HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-11-04, Page 5IIMSPAY, NOVEER 4, ••• ,LupgNow. OENTilistpt,' " 'PAPA vow " l• • •••••,,,, `.6.1,// lig .7 • . t If) e es.r. • , sf.) r• e.1) One hundred and twenty years ago there - were only seven of 'us Working ori ,tlie , staff -of_ the•Bankcashiet;:an account...7.. , ant,' a paying teller; a second, feller, a I j • of ,Canadian life,' .our Bank . his kept • , strong arid,efficient7by pursuing a Policy , .• Att.-safety...for depositors tuid'hy. 'keeping:, • 'our. Servirea,alWays ahreast•.of modern, "•,.. discOunt clerk,..a • second boolkee• per, and .,,cOriditicins. 11 lorter!-that,was the entire staff. Te4, in. 'times of expansion •and 'depression; " day we are more than '6,009, in more .: 'in the' test and the worst of economic 7,than 500 Branches, all werking,ta render „ renditions; .. through 'Peace and, wars: Modern, experienced banking service._ • Panics and Political upheavals, Canadians „ " . have learned to rely upon the uowiver-':. • Our Bank'a, career. has been inseparably"- , ing safety ,and• banking 'aSsiltance of woveaioto,th. c:..carcer....of_the.n.ition..aucr--thrmik-0--mbatiat , •eirolY Par.t•Pf it FPunclecl in. 1-817, the Dominion itself yet young as the latest • Bank at, Once beanie •a, financial path, ' .sex,ind-husiriess enterprise of Canada, we finder'for"Canada'S Pioneers. Through all , are working as usual on :our 120th' • the intervening eventful growing years Birthday. • 4 "a 'hank :where • small accounts are welcrie- Modern; xperienC&LEankitig §ervice The 'Outcome of • 20,Year? Successful. 9peptiori.' 0.0=4,•MON/04&•4,4444.4=.1.1,1,0/1/.4•••• • UMENTS. at first cost' Hiving Our factory ' equipped' With: the. Mostmodern, nniehinery:. for' the • eiceention of high Claes Work,: we -01i you to see the largest display .of o .innents, of • any.: retail lactorY . tariO„, All: finishedby sand blast: ,ma. chines'. 'We *port 'all Or -granites ••:-.-•••froin :-.the • Old- country:-.:quarilea dir, eet, in the rough. 'you 'can 'Save :all Ideal dealers', agents' and niiddleMaii -, prate : • E. J.' Skelton' & Sin , At West. -End `Rridgc[7,WAlliiirroN R r.4 ..:011N ER HELENS . . -• ' . ,M.r.• and Mrs. D. J, gelato* gr. and Mrs. Morley' and -son Celin nT ••.• Vineland and 'Neely '.Todd - Stratford were :week -end guests- of Mr. -and Mrs,. D. Todd:. ,yB,CiltN=On,Monday,..,Nolvember lst to • Mr: . ahci, Mis Eldon Millea of St.' Heleits, a daughter: • .• • gu eat aPeakerat., the United .61iureli neXt'•SUnday • mOrning. • • .and Mrs, 'Resinke and family. of, WA :'terloo,. and ;Mrs. Will Fisher of ,GrinisbY' Were recent ,visitorS. With Mrs. . Rosinke's lather, Mr. john Mochrie. . I • . ' ;-he •regular :Meeting of the:Y. wa.i-h•eld • on.-Sunday:exerting,- Wheit: the scripture', lesson Was.' read • by'. ;lean Thorn.' Splendid. reportP ',Of the ,r'e con t coaching' conierence ;held...at Clinton and Of..the London' conference. YfT: U:, ten vention • at, 7' Chathaim,. Were giVen„ the forMer- by 'the. presi- siont, 'Is'Obel Miller and :the 'latter .by• Rey; • M. Wright . 'Delegates' •weee. . • appointed: tO„,atterid' the 'Yoting. Pee-, • i)le's sehoel • being helclat Nile each2Tuesday and Thursday ev- ening -.for :three -weeks.' . . • Dimly • liglitect.iiVith Jack -0 -lanterns •and,.• decorated, in . Orange' aqd black,. the." basement , of -the United Chard) :presented • a ••••fitting : baekground ler the, Hailowe!en. soCial held: 'by tho,i`iy., . on MOmiay, evening, • Members of '. the ", Whitechurch Society ;were ghSt"$. ghd many,. Came in„estame The , judges;,, !Mrs. Gibson Gillespie of l'Whitechureh,, , 'Mips . Charles' -and ,Rev. Wright 4-- i• • . warded.the Prisca' to 'the followiog.••••- rariCY :dreased adul, Mrs.., las.- Pal. eetier;., of Whitechiirch„*AS. Queen' .Vit• teria;. cernie dreseed adilli';;. Garnet' Farrier, Whitechtiroh;• children's, fan- cy dress, •Shirley Riiebanan and' Coin- icliarelcr,"Kaylor. Gamea.' and cad' teats 'Were, fil'ekial.t,Ige. of 'Vera ;Taylor,: convener, of thereteatieli coii,, with .Dtirothy Milli, assistant, They were ably ifsPisted. by. Miss Genevieve Watt: and Mr.,' Bert llimore:of -Whit church. Mi.as 'Wadalai') fevered with readitli and Mr:- Calliniore, With ti piano Sola.),Litneb 'of, sandwiches.' and pumpkin Pie Was a,e•tved ,ariO. after Mr, Clarence McCionegban of White- elltireh' had extended thanks Ofi, be - halt of that •sosiety,,th6' meeting . iyas • eli)80- by the singing Of Anld•Adano. kitisqe-At\hie Watsen 'and' Lanrine2 Miller 'at the Handieraft Club ti'Cderkipillred Mis4 Flora - • , , Coun ty tO London,. Wednea-• day .where, 'the 'girls,' gave their'. de-' nametratieri on "Clothes Oloiieta `up • -to,,,dntc; at the Weaterti Ontario :Convention 'of Orneri'S institatea, 'held. iti Hotel, •1LOtLdOn. • . Mr : and 'Irs. :Raithby. Of 'Auburn, viSited recently . and :Mrs.. ' Russel . Reid.. • • . • , : •' • :The. ,commanity. extends its syrn,. • pathy to Mr. and Mrs: Ervin G: Zinn- • . And family, in the less his mother ' . Mrs. Zinn Of Owen. 'Sound.: , , . • . , Miss •Iaahelle, lifelong • resi, dent: of the 12th 'con., :known d' coiner, passed a';,,vay at ' the Ho:me, In •„Clinten.: Her eyesight ;had been filing; for -.a number. of :years; s� 'Wee uns.b1.6 ,,tolive alone afterfier ., sister's d\eath. Her funeral was held nt LuelcOw.. • :The ladies Of • acketVi W.11. S. held; a siruqessfu14 quiltrng for: the :bale' at the • home of •Mrs:' Adam, Jelinstone: • • ' • '?,1r. and Mr$,...jaMes Drennan vis- ited" On Wednesday ,With Mr. And Mrs.. Sherwood of :Helfast. • ," Mra. -Ewartl Jamieson had the r. misfortune to 'slip ,ori a,, step and break ,-a bone in •ber,,ankleon Sat= • '1•10E13!.• Are hope 'for a speedy resov- .. , , . , ely !tut,' and. Mrs:, 'Lorne. VI:kirish and family visitedaticl'•,Mrs..A. :Stein, Of ''Parametint Oh Sunday,' .' • Miss. "'betty 'Bissett, Student 'nurse Of Gederich General' Hospital, visited Sanday. with MiSs Anna' Mite Par, „ ..,JohA•, D. Partiah' Visited with • Mr. and It Pliner Parrish Of Ger- , rie recently:- . , . ' Miss Margaret SiMPM:in is aupplY, • ing; at 'Ne".•• 10 :School ria Mr. Dllheah MCKAY is sick. -7, • Mias MYrtle J�hnsthne -Is Rasiat. ing herjgraridmother,• Mrs- SherWood:'4, Mee Sherwood, -heat) • feat itt present: A .nntriber totitig ,felk took in: the play and dance in, 'LueknoW •,on pri.d4y, .•• * Ca.'ell 'visitedwith Mr; (and aeorge Lane last' week. ; aa4. ;qrs.Heb urr11i of Mae king Visitedvith Mr, and Wire, Prank ' latinstakkei recently. • POR .putOPLt.:octoVt.1:: , . VM Walsh is recOvering from, e p or,b1004 p0j$Pning in his hand. Joe Erperscon. of Kineardine visited at 'Mr. 'George Einerson's, on. rPesdal• • TheladiesA aid, vies largely attended at the betnie of Mia. Gawley hist lve0, • 'Mrs. Dore; -$,r., Pas.s04aWaY. at the home of her daughter, Mi', John Col-' , and Mrs.' l3en. cot,tan Phild- ren Visited"relatiies at•TeesWn er ;on' • My,. and, ',gra.. C4411'4; Collins, and %trs.' RuseIl .Collins and. 'spent, the .Weekiend' at • ' • ' •„ and family'.and Mi-. .J�hn Wall -and Miss Annie Wall spent Sudu at Wallace. Mrs,: Isaac' ' John :and carmap.,.• and ' Mr: John • :Irvin, .sPent.;81triday at Mr.. Jack Emerson. • . Mr. Frank • COrrie left last•ThurS- , . day fur 'Sudbury. • 1:14V.:!• E. Mis K. MeraYden of Tfitertion bads •eharge.'•of the lippei„ north' line ache'o1.. duirng the piit two weeks, Owing to. ale_il4j4,5!..3 of ttlsp:te:Eictier,:1‘01' TAM,: ett.4 gq11,41S. ReIatjvcs.here attended' the' fun- eral ea Monday of •LIOYd,ThomPion, three-year-old ••son, Of', Mr, .:andr•Mrs.. Murdoch sTliorripSon; of. 'Glamis, who ;passed awaYfolloWing ,a brief ,illness from ..blood, poiConing. :" Collins and daughter„ Miss: Fero,; Were'." in Toronto. 'chafing the ,,week,:Cntti:. • • • • • • •, • • • Friends are: glad- te. learn that Mr.. Jo lin Sturgeon 'is now able to leave his roc*. ' • . •• • • ••• Ferrier .'yiSited: with her dab ,hter Mrs J Cuvier hit . week.,'-• underwent:7:a, idnail. operation •last..)VetinesclaY in Kincardine Hospital,.the . operatien- being . perforinecie •by Dr.. MacFarlane, of -looncton.'.••,.•' ••• „,‘ , , Mrs.-M.:pi*? , kr: and • Mrs, •Chas.• Wilson .and babe' of ,Iretreit were' reL Cent .visittrs at, the 'home :a thg, for.. nier'ss, father, -Mr: Jas.' .arid, • With .other:.relations.,.• :••• • ': MitS Edith Johnston „af-.Ktnlough is 'at. present'.engaged,, at Mr James, Ferriep!a, „ • • ' ,ciin:A.(eiissspe.Antnnae Mw‘c1C.dianynoeyvv:of I'rncari th Mr. and Mis JOhnYStfirgeon. ' , ; 'Meeting -last ,Wednesday , afternoon' in :the J.Tnited, Church Was, • attendedIatjies, .• • . from • the 'other:.,denerniriations• being Minted 'guests. Mrs: • .(Rey..)' Kersey: Of..Kintardine, ,the .guest . s'Deaker, g ve,ar„„rnost 14 -splendid, ', address •• • an.. twilla.00'Ovilik,"..7: Mrs: '.!S. ;hind; sec"y.-treas.,.. read ..the •• minutes at the:. laat:r.rpeeting; 'W; Ben- nett ied the Stisiture, less,on •and cerinnented•-on-it; Mis fieta Sturgeon: •spoke cm the • Study: Hoek,' and Mrs.' S. 'Arinatrong H.; 'Peter, read short. Papers': Lltei% 'Mat 'faVored with a:"solo, ..A• hearty ,,yete : of .thank,• 'Was • Ordered" Mrs: special Thanksgiving'"offering• •Wai taken, l'out lunch was.:served'.after• the :close:. of the ineeting:s• ' I • •• . • ' Many ..-frierids, stroin.here attended the futioral in Friday �f wIrs:' John. tkirtii:eil.; • (nee •,,:kies...Ein.4,Need7. ..fOrieral" serviee • was 'con= • ducted•'bY her ',Pastor; ' key. sOW, in Chalmar'P:•Chpreh.i Pie, 'funeral: iVaP one of the -lig.est,, and ',inter:- • • inent was. 'made 'Kin6a, rd. e- * • On Thursday • •niglit,•••of last' week, .,the 1oc Intinehtif O.datelloyy's. held . their aniival.,installatIons of officers, •Andrevo.••liaiterean' of Rip- 'eey Otdcei', and the:: 'following ,ofticers: Were . elected:, Wilbert • liedgkingeri; • N. .flaurence • Sterling; V. •GeddeS;., :Walter: Moore; .Trealiv;„ Gerd6n' Clark;'' Warden 'Ian Mac-, , , • • . , Kenzie. Con.; Stanley :.;rair; CWT. Hewitt; .S.itin Moore; 'Lindy.; A lei Ca inert:hi Hunt,er ; ,;.NOble• ,tewtirt"; .La.; Iliidred.••• Chap .' Herb Peter.: ' The ..COpgregation- the:. Pit:riled C)flireb. 'wore- favored ,ot.tr an id'eal day ,fOr their alInilferadry :$etyieeS Sunday, ;Rey, Mr:. Tuckerof sLiicknOW 'Wes 'the ,speaker of tife.'clnY,, and his: niesSages: 'Were' ,aplrZiciated.•'. At. ,the Atte:016On ::Sels‘fic6,, Mrs HeritY of Eincardint sltiig two • eoloi..'! At the .ovening ' service: the „"Plorida • Sx- tetk" prosided the ,:pinsiC,,. All ..the apteial :Musk • Wit's very, iinitht enjoyed Mid • added., greatiy to the seri/ices:. .The churh wntitIaeenuhto 'ticcotriOdatethe• CroWd,nt tl4e eVentrig ,eervice. '• • •••••-- • • r, a, 'MO1101110. aid 1V1t4'e 1') " dtrin toneeit tinder 'the: 'anslf • . deg of. Pitt an by • "The I1otidagekitette. Oh .1VteildaSr eVOirig '.4itteridcd, th6' perfati in •the •'1/•..res.1),ytit,riati A).erY. largely , . inieb.:;VV.tra. 'real treat to. ail' att 'tentled;o- ' ,A• matter in be given ,early • con- sideratipn / is hockey , 'activities • In Lrucknow this -Coining 'season. . • , , With the community ',hall given dication of being.in readiness -,When .the season.: oPens,.. the, hoekey, situd. tion- is ,,orie that cells for .ininiecliate consideration. ' •,--"-There plenty -of --wrinkles to lion out, ..anch as 'how the apart should promoted and operated; the question * • equipment, What teams Will be enteredin organized hockey, :and Wijat leadne,' -can be organized. • * *' * • * * , , . • • concern ..should now scentre: and 'juveniles a the village and district, iwith, a ,vietv to developing, a.: team.. Worthy of 'suCh. an arena • as ' they, will be privileged to strut their sitnff .in this -winter. • •,. . : • * * * * *• The iinlortant, thing is a meeting within; the next week or 'to!' days -- :a Meeting at 'which those -.interested •, promoting: hockey • as `• as , • . playing it Will be Present... • Clinton:Colts can: again he counted on' as a formidable' :inter-; melliate threat, last r. year's 7 tm ea' Fbe- , ing :Praetcially ' intact. -with the ,eX•:. • cepti.on of their 'goalie,: Harold. Stade,: although recent motor. aCcidezit in- juries, 'make 'Kelso, Streets a doilbt-' starter when the . 'season • rolls ronmi; *`. *' * *. • , ' The town Of Wistrton is rnskingan effortto arouse enthusiasm with a 'view' t� building an arena! there. 8 ' • :As * * '* :Included a 'list of 0.'11: A. trans- fers, -was ; tgat. Clarke froin ,Wingham,.where he played last year, fa: Poirassap Where this year ' he . is , teaching chooL, ' * . ** , . . , 'pob,,Thoopspn has been • appointed ;cOach of the 1,incifirditie 'juniors seitson,.....13p4, vitli .about twenti,fiVe „Players, keen for . a position, ' that aggregation't la winter: ' • • *, • * * log * rikk iigersp are . . -c am-; town- is banking., en e„ strOng junior pions, defeating Caledonia. in.a three , -gaind serieS., • • * , , • • . •• * * • • • Cec: ,_Wilcox, Who. Pitched,. chesley, into ,the has turned doWnthe offer 'of tbe Stritfont sehiora," who tried to • lure 'Wilcox to that • 1 • ,'I've got . a. new idea, : Portiine in -.. . . it, ; , ' , 'i• What haw?' . • . • ts lin' alit/1i: cloer that einita' de, lielous -Odors of tilling, ''rt „baconand 1 gant cset. • .. •• D.cmoAtmati. Mr. , and. Mrs 'Cullen Pentland Grimsby are Blending a fewdays with his mother,, Mrs, David ,Girvin and%sistei Mrs Jead Willianis After 'heir visit here, theyare continuing cm „their. ).vaY. to visit friendS`at Cl* , Mrs. B. J. Crirwford, left • bi Sun - tiny for Detroit to spend the winter ,:riOntlis with her daughter, Mrs.' R. Tor - ti and lai. 1eidy1}44'•returned; ' • ' ' : • 14. 'Wlihur Brown . has had.... his farm home ; and barn' rwirecf,:for hydro; Vida is extending the ihydrO,. line to,-. wards iti,e, 4• 11?, ev. Mr. Grahan of Toronto, edi- t4r of the : Miesienaey Outlook, oc.- -cuPied the pulpit at the' evening ser - '.ICC at the United 'Church, Sunday. inspir- 11111i; ts "oe:r 111h iCssil: 1 iwas s el3r r andd e gave a vivid description., ' some''of the drouth areas this summer. in .'Saskat- chewan. :It as timely subject as �n MOnelaY; it' canvass for vegetables and'fruit was made by Willing work- ers; who are. naalting •up a carload to, leave' McGaw for the 'Test. Mr., Ttir- tier, 'the, pastor,' favored with a solo •daring the. service. Mrs.; Sproule- and daughter Rebnva,. spent a few days visiting friends in Goderieh last week, re- turning on iSundaY. The. monthly meeting of the ladies.' Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church : ia meeting at .the liokni of Mrs. Thos. Park, :Friday afternoon: Thos., OUlbert, 82 -year-old West Wawa' nosh; farmer, ' has not been: well ,lately with heart trouble. $e. has been "quite_rugged_and did.a lot" of ploughing this fall. He enjoys his :mirk and we, hope '•he aeon 'be but . • r.afaivin tisrotater•s,• ' Robert Mrs 'Fitzgerald, Mrs., Diviclaon. and Beth •Park, attended t e. Westeru SectirMal Meeting at Kiz1ough, One :day list Mr. and . Jacob -Reed have been 'visiting Ong friends' ' at •Allison•and Newmarket.„•• • • The W. M. Ss, 'a :Erakiae 'Prahy- .teriati .pharch; are :,-invited, by • Mrs:. ).„ MacDonald to the Manse ,at LucknOW;:'.0.n•,Friday:::for the NOVeni,', • .. . , ra. nada are"lint :ring 'the hoof nWestern e with Mr:, and , Mrs. Ed. Bewera and 'Will.' soon 'Move •to ta• house' Of :Mr. :Lewfa:i§ engagecf:'te ..1 Master. Lynn. Turner. and '-his little -'61-Sterif,Margarerieritertained number of :••their.:amall friends7,te,..a 116,116We'en': Part), at • the parionage on Monday night. 1, . : '1' " The. Y P U of:: the •United Chureh vva s'„ held n Wedrieaday, night, With: Helen.Andersori in charge..The tonic "PoVertY " and was 'liken by Cony Finnigan , after ,whicli • an eleetion, of ,offieeris tookvIrice with the 'followitig....-.:r„"aulta, President, Helen. 'AndertOri; • : Henrietta7 Purer, Gordon Finnegan; .pianist i; Lois Treleaven;.,. Assistant,' Cora, Culbert, 'Convenors, Christian" . tIiigh..,McWhinneY;, Missionary, 'Citizenship; 'Graham . , Pinkney;. -Christian. culture; :cora th'6' Recreation,' Cera. Finnigan; As- sistants, Kitchener: Finnigan .1 and -Lorna •••110adlif.• , Convenor, .111,e1ba. ''''POW:ler.;, Leadership , training, 'Cora :Cnilfert.... ' DUNGANNON ; IS .G.ROVVIlsiG-=•., We 'will Po•On need a street.direto.TY. Last ;Friday night •two.. iyoung got' Ott the track and Were, told, they .sure bad wronge,',ncldress. • Will Strangers please , take',•note:,, the niain main.,greet runs ,north., and south not , east .ano, west ••• , • • • . , , , CltAWroltp-7CTILIMl.T•H. • . A • very pretty, • autumn.' 'wedding toOk• pInce..at. Maple -Grove. Farm at high ,000h, "Satnrday, Oatober:•'80th, •wli*en Evelyn ',Loiiiie• elder daughter, and ''Mrs.••!W: A. Culbert Wag united in marriage , to. John'14Ontird Crawford, third son of ;Mr; and Mrs. Win, OraWfOrd,,,POrt 'Albert,- The 'cer.!' ernony was performed' by Rev. --T. R. Turner. and the: Wedding.' Mt.Igie played hy., Miss .Margaret Crawford,• Sisier• Of -the bridegroein,, The* bride Was given- in' inarriag4 by• lier.,:inther, and :•Was • Very ittti;Re. tive,; Wearing . agow. Of Wine, transparent velvet •witii silver ttini- :a, bandeau ef. enter' !low-. ers on. her ...hair: 'he Carried a lovely •hoinitiet of TaliSma roses and tnakl- en • hair fern:. The .bride's sister, CC,ra Culbert,' WAS.. brideStritiid arid Were:, a ge'vyn 6f silver -broc8de'f net ..trter black .iiiitettae, 'and alio tarried.roietr. The • bridetaraornis brother;, Ernest :CiaiViord; :Was • ;beat', mind GliCatc,• nuMbering.athirly,five Were served tt, :Wedding dinner :in 'the dining rOOtia *WA *AB- deetriated,; With Pink and rwhi4„.',Streartiers with ding h•81. stisp•ended -from' the' .e.entri. With, tbig brithes 'taketh F. fin e •C'ented • • • ••• • EN RI Round TripGAIN FA (MilliMPAI FOXVA: 44ki1ts% 75c: , Ctlildren 40e.) F r 0 lil * I. • U (, K PI 9 V, . 4 2 To Oshawa. •Bewnianville,' Port• Hoi3e, • , _ _II '../ • -la Cobourg Trenton Jet FRI &SAT NOV 11 Belleville I. Napanee,Kingston, GananOque, Brockville, .prescatt, Morrisburg, " Cornwal1:0. Uxbridge, Lindsay, peterhoro, Carnribellford, Newmarket, Penetang„ Collingwood,, Megord, Barrie, Orillip, Midland, -GraVeri- ' ' :twist, Braeebridge, .1-ItiritsYille, 'Callender. North ,Bay, perry Sogrid, Sudbury, Lor 1a. Geraldton, Xellicoe, Beardmore, Fort .William, SAT.•NOV•13 to •TORONTO Alsritterd, Math , • • , *, . :• - . . Chesleyg, chnton,lDurham,' Weter, Ferglis.: aocterickr, Guelph,.. Hainiltori. BarioYer. ..tiarriaton, • ' n &soil -Kinnard Ile': It.:,Chetle s•-•-Londop...Listoweli‘Mitchell,-...-Nia •1,--- s, •wen,. 'ound;". Pais ey,;:Palnieraton; Paris, Por Fares, Retun Li ._ ' :a; 'r^.:mitsTrain InfQr ; 'rnatiazi, ' Tiekets,c .."cinsal t.' Catharines, -St, ,Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton,. Stratford, . Strathroy;, Walkerton,' Wiartob, Wingh&nt.. :Woodstock.. ' ' -'•• ' • T.462B E . . . . . • ne rest. Agent.... . See ham41;411i, forearnplet,:e list of 'destinations.. ' 1;'''''ILF i-Pi'..,j14AllON '1 i I IR I ,; ‘t, • • ' ili i: ,1 i' • •:.:, • i„,•,, , , ;,._;•117, p.IT:7, . , •' '•KING EDWARD • HOTEL, TORONTO " 1 - NOVEMBER '4T1i: TO, : 13T11 ' INCLUSIVE , AT. THE • The Literary. Event of 'the. Year and' the Meet's of Bookshelves, see the best beaks' of the Year. More than 50 per cent: bigger than, in 1936, Extra ,hooths more exhibitsand special tropical : displays of , • wide and varied nature. Poetry, Drama, Travel,,Itkinance. The la- , test and •gat in 'Boys' and Girls'' gift 'books, See 'the 50 best books of the year:,Favorite authors to' speak each daY„and„ more than goo publishers from 1.lnit,ed Kingdom,.„ ;United . States and Canada will ' exhibit. Rare and irreplaceable manuscripts on Viaw. An attr.aetion :. not to be equalled for all lovers of books. • '' • NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW • i4OVEMBER-6T117.-.T0-1T11;--1NCIATS-IVE:,"411E AUTOMOTIV' BUILDING, ;EXIIHATION 'PARK, TORONT EO -: The "Pacemaker of Automobile -Shows ..of the *arid" offering- the ;latest in the newest design of cars for 1938. All the beat products ' .of the automotive industry. on display .• Experts declare', the •Toronto. • show' is 'unequalled frorn ,pdint of 'view of' exhibits, number Of manufacturers taking ,Space and for special building, designed for the purpose of 'displaying new ears. The 1937 Motor SlitiVi provides -4- , a- spectacle WithOilt precedent or counterpart, in LondOlf Paris or , New York.. Experts state that the. 1937. National Motor Show_wilt • -b-bigger and lk-ft-Wthan ever.' , ..,NOVEMakk..13..•,-“Alr,:i..ONAL....,..H.EKEY LEAGUE -chicago:Black.:::11a*ksil •vs1 Toronto Maple Lea(s • I •Wlaittever your plant ftir,renovating your • prOperty; consult oui local nianager'aboui:: I • a limn under the !iorne hnitrovement,Plan.." • Ask for a copy Of our•folder on ,Idodernization . • BANK OF MONTREAL }51AISLIslif.D Ai] -a hank where small 'accounts art- ; Of .the table. -.Pretty ,bouquets ad6rned table.' Pour girl -friends. 44 the bride asSisted, in 'serving 'and : were Miasep•••Marjorie, Henderson; Lucknow Coia Fmniga'n, Cola,: Dick- son and "Frances. Crozier:. The bride ,Was the recipient, of -many . eauti u gifts. , They left • ()xi a honeyaioon trip to :Southern :Ontario. On their retitirdthey will resifle•en the g;roOni's: 'faith, south of: port Albert, Ori the Blue•.?Water ',Highway.:This .nonula Reuben ,Tiffin Charlie, Mr. 'and • Mrs., Victor spentSon Sunday with Mr. and Russel: Ritchie of .near and Emer- • Ts • Miss Grace Richardson of Pipe River sPent:',Sunday at .her hen* here •Tony' Reich • 'sPent last Week With Mr...t. Albright of E. Wavatiosh: lake. a3int -is young couple have ye, isunne,,S 7.6.7re for sa few days with fall ofhfor ,i h tppy Prosperoug 'future. ' I 'The ladies of the 2nd and 4th had A Very ',interesting Meeting of the, Taiiu.vresrira'r'afternoon8teCessti4 i.cinibiliteh:thef• ri'g' brot•:' Dungannon branch of, the . WOMen's Institute was held last TT' 's f Nov 4th, Lt4/3,1,a4Wre, aoTthiciipa' ternoon at • the ,horrie Uri, FrdnIt' Day in rtSh..eforni , 0ify; ed?'s1,.a. tti,dh pt '13t116g:n dilVEW4'qc)(14.1tO'sliaa.it.ti)81 home e'ladies6f aie 'dent, occupied ,"tlie .chair'; ,and •'wel()ate to 'presents Singing.the, Institute Ode and repeat- ih. Langside Rural Club:, met • en ing the;•Lord's prayer in •unitoni, a_ Fr:day evening to reorganizeAlt in, business 'opciriod 'began .'at v.rn. many were:present; tin The minutes '-ortliE,Ipt".,-iiieetiiini•ere, aro the :bilkers for.,,,the coming ,reati and Approved; The roll call was :Prorlidenti 'Charlie 'Tiffin; '1st' 'N/,1: 5., • answered hir j gj,r diciiiidniqher"s W ppley , Tiffin; • •SeC'y.-TreaS., A oh n, Maiden Name. - Mrs; Alton, „ Mrs....1. M., :fityre; assis't.„ Bert Caskinctiei Ryan; Mrs R Davidson •and,:, Mrs: 0 0 ntnition in,an, kr. ,Ar...hl; Popp 'offered.. their Ironies' that :the' ne F.loOi• manager, 9eorge Tiffin; g•rotilp 'knight- -re=arialige ' tile': fi.irnir A;' .s•sist.,• ' V iet:Or :Emerson ; dallereoll'A: 'tareIt wns 'decided • te malc,e, a .ceni-, ,Gr, pge.._'11..filp, .. Toni,. llockley,,, Victor ' • forter end donate 'a Pah.. of iblzincl., 'Enieraon; • Orville :Tiffin; r 'PrOl*ram :'• , , , , ... . ..... , " • ,• , . ette blankets tothose u;1107: -Were' burn, Conirinnittee - for , Neveniber : 2t3t1i; ed., out recently., The ladies sang tom:- Orville :Tittli, Pearl, .Iiiickle3,r; 'N'trs',.•,,:., niuniti Songs for a, While' ;And the 'Ai ,Iiie , McKinnon, „ Pete ' McDonald, . , , . 4 , ... , grandinothers who Were reqUested, ta re's '..4Pe'lling.: tight will be Ncivein c :he ' k their Wedding picture Made en.' . z, , ' . te tafinnent ' aniong :them, as theY 'ehe • Mission Band of the . United ,Were passed around :' A d!splay of old- Cburcb, W.hiteehurh,'Will bold an'. cn,...." time: ";•haridicraft' Was„ given# rater, .tertainitent • on 'Friday evening in ;which seine •muaie WRS' provided ' by t,lie••ehurch... ' . , Miss 'Lois Treleaven. singing ','A 'Lit.' tie 'Old Lady". Misi Melba PoUrier • favored With, a reading arid Mrs. O. Tieleaven , with a 'ntiti Old:: A gift to the Ofae,si gro:Otiniother, tent,. was -awarded to '1ks David. Glenn 'and'to the yeapgest one 'Pre'. cent, WheWas Mt Win:;•MCClure and ; 'to Mrs. Elizabeth who_ had the • /Mat 'grandehildreity nuniberiiig 21, • "BePresent at Out Table• Lord?' voi Ming and lunch served' by the heat - ;chats. A box of candy Wha /irf$ttitbd ' each gratidniether Pres.ent and' tic); g a 'ery); efijotpb1e AttettiO0rii „they. $afig "Ged , The Kingn;•" 'Mr, and -WS. Ken : Harriet:4i. of . Sehforth:haye'. define td., work on •Robt. ihitnin'a farm :On 'the 4th eon., . cOaSioli , A shfleld.. : : mrs, tri, Dobbs, With dati-, .ghter, Verna arid, Irene of Citilinderi"., ,Northern, Ontario', yiait'ed 4SAII4tiSr flhe litdYP.g tiSttt Mrs. C1148r'-Eitiotti, They travelled with a camp trailer , , lett lk/anday to ei,n0111.te thei bit) Where spend the