HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-11-18, Page 4DISTEMPER,
have met their master,. in
ZEV.-mirde by the mak.
era of Buckley's Mixture.
Stoekaten, poultry breed -
en, etc., who have used
.'231lf say it is positively
fie" relief for all respiratory ,
.4heisair in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs,
'Iontiny and dogi. It is amazing how
stlgoklY it gets results in the most stub-
, bons eases., In fact, we guarantee ZEV
to (loin nday or two what it took olds
. stesnicesei remedies a Month to do. Pet
." 40.4. St°e1g si,e $1.00. Get`ZEV at
A. - E. IllicKIM'S •
Tho'W..M. S. held their. meeting at
the home of, Mrs W S ,McGnire,
W4h the President, gra, John `• Coll,
ing, PtesidInIC A.17,4nn was hnng, fol.
loWed, by the, Lord.'a ,,kra1t!r.T,Pektqd
in unisen. The roll 'call 'was answered
by a`"Peace Motto" Mts. Wm: Ham-
ilton read. the ,deyotional leaflet' and
Mks. Rosa 1314ek gwVe'a 'reading sults
able ;fer RaMeMln'anee ijay. ifre-
*ss:-Collini4and H Street -ren -
o< 'Messrsze.F:•',.G..Tedd and Toni Todd,
are ,eshibitings,tbeir Poll Anoaa cat-
tle at the Royal Winter ; Fair, Toronto
• 11666ra. .John and Collurri•ana7
,Iljlerezi • 'George 'Stuart, !Rase Murray
and W. Miller, moteredle 'Toronto
• for othe 'hockey match Saturdaynight.
The 'Sacrisment Of the Lord's_ Sup-
per was observed. in the United
Charch,on,Sunday morning: An im-
pressive part of the service Trite the
Reception service, when nine :Young
people were received as members:
-Miss 'Irene Woods of, Waterloo and
Mr, Neely Todd of Stratford, Were
•'• home for -llerneMbrance Day. -'
Mt. and Mrs. Wm: Dodde. And lit-
tle 'daughter Jean.. of Mount Forest,‘
-were, Week-:end--guenTS-"er-,:wi'. • and
Mrs. J. D. , Anderson.
Dr Seholl's;representativewill be
at RathweIl & Reed's' shoe store next
Wednesday. afternoOn,.NoVember; 24,
togive' free cOnsultationa, .on all
-106174-iiiihres. •
The yegulae Meeting of the Y. P.
U. 'as held on Sunday evening when
the seripture.leison was read by Dor-
othy Miller; -Mrs. E. W. Rice , read
of the writingof; the hymns "Nearer
MY God Te Thee" and "When I Sur -
VY the Wondrous Cross." The topic
"The,- YklisiS ;of Our Ilymnary"' • Iwaa
taken - by Mrs. George Stuart. Certi-
ficate -,.,forTithe2:Leildershi
rOfirsi,held'itt ...I4nglinnen,, in Apri
wer presented to Mr. and , is': P.
W. Ricc, Mises isobel Miller, Jean
TheM,s8era; ;I...m.419e' Millet
and . Mesars. : Stanley,. Toddi,
Itamitge, Dick Weethethead And Mine-
• ,,= - ,--,....,,,-,-
My" Soil".Mrs is Osborne teak
.., .... .
the: chapter from the 'study book.
. . . s
Ilirs. Wesley Mills of Clarke Auxil-
iary ' gaye.a very -interesting 'tam on
telliPei:'hne:, A liYton was On* 014
:Mts. AZ ,MacT,k,vialt „ de,ead the meet:
ing with pra'er. Lunch Was then
served by the •hostess. The December
meeting : will be held' at thehonse of
Mrs. John Colling.
The Young People held their Meet-
ing in the, church On Tuesday evening,
November 9th, with the president,
Wm. Stewart presiding: After Sing-
: ,
ipg a, hYmn; Hey. Mr. McKenzie led
.prayer... Jean' McGuire read the
scripture lesson and Jessie .McCharles
gave a short .reading. • Mr. John
Shielle of Ripley gave a 'yerY inter-
tine-talk---orr--4War-andr- ea
Mrs. R. II. Reid has tetntned, .to
Goderich to -spend the winter with
her ,danghter, Min: E. Pridham„
Mary- Walden has yetiirned.
to :'Saskatoon,, Sask., after -.ending
tr-ifew-menthS-With-stelatiVes.' . --
.Mrs. Hs Street of Mecca vis-
ited with, her sister, Dire. Ross. Black
on, Reinembrance Day. , .
Mrs. Wesley MilIs.of Clarke : Visit.
ed With her brother, Mr. W. S. Re-
quire last week. •'
"Mr.. and, Mrs. ,.Percy Rouleten and '
fancily'and Mr. and ' Mrs. R. Solomon.
of Stratford were guests of ,Mr. and
Mre.--mralte.RoulStore,on.:Th "a a
They. Were accompimied home by Miss'
had been; VisitT-
ing:in the eiinennenity for a Week. '
Following 'a recent meeting Of the
Pruce•-CoUnty Publishers, J. C. Mac
Donald of the Cheeley Enterpris•
wrote as fellows: -•
"Bruce CeinitY Press Asseelatiop
held its fall Meeting, in Walkerton
last Friday afternoon, those who at
tended. being, Messrs. Dan and Ross
McKenzie, of the: Paisley Advocate,
L C. Theinpson, 'IMcknow'. Sentinel;
Jack" Johnston, Mildinay Gazette;
C. _McDonald, Cliesley Enterprise;
and the Presi ,.and,ssell*taries
"Ott. Iniarair6r4eirreir
Leader' and Arthur Wesley, Walker-
ton Herald-Tinies.'7,
chief en'::the of business wa ai 0increased prices of
.11 pal)el stock afl(l the proposed • $10
'to year. 1007' aper
cost's rose.. 17% 6/,•:: with ne correspon-
ding. raise being 'made .in printin
s. ,
"Demands ' made :on the weekly"
press for free :publicity : also received
the publishers' 'attention.. The, news-
papers Could:. fill' their pages every;
., .
!pus .manu..tactui•era, anpu organizations
who feel that their particular eauae
is the; One which ' the newspapers
should support, sifft of eotirse,. 3,'S
'fAdVertig,Ihg is the life -blood of
the newspapers and many ,advertisers
treat the -publisher..fairlYand pair -for"
the message they Wish to convey to
the people. Others,:,however;• Are net
content with s write-up '. of. ',their: ac-
tivities but Wish :to :advertise it in
aciVance at Ihe expense..
• future the Enterprise,,sn Com-
mon with the ether Bruce imbliahers,
won't publish: advance notIceS ij1 the
correspondence Or any other page. un-
less thesefiteMs are marked. as :paid
• .
"Another ' evil which has, crept, in
is the • "phoned in" 'classified adver-
tisement- whieh in many capes
wairroW sENT144111,
11.fea,ars,.. Carman Andel -sea,' Gilles,
Haines end son Neil9and Geo: Maim
and daughter Margaret, spent Sun-
day at 1-1.4701dOn,•,
•Mr. and Mrn. Win. Henri of Flesh.:
erton'and*Mrand Mrs Ken. Kenned
. •
and twe:ehildren ef Dundalk Yteited
• Mr. and Mrs., George Irwin Wednes-
day •of last week. , • , 9•,
Messrs: Rap-tie:rid BrOwn, and Win,
Mole attended the induction service.
at-Lirekati:Wr annclarmurning; cit, Rev
1,he„LuelpOW, Riple, Thrirt'Albert'and,
Dungannon Anglican churches.
. .
• -Mr-Wilfred Pentland. Who: under-
, .
,;:verit ,an Appendix:operation TueadaY,
'NOvernber9tn' At Goderich Hospital;
4beengetting 41.° gfavorztlJv
sinceand,*eXpeeted home ThurXday
Of:, 'tine Miss Erma ,Finnigan,
was, his special, purse At the.
horsidiitya.1 for,,Hownthe Past•four days. We
rvisited her clan-
,- -
are ,gla4 he is:doing so well. ,
ibfet, *is. Robt-. Bean at Carlow, on
; tripijE
1-4,1q,CKNOW. S...ENTiSlEto
Published :eery Thursday morning
at. Luckpeve ,Oritario.
vit's: -A: 12,.. • MacKenzie - Proprietor
' Campbell, •Thompson -7 -Publisher
l'HURSPAY, 340vEmBER "47'
',44Weremypeople eo-oneratore
, • .
eir .very ekistariee to t'co-OW,ata,
bOtlr, prodUcers, and eeiiinnters.'t,
rhis was 'Rudy Brandt's ansvi r• to
ihe question, "Were your people back
in' Svieden• coqiperator,,s?lk
, „.
' Mr, Brandt Was ,SpealFing to two,
dis,cussion, groups' 'gathered Ties1
day evening, November:. 9th, : at the
home of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mac-
Kenzie, 'A Young Sweclish;Canadian,
now working in the Malcolm fiirnir
ture plant , in ...Kincardine, he. had
"corife to address these groups' on ep-
operation in practice. arid its pesSi:
'Pilities Canada. •
•mrs. Max Heffman is in Si. Themas "It may seem etrange,'?he sa
this 'Week visiting friends,' and also ''tehear Ma,. say that I've learned f
haeleg•: medical treatment for llor more about the philosophy Pt, e°".c'
ears: . .eration,in Canada than I 'ever ;did'
Of i United. Y. P. S.
Marks, 87th: Birilulay Sweden. You see; I"Was onlY1.7 wh
2.-Miss-Sally-Polly4isiteci4er-cousia---1-left.--and;--iike-nTost-rung 'chaps
Miss Mary Jane Shepherd at Goderich that age, I hadn't done mneh feel
liodintaf; Wednesday afternoon of Op to life: cBilt, co-operation was .
my blood and since aiming' to 'Ca
ada heee..,readle dee' .a
about A. year ago took course
it." s '. • , .
last week.' Mies 'Shepherd,,celebrated
her 87th* birthday , on IVIonclay, Nay -
ember Her: health is usnal and
her Mood quite cheerful. Her friends'
wish her health, happiness and trianiz
returns of- the day., We might nil°
say her alertness to renieniber faces
•CH.1JICfl .NO
Presbyterian Guild
The meeting' Monday evenirg, Pp,
ead by sin$ing: Psalm ao, followed'
by the Lord's prayer repented in
unison. The .scripture lesson vas read
by Maudie Fisher and:hymn 371 aung*:
'Mies Gretta Campbell - govt a read-
ing .and 'Roy Aitchison .sang a sole.
A very interesting tepie was given
by Mrs, Q. II. McDonald, followed
hy a 'eole
Peggy geerional‘The. closid
v.fiss 381 and Mr. •MacDonald Ye4'
the meeting' with 'prayer.
• •
Hackett' , y. U; meting opened.
yith Miss Bernadine, Alton,',.presiding.
'A hymn wa$' sting and the Lord'i'.
prayer repeated in unison: Another
hymn was sung And the.,busliieS.$ was'
discussed. The scripture.leXaen. 'was
read filr...:311r,ItttsSgL Alton The. tOolo.
'Be A . Persevering. Christian', was
31i5s :Myrtle ,Iohnsion.."Re-
rnernbraiice 'was read by ;Mr. Gor-
Oon Johristqll% .An, acgordian' Metre
ar: mental was gr,iven, 'by • Mr.?' ' George
The t4osing hymn was' sung
in and tenedietlon repeated in uriisen:
1.Lyceum Theatre
• wiNGH
Show Starts At 8 P.M.
. . • •
Thursday; Friday, Saturday-
, November -1849-20 -
WALTER WINCI1R141.4 ."..
„ .
The ineeti,ng .Meleley night was
in charge of, the Literary •group.
nd arlYelPd n'tb4e3.4rnaePedUntgh rj'hti91 ascrip;taiTreeiloPPs:'
sen and explanation ' •was.? read by
Ina, CaMpbell, Mr Tireicei-then • led
The,: radio speakerf T d
night, Noveinber• lath Was Lit
of. "Teeswatet. Miss ' Katherine RO
is, more keen, than, many of ,i4s. can. ,,ertson of 1161yrood Will take the No
btag., She recognized inunediately A ember 23rd . broadcast,: speaking
Mend ..3vhO called . on her last week.: 8,30:
whom she hadn't :Peen; for nea, r1Y.,
forty years: . . , .
•• Mt. . and Mrs. WM.' Bray attended
the'. funeral of 'fOrmer'S.•nenhew,
-647-74/3"-f .". °11 resr• County's farm production for
'• the present '‘ year , is approximately
'Mirk; Frances imontgoinely 'IlIenered that a her, twin
A .i.reintPtial sh"?..ifer. eetnity,Bruce.' *20,830,900, : pare -
held Friday evening at the „11.91ne0, ,fel..-fignling.indoencipariCon with Offi-''
Mrs. Otto Popp. in honor ca... Miss '.goverinnent, 'figures Of o
`sisans'.,,.moilsgons,eres Whese,' Par-. Years reireale.• These eptim es take.
riage 'takes place ISatUrdaY. to Mr: 'into ,corisideratien ie -
Mien ,..Abont', a '..dotee.,; eludine-grains,:reetss--:baya;t-elovei-P,
friends. gathered: for the evening. and etc.; . livestOck . and, of
the 'svaY Whiel:1C.the gifts ,were pre-; Grey County,- revenues ,' from 'tipple
'sented. yea ,by ;Aittle. Bertha 'and
Lorne 'POPP drawing thena in On a e$ v,teaokueet fromi toconsideration dveariaitoiu7
little wagon, 'tleettted with Pink, 4nd o.nd, Mink farms' throughout the:are
White, with a 'lniniat.fire• Pride. 'and wiOh', would reezin many thousan
groom in :the reer. Of'. it; with • ',the of : dollars:" ,.inore-te the teteL,': The
coachman in front': The bride . elect: are also. revenues *pm garden firth
Was• nleasantlY. "stirpriSed and Fran- berries,.. etc. . no estiniat ' Of whk
, 9,
ces; responded .witn words of ,...thanks could be • -reached. --tegethe
for their :,leinenibran0eS.. The even,: the farm 'revenues of the twin': eOun
ing was socially Spent playing Bingo ties, .GreY. and: Bruce, • -Would e
•and contest, which: was dressing $46,23i,000.
,clothes pins ihe. ebjeat Mak- on , asisei-VatiVe . figures, and, every
-ing,L,theshest'slOoking-brides-Mts:io.P0P0, rthing taken consideration wOul
the hosteas; served daintY : lunch 'exceed $46,590;06;„ . . ;
thi°;. r4ieaPdrinagY7Hayilindnje4a0n5'Strutherisl'iee;•4;Ora•::
taken; Mr. McGillivaiy fayored us
with A very, pleasing ,solo. •The topie
,Work Of tile Night . Scheele," was
taken:, bY, Mr: Tucker, Mary FiCher,
and StUalt.,C9llyer, was
ing closed with hynin kind the
Mizpale-benedittien: .
St. Peter's A. Y. :
.p<reTshideeAnt:T.';:mRit •oppeoproedoy,Wi,tch'0,cithte6.-,vi!iieee:'
Hymri was sung,'" The
and the
xese • scriptureconsisted
1:1 ;:: itg. trEileenMeehiC.reading°e09. Johnston.inlieeting ehnmusing e, a :rdb ymnel gwede0M: i:ibs 6i
a' Rev. P. IL Rickard' ,on
Rexford '0atrander.. Topic': taken by
Factory. . He made ' it, 'exceptionally.
interesting by. displaying 'photos' f
• r ,
,diwork - nsisting of-
head; 'work and leather' Work • A duet
d • • • '
ra ,:.;,Na 1 . AStiFIELD •
The -weekly meeting of the Giris' Mrs. Robt. - Hamilton of'Lucknow :S
spending a fes.; days at the home
of her win Mr. Frank 'Hamilton:
Miss :Sara- MacLean of Chicago
visiting with her brothers and sister
et' her 'home here.:
Newlyweds Presented.
periiid and , have to bill frequently
hefOre'receCinne a remittance. z • •
;"In''..fcitiiteonlesS the Sender has 'a
ledger :a`06Zint ". it 'the Enterprise,
ctigh, ninic•aCeeinpanY the orcler on
"transient" advertising. Our . rates
for classified And coming events are
tated-Cle-aily at th-ittoji '47 -the'
•and there Ilsheuld be no 'diffieulty.
Handicraft, Club was held at the home
of Annie Taylor, with .11 girls pre-:
sent." The president, ,Sadie Mac -
Charles, presided' and the roll call
Was responded to by "The Accessor-
ies I have chosen , to make!!. Mrs:
Webb gave instructions for making
different types, of dresser scarfs and
the girls worked' on, their own. At the
conclusion, lunch was served by Mrs:
Elwood Barbour and Mary Irwin.
Mrs.. Jake Hunter anent
Sunday the home of Mt. And Mrs.
' George iPhillips. • ; ' • ' ••
Mr. 'Murray.. Tay161-7' Spent' Friday
evening at. his ' home.
Miss Mary' Irwin ,,Pilent Sunday at
her home in Huron and also with
friends at I3ervie:
Mies Evelyn Pinnell; Kieleugh, is
visiting .h.er Mrs. E. Barbour.'
- •Min; --B: D. • MeCleneg , spent . one
day: kat' .Week with her mother, Mrs..
. Jas. • Barbour • •, . •
• oi.-:vety pleasant :evening Was spent
,-,at.the.tionne Of. Mr.'azid..IVIrs, E. Bar-
bour Friday nest; , When about: thirty
relatrves and friends gathered to
••• cerigratulate Mrs. 'Jas. Bak -beim on
her 'i8th., birtlidee: 'The, evening was
spent inusle,, car s and dancing.
'Mi 'Glenn Needham spent' Armis-
'tice Day in Toronto,. -
Mies Ethel Biee of Lohdon WAS a
,in anYone ascertaining. the east...
ft -
is "Ensiness. today IS, run .a : cash
s basis and we ask the cooperation .0f
the public in assisting US to Sifllphfy
x; our „book-lceeping.":
On Wednesday ' of last; week, M
,ancl mrs. Ale* -.MacDonald.. gave
'reception in Lochalsh Hall in -,,h6n
of their ..daughter Jean's:marriage to
"Mr.. Richard West, ••and rs.
West returned that day from their
honeymoon. ' About three hundred
zuests'-werelPreSent,--seineifrom Luc:-
knisw, • Ripley and .Goderich.: The. eV
ening was . Spent in danehig to • th
nusic, of MacKenzie'e orehestr
Dining the;eVening the young coup.
Were asked to., come to the. Platfor
When • an address: was 'read .1,3Y
Cyril Marsh and kiss' Margaret
Kenzie, on ?•.:ehalf Of these .prepen
nreSeiw_ide. With'. a ;eILfille
purse. The greein in replying thanke
:their friends- 'behalf : of :hinisel
and 'Mrs; West, After which • dancin
Was resumed till the wee sinall lionr
of the morning.• • :
a -
will hold their regular'
Meeting. en Friday evening. .*
The W. M. met on Thursday • af..
terse:son at .the Of‘l A.
C ing charge of the'ineeting.., Alter • the
4; 'epersiie(i.: hymn the: ,eeriPti.ire,' leeiOn
e: '1,0.4,read"..respensiVely,:.
41- nek read', the, devotional leaflet and
r. prayer , was : Offered' by 'Arra.: Albert
Cainpbell. .Irene " Robinson sang n
solo. Mrs. C. R inson and .Miss
(1,--Elaine4--Bsiref.oedtgav reading S •and:
d 'the' first chapter in the : NeW Study
book was 'taken by :kit Bert Irsyior;•
g MO: Albert Citembell.nno, 'Mrs. Then:
Beznforzt hymn
the :president, Mrs. Bert Taylet-
Dr. Scholps representative will, b
at • Rathivell. 84 Reed's shoe store siex
Wednesday' afternoon, November 24
Li give free, consultations on al
fOot troublea., :
The opening'meeting of the Pres-
•iyterian Young Peoples society on
Thursday/ NaVerriber 11th; took _ the
fetal of a 'supper meeting. at Wllich
,about enei, luindied were in '. Eaten,
dance. The preSicient, Mt, Finlay Mc-
Donald presided, and A' short ',.Pro-
gram was carried 'out. Misses. Mae
and Bertha , IVfactendrick sang A
duet; Mrs: Robt. Seat sang n•solo;
e ed :the meeting with prayer. i Atten-
t dance '13. At the 'Close Of the meeting
, the Women's Association picked a
I bale of clothing, .valued: at to be
sent to the West, ,• , •
Mis"*; Francis Crozier, is''isitiiig
with her grandparents; Mt. and Mrs.
Mt. and Mrs, j. C. Rubin -on,
George Naylor and see Gorden And
• Mrs.. J. H., Mills spent a few days
. this 'week with friends in 'I'ertinto. •
Sixteen ladies of this vicinity 'at-
tended the course oii "Garinent 'Mak-
ing" last week in Donnybrook acheol;
1Iis5 Philips of., Toronto , was •in
'charge of, the ,cofils'e, and 'while here
was the guesti.of 'Miss J. McAllister.
,Mk. and Mrs. ,II. ThOmpson
ited . on Sunday' with their son, Floyd
who is 4 patient la the hospital at
London. • ,
The, Many ',friends of Euphe-
'Ohaniney ate sorry to learn she
is again., confined ' to her ' bed through
illness and wish fey' her a speedy
tecovery, ' •'
, visitor 'at Miss Gertiiide, Ifewitts
• home on .Saturday. . , •
.c.mis: A: Sutherland of • Westleck,
• Alta.; and Mra.'. W.. R..CaniPbeli Of
• Atineile, were callers in the vihlagc on
Saturday. Old 'friends .ate glad to see
Mts•i. ',Sutherland (nee. Miss Annie
'Campbell), again..- '
•'1VIls, 11. Griffith, North Line, was
• sin •Lenden, on Sunday last visiting h'Is
father, mr.. Ben ,Moulton, Who is'.14;
patient in, Victoria Hospital.'
Geddes underwent an
, operation ", on Monday of thig week
in Si:•• Josephs, Hospital, London the
• operation was successful,. and it i•s
'the earnest, wish '• of :many .:.`friends
that Mrs. 'Geddes inaY seen be home
.stgain, entirely recovered from the h.
elects of her trouble :1; ,
The W. A. of St. 'John's .Chnrcb 0
• met ;on Tuesday last at ,the home Of in
' „Mts. Henri Needhanis, 'Con. 5; Mrs:
• Wm. • Walsh gave a very 'splendidly m
prepared ;pnperi on "Pence", c.•
•" Mrs. Perrin' of :Kincardine d
Ree. %Rohe lyizieConnell gave an • ad,
on .Armistice, Day;. ,the Mac -
Kendrick sniainette 'eneg land.' Mr.
Duneae MacKay Sarig. a , solo'. •and
Rev. .J. K: MaeGillivary closed the
Meeting with prayer.
The Presby.91krian Wo.M.S: held
their NoVeMber''.,Meeting.at the honk
of Mrs. R. ,Brown Mrs.. M. C. Mac-'
Icenzie eccupied. tne .chair ; bob is,
being packed be forwarded .to the
West: A report of the seeti•onar nieet-
ing at, Kinlough • was ,given. Several
papers,' *ere 'read and the 'Meeting,
cloaed With prayer.' ' •
The Mary Hardie. ,kiseibn Band
net on ISciturday, Afternoon, at the
erne of Miss Gwen hb,
These Who attended' the Amberley
rangezzien's social on Friday: eVen-
g report 'a Very • enjoyable 'One. '
Ahl roads led ••to.:kingSbridge on
eltday evening, where a hot.
upper was served • and the remain-
der Of the ,eveeing was .spent hiden-
ited Friday with her slater, Mrs. It
T. l3revni. ' • :
Mrs aeO: lark was a 'Visitor at
the home of MI'. and mrs. It Peter.
Unusually, large vias the , funeral
Of the 'late *Jelin Sturgeon on Sable
day last..The telatiVes of•the 'deceas-
ed have the sympathy of a . large
circle of friends.
. cing.
Mr, and ,Mrs. -If.' A. Grant and Mr,
• and Mrs .Frank MacLennan and Bar -
Dara spent ii day recently in ,Sarnia.
Miss Marie Pollock of Huron' has
been engaged to teach Music in Kin -
tali, Laurier . and Hetnleck City
' es •
hosts. Laurier school truatees have
tied a ::Piano t4„..: their • eguipinent
fluted, and orfioc. County Councils
are ie session this .week. This in an
earlier fall session then is usual in
Huron, but Will favorably received
In rnunleipalities where earl nornin-
atione and elections are held, as; it
will do away with the Sonflietion ca
sed in. other yearS.
ELttiliON PAY'
Cheques 'totalling $2,128.79 were
Mailed this :week to deputy reitirning
'officera, • pen clerks', eoristables and
owners of polling places The The edge'
of pay is„D".R.O,;.$lo. poli dierkao, $6i.
constables. auerent hoot4
14eaforth` txposifor. ie., •
.the, 'of the evening. '
".Messrs. Thos.: and Hank: :Irwin. of DROWNING VICTIM IDENTIFIED
Paisley, iiaited their brother, 'George '1 • ' • •
Irwin, 'on .1110,p.day. Mr Hank Irwin •After almost n'.years'Lake Hiire
who • has . 'beenhere from the West, WateeS,,gave up the body, ' iclezitipe
expects • to soon' retern, to his 'hOnie. as Sinalei .chief engineer,' of 'th
near- Saskatoon
The. Wernen?S .Association of :the
:United ChniCh•:met. at the honiS:.of
Mrs. It McDonald, for the NoVeriiber
meeting, last :Friday aftnrneen, With
thirty-two 'Present; .The 'meeting .op-
ened in tho usual way 'with n hYmn
and prayer. The, minutes were 'read
".,tin.'d'ndept.bekd.,•"aa:ndp'g':/ roll • call was
den' for. Xmas
Ceiliniittees ,Were.appointed 'for
the, ''‘Father: and See Banquet.,As
this took considerable - time, the. Per-.
kid was :broken..by 'having
Lois... Treleaven *.faknor: With a, 'vocal
Solb,•;,accompanied.by her Mather, Mrs:
G. C. Treleaven:: Plans for. the :bee<-
quet was 'further; Madewith Mrs 11
meoreTiendueting. Affei, this a Piano
Cook --and-a. :ealiet-s-by,-'-a•
ll Ethel=
). ss.` •
MaktinOn.•"Itedieation in the'. home",
WAS'.Vely nitieh enjoyed by eVeryone.
The Meeting . was closed bY,' ,hymn.
457; after which Rev.. Maloziey
pronteinced. the benediction.
oonth Ainloss Y.
tug; F. 4, Lee, which :foundered o
November 13th last Year, The bad
..deco.xnposed body was found last wee
floating on the .beach near•Seuthanni
Pie :regular meeting of the- Young
SoCietY Was .baSe-
lc 'Meet' .of the 'church, .Etiday evening
, and. Was yeey '•well. attended: . had
'beep decided ; to ',Study '.11unyan? '•
grim , PrOgress:for a few :minntes. at
each meeting. Mrs. young• gaVe-ms A
Vivid iptiodeetion to thii i4erasting:
be,oy and' all l are :looking iorwarsilei.
the cthitinuanee'df.thie study. The,
topie for the evening was ."what 11
11/leank To '13e, A. Christian (1) In re -
!ellen Christ' (2.)•In•relatien-to the
'Church. (3)' In relation, to 'the bonle*
( • it le a ien o e Community
and (5), In ilteletion to the World,"
;Very valtiable Infermation. was given
on this by Miss' D. MarLeod, Rev. G.
Young, Mr. Canipbell and. Mr.
Meeienes. This subject Was found to
be a very interesting- one and inaini
•truths appliCable tao:our lives,.tof,day
., were leqned.. next, meeting is 11
Miseionary one ,Arid is, under the lea.-
derahiP of Miss A. MacKay. • '
. The *annual .Meetipg of the Huron
Old. Boys Association*: Toronto,' • will
be held. on Thursday 'evening, ;NeVe
OMber''2§th.. At. the .1/..M: C. A.;:?, 931.
:fd6on)ole:wiit k."ti.hdajedestioaildoir!.44recsohrs7..!Ant.p.S'
'former , residents of 'Huron County
noW residents in Toronto, are invited
to -attend.' Please notify your 'friends
of this gathering.
• '• •
• .
instruMerital Was given by Mrs:'Leroi
Stinget followed bi '1VIrS D Rich.' of fnrniinre. in the various h'erae's of
the /heather§ ;Will' he demonstrated
,Ardson 'reading a 'paper entitled "Cel-
'leetive Sneurities ' •Stop . Warr, in tbe near future: One has been held
hich Was received. •,,,,vith, thOughtS, a- at 4'°‘ 11";m°r: of ' Mrs.Jas. Wilson. 6,1,t
1,azonet .,spoke a i.e„,i4 one for this 'Week at --Mrs. pi/otett
Harris'.• Miss' Verna. Anderson,' te
-words on this And told. the .14ilis„ or
pa egatete the.:Area*COnVention At Har -
along rerninded ristPn,, gave her tepett.' The hostesses
for 'serving tea' were Dorothy MeMil-
their.' that mothers call do Intieh to
lap, Beth McConnell and Cora Fin:
event Wars by organizing for that
purpose, for ,thkre..is Mother dunk
,patiantoits,,tliat vatitt war. mis,..„ flome and igch...00l Meeting
elia ; .Pentland „gave humorous '. The:: NOvemest, meeting of the
ading '• her own comptien., Home snd ' *School was held at
01p: Parsonage', On Monday -,eIeriing,
hich brought ,laugh, , the close
with. about twenty' present. Can -
the meeting, the •hoafesses, Mi. •
adn was. ,sung ' ;open; followed by
rei,iMille'DI4onarICIGSoei.rc'tv(jelldrCePtrirges,rhitinMenittlIsd.; the LOrd'psetpir9adycwrainthaealaaot Afeasihtio4,t
Mrs. Annie Stonehouse Visited her
tbaulsc.iihngesin..the secretary's 'eOrresPon-
Y last 'Week,
phew an' Lorwneh'oStison:lionanyaseieeoinnge •dea,ce, minutes .and ••roit dos.. ufss
the Goderich 'syotitQa. mBle:.11.eoeWaceobrnayetrilefaizsipeedetowr,ithwaafl: legs
hospital, from a ,,si; 0.
wili be present,,, and his a4dtess gave the
Scholl's representative
filelnbet8 a good outline of the "new
Hathwell & `Reed's shoe store next
eollSA of • study", which is new taken
edneSday afternoon, November 24,
Of the
give ''free* consultations < on all nutSwItic:'01ithr:e's,oefhPsotiu5,0'.y Ti:rtaadiPlivelop )n
troubles. . • • • ••
tbe, Child own physical .power and
Miss Cora Finnigan gave her home.
to awaken his own, individual per -
"the meeting cie the Dungannon
seriiilitiegThe method,' of teaching
nior. Institite. feet Thursday af-'
neen. with 17 present. aeanedholobej6theetrwatlie,ect.ii.aretfeunitli ,*eexrp:a4vinercyd
Book and.why'"was the te8iiomin
the roll egt11, by eiteli nnerribet: Mi sq 1661' 'el:ilig4t°44 hlt. this sPl°tilid
oaten Anderson gave. splendid toPie* t41 t" 6 ast Vert4 st4 ° °Fnr(14 *46
ReV,..' T. Ford of . Strathray' is a'
guest'at the home Of his sister, Mrs.
111:. Hogan.: • ",
' 'Mr. Jake `7Ifiniter and
feinilY visited. 'with Mr. and Mrs.
Phillips St. 'Helens on Sunday:
Misses Della Gilmore of Butfala, n
and Margaret. . (if . Kitehencr spent '
Sunday at the4; home.
Mr. Thos. and Mr. and Mrs.
John McKinnon ad Jean of Tivex,
ton, visited, with Mr, and 'Mrs. Will S
itontor, km'. •'McKinnon •'iutendi
maining for, a feir days,
Mr: and. Mrs. C. E. McDonagh and
Mr, and Mrs.Nyill HUnter • attended ,w
the 'reception at Lochalsh. given, in
honor of me,. snd #64t,
Mr. Leonard, 'Phillips 'spent d
wee -eri'd With ,Mr. and Mrs. J. •Hun-
ter. ' •
• '77.I.C.;7..s. .
• - , .
'ake.'UO,-.AndH! Live'
radio teed!,
nuw'appears on the scrven for
.the. 'first time. •
sledee v.penga,si•dancIng..„andharrage. of wisecracks,
.: a..
• • '
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
November 21-13-24 ,
11ItiiiAN WHO
wAd interesting -story -of- wastr eoreoa tt:ir. insf toiorn army -!e transformed
fnertoo' mut a, ,4ni
esetul citizen.
cOURRIES epRpiElg.t.S
Friends to Lorne Farrish 011 teu,kndeaty• :„.ziwn6dr•
and Andrew Stein, , Mr. and..
Mrs. Stein. Of Paramount and •
Mr. and wm.,_Dickson.and. tam,.
, ,
Miss Rea• Miller is 'assisting";Mrs
Lorne Farrish- At " peesent;"
'... The .COMMOnitr' W4C9IBEA-4 jand
Mrs. N. J. Drennan,,whe'.,la;e
into 'their . new, home ..,re'eefili;
, • Mr. and Mrs:: Alfred Arnistrengand .
,THTct;ooln. id 'acts! ....wiseenbl teen; ailoso
Mr. and
Mrs Miss Jean Errington aningise 'Helen
'McCabe :visited' with Mr., and MTs.
David. Little ,On- ‘SandaY.., •
Mr • and • Mrs: ,IlarVeY Mole of •
•Dungannon 'visited with Mr.. and Mrs.'.
T. .J. ..Drennan on ' Sunday,'
Mrs. Campbell and Mini Ina ,
Cainipbell vieited friends in Stratfordone :
r,LEY ld:rorie recently.
and ,•M‘r..;lio.dge'''
Of Dungannon, visited ' burg'
On 'Monday. '
• Mrs. win. 'Crozier spentthe past', ..
tWO Weeks with her snothei -•• ..Mrs.'
Campbell, ' who i;Vti:s a 'patient . in ,
Stratford Hospital, 'having a catar-
act:: removed from her eyes. . We are
glad'. to ' report .the 'apex -citron was ,
Sticeeanfel. ; •
. . -
Miss Harriet -Whitley, who spent .
'thepast few", Weeks in...Godericli, has
.,„ . . ,
returned home.; . , -,.• • : .
. , „ .
'' Mr: and -Mra. Jack....*.CUrran and .
ehildren. visited ' With....Mr.:. and ,Misi.,- '
Iletb Curran, .- Mafeking, on Sunday.
. Mr. and Mrs. ,.. Wilfred Drennlin,,.''
Lorraine! ti,xia ',J: C. Visited reeentlY:-
with, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart, Taylor.
Mt. Colin Crozier Of Parkhill Caine.
home On Friday and: .spent ,a.plecisant •
ti;eek-od`:,witki his .parents, ..Mr, • and.% - ' •
'Mrs. Wite. Crozier. ', .s. ,:. .•,, , - '. • . .
: '.kr... and. .1. it Lorne Emmett's< vis= •
•ited ' friends t Goditieh'and Leebtitii
on 'Friday. ' .., .. • . ' . ,
, . ,.
, .
: Mr. John Johnston of Bluevele in .
. -
a., guest with his , nieee,', Mrs: Jack
Rivett; ' -
- • .
.near Belgrave. Miss Eupheinia Chem- '
Chester and Louise, visited friends .
, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Finnigan,
• .
Treleaven. Ywl : 1hr ie, reeghi:4e1 V 13ri:.' erei with , :wfavisi taarnrhehTuns:l]rtrhC:h3tm:enae e fihrtsrral::::. nuncle,,md‘oSP' ttasen.George1Is.d..: 1.,.. D' Bo, TW're°‘:erriFee'tirsileaE' deal n's: ' ma:Cn:Mvoir r lere. it, onaf ;es f, ' --•
Leluin visited , on Monday' with
Mr. Sam ,SherWbod is kindling a
boat load Of hay on the Superior At,
Kiricardine ' on Monday.
'IVIisP Beatrice Treleaven Of Luck- ,
6w spent a pleasant week -end at
err home bete. -'
4th, Ci)N%, KINLOSS
Kr: and lilts. D. MeKinnoti, spent
utiday with', Mr. and Mrs. P. Moffat.
Mrs. Wm.' MacKenzie is visiting
ith friends in Hamilton.
Miss Elizabeth McIver spent the -
eek end at her heme.
Mr. Wm. Smith, foreman of the
construCtioin ,crew, spent
Fri -
evening at It. Middleton's. ,
Mrs: Wt, Robb was a visitor on
e line Theredky.
Pit'. and Mrs, A. Wilson of Leeks "-Vit.' John Mackinnon 6th con., 're.
Lowtid'ao/ste E?n, teheeited jiwzd;vhoof trheesi;dtealithin
the Vet.
1.,frs,. Les. 'ftiteind spent n day with thi.teitittit:is. Ate', being ' brotight hero
Afithotsic, Iteamitigi'3,. sung to.:close stbo..'meeting., , her 'mother, Mts.: thetwood; . for Itielei • • < •
•s, .