HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-11-18, Page 8• ►rusts 9 Will .Prasent• � Out sand;n' g Progr ain _ H :T� ALL �: LU ". QF T. SHE VYOMEN,S INSTI'I'UTE• . ,•. Featuring, • A D 4 �N "r .:U tQ i' nd'^' ar' c oh' tic e � � h s. A•g ea 1 .h • . ,. .tie Pc F1 . R� �I: g l r I'' Y ill I I � G A'1), L YS COR 'ELL-.' d. l .,.,, , N , On , of Canada's eadiiig contralto solR rats See her -the gown she wore it the Coronation ;and hear';herdelightfut,, ta*. on her experiences at, that time.: KATHLERiNHILLINGS-1-Accordianist,, with costume. changes.' LOIS GRAY -Attractive tap; and, novelty. dancer.,, AGNES' ,MU•NRO-Pianist an comedy • 'sketches with, Alice+'. Dg ar VARIETY PROGRAM- ,THAT• ABSORBS: A 'HIGHLY S T ZSFACTORY ..PROGRAM.. DON'T MISS IT, ADMISSION•- 25c ..& ' 13r , c. PEARLMAN'S HAVE RECEIVED MANY' ''NEW DRESSES, COATS ^•AND BLOUSES., THESE ARE ALL.• IN NEWEST COLk/URS's, AND, STYLES. > SPECIAL --Ladies•. Silk ;Dresses, fancy .waists ` and . necklines; ,• - fur trimmed 'or many other styles:_ for only ...3195 LOOK—Ladies' fine Satin Blouses, '• new ”styles, '. colours, . 'red, blue • or gold, for only .: x . .. $L95 We . Mao , Have Better Dresses •in the 'New, Foot b ll Colours and in Styles With Sequins, Swing Skirts or Twn Tone ,Color con..mie., tr.iq CKNOW • ONT: 'PHONE III'OMATIC. TUNING wo—Frei Service Jobs ith Each New Radio TUBES, BA'rrERIES REACHES CHINA MacICenzie, of .Kincardine;--- and ',for Isome yearn -meMber the- teach- ing 'staff', at the Hanover high school, was permitted to continue On' her way - to the . Canadian- Mission ' School in I.ate in July she lett for her 'duties, Japan necessitated her staying in ted her, departure last week, ,and in two weeks' time • she will be at . her new 'field of . endeavor aCcording.' te WOrd received by her: parents. SE LUCKTOW' SENTINEL �I1TG .;DELLS At Sacred Ifcart Church, Tees Water, O Saturday morning, Noverpi her 6th, `1937, Irene Phyllis,,••only daughter of Mrs and Mrs. William E Wall "' was "United' '` marriage r John�"'Schumaeher- eldest: son of Mr. And Mrs. ''harles Schm C er,.R ev, Father Hawkins officiated" The"'brjide looked' charming'in a --rdress--•of..Coranaf ion--blue,-velvet.with silver trimmings, and carried a. he bridesmaid, Miss. ',Florence` Bruder of Mildma , 'c retie , .ellow • Y,. a .d4 y.. baby s'mums, and;. was dressed in Cor- onation red Thy :bests - Men was Mr. Edward brother m and ed L.: I I, I iI` I r bI"M#3: la i � n tit e I ! .,Y.g I }.{ �• n l:•l li� L��:i 'r ;After' ::;th. •,ceremon , Sot00,'',fOrti guests and immediate :friends",were served "a '`sumptuous dinner' at the home. of :'the •bride s parents.:_ >. Those attending..from' a : •distance were: Mr. and Mrs^ Clifford Lloyd of Tonawanda, N.Y., and' Mrs. Ethel. Runchey of Merritton.. Friends were, also present -from Lucknow'and' Mild: "nay.; Iiithe evening a • wedding spper wasr•served .:atm -the home of ,the g:Was spent :in social intercourse. • After receiving • ,con •atiilatiens • • irOU,RSDAY, NOVEMBER 18,.1937t, OBI:TUAR • MARGARET ,MacKENZIEI Death came suddenly; in ' Toron to on Wednesday .to Miss",Margaret. MacKenzie, ,a resident of Kinlossrandi Lucknow for, the greater} :part 'of her life where she had man friend's air y � ,..d Was , held in, high regard., Mi s ` MacKe zi , ' n e owned` th . � resi� e de• c Stati lu,e,on . .._on Street next to. the. borne, of `Mrs. George . Aitchison, but has. spent" a•-goocLdeaI of the--tiine.in Toronto,. with her biothpr, Angus '""'^3t: vrwQ+.rasra!,Hec.c :47,4777r . �, usL.+•rL,.o''"'Sr' .wife some ten years ago .Mrs Mac Kenzie had returned to ,Toront 'just a few weeks ago, after a visit •here •MissMacl{encie was about a its ualr on Wedtesdafyt put i stirred t lie} roo '!1' hat•: r - m, e, m nen av' t 4 a t h e wloll• o.•ihr a Her 'brother �I �I '!li �Id�l"II1 ��•lt.l '."`7 Her 'brother � took l I hen ; lunch at the ' noon '` our, and later the afternoon, .Was shocked upon visiting.^ her, room to: discover she had, passed' away • from, a ' heart . attack..: •- ' A daughter:: of the. late Murdoch MacKenzie and Mar.'y 'Beaton, Miss Mac$enzre was born 73 years • ago,: on the. farm now Awned. by Allister 'Hughes,, and'' which ` was cleared thy her father, Later the 'fainily resided _;rear •Teeswater._..and. at_Kincardine� grooms parents; -and. a happy ever►- .aefore. returning to- Lucknow, .where. rtt�.Miss MacKenzie fora :time assisted . gl , her. brother ,Angus, in, conducting .a. the happy couple, •' amid, showers of bakery business. ' confetti,'left by motor,'for'Tonawan-�.;'The;'funeral; service'was conducted da, 'N Y„`. Niagara Falls ..and . St.. by Rev. C H. MacDonald in •, the • Catharines;:• . •:i Luclenow Presbyterian C-htirch on Saturday -a f ternoot-` with • intermentT in South `Kinloss Cemetery,: Palllear ers' were three: nephews' ' and R. ;,V. MacKenzie, Donald Ferguson arid D. Mc C Morr n: a • Surviving are two brothers, Angus' 4 .Toronto,. Alexander.: of, Michigan arid one Sister, 'Mrs. Annabelle Hughes, NOTICE TO CREDITORS II\I THE,: MATTE of the Estate' of John McLeod, • .la e o f the „Town ship of . `Kinloss, in the' County of, Bruce, Farmer, Deceased: Notice is herebY.give.i.; pursuant .0' , of Gagetown,'rMich the 'Statute: iii that behalf tha C all cre 'itor-' s�`iiiid•' qtly is 'Navin clap ph� coEs`lt°`-fat & o Estategms ' .deniands 'againstie ,of the melciiniop,,.. ,Richarci, r• 1937, are required On or. before the dale, .Mich.;:: Mr. and Mrs. Peter FOurth' day-. of December A,D. 1937 merit .of. the deceaSed 'their TO' HURON tWi's F;ARH the full particulars " Th.is district witnessed the trek of Ontario homett-la •week ben Mr held hy them duly verified by affid 1 ' a ' •..I..p,d - take. notide that after . such LY,6' '71°IamOpeidemt;Otsla_ratieldca.rhs0000fohloivi(ei- laat mentioned.. date the said execu- - .aarts of "the said "deceased among 1,611-!w;.'sh:13i;61.7h;;Iiisii'''g4. 'i•:1\13aebtii"lb66fra..,;-"ar:-nd., ,the POrsons .entitled .thereto, :having regard 'ordy to the- claim's of Which ,ed, in London on FridaY, ,after their. _arrest the' week previonS,,uPfaillsa'111.7 yestigatiOn :by, the Ontario' .18ecur- itiesrdepartMent: The Save faced a H: .Arinitage of .Hamilton, is's.Ont on • $30,000' hail to' appear on Novem- ber' ipth, on ,27 charges,: The charges against the other six men, inclUding • Thonias Agnew,.•were adjourned un- til Noveinber 26th, and all .allowed • Lan CE Eli SALE OF''HA, TS this; Friday si d Saturday, November' 19th and; .20th . Belle• Robertson, Lueknow. ark of` emod Wr e111 t ,:, .., , #�g,.he..Suhe;Fest >ervice , Station is :underway..' Mr. ,.and; Mrs; ;J erry' ,Kettle newly. weds of Leamington, were visitors: .with the.`latter's; aunts MissaSproul. Dr, and<.Mrs. J. 'Eh Little spent the first of.the week in Toronto,;,.nnd_ at-;. 1,:�,+..a. h.,:�'2w•w+pq�.::.a' ;The 'Sentinel; can pply rot} 'with nice ;'printed, black' borderedl. akin-': patl'i ncknowlede t, cards.'and -envelopes. Mrs., Bert .Yard 'a es ftothank W�h I ' I P, ed t l s o i f rft n f e. k t o it 1l'q er ,, � tette s.it ..card 1- whit in ha r. ,. , the ospital, ' Mrs,w Thos. ' Begley of Dungannon and " MIS. • Ed Million of Benni'iller,; :. visited a' .few days •last' Week With, Mrs. M. Sproul. Mr' and Mrs. •A.• P. ' Buck, k, Mr,. ' mp1eton,s; HANKIES-• •Embroidered pn Linen arid' opal ,clot[} 5c up,, • HANKIES, Colored, Linen', 'Initial . , a; .: ,.,, .25c 'HANKIES --Colored`' Linen .embroiders BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS at. , . ,,25c 35c,, 45c, 50c, 75c. MEN'S. LINEN HANDKERCITIEFS, t . ,,,,. , ..:.,r 25c ,'- M LIN A H ND R . ..., - • �? S �N.. • ..,. KE ,.CHIEFS, Initials. :.:.. .MEN'S COLORIDE HANDKERCI•IIEFS—fist colol's English `Atanufa'ctured, Francis ..Bucic, IVIrs. J. W. Matthews dnd Master Billie, Matthews;:. of 'Un-: am.....rilimmut aPent the veek-end With Mr. and t°' give' eXtra.„.43-eiViCe• W .`43ft:firS'A"';:;181.: i:1/,:,pe 8. 9. ,I;7, a. :ys. 1, $V—e, r 14): P.:°, IS, • Tql '7..1.°43, ;, 7°. per faitener. Straps Of sleeve, blue, red,, brown , • 'tile first of ,the week 'attending a He Was ',aceompanied ,by Mrs: ion llaiveP of Nile.,2,MiS,Polleek_ef.1.;_.L. and Mr. Ernest Breelsenridge • of 1, ,•wGeoedkerilic.:,,vv,a.vpi,sitiied,'.iwiith. of titihers.w...eeMk- net, so Well but n Vt'rtil‘tal;3r tahen to Wing-: ham,' Hospital ' last Tuesday. with' eonfiped tk bed. at his': ThiS past 'week, ,we learned of the Ff so:istt:fma ap, icuhfi,br:sieni SchOOli terente, Gaests for 'Ariiistiee Day' at, the home of 84rtift her daughter- Vera, and -son Graham; and''' Mrs; j. Crockett all of 'Dor, Was GneSt Soloist .11Irs:. Fred: Fisher, formerlY they__ Shall -4h entliii-Vet-notiee-e t no,w ,occupied bY,MI'ArRiehard Martin Lucknow, was soltristat a guest m t .the. said, exeCutors, will not be' liable- 91Tr w'ent' or the said as ts anY. part the! - of to' any:•personrir persons of Whose I f • . .'in search of his fortune Mid was- et.. StudY •Club of Middleton; Ohio. Mrs. 9. • ' Wig ' along fairly • 'WO. 'until'''. the Fisher chose as her nunihers*."Angeli . eton • claims notice_lishall not, have been rel- dr96gilt 'of the -Past f e Yeas ni.ade ly,,Guinlig,:ri:rhheee;a4nes4t 7slipte4 k14,6 inHatnlies weStern •lifeerather",difficuyt. He fin --1 ally decided'te come 'back to the land Von Christniann, a ,natiVe of BUda- • • • " • ••• Charles 'on concession: 2. Took-. Post Graduate .Course Have you callouses, Cramped toes or burn' __sensations „at the -ball -of -the- foot?— to get relief from ,this Or. any other Foet Trouble be demonstrated` at dur store W- liNESDAY Afternoon NOV 24 by -a -Foot Comfort Evert of the Toronto Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, noted Foot Specialist --No Charge for nis Sfivices! If you suffer from your feet, it inhale yotur everlasting benefit to visit our store on the above date. You will receive redo -graph prints of your stockinged feet from which you will easilY be able to find out' exactly what your foot trouble is. The Dr. Scholl • Bargains. in Flannelette .,,Blankets • CAMERON GEDDES HAS STREAK OF BAI; LUCK . his son,insharge of the 'cars; ,Which forth has leen visiting With-. her uncle I .Angus' P.' MPIC°4';‘' 11-• 'R. Conta-ined horses arid .ettle wilich 're, and ainyt,,.Mrs and MrS: WM. Murdie. Luchnorw..., euiredi .their attentimr Uririg a 'long Miss _White. graduated,. in Tor. onto', .gN ._"14°tOR ACCIPENT CONTINUES WELL • I arrived a few '. days eailier and; the' , In receiving ',their: reneWel tO , the finiily.is now settled. in their • n,,ew Sentinel, we learn: ',that .Mis. Helen Hudson of Elora, and •.formerlY- of' Newcorners to• Ashgeld 'are Mr. this` connnimity,' Continnes. .,her ,and. Mrs.:John. Kelly and nine children Ai,a tedious' jeUrney.. Beetori, Winnirig the gold medal 'fof the high.. five 'dnUghters. • and. a , younger ,son. est standing••Of third year students and, as 'Well received a. scholarshiP, -With which ohe took post graduate timore, having, been emplOyed %there since completing her coUrse in ,the iisnal health notwithstanding, her ad- viho Came front Ireland ten ears spring.• • iianced Years., ' „, ago, ...settling in southwest Saskat- •Centhoniii, services in Knox chewan, TheY are strangers to this Church, : ElOra,. -this , year, ' the cpen- diStriet: . *They have ..hicated.. op the ted. by. Rev.; Dr.; W.. 4. MacIntosh of !bridge and are hOPeful that the fp London; *former Aehfield, boy, and ture:holds better things in store for 'former pastor at Elora • h 'noW'' and TOronto ears figured in , an 'aceident near on ,Thurs, day:,night::'Both cars .Were dain- were •;;Mr: and • Mrs. Pearling and. Morris and in the Toronto.'car were Card pf 'Thanks and. Mrs. ',A, .iviliburn. and Jean a:t the time of- the death Of .his .sia.ter.-11.QM: a Cracked r4b, hoyvever: Wingliam+.-Cameron Geddes, Luck, no* singer; lgst week ran WO -what he termed' was' he Meat 'Uniertunate • 'Wag' heading Tor Toronto and • a .Kis.-- stePped opt ,on -the ,reacr a. short dis- tanCe "from Niringhttin. It vas , in the: ly hours 'of -the Morning and the .-badly damaging the car With the :result :that '• he cotild aot . his engagement: Tp top off all the mg his, car insurance policy that it had terminated on November 1St. 4 • and -en- You: easonis ou Will -Feel At Home ave The 'Stoie"'- eine • •