HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-11-11, Page 2ampriorr ozzan.
• 'atting'Aluni.Witheut„
Thg ,woutikcp.ouzie 4o1(660ziE00A'.
'.-`,-0911,011.4 4, or niiisaIces at weddings..
#00.14 • !
Was There An Electicn?
.; The ';;: Ontario , ; election; passed, so.,
abruptly. 'into . history- :that .• 'already:
„.we're .beginning to doubt it -there was
• an election'after 'all. Perhaps, we're
•:right, -'.-Toronto 'Saturday Night, ••
•• '77777: - "
SliaugLtert.-rit the Innoien4• .
.; ,,Latti figures 'show.,'"that 1,300,000,.per-;
IMnat•haVe ',been 'killed in the
.war It Would, net be, se liad, it :they :
01,aughter heti, been; created...among in-
, •
nticeet, ,civilians. -Chatham
?arc& ,System a Menace:
••,..:Tho parole: .systeni Is SitiPorte4. by
0110.04?ntOPf;its • ful.!.* Meanaot, reeleirn:
thg Aetnally, .the
•„„parele,r'nYateitil Is a trusted ally of.
When; ;applled tO..,crintinala ' 'Of
the. T0104,009. Lt loads , the, dice in
favor 'Of;,,.Otttlawe, and 'exposenanciety,'•
tithlsks created by the theory-thaf-
0-;;taaie*ii4o, has ' ,sortedt;a •torti? may
be teferniteiltni•onta '; Telegram. .
uidew‘On.,PrOPettY •
Munlclualttles in Canada .must:
110e,!.. abareLp
.P.9,3*.e.ntieP•ef;',. Theburden• 'et:,
this. peniitry Is
too heavy. rocreased.',taiatiOn•arising
Out ot :relief 'ettetulitn'ies;',Itaa''been':
proliettY values throttglxiirt .
the,. Mitire-.:DOniinion., and. inanY 'prow"
.4r.tr'n*,nerti; have., fouad, it •nelos$0.4...:.
to forfelt thelr Preyer0'.fOr7f.,04Pahk
Flnanclal Post.. •
'0"Pitihing" for pheasants," as it Is .
alled.; •Is abotit the lowest imitatIon
Of ;e'pertsialtnelitp to come to light In;
geaeruitem, small) thih',:;,
beeks, balted;;;;Tittir raisins: and :wet. ;
'-'00"..#:',!..are...:Antipended.• on,. Wire, tencee;,,:,
Ourreunding:Wodded.,; seetiOrta , 0!. the
lonntr,P.", where pheasants are known
• o be. Impaled on the cruel barbs of
.7fraPped: Pheisantg",
ang In misery tor hours before dY,;
!Oa.,t's-rhuTapq hunting, the,
hole busineas should be squelched'•
30:"..ltilvtOtrattordF Beacon-Hereld, "
inttber •railitary 'hostilities, -t.,Auelc-
o .
it 10 1;'1,•'. • I,J.1,41by;;P;ej.9•041/1:400;•:
delay,' .we Ya;i•IO
losing the '40eijeent' )ur ittIreCetj,an
• agreetri, ent; that • *Old' • be worth. wiile.
Bir. Cordell l'itill's.'progrannhe pi tariff
• redifetiimit end freer'trad,e.is not alto-
gether enthusiastically. received in the
United States.„:„ • Thelonger mutual'
coneessionsbetween this country and .
the United, States are postponed' the
more time will be, giVen.,for .Atherican-
traditional RretectiOnisra. ,to reassert
..itself. There Is ahead), serious disali-
pOintnient in Washington at the hall -
heartedness ot the 'British response.
chance ' altogether.' An „early 'declare- .
tion by the, British'. Guriernnient .As •
much to be"desired:. The: country has
,a right to knew: whether; it Is trne,that
an agreement of 'suCh. vital Jrripertance
to. British industry • is ,,being held ' up ,•
because one or two. Of the ,Dominions
:are making unreasonable,nse ot their
position 'ander the Ottawa, agreements.
-Manchester Guardian.
World Fair :
Will Be Extended
The International. Exposition ;
Bu -
1:s wek voted_ ,to •rolon the
Peri, orld Pair. The exact period
the fair willolast was not announced
but it was believed that it Would re-
open ,next 4. spring ' for ,03914 •:six
inontlis. • ' '
•BehlUd„Alui itnea-,-.:.
In the county of -,.Waterloo is ,a fel,
• t
ighins.,osect.,,,WhoSe ,,' members. ' still,
' Utt,,g--to-- the 4114*,0241„th•Otttil.'' 014:,...4...!.(
an!.a word is as gattel,;•as hia',centract,
'-'-z14.8.hofildiet-htirreiv more than
ntencls.te,repay, and that the .sini-
• le 'thing•A of. lite.' Are:;the-hest. •
QUeer,, these people ,are so far lie
hind the' 'tithe's. they knew not ' the•,
. joy. of , instalment ' purchases, ; double
.•gitit;' them, entirely apart..
: Ye,t they livein. peace 'inct.coritent-
. pent, in,fellOWShip and friendship
' pith 'their peiglihors, unworried by te-
m -roves 7reckoning.. . And the hurry -
g,' biased World might And; l`the ,utO- ,
la It ;seeksin the; life of these ' for-
tunate, . 'Carefree 'farmer:7J • --. Q•nelph• .
ereury, :
Canadian Unity .. .
!..Pyryttlyt Mint Undersand that the..
'proVinces' of. Canada will gain "Mithing
by:being ijealons.; Of one another or,
4$aiti; showing ;indifference- to ail:
activity".ontside their' own hOunilaties:
rifle, it we graw. closer tegether, if
re:decide to join our ,talents and. onr
, nergien--=ahl. then What ..we have , rte.),
fOropliahed up to now in the national
• 1omain, however .proud we May be o!
it,Oviit_te,Lhialgnifieent-.. beside the
' inarvels that. It will be Possible for 'Ifs:
to attain:, Tha trde,presperity Of 'can- '
4det."the .secret of its prestige; is in
'the.:"gOed. will Of its inhabitants. Con.-
4runimation Of national:1100"k a 'We*
bt niajoir;SitePortabee,'.as fierhert
. Marley...had reniin;ditis,-*ennist.alt
'o -Operate hilt: Presse (Merit-
ANCHORAGE, Alaska. -Joe Free -
'Man liardwar- -salesman'
arrived here . Withthecomment that
the par Ncv:th is getting a sissy",.
The "last :frontier!! that ;Freeman '
cOVars has reached such: a' stage of
Civilization , that customers in the in-
terior are* demanding "madern'chro-
mium gadgets of the trickiest design"
colored glass knobs ; for. dresser.,
.drawers and '."hexagon designein
prepared shingles, with 'color •scheme
planned as carefullyas the Duchess.,
of Windseria-lielideif."7- • 7 -
•ruirrugution. linoretiedAs one way .
. , .
to .peace, •Sir Edward
.!".! Beatty, . ' the Oatiedien
Paelfie Railway, reCorinnetula ;.;the
• Wendell: Of "dater deo-nein:lc. 'Peileiga
• and the restiniption Of ;
llIs prescription Is a • Wise: One.,:. for
•• ; 4herer Can be no dOtibt, that interna-
tional. friethin, haa-bert increased' 'bY
;16; rteing ;Of:,,,iitiotiettdrtiers.4.gartuit
, lade and the closing et national 'frort.:•••
lore agalnst initriigretion.• Many'. of
• 'PiereetketiOne no. the 'free' moo;
of.geta(i„ and 'pertsOni .40e teat-
, yo Intik trinn tha teat Wm.,. it fomented
:Pitestont.--ef- ;lotto* -;tiatteintiiiin •
ilk:these' are bearing Shrivelled and
tinit In many, :lode .todaz,:
the•War Iiii;POISOned theaeitoe.;
• he .Artiliitioe 'cadettito mititary ear..
't the eicomunie ear ekelateapitied,.
' . •
Banana 'Oil is said to make quite 4
goOd-gasolineo-as.do-cocontiLand palm
' •
1 'SpOrting1.- co.mm'itit.'
• „ By KEN cDWAFipS .',.
; Fred, Timbera; Of Ringwood; Ontario, Was judged the:Grand OhnraPion
of the recent, International plowing, Matchheld et. Fergus, Ontario. For
three, Years.in succession, Timbers end his tractor; equipped with Fire-
stene Ormind, Grip:Tractor Thee; have won the; championship and not/.
•, retain permanent custody of tab' CharaniOnship pup.; Attended by 115,-
001) farmers, overoaeventy tractors competed in the field at one!time
;during...the International Plowing Matchhold at FerguS,...Ontarits from
October I,2th tnlfith. Only ,slyc tract.ora *ere on steel -lugged. wheels; the
remainder being rubber -tired, ,which reflects the treinendous growth- or
'pneumatic. tires ,for tractors.eince. they were introduced; at the Ottawa d
• •
ttor Advises
Future -Doctors
ir Seymour Hies Says .."Beware
•Of. the Bedside Manner" :
!,• LoN'IN2114iir Seymour itielts, Who
had played almost 'every 'possible type
2'et, part In hall a century on the stage,
'filled a new,role when he gave;advice
,to young, :medical-. students. .
Ha Wasinaugurating anew school
Medical School at the Caxton' Hall.
London, :England. •
speech was filled •with antic,
my anthem i he ' claimed,
"very nearly true," and all designed
to, Ore point. 'to sound advice from
'"Just an ordinary fellows' who paints
-los nese for a living."
Eliminate Fear ,r•
Advicewhich he offered .ineluded:.
•;•,• • "It is a 'doctor's duty to eliminate
tear.' Petu-371's the usher who „brings
'ne,to your :Waitinpronni.. A good doe-
torwho Is also a good actor can in-
spire confidence: . ' • -
irOt ail the diffienit. people With
whom' you have to. &intend the worst
keno, .Gangl: Tlifs
artiald starts us
off , on, ..a • series., et--.;,
informative'' official
boxing rales whieh '
. .
will, not hurt to
• study,' even thbugh •
you may notbea
boxing fan.' You
will find' below a
list �f the weights
. and Class -4's of"bext
, Bantamweight .118
Featherweight 120
• '' LightWeight4... 1:85'
' :'''Welterweight 141 ••'
Middleweight: :
• Light Heavyweight 175 -
Heavyweight all
• • • over
At 2.'&clopit of the day: Of the con;
test, unless Otherwise ordered. the ;
„contestants shall be • weighed -on', the
cOttunissien, hcales and niedicallyi eX-
arnincd,• In the event Of a- 24-hour
postponement, Weights ;and physical'
examinatien, of original date of,•,con-
,test are: . to hold: • In. thi,•eyeat 'of
POstinMement, reeplirflig the show to
be: hem later than 24 hours after the
'original date, . noi,V , weights
physical examinations arc required. •
' The - gloves. are to . be, rieW ones' for
all events, and stionld, not Weigh leSs.
:than 'five ounces' each, and are to bp, '
„furnished by the club management,
Each boxer muSt!'be'Aiiii).0(1 with
two pars of trunks.of the following
colors: '
(a) Blue waist band- With purple
are artists. ''hey are 'nervous' people
Who live On their' nerves -or other
" peOple's-,-and,' have to he . treated as
' with a _silken, thread.: , • • ,
• "Always beware . the .man who
'wants :to 'know ',the" truth.' . Believe,
ice, that is the last thing he wants:
' Cheerful Expression.
---.7"See that you have a cheerful Maid •
to OPen the door. Too often the door
Is eliened by a maid whose face •seems
to eay::"I`his 'way to the morgue.' •
•' 'Beware et the bedside. Manner.'
Carried to excess It makes, one won-
°rrinlentar.Y on the
Highlights of the Week's News
, Trtir,Lg • ,a.r.1.4Ai0:;-; :The St'hitit
go,Yerlitnent ' neWabttP-er, Izveetia,'
U.mates that the three cOnntries of the-
'.1041•Pn4n and rQl90117 4e71,1Y1L! eaev PaPg4:1-Par; h?C79Mt4-:
"i*onittn;•••(-:‘,,,,,,,Alitr". that -agreement
.)among- the;a.igi, .'9P.sera•
gram of .war." A..PrOgrant. of War, in
ether i'vords in' 'Which etpitalism Will ;.
'fight eeffiriturtieni and: belief •hci.
tecl againat belief,. A, George.Bernard
the wars 0! re1iion tn ,thefraeV, enfeentili
,, r'!
• , •. •
Pet*r.., R1040
• BIBLBS., IRA • PO.: IQ thO,
eopt*.e., orpaper :tied 'ether materiels",
:the:price •pf,phiei ;printed In ;Nnoland.
gentNtee41„per,r..c )4 • •';
. • „
.pyxm cr4HAttANCE:' On: tIltl'ONt..a
Of oDeeenther,...all.-"':.T„Prontn' :PrePerty
Newfoundland, can Manage to pull her-
eelf-out •of nnancial difficulties', the
island Will retarn to Dorninien,atattia, .
Dimiiniona '.Secifetary, Malcolm Mae»
'Donald.assured the British House last
week. It Will he remembered that.
.Newfoundland hasbeen under a Coir
mission' Government since the 'depres-
• Mott more or less: Wrecked ita, Indus-
trW-But. during the past .•siumner,
patier; lokwak and mining .have pieked.
up there and.a generat,quickening of
„economic . activityia, reflected in the, L
latest figures releasect,, it May not be •
long, ;then, betere Newfoundland, once
more becomes a DeminiOn. '
. .
Britain ha e concluded a trede. egree-
meat with Insurgent • Spain,' 'Although
such a move•is.„ 'purely a commercial
-Altair" • airif does not ,involve diet°. ,
matic recognitinit.'it•Cannot be denied.
that 'Britain has at least admitted the
existence Of General 'Prancers Govern- •
ment'DIPlomatie recognition' and
- the exchange of ambassadors no
donbt 'folio*. • st
to invite the undertiker t ' ornment haw fnever actually chant- .
• • pioned the • cause of :the •Spanish Loy-
. • *Obi a rick" allSts hence this latest mote is a .•
'Neter let. anyone talk scandal 1.9 consequence Of' no sudden -reversal of ,
0..$2,000,000, delrenture .10Su9to lio.used
in 14, aepolitiett of the citY'So's11141-4.•
' andin) the. etnistruPtion orleW-cest
lattiaing'. •• for leWei%brocket. , Wage
`gteups. ;;;D ii. ig;ittftioro Or, xsfuin
you. .Always bet 40 to'i against any-, •
thing you are told: and You will make :
money, 'Forget hick In life; • .inake PALESTINE PERIL: Stories about :
:everyone .Youmeet"an opportunity. the terror in Palestine•paY not occupy•,'
•Se*.er quarrel' Withanyone: and "if you as rnuch front page spaCethese days
..are annoyedgo ; to, Your room and bite. As the Sino -Jap War or the Spanish '
,the. wordrobe==it"will relievo you. Conflict; .but the, importance -is 'there, •
"Fifty per 'cent. etus arenatural, jnst,the same,. It yen want to put your ..
iz-30.; per cent. are 1. sh3-10-per cent-
' are stiOhs, And 10 per cent: idiots. Be.:
:nice- to: thenaturalpeople, .tolerant •
to the shy,' give. the Snobs a kick, And,„.
. thank GOd for the idieter; ter they will
never find you out
n r iscover
rer Proce4ses-
chine& Gains Leciet , of Controlling Inherircance..In Living' Cells by
• -Chemical—Discover Believes Mani:likely to. Direct
' Own, Future Evc utton ,
.• Discovery ;of a •new control over
fundanientatr:pitiabsieS of life, : in
plantsAnd 'analials-which may even
, • ,
giire Mari, Pewer to direct the course
ef his own' futnre` evolution -was an
, notinced- last Week before the
:National' Academy ;.ciences.
Juggles "Life tii'reade.,. „.
ilhis newest advance of science to -
"Ward. Understanding' and Control of
hfe cs.„a. methedet jtigglint, chromo-
somes, the "threads of life'', which
.tentroi,inheritance, in living, cells.
• Dr. AlbPrt P, Blakeslee, geneticist
".of • the Carnegie Institttte c)f,Wash
ingtOn's laboratory • at Woods Hole,
Masa', ; told „MeMbersof the, Academy, •
Meeting'. at Rochester, N.Y., that be
...Pan change: the •number of them at
Will. in Plants with a chemical called
, •
• Colchicine. • • •„• ,'
‘(?) Red' ,•Wa!stband, two-inch red
, side-rat/4p° and. 'black body,
(O. kItticiontinal; approy-
' , 'ed by the commission.” .
(d) Pandages should be restricted
to soft cloth, not more than
' six 'feet•In length and one and-
pne-haff inches in width, held
• in place by notAtere than two .
feet of :surgeon's for
each/ hand: • .An official shall
• watch the adjustment' id theie• ,
bandages in the dressing.
Wa• tch for for ;the ,contintiatitin of
these rules next week,
V •
sifaying tbe plants, or
dipping' thein' into a Soliition Of the
chernical the ,number of chromosomegl,
in thottsanda of ceMs is doubled. and
the .plants' becoire entirely ;different
.appearance and behavior., Fruits
and vegetable'sare made. larger and
bettef, ' •
• . New': Viewers, Pruite
• . .
NeW foinfs of planta never seen in ,
nature .liavg 'been terdatfe4 by this
niet'lled, Dr, Blakeslee declared.,.'New
kinds; of vegetables, :flowers and
fruits, Can.and will be created, he
adrled, • ,
apparentlylhae „been
nature's method of evolution for cen-
turies,' the Carnegie Institution scien-
tist said, but now man daii improve
• • ,
on nature, .
; Whether the 'eaniemethod can be
used on the chromosomes of animals,
"including man, is net yet linovin:.
since' it has tiot;ben tried. However,
these threads of life, eacli-,,et Which
carries Many, genes, „ot.,. inheritance
factor's, are similar hi all 'Plants. and
attirnali .and the.. inethOd . may prove
workable: possibly even to the .extent
of creating neiv and improved fern=
of anithabir geneticist k familiar with
Blakesleeht work oak,
Its 'hi
ee e
It is not likeit that a* taco of
''stiper-meril *11 be ereateit in, the
near future, they *Adak but it has
ben 6464 that the toprodUdive
.6t; sotonot
, 4 .
,moment sso n styling hi m-
self the protector Of Islam and is or-
iginating a vast -amotint of antiBrit:
ish propaganda Whicn, Charges , that
Aral revolts in F,ialestine have been
put down in a Most Cruel tishioxi and
that the populace of „Palestinehave.
been accorded, vile. ti eatment. at the,
; hands of the Britlsh Meanwhile ter- •
-rorisal -7:continues, the civil 'death list-
-tram •fire.and`the sword mounts 'daily.
Last week .floods took' an .',additional
many 'ether ways, .they, may also •te;••
Spend' to the.; chromosome - doubl:ng
• treatment. 2. „ • ..
: • ;Br: Blakeslee has: already'. proposed
that the:United States .Department of ,
Agriculture to -operate with the Car-'
negie Institution. to Use 'the method
. • ,
in developing neW„. and , better agri-• ;
cultural products. •
.The effeets, of , colchicine in datibl.-:
ing the...number Of t hrernoaotnee,;.maY„:-
also Trove:Ito...be a. new Pine in solv-
ing • the mystery .of life itself,„;acien,
tists :attending the, Meeting pointed :
because. it is :a cloae chemical '
relative of sirch diverse conopeunds as•
the sex ':hormones; vitamins;' the, coal
tar • substances which , brought %Mt
Some' forms of canCer;, digitalis; used
as , a heart stimulant ; ergosterol;
vviiieh 'prevents rickets; toad poisons;
and -inerPhin, and tedeine. . ;
•:'-'Thser relationship' Of these c'Iremleals
and 'their widely diverse . ,effects • on
the human btidy:.;ie' a ,baffling puzzle
to t • • '
pfr,ti, is nOW
0;Qcto ,s
haproted housing does not altOgeth-
fir 'solve the probiem.:ef. the, rehabili-
tation of the peor. It is,a •Step in the
right direction but a great Many Other
'steps' Will have to be taken too before
beneficial results begin to be felt. A
survey made in Great 13ritain shows
that better housing actually impaired
the health 9f tenants In a Tree( many
caass,,sinee a rise in rents, however
alight,- meant less 4'inOney feed.
-That, is--rone-side'-' of the queation.
If, however. the City ot; Toronto is
willing' not to stop at slum .cleartince
but to go further and help the worker
obtain A decent -living wage,it will ;be
cause for greatest -rejoicing.
:The departure ot many tarn:tern in. the
West' from. droughtatticken 'aretia., is
.expected to result • in ,a •boom for old
Ontario .rarmlands. . Some 'ot ' these.
men with ,ineit-ramilies-nre7tlie-creana;
,Of the cOentry,-ot ;solid character, pro;
greasive.*Mitlook. :These . who .• have
; come through • the "lean '•years With , a
whole skill, a. few .Cattle ,Od.. a little
;money are prepared. to, 'dig.• • in. and
malr:e ;a'. success ot farming down here
. helped' to ' settle.,
-in -Ontarni, ' withrent paid. a' Yearin
advance by their respeCtive, govern-
. , • ,
,•reents. ' , • ,,,
• • „HEALTH INSURANCE: Back •frtiM
an extended .-yrsit abroad where...he-,
Made..a thorough study .of ;.EtirOPean.
health insurinee, ..sehernes,, „Dr.... Clar-
erice' ttotitley, secretary:, Of,. the ,Cana7
,diart Medleal Associditm,. says. that
'Prepare for the coining of health. In
sttrance" in thili'..conntry.'..,Dr....Routley
liked the: British. systein lieSt„
• • •
errorisni. In Transjordan. ,
BEIBUT, Lebanon, Troops. of Sandi
Arabia were '• reported ' concentrating
this, week -end' on the southern border
of 'riaasjOrclan, 'where widespread
orders :occurred after a pro -British
"speech by _Kink •Abdullah 1 the
Transjordan Parliament: •
Dispatches reaching Beirat 'said
;the king told • .his parlianient :Abet
•whilo'he .sympathized' With the, Arab,.
eanse,..he reaffirmed. his 'COuntry's
friendship' with Great Britain: •
,Shortly after his .speech ,* an un-
eipleded bomb wee found - in the lei,'
;fice of the .King, 6$1milar borrtes Were ,
said to have been %found in several of
the Transjordan, towns,. and National,
istS circulated' pampllets in Amman
urging' a• revelation. L, • , ' • •
Royal, Entertains
Boy and 4ir1 'Finalist* Will ;Meet:
."At The .Winter Fair, l'arOrtto,;
In Judging. Competitions. .
Shrty.tWo „boys and giris, nieinhors
ot local clabe- all °Vet Canada, are to,
• meetat the itoyal Winter Pair at
nionth in judging ' conmetItionc'cover-
frig ;dairy and beef eattley,swine, peal -
Ariz ;grain and ,potatoes. These are
'the •finaliate Chosen at prellininarY
'contests -Which have bon held In the
, • , ..• • .
provinces at varloUs dates since Sep -
umber •1 milder 'projects , arranged"; by
;the. .Cariediart Contitll on„..11Oyre and '
airier Club, Work, .a; body Afiti.ottawa.
heedtitiarters sPerritered by a. number
of itgrieultttrat interests, .and, having
In the nine proVineei, a total member-
ship Of ()Vet 35,600 boys and glop, ,
'club teams of, twoinetribera pack 1
arriving. in Tdi'onto on Sunday,
vember 14, its gueete.;dt tha, CouncIt
Will becdticatiohilly entertained,While
In the city And taken: for inspection
inert Of 0:leveret industrial ,Plan'tii,"
TheincoMpetitione on the day ots,
'esdlisetifij Ittoid Winter Vairoaeiiiat
have tor some yesrs been ft PoPuttir
flittis at ite•jaalor ,air,lcaitural, Werke.
Fishing Rights Jeopardiied
MOSCOW.•=lunt wniming was giv
en to Japan this week that any eX:
tension of the German-Japhnese ant1-
d9mintern pact to include Italy would
imperilIepan's fishing, rights in Siher-
ian• Watera. . • ,
The warillog •Wat..isetieil by Iztestia,
goternment:'Orgen, on .the eve of a
reported discussion ot An agreement
with Italy by ' the ,Japanese Privy
Connell., and after the Tokio ceteramnthad Already taken: up with the
Nerkoraindel (Foreign 'CO-nimiasatiat).,
the question of renewing ;its fishing
aster 1,oa
o Direct
• Centred in Piccadilly Circus, :14.p,,
don It will DO 'Work Of 'Thirty;
Eva w_kh zn iraPrOYed,
, Soon to take tivertraffic control of the
boniicin, • gngit1414.,
!Pliti,l4g- the '"eitY of WeStmitister 41:14: -
"-the home.officot .a)arge, sum in Pone,
,11;qieriees. • -
At the; works or the • AinatIe Tel;
eplione Co., here, Hva - short
4,..t! .-velritttle,...•actuntel. ial",,
1.'6061 , a'sl're ••°•1
••• transport officials, , with 11606i.1•. •
1'00,000•VPhi,peS 'Mati,40411 • •
paring :the 'Wee1t7end, 33 ',principal
.units are being "tarn to 1.40litlen and '
' ')0,11,•M' Whleetli; it 4 Wilt' PO' iltiq4t1tti
4,4r,t; ; '1
! • !
•• She was imported So that tile !linter-,
vels Varied, in accordanc,e with • the,
volume • of traffic in different dime-
Now her robot Mind, has been devel-.
oped to 'deal .with traffic , ,not only
qUantitayely; but qualitatively, and the;
iipeedof traffic. streams is -taken in ,
account, • . ; , • •
Controlling .11 stream's of,' tragic,
`. Hie take over • the werk or . SO
police constables. . • •
Luncheon Guests .
. ,
• P1,0110,, The Linke and Duchess of
Windier Were, luncheon guests,Fi
'day at the British ;EmbaSeY. Prier to.
their departure , for the United Statea.,
TFi infitatien , was " extended -by,
hasaador Sir Eric Phipps. " •
•Professor Declares
Sixth Sense Found
Savant Gives' it the Name ,"Extra
• Sinai Per,cePtiOe..' '
Mtn.. fir8t'-'7,'-t
'left :their. hoixtee In Cates and trees
to become what they palled ciiriliZed.'
beings,' they have toyed . with the Idea
Abet there might:be a sixth. Sense •,t
an ability to obtaln knosredge:,al
though' none of the regular. senses was •
7-exii-p1oye- . , .
• It was a"fnaciitafing poss1b1lty But'•!.
• 'hoWever, it remained, for, a Mike. Uni-
verSity 'professor,. Dr.' 1, Br. :Rhine, to
conduct experiinente . which' he .be
. heves prove the :existence • of suck
power' , . .
„Picking. Up theuniit Waves
Current interest in the. Duke ,exPer17':
'inente,f ISmaking the Phrase "ESP" al
nest as well known as the traditional
`‘IQ" 'for intelligence qipti, In mere :
01 thC4ox psycholOgy.7MPT-ritiiiidte'
for extra sense perception add. stands
' for, ,this• delicate power , which •Dr,
Rhine and. his associates believe ,•they
. aretesting. • '• ' •
. • • • • •• • .•
• The:teehniefue• now In use at; Duke
'cOnsiste.or having. persons ' "read" '
. . _ •
playing 'cards in a :pack of 25; There .
are five each 0! the five. altita-Sciatare•
ciilc,star, .plua, and wavy hnes The
;ivi1 may.ber-tested,.on„reading„:.- --
down through a pack when none '
.; knows . howthe cards 'are shuffled or
he ,rsay try to' pick Up" thethOught
eacIre-ar,:dis-tirrned-vover-and ,
7-777754-13-C-17Te7Taorelied • .
MAHAlp Rescue.,:equuda ee,arch;..,
cd •buildinga of the
. • • •
. .
.t.Catalan..CitY,Loild4 thiS-Week-end7for--
.' additional victinis of: an insurgent 'ait..
said. already. 'repelled" 1 y.1.;the goern
tient to have": t;t4on• .323 „lives. Hospi- •
tals!INV.C1'.0.. filled with Injured men,':'w.o.‘,.
Men. and , children, . • • .
'.111are than 5,0 • :bodies of: children
, were. reinoved 'from •prilim.ry roPhool,
• Wreclied-:ever---theliLlieads-Lifear--Ples--
, . . , . , .
tag time .When nine tri -motored planes
roared in::'frorn the !West and . dump.
cd eitpiosive.e, ;4 • Government- „porn-,
=unique •ealled 016, raid...a. •%1C 015
and.. crifninel attack _linen a civilian.
population '• . •
"Good Government" Reinrneci.
NEW YORK, — 010..,itammani; took
• its. Seeoild .successive beating , When'
•,Nevilterk.. voters .° re-elected „ .lyittYor
Floiello LaGuardia by a. reCotd.break-
leg. totiti, and ectleCted i'ackbt-smash-
Thomas E. Dewoy ,forliDietrict
torncy of NOV York County. LaGuar-
redelted 1444,010 votes •-•-• a Mar -
'gift lit .454;425' over Jeremiah : To'.Ma-
honey, neintierat: Both' support Presi-
dent Reetteteit policlea,
• Wins 'Acquittal .
nAtqt,tz, Supremo -Court Assize
"°.JhrY' •liere this week -end aCtitlittod
Brown, 27, OrlllIa, charged . with
-manalatighter in conneetlion With th‘;
death ,Or, Stanley Clendenning, 23;
• year -OIC OrlllIa youth, Februry 7th.
Clendenning died as a kaat4 of an
ncefdeflt in:',/biek an automobile
Vfl wrist by Brown, between Atherley
and brillia:;:ittuek ;Clendenning, who
was walking. east With three' other.
0 ,
Referred t5 'Supreir,e court
OTTAWA; Alberta!S' hank' taxa-'..
lien., credit •Ciantrol and newspaper re-
gnlation bills, passed -at the last 'ape-
cial.sessien of the,Ilegislature, will be
subject ..to refereneeto the %Supreme.;
Court and probably the. Privy Council'
to deterrnine if they will becerne law,
Prenlier • Mackenzie king .announced
'last week; • . ' • .
The Supreme' Contiwill be askecl.
to depart front itsusual eustorii and
"receive such -;:evidence,nrid. ;admit
: Such. Preof,h, aii It May consider ' ne-
cessary in order to determine Whe-
ther the hills, ir allowed to become a
law, Weald be Within the Conipetence
. orthe 'Alberta Legialatttre..
Netittati74tion Plan Fatis;
stiANGHAT, Efforts; Of , the pew.
era,' led by l3ritaln, the tnited.States
and Prance, to neutralize' Shanghai as
AOkin , ea the Ai:mg '..Chinese7SarieheSe
:battle' aroiind. this 'PUY ends have tail
ed•coriipletely, reliable •Jariehese gent-
cee told, the United Pi eas thls weele.,
MilItary reasonS 'prohibit such neu
• tralizetion, they, • • '
'Naval Fliers Killed • .
shATTLq, Five natal Melt
„were :killed and two Injtired in it col,
lisiOrt between tWO fighting .places
3,000 feet aboVe l3oging Pleld
Apparently trapped in the ruins Of
their bly navy .airiphibitin, the five
.fell to their deaths rhe ether t•WO,
Men, in a entailer natal plane; leaped
te" Safety withI Parachutes, ,
Cuban President In
, 3107TREAtit derarda Machado,
,President, or , Cuba,. .wlto has
been liting in Moatreal, has obtained
perinission to enter the linked Statee.
temporarily fora tigtca1 operation;
;this wtoko a Arai" 'learned MithOrita..
'the senaer4-t-neentrates-etrilietigure'
of,,the one e„•rd shewing..
, „Ordinary mathematics ;of ehance, in-,.
diCatea that luckiniglit,he•restainisible
;for an average ;et fite.. correct ,reed-.
'trigs 'Or 'hits." A consistent average
above this:-,pe.,.Rhine believaa', repre-
•sents ":ESP," Fle .hae.: found that %Op,
• proxiniately. one; persOrt In,40 has thia
_....p.olver„..s erne o r
•Sur9. °
Indian Rope Trick
PerfOrmed Indoors
The : legendary .and presuinhbly
hypothetical • "Indian rope "trickit.
, .has . baffled ' the World's best ".
inaiicianS, ;assembled last week. at•
"NCW-York, was "produced" for the
first time ,in Miniature' -in an empty:
apple box, With:a ,Iiiine;•store, dummy
• and: $10 Worth- of ,,electrical gadgets.
Jos cp,h D unain ger, %magician and,
"master mind," who Sr7ftda• his spare
tirnellebunking otherypeople'a ghosts,
'Offered the trick as a challenge to
British- adientists•whe-have offered:to
repiiIclued7'the Hndii-: trick for $215,- -
"No Xettuil Trick"
"L don't think • the actual 'India ,
, ,
rop,e trick has ever keen done, or
ever will be done," Danninger. ex -
'planted: AWliat I offer is an 'exact
replica of the trick,, and , t defy: any
one to findi
a flaw in '• t." • '
The real qIndla ,rope trick", involves •
a man, a boz- and a rope, The Man
tosses; the repo in the ; air, it becemee
rigid 'and-tife bey "climbs :the rope. At „
it Signal from the • man, the .boy .
: Appears.", •
.1163.r Full- of Nee&
Saved From 'DOlitla
Peliie at. •Oilleti,• in, the Al#113zi
regiort"of Italy, hate 'arrested the ined
theto grandinother. and uncle of
five-year-old )xey in Whoinbody dot.; .
tote:foand 100" needles. ;: •
According- to • 'reports the dottoti.
;41otind .whole nests Of needles' in var-
ious parte of his body. :The ;no ala, •
had been „inserted In athe nate) Cord S •
and had travelled 'ail,orer the bedyt..
„they, were about two inches leng, '
Police said,: that ; the'
beat to bring alititit, the bo'y's death: •
In an'uniiiiial Mannerin the. IMO of
avoiding littiPiCielle boy 43
ho.pitst In a' aerloqe condition:
AO, ,