HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-11-11, Page 7•
.s..•••• has ,
• •
;Teo 111111.0n spii•its restlesk•and.sigliing,
Scarce yet their ..benes .are iningled• with dust,
f!Thoy. died for peace -- an all-glerieus vision
"TO, end' all, wars," their .sticred trust.. " • ,
• itt1e white crosses,„ w1at:4P they etnad. for?
Naught but Aa embleni of truat..tlaht's betrayed;.
The "vision" -.is b1urr40,, the War TIondS have gathered,'
" • And 'men havh for.gotten the promises made,...•
Oh, .1),Ian cf. the Crossylook down, now in. pity ,.
world all bewildered with frietion .and .hate;
-.1111ing.back tile "visionthat ten iilhonied fPr,
9 .4:0014das7oss,....os
, • 7. .
' , .'„ ; •4. , • • •
I 1 r
o • o:•.4 o• 0 ea.A, ••• • t • •.• ise..•!••• • •
• '•',L;ESSON.V1) .
, . .
• 2 TIMOthy. Chap .4* 2 Timothy: 2:-'14
Printed. Text-,-,1•T,innithy 4 6-10;
, 2. Timothy 9; 1,4 '
• Golden 'TeittNegleet not the gift
• that.
• The Lesson In Its Setting
Tline.-The di* 'epistle of :Pant to.
Timothy was probably,. written ...A.)).
63-66, and the 'secon4.: eptstle 111n)14
P.Ince--4econ Timothy • was Veit- • in the'life of the Christian Minister,
ten fram.aterne, where PanI •was • a ...that :which keeps :him from tainting ,
, • • : by the way. from giving'Up.in despair,
, ,
The first:epistl •Tit-liaiii:1-07Torethr•-• .withthe
was probatify:. Written' about A.D. '66 :'•ihg God, with vihinn son1T-traithii'Wilr-
Anutediately ,before second :' ink- he in- glory. :Who has a.PPointed, 'tarn to
pritionmetif, 'While 'the Seecnid. epistle 'thersuPreme Work Of •hringingmen to
. to, Timothy was ivritten: ahoitlk be know and accept the Lord 'Jesus ,
fere mertyrdont, while he Was ..it PIS- • Christ:AS, Saviour. •:'06d Is the the' Saviour
.'ener---in--Ttnnier:-A,D• 67, • , .:.. • ofall:, hien' inso.. tar as • he Sent his
only .begotten, Son into , the world that '
Chinese Launch Drive to Assist- Country
•r•••••:, •
Is life, Le.; the "verk highest blessed-
ness both in :thi world and the next.
St Paul Means exactly What Our Lord-
meana'whoe be says, I ara come: that
'•‘ may have life and may 'have, it
, more abundantly!. "'V .
4_ 10. .For to .thisL•end We labor and
. Strive., Because we have .our hope. set
on the living pod,' who, IS the SaY.Wilr
of all:, men, esP ecially. of ; tlrent„ that .
'believe. ,11, These things coramed,
and teach. The great motive pewer
. •
Pau 1 --co uld hot:;_em P lies ice the,
...,,POrtanee of the ..trittk:Whieh. henn:'7wlrosaever--shOuld•-‘-bel ,Ave' •••••on+,3iini."
• .
rat three verses of this ,
:chapter more than o :say t • art
matter hud been expressly given by,
"the I•ioly Splrit.• % ' "
put the brethren ,in, mind .
'of :these thins, then. shalt be a .good•:
• minister. of Christ Jesus. The word"
,here tratiiiiited„:,"tniniater". insane, lit::
. 'erallf; laborer,". who serves.!'„
.. IsToUriehed in. the 'swords. of; the faith;
-- These of. cours refer:: to tho Holy.
Scriptures:: AtitM the good- doctrine..
• -.3v1ilelt. thou hast •followed until now. •
' Peoplear,e bound to believe 'Some -
_Ailing; and; if they are not Instructed
in divine itruth,','„iii, the 'Itruth as .pod
lias given .it to tie, thenthey inevit-
ably will receive error, he false teachr:i
'Of men, .fartial. truths Which, 'can
'never .Satisfy,,.and•whielt: Fie often 'lead •
to tragedy, disaster. and wickedness.
.7: Bilt..refuse•praine and old wives'
.The fablee.hereripOken-of-are-...:
those impassible
..1 Praptile'•GedlinesSAnd"'
. ,
exereise...thy5elf4uttO ,gadlineaak.:
'-ehriatian People Might to train..their.:
spisista,,:,at least :.as care u y as . the..
athlete..dOes:„hia • nineeles: .• The sett -
denial, and Persistence, -encl.:concert-
"' tration.WhOh are exirended in athletic
: ,ptirsints ;Put' to ..shanie•c• tho" .way' 111
Which • Chrlatiarie. go 'about Abe task
'Df doiflg their 'religion. ". •
. ••:.a;',For .bodily. exercise ,iik;profitable
Por a little; but godliness is wolitab1e
-,„,ter allthings. ItairlorpronliSe--ef
which now 18, and.'of that :Which'
• Is to ecinie., ' '
9.Feithfu1iethe : saying, And, worthy '
Of all acceptation. What is • proiniSed:
• • ,
••t s.•.t '''''' .1•1°414•°°‘ .
:, tits.olea e r ) • .71)-1
& ••- Isea 9 ttl X ow
' °Be
tot ,,,. Ol .oso,..tev • cA s
' 6.0.
tie sett t • 7,z, • ..1,nit-..60.0. :.-.
,peocesttortbtossett".!.,,st, rc'''.`
.,,‘ •g -cot .
would be • iiirired,and halre. everlasting
. 12. Let no tiespliethy youth,
•BI:1:the earl y.'ehureh.4a bighop,...Was not •
appointed 'Until.. he was at least • fifty
Years of ;ageBut be thou an ensam-
'Pie. Here It means that: Timothy was
to be. 4 ,,model for 'Other Christian be
Revere"; T,11:444.3n1;•,thitt believe In NirerC1,:
in Manner et: life;:in leve.:in faith, In
:PliritY, "The five words deseribe five
'stages trointhe-inost-deflued,external--
to ',the most .defined internal,:•eharae
teristicespeeeh,.:behavior,:love, faith.
puritY;, ,leVe,•• an. it: •Were........belonging..
equally tO:t.,q,intier and the ,onter 'Self
„ . . ;
• WOrking:.Whole-heartedlk
%. 13.. Till .r 'Come, give .heed to, read. -.7
Ing This This. refers, not . private read.;
•ing, but to the .fublie, reading Of the.
:Seripttireiin , chyrph. services or
Wlierever-peopleare gathered together...,
:The 'earlY,Chriatithis were oecustonied
to sich publie reading In the ',•synit- •
....gegues and .aVailed. themselves . of it
the work efTiii:CiiiagatifirClifirffOiart-
-fty. fi'br*.xlfennat *JO, .,to teachitreT ;
iirSt Word. refers .''to that 'Orin' Of Pun-
n•ddreSe v,thich ia especially intend-
ed tci'exe,ite tite fuehngs and linnet. to
,aethirttho second to that ..priplia, in
stiuet1011 in !Which ...the purpose is to •
:.'enlighteri the tinderatieding by .rea-, •
soning either in unfolding and ;,de-•
tahljahing trail; ;exposing pint
. •
'7The'VrIncess Der LinV;Toritel;--L-ad'fin-Weitilig thr,rgmPreSs paw:—
figer of China; and Chinese consul Chaing assist in the .raising
of funds and clothing in Lo S Angeles, Cal, for the purpotee of render-
ing relief to the victims of thelighting in war-torn China. . •
Scalps For Victuns
Medico Science • 040',2.
fprmdt1 .fOr lift''',•nitficatccidettt
' • • 'ufferers
The • Indians have, stopped scalPing,
but lilac...hint:5. ha v,p .talcan over where
op, Red Nen. 'leftQ merican
Collere of Surgdon'i, •y.'ns
inforinea.. •
Thisfiret was `brought- out by James
"4..-C-thi'l LLD,' 'of COorge'etvn "Univer-
.....-44•••7Li •
• 4V
Every' Er day Night
' • op a rtatierial•
ccio•Pe fP csi.• nqt17Prk.
;. •
.Pw 3111g(. 0u lave, -open!! a
to- buird tow sCnip a', OM ething
was not (.1'01'6 1"1:13C1,1; tbk gOor.r OW,
. ,
day,' ,* •
The modr.:rni'; VE10 loSe' their ,ntfc.:41tia .
. to In a't,hrn l'wen1.011
'and 'Cse,1'.4cordint4 ;11,o
• • , • ,,, • , •,.. , , •
6.1•Yt.1.• )1,1'.°rF'!
hair.;easehjhg, ny neel's 'Ot. belts ,ISL,
'sine the' Chinese cuttheir
q.tleues they have been oxen -int,' But
bohhed •figir style's have ,not been' a
coniplete protection. • ^ -
The most recent operation.
ing a woman new neW pealp Wns,de'sctib,
ed by Dr;', Cahill, The patient..Was: g
25-year-eld garnient 'worker whose ac-' •
ehlent genie as: ;She stopped 'to Pick
op, something *under :her machine.. ,
• : A New Ear •,• •
. . , .
The machine aid, .about:.twjce as
Much' •scniping in area, .aa 'a savage's "
knife,a,nd it took Offthe-right ear too.,
Yet tiiday, said Dr. Cahill, "ih-e-. voting
W.ornan'haS y new ear and :a 809-.10. •••••••
She wears, a. transformation,- said.,
thy, vary closest attention on. thyself.
This is ,thy thaln duty , pastor:" ,
'Continue .,in these things; for in do.;
Ing this thou shalt save .both thyself •
_ . . .
:does not depend; Of 'edurse, upon what
one deeft, but What one :does, and
'thinks, :,..and•. plans' +will : determine
vinetnar .that person will Waste -.his
Ilte or. save it for ..great and ,glotions;•
:aahieVements,' Thls likewise -
ikeArersota gospel :preiglier •
3t, has ;iiebn..ahoivn iii mar,
4 -Jaen -Cue en tha a in n, s er whose.:
•,,oWn „life IS strong,,. and JiIy. and,..
Christlike has beet: • a::::.toWer. '•of
,strength, encouragement,and help to
hiS own 'people in hours whbh.: other-
wise, humanly sneaking; they. Would •
have goneto pieces, „. ;
. ;soldier, of Christ .
.•1. Thou therefore, rer,'Chird: Thn,
•,e(hir was Paul's Child .bk.,:faith',•..net
--a-edefdliiiTtir the ..flesi.-.--Be-Strength,-
ened.in ...the grade, 'that, ts.in...•.Chriat •
Jesus. mo
"TiMethY was to retreat:Wit&
. ,
inthose.cOneetitric circles=7:graceand
. . .
Christ-t*o. 'circles: which , are; -after .
. .
all, but one, for ;grace is:Christ hi 'ac-
tion and, in • preeence. 'It is,: after all. .
himself; as our .secret, our refuge, our
readurte.". •'• • : , .•
.2. And the things 'which than .bast'
:heard trorit,toe ainang: Many wit
nesseS: the :Same 'Commit,Lnoutoi'faith-
. , , .
who, shall beable to teach
• ethers: 'also., There is:110.01Y anYthing''.
nio I ni p.orta.ht • t h e • •. Chi•i stieni
011405thd-n i u•reaffinSigility.nana-:01-37,
oppOrtitilly• Of older. • :mintateri', and
teachers' den:Patting. the riehea 'or, their 't
.jearning, faith, antt.„ experience• to "-
'the henrts;:of thcir Ye:tinker brethreri,.:
•thai theirent treantires. thit, are in
• the••SCriptures• and that-.4re, .avniTatle
, , „ . ••
itt Chriet, niny'heVer
eante a; generation •EteiSes. ignaranCOl
theSe holy nnil divine .themes.. •
good ,SOIdier',of Christ Jesna. 'The,
Christian: mem, nboye .all, 'the • Chris-
tian Paster; is to think of...WM-Self -tort,.
der •
Nt) Ig01.dir • on Ontaligleth
hiniself in the affairs •of, this' li0;•. that
he' inny please him ,Whp "enrolled:him ,
.as .n.eoldier. 'A.. 'Soldier Cannet'be„:at
the iboek arid, nOpeornhatnntsg.
'.he' &tenet •be called 0n...111e...telephone,.
and, asked',' te,13erve 011 this or thati
local Committee•fOr eponiering every.),
Conceivahle movement that noth-
to de with the grentivar in WhiCh'.
lie is eingage.d..; Or',Y1nto ,Which
Teets semi 0i:beep:Ile& Sea. Minister
Of the .gosfel.trthst.nat.be,,,ii!'.0roWd
with" 'secular': engagements, and 'CiVIc.
cinevenienta," and certainly not With,
entises,„ thaehis great insk of
•,witnessing•!fer Christ •atid 'doing
:Cliriat'S.Werk'ia. sadly neglected,' •'• •`•
'Negleet, not the` gift that, IS, 111;
thee, \Vlach ' was ";•giVen • ;thee., by
p1ophe07,, with:. the ••IalYing• on 01: the
hands' a,thep1 6.sbYtery:, 17hree ole:r
.menta ,111 Timothy'.k."ebnieeration, t� ,
his , present (Alice werei, • (1) ,Certain
prophetic- utterances,: aiiirilar t� that
by Which': St. ,Pat1. :himself and St
Barnabas ‘had ' heen :marked . out for T
their :.apostolic 'Ministry ,,(Acts!.1.3: 1,,
2).; .(2) the actual ortlination,....by St.,
(3) the reeogitiOon '.-and testi-
mony:of the'Ephesian :presbyters sJg". •
link& by their' taking '..p.art.in the, lay.
ing Oa or' hands."' .
16. Be .diligent in' these 'things; give.
• thyedif WhQlly to them; that thy :pro,
gress'. May be mAnifest unto ell. Lei
none of uswhoapepreaching forget
that pur people Will icnOW 'whether
we are -really, Wortilig' ot not Our
S'ei'Mons will show It .ClUr convrSa
tion 'will :reveal it, There le ' no Irian
so Speedily discovered , as, an idle 'min..,
Istel, aii tliere. is no.man who IS via;
Ited by• swifter 'contempt.;
Take heOd tb thyself, and to
thy teaching; 1[x thy thy. very; best, arid.
gene, again WEi."edine to give
.. • . .
,y.outhat llttle insitle.;gostip shout the.
people you ' hear through the • loud
spealtefs et.y,nnr,radloS. Before we go
much farther,. here is a liftlenote that
gtLght..Iittereet you. A ,ciMple ,Of ;weeks
7'agO :rote about a,. youhg-Aady by!
thenapet'ef, Pauline Drake, who dld
a cOuple of programs While pifichhit.
Ttinrfor ancithee.:,tentale continentatbr.
TO -day. we: Are _ glad- to that,,
MiSS,Draite .May be heard daily at One
'p.m; ..OVer. C K under.: the SO'on--
earehin • of . the. C. E. 'Fill -ford Comp-
any, makers .inakete. of Bile 'Beane,' For, .your
Information, Miss. . britie' measures '
'abmit 5 foot .six; very dark dark 'heir, .and•
•040, and not bartto look at. Her age.
Well,. We...have been *trying to find
that out...et:resolves :for setae . time 7 -
IAA' lirake .vinParently',•doeinl:
. want.' to •econintit herself..11017 • prOkr4rit,
is itnaiyit ancl,,!has
p5aIing-to tYpesr-of-liiterrers. '
e la
• • ' ()FIVE' *EFS
13T4Ocitsic."-D.EN:filtri• • , • •
Mon .pflAg• goiernment's• .vOluntafy
'uneMployment reenins,:' Sunday,' .Nov
wither 14th frbrii16:20-to11.00 pan.
FaniilY..'of. Nations • .
' 'The FaritilY of -Naticins, a trans -At-
• leak, Prograin, will f eatnre famous
statesinen and educator's from. three' .
'continents, •Th e program 15 is, to ::be
'broadcast betWer17-.;--and
,..eMber :1).tlf,, under the Carnegie En.-',
.dewment /Or jntei national ,Peace AU.
Stationsof the: ' ColnInbia'network wUl
carry this program: . Heard:, on the
.fragrant.rwill be Nichelasigitri'ay tut-
ter;;pres5cient cf Poltinibia ,I,niversity; •
y.,Rt yfr.Pliirigton Koo, Aintassador of '•
China to France; for Britain; the •Mdr- :
, k • ,
guess .of Lothian, secretary, of '. the
RhOdeS '• Trust; -Far. Hungary Chula
:Raul Teleki fot ItIly ,Sighbra
'herita Sarfattl, .and Wllliam E.'11,ap-.„:
.pard ler switseriand, • ,
hill and. good:, lohitk Iiihe.yeer- •
y has no rcttsort fOf '4.11•Y,
• • ' Graitad, - •
, tor, 1101 10W ile41,9 and
this in-
ehtcle (11140' .4,r,tlit: of .forebetUT '
9•411T, .0.0)11}.t.4P. Yof0911 or sleulderp
blades.' there was fir,;•,,t.-",d0-
toured :to the of .'h2ad by
pedicle :And moyedto co -
••ver ,the arias 'where Shalp. and ether
shin, was inissing.
The t[ssues.: of .ber., new. ear were •
supplied by. the skin cf her neck, be-
low 'the oar., The eartilege 40 :stiffen
the 'par and give it shapeliness Was
taken from her .sev,enth•rili,,-•'
• , The word's ,oltiest known tree ;is,
grow ng itt Santa Maria del •Tula, .
MQXi&). * It is a cliald. Cypreas, ;with
t.fol„estimatekage _of..5;000,yeafs;
instrument panel, .of.. a,, transport aer-
oplane.. Dpit Manuel Quezon,. President
,,Of the,- Phillipitie Republic ..Inspected
the Car on a recent trip to New York:
tie ViaS so impressed:that he' ordered
...tie. Whole thing dnplicated:ln his own
• antprimbile. 1 • • • :
. • . .
• The • radio' series ,"caniida 1937"
wliieh Scored stich, success- list sent
::sen,, started again this year,,•• on NO,V,.•
ernber 0111, ,i•and . will- 4,6 heard every; l•
Priddy. OregitLg at 100,0--0,1114- 7
I, • : OlitStaildin#_::ecAlrieptatOeft • Up.d.V.agaii .
speaking from •,European,intOrl,
:viewer. in Canada 1-robing:ler att4mterg
to :the questions of: trt,....:rriari .1nthe
street," • • • ' '
• Lionel: •Shapiro. „; Canadian. cerreet,,
staqie; relaying such latesthapOningis:of t,h,;d•ay White .Way as
• .
:.'are..of .interest ' th•Ctinatliab!liateners:
technique .*411. be introduced;
. in :the. talks on .Canada to Make. the
• very .pulse of the nation addible tolls..
'Walter, BoWles'wi hroadcast'..fro-m a
different loca:itY . 'each:. „„weelt.'
'el • visWinz. bnilders"•1
• nOte thiit;il'regress' posgible..
Vet cnothei qutstandih,g :teatime of
the pro,3r3ra'•V.i11 bo /the- ihudie;- •ev-1:
'brit _eoleetion 4111; he .:.atie.ciallY
.ed for ,,.the largo.,,Orehestr.a.
• that :I'S noin .rehearsal. .• ,•
• In- sponsoring these broadcasts --..-
'to" be ,dgain .peOaa cad by Wet:or:0404e ••4
-,Itnnerial Tobacco. *CoMpany og.
p erien ea' utetCanadian • lisienert. :These.
Friday evening prograini • aro liVe. cle;•
•Inenstration' 01: ..,the !Wet, tjmt the"
hal , to •"1fie
_ehallenge foi-soniethiti,g,, new •dnd
• tact.larn. •
,o14 Water, #
idding Themadves
St:enti;t3 Telt of 're*
„ ''(•Y•Pf .NPd4t,
$,elf,stylea "pelat' bourn," )vho break
' the ice to swim In DeceMber ire, only ,
ndding theruselVa tlicing titeY
"hate adaPted th e mr.al Yea'LO 1111.fiaa1'
conclitiOha, the. National Acaderny. At •
SeienCes 'wag told ,at cion,•
sien„ at llochester; N.Y. '
Two Cornell Pollege br,`
ai y
W i •
beat l&S.: of the bUnign hotly' IS .401te
cinietant at varidus tenip.er41:14OS. Ats1
man :Cannot ,change .tliese • reactions: '
apd, if he seems to; his riiggedneiOgis
.oily a qv' irk(ii! 'mind:4.1%4y,', $1.4.•
• The ..1deal,
. d'n'tij.'111.44.k 4
V.a/St Li:41e by
� -maleIpudits. In 4 „s,;-)ecial• •:•':
where the teMperature could ,b,?, • close-
ly controlled end. the' radia tier' end'. the
water lass,froM the skin measured,
They found that itemperatures front •
$3,' degrees to 91: degrees Fahrenheit.
constituted the .!"idenr range in., which ..,-
.1a."perbon can 'live comfortably in the .
:Pude hecatifie •the heat loss exactly
_balandes beg 1.1•Orinetioe. Tfxis will
be the neutral sane for figure air. cell.-
ditioning of 'homes and Office
.. • •
'The: Audience' Guess
The Pctsti's...R.,rogroni "Ask Anci.ther.",
•kentiires.a..new novelty. At. ffie ,.back„.
• al 'the stage 'at CF flB. a P6rtraft. of
••0:•••., falT1QiiS p.ereon 1.povered,
'beep! the- audience 'aeked to: Sten
and.. ,a ecinVersatAon .1. takes
iilace between flo,ward: Lindsay,.:con-
„ductor of the program, anci. Mr.: or MISS-.
Public,' Out of. the.: conyersation,:: the'.
, rest of the: audience alio to. gueSS,the
identity of the hidden one,and the-
. , .
ic:01,0.0. who filpeT,' receives a 'box; bf.
produets: and SO does': the
party wbelebk file diSonstien$
;Wa11y.14'rmour and'. his; orchestra are.
heard •en the ..progi•am .together.: with
,Rhocla• l•lowe And Peorge,...thei !Ask ,
Another” Program is beard ,•pri •
Fridays.: 10 to 10;30 pm. Write to ' the
•station G FR 13' for , ,
In Texas --(t.:84:), lightning -often
Strikes t1oWri into the and and: the -
•heat melts 'the sand into ient strips.
of 'jagged, glass e .«.
ranibling through0 •;11:R..wa'
..stadiee, we s"caught l Bald ;.lerg 4bear-
„Sing his 7.:45' to 8..00 ...pan.: fragrant
, heard .0404., Monday, Wednesday
'Friday; ' TbecprOgrani:',COfisista Of the• musk played •
by Paul Berg on the
i-InnunOnd, Electric: ' Organ •--",•:a :bit • of
:•new. equipment • at the studios., .the:
:sOttaii. 14 hilite, a 'bit cliffereiit from the .
regitiar tape. organ :4-Ancl•••the A:one, is...
quite tireaalatz-Teeking-ilirchighl the-
glass- dOW Iv' we saw Saint
laMilloran,,„arld. his .New WOrld Chain- •
!bee ()reheat:1. Includedin the. .niany
notablest playing instrinienta on this„;
program are .Sidriey Wallis; .1.61in
c11n "Roland Todd, Marc Aderi0 and.
Harold 8uinberg. • - .4. : •
, ..„
.8.45 to 9.00 p.in.J.xiteltly overCKCL
brine 'te,,the Fireside';Pictures,
Deiogratiii .fd.attriag d.00 pcialre at
• the Plane; Frank Ghia and his violin
and h variety', of vocalists.: Talking to
Al Shea; 'the Man behind •the
amateur :teliOWS4•and 114 J111811'0 ttO
the. final program, the, Winner' Of
Which is. due for. a' trip., to Hollywood
and an opportunity to Spodat in, plc -
tutee,' will •come Off about the end of
I?O'beinber; This will certainly giie at
least: one . amateur a lot . Of "Good Hit;
inOr."/Thores still tboin for.. More,
ad' it yoU think yoa hare , talent
'Write to Geed 'Hunter In :tare of .;,the
Or d P c F. '
E'IT "down
below the border” the
word .comes, that President Roosevelt
will devote his' tenth Fireside Chat.
over the d B g network to
A-7-3 •
Major Bees,thought he had some
'thing pretty t,niquc When be had liis
car equipped With a sabre 'of conven-
ient gadgets includin:g a writing:deak,
venetian blinds,. dictatingt , Machine •
and a das4board tlint hie:kelt "like the
Betiutiful, t
w 'Can. You Sell. For,
• Adui 1$6,Postilge
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TH4T, is iN•lit everyone` says
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of . its warm -toned` , PARK
BROWN cover with the unus-
ually attractive basket -weave
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grain. You,will too,.sur- .
pesed that so beautiful a Bible.,
can be sold for,suclru lew,frice.
The Basket Weave, CoVer.
• The cover is a .triuniph of the
bdok binders' ' art, 'Unique in
appearance;,. it' effete; a .volume
, which.lit, is e .delight tci own na,
• Matter' how' many Bibles you
,Inay' .*.Not-Isitly-- -is The-
. binding beautiful, .but ,it iS dur-
able as 'well, It is made of the
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Contains interesting ainCval.
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and 4000 ',questions and, IITIOT-
py's "'relating to flib entire Bible.
Calorea*F'ictures .and• '
Preseotatton Page
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tias eight full-page be, autluily„._'
colored pictures .by't, hp q fathous
- '•ilitistrator.Arthur• Twidle , im-d,
the new liiSterleal:Vregentation:
Vag° 'printed. in. two •:delOtt.
' . New Oxford' 'Refe'reive',Rible • ' -•A,Pt'I.t.0titilnil..'igit t910r64.:1114P. •
'Printed la • Etigland: In a' ise* sCrid tittatnittito." Bible7,7— --"—''
Moue fnee ;type. slieeltilly Ica: tot this 'eoitiOh...Eold Type . 'e:
Printed on "Oxford 131bie' patieti .Siso 14.: DWI. , ,
1" a 4•4", thiohness. le. cove* te•,
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ette, , overlapping 'edges,. rOund ;orders, . Fin The bold, bitick.fated • type
04S.38.. R, em,,atkAaddble.90yaphioset.4'.0,4 .. .. takes this Bible, a pleasure to •
oluttidergiue4oftiOti:.:4 Waited hose at • eff4
. PtioOti litrihittotir Bible 4* sost with tse o so,
: A `Admit FOR'. Vita? .01aEte4t, ' .
tho'$%91,424:g. I.Alti . h. ,
l' shell testily lead. type, ''.the Vol!, ...
hitt). inettatires • only 6% x 4% ,.
read. A t oug printed With .
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Publishers ency Of Toronto
ADELAIDE St. *lite 421' - TORONTO. 2
•ti•:13torvortle.:.9.-4e,Pgi:O.:es ; Pr.1.-fard‘Y a:ddStIlg:•-
,sown::te:aootioitint.ged.. and:. ,eva,P.oration. o.f maist--- •
'added, shivering: which is the ',flint
It: the tenperatnre drops -below ' 7.E: .
into, balance.whtyh.e'vvbeod:ti'sivoht..eat, nimble-
,deireiii:"f_Or any length of time, they
tion 'Mute:water evaporation froth,. the
body is the only way in whie,h- it can' ..'.
th 1 n Increases to bring •
der to
aerii.,tisca_e_isetioaanci_of-tkeehtiLtio walint J.4.•Looer.::, .:
gins. 'Shortly thereafter ,the person :...‘
,.F.mwit put. On clothing or 'note into ii...
. . .
, , ... . , ...
„WaiMer roona. ,, ., . . .-- ..„ : •
- '•Thia• hard -117' fast :rule. Of-hh4Y. beak
regulation cannot'pe•,eban.ged. 1*;.to.a. .. .
' taitiag-dl'iTre- iittriTrTitif.d-Va:daad; e•-;''!- ' '
. a` 'illy:: More thanthe law of gravity - • ...
Could be ;repealed. , No one, ..aCtuall3r,•.%.
likes any temperature ab4ve 91 or 'be-
IoW 53, the -Parnell scientistssald, be....t. .
cause ''then the: brain comes into play,' .•
and the person nniat make i donsciontr•
effort to keep 4o1 or get Warin,,P: ,
. • - • • • . •
Lill:Ha Has ,Largest
Irrigation 'System
• .
. • , ......,.:
Area Exceeds TOtal of Six Nations '
. • Next in Order,'Including the•
' .....:: UnitedItates r
theiralue, of the eicoplEi raised'Ainder
.., .. ..
irrigation in, in, Indio; IS noW:About,175;....''
"90,00.0 annually. ,,, , ..; .-' :,:..'• -,' . -.". ,...
' . 7 Ner•StatiaticalNetnins lashed at Sim- .
la; Ibt, the„..00.„Verninent;_ show :India,
to lave an irrigated acreage 'erreer1.-7'...'.
' ing, the- ceinhined ..tOtal ,ol. 'the Sit.
',:tiona •Whieli stand next:•t0 her in the '
• .60441,10, including. the. United. States: ' ..
of ....Atnerlca:,•Tlie greet •Sukk.us.• Bar. :.
••rage 'eche*, in, the province of 'S.Indo.s.'
Coniand.S ail area ,one and 'a . half .. times. '
, as large as,, the whole 'of , Palestine.
.•The..Sutiej, Valley. Selierrie 'serves ..a.u.. •
area. ;exceeding 'lite ' total ',. Cultivable., ,
:•aerenge of Egypt and the •Suclin., The, : '
toilal--'-irrigat01 aci!'eage, in.,.;Irfdle, ';Pro- ..
•Videe direct (rnpleYtne1ftfor...50;000e; .,..
7°.(71.516.or °1'e '. itiation0t..qta't '131,illtaaliii.."4aad IrerITIan%I.:„ .
: Vast .20esgrte Now Cultivated ,•
•• - 'rfilsreniarkable watering system
. 'fins; 'litotight 'intO'•rich cultivation vast
deserts -'-is-here q , net ' a ',blade; ,of.i•grasis . •
. graW, before.:It" Secures regular crepe,
. where the nunnal„reinlall,IS se. iincer-,,,
, tain that Vetere.' irrigation ' cnine . the
.. inhabitants Wee.perenniallY.in dread
of fainine;.No.,,finer aChieVe .. rit:ntivr
stands to .the ciedit..of 'Brit's • le 'in
; India:. ,The iiiiportande,:•'6; 'irrigation:.
a, land: wherethe.:Piiiitilatien latin-- •
' eteaSing hymilliarte.a .-year IS-An'cal,k,..i
, , . ., , ,.
etti•:1,ille• :• ., .. T.- t.;.'huiar ': W'''' . ells. . . ,
--There, linv,e been .1trigation• 'works .,
.iii India' from time .'irainemorial;.• but .1..
when. British rule was Ostahlished the.: ::;..
•:area Older ' ;Irriga tion' ..did 'not 'eceed , •
2,000,000 acres. The area, Under 70V
... -
irrigation is, now there , than siX, times ::.
. as much, •There is a'. large', syStani; at •.
iltthttlar-V.„elli.lif the United 1,i:evinces:
They are driven tiy.', eleCtrie q pumps
• - . _ ,.•• . " • . •
"with • electrical energY • generated by .
:hydro -61004.1C Installations: on -canals.
Of the shine' ProVineeS. The extension
',of the system 'is ,still progre'ssing. ,Ev-
ery year 'adds; to the 'area. of 'deserts
inade frititful../ ,: ' I ' ' .. '
, Cille of the problems -of the transfer i
\ of :156illictil .powef. front the, 13ritisti..to.,,.
. ,the• Indian petiple theinseivea is. to 'as,' ;
;Mire. that the administratiOn,pf the ir-i. •
,rigatien systeth does not diminish'ih .
' efficiency,' for the- Successful .mantige- •
• ment of the. VaeCiundertakingelt .eon-. .,, ,
c-talue .ie one reittlititig-gveat or . • ; ; - ... • • '.
• ; ,
Spoons on Order
J. r,yons & Co. Ltd.:,`tba Met, ,
chan if Londono tnglandf have
placed an order for 76.000.000 WoNlett
,iee cream spoons with'the John Leviis,t. -
fildiistries' Of .,..Ship'"'J-larbatir; NOVA
• Scotia,' *
• Dati,iagd ,by 4 boiler expltigon; O.&
: ‘stearrier Kingswood wag towed .15,600
inileg, froth, ''Austrni",n t Fnghl tcl .by.
• tine tog .itt t day, a tiew worlds