HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-06, Page 3-71110,11MOOMPAw toxioNgggcoxgoikkorixemxtc.cco.voxargozosoxox.oxe a si ver 'sang • ARTICLES FOR SAI.E ° ' PATENTS T. -7013R: Q)1.11Nf. POCKET.' BARRF,R,. *gist lith cutter,. fOr .;meit luttl licTite•• , and trim the .hair, and 4981 it ,for eirediar. a. .7. Jaeltion, Noir.-.11Vellt. Toronto; Calladian dls- triblitar. • . 4:10114•SES PLIGHT vIgation ' aeroplane anne li ii.,:,,,,,..„,,,,,„1,, ,. • , r .... ,•. . . , , . . . I 'FREE! .2000 Pietes,.,Fureilture FREE! _ , I -IN LYONS, .1038 if,a,r4Loctim OF NEW 4ND Re-conaltioned Furniture: , Write now for this' free, illustrated 'catalogue to give you., 'aii• Ideit . of . Lyons,* remarkable furniture valnes.., " . . . . .. , .. .' • ' LYON'S' TRADE -1.N DEPT: .. • . • , , 1 : - NEW : AND , RE -CONDITIONED . BARGAINS • A. 5:PI, ee • Bedroom Suite. •In1 ...WQ s:i • -''''-'-'' ' • .; • • .f.' ur,' tone. Wil.lnurtinlah. . r seer,. 1 , .. 1, • '.I • -fonier., hill 8120 panel'. bed; sales ,sprIng and - • ' ' brand "new...all-Selt 'mattress.. 1Cempletely , r,e-• - • , e9.4.,giy--8,Latede-...ioidiamirtingl_licicim.,. .v.......... . •Sulte. ' Larne buffet, extension ,t,a- • ' We. and • 0 leather upholstered ' ehairel. like , . . , . . . ,. . .ft,ci.en Beawful.. -pidee chestiraekt solte.?.!. 4,....,‘, Full size Chesterfield. and '2 roomy ' , Miens to' •match'; 'upholstered' In' a goad quality - French'. - :lacqnard• '. vein; ..reversible , Marshall 1 .epring • clishions, Thoroughly cleaned And "re - conditioned: ; , =, •• .. • - ' ..:; 'i , ' • ' $23•00 , Large 3-dritiver 'dresser :wit, h' Mir-. • .. . - • - lor, ..in „walnut finish; nisei bed. ; ' • in 'walnut .finish,,': sagless' spring- and. brand .new roll edge ,felt mattress. * 'Completely, re-'. ' , , • •. • • • • .. .,, ' •,,, : . . ." $1:M V ifix-pleCe• ;Enamel Breakfast 'Suite. ' •_ ....lies.,1" Buffet, diem -leaf. table' and . four . Windfall' .1aire: *Perfect •eonaitioni $11 50 Cali Kitchen: Cabinet. :Top', has • • • slid ng . door front With, 'ffour and ' "sugar. ciintalners,„large .Cupboard .apace in base 'with bread; box and 'three drawers/ in fine 'con-. , dition. • • • ' • - - $6.75 .tuBaurniantrgefr.. S. ove with oven. ..,:-... ...A.drin• Brand . new "..34neee' pehesterileht:'' ..'orrzio•ww • suite,. -upholstered 111.' tine • qualitY rem; .cover.'.; rust ,ehade, Marshall , reversible; '-.Aring-.- cushions; -full7webb- -constftiatI... ' .'.. ',Pu * &c, nn, Brand. new Chesterfield 'Bed •Stilte. : 'i•0".•uu. ehestertleld 'bed has ' large; Ward.... -.robe, ; 2 -big, chairs- W. match.'. ;CoVered In .bard •1 • • wearing Treat; material . (rust,,,shadel; , A 'real . • • . -'-'-'-$4.50. • ' . ,,..,, Dressers in - an - finiihes...WRIL: . 1. ' • ..o. - . ulg . large • mirrors ,and 3 drawers. , ea' KA- .• ri... Chiffoniers in.. oak ..and walicht' . , ° • WV•leu-1141J finishes.. ' ' ' . ,... ' ',/ • $10 t50',Dgo-head Singer 'Sewing Machine's.. ,' ;• , .cuaranteert good condition, •• • ' • ; . 2 .cic Brand. new ail -felt Mattresses wita, ..s•••• heavy, roll edge; Well 'tufted: .-L.- In:' .. cretonne' over. Ail vices.. , , .. .. .. • ' .., $2.50 up • • • Metal Bede *11 AR ...Mee, ',..' .• . S14.95 Brand new ,..01)Iffonter In -selected 1°F•,.nirch; TIgf,wltinuts frnish .-• drawer ooionta:ie, :eoOdd Chesterfed bal'wth: MIefyii. o, .. stiell reVersIbie • cushiene .- • '. '.. $6 7; '50 Beautiful '6-plece •wainut Bedroom • . ..• :Mike. Large, dresSer, vanity',,. ehlVt• . • fonler, fun Size bed, .' sagless- spring . and brand - note all -Sett '..nuittrese.• CoMpletely,' re‘eondi. tinned. 'Like hear.% ' • , . . • '$59 00 ' Nine -piece, walnut' linieli. , I n - • • , Room Suite. Buffet,chIna Cab- "inet, smiara,'extepelon table and .0 leather nil, ' . hol•tered', ohnife..; ConiOetely. refinished.; ' • ; , .' ..!- SlIGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS ,GIPTS , • We. have -a 'large Resort:main -Of chairs; eof- .. fee' tables; '' end tables; lo.mns; sewing' 'cabin , eta., Ceder chests.- radios, rugs; bedroom. and • filning-roliml furnItOre, etc., at 'the 'most res..; . minable ',flees In Toronto... All our furniture.' ls thol'oughly cleaned and -rn,conditIoned, In • , our own foetory and ;carefully packed, for Im.-•. . Mediate. ehipment en reCelpt or money erder:•', ' Ourftbig . new 1920. illustrated catalogue . le now ' ready.; laa! mire" to write -1'0r one. • . • • ••• • . . ,.„ . . • .• ". LYONS' BEDDING AND • ' • 'UPHOLSTERING CO '• : 'ManniaCtliters '''''.."' . . 4 • • , • . ' . OPEN 'EVENINGS '478 Yonge ,•St., 'Tortinie•.;. T1IJCD1ON,. lreallipitial. , Bar tar ?Pe (non ct, CA - , ,trr , AN. OFFER TO EVERY .11.41tEaTca-' 14.14.4' luveltUone find t54I, InforniatIon sent free , The Ramsay Ccnnpany., Heti/tem! 'Rlittn' Attortficys, 274, flak• St.. 'Ottawa. Can, • P,EBSONAL I"' • . . . klUil YOU 'RUPTURED? RELIES', COMFORT, Pollthre,' support with our advanCed method. , • No elastic or underatrapo or ?keel. Write; Baiiith Manufacturing Co., Dept; 219,, Pre"- - ton,Ont. • • • ° ' . CLO Hlyq.:POR SALE (Mob noun 'CL(trtiJNO, LOWEST- PRICE8.1, , Write for etitalogue...•Xonge Street Clothhig Xchange,, 5021: :$1,reet.• !Portinto.-.. „ . PEATH ERS' WANTED ' • /FEATHERS BOIJOH,TGOOSLI • A.ND -DUCK. ' Highest price@ paid. The Canadian Fenther and Mattrests co., ,Ltd.,' el. Spruce St., Tor- onto. , PILMSAND PRI,NTS ROLL81*DEVELOPED, PRINTHD, enlargement 25c. Re -prints 0,10 tor 2150. ,Phot, -(raft, 1831/2 'ICIng St.', E., 'Toronto. . . • '• ZERO PRICES, EXPERT ,WORIL ROLL . with free eniargemeat, 250.. Travenol* Stud - los, 93 Niagara , Street, St Catharines. Ont. FREE! -T WO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGEMENTS • (one Colored) with roll developed,. eight glossy, •fade -proof. . prints. 28c; highest • qual- Machrays1FUMs; •W.Innlpeg,- • . •FILMS' DEVELOPED WITH SIXTEEN. OLOS- sy prints (two of each) 25c. Free enlarge; • nwit. Eight Photographic Greeting Cards, • 25c. Speedy, catlisfactIon guaranteed. SU. ' porter Service; idabhray, Winnlpeg;; • FOR SALE VOn SALE-LAVENDULA-VEff.A• •!--.TRUE , English lavender flowers,' for eachets. ; One *Dollar a pound, delivered. • Canadian' Pacific ' Bulb" Clardene. Duncan. Vitncouver. Island. . FURNITURE ci• TO NEUR1 .COuld Not Straighten iler ' Ann Four months ago, this woman dis- located' IiPr left elbow. Although the e)hew was properly set, She develooecl neuritis and could nqt straighten her arrrn. She was 'ordered to take., Kruschen-with the happy result de- scribed'in tbie letter:--- • •- :had an accident four months *hero and Irv,.elbow Was. seriously die.' r rarr , — - right there and then, but aftetwar s, leould not Straighten the arm. to its, f ull, extent..., It. Was K-rayedand the Surgeon, told:me I. Was, inclined te be rheurna*. was , Ordered to ' take Kruscheri Sa1ta-7011e. :tectapoorifil- in 'a glass et" hot water on Waking. Now I am getting -Along famousl,v- The. ,pain in. My:elbow is better; A110; I .an able to .e*teed 'the arm, -Thorp': • Rheumatie conditions are often the 'result .of an excess of urlt 'acid, in the body. 'I'wo,of the ingredients of 'Kruselien. Salts. have the power of dissolving uric acid crystals. Other .ingredient. aisist Nature to expel these disselved crystals through the natural channels., , WE BU 'y AND BELL OLD STAMPS: TORO- . to 'Illtant9,, Contnainr,, 513 King '; fitreet, Weet Toronto.• ,'• . p1PcORN-4-Hia11 QUALITY GUARANTEED. , Dna fiundre4.."Pounds.;• Six Dollars cult laiidtre-*--Joltn-;;-ch--Diderldge.7 Box. 419... • Kingeville; 'Ontario: •• 1.- . POULTRY N'RED-11500 TWEDDLE SPECIAL MATING. ' , , , Chlcks. Nothing to buy -,-nothing • to sell. • Write for detail. regarding: Tweddle"a •dnual •ChIck. Contest., Tweddle, Chick Hatch- ery 'Limited, Fergus; .Ont: ; • ,QUR CHICKS GROW' PASTE ,: BIGGER, • e better pullete, layers. Healthy, hardy, bloodtested. Free chick leaders with early order. 1038 prices now reedy. Cornwall •Chick Hatchery, Cornwall; Ont.* „ • . i GOD GRANT ME :•-"-- ' God giant ;that life shalt bring to. me 'a harvest Hell . in golden. deeds, ,And grant that comehew I May, serve • -In helping those in direct needs. -Gott, giant, that with a •che'ertxii smile, ---7--1'40ifirtett11a-Yi''.;,;a:},lutfi.4.01-t.4 - 7 And give. ins kindly hande to wipe } - giivey7m-y• weeping Sister's tears. ---1--.-Wqald--net-servc,-a-rnitiltitachi-',:nor-7 • teach the millions o' tie wpr; - But 'grant te, me ':that , ha.ppiness, at hli e ping, those 1." meet •eath clay,. ' , We'll :tate. e"chqt" at. the banker. . ' ..1.1e1le,...clatling;,•did u baVa: ahard..day .at the. ' • ; ,LAMiker4-.trie -" ,• :,we'ye gone through that 'eVeryi day. ;for: nine-. yeas. Tni . Our *14.7.7 , ' , ' Banker4-"Bate you iiii0614- a Ideik.. '" •Wite-"YeS.. -liere'e I:My ,signatute. : 3rOlthc,an ebeipate 'it .with Ake one in yeti' Ole." .' BankerH"Hhi Looks. enftante.itiuti'll-takear-ehaneq.-.AnYi- news?"' •'' „ • • • . • • • • I •,•Wite7.7.'Yea, • Ruth .Higgins.cafled up. • They 'Want' us, to go Over ;there -for—dInner—on--Fhursda-y '-- Banker— Hm How do rou know ,it; was ,Ruth 'Higgins?"' .7 Wife--"WnY,ah.e 'Oni4 .tic?; of eclitriM?. And 'besides, Lie,co.gitized her :yOice...:• 7 „BanIcOr-,.7"011; and' 'You recognized her voice?. .No*lsii.t tha ,..dandY7. And •:y'du lexpeef Me to take._ :gtalfanCe of gettlnggyppedout1 f iny dinner:. On,: Illiasy identification like „that.' tetere; tie...e-CCept; I want 'to see ' 'her' Myself. and :get: Writtenidenti- fication. over her iignatttre." • • HAIR GOODS:. ; • *los; ,....-T.OurEEK• TRANSFORMATIONS, • Braids, Curia, • and all 'types of finest . qual- ity Hair Goode. Write 'for Illustrated "cataa,., logue. Toronto •Iltinian Hair 'Ripply Co.', 528 ., !Bathurst Bt., Tomitto. , ; • :HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ANPREws, AbADEMY OF. itainDitzasiNct, Government Roe:lied: We, train* you for Board' Exatnination: Free prospecttis, 081 ' Blot:1r West, Tdroutti. . • ' DA ME HUDSON 861°614 nAinrinEesi• ing and 'Beauty Culture.Write for palaph- • let 707 Yong°. 'Street, Toronte..- ; ; MISCELL'ANEOUS • LEARN. SHORTHAND, , .ACCOUNTANCY,, TypeWriting b 11t40.11., ' Satitified students thrbughout Canada. Write far freeprospec- ' tun; Dept, C., Canada 13usinesei *College, Ilen,11ton, Ont. • ' • NOVELTIES- • ..A.SSOItTED. SAMPLItil • - ,ivelties, El. Puzzatti, B.C. ,•SON214, •GOVEItNM ENT. APPROVED '• 1rlz� Winners, Western Fair, London; On - tart° ;Provincial Winter. Van-, .Otteipiv; ebtlent ; market. ' tyPe4 .01ithilde Beattie', , • 5lelbourne, Ont. • POR'f' RAlt IN FOLI:5ER---FgEE• • WITEVERY . ROLL .-PERFEd, DEVELa oped and pilOted. 25e • (cola), Star 8kiat4, shot' Service, 166 King Sit; West, Dept. ".2%, • • Toronto. •, • riAliE A TIO,11N EY ---**-*2*-••••••••:--"-"*•-••••••' • ICROjC, ;HECIIATERED ArroaNnv.• ' flitorranuon,: -regarding invention , Patents; •. Dis.*Ings; gesistrationstSales. . 14 23.ethlf0p Ottittrat • . • . • • . ' . . • • Read-lt .Or Not :---Thomas Parr, of §I0Opshlre, England, Married, a 'sec- ' Mid -lime at the age' of 110 Yeere. • • The old Man Was, StIleast, oberv- ant: ° „. . Rtiral Father -"Why do you- spend 'so Much tinie , on the crease 'Of your pante.??' •• • . college Son—"It is very important, , ' Did, not to wear baggy trousers" " Rural Father -"Important, Is it' -Did you ever cieea, statue of a famous =inn who didn't -wear baggy trousers?" • " You Can get people to give three Cheerefr.aYen edn't get them . . to give anything else for. • , The kind. old. lady had just used:the • nubile ',tailing:me :lot the tirit and had. given' the operator ':quite, bit of trouble. After she' had •finished her conversation (she.. called tJi , ex- change: , • r •• '" , . Kind Old tery sorry. to have given- trouble, satin, se I'M 'Putting anOther nickle in the slot for, youreelf." A.gcod,.vilty. to pile ,up. enemies is to., ; give people whet YOU think they want instead of Whet they ask tqr. ' • George ---°1 got it real kick ,put Wising Katherine last ' Cherlea---Inilore • than nsual? HOW • George -"Her, father beught Peonle dent hate yea Tor- thein fitter. It is. b.e'ea.Ute .yott k0e0:. refithiding 'thorn Of • ,Tearig,. ritid Inexperienced Father Oodkitig- at trtplett the hurso' had just take the. One hi,. the' #11(1116:4- • ' • • 1 '• One of the Mast innierable 'Wen ea' ear91. Is • t‘.4.• fklloW' With. „faillione4 tagpts And a-verY Mederit • *We.- ' ' '• • ' Ar.• r • •4 r ONTINENT ONCE SIN South.Africai Australia and. Saul,' AJonreercadiAit ISrolmothuglitFle.,61:Inerly. Dr. W. W. Watts, British geqlogist, last week offered evidence whtch. ,he helieVe4 olows, tbp.t $ppth, Africa"' South Amexlea end ,Ausil'alia were atone time , parte .-of great centinent the South Pole. Ois- findings; retealefl in. the annual . • A Man went wegetny into a barbs .shop and slumped dOWn• in it'. chair. • .,Barber -:7 -"You 'are -loci fat down in, . the chair for a 'shtive.•Rafse una. lit-, tle; please"... •. • , . , • Man -"All :right, just let . me be, • give me a heircift." ' We cl4n' mind child an enjoying childhood if they'd let, us enjoy -gtowikup-litiod. • - • Railways Reflect ountry'.4 Upswing , ungerford,. Chairman and pares, Revenues For This and Precedin Years. The'Yeer.1937.hes :witnessed n fait- ateedY,:iniprOvement: in this coxin-,.. try's affairs ••and.:Consequently Itithe:' pesition .,of • the Canadian National as 'Willhe seen .fteit.the • ,fOliewhig eomnatison of systein .rev-;•' 'mines . for . this and.•preeeding Years: ,. • .. ; , . • 1933 --Gross reveituee; $148.509;0:00;-•,. net ',retenlie; from rel. tr-laY topetationa. $2,700,000". ' '• • • '• , '• ; , 'I.1936Z4-oress tetennes; $18C600,900;-... •inerease aver 1933, $38,100,000.; '26%; • net tevenue•'.froin railway ',operation,' 212,100)0902'. ••; • ' • . . . 1227 . retenues, :000,006; increase:aver 1933,' • 000c 'from :rant/air Igierationi-4i8;150,1700;. " • : •_••• ' • - .Hewrmuch.,better .the picture might have • loOked, had, It not. been for -the unprecedented ,drought, in SaSkttcbC -wa-nrifiggyhe-jiidged7ftenribe-trap-lig-..- 1 Urea. Canada's wheat crop .for.;1917 • le estiinate,B nt, Aid million Iniihels as: • against 229 for 1936 and 5,67Itor 1928.: ISlieltatebewanifs. :Wheat, .Crep:Is esti .mated' at •32:tnilliOn ,bUebela tor 1937 1, ea „ against-, 117. -"for 1936 and' 321" ter.,, 1928. - . : ' • - : Rise, .1e">Luntber Carloadings . „Tiirning .to the itereet ,priidnets it,is.'encatiraging to 'note the: : Chirp rise: in _Canedjan carloadings ot. pulpwood, pulp, Paper and .other itenia.,Which," oaring:, 1937, ex ceetied tO per ceflt or more the,: ' totals for the pietione year ., -A sininer 29 'per .cent. increase' has, taken place. ,In•Caneda's,teuricit."bughlesp; and 'gilt' Pet 'cent. Increase in passenger trame'' • .the ••Canadian National 'Rally/ays. Travel by rail:hail been rendered' more, • gitirectiveby the. edr-tediditioning of , additional, trains,' and ,hy:an 'Average, , • , • , • reduction, of 19 per ;cent. in ,.regular • nesisenger- rates' Medd', In 1936 It believed That these measures together • with, tlie.ContinuedIoffeting.of freipfent" ..laW• fate elcargiqns;:. have. Contributed. • inatetially• to the .populeritY, 'Of2ranWejr" :Peesenger'•fserilee. • • ' ' A. Transportation ..Ptebiern • .pinidni'ini-coMnany. With Many. is faded .-•ivith* a •trentk• •L portiltion. problem arising from 'the rapid development of commercial .transport which makes, use of the PUb- -lk hight/a* Certain ,other 'have, by' mere thorough regulatiOn at' 'highwaytreguipOrt,' ceine Closer t4. 4 sointion thaiihaa thie'COuittY. It can- not be denied:that- the tenure of Conk inerctal motor, vehiplea RI, Pay a feir. 'share • of the, enofiniing cost :Of 'nubile .highWitys tenstitutes a hiddenaUbSidy to thie ferin • ef transportation, 7at the' •expellee of the ,private MotOrist _ea ,Well,es the taxpaying Public'. A Rciyal! • CeniniiSalmi,. recently :440i:tinted; Is new eieniiping Into OnditiOnE3 in the Prot1nte,4 •OnfarblO' • STOPPED ,IN A 1311INUTE s's •• • Al Yon' tormented with the itching tortures of ecteraa, rushee, athlete's foot, eruptions, or other skin afflictions? Pot .qulek and happy relief, use ennui's, stiiseetic,•linuid Prosorlptiorair, Ito 'gentle tile soothe 'the irrk • fated skin. Clear. greaseless and statutes/iv. " Allies fast, Stops, the niost intenee itclang Ustantly, A 33c telbottle, at drag storm, fennel IVOf inOlte7 lack • 20 NO .1sani . . , • Canadian Seed • Shortage Seen fled Cinvcr and. Alfalfa. Supplies Appear to ,Ese"Runnins,,Low. , , • , ' ..SiipPligsr a, seed for spring sowing „ on Canadian farms are none to plea- -4144 -according -to infeirnatien reech- the: Tepartmentlef AgrieultUre, : 4 ife'oteelritry there " is suffic:ent seed grain .to meet re- qdireMents providing it. is not Sold • and shipped out between now and . seeding., There, is, however,' a, defiO..;:. •ite thorrtIge Of alfelfa, •and fed• clov- redaiidand supplies of"other clover ;and graie., seeds are. mine .toc? "plen- ra...;;3‘;(.4 anal Alberta, 6,000,000 bUshels �f" •wheat,, 4;300,000, bushels' of oats, and • 1,100,060 bliShelS of barley will be re- quired for seed. , 4Per crops were harvested • in ei"eas of Alberta, Sas- Icatehewap, and, AlanitOba, and the best of this surplus, if obtained with- • out delay, would be sufficient to meet; the' Seed, :ehortage'..." , Decrease in Crops ' ;Supplies of clover, alfalfa. and Aome et the grass. seeds are',variable in different provinces.: ' ' Drought in •'central and :Western Ontario :cense-A great damage to red either. The 1937 crop a"against 4 rinaelie4,:.t°0;0poundsn01001,100090 in 1-8 pounds, as '• and 2,500,000;Pounds in 1936. The requirement for seedIng , in '3.938is : nbot. 4,000,660 pounds, with' 1,500,- V,V,AsPifigtea, ;gave, credence to the old: coneept. Of: a hypothetical" con- tinent of Gendwanalend around' the South Pole: •" , •, , . • , 26,000'Years Aga.; • . Chief evidence of theBeuthern' con-. „ tinent was sciEttthes :of :.*Lacial-•drift over rocks in these partn'Ot.the Smith- ern:/lemisjphere„ as Well as-glatial.deI. Visits of 'gravel. ' • He said that :sonic geelegiSts believe that- the glaciated lands : formed part of W.:single land Mass more than 20,. 000,yeare ago., This Maas floated like a raft acrose 'the South'pole' regions. Continental drift Theety , Dr.- Watts explained that this theory . fitted in with the hypothesis ot. Con- Mental- drift advanced by the Ger- manacientist, Alfred Wegener. Biadet this theory, tlie "Preseut:- regions of South. Afriea, Southern Seuth Amer - lea, Madagascar, Australia, ,New Zea- • land; Tasmania and Antarctica:broke apart itlid 'floated 'away •, front 'each other over .the earth's crust like ice- betgs, in the 'ocean. ; • • Fragmenta.oPthesupposed:C(4AI- exit can be. fitted together in lair! -gpod-fashion censidering•the-dales pf severinee, Dr., Witte, said% • ' -000-perunds-af----Ganadian---seed---to- meet • • 'CANADA -1938 IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S INSPIRDIR PROGRAM • EVery Friday. Night • On a National - Coast -To -Coast Network affic Study est u e ..FlighwaY Highway Nearly ICHY-*-eis Part of'•Plao'to•DiscciVer.•Hat4 girds*. Sign/3e*. COried.: Ont. Uiti- tier A11.C�nditioh5. -• A. "test-ftbe" highway*, nearly „'100 Mile's, long, Is expeCted to develop a, haste for ieduCing;.aceitrentt4n Penn- sylvania. • ,.„ ,;: • • , as, le.cornmunftIes, open „country, paving types and .climensions., :the .test , toed Will epPly. only AO reme- dies Which4ave prOVed-effective„, thermOre,• medies and traffic' deviees." will•be, restricted td, those which •can he „vette ptater•wide use.' • In an interview; Mr,. Canning; the Engineetigig Director, exnresSed high luipelet the experinaent's,•miteeps. "SO: ' far as we know he ig the most extensive highway :safety test • ' • dertaiten• On a :Mich Smaller ecrtein test dhservations. hav,e *.heen. =tit. in the past,: hut;",it± nareciird"-af an .exiieffnie-tit,! such as -the elleaew. under way 1* Penee0-: ••' • ,.,•tattle.", , All Sorts -di _Driving conditions. • The higkwaY chosen has t relative- • ly ' high, 'accident record, It goes '• through several types fot.eciiiiiiimities • and tratetses, varying landscape, se . that ali sotts of driving Renditions are .Jncruded 1t arse 'contains widths...at Sjgns For 41;300,000 Airport On .Dotted Line -14•;• • . . Mayor F. g. LaCcuardia of Net/ York signe the warrant. fir $1',3004'0'which , purehases the North Beach Airport for ,New -York City, from the` Curtis.- W.righf CotT. The field *RI be deteliined. use in conjunction: tv'th the Train nnows swer Food* Call ,ise. to Surfiee. at .1t; certiht, NOte .., • ,Proleiter:, 00.3n. • filth .' • • Make' 'Sounds. '. . • -.4egietii• ten ,eS.tk'St,Sertain Oh are xerT.'tentitive :to Oxitside •noises, .. and therefore. they .keen as "'quiet ' as 'po8S-- • Bile, on. the • banks. 'Other's 'clecibt this; agqing ,that noised' have 'n'• effect on l'.1•Of:esio..rItO : '...';:.n'E'rigelj',....ef•,Iiiiii.2 i e' i: UnivereitY; 'fella -us that -seine of: the more highly developed''species • can hear as 'well. as, • it.: not beiter".then, ,huregin being :. Biologicitshave•elwitya • been: sceptic abeut...--fishea, • hearing ,.fionnile; lint'•tier % are ,'. many: ether ,.:aiattete _in -Which:theyare' in . Opposi- Hen 'to 'Practical field . observers.. ..• . .p•an,-riiv Hear7 : . ,, :„, • xn, decidActhe knotionli,23o.. fishes heerf"I 'it la as Well4ci; take the Word ot thode,W-Iiii have 'Ittied-praCtiegil ex- periments. Professor ton.:„Prjech test- ed '''a number', of ..iiiinnOwff, ,',traiiiing. -,thetil • t� Ctirne ,te the surface to . take food. when n' Ottani •whistle was • blown. He telis'ud'that hiti beet inin- Mimi could 'pick un the whistle from : a ..distance Of, two hundred yards.•.. , . • These inillhOws,. kept, -I It = lar • tank, , were' trained'to take'. fOod,only • on a -Certelii nOte; if they reCie to the . Miriade On the 'wrong Mite, 'lhok• ie- ,ceited gi, tan On tile 'heed With' a. twig. . They shon'leartied' the difference be •tWeen the feed Incite and that:denoting- • danger. ... : ' • .' '. • • ' Two . Methods of Hearing ....-• 'The • Profestor•-tellt • lit. hia-rexppri-, Merits 'shelved that fish' have two methkI • 'OdS at hearing, eni throtigli the. eats, . . . , • •. , • • „. 7 . • VOtik NERVES tuitilly when yotie henrous balance is 'UOItet tlmt ifou tee loo in health entt spirits: . Restore that' balance by. fiettint our etarved 1' Take PHOSPESINE, You'll foal batter ohnoet at once.. At dnutaiste, 80o, 81.00 81.51 It • TO IPIICISFERINETHE'" )IIENVE TONIC .14 • _and the other' through the skin. Pike, perch and eels are only able to hear the latter method and for this rea-• son cannot pick up high notes, . at; though there -seems, to be no limit to their range. of Jew hetes.. 'I doubt -it.inany et xis -have heard- a :nab( make a sound, btit Profeesor :von: PriSelf has fotind his: experiments with MingieWs that they. utter small poises- net' easy, 01. tha man ear to catch. ' . . • The • total" area esthiatd as.. town to the' prina'iPar field srops ada fol. 1937 is 5.6,67860 'acres.' , • The output of, genti;a1' 'electric 'sta- tions in: Canada during Oetober ant, minted to 2,365,062,000' kilOwatt ipaurs compared 'with 2,289,508,900 in Octo a year ago. . • • 1 „Mete_ than .42,060..mi1es rOf,±teitivay 'Mileage are :in active. Use in "Canaan, a mile fOr every 246 persons of the population. • • Electrie-cuirent,.generated in trig is being "exPtitted.' to Germany.. England ,has stetted the laying bicycle traelts' highways: 14 1_11111 114 •paved with different ty.pas. of urface used on the •State's highwaylv • "Cortiplete"i•aecident records fer,the past '12';montba win be Obtained in a ' . said. Canning:: wherevei.lt 'is fctind'. that, conditions 'ha•ve been a 'contributing cause,' the ailment, of 'Highways, ,be ppicet1.•i:1 tot be at by t -en,c10, 11--,z110 • 'irciproVq.,'. • 1E.;ngt1.7.'rt1ng 'cf.! • distance, re- • ..Mqva: of toadaide structure•s.,aO4 *1el.. erily:47 at, be_tatia,us Peints. 110 tie, otitasl'.c.)7Le,•;:s7..taiveiti..e,tuare,a.sutes." Theiexperinieat will last a,yeer;:and. the .ageident reedrd: ler' thatperiod will be :elleekedagaiust the reeet for • thepreeeding:::year..-,.•-The resultIsex: 7-peetect--to-4rOtFe'-the--..effeetiveifena-gf-7,- . inaproVenlentS" in. eliMinating 'highway. casuPittee, and fret* .'the, • experience' . .gainedexpett. •deVelon. a , . . :• Engineering, eciii.eation and :enforce- ' !pent,- are the' principal weapons to he ' used „against Netidents. PubliSity will. 'inform 'users. Of the ."test-tube" road :•,ef the,nature' of :the experiment,' •• SG ..,that' complete' .C.6,;6.peration: May: be •.had, • • . Mann, 'MINERALIZING ,PLAN,T •FO•OD NATURAL:IL • • MIk• PHOSPHATE, • ..Fbr 'fun eletpttla •korye Dept.; •W. • . • . : Improves Yield' and Quality of allUreps ' MTHERAL'COLEO'lliS (Canada)'LTD. „ 137 West • Wellington.. St.,: Toronto Minister's Son in;zents , Invisible Ear Druni, The finviSitde ;Ear :Muni invented by: A'.' '0.'4:Leonard, a son of the late ; Rev. Leonard, for many yeate 'secretary a the Rearkof For- eign Missions of -the Methodist copal, Church, for his 'awn: relief from'', extreme deafness and. Reid lies,•so _ gr.eittly,-infproted hie .,, hearing" that he,,can join in any ord- inary•conversittien; ga, to churcli and the ,• theatre gind hear witkotif dim= eu1ty.Ipe39ensive and has ipr4ven a blessine.tO„nniny People. Vritelor hooklet t6,,k, 9. Leoguitk, Inc., ;Suite A •Canadii Oeinent Building Mont-': teal: * • ' •. • Million's 9(peopie have con- fidence in the ':blue colour .that asspresafe,econoriliCat satisfactory heating. Unto to aolrNit SHAID,OVO,"oa: VOry Wid., Olhillta to LS Frorn .• Dogs. . • . • . planes:have' taken almost all the, ittansporthuMneffe, the northern • half of Alaska away from lqaate and dog: teams, eald George M. 'Taggart an air line Maniger from INTinne, aa..; • heeded, fOr the West 4ndlee -"thaw' • ." " • „ , • Hundreds, .'of ,honta of the...Bering , „ and 'Arctic, 'Ocean. ".010,aanit0 ,fleetar,4„rettilifi: '0•,beilig: broken up, leggp•tt : said,"lieeause ',his' line :and; "Otherate f1drOppingahout eyerything • eeded'iiiv1ijageeof' the' Far ,„ " • Nome 18 Boqmln� --...,"Esquimaur ate the • enly'-- people . . "who. taiSe dog 'teams ' any -mote" he. , said, "and the ,e breeds are fapitily. ;• becoming extinct.' . • Nome, VI:44411y -re-built by 'Tag... gart's father !atter:being.- destroyed' in 1934' by fire„ is• enjoying.x.thebiggeet• boom since 'the , geld rush 40; .yeera ago," the and ,:',11te town Is wide. Open."• • . '!With gold at $36 an ounce," be II andOthers'.are going out Ter • ' Is user speranto Wo Benefit . Lidia;.'ZaManhof, daughter of the -• inventor -o1 --the ' unitereel linguage,. Esperanto, is on, . this continent On a sin months'. lecture and teaching tour. •' • v...4711:esgrsZlia.yriioefnwhpatt'issola, grh oalddlii na ao • ler's degree in law: She.ha.e travelled laXtensively in the interests of Esper- auto Many .1w/ell:knot/it beoks, have • been tranSlafed into this language by; 'Miss ..Zarnenhof and is s n -aria. • Since ;the advent Of:. international" ..,- 1-14.4175--progranis, -•tele-Plione service,' it is An obvious 'fact •that ' a tini,. xersal language it • , , , While as .Y6t • 'Esperanto hasno been Widely':;Studled on this, Itontinent, '4t 071310-07:1g its effectiveness itt for eign, countried•as is indicated:4)i thle. recentdespateh irein Paiis France "lEspetaiito henceforth Will figare , , of all, ,Paris' tailroacl statiotia, designed • q guide': the wandering' foreigner. The Parts "Chamber 'of. Commerce is offer-. ing courses in the internationallan' giiiige and tlere. are ". several 7 -SCOT, stenographers aan'talie ,dictatiOntI; for these wishing' to Send letters itt it •The Lille, ;...radio 'atatiOrt..• regularly broadcasts parts af its ntOgram-in this • ,.1.1.anguage.." • • It is defined a, tiniterial, langUege,. b.e :;oileef.sthe great factors in the.• ,• unification' 01 .niankind." •• Upset Emptiedl Mayan Palaces ' .A:.:1461erit .13014. • unheatal,..,..tether ,,than, a natural forde :.: ' ay.' have led theIll , ancient Mayas .t .'-'....-4tandontheir , ••Central„Anierieen t '. l'es :and •...pal..„ • aces, according. tO'Dnivete1tY.,of"-Pen:11-, • syl*attia , archaeologists. ' - • , ' ...The theory was expressed by Linton : :SattetthWaite,, ...ir.; .,field::director• of an eiXieditiOn. which' pees\ .k fent' months, this:leer in Seientiffe,.W;ph• at Piedras • Negras,. an ancient Maya city 1111101 Guatemala:' , I COnirnuniengioui, Centres.:...: _ • "Many scientists lefig iii've.felt that . .. it.,,wari'.the:ingthility. of the Maya ja-'... ..• diens. to e withthe env, eloping" jun- gle; O som ' .other •natutal:foree, that Iled to theabaiiihmMent 01 their many • .elahOrete'teinnies,,end,. palaces ," ,Sitt7• terthiVaite. Said. (7.• . • ., ,..• . • ;.* : , gi.,-..tpatterthwaile',eiplained that: ,.. he eonarnanities Of ...the anerelit ' May-- . .' a 'Were religiOuS centres, • rather'"then. .. t jt , if-llrematt,e't .sense of the Wotd.,',. Thi 'absence` •oe kitchens ,or . sleeping' •:, :: quarters in the .palaces Andieetea.they ' were nsed Ipidniatilylfor :teligiotie 'or., civil c'etenionio .h-o.silid. . .. Priests, Per.ttaptiPverthrOwn. .. ., : . . . . . , 'hip held I direetOt . said the pelaees doubtiesa were erected at hie instande . ,of 'the;prieStthe tilling elasa.ainong I • ' the: tate, and. that .hallding 4 of these .scief.e.d. 'buildings... Probably; .*:..6.1114 .no$ . have been. diatontiniietE_.uniesio there '. wb.:ts'W:eottni'fisrlelicItki.11:: °andn.. iltahyeinr;ntiPh7i1,11 • ,"POesibly" the change. tOok the forth . of A .ViolentaaciAl hPheetal•iii which .:-,the'prieats themselves, and Olt that. they stood. for, Were oVerthrOwn. That We do not know, ' .ok Cotirte, But the• :: . ,diteetrery of .'et'1,11ence .that • • htinian , • • agenoion' pia -ed tem°. part • ht. tile , destrUction And removal Of •eaered. Ob., jet i le.:iiignindAtit," he" Said'. ' , '12 Canadian Fire Losses Show Huge Inerease T011ON'rb.-rire losses, itt Canada • fOt:.the Week. ended DeO.,22 are val. taittdailbso The •litonetaii Timo at i2SO.0.400,..00mPai'ed With. $.1L$ SO Oar.; Ing' the nrededing- Week, ',and ;:with • $114,200, during • the. corresponding' week last year, lotses".froni 1 te Dee, 22 totalled $12,932,100 &Mi.', pared with, 02,636;206 for the terrecte•„-, tending period last year, '