HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1938-01-06, Page 1410'4 YEAR' --$1,5. PIN ADVAN' Care5fie PXTHA TO U 4. -A.
pllysicLAN & SURGEON
' Office hours: _
1fle-7340 PM, 700-800 PM
C•1$1,10.N.:14!•• 7
Esteemed Local Couple
50 *Yeirs Married
:Phone .13
A iMeintmeit :
FG4 'prP4yp',-4o freshen Seen.
APPlYfi at Sentrnl 1ffice.` ••••
CATTLE: FOR :SALE,,• -•,=Three.
The annual. meeting of • the Luck -
now A'gricidteral Seciety Will be held,
:in: the Town Mall,:Lze1rnow, Ont ,on
ThursclaY; the 2i:itly'day of January,,
1938,• at 2.30 pm
Aflineinhers are hereby' notified to.
attehd, ; , Joseph Agnew, See.
801-NTBD-AMB1;n0DS• IlligTLEPe
ell liewleigh Products. Sides way up
is year. Needed every bottle. Essay
sold ineasant, *ark. ' 'Should start
, earning $30 weekly ,.ineresee rap-
° idly. We teach you hoer. 11001eigh'e
Dent Montreal, ' Can.:
In the Matter: 'of, the ' Estate of
Elizabeth Rutherford late. , of the
Township of West :••Witleano.sh in the
County of Heron, Wideiv;' deceased.,
,`Netiee is 'hereby given pursuant to
the .Statute , in that, behalf that all
Creditors and otherirlieving 'claims or
arid ' a ainst Eptate ot, the
. de • m s g . e
•said .-Eireaoetn 'itutner.ier'd;--itele"die-d*
Or about, the,: Seventeenth' day of
October, A.B..,..1937;• are remiiied. on
or before , the ..Twenty-second day of
,Jdritiary A.D.• e 1938; to sone, by peat
• Prengitl, or deliver, to .41102,g; Ruth-
erford, k. R.• No. 2, Lucknow, Ont -
alio, the .Executor of the :last Will
and Testament ' Of ,.the:' said, deceased
' their . names, addresses and descrip=
'tions, the :full,' particulars • of their
claims, -a statement of their accounts,
• and the •,nature ,of the securities (if
Any) 'held by them 'duly verified by
affidavit. , ' -
. •
• And take eptice that after such last'
mentioned date the Said execheer, will
proceed to 'distribute the 'pieta of
the said deceased among the persons
',entitled thereto; 'haying :regard: only
to,the claims Of- •whieh. he shall than
have notice,. and that the said 'execii-
, .
ter will not be„halile for theassets
• or anypartthereof-to-any-person- or
persons of whose claims notice shall
not have been received by him at the
. :time Of si distribution, .'•
•• Dated ett.',LLOcknoW!.. Ontario, this
twenty-eighth day of December, A.D.
•-'1937.' Hugh K. •Rutherford,
'2,,•LuCknow,..pnt, Executer.
•: Holkee'ecf ,Club will hold a. social.
evening—program, lunch and .dance,,
in.: the Township Hall, Holyreed,, on
• Tuesday, January lith: Program at
-9.30 'sharp.. Gents 25c. •
. „.
, loving reemoey
of Ms W G Armstrong,' . who de-
, .narted this life, JeinterY 5th, 1936
• Ferialf re,rieirib,ered ' by Husband
11 'rely •
.land , 1, •
• •
For , the' information of. cattie. own-
ers areInterested • in '..lirtiee
Code*, becOrning et , T.B. "restricted
area, the felrowing itenis, Might,be of
, interest:, •
All fetniers are not required to
. , .
theif 'preinisesk only these "Pre -
pipes on which reactors are found,'
• Note—"re-is the teem -used to
• , „
designate. cattleby ,ne, test have
been proved tuberculous.
Reactors,Must be • promptly
pucd of forslaughter, forwhich the.
owner receives tbe market value of,
tile edres; and in addition aeneapen-
.sation based on 4 inaximnno of $1:90,
for a Pere bred and $40. for a grade.
, The exaet...inimunt to he *determined
' by the 'Veterinarian ,?.rho does . the
testing. PTO'.compensation •• is allowed
for, grade bulls dr balmy jaw cattle.
For the beilefit..Of those who 'feel
et ,niany . now ',"white collar" jobs
l• be created' as a result of this'
MoVe; it niight he Salii:that no new
denartiriente are necessary. The :or=
etieieieg j dene.hy voluntary workers.
:and; the teethig is Carried out by a
Stiff . of veterinarians already erne
41110 by. the Dominion Dent. of Ag.
• rienttare, :
Brueedounty of Agriculture.
„ BORN '
;ACKERT-4e • Xmcardine General
llospitale oe IVionday, January ardi,
• ' 1638ito Mt tt1dAts. Harvey AcIceet
'45k 'Tivotton; n OL
•.. ,
' serve, fezqden Wegidi%Pui Sundaamdy
:Gathering:Marked Event—
WeMa ied, in,Teeswiter ,And
• .
,Have ' en IResidents Of .1:maim.*
NearlyNearlyYetirsm• •
An enjoyable faily. gathering was
seld at the hOrrie.of Man
r. d- Mrs. Hor-
ce Sunday, in honour
of, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Aitchison, on
the, ,oecasion' of „their ..50th wedding
dnaiversary. Man* gifts and messages
.4 congratulations were received:
The dining reem WaS beautifully
decorated An white' ,geld and the
Gable, was ee'qtred by basket of
golden mums, a gift of the family;
vhich 'includ.CS and Mrs. Ernest
Aitchison Hai7isten;.,Mr, and Mrs.
Jliff., Aitchison, Mr. and Nye; Horace
iitchison :Of town and Mr. and Mrs,.
VVm. Forster. of Wavvanosh, also thir-
teen grandchildren. A son Roy, died
when quite young; and A.ylmer, ano-
her lost his life in the Great War,
;Mr4andiMrs.. Aitthilari, ',formerly
fies Emily DAY,. Of. Culross, were uni-
ted in ,merriage, at teeesWater on. Jan.
Ind, 1888, by,•the•Ree, Mr. Wardrope.
eheY carne'to reside in Lucknow sone
.:8 years .ago, where Mr. Aitchison is
.a, member of, the, firmoof. the Luck-
aow table CO. Although both havehad
Serione,illnesees, la the past year, at
airly good health. Mr. Aitchison is
5 years of age and Mrs. .Aitchison
10. They are inembers._et9io Presby-
terian, Church Where Mra.--'-Aitchileii-
:s 'an active meinber' of : the 'W.: M. S.
She is Wed'.anlactive member of the
• •
WOrnen's Institute.„. .
During the afternoon,' .marii friends
!allq to extend ' congratulations and
est wishes. . Among ,the gifts Was; a.
aeautifut basket of :inunis from the
Luelince.V-tableCpireizinyv-Mr. and
Mrs, Aitchiionare grateful and ale.
SePS*a: And -WingliaM, Meet In ,Qiien7
Illf•Ielelleti•w4.„Nw.. Ct'n'ainnitY:
nin re o
Dane After Game
• j/iicknove genus will open the hoc.
key 'Season here this Frias3'.'ilVit'In
Lueltriow's neW Community
Wingherri, the old rivals
'Will pre -vide
the; opposition: their first appear-
ance here in Several seasons. • '
An excellent sheet of ice isnow
available and ,,spectators are „assured
corefartable seat and full view of
the playing surface, 'wider the fine
seating 'arrangement. Let's pack the
rink for the, oPener. Lucknow won
their first gime in Brussel a 4 -2 and
are aiming to take their first gaine
on 490 ice.''
Opening ceremoniete....:Will gee . the
teains,,,led *Tito the ice by: the Pipe
13and and the puck faced by Reeve -
elect N. E: Bushell.
A dined will be held after the game
in the Town Hall, under. Hockey 'Cub
auspices: McCartney'S •orchestra, ad-
) ‘r,
44.!4...PAR*.;(41.*/• :4938 '.•
E. Bushell Elected
Reeir43,:0.1 The Village
NIIJP :fletU ed At Aged Q
'Over Last ' ser=.1)r. W.
• . High' Min • B7or 'Scheel lrele:etie
Nelson E.
TcOve of gie 0140.on Menday with
,C, Viejo** of *i; :•Yetea over ' peneld.
Ferguson. .•Optli Men had ..perv.ed°,0ri'
the °C4iinei, .fiir?4 Ye4r§.#4 entered
the remieehip :Oritest 'upon the resig-
nation of W. B. Anderson.. ,
Elected 'die' Council. Board were
J. C. iMeNeb,..:Ceinphell :Thompson,
Herb:, MeQuillin and .Fraser. Paterson
The three retiring school trueicee
were re,elected; Dr. W. V. Johnston,
Hugh: MeJ,htosll and7Hev. Cr 11. Mae -
Donald. „, •
• Many of the candidates had a bosy.
der. getting: the •ejectors Mit,. and ia's.
a result ,a large vote was Willed. A
total of 461 .y.,Otes.twere 'cast,* Which,
represented a Alight increase ever.the
past two ;electiiine. This included 162
votes at the Orange Hall; 135 at
Reed's 4n4 164at the Town. Hilt
= For the itesveghip, gr. Bushell 3ed
at all three subdivisions, as. aid J. C.
McNab and Dr. W. •V. Johri.sten.for
C.rnivwil mi.SCheol,Board, 'respective,
Receipt of a , two thousand dollar
grant; from the. Provincial Govern-
ment, through the Depertinent of the
Minteter, of Agriculture, will TM* per-
mit work to go. ahead in coMpleting
The .$2,000. ' check, : made payable
to the Municipality, was received on
Monday, trenn C. A. Robertson,,
--k-for-Huten•Ernce, who personally?
delivered it. '
thie, grant .edynes under the ;Com-
munity•Hall's 'Act, and is nvoishiS to
LneknoW: because the new biilding-
will be -equipped and utilized • as a
Community ' Hall. Theinterior sketch
of., the rooms has ,been approved by
.the',.......liepartinent,jiancl_thest.....theill be
built' -according to the be -Parente* '-
?re -elate the kind . remembrances sent nefidation.
them, on ,thie P`ecasioie also during the
me o eiekneeein their heme.
ea' The Eater'
3f The Lucknow Sentinel, •
I wish to express my 'thanks. to the
patrons ;On R R. 6, threughl,the col-
arrur-.of : your ,valuable paper, .,who ie-
inemberecl.eme-.'enth -Many •giltiand-
seasoa's greeting's. 1 sure did appre-
ciate it..Wishing, you all a prosper=
aus and e happy 'new, year. , '
,. •
.Dopald MacDonald.
Wawanosh Couple
,tAark Golden.' Weddin
31r. and Mrs.' Samuel Cooke Were
Fifty Years Married On New
Year's Day — Fannly Gathering
Marked Bvent--Mr. Cooke84, "His
Wife 77,
Mr.: and Mrs:, Serrinel Cooke, Con. Otherwis‘e motor traffic is at, a stand -
NO 6401.011149RS .STAND
. • ,
In Neustadt .village not one Man
effered. himself for Council' service;
necessitating: -ca -a. second n m-
inatien meeting. Leiria' HiniMier was
returned as- reeve by acclamation for
three school trustees qualified for
Much the. Same' cenditioneicists in
Paisley, where ,there is a contest for
the raeveship, but where, not a Single,
candidate' qualified.: for •.either the
Council, Or•
'.1School Board:. • . •
.' Sleet and fsnOW in the last. day of
the old year, resulted in • a number ' of
moteriste:. becornirig :stranded near
the'Grey. Ox that evening.. •'.'
Since then there his been intermit-
teat snow with winds, that have kept
. inoW ploughs busy on main • roads,
• Wednesday --bitter: cold
9, -West Wawariosh, were guests of of ,stih and °n.
. • and blustery weather had all the ear -
honor on New 'Year's day, whenmem- • • "old• -
•marks of, an timer" 'setting on,
-bers Of their family. gathered to cele -
rate .with then the ,Occasicin. of •,tbeir
Golden Wedding, I , .
Mr, and Mrs..COOke formerly 'Mark
Ann: Reynartl,..were ,rearrled 150, Years:
ago at :Atwood. Mrs. J. A. Mnxwell
or Winnipeg. and the late ,1);faXWell
Rayoid were witnesses. 13citere
ing to : ,Waviranosh, Mr. and Mrs.
'Cooke resided at Georgetown. .Mr.;
,Cooke8: a shoemaker, Y trade'„" is 84
'yearesNed ,thici Mrs. Cooke' 71,
••e „Dinzier, wasserved. at 7 -o'elodlt and
the evening Spent . in ' games - and n
s-heti'l:•rogranV Mr. entertained
, .
with -songs which, Were Mita enjoyed.
There .were Beyer): .ofa, family,.; Sam,
the ,eldest son, , having died overseas.
There are ninctceki grandchilden.
Present at the gathering Were
end ..eire..•Isaee Cranston and family;
Mr, and Mrs.
ily; •Mr. , and Mrs. Frank Glenn , and
farnily;. Mrs. Hugb ,Menary and Mr:
and, Mrs, Wm. Cacilte and family.
And Mrs. Chris .Cooke of Kapeskasing
were not present, .
The folloWing address was teed.:
Dear`Viithereeti-tMeither, •
We, 'your Children" and 'grandchildeiii
are 'gathered here tonight to express
our thoughtO, bi„'apprecipticht-on 'this
ocasion Of. .your Fiftieth , Wedditi
Anniversary., •• '
" We are mad to be able to come to-
gether' on N.eW Year's day, to
•wiali you allthe good things that the
doming year*.bae., in store for you.
mass accept these 'gjtts :and flowers
An renieinbrance of 'what you 'heed'
°both done fo es all.
. ,
1: •
AT:tender' has T just been "Called7hY
the post ,:ofce, department to supply
•the. village of Teeevvater with an ,ad-
de4 postal servicc. from Wingham.
Under the provisions pf the tender,
mail will be brought from,. Teestveter
to Winghain order to Meet' 'tln.
early morningC.N.R. train, from
Kincardine to Toronto: Mail, Will be
taken from .this train to :.ti'eesiVater.
At' the Present e time, TeeeWater is
receiving 'mail from one train only,
,and 'the citizens and Merchants of
the village have protested the,
Ilt.418/.1i111R$P,RDE4.7....1 NUAR't
The Premier Talkie, ShoW, will pre-
sent one ,of ,their-firid'progranis in the
Town Hall, LtiokrieW, n :Thursday,
jetniary 13th; at 8.15 p.p., under the
Auspices of . The Bebe h Ledge:,
On Thursday 'ee, ',.fg there will be
a big. ddulge ,feature program: A line
Western picture called "Rainbow
-Riders" withr :jack Perin • end , Ben
Corbett and the"Fourth Alarm" fee,
,t0thig. Nick Stuart, Ann 'Christie and
Ralpji Lewis.
Which is otie You can't 'afford to Mite,
Da* with the .Quints". Here isthe
latest Picture of Canada's' Sweet:'
hearth, the Dienne Quintuplets,
1.1.1eknoar Juveniles opened the sea-
son in Ripley on: New .Year's
a 14 to '2, score, •• •
,Four teams comprise this group,
and the Lucknow Kids' neat game
. .
will be here on January 14th; With
PortElgin.„ • •. „ °
LiicknoW's line' up on Saturday was
'Goal,- Reid , McKim; ' Defense; Lloyd
WYldssw and 'Ross MacDonald; `, For-
wards, Sack Cook, Johnie, Dahmer;
Allan Treleaven; ' Alternates, Donald.
MacKenzie, ,Murvin "Solomon, Doug.
Aitchison, Ernest Button.''
Reeve Richard Elhott
Re -Elected' In Kinloss
Wite 'Irwin la Newly Elected
Couect- -
The, Fell—Only Fifteen Votes Sep -
• After a long illness, Mrs. D. Ged-
des,. formerly ,Murdena :Cameron,
passed away early Wednesday
-in Mount Forest, at the home of
her ,daughter, Mrs. J. A. BrahertiOn.
Mrs, rGeddee wits in her .69th year.
Dr. Geddes predeceased her Veil; 'little
more than three years ago. '
The funeral service will be held in
the 'Presbyterian • .Church, Lucknow,
this Friday, afternoon, at, '2 O'clock
with interment in Greenhill cemetery.,
1Y: Both these. mere had a consider- •
able lead on their. nearest opponent. ”' 193# PUBLIC 'HOLIDAYS
In heading the. poll, -Mr. •MeNeb re,, • •
Peated hisperformance of last year; Just in case • you are interested,
but On Mondn; he _received bre • lgifthulidaya7iik,=19.38r.Wilblie4s4Of---
votes than a -Aar agO. , New ' Year's Day; . Saturday,Other egancil, candidates, all ' January 1; Good Friday, April lo,
copiersto office, ran a comparative victoria Day, -Tuesday, • May 24;
Close -race; withebut-`57 votes differ- King's birthday;;Th-Orsdak,-;Tfins-9th;
ence between the second high,and, the -Dominion Day, Friday; July .1; Civic
low, Man., .,.. • - • , • Holiday, Monday, August 1; • Labor,
For the School Board', therace was Day Mender ,ISepteinber .4. Thanks-
elose between Rev. C. H. MacDonald giving Day, (te be . set); , 'Reineme
and Dr. Wm , Fowler, the former brance Day Fridey, November lith;
beingre-elected by a 4 -vote. major- .Christrnas, Sunday, December 25
ity. [(Will be observed �n Monday, Decent:.
Voti4 by .subdivisions was as fol- j ber' 26), ' '•IOWS
' •
(Those marked * elected) ,
. ••.
• 'Orafige'. --. Reid% Town Hall Total ,
*N -E. 'E. :'• 23
Donald...,.69 • 72 195 '..
For Councillors
J. 6 _..McNatc . . ... . . ... . 132. • 94
4Caraphell''...Tlicenpien 4
Rebert' Fisheie • , , 93. ,•, 65
• For School 'Trustees
*Dr. johnStOn . . . 100
•*,ugh.:.3.1geIntosh ..... , 68
*Rev, C. H..Maerionald .• . . .. 73 .77
DWit.' FOWler. •
414' • 290:,
106 213:
• -eee252,
75 •230
till,' • 095
87 '' 257'
77 ,227.1'
69 • 87 :223 '
'.'Ritere.tlied in Kinloss Township on
Wednesday, December 29th,..,.. Mrs,
Catherine MacKenzie, relict of 'the:
late Alexander G. MacKenzie, ,in her
She. was beim in North East' Hope
Townehip and thefamily moved to
the 6th con. of Kinloss Some sixty
years ago. After her 'marriage, she
• lived on the 12th con. of Ashfield for
twenty-five „years, afterwards retir-
ing to a home north' of the C. N. R.
station. Of a kindly dispogition. She
endeared . herself to • •all who 'made
her, acquaintance. • • • • , •
The , funeral was • held from. her
late residence, north of, :the C. N. R.
station2- en' Thursday, Debeinber•30th:
Rev. G. M. Young • giving the fare-
well tribute, and the remains were
laid to rest beside those of -her late
husband, who predeceased . her 4x
years ago, South Kinloss cemetery.
, •
She is survi,V,ed ,by her .only (laugh-
ter, . Dean.
Because of inereased ,Cost
in many items that enter into
the production of 'a newsPaper
The • ISentinel finds it, Ampere- .
tiVe to adjust, its subscrintioh
rates. :, 'After' January 81st;
1938, the rate ,will be $2,00 a
year in advance in Canada,
and $2.50 •• to :the Unithd
During the Past feW,
The 'Sentinel Was one el- few
weekly papers • that ; Made a
redneticti f 50e, , sup-,
scriptiOns• ,Were paid in ad-
siapee. The reduced , rate, in
Lid -wince, of , $1,50 in Canada,
and $2.09 to the States, will
still Apply until the , end of '
.this `• nionth,
. OLD FRI.prips,AR*
In renewing!41 gentilie.V*PIOIPT
M:. :
notes with regret that •nesFl*
and ilit
,ialote.:Three Other Elected 'Com- JsYri: t;sMMrs. David thSheelenittincelliaead •
. er' MacKay. • -•
v :
' • 'Guest' !LAS - ua to remember
..Kinloss Township vuter -elected him to Mr: -G. B. 'Roberta*. ...Alibi):
Richard Elliott to thereevip- on. Mr. Robertson has been "eill.end..con:-.
Monday with a large majority, 'of
i?() votes . over • David Carruthers,
ex -reeve of the Township.
' •
Arthur ' •Graham,. popular.. young
councilman, was returned. at the beCci
of the poll with a total of 3.13 votes.
;Angus ;MaeIntos#, Wm. 1. Irwin and
Alex MacKenzie, each polled large
'votes, with a ,difference ij only 15
votes ,betareen all three; Mr. Irwin- is
the new 'meniber ., of the: Board, ' re-
placing: ' "MAO Ross,-;..winre resigned aft'
ter several years. faithful, service.
' 2--=Kinlo,ugh; 3, H I
--c)-57- some time new. Norman is IMPle -
rood; : • 4—Se6°TRI'.6ricessicill; 5— by the Lucknow Table Co.
Langeide; 6.7-•Whitecinirch.
• ' For • Reeve
fined to his hoMe, far: tbe4mit few
days, Sir; Guest will be ilad.to ,know? ,
that his old friend is still .weR and;
active and is regularly on tbejb at
his produce shoji.
Buys Trucking Busbies.
A., business transection became ef-
fective the beginning Of the Yeileehe
Virden Mowbray &moped of
his trucking business , to_NormateWile.
sop, brother of A. •.L Wilson, the lat-
ter 'having been. in, this business for
• Richard Elliott ,31 • 71 ° 78 • 95
• • •
David Carruthers' 6 ” 14' 47 64,
Arthur • Graham•:F7k.11.si47u81-10.cleileliteor• Sds8 • 82
Angus 14 48 96 85. 41
W. J. • • 13 . .63 • 109' - 41
Alex' MacKenzie : 6 3.6, • 94 • . 56'
John 27., • 43
'PII"ONE 34-
1: DIED AT poi:ow/cif
Philip Steels, natiee., of Lobo; died
suddenly on Thursday Morning fol=
loWitig a Week's, illness at his home
on Gibbons street, in his 83rd year:
He was the. son Of the late.Mr.• and
Mrs. John Steels of Lobo.'
'Forty, years ago ' he cattle to Ash -
Acid.' Township ;where he farmed until
hia retirement, 'Wheiri he removed' to
Goderich in 1923. Mrs. , Steels -prede-
ceased ,him. by three yeers. After- his
wife's death; his daughter, Mrs. Thos.
Smith, of Lucknow; had taken Care, of
him; •. •
family Of twelve, nine child-
ren,suryive. They are: Richard Steels:
of Buffalo, Alberta; . Mrs:: John • Me -
Knight, of Auburn;; William' Steels,
of Ithyland; New Ontario; Jantei
Steele, of Saitferde • Thee. Steels. of
Brandon', Mae.; • Mrs: Thos. Smith;
of Lucknow; Mrs.' Violet Westbrook,
ef;"'Detroit; Mrs. Gladys Rivett; of
Detroit; Mre, Hazel Liningtim, of
Gocierice. Two sons, Alfeed and Fred
were killed in the ;,GreaV,Wiii and
another 'son Roy, died at ..Pert Col-
borne in 1921, „ , •'
Mr. Steels was a member ; of the
Goderich Baptist Church, and the eel...,
vice on Monday at 2.30 p.m.'wei,een-
clucted. by Rev. S. R. McClung; :With
interment made in Maitland Cemetery,
BARBER -.--In the Township of
West WaWariosh, on 'Saturday, Jan-
uary let, 1938, Isabella; Mount, relict
of, the late. James -Bather, aged 75
years,. .
fr id
'The funeral service Wait -e om
late residence, Lot 24, Con. AO;
West .Wawanosli, on tad.010
O'Cle;d1i; with interriterit in, Greenhill
•dard 'Of* thanks
Miss Fiore Webetet wishes', to thafile
ill Irei, friends' who. helped her 'Win a
lovely blanket in Teinpletaties'ConteSt.
On account of the Week of Prayer
the, LuCknow Bible 4itittite will licit
re-oppn,until Friday -evening, 'January
Intermediates Nose Out
Brussels In Opener.
,Jewitt Scores Three Goals,-eSepeys'
Took Early: Lead That Was 'tied in
' 3rd, In Closely Fong14 Battle.
inichilOw• Sepoys made tkir
heehei, debut on -Monday( night, in
Brussels, when they registered a 4 to
2 victory:- '
In the act of kicking away
frc in an electric ddven turnip pulp
phs.rlis Thomson, who is in charge
W. E. Henderson's :farm at the
concession, had hisleg gashed.br the
knives of the . machine: the .letterlen-
ot the Week. One of the gashes eat!.
ered an artery; in .the leg and prosnpt
medical attention was neceuary
. . •
Ben Logan Was elected f
'fourth term as ieeye of Huron.
hip in a three -cornered contest
334 votes to, 146 for Leslie leste '
71 for Ralph Elliott. Both the los'
candidates were 'members of
year's cbuncil.
, • Lacking practise, the -squad tuned! ' A newcomer 'headed the race for
jn e good gaMe. nevertheless. They ;' seats onthe council. He Was Dan .C.'
took ai One goal' lead midway through McDonald who received 349 votes. The,.
the -1st IneeiOd;. plai7eci a seOreless. ?.,nd.,TOther•theee-elected,to' the council were
"period, ''sant Brussels • tie it ,vp early. Ilerbert Farrell, 309 'votes; Walter
in the tfilisiperiod before the Sepo.Y Bidwn, 271 votes and John H. Collins,
forged .ahead, to a 2 -goal Inargin. of. 2454 vote's.. The ,defeateA candidatee
YieterY„. , • • were VVesley Thompson, 212:votes and,
Jewitt- and Fisher combined for' the 'John Eniniekoii; 121 yotei;
fithrest fig:sit:1 pPearsito dtth e, T hhealf• ev,etleYri 'cirnal;r:Cripi id' :SE EVEN SEEK WARD. ENJIIIIP-
was scoreless ,with both, goalies hav-
ing close calls in turning aside din-
geroui driyes.
Bruisels tied it Up after three min-
, .
title's in, the third ,frame. F'isher and
There'`are seven neer:Jacek On the
103g, linron, County Council as a re-
menitipal elections, beld,on
ginspiitinv;:litaselcu'neaPoaissat:eezt iDrve :H;Tenoeuw,:iotich:eicrirssmtaiii:onitt..hdne:y:0811::::ewnl'iTmaiss,g,
13Y. Miller and Thempdon. Book carne scored the lacala other goal on aSsists
in to'teiek un a loose puck after, per, of: Hullett, and. :Deptity Reeve!
ill'oesels;',.Passniere, of iliibOrne;: Lel. 'clicked 'again with Bill':
Alonday. new ' members , are,
ler n the prueeels, goal ha*. brolten (.4)ciel,j6h.
. The 'political complexien- ef the'
IfeV;r 'council js 19; consetalkei and
16 I,iberals. This is iMPOrtint . in
Tinton Comity for the XesIon that
onservative and Liberal aaMena
. , aihteernyttetaeil;yieei8871t,i'aaon
ca ori of a teiditienil gentlemen's
,ervative year and teeth are ., ,
hig• the Wardefishipl They are, Itaireet
Ilaaeke, of. 40derich 'iownshiit
„sns,, . lioveick; 'Cardiff, of Morris;
up it epassing attack ,from Thonipsen
to Miller at the geal, ,
N. Rutted0",, •.fiest, line "centre for
.Brtiesels, Spoked' beth
•Lticlintee•Goal, C. Finlayson;-'
fe.nse,' George Book, C., ' ThoinPgeh;
First Fishety. • B,',16Witt,..
Henderson ; Alternates,' cireer,
Miller• 4tunsion.,..t.tutton:, 801,
Miller; Defense',
Werwicke Higgitt; First line Rut,
ledge, N. Rutledge imd Workmen ;:e Al- :NreNall. of ',Blyth; Stewart of '
ternateek.Xilig, Pee, ,Meriowell, flue; Weeefinosh; , Peter Scott, of , East
ledge, Blliott,;'•••4. 'tinoth; and :keys Of Gil*" Thelt•
RefereeeMoieSetifol,ile,: ship,