HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-11-04, Page 3• • . • • C.I.:***Xtikt7,+:?:.:4:0141K.Stigeee.wee".".44WW":0:01.0:021***4". '04 , . atsi ver isin • c 4 • .„4••••••••••`••••••••••••`•••••••`•••••••44`geggeggiVe•gge•••,••,,w,,,,•,,,•.• t „*.o.o.o.,•„*„ A4ENTS WANTED. . I.NOTIWPOLENTS .111.13E.NTS 'BELL MEN'S rir4cwriBs. 140 'PEP, cent profit. We- ,earry, %largest assortment, Lowest 'pricers. Orders, titled' bly retlird• :No 'Substitutes. Sample' free: Oiltqrto reek- , • wear Painiatay 357 'Pastern, 'Ava 'roroni.o. $ALESMAN WANTED 13Y "THE. 011) BE44 • , liable, Fentbili Nurseries" (Established 100.• Send' for Centennial Catalogue and, , • Special ;I:inel, Start new, MtetUilye. ,terri; tOrY•lit team •urAntuntry; 'there', terms; free, . :-.„ -.25 •year. ,.christinso seller, Estierld ,•) • ,hociery,' 'Manufactlitere,, , • once- timieeessiry, ,Get detaflfl. ,,goptes, 1.40' . •Farnharo Que. ', • • • , " ' '• •• • TaTPItr,str.riTATIvg. W411,,ITP Pea'. HOS- ••.lery 'manufacturer fur. thItt....dtstrtOt:.OnIY :onersette • 'Maw ,coniiidoret." Wrlto full p0?- ,Aletillersr., to Mr. \'4::g!rei,•weati. Tot r : ,nit'Ff*1 '.1:t07;•'• ' •• 0014) WIRE NAMES ON PINE GREENi 34#4 3.00!", UO# 50c,deposit, T•Geo: • lgossitcr; 50" Torrens,.-,Tprontoi • Ont.'i . , • .• AVIATION • • COURSES IN' FLIGHT INSTRUCTION,' vigation; aeroplane and engine mechanics, ' licensed instructors. Leavens Brothers' Air ' Services, Limited, Barker, Airport, Toronto. • ' , • CATTLE • . • ELM PARK ABERDEEN ANGUS -. START, • breeding beef Cattle mew. They 'are Scarce ' all over.the Contirtertt, Aberdeen Angus ,have produced 'Grand Chanipictd• Ckreass' of,' Beef • • at • Chicago Internatienal .every'. Year since 1900. Bulls and Females of breeding ago for sale reasonab1eL•Jamesi3kwptan - Guelph, 'Ontario. ,• • •pl.TAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN' BULL, ONE to twelye months. Twelve to •fourteen out of • fifteen nearest dams in their pedigrees av- ,••erage over eleven thousand pounds Milk pet year. Prices $55.00 to $80.00. 'Federaly Ac- credited. Bayside P'arm, Owen Sound. . , . , . : • • CARPETS., ,RE-vv0VEN INTO RUGS ,OLD CARpETS WOVEN. INTO rtEvBriena...p • Ruga . Oritynst--13tatar-cusaping-- '00., :Toronto* I •• • a.e ELECTRIC WELDER • • • • THE TRINDL ELECTRIC 'WELDER: •,:WONDERFUL NEW INVENTION., 'OPER- '•eters from „ 6 -Volt. battery. 1We1ds, Solders, Braze. $3.95 deliVered. • R. 17:, Anderson, Ont. • ••FLJRNITURE.• LYONS',ITSED-FURNITUFI • • . •BARGAINS Greatsavings' in Our, Furniture Trade-in ' • partment. 'Our 'ow prices. have made ' this ' • •.• departinent„the largest and most popular in ' Toronto. Just # 'few of the hundredsof sue= , . • 'elide are listed here: It you 'don't see what you .want advertied come In or. Write, :Lyons • are , sure to haveit and at 'the lowest price • In town. Ever), :piece, of furniture is •sanitarily ••:-.treitted and.Tcompletely refinished to look like • $59 00 • ,Beituyful American walnut 'bed- , 1.11" Horn suite,. large eliffrebe; full • length, triple , vanity full '• size •-bed-,-withi...illgteps, epring.: Cempletely.,, refinished...-. Cost new over. $200.00. . • . • • • ...t9 t WALNIrrenish dresser, :in. perfect • 11.1 9**"!'• condition,. with full size steel bed, 10 Infach; eaideee sPrinfe, and brand new ' , .fitit mattress. : • .• • • •" • • •$1 , Solid oak dining -room Suites, large A buffet, extensiion. tables "idtd ,aix • . leather .upholstered chairs, • in perfect .condt- Bon.' Your cholte,•;of .goldenlor fumed:00C: • ego An Heautiful solid ,Walnut, dining,roont $89 00 suite,. large buffet, . twin. pedestal, . -extension ' -china. cabinet;•T and 6 Chairs •• .ggiholstered in genuine leather. • A ye'di.ty, _fine AM* and looks, brand' •.neisil•. •coniuletely: re- '4,alshed. • Cost originally:about $300.00. ' • eA7 Eight-pleca 2 -tone walnut finish - ,Prz • 04'..! dining -room sulte--QUeen 'Ann • itipi; large ' buffet, • extension.' table and- 'six' :chairs. -uPholstered• 10.:_ggettine leather. Conn- ' pletely r,efinfehed. • : • •• . • .• . • ' Luxurious • 3-plece-;, Chetrierfleid_ •• .11,TP,',",!‘• . Suite (unclaimed). ..-This .,:sulte • 'hal been rebuilt...Ina recovered in • a',.very at- ' tractive brand new. brown repp; 'hie, •,Mar::• -rthaivreYersible spring Cushions and is k 'real• , 'bargain at , this prick Originally), cost 5175.00: • exactly like new. • • „• 50 2)111 length chesterfield • and two'• • .18,68sio ,Tooniy. chairs • to: match, ' staid' in 'a novelty repp• With 'reversible- Mkr-: • Shall cushions:,,and show-vvo,,d Wkinfit . frame; • •_!cPinpletely reconditioned, and •dry Cleaned'. ' •e2g AA • Large , Chesterfield. 'with . two', big . 'chair* covered •In • , -French' Jac- : .quard . Taupe shade:, completely re -built 'and • thoroughly • dry• cleaned.. • • '. , , LargeLassortment-of-Ritcheri4C5b13eta_,BecaTL- • horMo.chines, --Gag -Stoveis., Library Tables. • Bede,• Spring: Mattiesses,' Odd Dresser, Chif- foniers,' ' Studio Couches, etc., at amazingly aDITLIONicEi, .„TasUeNd- LEARN T°1 PLk. Yu); 8— us an n pet, Troalb°n•' res Tin ni,lcorrithrrat!rmf9a.,-1. soie 1a2teres5t7.' Queen St, Green* 14.4.11F C9n3P • LEARN- TO ,'PLAY, A MUSICAL INSTRD- meet .at home --,,- shorten those, long Winter , exenings.,....yzewailan or Spanish ,Gultrtr; Vo- Mandoin; Piano Atoordion,, etc.; com.6 e with, course, Of infortie study lessons:, add on very easy terms. Sed 01. at ;once: for Par, . ,. •-. Trade -In' Dept. • .. • LYONS' BEDDING AND -. • P • . , , .'. UPHOLST,EAINd,c1::. O. ' •'SaVe 40%.,...L. -Buy: Direct, trent Factor, ' 478 YGNGE ,ST. , ' ,•. • '• • TORONTO „ Dogs' BcOTCH, ENGLISH COLLIE • PUPS, ALL '• ages:, failures ' replaced free; otrained cattle, -dogs; trained •coon, fox, deer bounds; great, danes, pima buy from• largest trained dog • kennels in Canada: Guarantee •satisfaction. ' • Rapidview •Kennels, Morrisburg, Ontario. •-••FILMS AND 'MINTS .; CHRISTMAS CARDS PROM .YOUR FAVOUR-. He negatives, 12 for ,75c; 3: tor 25c., ,Com- " Mete with -envelopes. Sample, 100. Bright- ' ling. 29 Richmond St. ,E1, Toronto. ' • ROLLS DEITELOtEo., • PRINTED, ' 1 FREE •'enlargement • 25c. Pie -prints • 10 fir • 25c. Photo -Craft, 1821,4 King , E., Toronto. , ZERO PRICES, •••EEPERT WORK: -ROLL - ' with 'free._ enlargement 25c. .Trivannit • tos, '93 Niagara . Street, ALT -Catharines, ..Ont; 1GREATISALE yap) PIANOS' • viv-F%-aistisOmeannt,:r'/I.k. ,f e 2-lietufgfife"'VO, *sec. Dealer. AN ee•Complainb Gave Miars A Miserable Time Pifferiag. :tram; -three ,,eeroPlalate. theerdered .1004eYe; fielatiet lteW couct thii man. be 4:11P.X.P. 111•?:..This what ° ' 41JP. to 14.94.th, er••007A03. had • ferett, continually, front. kidney disor.7- f,1614.00a. rbeumatisrfk,. adpneritk' IY-tf:44-91g- an4 wide? ,medical aURervisIon, feet' until gave 10a:sc1en Salto , •trial: 'Jai four 'weeks Krischen bas 'brought abeut a coniplete triiisforina- thin:. I have a healthy appetite and., •°hop , more :feel that Itia good !to. be 7 I alive." •-•4 ' ' ;The j$1440Y,a, Sire 'he giey ;. the 68''''P!, IMATift;WI Fa,aehiar.,K their: way into,Ltho.'1.1 , s' • , T. . ti19013:tijea4s. • ill'44;t4B. !'fie0;1 of half-a.- AO.Zen coalmen ailmeatti tiPwn-• , rile a.c%entific combination- Of'. salts In •Itruschge quieltly -colutes, the kitIk, .•neys •back to -healthy, nortrial action. . Soon your ailments are relieved and life. bebonies" a :joy again, .,:MISCELLANOUS rrivE 'Pa.ussr,p: DOLLS. 30c,-. TWO CHOICE' •Dresser•.Dolls,. .50c. Large' Red Spreading Dell, 871:00; • EPT,e4,-liostpstid. • Robert Her- , 208, !this- East„ . Toronto. , 1.„ .•PATENT T. , Foig?t,, tod'ir ,•:•mraiinatioa regardlflg InVentioe• .,paterite; ' Drawings ;• Registration's; Sales. 14 Metcalfe • * Ottawa. i ,„ • • ' • : ORIGINALLY: COSTING WHEN' NEW Up TO, • 3800., ao9e, makes, beautiful wainUt, the*, '• 'loamy and 'golden oak Cabinets, in teal good '••condition,, tuned, including , piano • • beadle"; . bargain 1j:dices, $39.50, 549.50, • • $59.50: Ideal •tor homes, schools, churches. , • , Writefer our bargain price. lilt; - Sovereign's,' gales, 24188 Dufferin St., Toronto. . - • HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL ANDREWS' ACADEMY I O' HAIRDRESSING. • yisitors Welcome. Write • for 'prospect:tic. '981 • Word: West:' Toronto. • MEDICAL BTRONACH'S TAPEWORM REMEDY, BIM' - pis, inexpensive, irectiVe. ' Write •toditis' for, •cOMplete infornilt dif • • . • , tritoNaCra's STOMACH POWDER. ,QuIcx relief',IndigestiOn; Dysisepalit,' 'Souk Stom- ' rich; t1eartburn Bioatin, 131111ousnelis, :Nau- sea. Stictessfully ' used ',Many' Years, Large package mailed postpaid 50c. Stronach . . Medicines, •'530 Dovercourt.' 'Toronto, •' OILY, BUIVER7 ONLY 35c WILL CONVINCE • you that Mazer Salve Will give.permiment • relief f rom 'goer!, rtnining new/ or Old wound. Money -back guarantee. :Mazer • Mfg,, 831 Flora Ave,. -Winnipeg; • • MUSI�BY MAIL , • • Triatti 14BW nAridt, Stiti.OS"botiarliriu the; pick_ot .the new iseason'a litnests • the nay! . : 1)1b( POWELL NO, 3; contains' '',1Dreau• t Boat." "IKM)* NOW." •'eta SELECT , DANCE FOLIO' &Maine 'Sweet • -0Penn1esi from ileatsen,'" • etc.• The. NEW. • irKIBT DANCE FOLIO ecintaining 4.'That Old ,Feeling," "Likiely One," "Where Are Itott;"' : atxr. Pete ,504 Oath, Dorainii* MM.; •sup- • Tply; ,Nerthitit, %leant& • ' • . •, . • • a • PATENTS • INVENTIONS' 'PATENTED,. • WRITE. TODA.Y -toy helpful, iliustrated booklets' free. W. Irwin Haskett, .18 Elgin,' Ottawa. •• • AN OFFER TO -EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and 1ifl information sent 1 ree. The Ramsay Cpmpany, Registered Patent •attorneys, .273 Bank St:, Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL those contemplating marriage • should..Tead,, "Entering Marriage,” 24 pages,. postpaid,- • 150: "Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postpaid, . 25c: • Our, 20 •page • 'illustrated. catalogue • 'of books, drug: suppliei and household novel-. '.tfes *free upon • request, Supreme , SpetiaitY • . 109 Yo'nge, Toronto. • . , ARE 'YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, comFori,r," :. positive. support ivith our advanced Method. , No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Sniith ManufactUring•.Co., dDept. ' 219; 'Pree-1 ton,. Ont. • POULTFIY -- NEW HAMPSHIRES ANL') nrionk ISLAND Reds. Best quality cockerels $3.00. • Rhode Islam d -Red hens .90c. M. Flatter, Enterprise Ontario. ••:. • fiRfrERTIES• WANTED . . GOOD PRICES PAID FOR. OLD ,ElUILDINGS anywhere fa wrecking. Greenwood House ec r G een oe Teront ••• • . ; FREE! - 70 QUILTING:PATTERNS!" GIANT •IWashfast remnants!. "MalteS :live . 0110" 'Cottons! 'Prints.!Eiderdowns! $1,00 • "Collect," Sample bund.e. ---f•• 25c: Refund • Guaranteei' Maritime •Textiles, '8049 •' De- , sgaspe, Montreal. ' RADIOS RADIOS •ItECONDITIONF,D, BATTERY' AND., Eiectrie,..$8,00 up, 'Write for tree Price • Palace Radio' sfir,p. 721, Pape, Toronto. , 'STAMPS AND..COINS • . . , • • . CANADA, 96 DIFFERENT $1.00; REVEN- nes 50c. • Coronation; • 52 Dominions .88.25. 135 Colonies 5675. Canadian Catalogue 200 • illustrations 25c. Free Price List 000 sets. 'Vincent, 294 St. Catherine West, M.,ntreal, • . , ,New ComPus Slang :11Tpiied by Paper .s.m.0.C.,,, "Ding", "Fruit Fly" • . Etc., Are Explained at the Unit- • lremn-itY_Df New_Mertico . Some -a the Siang cinT.ent oh a mtid- • . . - , • • rncainPushas 1.?'eep cOmpiled, by the. •.Lobo, student .paper .of the "Uitiveraity Herg.ate • B.M. iinan •on :the , cam- BingTo blackball. a. Candidate.,•fOr., fiaternity,.. ••• • - .• ;Fruit. Fly -Those : who study.in„ the:. campus, candy,•shop..:._• Gtion-Aailly. or bOririg person. • '.. In the 'SwieliTo: be :in -the itriOW. Hardware-.-r-Fraternity •• Jam Seseiens-. geed,' noisy free- • . . • •Big-Ltl'" etadquaintecl. dance.• • Ree. WeeGbed; sweil, or,.almoet • :anything. .;:. • ' ' • ' • unattractive 'Person '' •• • Hang the •Hardw.are "Or, plant .a Pin • 'fiaterriitypin',on:a girl.' ': • • . Quilling, -;Make up to your litotes- Sklookingt,4:iEnrornaritie terra" for: :the romantic .utge• to :make' love... ,T1 P. 'Or, Table • The .-,•Morgiieliall Where;all Otani- . 'nation. Markt are Posted: . • To jelly -Soda and ...cigarette date. Wheel n.StedLI-To drive 'aii autouno ' ': . • •• • • , Woliing-Sriaking`othet girle dates.. .list'of 88 persons who Save been • • deprived . of 'their. German natienaiity. beeitueri their attitude is oin "conflict. • ivith the duty, of loyalty towards Reieh 'and. people," inehides tiro babies of 1 Year child of two and one ot 3. year's.- Another Pig Stirti "War" On the.Camulian Oprder, • 'For the second time in .eighty -one - years. a _pig was blamecl,for trouble: on the' peaceful boundary 'line btv. • tweeri the ...United States and Canada. Beek., in 1856:;:a 'British porker, proised an imaginary. wait, • of. Bellihgham Wash. • roOted' ap the crops of •Lyman E. , Cutler on San ,Jrian :Island, and nearly preeipitated a War between England , and: the :United States,..the. famous "54.-40 or Mrs,• Zelltt Minnick; : Canadian, , charged that her An -let -lean ,neightbor, John Schtres,:ef. Bellingham, Wail. " struck her with his fists. ...Seheres said Mrs, • Minnick?s' pigs .crossed .the. • boundary line and rooted ap his:crops. 'But this 'ingter Was. left :to a it215-.. t e te- ce S here: .ubmi to arrest on an assault pharge. • • Ind.oOrti. 5 months.. with PAINS' l'Ott. Walks .day: 'Iliserycine Who sifters the shirtt,egony of ' matte pains should read • hoer Mra'S. P. Made it , rentiarkable recovery front this 'crippling pain: ' "Ltisas,so ill With Rbeumatisni.ln my knees;',,' 'elle write*, l'ibltt I Was not,ottt Of the bottle for ' fitte.menithe last Winter, rtried about everif . :thing, then I 'tautened to meet a•friend Who told • .rneabind FYnn on:Salt.'1 have taken it regularly ' adi SO nitleh better; that 1 an walk 3 tit•# ' • 'tailed and am gettOig better evette.daY", Deesn% that experience: Mean •soMething le' :Yon? You, toe, east look forward to nick," ' lakting relief frotti rheumatid pain if Only. you •,take•lryniten Salt. Thiele' Why. These thartif •:Jetted crystals in the blood that 'esinCe,„Rhetf. •m ,ati4 pains are dee to an, Oicets of tine acid 'in your itYsteirt. Fyrinon Salt, the Milvert, British. remedy, tietttralizee' this win adid.hit' • . • Nature's Onnt "Weapons ,•••T the m•neral • • •• salts: ef ,the earth: .• A• half .ataapoohtut•Ot, • Fynnok Salt in water' aqintiolis medicinal . , effect three large, of rioter -al minetitl'• Waters. ,SO start netenSinglzynnOn Salt. Take , • It every day: Large Packagetett onlY all drug, stareS: , yott hare, itin,s, 'difficulty .getting.,suppiles, write: TAtinantliiii Maticlee. • Ckibrial Sirgetf• Montreal. 0 . • , • Cainadian Fur's. WinE"grand,Pril . The .Departriient of 'Trade jand Commerce announced it had, received conimunleation thatthe fur exhibit' at ,the Canadian pavilion at the Paris; Exposition had been 'awarded the ' -'"'Grand Prix,--,crIlonnenr,'Llighest prize whjeb can be bestowed on any The Canadianexhibit of tars in - eluded Pelts of prineiPal .fur 'bearing . animals of ;the-Doininiori,.partienlar ' displays being made, of :silver and - ether domestically bred foxes 1 , 'The. award was made by, a judg- ing: committee, whieh included Offief; al: :representatives_i..from_difterent,, j teiootini countries: represented at the •exposV - os Uttifing High . inYukon • Steep Prices, -Asked' Fr Neeeiii; • ties. ,Orily. Rents Low The cost of living in Daween• ' Ynkon',“•,fained : for the gold rush ofj '98, is' high Ant does not seem to' , worry: the, ldy- •g. 3,000 -mile aerial aSsignmenti • 'from I..?ethbridge, Alta.: to. Dawson, a Lethbridge , Herald reporter, J. -St. Claire Riyers, learnett'What is meant by. the "high cost a living. • • I Canteloupes $1 Each ' • "Apple. : :Greek'rt... dealer and a' faminia character. .dur- •ing the gold rash, days, who .sold piesand oranges in 01.s:dance halls at $1 cach,;told of "present Costs.. • He. still runs a fruit 'store in. Davison, , his wares' brought in' from yaileou-; • Frujt is the', most expensive. Can-' teloupea • today tell for • :otangeS and , peaches, three':for $1'; plums, three for 25 cents.' , 'Potatoes' • sell at $14 it. Slat -and' meat' at §q Cents a Pound, regardless- 'et. • t_he -House 4.enta are cheip, *10.00 a • month: . but water • is costly,' •$10' a, • louse' it month and electricity is .25 cents a kilowatt. Telephones •Come high, tot* A party line mists $10.00' a month PriVate line $20 a month.' 'Cigatettes .are sold in packages of • so. The cost is •175 cents a package. :There is, no draught beer, .in• Davi- son and ne permits Are needed; to Purchase liqiior. Beer • sella at 50 ecntir .a pint and- $1 a quart-. J Soviet Gets Mr Record The international • -'Aei•onatitiCal Fecleratien has formally recognizedFound Quick; Sure Way cience m irens. :Or CO*, :9'0:1, Aquarium Authority States That Pales Wm.:50110s There. iilay be a `slight basis in 'fact for the gatoriis that have come down I,te is froat. •antiquitY about' the SireaS who by; their songs. litre& sailors to •their' death. Fieles make Stmmisi de-. clares Dr. C. 11, Townsend,' •et the M.Y. Aquarium, and it Iii,PesTihie, he atver-that-4e-JaY-01,4 in th.n wok1by Homer ancl other classical writers by . fishermen, with: their usua4 . ec r- 4t19nff „h4ded: the 'faete,• abinit• the sounds they heard fighea,"Inake..• Dr.. -Townsend., In an.artlele Pa: :the Swiia bladder, itt 1les, in the • e t ot the bulletin of tliS 'New 4C!* Zoo Oru joiioe:i1A110.cerii4g,tO iiScounda'ul seliobiier lying in a sha11q Central' , . *American barber. ; ' •• ' • • Swim •Bidder Accortiplithes it 'The swini•-bladder, he ;states, is. a • saclike. organ in the abdominal cavity cf. =any Vertebrate fishes, tile prin.", •Cipal use is to enable' the 'fish to ad- just itself so: tiiii0t gan. Swim at de.; DOUBLE Sail crop OUBLE Co'nvenience utornatic— kl napothesia'.. . „ ExOorimeoloOork Works With' • rat,i•olysis of Nervous Systein BY:PecridtY . • .1 , • id 19hger Peed, gaii be given ,te ,pa7 Cents in the dentist's chair when tha , _ ,Riperimente: ap.w . tieing earrdmit. b iey Dr. Yakovlev ±be Centr41 Gynaeco, • •logical Research Institute, 'Leningrad, . havP ben 11T011Sht4tO a Successful cen- 4I-clutilear--The-plaeP2of-I-eWreformo. •ether anaesthetic,. wilt- fial;ea • ;by - -1,4...1,, • i•-••'•;" ' I, • •II ..• , j., I ITN:ire& tlePtlis but it iniedi for oth r , ji n, • 'purposes as, ,well among • brent `, the Making of sou ds, some•fishes having muscles that can be vibrated against the air sac. In other fishes it func- tions as an organ of hearing. • • One hundred years- age there was not a blOck of, chocolate made in Eng- land. . - •IImports Ice Tjd"•':.,. 1 , 4 '.'liAT„.TLE:,'HARBOR, Lalrija1or..i-4L", Labrador, usually pictured .as a' land of perpetual ke and snow, is now importing ice.- • , • A ,scareity of -icebergs In the Strait of Belle, Isle has forced fish- ermen to import „ice from Canada to pack sal:mon catches', •• ' • Where the Steamships Climb.,the' Mountain , . At Thorold, -Ontario, are located those, wonderful examples. of .engineering, the Great TWiif'Fliglit Locks on the Welland Ship Canal Reeding from the fore ground, are'Numbers 4, 5, 6, With single rock"Number" ' 7 in the background.; Thisconstructionenables boats lip to SOO feet long to pass up and'.down the escarp- 1nerit at 'the tame time, With. a minimum delay to navigation. .Eech lock' raises or loWers, a ),boat 48% I feet- It bc...interesting to compare...these locks with, those of the first canal built in 1829.•, The latter had 40 locks ,1-10. feet long by 22 feet..lvide •and, with a depth of a feet. 4 The :present canal has .only 8 locks but each is 820 feet long by 80 feet wide With a depth of 30 feet. I „. the nervonseysteni, an•.: -so ren er patient Insensible to pain. •• • • After .:successful eXPerlinents: With, • the new anaesthetic had been carried. out on a number of rabbits two of i,y,44,4,„71,y!8 „4sksist4.40c liPtiPrWetit•APSte. to prove it .40k!i,•'' 9#.; . :1!i,40•!')4101.1,P.Fq).CllnicaI tests are 'now be. Ing birried eat,!and apyri.I At, is ;hoped , '.thai• debtors, ntireisi'i and.trentists.Wili he in iposition to administer this new :•paiwItiller, which leeVeSpe tuipIeesant, after-effects, but enableStbe Patient to .101 perfectly norirel the bioinent the.: , , Current is sWitelied 'oft' • • • ITT usiriess w Oman's Personality, Chart Emphasis Placed on Grooming, . , 'Posture Courteous Attitude • Ideal*Vorker Described • , . . - • , • , The gat .ati :office Worker. the • tint of her nall. polish;and Other points; both of :appearance and men-... • • ner bave been subjected to a critical ' , ., point.. to Orin the beets of a ''OPerson, • ' ality Chart" now bekrg distribated •a..gUide to the .young' business woman. draun up by the traSuperi9li4asvisorslAisociatien, 'ae 'r.nriCh eniphasis :arid pOstrire :of thei stenegrablier • and tyPist, as. on. 'her.:01fiee in. azi. n'e.j.`'Iard•the. retini• Site.traNitsc; oEfxteeen heareasete.it. 'AcCOrciing..to- the code' draviIin.. up, coneeryative ,ideas.• slibuld • guide the ; ,wudian •in. selecting • eo.stame, Her :dress ;will: be. 'tashioa-..,i-I able.; 'but notI, eic'treine..as to length ,ot..sliirf and sleelle,O Inneck line or. heir-lin& • :if she .rivesit. up to the :rulei :-preseribed, :her .aecessOriea• are fresh ---it. iy ithindered, free. from rips and tears. 4t 7,•-• IAledish, and beconiing but not rakish ; or:bizarre' is the regulation .governing her :Millinery: II.Inebtrusivo jewelry, straight heels 'Op.."poiished"•sitoet.. are.;. recommended and...qtagmeirtatylieels and toeS" are .described as in ,poor . • .. • . . , taSte.. • • , • , •Restraixedinake-UP :for..rthe • face. 'doeS:..nOt. COnie.' ' the .ban and: I. . • . a Earlier, restraint: in. tinted :hilt ish Is called !-:11eriniepihle!' 'EYeliroWS ; follew the'riaiiratline, if the basiness theLbode and her jialr "! • ' natural - Iin'cielor. . • ; • , . "Springy. Feetst407." ••• The-ideriV-iVoliker-barriesherielf.".: . with erect land .:her shoirlders.,, back,, Walking " with toes.:. In :and I ' ter": ' •.speech she: uses.A voice.. of pleasant atiaritY • With, • 'well modulated tone There is no Slangfin. her Vbeabuler nor' Colloquialisms beyond these .ae-• befited in geod, usage. . .aequire theneceSsary -.tiger "and •,: energy" to perforre, ber '.dutiee 'she .for • 1OWe • a' • balanced diet, wfth, Suitable ".• yest and recreation She has strengti:. sufficient fer::"Suetained. effort," and her self-peesessiow".and.einotional .con- trOl Will sustain ter' Calmly. through • I:days cf,-,:Korking" Under pressure ,'as,. we1l ass: under: norinal.. 'vs:ark:a-day, rott- • . '.• 0Ourtesy.":1"bat Meets An'teSts Toward he' fellow-w�rkers she !s eation!', and .she'.showa .Censidetation • for the preferences,. idioeyn• -, eraciee and limitatiorieef,'otherii.". noting ldie gossip, she la' ready to co opetqe bOth."-snliordinates and., .. superior's., ' • . • .• Ttiistivorthiness,': .41isetetiori arid ' • :punetillotisnese• are the thiee, partied-, , . lutr vittue.L•eittolled4h ler professional relations:, WO her:;en-ior,Iierct .se. that he, will be able to 'handle' Oniiiieritlid • matters. and 'to follOW' any undertaking' ' •' to ita coneIusIon. She Is ,obedient to ".the rules and regniations.,ot •the coo?" :Deny witheut aupervlaiba.. • • ; In her attitude toward h'er job..she:, •j.nittrilfeste" anintelligent curiosity and 'enttnialiketiC,1'at ttll tithes.' She ' tteeepts.,,criticisin and:Praise Construe- tirely beeaarie' she has. the• ablijty to eeeoher jObItt trae,PersPeative,' apart ,frOm.the, pgriabinilities involved. OW14,4,•LAFFS • Cririatian Science ; Monitor gives this as an eltaniple." of truthful adver- • tising. Letus-lope the owner sold 'the :property." ; • Advertisement ,in New York neWs-. . Tumbledown house on .1.iilitop for sale in Litchfield Hills, Connecticut; two Miles 'from •toWn.- Isito babbling brook. , Extensive :grounds for push-, • , ing 'lawn iriovt'er. Bad' golf; fishing, •etc. Twelve acresinelosed by horse :•fence :adjeWing :hunt, •club. Eu,a1P near -housi; Approximately 0 apple-, trees. Domestic problems •'terrible. : , Price, $29;000. •.. • Iderchant-Everything ;that, cffifege . men •endOrse is not „necessarily,goed • Friend -I -Why % de 'yoti take, thit. 'stand? '• 1 ' • Merchant -Because 1 have a :check • from one Of• them.' • • • Marrying in haste is. all 'right if you are Inattying;the.",rigyr-orierlinr usually .the earlier, the wedding the • greater •the. : , •• j, ;Mother-in-lavr-That's a cute little,. tree „on the, front inetm ,the one that's about a foot, high: ' : • SOri-in-low-Ves, I .jtist planted' it: liepe' the next time you. ceine, yoti'll .be able to. sit in ita shade: • NO TERRIBLE DACHE NO the SoViet Clailt: to the. ••• - to End T.bern.": (lietance air .record, set last July 13/. • when tle Soviet flyers, *tidied M. Gionioti, • Andtei. Yurnashey and Ser- 'eeu .Dariilin Ile* from MbscoW to San' Jacinto,. Calif, a distance ot: d,305.7 miles, urs minutes. oThe,preViotia record Wes held by the French fryers Maurice Rossi ant Paul Cedes, who flew 6,047 • miles from New York to Syria 110.05. , • " Anierlean banks hold fed:gotten de- ". ,posits worth altogether nearly *190•,. 000,006, Of these,as hee.'vfOrth mete • thin $5.0,000.ortel' , fortiMate thit i, • great Cinadim doctor. made the fruit, • herb and tonic remedy, , " • IFFsib.ii-tivea. Mr„C.D., Trirentek Writes; "1 was " bothered with very severe Itiailichei. Pain Isp of head and in fo eheid wasmore • than I could bar. My doctor advised me •• to ttke Sines) then 1 have.not, hadirly trouble with headaches." Whenyoli- take Fruit.p. SO' tiret, your liter it dranied, . 'Stomach, kidneys and intettints Work' nadir* P' Wistei,go. Food namslim. Heihhcoifle ag151C; , 5°!kligghti* FRUITA-TIVES "411 .TAluts . • ' •'Hesitatingly, hafdlY daring'. te.leolt, 'Paneeil 'arid scanned aVerY_.:inch 'of:, the Spice. before bhp. As far as th•e! eye -..0Cuild: •there. Was just thes.. . , • . same drab •barrenriees. • : Nothink J Again. and' again . had 'Conte: to • searchancl_bad. re..turitedideirierident.:" ThereWere days of, reneWedhOPe, 'fol - *owed by deeper.:dopair, and as the ' days passed. and there: .Was still no sign, Sign, 'no • change, : he began . to. lose faith! ' , . • ' Therf,' at long 'last,- Came the In - 'credible, unforgettable niorning •when • they • fir'cally. shoots from : the Tour • seeds.•. he had '• :plantedhis. bed sitting Win . • ; . :dem/ bo,C. ' ' T , • roubles always, :seem to. learnt add arid.•multiply a lot caster Than: they de -.subtract, • A, financier note tha,t didn't work: . The young. bride had 'beard her • husband speak of , borrowing money on notes. • So elle took to the bank a• . few of • those -he rote;*her before their "marriageThe cashier -read each ,one with great Care and evi- dently wth pleasure, but: the' mean thing. wouldn't' lend her 'a cent • on them. • • Jake--,41low'sabont .joining Me in a cup of -tea . 'old boy? •; rnlact. 'You crawl in . first, and then:well,See if there's any: room., for ,ree.; One peed : not be criminal to catch the' force ef. this:• Daughter looking up frOm . her novel)- Papa, in time. of tzial,:what • do sou snpposs bringti meat cont.,. • fort, to • a man? ":\ • • Papa (wheI is a newly appointed 'magistrate) 4,-.--Anacqujttal,. I 'should ,think. • ' • ,. Teacher -Who saidi ".I come to. . bury Caesar"? • Nervoua Youngster 13.p -please, ''teacher,.the"undertalter. ,TRENCI-I'S REMEDIES triergy., • `banding , TONIC T.ALILETS, • stemAtil. taiti,riTS to relieve StOrnath trouldest, TRENCH'S ,i1pmtbY, ;free . V06klet: nn reglieet,' Wriee today., ,1"114NtH'S lE Mtbitt, &IA. W. 1.10• 0.11.DRCii•Ser-TbRDNT6 tactic -No, 45--' , ITHI Y leOVElirEATING cAusEi ACID - )INDIGEsTION., • 4-14ElltEit THE SENSIBLE' THINGTODn* • • 'Tii,i‘failest iva3,-;,•to "allialiie". is to •“ carryyour iilk6lizei 001: You: •That's ,'What thOuSands,clo: ildwAliat gen- ninePhillips' &Mies flavored tablets -in a flat tin . • for, pocket or purse. Then you are ' always ready.. •' • Uaeitthis way: Take 2 Phillips!." -0,0 tab1et4-4!civa1:ixfflalkalizing” effect - 'to 2 teaspoonftils-of-liquid Phillips' - • from 'the bottle. At Once you feel • "gas,' nausea, "oyer-crowdine frcim .hYPer,acidity begin to ease... "Acid. headaches!' "acid breath,',' . • over -acid stOmach are corrected' at-" • the source. This is the 'quick way: • to. ease your own diStress--,aiioid. • offense to Others.. " 'UDE iN • CANADA POULTRYRAISER COINIOUERS.- "ROUP" • • 'Praises 'INVOIrArd'i.L1n,men,,A.R• • Re1rn00 tor Rolm or• . • Bronchi iteitA ittg- Fert Garry, hci* he etesited Rano...4)11,6n, tidal Filo When, it: broke tint, intent' -his 'rent* hen. •"Alter trying Other rentediee 'Arid obtaining no' results Whatever," write's' Mr. T•Idinivielle, :"I trietl MIntird'S Unite -en% fiVirto•isisi, drone' on the 'tontine iltid fitaaw more,. depending. on the 'birdie. 3. gni positive that ,it 1)4)04 the *Otit,' lot." Niottcrt, Liniment OM;eit rented*. tor eOntine. i10rn,, brWseS Ind Skin dialieei, ae well 41 for BrOneli10.. and Ithiiiiritetie freebie: 'For Sal. •fri • druintioti,' • ' • ebiejo TYpetOriter 0paeette5Badtwailds A tyPev.vtitcr. that gees "b,,adkWard"- • end' Writes in Hebrew was preSeneect ' to 3:2Gtiodman of datuhft,er‘..atis. sma abdiertlbi dyae y arili6, knoWii typewritek content, Which Ooddinan". Said; Maintained it , never befote had •eonstructed • 0/10 • like it. ,The keys bear Hehrew char- ' otters, and - the eterriage epetatea , from right to left,' instead of froid • left toright,,as'Ori Otdinary' machines, "Ooodinan, a Merchant, long has bee4 Vegarded• as a Ilebrew,acholarr . : I ,