HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-11-11, Page 4a TINE!, ,THUESDAY.,. NOVEMBER, 1.1.1397. . „ , ,prepeity„,coasuitosr foal meow about , aline under she Home finprovemiler Plea. ' Ask for s toll of our &Mei • modienisatioa Loses. - BANK OF MONTREAL 1111:1::1;ifi, I /,pik (114 Ur „ elil$G111$; DISTEMPER, N w 'BROICE • have Aset, their master in ZEV—made by the milk- ei of Buckley s-MIztus.. Stockmin, poultry hived.' els, 'etc., who liavrNased, ZEV ''say it is positively , "sure lire" relief for all -respiratory ' discmcs in horem,•cattle, sheep, pip, • PuultI7 and -dogs. It is amazing ,how quickly it getrresults in the most stub- born cam. In fact, we guarantee ZEV to do in a day or two what it took old- !maimed remedies a month'to do. Pet siza SOr, Stock size $1.00. Get ZEV at' A. E:--IVIelEIM'S BANCO I 11141.4 tilt ?i ft.( £.1,1 in( '74 i1 D'UNGANNON „ mrs, Geo. 'Anderson -of .tucknov viSited Mrs. R. Fitzgerald- and Mrs J. Brk1ey �n. Sunday. Misses Fern Nickel and Eva Bern- er of Stratford, visited mr. and Mrs 11. 4. L. Eedy an Sunday. • Miss. Clara 'Sproule and 'Mr. and 1rs 3 D. /lessonof Stratford were r aflci Mts. amre .4th Con., of 'Weet'-tirawahoSii;,plaii to retire shortly - and Silal'O :th0 hon. .with.' their .sen, Arthur ,RoaCh 11.11,0 rannY: :f0t the'winter. Mr. Roach has 'not.,heen, enjoying' the 'best of health. as his many ...friends.). Would... IA ' Miss Winnifred McClure, leAt- TiletilaY of last Week to go On al case at Bayftel4k.-- iTIRRING SEAMONS 'MAR,E 'ANNIVERSARY OCCASIONS (Continued. from Page 1) content of. religion as, belief .in God, in moral goodness, in immortality, in love as the law of life, fOrgiveness as the'reinedY. of evil, and sacrifice . • .is the way (ratonement, '‘ • Thirdly, Revf2Tiickinson emphasized in ..conclu.ding_a_'-brilliant,. seraninn,'thc necessity ' of the 'eliurCh' in witness- ; • TOO' ;•• • EUCKNOW_SENTINEL euhliabed eVery. „'inint'sday.: morning ' at Lueknew,' Ontatio. * N1rS. A, D. IMacKenzie -',..Froprietor CamP,bell, THUBSOAY, N.0.9*V141t 11, 097.• MANY PAIr :TRIBUTE TOPROMINENT- ASHFIELDNA!IYE -, • , Mrp. R. -A. McKenzie spent a. few days last last week visiting her sister, Mrs John Patterson at Wingham.• Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shiell of Z1011 Winglfain spent Sunday with , Mr.- • — •and Mrs, Chas., Congram... Marked tribute was paid the mem- ,Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Culbert visited ory, of the late John Andrew, on the latter's sister, Mrs. Ntr, W. Wal Monday. afternoon, when a large -cell- ter at carieW. on Sunday• course assembled at 'theiiomeOflilS, • • parents, Mr. and Mrs. . -Andrew -to give' expresSion to theirmeasure' of respect for one who had spent the Major portion of his life in this com- munity and whehad, by his Unfailing , kindness and sterling qualities and exemplarY"'`Ohristiari- Character- gain- ed the Confidence iin4 esteem of all. Services: under the auspices of Luck - ,now were:,cOndlieted at the home graveside .by J. Patton, casket and' room being banked 12Y -a profusion of flowers. In- Iterment-i-ias made M .Greenhill. , :The' sympathy .of the entire' corn: AnuiriityL-goe • aged .parents; ,brothera:and sister, wife-1dd' in their hour bereaveinerit and tlik early termination of $. life of mach promise , • . Mr.' and MM. ',Art 'Stewart and family ,of 'Port Albeit, visited with •Alr: and Mrs; Frank Ritehle on Sun7 spent the past two weeks on his•-. bro- ther Bert's fain; on the 2nd con; field, :returned to the ,village. Mr. and Mrs. Abe 'Culbert and Mr.: and Mrs. Melville./ Culbert spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Congram' ' Mrs. ' Ellen Cluff plans on 'closing her house for the winter •and. wilI leave .the. lest, of the week to Joetny with her daughter, Mrs. Olive ftrati- gluria, at 13ennailler. ' • Friends in this locality' will be in- terested-to4ear-ef-,--theLroarriage of formet:Hungantionite, Miss Win - 'lifted Begley. laughterq3f Mr. and a'etioir what it'.belieVes , . Evening Service „ Services : Presbyterian Church, and . Ashfield • Circuit were withdrawn in: the Oening,',*71?C* 110; • rfl ,.M.iieDniiPid And ae orteous Mrs Jee'Freemin Of Leeburn,' Who at her for- Mr...lames- Martin is •ili in bed ai.0 l'umle here; returned home .°11 ...under the doctor's care.' . •,.' lidOnday. , • , Mrs. Elizabeth: Battersen is " '' The Zien' S. were hosts: to he has spent the past week 111 Ilackett Y. P. & 'on Monday evening • bed and under the doctor's care. We lat a 'innevernde social in the. halt: hope they will s°' be 'better' I h enjoyable evening- was- • • W en a very Mr. T. Jantzi. and Mrs., Annetta spent. • , ' Knight of Linwood, spent .the'Week:- , Mrs. W,ill-Gardner Who Was a pat- , -end with the _lattefsialint„._and uncle. 'lent a ..,winghliTti Hospital last week .Mr: and Mrs.,DaViel ' due to severe nasal hemorrhages re - Mrs. Thos. Inglis has spent a few turned home on Saturday, much im- weeks in Toronto with her:daughter,' proved.' Christie Inglis; who is ill iii ' and Mrs. Will Ross and Audrey 'bed. 'We hope for an early recovery. Louise of Mr. _ . , . • - fr. John' Patterson is .,sPenaing. And .mrs* Ernest ' Gardner on Sunday. the week around Guelph. -. .,,• ,Visitors frith' Mr: and „Mrs. Ralph Mr.:Mite Inglis, while workiiig with Nixon during the past week, 1 d- hiathreshing,Muehine 'nit Week had ed, Mr. and Mrs.. Jas. McKay and the first finger on his left hand °split *Ilia of paisley, Mr. and Mrs. Joh- -,°-, - • , open to the hone, which required 'teqUired fiveston 01 GetretichTwp-;and 'Stitches to close, and his hand Xaggie McKaY. * -also badly bruised. We•hope‘his hand ' ' ME Jerry Kettle of the seine place, on Wednesday,. November loth.' .mi. and Mrs, Samuel Swan, Doris Winnifred, 'Het& and Adeline Me- Leod of 'Ripley, •visitea,their daughter Mrs. Harvey ,Mole • on -SiintlaY and called : on other, •Old° 'aceMaintanceS g 1' TlIi•1cfr in • • J • • ' eonouctin the service - Rev. Dickinson ' ,,clelivered another fine sermon, having as its theme the spir- itual life. His text was the 55th Chin - ter of • Isaiah, •the 1st, verse —"Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the 'waters, and . he that bath' no money; come. ye, buy,.and eat; • yea, come boy wiiie and 'Milk, without money and without 'Price."' • ; This:great text he explained, was .of_the_sPirituaLlife, ,not worldlywlonm he worked. -- he was, nlway 1•,•••••,4 spa life was A Mai'i r' "ti,riOvv..e.d ;With above the average, he like self, in his early Iife, i and earnestly for his cli in the Department .of Responsible positions ea :first in Ontario and late* •He gave ten of his beit, adopted province, „province, ae. a 'the stdir. of the Agricult at: 'Verpilioo and, %mere Assistant Deputy Minist culture in the previncial. He was well equipped fh aZi.hitS°: whioinik 4we:villa.s411341yw•at glorienis gifts ! far pared him-, 114striOusly osen.Work Agticultnre.. me to him; in Alberta. yea* to his member- :ef oral' College recently, •as er •,pf Agri - Government. r ditties, ys a jF1; to hose anieng CtIU,ItCH NOTES -- M1sson Band 4" Victoria Mission Band will ' hold Thha their anuaI 4p, erin:ri nme` etin'g'. In the. Presbyterian,' Church, next Wednesday evening, November rith; at 7.30 o'clock., ,Yficteria ..411P41011.-Ballut , ' The .mouthly meeting. of Ilte. torta7iVilseten-Rati4,44-,lettl On Tat.- ovemier 6th, The firstnixtil- er on e • egr •w s by .Jead Mcdreiglit,'followed by 'a reacting by Elaine, irwin—After. an 'offertoi•i-Kayer,"'W Nora 'JeWli,t, an: interesting, lesson'i Jfin ,the. Indians in :genads `,'S'''giv.en.,1,Y Miss, ifeDou- gal!. The meptine ,eiosed'; ..preyer.). Pres13yterian AWN' The regular meeting Monday ev- ening opened by Singing hymn 571. The scripture reading read by Norah Jewitt, folfowed by the Lord's , prayer repeated in Unison and hynan 5231, sung.*Buck Qtr and Lloyd Stew- art sang a duet and Mr. Calvert took the 'topic. Mr: and Mrs. Aitchison sang a ;duet followed °°13Y a Violin solo by Dr, Little.' Hymn 684 was sting ,and--the-meiting,closed•Lby_re- peating the Mizpah. lienedictiOn • Lyceum' Theatr .wINGHANI Show Starts At 8 P.M. Thursday, Friday, Saturday November 1142-13 , . 404 :PRNNERPARKYAKARKUS, - 1 ON BEELW . New -0:acet. Of"' 1917'. production That 1n '••:Findesi•The;,'Phaa*,:Mett the Radio and A Host of New .1 Faces.Also— ' .• "SARATOO,Aj. SOMMERS"-, - •• and. "TIEWS'' • . . • . •„. ' (Atomics. ' 12- hly respected 'by those- who work We Can't force . God Into AIM A .$. • ed for hiss, as truly as by. those fo nor garner the :fruits of •the 'spiritual hfe without some enItivation . snail as prayer,. -worship and direct ibes t othe spiritual li.te t t whom. he worked. - A home -man, there wa liked better than to spen Or a free day surrounded s, nothing he d an evening by the mem- Don't aboutfre_....,.. Rev. Dickinson:IdYised,hakee.iiiiieg-bers-°khis-fanull-'Hel-was'1/9 -sa is-'- fied ' th enjoy his home selfishly:. life life Open, do the most worthy things Guests' were alis,a3rs. welcome, ' and each day, live Manful lives, doing hospitality ,in Iiin reached its finest only noble 'things. ' ' ,' ' °form • He was not attracted sufficient - Rev. Dicksinson refuted ,tlie.tholight ,POssessed by some, that 'th , , , e .spirituai . • , • • . .,. . ly. to Join Many' organizations ' 'For Mr.' Thornton Eedy-of- Shavi"a"-Buh.•- iness College, ,Toronto, enjoyed the week -end at his parental home of Mr. and , Mrs. Heber- Eedy.. • ,. • Friends to visit, Mr. and Mre...Hat- vey Mole --on • Friday evening, were -Mtr-and--Mrse.-Ittissel McCreight, Port Albert, kr. and Mrs.: Eldon Johnston, Mildred and •Roy and •Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dennis, Madeline ••and,Buelah. The Home and-School-club,-ineeting which mas, to be *held TneadaY .01 this week, ' be held. Monday • night, November 15th, at which Mr; 'Bei- 0.M-the---1nspector;----will- explain about new course Of study'!, taught in the schools. •Rev. T. R. Turner has offered the parsonage for the meeting The Ladies', Guild of St.' Paul's 'Anglican Church, was held last Fri- day afternoon at .the-,-home-of Thos.Park Mrs Jos Hamilton, the president :led in a ,short devotional .period, after which a quilt that Wis being. quilted was completed. Daring. this Work, discussions .took nisi's, one being the consideration of iviring the church. Rev. Mr. and- Mts. A. ,A. win -soon be better. , Arinistice service Was held. in the •Presbytetian • Church list 'I, Sunday morning. , Mrs Joe Holmes who his been vis• friends -at Clinton," has re- turned to the village and is going to live in the late Yfrs. Rice's house 214 KIN LOSS Miss Mary Irwin was a.recent vis- itor`' at her h011ie here. , , Mr. and 'Mrs. Ebner Tiffin of Wing• halie,',Aniere recent visitor; at p. A. • MacDonald's. • Mrs. Tyndar Robinson, Mige Eliza- . beth•Robinaon and Mr. and Mrs, Wm, :Kimpton, \rialto(' on Sunday at Oel. ::••• . „ • ' , A:•ninriber frein this litietiattended the Ca,riperative Group meeting et • Dan 1VIcIntyre'a last 'Week. Mesars. Gordon' 4fia Cameron • Mc'';'. Tavish spent the week...end at theft home phere. FIELD LOOG,11 Mr, and Mrs. Bert McLean, Mrs. M. McLean and Mi.. George ,Halden- by motored ' to. Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs: ,cliff Lloyd of Tono- wanda attended the Schuniaeket1Wall• Wedding on Batrirdiy.-1° • '' • . Mrs. N. Simpsen.pf Mootesville, is visiting her sister, Mrs'. W. Boyle. Mrs. 13. Blackwell of Kincardine. is spending a few days with 'Mts. F. A. Blackwell. • • Mrs. F. Hall of kincardine'iisited hist week with Mrs': Thos.. Percy. • and Mrs. Cliff Borthwick were resent visitors at 'Mr; jaw. Hodgins'. Mr. Vernie. Hedgins, is, visiting at Mr. John,' . , • . , ,• We extend OrmlirtIV to Mr. and Mrs Wm Pitmen in the loss' of their , many years. he was a loyal' and ac - life is likely to make one queer., We tive-member-of -the,,,i-Masonic order must at times, however, retreat . into. Ilia chief interest, outside' his home quiet places to fortify ourselves, . en-- and daily wog *as his church. Al- . - .me out into theibisy. • ' - - IY in Iife with • e Church, he.kept'biniself 'informed re- garding its aim and and 'purpose , and gave himself devotedly to in service: When. he.: came AO Edmonton nearly eight -years' ago, he with his ,family beCame'meinbers and •,Workera. in Metropolitan ChurChz•Vety ;soon, he was 'eleited "a, member of 'Session;° he — Under-- the--- -b-ecance---irteacher-ot-young--merivend W • Joynt and ;with Mrs. G. A. New- later vat. appointed 'Assistant erintendent ;:of the ChurckBeheel, 111 Sup- ton,Oficanist,'• the., choir, rendered. aP- propriate antheiris at both services. At the :morning service, • Miss Merle. lilitcheitree . of London,: was . :guest soloist, rendering a pleasing homber. world again to serve °lir illovv men; • The spiritual ,-•life has. periods of "low visibility", but always God is fighting the fog from above, seeking to break through and, to all in our .confUsed , and, dismal world he be - Seethes, "come unto. Me , and .1 will give you life and reit and. peace!' Presbyterian Y. W. A. . Th. Y W A. meeting Of the..Pres- byterian.cnurch, was .held ',recently at i The Manse, with an 'attendance! '. of I twenty-one. AMC"- -devotienai7eXer- citet. and, the business period, the I Bibe ,Study was takeii. Mrs. P. SteWart, •1Vliss Rosiella .Mullin sang 4 Oro' 1Viis`a% l'eggy .-MtieDenald and tock the topic, on the work in Sas- t.gave7a7rentlizigrhYtitli. 63.° 'was sum :;41,S!,r-Pats*.1-7g40i-°1-lier rOPig and 'the 1. meeting . closed with Iirayer: fie sFendiTiiiimpa!beeIngiliiiiasi`4Wuitplimilltr'ii andoIe by 'Alias* DOnalda ' '14/,tr• Jkatehewan. Min ..Willena Chemin Menday„7"Tuelday. Wednesday November 1471.5•16.: GRACE, 11100RE ' CARY • GRANT' • ...hit • P. • When—You're-in Love_ : This, is: the gayest of all the ' Grace Moore . hits It jumps front the dazzling tropical • „ fiesta to the iiiimortal.„ettaine".. of Minnie the Moocher AfisCAL-=`'ItRAEY KAT!. and siNAIsliots" „., , • . • , • • • .., • • , baby, J. R. and Mrs. MacGillivray spent art Ias't :Week With friends it Hettnit. . Miss LOMA' Cowan `charge •of °Lothalith school :last' Week.. M4i; and Mrs; James j3eaton and family )iave tethined .from, the ,W.eat and intend to Make their :hone here. They were in the.tiried out area.. Alta, John '.1.1aclkae ••is ..., visiting with 'friends in .Toronta. ' Showered .Bride Elect • A Very rileasant evening 'Waa•sp4nt lit Mr. and Mrs. Ales MacDonalds • borne Thtitsday`of.laSt,r'veek, when about eighty a their daughterJean'a 'ItiilY friends, gathered to shower her With good wishes WiShee arid . iniacellaneaus gifts. After the bride-fo,be had open- ed the parcels and read•the messages they Contained, tthe/ thanhed lad- les in ;few well Cliositf*itsiirSi'llinitt, 'invited them all.to visit her in her • • •• , VIE Jackie watched the nurse While weighed the the: new baby. Finaily he could contain. himself no'longer. "Po you mild tclling me what my mOther'paid it peund.fOr. , ,- • • all ,of which • positions He kept himself .abre affairs, and when aske ready to speak in publi every occasion, most acceptably. was not, however, what° he did but Whet he was that .ive think;;:o. especially: today: Hi :pOssesseci.,tha quality, so necessary this modern day; that we speak' of as poise. 11 as wise wise 'in judgement, sane and.bal anced in his thinking: he wasn't car ried off hisfeet by--something--be cause ,it was new, thinking that th neW'ymUst.be tree and better than th old;,,he weighed everything carefully took his coining to decisions and his decisienk",.as result, convictions, that that 'steadied himsel and had influence on...tilos whom be 'touched. Quiet, gentle, true and-Wd;-11, Was .a, ptineeamOrig, Men. All wh knew him hived him.' It is no .eInt geration? I believe, to. say that ' who'. knew •him loved him. It is not so. Much what life bring to Us in her hands as. what we:1*in to life in our spirits, that nuilces:,t difference between people. Nobo ever finds life worth: living, he Mak it worth It is poi whit ha pens outside he and to us,..that coun bat rather 'Whet ',takes' place insi us, our attitudes; otir'loves and hate our longings and .aspirations, ' o aims and 'decisions, and these .resh 'from our religions faith' a lack Stich faith, Mr." Andrew's religi •Wai sane,/ genuine, , Winsome: " It ;w not so much what he Aid said b rather what he; was that reveal hiri2 to ba,Christ's nien.'•He made r ligion attractive to Others' by livi in attractive? religiiMe life. He He ,wal ed With God -day by day, out one da he waanot, for God took him.. he • excelled. ast of world d, was alwaYS c, doing so,,on Maloney; the. new Rector, were Pre -- Sent. Mrs. •Park, served tea' and re- freshments at 'the Orme; 'Mrs. R. J. Diiinin. offered her home for ' the De'• eemher :meeting; . Mr: and Mrs. , Geo. Irwin, Mrs. .Donald. Povvier and daughter Melba, visited Mr:, and Mrs. Wm. ;Henry at Fieshetton; also Mr. and Mts. How- ard ,MaCAulei. • . ' • - .• Some of the Y. P.:If. memben of the United Church ' are following up the ,,Leadership Training Course; at the Nile,,\ two • evenings it: •week ,and die. Misses Cord T.:i.,c,i/t)lirso ,-Cora Cul.; heti, °Margaret.E1 lot nd Mr. Hugh McWhinney. ' ° ', ' ' ' • Mi. and. -'Mrs. Alfred 'Hefford ' and • .,., . . • three children of Toronto; motored up to Dungannon Saturday and ',Atli, ed. Mr. and °Mrs. .Wm. McClure and other ,relatives around:, • ''.;' • ' iteMd i sE811Eiolt!zta-lbeeftthMEolnittyt . aanfdterMuro.onViroiln; the Goderich train for Calgary, after spending a, month. here 'closing -'the 'estate of their ..elder 'brother, :Win. Elliott.' Miss ''gjii06., il,E. closed.‘her home in the Village for, the *inter and will liveln the West. . ' The W. M,,, S.. of the United Church Met ,last Friday' afternoon in the basement of the church with Ilre. R. 'A. McKenzie'the PreSidene, in charge. After the opening exercises, arrange - menti were Mncia. for "ThankOffering .Sunday", to, be held...Nev. 2lst, with , Mrs. YicKenzie and Mrs. Q. C. Tre- leaven in': cluirge to get 'the speaker for the. day. Mrs,' Treleaven read the lesson and the theme for the day was "The Wershipping°Chutch,";Miiii Lorne •Roach sangl, a 'solo. Miss Com Dickson: gave a splendid synopsis on the 2nd chapter of 'the', Study book. sk\,:61 The meeting the , g me ,to a clotie with fos7Turner,a, 1;Mrs, D.,SPiOnie leading , ..in prayer. The Women's 'ASSociati'on",fineeting or the Milted 'Church is to be .held at the home of Mre. 'R.. MaeDonaldi. The • Women's 'Institute 2.2net on ,Wednesday afternoon at the hOme•of Mrs. Frank Colvvell With a good at- tendance. Mrs, Elmer Ackert of 'Holy•k, .reod' addressed the meeting 'taking , for her subject "Peace". ' • Miss 'Jennie of Waterford is at the Parsonage With her niece, *Mrs., L Mott, who ,1?egn ill doting the past week,• ' •'• , Mrs, Wm.' Graham, Con.: Vialted Mrs Hunter on FridaY•stfthrhoOn, Thos. P. -Lindsay-has been pressing hay in thii neighborhood.. , 'Mrs. 1 T. Geddes, II. Peter'and Johii 'Bushell, Jr; went to 'London on Tuesday. .,‘„, • . Rev. MacDonald of Liicknow,1 con- ducted oninitinion service in Knox bh•lltcli. last SiindnY. 4iiii`Busdiell, Woof to Ex- eter, ,Theaday; . • Mi sS Jennie' Lindsay "had her house wired for :hydro , WM. kinlough., ' ' • • 'Messrs. D. Fleming .and D. seri Were '' lett-ante .,arieiigh to bring htrind ii -deer Ink Monday afternoon, 'Several deer nave been sighted in the Two girls. have enrolled at the, On- tario Veterinary i; College ,at Guelph. course at the present7 time, ioa a There are two other giris in the woman was graduated several years -age. ; o hristmit Gifts. A ten cent tea vill e served° 'arthe• close of th'3 Mr. and Mrs. ,Chas. Elliott; Henry and Mrs. Robt. Moore .visited the let- ter's daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Nivens and. family at Saltford on Sunday. Mr. and ' Mrs. ,Chtie...,..Clifton T. of Brucefield visited "Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Andrew on Sunday.- ' Miss Mary Jape .Robb Visited f• her uncle, Mr. °Mr...Levi Marwood at 'Atibtirni Sunday; • „Mrs, ;Minnie Jones is spending two Weeks' visiting relatives at Detroit. - In honor of Mrs. Wm, Thompson':, birthday which wag 'Friday, 'Nov. 50, Metabers of het/farnily living at Lon- don, gathered on Sandhi for cele- bration. They were her Seri Franklin', AC •and little,' daughter, •Matylin , Joan; Charles, wife. and‘theit Son Glee, and wife; • Eileen Finch, a great .grandatighter, Ja•-"•-'datighter,-.; M45. ,Chas. Ititiap and tW6 other' ladies, Mrs. Clerk and M.N. Thompson is enjoying' fairly good health and we wish her many .'more birthdays to delebrate.. • Miss Verna Anderson Spent the 'week -end visiting...at the home 'rot Mr, Robt. Saint and other filen s nbout. • Mr. and, .Mrs, Wm., McDonald near lAteknow, -visited' Miss Lily Andrew' on Sunday. , Mr. Wilfred • Pentland, • Suffering. T United Church W. S. Mrs Rev. S. T. Tucker's group had 'charge. of the 'United 'Church W. M. S.'meeting 'held . On Wednesday. A responsive' leaflet with • Mrs. W. P. Reed: :as 'leader and a '.rending on "Peace'i':Was given by Mrs. Tucker. Mrs. ,Norman Wilson :favored with !.n, pleasing piano-. sole-T7Abide • With Ale". The first thanternr• NeW, Study, New Chu Faces New •-World", by Dr. Arnim,' was given' by Mrs. Gen; Andrew. Mrs. 'Tucker. closed " the meeting :'with prayer: f, effeets Of 'blood. Omen? • r. an rs, es ey n Pen the week -end with friends in Brant- . ford. While they were away, Mr.:and- MrS, Jett,. of WhO9e4urch, ' tended to the chores. . Hunters' are Out in full 'force in this section .looking for deer... Men from Goderich.' are .this week-. St: Peter's Women's Guild., • , , keter's ' Women's Guild' held their regular meeting Monday even-. ing, November 8th, at the home of Mrs. T. W.• Smith, the President pre- siding. Minutes' Of last meeting rea . . lind-Ted-Opted.--"The---canviiisers---ot -the- parishioners. in thyVillage-turneci in their -report,. which siat,.highly satis factory, the canvassers for the coun- try to. turn in their report later. .It . . was decided\ to stock, and 'start the travelling • basket 'at. next Meeting to be held at•.•the home Mrs. • R. H. McQuillin,. on Monday evening, Nov- ember:22nd' Hackett's Y. P. U. Ilickett'a Y • p u cancelled their nieeting last Thursday *evening and took charge of the , devotional period at Training School at ,Nile United Church. Miss Jean Cameron presided and opened .devotional with hymn, "Blest be the Tie that binds", being sung. A prayer was given •by Miss Bernadine, Alton. The 'scripture° was reed by Mr. Blake . Alton and the topic,"Peace." was well given by, Miss Elsie Vint. Mr. Alex, Hackett played the guitai and sang "What a. Beauti- ful Place, Heaven Must Be". Hymn "Abide with me" was sung and J. -Rev. Patton pronounced the benediction. o; g- 11 he dy es ti- de • 5, ur of on Pa ut ed ng Y, • ,. air; attack of appendicitis the early part of the., week, •vi.",ai! 1,!UShial ' to ,G011erieh Hosiiititi:XOtislak: night and wise .' operated on ,Tuesday' morning, Latest , reports are that he igy doing very nicely ,Siried 'the operation. ., • . ,Mr. •and Mrs.. Thos. • Dickson, Jr.; were 'visited on Sunday by Miss .Myr. tie McIntyre ,and kIdr, Erneat' lircek- earidaoxof Goderich, Mrs. Thoi; IVilic-- ,Intyre'firid -ion Harvey an Mr, and 41,.. Mrs. aid. Pollock and family .Sheir., liei:dten.. :'Misi 'Isabelle Pollock re- turned to her hOme sifter a Week's , visit.. there. • , , . . Mr. , Ben Caldwell' arid. Mk. Victor Blaek left SuridaybY motor to North 13aY in search of work in'. the North, '. Mr, Harry Ryan of of Coderich visit- new.hOnle• Mies: were present from fields.'enrkollitdini. the village during Friday' afternoon of 'this week, The ed Mrs- Geo, Ha.milton (Ind. MSS- ' 5. . . LneknOw' and :.' ' 104. thejast' few dayet , roil call to, he ,anaiVeted by "An Idea 'Polly on Monday, . ,.' ' ,I'• .. • 6 ,/ sawing 'trees into logs l:Thos. . • ' Ross' -fent.; ' • - .• • : The ladies of the. 2nd and 4th ..held a "very • successful . quilting , bee :at the :home of .Mrs. Ben ,MCCienighaii Own,..smre7c.iiiapnraellids4a4x.r70-.1haxest.:0irc,"6.1Wieg.herfet,i;t4tw.ivtvaipquilts vs anoah spent p Sunday with Mr.. and Mis;.' George ,Harkness. r Wendali• Taylor -and Blake Gaunt spent •Thursday With Mr. and • 'Mrs. Perry pennington, of Culross. *The. Mission Band the .United Church; Whitechilrch, held .i social evening On FridarliSt7Tlin.-preaideut , •• or the Emerson acted-aa.thaitladir ,anit,the foilowing program.vias given. 0.."Tell. Mi The • ,StotieS • of Jesus": Was sung by the.„ , Band. Readings, "The Old' Bachelor's • Sale", .Mildred MeClenaghnii; • "Dor- othy:°,-./ • Doleful", Doris Mcblenaglieri;• "The„EnchanteSint0,,.L.Geneirieve Watt; Thanks", Allah Reed. Mrs. Ezra Sholtz and Ronnie Reed; violin silo,' Clifford Farrier;•.:duetn, Maxine :Reed' and _Eileen MiClenti- gintit, Louise ..Laid- law; Piano instrilMental, 'Mrs. Far- rierane-haennidy.. Caitiff. mer4dn;I:c'ipaper dwas" I s given Alcoholby Mrs, ..Victor Emerson. . .Ret., IL' M. Wright, when called spoke' , few ' words to. the boys girls in Praise Of how Iveli•theY had given such an: enjoyable . concert. This Was heartily • endorsed by ,kts., Emerson, who,. On:- gratulated • their superintendent, Mrs. Mae 'Ross, -upon; having such a real live' Band. The. meeting closed7with- prayer by the pastor, after :'Which .• games Were.injoyed in the basement Under the direction •of :Mrs.' Emer- son.. The Mission ;Band served lunchf- dellection•$2.75:' • : :BOUNDARY WEST. The,' annual „nicotine' of the /1•.1.,••F: W. 0.1 is to be held at 'the home of Mrs. Art, Cook,' on November,1603. A good attendance is requeeted. . A number froin here Spent an ev- ening with Mr, and Mrs.iFted. Crump of Belrave Al e0ort a grand' tithe. Mr, an •Mrs. Albert Cook and fam- ily spent,Sunday with friends at Au- burn: , ' . , Mrand krs. Stith paltrier and fmily sPent 'Sunday with Mr:, and MTS. Clair 'Irwin. ' _Mr., Grant McDiarmid had a pain- ful 9ccident when digging around Wall. A rock fell on his hack crechhig one of his ribs. We hope Grant '*111 .soon be out agaifl.• ,* • Mr'.' Carmen tlamulton who has spent the summer in .Ilelgifave, has returned to his hOnie here, A Ii.nige doWn ifi” Utah oilya three ..Ti's-,•-•lieoeh, haste, p.mtlt;e 851/4 , of All ,autenidhlW, *edict - in other' waydawItiej wonrob Presbyterian: W. MacDonald ',presided '4,t the November ryieetine Of the Presbyter- ian and conducted:the ional exercises.„ .Mrs. . D. M. Thomp- son gave the . study. A ,motion Of appreciation of the life: and work of the late . gi* Chesnut,: one Of nlir Honorary presidents, was read' by Mrs. C. Agnev,, Und'secended.by Mrs, Mollin. The tonic "Our Mission Work i n , SitskateheVhin",,, was taken by, Mrs. Porteous."--Mrt.. Geddes gave the Glad Tidingsprayer 'find an interesting tending was • given .by ',Miss • MirrY Mac end. Misses Peggy Mid: Helen MacDonald sang a duet and the Meet- ing ' closed with o and aprayer by •iVirs.' MacDonald. County 'Council ,Meets Neat Week The fall session of 'Brice County Cooncii. will beheld in. Walkerton, cn1nniencing'On Monday evening, NOv- ember .15th., • YOUNGEST PILOT Ti•A'CIIES'pAD Frank Vines was the youngest lic- ensed aviator Caoada when he.ob- tuined Odense at;the ,age of 14, two yeata, ago. Now Frank's lather, Hnrry Vines,Mocomoilve. 'origineet, I s *folibiving in" hiS SOWS , footatepa. Arteelaitioh from • his sob, Harry Vine made his 'first aci14. flight the and whoonee. 4ther Martin; spent last week • With .her ,father,.*!: Wm. woods. and Mrs Lloyd Ferguson Spent , 'Sunday :at .0 ,ester Taylor's. • • . Mrs. Addie Ferrier is spending this.: week. at Mit, Elliott Taylorbe and • visiting ,old neighbors. ,Mt:'and Mrs. E.' Barbour and fam- ily spent S).nidtiy at the home of Mt. llerb,'Pettipieee. • 11,1"-• Miss Mary-. Irwin and Mt: 'E. Woods 'spent Sunday 'fit Jas. Irwin's.. lisdoi spent. Sunday at his home here: The Handicraft Club 'Met' at the he,me Of 'Vera Tailor *Monday even-, They are. to meet at the borne ,bf Annie Taylor next„MOnday evening • Mr. and Mrs, Arnold, Barbbtir:• ',.„.12f Fergus called •on friendS,Sandayt „ 4 • • Request' Ile erage Rooth Vote „ daderieli Town Council has reeeiv., d a. fifititi011 hearing '785 signatures, SAkifig that 'a Vote be, token on Pet. cernher 86, at the numicipal'eleetiorni concerning the: continuance. of . the bievetoge iomit there.