsort, Elori
Dtitt uNit thr'stlitg'hav° noon
an lo
that th' '
ay w1li#4,alaandl.i.itdileee7derotatill7tr54t.em t119 ‘akeise,
istinatandblek her wrist,
ousands hay° boon ' camands
an McNer who ' ' '
n . her , intoenete.t wivocluitid,wihioavbouthelr ,...fio*sinilltroihanT, '
,, o IS 1 n wIthrnzt
86th •year, fell on the fiber (Inc d h"
aTfhtoeiirgClihrsb• e is weak 'lir 'coif ' d' t. • Prenlit*fProllat.r6thili, Itto hor80°)eisulistitldtuiPio'lle°;frf°13drael, thihn:
mendittii, we:c .seemg. 0 he on tne
bed, the. bt. c 1 hepe'f'01; her eenniteinu'e-; tveadrwalflicatlic°ertn;:eutortilpeeroies.tia. ale:, °itthhetti°d:1181:ocali.-
Improvement, , •, , • nroiriemttibiteirepifoosrcims.Wwilid7ste.hs,14 hits,* malty:nig ,,
•„, , , ., . , „ hi sight, this would indeed be a cals#Mity. # •
' • • • be *AceoniPlisbod With tho Contitilled
•Mr, and lVfrs: Leslie ;Seholtz and co-operation of tho public at ler e.
. ., . , .
Mr, and Ural 'Oliver .8rnith: '
:of tho footing Of self coiiii,inceney and
Gordon spent N.CIP Year's ddy` with • T Trustees of. ilia 1Vfliskota, t,fin
1'6[1/4810 and tlif“4neeri Mar' nospitals
••, • or Onsimptives aro determined that.
,• ': So far as :within their iiewor,, he ono
iws unMnlas8; vClitstilii'd46risW61)Ar:tullbiY•tiMe"'bri w <cw"t71641'llid'::slicirL'ilirdellain;ttitigtegt1(c°(tttToltnalavaainlitiatiliticitatifl'Fielireitu
Mrs, to hiiI go% oldsneers from. tuberce coils the be
• , - ode,t,ipix, 2 3 Oollege Street‘ '1"OrOilt•Oi
,• •