HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-11-11, Page 3.- twokozoKe comoxoxox.:0:0:07.0:0xotoxoxor.oxsco xi: NAk..c..i.k .i..t .o. -s.-.-. s.:......i.:a.:.e,..,.....i.....-..• ............v...„........4......r.......,.m...s.- i..v.n ..0, ..4. . ,• AGENTS, WANTED , ' MEDICAL. . AGENTS SELL MEN'S NECKTIES 140 PI ..eent pr,offt,. We. carry • largest' sitssortment: , Lowest Prices,: OrderefflIe4 by returnmail. eatistitiaes. Sinn,ples I tee. Ontario !leek- : .Wear 441 Eastern. Ave: Toronto. • ...8M4SMAN: W4M.gP,•.PY. • . Nurseries" .• tEstalatistied •Send . for Cent:en/4a .patalogne. arid 'Op,ecial, • Lines, • Start now, exclusive • terrl. terms „ free, ontilt, 'Stern WellIngton, . . SOPIES• ,ClUA/lANTE181), Illatittfacittiters.• . Stores.. Eitstb- ; , '1-ence•untie tSsarY., olaftt 140 Tarnnani, Qu, •• ' REPRESENTATi'VE., WANT,El5. FOIt wry' 'inanufitefnrer .11qr 'this. (Wariest', , ener;,:eile ,inan Considered, Weae.'1011 par, ;ticula re to .E11,11ittr: 72 Queen •Wg • e , t.,p1'00 • • , on it (1.8. , ,Vidept itors,.. • •p too a rati ol (t 310 c I sit lei', „d t 811'1511'16S. Free" ctatilititte: • Write Dolool Wholesale, Cox 1404, • . I AV I ATI N , BTRONACH'S. TAPEWPRIK -#1•Em4DY, SIM - pie, inexpenstve,' effective., Write today fcir 'cOniplite infortnation. ' sT4ONACIPS STOitAcH ,POWPDTt QUICK • • relief Indigestion, PYsPePsta, MAir Atom- tackIleartburn, Elciating, Etiqousness, Nau- Successfolli:usCa many . years, Lac package mailed postpnid Stronach Medicines, '5:10 GOve'rcourt, TOrontn. • ELM PARKBERDEEN "ANGTIS.,-- 'START • breeding bof •cattle no, They are 'scarce •.all,nver the Co'htinent: Aberdeen Angus' haVe; Preau,eed Grand CdnInnidn' Carcatio- of Beef'-" at Chicago International every' year since • 1900. Balls and Females of breeding age joy,' •Cale reasonable. 'James. Bowman,. Elm. !Park, 'Guelph,. Ontario. . •. . , . DUAL-PLTRgOtilil SHORTHORN BULLS, ONE ' to •tweiVe-rnainths, • TWelVe th-fourteetrout fifteen peareat dams in their pedigrees . ' 'erageovermoven: thousand pounds ',milk per . year. %Prices '$55i00 to's$80.00. Fideraly AC- • . credited. 13nyttlde,Farm, 'Owen. Sound,: '. BARN t„Roonpip•-.LOENCE pps.-tS OUR DIRECT FACTORY, PRICES SAVE YOU. money on , Superrite galvanized roofin• g, Superior Steel. Fence Rests and. ste,p1 gran- ary lining. ,Superior Products. Limited, Sar- nia,. Ont. • . BUS&ESS_OPORTJJN .ETIES , • ROOMING HOUSES FOR' RENT, CONTENTS • . for' .sale, reasonable; ..roorns all •occupied;• good ", paying guests: Ottken,,..17' Toronto. •h 'CARPETS EEMOVEN • INTO RUGS iOLD CARPETS. WCiVEN ',INTO.. 'REVERS-. , e -g-s..,. r --,,-q••• Cleaning Toronto, 8. CATTLE. . . COURSES IN ',FLIGHT INSTRUCTION,..NA • vigation,: aeroplane and . engine mechanic, • , licensed instructors. LeaVens •Brothers' Air Services, Limited, Barker Airport, %Toronto.' . . . • • • bp6p sermon: •ENgLisil ' COLLIE • PUPS,' ALL . ages; failures replaced, free; strained Cattle' dogst. trained .aopicAlnii deerhounds; great .• boy' riVM-largest . trained dog . kennels In Canada,' Guarantee satisfactiOn. Kennels,Morrisburg, Ontario: ' . . . . • SAINT BERNARD PUPPIES; RARE 'BEAU' tie, s retterinably priceit safe .delivery In- nred. ..Paramonnt. Kennels, •, North Halley, ELECTRIC ' WELDER TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDER -WON- • derful • new invention. Operates from .6 -volt • • battery.. ,Welds--Solders-Brares. $3.95 de- lve Andtartion,, Lilidsaly, Ont. FILMS AN Li PRINTS : -ROLLS 'DEVELOPED; PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement--25c...---Re-prints-40.-4or-L-25c-• • Photo -Craft, 183% King SC E., Tbronto. • r41013•ER T I Et ViriCN TED you that Salve will give, punept /Tug. (min in uteors, runng sores, - neivs• De Old WOlitlils. MoneY-I-sleX gitaratilees. Mazar 44,.4.3vm,,r4 PM:VENT/ON TIIAN , lion. , Evaeley's 'Ditto's kall,,h,iirb• 4)1 • PreVgin1P ucr Qt it1ce,miltata, the litohis:,, Sea, tf. se.•t011: ate, .iiifferini; ,1•11. latt'In• •I.011114. •Wrtt•it tp,:r 1 toitmeltio 19 we hIl .froJivIYr a Tie., MIT.. T. , ;Van Ditintif:6., maintIactom.',„ 107 ,,T,,r,rr , • 1.•7r ,; I • ' T ;;1 l'iT14,,f!•••• • •• 'I1er5artil'ittreg"'di”ii.t'iat4..,•16iii n.10 .'.etery:1 et day ,siings..1',•equurii.Clitii.it i'ltristbaus ft and Car,.11 15' Yii'vlfile Ifeliir-„ I i••••0..i. ing •JuIl'Itte ' •• , F F"l'ct 11l. '' 141111 1, .. 29rChrilfrinP V1I'4')1(1)f aims Cia•drture."' ''S 1 f7r.: , I:ISM-ins, 40 c,• t(is, tint) a Cliti;licro 50c. DomItiion Music utterdF, nelAedet itaaindhl, Torr,nto. • • • M UOICA t. U'4StRUMENt3.. LEARN TO: PLAY MUSICAL. I,NSTRU.. ment at 'lib* 14.• shorten those iotfs. winter' eviningS. Hawaiian or 'Splash flat:tart, Nilo-, lin;-Matuislin; Plano 7",iinor4lo-ii, -etc.; • corn- lpiete, with: 'course, of borne stud' lessons, • sold, «on *very easy • terms., ,Send at once for par- . 'iticulartl.' Whaley, 110,ee.apd Company, Lim- , ited, 237 yonge.Strect,,;.Toronto,-or-your loc- al Ma, Dealer, • ' • •' .." ISC EL LANE 00S FIVE DRESSED DOLLS, 30,e. TWO CHOICE Drearier .Dolls, 5Qc. Large. Bed 'Spreading' , Doll, 1.00. Boxed-pOstriaid.' Robert' liar-, vie, 238 King East, Toronto, • PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. ',KNOX; REGISTERED ATTORNEY: InfOrination ..regarding • Invention Patentat' • Drawings; Registrations; Sales. 4:4:Metcalfe, PATENTS .AN 'OFFER TO' EVERY INVENTOR. LIST . , . . • of inventions a d. full - inforthatio sentfree e amsar-Conipany, ireingredwrpanut- • Attorneys,'•273Bank :St., 'Ottawa, 'Cam , ,.0eA1r. o14 ]ii returned froni, •first visit .to.1;'•rance, “What tact.1-*0-474t. . she :replied,„ :Aftera` nism,ent. . , Or 'two's wah.tbe • allows &4 ttcr .•wi .ta . . • ,•40.„ fvy./. 10 ,f,11. 7 AC • a.W0 • •i/(4.1.5,4 . odern-Bluenosps.. 'Bunch of• SoftieS' rI` • , , . Cactain Waltei3 Snort& at.,,Noya Seufia'o.Ineae7Lovina Y.o7:4!1 sa•ilerril,deseetlantS ;et iron• Vi'ne v7Noden 0, .1 ‘'‘ ' . ...„. .ut.itcoatsq.or flakey, as you Iike It ceflophane-wrappecl. wifh the - .• ';• ' • •••••,:l. -01.1 DE: y 1,11.4.11:1'; 0. )1:3 •41.D.It She •=id,. • 4•.;`,Teli,,''' t"11Gile'VOU'll i'"•"i; to {-^l'uy.i. •. , neNt.' . • ,. ;auntie'," replierdt£h. boy., wea',.d. 1 de: in ..1'seboe1L-T can't -even :road.. el' .WrilO?" •. • A. friend. of, ours-belie,ves it is;.per- • i'ectly alright •for the government t� gpend a 1ii11ior dellara before break, ,it is. a terrible squall - der ' of money for the city board to • spend .$3,000 dwer a period Of years for; grayellipg the: streets, • • Sailor-.- We just .dropped our an- •chor; lady; .. Lady --I 'thought you would. .It's , o fi.::11'inro: Plile[1,te „, 44/ tri''Are a litinpli.,of S0itti" (0T tlitt ..r.'411.1i.410.•••torilt• con:mai:4 • •I'll1:et19rP1m i1 iiiti 14 Iod J9;' ' Ffl• 4 (.%',ieoii. n 1'41 ' lip • •ti she'. taf•-e of yeting' men v toy, (lave Clo .'huri'hips and ettn:Itt 1in11shin, the Blizeticre, ss'i:d in zniittyow. He 1k1,net hnow if this eltortage eatr.4.:id •14 peet of• pcor. re'ttlrns.frern,;tshilig'.or whet:lief it. was "Stist the directs of otir pleasura-Sepking 'ago:" • '• • , .211..utot19ebiles-i•adios dune° musi-; 'and Other distractiops had lured the .young -inert away from tlic sea: Be added the tini as. not far distant whim Lunonbtirgis famous fleet would , Put out to,seamanned by alien crews; Already t!. -.ere Was a fair-sized brink-, ‘ling .of, sailors from Newfoundland aniinkdbetilsier countries manningthe' B been dangling outside for. some time. • . —They:_weraLaritertaining f ri ends -in ' their new house.- Suddenly: one of the guests, sat" lin and listened. "Surely you are not :troubled by niic,e already?" she Said, "That's not mice," replied, the, householder. "That's the People next' dor eating celery." - PERSONAL BOOKS EVERY MARRIED „COUPLE AND those contemplating marriage should fead. • "'Entering Marriage," 24 pages, •postp-iii-d, • 'Sex and •YOuths''.104 pages, POstptild, 25c.. Our 20 spage llustrattU catalogue;of• • books,. Ong supplies and • househOld - ties,' free upon 'request: Ruprenie Speclatty • 169•Yonge, ' , . ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, egatFonT, • positive support with qur advanced method., •` No elastic or miderstraps dr steel. , Smith Manufacturing Co..' Dept. 219, Pre:- • ton, Ont. . • POWER (IIIRAND) TONIC, ESPECIALLY -recommended for .men. Retains VIM and . Vigor. 50 pips $2.00. •. ' " • MRS. LE-ROYS FEMALE PALS. FOR IIA1N- Int and delayed usenstruationl' 33 Ms $4.00. 'DIRECTIONS 'ON BOTTLES.. /dA D.' ORDERS •• postpaid,plain wrappiag. Hygenic Labora- tories, 460 Richmond St:. W.. Toronto„ city Agents. Sky's Phsrather, :Mine; 3432. •. Two,wives were discussing their ,resPeetive .husbandS..over a cup of tea A The first. coniplamed that, her 'husband', never , caine: home from his club until it was past midnight. my dear," sid her friend; 'for 'years ',wondered where my hus-, 'hand Was 'spending his evening's. And then one night 1 refithed home' early -and there be was!". ' NEW• IIAIVIPSH1RES AND RHODE ISLAND 'Reds. •Best quality cockerels -$3.09, 'Rhode - Island Red hens .90c. M. Fisher, 'Enterprise Ontario. •• • ' ZERO PRICES; EXPERT WORK.i, ROLL • . :free enlargethent• 250. -Trevanna• Stud. • • _1006..:Niagara_ Street,- St. Catharinee, Ont. ' - PORTRAIT. IN }CI-DR—FREE WITH EVERY ROLL‘PERFECTLY DEVEL- .oped and printed. • 25c (651n), Star Snap- ittiot Service, 166 King St. West, Dept. Y, • Toronto. . • CHRISTMAS CARDS •FROM YOUR FAVOTJR- •ite negativeo, 3 for 25e; 75 a 'dozen;• com- ,plete, with, envelopes. Enlargements 5 .x • In easles frame; 390; 2 for 15di Roll films • deilerdPed antrlif inted;-25erYepit'1nts se eacir.T.' Free enlargement with• every, .25c order. • Brightling, 20 Richmond St. E., Teronto. ,ROLLS DE4ELOPED AND EIGHT PRINTS• , with free • enlargement, 25c.. • Reprints '3c each. Commercial...Photo' Service, Dept. 13„,• " ,Outrernont, Que. , ' • FURNITURE 'TRADF-1.14 !DEPT: • • • • • .; The •.wonderful bargain� In ioui Furniture • • Trade-in Dept:, have Made, this the 'afoot popu-• . Mr. in •Toronto:' , Space will not permit us to list more than a few Of our specials. If . you • • dcr. not •see' What, you. want, advertieed, write • and let•,us know your needi. Every piece of furnitureinieitatilytreitteitinin-eamoleteir . reilialehed' to look like new. Allorders. care - packed. 'ready' for. 'iniiaediate .shipment ,. on receipt ort money order; ' • t2ci nn Beautiful 6-Pleee. bedroom !Mite • '• IF•trio"r1",! In tyros:toile walnut, draftier' otind? eiUty .,with large..swing, mirrors, full-ilzE• ••-i 'bed,' eaglet's Spring and new all-feit, roll edge • mattresa; new cendition. • ""• , - Alkaa 6!.Plece . walnut bedroom Elite-- • •1KFM".‘n° large dresser, triple mirror Vanity,' chiffrobe,. • gull elle, b d,' eagles. ,aptIng end erhed like new. Clad over 3200.00: A reel .• .Agrnn. Modern .6-nieee walniat !Mall din - •!••,!•11, -1 ing /tom suite, Buffet, china cab. .Ifiett extension ttible and 6 leather,sest 'theta: " • ,Completely afinished. A real. !Mart ,sulte, . • • *1 A,;ag Dining room siilte, 5 pieces, large • 7z••74.• buffet,' ,extenelon table and id* • strong leather -Seat chairs; .; guaranteed clean . • In good 'condition. . .• . ' • • . A•An q4eaterfleid otitlit,: 6 pieeeti, • -sr!‘"0 ;eluding 2-p1ece Chesterfield 'Suite uphotatered In; a good hitr44 wearing 'brawn •. repp,with reveralble Marehall •caishionsi .mid• table, , hedge limp and shade,. metal smoking stand 'and eilk chesterpeld • Cushion.- A real • Outstanding value • ' • , • ; , ••,k1.1.gn Large 3,-pteesthester.field Jodie; up, 41 •hoistCred hi brown regiia with' fig- • roVersIblii .18arilhall epring cushicine, A • • real good looking and conifortable suite. •Iliirry for „this. offer, , • • . *9ag Itend ontift, full eize steel bed, sag, A't less' spring ana new roll edge felt inittrens. , Large Agretirtment. of lilts/lett •cabinets, ebwhig MachilTrit, Oil Stoves, library •tataleS, wardrobes', beds, Aprons, niattreliolea,. • Add dresser/I, chitfoniere, 'studio cope/keep etc., 's1 amazingly, 'low, prices, • • • l'i!` '• • Trade -1n .Dept • . . • LVONS'' BEDDING AND UtiHoLsTERikd , '478 Vonge St,, TerOnte . • HAIRDREssiNG 6cHOoL AdAbtlidif litilribit$SING, • GOVeriainent liceneed, , train. relit • for Maid 80.41166466, Special *46tetretea:,. Write -for 'Proepectne.- 9At 1316pr et,, torente: • • 1 H.CtNE . , • AlaIgn ,110142 dON TA.illa N�' atiditwiteat, 8.1.011,,, 34.20. •,11v .801111140e ,, • rIrrturepritt, Oat, • • • ••00011)' intioats ektb- FOR 'OLD BUILDINGS' . • anywhere for wrecking. ;'Greenwood Renee.. Wreckers. 440 Greenwood,•; Toronto. • 'QUILTING PATTERNS' , FREE! 70 QUILTING PATTERNS! GIANT.washfast reninants! "Makes five Mints" , Cottons! Prints! Silks! Eiderdowns! - $1,00 • "Collect:" Sample bundle -;:25e.: Reflind Guarantee! Maritime Textfleil,' gels• • De- gaspe; Montreal... , • „ RADIOS RADIOS RECONDITIONED, BATTERY AND Electric, $8.00 Up. Write for free Price 'List. • Palace Radio Shop, 721 ,Pape, Toronto. sTAmps AND • • •.• , .• COINS- cANADA, 96 DIFFERENT $1.001 '60 REVEN- dee 50c. • Coronation -2- Dorninions 88.25, • 135 'Colonies $8.75, Canadian •Cataingue, 200 • • Illustrations. 25c. • Free Price. fist 500 sets. ' Vincent, i•294 St...Catherine West, Montreal.' • WANTED , WANTED -CHRISTMAS . TREES, BALSAM, Spruce; Scotch •Pine, State Pine. .W, 'Eastoni • Route 8, Brantford! :Ont., '' • , . .• „ 7 Just ,i'beeause a, man was getting, o fastening his boets; the , --cetied'and later Perfected. , per (Aide fastener) wag con- 7-Fr-e-e-T-ratistiprtation- The.Royal Winter If you Admit obi Used CarL"Efepartrhent,, And .Purchase one of our gnaranteed re conditioned Cars or Trucial, we re - stand 'tingle :railway fare up to three bun. tired Mlles, , SO •cars and Trucks to Choose:6-On! 'PRICED, FROM $145, UP • Old Reliable Firm • SEE and DUGGAN. . • MOTORS, LTD. ;.- 599"tand 621 Yorige SL, TOronto NATURAL MINERAL PHOSPHATE' Nature's Non,Eutning • PLANT:FOOD For Better Pastures - Better Crops Send for Folder "R" to Reign iotin, 137 , Weat Wellington Street, Toronto. • REA NTE Biglieet" Price!. Paid WeeklY..' 11‘,, ONITZD PARUFRO.''ICCF-OPF.ItATIVII Tha� Mit .beerge Sic Ii8tbIatO • Capta:n -"Hae you cleaned the deck•and polished the brasses?"' Sailor. "Yes, sir, and. I've :swept the horizon' with My telcieoPe." • Gent, -;-"What do you 'Mean 'by saying your 'Occupation has gone,?" • 'Tramp -"They've pulled down the botise I used t� leen agamst." In , everyone's life therres mere Prose .t.han ' • An Englishman ,visiting an Ameri- can lake asked 'a natiVe if the place • ,Was good for fishing, • "Sure, stranger." . "Whet kind • of fish ?"•.' P0h, 'all kinds,' stranger!' • ‘..LW.b ' ever . Ca g t ..weigkr ' , "Wall; stranger; we. don't .talte 'Weigiiing Machines when We: and Prn an honest man and *mild • • ,not 'liketo say.' how Much the last . trout; I'eatight :would, weigh, Ilut when I.pulled that fishaut•Of the water, the • lake -Went down a Via." • There is, , just ,new, quitean argu-, ment on among those _Who study, the • brain and nerves, About worry, Sur- prising ai. it may seem, • • there ..tire 'high authorities upon the aulijedt,,who :say a.,Certain•'arnotint of worry is'.a .good.thing. ' This depends'upon:'what is understood bY worry. •Ifit is a: • mere nervous, anxiety, it is bd. If , it is...More or.1es Cairn effort to fignre. Out. one's ' troubles and.' seek to 'And , a remedy,. it is, Of 'course, a good which was used in the filming of Victor ,Ilugo's Lt'Toilers of the Seri," • is now, the floating home �f Pee Scents of the Island of :Guernsey: The old Vessel," 'Which, had been abandoned by the-. Moving 'picture people,' on the . coneluaion .of ;their :Work,' had sunk in St'. Peter ;Port Harbor,':: •It Was purchaSed atauction.' • by Rev. G. A. Taitt, and handed over . to 'the 'Bey -Scouts. The, Scouts are refitting •the old -craft, -Under the 'guidance' of a ship's carpenter. '' • When at, honie at Pax Hill, limp- • shire, ' • Lord ' Baden-Powell, WOrld Chief 'Scout, begins bis day, at fra.M. ; • with a walk, accompanied , by: his three dogs. ' 1. One Of ''.these is a big Meek "Labrador,"' Old aid blind': At • every stile, relates 'Mr. 3:P.: Stewart ' of Torante, a •*stunineir guest of the „ :Chief Scout, :Baden-Powell helps the old dog over, and 'guides ,hinit through . 'the gate. ' When they turn 'back for the. 'old dog Presses his nOse. • tigainSt his Master, and given his Cane. • Prhudiy earryhig this; the dog ,goes ahead, and ',arriving, in front of 2 the. house, ,Walks slowly in a circle- , until •the,Chief kedtit•ceinesi; and ,With , ,pat, takes' the cane from him.. 'B. -P, is pictured asa most .enter - 'Wining host, still full of the play spirit Of bOyheed, • "At dinner..one' ' night'," related the viSitori; "he ,gave • hi his Merle of it Caledonia market-: jtitnble of people,' shacks, beetha and noise, and wOund up with a ildrtrayei. :of a coder selling ,"bar- inalade," [ APPETITE oine ? 136• 1U1'481(i'atill61710414°'4-13'Stotartari'E.:iiellPdte°142:4*"."1:ivithelled4ai..,1:071;:ssitiPP°1:51ervtilill'I.; BUILD, UP 'YOUR 'NERVES ro• touito—pabo.ettitnpriox*B—anaeat,Od ,Heironsth rettnve,, • MudraPPe $100 and 01.80. 71 . uggieta, We, PlIOSFERINESIviReoNk . "ttle .A story told--by-BS. P --with great - , est, described. it :military reception' . '.Whery'ho. was a y'oling 'officer in India . As a prank, he and anOther, youngster • carefully disguised theniselVes• and. , wept :as "newspaper ebrreepOndents,'". one ...allegedly 'Jar a •French hey,* ' • paper. , the ••rither ; for, "a, 'London , daily. .Chuckling: at though ' the. itt;., fair had happened but. yesterdeyi. P., reCounted the chats'. he had _with • various People Present, including one, elderly ' lady..who wia 'pleased to re- cap' ,having • Met, him :ln..,Londen ; the preVious seasen-when B. -P.. wasIndia. •7 ,The Chief Scout .wes deseribed remarkably active, and "'at as fine •,a,speeimen of a well preserved. elder- ly.'man 'as: One, 'Would find anywhere," He always sleeps in a 'corner indni • Which as :lin Walls On two:sides; :he rises regularly at ;6 ',o'clock, ,and .goes for'a,walk. with his dog's: OR his re:. Wily,' he gees,... through: 'his; • small Mountain ,Of. Morning ;mail, and has it • ready: for hissecretary before breakfast, •• ," . • "4. The Visitor marveled St the amount .of work' done 'by the ,entire Baden, Powell' family. i'Soinetiniee' there were three typewriters going=L Lady BA), "at her ,madhine On Guide at. faire, the Hon. 'Heather ,13.-P4.:`'eli news matter for the "Press, and the,' Chief's seeretary on his, clitreapond4 end°, A regular:.workshop!„'r • :END SQRE HANDS •by Rubbng.in • •••$.„ Along Canada's 'fling Ilzgliway gegadless of wars 'and steck inar kets, mining: and oil developments note-continueuso s. ue e indications of 'big thine:prohabilities Sladen Melanie and East Maier% tie, and an enlarging and higher grade Ore outlook on.Powell Rouyn. In Ontario's. Larder • take area, , Barher Larderisthe rising star,•with • impertantimine• indications. Omega,. • Kerr Addison and ,Martin Bird con- tinue to devehip favourably. ' Oriole his neW developments of promise., Kirkland' Lake-Gold-is-ineeting-with-- .spiendid suecess, at „depth. • Other Kirkland Lake, producers, show steady production record. In the Porcupine. camp, ,Moneta and Pamburhave outstanding favour'- , .'oble 4re disclosures. In the 'Long Lac Caillp, Hardrock ie,preperingIer production, with the mine indicating_ ati--ininortaiit 'future. . . _ , Riitchison. Lake, ',on'...,und;erground: work,'is.,shappig.up favourably. •In Patricia, the Al any yer mine," .4f ter .a loug octicid., of "ancertainly, • is • developinginiportent ore. Crowahore,' • adjoining, , is proving the continuanee of the ,favourableatrtictiire. • Alberta, the' Oil field is" showing rapid tXpensidn:..• riecent'new.production sticcess.es,indl- • cate inipprtent future dividends for• . RoYalite,' BroWn . Oil,' Davies• Petro,' ,..monWealth. Qrie. l'iuriddrcrl Miles: to • -the, south of Turner Valley; at •Taber,„ the Plains • Petroleum • attained success with a •Corninercial • Prodticer.- • • . British Co:jinni:lie has' new gold iii- tereston the'.west coast 'of :Vancouver • rOphei.Y,. . n Atlantic Liners . New Ships to TraVel AhnOst Ten Knot* Faster Than .5peed. Of "Queen Mary" • ; • . • .14nera which will. cress, the '• at 40 ,Ithetsaltilost 10 '4'btri fa$• than.. the cjueen AlarY-'-are • owed scerpt exParinibnts nv tieing • Conducted on 'Tyneside, 1.;:n01.11.1.. .Swit'u, i&1iter tand, Wight -an at'FIE,PTI, billidera ti01114, .1V1.11C11-' 1101 ' ril,"fritrr'•-•"t."11,74144s 01 a stre4pilino'cl: of y. '• • • ' • Pecrid.f ...j1,; _1144 , 4 • • . :the testa, are sle`ctful, • trilnter ,WlI ,place oi the•••••too-t• fIll .going yacht embodying the new prig': ' • ....Engineers believe thaf.the iic„:step • Will- be Aci biI, A . 40,kno't : Uner land destroyers :doing:. up 'to 'nest 60 .:ItnatS., • , • . ' . three:DaSt 'Crossing .• A, liner- With. th4 spebd,Wo.uid .i.:resS. • theTAtiantic---itr-.-4pror,-ireatety- -three-- days'. eorapared with'the 3 day's •hotirs 57 SeConds Queen 'Mary Wen the: record iii Aug- ' ust, 1936. • . " ' • • . • - T. Morrison, a direclor ol Swan Hunters, 'said:. 'tA great deal' of .1o7', . vestigation, remains to.. be dope hecOo' we cansay witn..cenvictien that the new:. which vv,.e hope." • • Gigantic Sprinlf10:. -Scheme Envisaged Ninetk-Focit Drop Down Mail Chute Englislunan HaaiSurprise 'Wonderland Journey .. 'Jan:fee. 'Thomas, ' 69, ..is reCovering.' fronithe surpriseof an Alice:in-Wpn- derland -subterranean journey: he ..MadalaSt • •.Thomas Stepped Off the New . - Market race train. et :Liverpool St. 'Statidn, London :'tnn•land• and waik- ed aeroas: the •platform' towards a cab.. He itanibled,.over a' railing and dis- app�ared head first into a 'hole'. • • • • His wifescreethed, and fainted.' Porters 'rtished Up. Meanwhile Mr. • Thomas• pitinged at express', speed. doWn a p0 -foot slang Steelletter rlia•Le the -poSt:tifiet in the. tuhe s.tion• , under, the Street, ' • ' - • • Tarried •Up. In Offjce • . . Ten:seconds late,. breathleiTS . and • • .•• 'aghast, his bowler. hat.; bouacing .fore hini,•he ,shot o'n to the r,evoliing band, Charlie, Chaplin fashion, Durrib:.: Tonaded: postal 'Werkers • stopped the machinery and picked. up' the whiter haired man, who had 'suffered (nothing' •Worke than a slight eta' on one hank • -and abad' shaking . ,He' r wits. taken hack" to his ;Wife.. She reitiVed. it the sight of her,lot • husband. 14Oh,SquiblisP,' she ivied,: ard . they-. embraced as ,hundreds.,_ ...Cheered the 'return Of the man Pviho:, 'went down: there." • ' ' • • 1 Digmonds -Found .0,1 Lake Bolton' fr}ie•- Smith African Government , , last week despatched'a special force WOINEti. 11,1110, SUFFER. ' • V V 'Who' suffer in stienee,bftin pSy • deadie • penalty, 'for . Wearing', this ote titJtF lteistilthets. or Silly Painful petiodeAM • nit. WM'S , Wittintik • that '•something, is wfaeg. and 'needa itinnediate. atieitk • lion. GrOWIng, giriset • .• .„ wclI: as Wenieb, ' )Ite'. aro. often auf, s' retail trent fotan1e Irregilleritiee: .,They , and.; Piereo'it. Favorite Prescription' is a' . ehdatdi thine: Read .What •Roat6.' 4 tinbt6, ont,„ Aaidt iciat weigut, :Suffered.' trona heticticse•Ac hita. ihr • tetiehgth',, Wan, coingeteliqgiaiie,' It Wile, &IMMO liriotits, ibia for the tol etiL MOther'adVinied me lo take. Dr. PlerCele P.te-fetiPtioti In 1idiett tinia 1 ieeik feeling fine ' -Mee, 'lila 690. -.13UYvitotel . . ' . :Issue No. 46.--117 „ of darriond to..Verneuk Pant: guard a 'newly discovered diamond field, Pending a; 'legal- decision en an actiori to stay . prospecting. •Verneuk in,..Calvinia' where Sir IfeleOhn • Campheil established automobile' speed 'records in 1929: It - is liocated in a--descilate part ef Cape Province.:4 Some, experts edelared the stones. found se far Were small and of poor quir,1:ty. •• ' • • COal jstsin Nanchatikuo' have just bt.c1 estimated at 8,000;000 tens, • .02 40A KNEW: CIDANDIGISJION. AS".1). ISTRiSSI,N6-TO :ME.,ANO:OffENSIVE: .1OOT11ERS ALMLIK E EAsy GjJt w4y • The ,quick *ay: t.ti' alkalize is this; ' Take twO teaspoona• '.'of 'Phillips' of Magnesia 30.thintiles after • --eating' and drinking,.Or, when • among others-Liakcjw0 TaNets-tliat Came hi a small nat. • tin YOU .tarry m purse or vest ' pocket. -,--You do it unrioticed::. Relief iS almost immediate. • "Gas," 'nausea; acid breath and • Other affenilve synaptems That "staffed!' feehng: and pains• ' 'train "acid • indigestion" cease to annoy: Tett feel great. , ...This is the wliy, We believe,;'inQe dOCtiors" use than any other: • when 'alkalising upset 'steillaCh. . , r-i„AbE N CANADA , 1, ..•".tt • '4 • than Republic 'Increaled WItea r • Production 238 Percent • . It is an old idea t,o eV -Pik the' prin,.. • of arm land wheg there iS• a' ri.ver, .lake or a well at hnacf,and , Where 'it hasnrainedfor 't . , sepiPrtienkciferr •INt,o!a, talrInesg • week., go .the Ilydrotechni- oal'. and. iitfelhiration,Bareap..of Soviet-. sta-Irrexperinienting with able sprinkler. •• ' •2 ....A: Kost.yak6V of the Academy' , :of Seientes.,deSeribes, the .systein: in Ir,,, .yestia. 'According to . him, 'a pump dri- • by the -engine of a tractor draws • *Ater ,froma. rif.er,•• irrigation canal . or well and forces it through a aprink, . , . . lei. 'system .at wpreasure ofseven to. tWelityPounds to. the.square inch. The an:fount of. "rain" thus : produced,. Is re, -lulated..aceording,-to.„-.„the:: - Shipp and the sell. P,uinparid. Pipes are tnoved from field' le. field. ••• ...1.TO 'Cover. Millions.of Acres, , ...-2what...colinrientlejts,e1f to:the Soviet • agricultural engineers about the..ndeth-' • . • Od: Is the, ease of contrid. just the .ex- . ..amoun Of w.ater is sprinkled arid • , no nuire.,..HOStyakov. says that from,. . 14 to 2,0 . Per tent .less ' water' requir,. '"ed , than *with, .ordinary: irrigetiori, And . • the Crone!. In the VelgaGerinen-..fte•-. 'public, artifiefal "rain" increased the. . Production Of; wheat by •,238 per tent.;„. On he Sten c011eCtive farm In the . . _ . -1oronezhL-d1strictsdiugar.et7+Orope,. jurnped 432 Pit Cent.. ' There .is nothing like •.iriass.. p.roduc. • Oen,' of the liedessary.' PuinPing-• and apparatU.s...:But KoStyaliov now hopes foe•the ;hest.' in h1gopin1n the', :directors • of. the 'Third Fie -Year Plan• ' . should not be ;staggered by the proa- 'iect :�f 'sprinkling .600,000 hectares ' . sugarbeet (a' hectare is 2:471 acres').' 3.0.01000'heetares et graln,250,000 hec- tares , of , iniacellanseue:',eXperiinental: • crops', 250,000 hectares Of •orchard and. • . truck and farm lend and 200,000, hpc, • -*tares , �f cotton Twenty. thousand of these :Sprinklers 'Wonld, do' the trick, • V411,1646)0: tentrief metal, going' intO1' .piping and„ 100,000 .fnt� ralti-Making ,eqvipment .proPer. ' • . - Agriculture 'supplies' many et ,the . . • materials' used Ifl inaking:aoafi, In '1936 i.n.Cilitatitt 102 firma' .rePnrted,.. that fioaPs,aehlng coMptnuidaw' 'end cleaning, Material's Were :their' Chief .prOtineta. 'Potty-seVen-,•of the "'firths; ; • . Were In Ontarin; .34 iti "Qu'ebee';, '9'in• ,13r1tiah Colunibia; 0 in Manitoba; 0 111 Alberta; • .1 th New • litansWick arid:. 1' ,in SaskatolieWiin,- The 'clittput. of- the • Industry in 1036 ,totalled an increase et $t.11,49.4 spnipared With 14; • t'rciffl Jiva,y 10 Selitet111.30r .'30th, 1037; Canada Produced 10'7025275 1b8. •OV tiet;06, thew* an inerearsauf 124 • ,per.eent on the quantity :prOilticed dtirt ..ing the itoresponding months of 19',6, • . The production 'Or.Creathilrq; Inillter, •Citiricia from January ist t,o genterii,, ,ber 30th, 1937, ernaniited • to 199;286,- . 96,3,1h. 'a decrettee.pf 1-3. Per tent, Ceii1L pared.'With the ,Cerreepoiicling thotithe' • „ • of 1936. • „ • Strange Bedfellnwis , , Herhert ThoMpson, 17 years' oldj rif Ceindet, .1•1.74 on hiri ',Way to 'lolly- , wood /or a movte. job., dropped off to sleep in a 'park itt Sari Antenipt Vexes, Re awoke with A • ;start, screanipd' arid fainted, Several' Shaken • were entwined ereutlii hie tiofly. He lad goOo to Weep in the :Pula Stalk, ititilleop. -