HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-11-04, Page 112,00 A'YEAR;.- $1.50 IN• ADVANCE--SOc: EXTRA TQ, U• S. A ice ,53 n• • R ., • ild$ .3A,Y, Qr`V MB ; 4th;.. 1437;. L. Treleave DENTIST '71' yT“ . wren. 5' 's1 esidence 53 J' Dr. IVrWmI.; F'owier P. IAN ••, C U•<G, 1. e 'rs i a . . .I , •�y� i T ?"' Id. �:.; •,. ? •rr pp, «,;�Q—[�t001 I ! 1 ` r Siknd ps-; ;130 `2';00 PM1Yl:i !i Or D {A i y Po nein nt P, "Phone 186 .. .. FOR R, RENT— Partmeii •and garage A ply to Mrsi, W, O. J has on • FOR'; .SALE -=5, young Shorthorn 13u11 Calves, front' .8••to•12, menths old, -Andrew Gaunt, IL, 1; Luckndw.. FOR SALE -2 Oxford ram largrbs;. . Wilfred . 'Hackett, Thong 67-r-11, fun lgannon: APPI,,PS iOR SALE•—ChoieeNo:. I '!i'aliiran Sweets, Spies and Cookin• g. Apples for sale at Joynt'$ . Cement [Warehouse at C.N. R. FOR "SALE -Jersey_ • ow,. -' 4 yrs.: Old; due to frOshen in a .few; Priced:: right: for ,quilek sale.- Phjllip :Stewart; Lucknow, FOR SALE -1 -" Durham ` Cow, yrs'• old,, just • freshened; , 2 Durham ''.Cows" to . freshen :before Christrnas. a '' Richard ' Baker, Holyr cod. •' FOR SALE=Cement cottage, • five, --"l.00ln , ^ , •_ , o c , goo,ce• a �. garage; town water; cistern,` "electric lights arid garden.--ApA Y 1': ;Sentinel fli%rA AUCTION SALE of household efi'eets on`. Saturday, November .6th,. • •at, 2 •o'clock sharp, one;` door ;'west of, Satn 1VIdrehison''s •residence; -. inai4, street, 'Luckno•w°:, Terms, Cash.- Fye Marion-MacDiarmid.• FOR, SALE' 100 acres, choice land, good • barn` 'and :house, running water,. Lot 9, Con. 3 Kinloss,' Estate of Colin .MacKinnon, •• For, particulars s, apply' to --7 ROD McDOUGAL7i FOR SAL ` 7 -room house, "with large leant()`ood shed,: first,. class shape. -aid= d;;softy water, 3/4 'acres - •of good gar n' two blocks north of :gain •street Lucknow. Apply •to.,Mrs, NOTICE TO: RATEPAYERS Any • ratepayer: of •'the Village ;of Lucknow,: •wishing, to .puichase any portion of : the Convnuii'ity Hall 'de- benture, 'must notify the undei5igned by November 15th. - • •Joseph Agnew•Clei lc: � �_.• I'EfiSONA•1 MEN! •-GET VIGOR—XI. 1. NCE' NEW OSTREX Tonic Tablets contain raw,' oyster invigorators and • 'other stimulants; One dose peps. up' Organs, glands., If, notdelighted,;'',maker reµ: fund's price paid -41:25: Call, write ` $'KIM'S, •DRUG STORE:. s, held pursuant fo the. yoters' ing;a11 Complaints made against the 1st and:2nd Part of the Voters' :Lists ,! Best ' possible preposition' to titter!' native'. men • wfth ambition, ' forge: ahead.. Line of '206' daily ,necessities••• • Reserved .territories. Cash • Terms'. No risk,. Plenty qi • genuine chances jug -Oyer „,700' Satisfied dealers noW-L. WHY' NOT YOU WItITE IMME- Montreal. • • •:.'• pence. in ' the Hall tit Pitiarriount 'comedy .ctrarria'.WiII:be presented. ihy DEEM SEASON` PLAY WELL R CEI'VED: • •f3tli.- u'o ` T , O. _ I .One Deer... No; 'DoAllowed e 'Dogs .wd ;IF Ll itel'S; iri'• .Gies and, td 3eS.:t_ o i Brace: c on n ';are a�� ,4t11,4,041.#0' up oit'th cou trY . in quest: for 'deer , will { h' lease tole learn that Ontario.D r amenof 'Game -arid Fisheries have decide to ' Oen" :en' the Se two' counties`• for' a• six day; period' when ',the : a .., this m ,seasen shoi deer; The dates • for, �, this :ori. wil be from. November 8th to 130, both. days • included, when deer may •b shot 'within: the borders 'of Grey and 'Bruce counties. • The . quota ' is one Beer ,:each. The usual practice of se - Miring licenses 'willlbe . adhered to and the Department--Spenfreg—that--dog will ' not be: ,permitted to be used; •., Last ; year; the Department pere it- ted' .the shooting of - deer only i ° -the n northern section of the. Bruce p,:nin- sula, and'. two : years ' .ago the 'two counties 'Were ' peened, as is • being done -this -•year; }- near.. capacity crowd. greeted the sen'ed,..by a t„ . t .:•T eswa er talent ::in tile TownHall i,on Friday evening under auspices• of ,the,ILucknow u.`1r•W, p They play was well' � received t'with h e `mid •n: d' 'lI`c 1i i .�y. ai ) wl U I t ,� di .. a n u n ., u ,I s ,Fi, g a r �I ,r 9 1 ,• !1. i k til d•n�ho 1S!el%t1 I the attdfencei n Ilau hter'K. , ..� �: 1, ',' at. a 1: ;' {•, . ick, h c s in lud d t , ,The ,_ ..� •.e ,• .Frank :Renwick;{'. the' toiuri's failure; John' Cronin, .fithe d , n. , leading Romeo; Floyd Sillic}c chief loafer•:.Chas Meyer,•.the' ' '' t . � ,..F ioiyn s. lead- ing ' citizen, ' but, a rogue; Catherine Meyer, who inspired the town's fail - Ore ure • "Stan'': to; step on„ it; 'Miss Ruth, d Thacker, the object of Roineo's :aft. ection; ' Mrs. Lorne ' Scott, . the' . ol'd! maid,; Miss', ' .Lorna..1VfacKenzie, a -double crossing' younglady; Mrs y, s AI'vinf Rettinger, a �ttuntry-;lsas ;seek ing her .'fortune in • the city." . ' The play. was followed` b yYa e ` dance that packed .the hall, ,with ; music by` Hogan's' orchestra. REMEMBRANCE DAY' ' SERVICE AT HOLYROOD • pla'ns are •being -.made ;by •the Holy rood' Women's ' Institute•. to ,hold a Remembrance: Day :'service; at the Township Hall cif •Thursday morning, Novernb r ,ll.th• ' eoirimencing at 1.04,30. o'.cloc The openingchorus .0 Canada; ada;'wi11 be •follnwed-by the observance of the two -minute silence. •.School, children will sing a Peace song 'and Rev .:.Mr. Mcl3itchie of Berviewill read. the scriptuie passage and lead-in': ra er . After;fter. a hymn, anPrayer. , address will be de-. livered ` b '; • Rev° G. M.' Y ..Young: •• ;of South: •-Kililoss. Rob ert .MacDonald will sing a solo, andthe service• will 'conch:Me• with "the Sounding of . the Last ,Post, the placing> of -wreaths: s. and the National Athem; ATO PRESENT.'` PLAY HERE • •FIUDAY OF NEXT' WEEK The •' ul` '•: . pop ai coniedj drama. Pay- ino> The Fiddh3 ' will'. be presented by :Lucknoiv talent in • the Town • Hall rie t Lri itlay evening; :,November: 12th at •8.1;5• o'clock: The play ..is staged ed lnI(] t -ham aispices=of ;the-ixucknoiw- Ayr iciiltul al`Society and .Arena Club. ' This :'fair. night peifdrinance was highly regarded by those who saw it, • but due to the '.infantile .'.paralysis epidernic, audiences, ':were .small, and is again being presented •. by -re- q, est, with entire proceeds. "'being • divided ;between the two societies, above ii9entioned Hogan': orchestra veil]' Provide music,' between acts, and fora dance that• will follow the Way: DA VIE CA BBB CT TIIERS SUFFERED FRACITUREID .LEG :MONDAY tune • to fracture; his :leg en- ,Mbriday The mishap I bCcurrad hi the eVehing •when Dave Stepped in a hole broUght bip home the following day and is resting ,eaSilY. , It Will he recalled' ,thaf at their Wedding reCeption couPle•Of months STEEL WORK. CONSTRUCTION ' IS .NOW, UNDERWAY coin/inanity hill and arena was steel work ready •to be 'cornincliced. •howe'Ver; due ,to .ft high 'wind en Tues - a 'Chimney and. ereetion Of the anew 'shed framework it also'heing carried Nailing' of the' ttfiel' was started at the wett' end and on the South tide. Schmid's Jewelery Store or' MY "be placed in other lifinda. fort' C011ee, • • COMMENCE '.MORNINE r• •'' IUJRAL MAIL. :DELIVER -Y-.. Four' `.local > rural mail ' emiriers. .commenc'e'd morning ;delivery of mail' 'on November 'lst.•• Routes so 'served :! Are numbers 2, 3, 5And' 7,•'with Cecil lt'EMEMBRANCE il4T • • , NEXT-' H1IE •h L e Gi ent' I3rai; Canada. will again,ob,; se!•ve Remex l�5� ante: Davy ;next 'Thurs., du,y; November l:lth, as a National holiday, LocaIlY the" day. be ab.-. served 1 iI � I t kf,,l.Y'r i �• ah e 1' t 1... s� erasers and - de' corres onis ' are,', re- p n quested to ."note this. lt will be nec-' essaryto have all items for' publica tion in by Tuesday :night and earlier when possible. LOCAL TEACIIER, ONE OF '100 TO RECEIVE' CORONA. ION MEDAL At the time of the Coronation; one hundred medals were issued at - the' .connn2etcno.f his majest.King;George VI, , to be • given .t 'teachers ' in the• province •of.Ontario,, Who in, the< es- timation of ,the ,staff of Inspectors,: ,meri`ted special commendation : for services rendered in the educational field. The village of Lucknow feels partic arly:-prou&that.,the •staff. of Inspectors saw .fit to'-;reconi lend the name of .Mitss Frances . E.:. McLean, the principal of • our local High Sdiool, as 'one: of. the most -worthy of receiving one .of these medals:, 'Mullin, ; Wm. • Douglas, Herb. -Me- • Quilling and., AlexHavens the resped- ec= p MARRIED ON SATURDAY'. •" tive drivers.:. - 7" .. , NNVE-N{l'IO. Postponed,, due to. theinfantile psi•- alysis epidemic; the convention • of West .Bruce Teachers' . Institute to have been held in Ottiwa,'will • now be held in.. Kincardine"•on November 18th f ` Particular n .. p lar ,'•.'tvill be_. -the •new courses;' study'' outlined b .$f Y. K. Greer, chief inspector. for the department of ;education and. T. Mus- • tard'' of ! the. Toronto: • Normal school staff, Students To Have Ottawa'' Trip' A': trip: to Ottawa for 'two•'. hi g h. school- students,. ;as the •guests of W•. R. Tomlinson,' M.P. : for •Bruce;: will be the,' good' fortune of scholars in -Kincardine- and. 'Wiarton • ea ly Irl, ,_ the` °'New' < `Year :-Representati res f rgiii`` Lucknow and Port; Elgin schools en= joyed the' trip . earl this Y year. when, Tonhlins'hn- intradirced;.his `_tray s lin scholarship!",c cling ... SECONII'. I..1(1V)13 AMPUTATED Mr.',Duncan ;Qampbell, Con, 0, 1!aron .Township,.,'last. ,Reek 'under- went•an Operation in •, Western Iios- Hilal, Toronito, foi'`•the ainputation of h;is left leebetween the thigh' and• the knee: A little more than 'a year ago, •Mr. Campbell, a suiferer'`from diab- etes, had , his • right leg amputated: when gangrene developed: Early this Year, ' his left leg, became 'affected, 'match* a •':second amputation ' imper= ative: • ((immunity. Hall hiattert ' Ai the Ne'yemlier meeting of. the Village' council on Tuesday .night, 'the Cerninunity gonari*teg met with the "Board,, and the .sessiee Consisted chiefly. of a 'cliicusaion of the. interioX requirements, of the Wilding.. • oilier BuShell..were abient 'and dounr. ••of 'the .pliilding to: avoid ice .trbubles that :Would he. CanSect 't*,. 'south 'Win-, No definite' decisiOn coneetiring major interior • requirements cotild be 'reaentritlYe" of .,the DePartment Of klegided,•to engage; ii! POO:, cent of the eott ei the then Was niade: lqr, Calvert sought .PertniasiOn for tiro! bridniinfOril Club 'for ...the 'lite of .Wria granted at the 'euttoinery fee ChM to hea-,iiorioalt nights . 8inge,,., the 'proceeds' ler, 'Coniniunity The. Clerk ' ad4ised that. the'. ton:i. filen of this, debentUre, day, Novenaber 1st; to Mr. Arid Mit, el Lit€lej ::Ross 221e i#Uddmg s. . crearnized_ at the" home • of the bride at' ,Lucknow,. on Saturday. lafternoon,: t 3.30 o'clock; when : Rev. C. II. MacDonald 'united in marriage Mr. ' John`; Little and Mr.Sarah :•Ross: Tle'cereiiony; was ,performed in; the •presenee..of • a 'few ;immediate• friends;; •with'' Mrs,. Thoma: Henry and":Mr. Bert 'Ward signing the;egister,,_1ollowing•_' the ceremony,. a' Iti ic'hean ' was served. - Mrand Mi4s. Little" will reside at ,the, -outskirts of the village, 'north east of ;,the .C.NB. depot. Daily Papers Advance . > With the:' rising , costs' of news- print;' metal and various .services ;en- tering "into ;;thee production•'o1 •a news= paper+,; several dailies , have; decreased' subsci'iptior rates. ,a dollar a ear. Y. A-• short'tiine ago the Beacon . Herald advanced to .$5.00, '; and. •elf eetive onFree PreSs,, nday the,' G1obQ-an ltilaih'a _ d 'their nd 'the cA11"11.,'„, ALEX lIcKAY MARKS. '102N1) BIRTIIDA).'" TODAY - 102. pd, 'anniversary of his birth today, Thursday; November 4th. He ..,wai 5tcrinoway,, 'Lewis' Islands, ;Scotland,' After baying,. spent .44' 'Years ••aa Great' Lakes .sailOr;• Went to :AV.... filing en a Itabiestead hear:. blares, has 'lived • in- Nanton • sinee he retired in :1922. • ,knewe here, bids, fair tO attahr the oge "of :his father, who Luekr , "The Plainsinanv directed bY B.. IldMal, 'is the special 'attraction .h.• the ,LYeenni 'Theatre ,fiext 'Monday, "'Tuesday -and . Wednesday.' Gaity Ceoper and Jean Arthtir, star weSterii , action picture; with its hie - and Robert Montgomery are featured in Must Fair, ' DEATH 'OF RENNETH FARRISII .14St WedneSday;:' finding that skull after.' ii4cidentallt§ :stenpfrtg agalnst the, shaft o'f(a. gravel :mended; gttarding. such. shafts. • ,The`.twentY41...t. year youth; '.1.s.hoSe parents •ftifinerly in • "Aslifield, had his clothes ripped 'front his "body and ,woutitt -i' 'found -the shaft harlieg, him, to the', ony :ground Wrri Parrish' pUlat youth near' Cederich, being ,,tempef. • ANNIVERSA'RX I `�RVICES. iN ' •w i1NITED -CHURCH, , SUNDAY i e-enea - In Church Centeu •nal :Concert, ,' Party • Ot � :•Londod Consisting .Of Hive Versatile ,Ar test• ... ,,Including Re. .°Walter:, raw ° I i I• h. I 1 �, I I I. I •� ar .,. s ry i e. Y 4 nh ; ,w� ted °•Cli'° x , ,will 4e heI$ t4s Sunday with -Rev. C. H. Dickinson 13.A., B'.lj', formed of. Ashfield, �. yY now rd bo k Steward o S e a of the> United'• Church. publishing house, as the guest : spea-` ker at both services: • In connection With these 'services a high class entertainment willbe presented' in the church auditorium on, 'Monday 'evening at 8 o'clock;' by the Centennial, Concert Party of -Lon-. 'This. party :includes `five versatile artists.Mrs . ' Meldnurn . Wilkie, .So- prano soloist;' Miss; 'Pauline Fitzger- ald, lviolinist; Mr. ' Chas.. Hall; bass soloist;' Rev. W. 'B. Craw, .reader and Mrs. Glady 'tidy ;Gray; pianist and accompanist This._ promises be exception - 'ally fine entertainment and. • tic' doubt' will be. •greeted. by a Iarge audience. ! ORMER! ASHPIELD YOUNG ` MAN• DIS IN :DETROIT. The • • ,funeral of Roy Beaton, was held on ; 'Frida' :from the• hom Y.1' ,e ihnrs';:parenSeaforth Crts, Mr.,; and Mrs; Malcolm' ea , gmo , yr . , r cr < emetery The deceased, who •. was ;44 'years of . age, , was born'• iii '.Ashfield On the rant' now owned bk Clair Irwin. His death' oceurre d ;in Detroit, afteran extended illness, of over a " year:. `Beaton . was ' .:married' about ighteen years.' ago. to. Miss '-Thelma' > IiilLL-of ;Ottawa. They --resided in.: the West `for ,a time and Latterly in:De troit: where he .Was in'.the employ of the, Ward 'Baking Co:,.Survivihr-,he- ,ides his ,widow. and 'three of. a fain rly, are his parents,; four brothers, Alva, ', Harry, • Carmen , J.. of Detroit ;ind • Beverley Beaton, •-Seaforth, also rine' sister, Mrs. L. Merritt of Detroit: Relatives from `a- distance attend- ing • the funeral were Mr.' 1VIrs. W..^R. Bailey, Alva' Beaton r. and. ,M. Mrs., Carman J. Beaton, Mr. and Mrs.' L. Merritt; all of•'Detroit, Mr; ancL ii s ' '1' Barrie:; 'Mrs. 'R, Mur - ,dock, of Lucknow, Mr.: and gra:. W. Hill, . Sr., and Mr. and The ( react-- { I: V• )T1'Q *'rQi7Al_T ASID •. � • .. .. SE.RVJCE• ,.- K i10I ,.!NII 1 •, ll L ."1 111. I � 1 I � i l,�.1.�1�11 �Itlll j�llil I JELLY , R L PINEA PPLE: L: ROL S• HONEY & •'AND MANY OTHER rtT 1 I f ; sx I�. ' a TI, • R,eA E .CHELSEA`BUNS E. U S. RASPBERRY TARTS VARIETJEs' To `GOOSEFROM H Q ' ., OM •�. FUNERAL -ON MONDAY , remains of, the late- John••An- drew 'are expected to , arriVe 'in Luck-, now on Satarday;---Thezfutieral.:_'-wl.11- ,be held oe, Monday, froth the home of his' parents, Mr. and. Mks. Isaac Andrew, 'with interment in .• Green4, The • serviee is At' two o'cloek with • Five ',Year Old . Tot Wanders Little' Jane' Jelinstone, flve• ear -old , ."-....;•• '). Five 'Miles .After. Dark daflghter of gr.../and• Mea. well eis Other,: villagers; who lained, lArthilay party'. that afternoon .'which sipped 'On .ahead and fividently' 'became .:Confused and. inade wrepg A :thort-tifqe. later it Wei -learned to 'flhd' her WerearuitleSs abet* .9 o'cl,;(1,Ck, when a phone Call hronght HolYreorl;-,She had is thrned,'•etiatward ancr :was- trudging, tearlesily along, with no intention stoPping' , wondered :it Stich:, a little, One,Citit• 'held any . fear' eieePt for Ali.' oecasional.erying, 0011, as She .,trudged, :mares in seine two lents ‘Wita titpd And 'WAS tinge contented in a' tiolYrood hone, ;when her 4thet thing, for tthein, M'Aitktir: d W n e e sd . ay, Th�rlday, Friday .. and ' Saturday XMAS ,I,GREETING •CARDS TOOTH PASTE SHAVING • CREAM "' HOT WATER BOTTLES COLD REMEDIES ' COUJH SYRUPS THESE AND MANY O'rI.IER ITEMS ARE TWO FOR THE ,PRICE • OP ONE' AND. "JUST ONE; CENT ..7-40RE:, The 'Reiall Drug tore __ a e Dates,allovember TENN-1- ADMISSION -25e 15c. - • • This program will be held,"in connectiOn with . Anniversary Service's, Sunday NoveMber t SPHqAL :41..iald BY' THE • •cOavIMITTELf FOR. TRIAL.. Ai a 'prelitnieary hearing ,in 'New Toronto on. ThurniaY; J; Arin.••• was cOininitted fin, trial bri, n' eharge, the, death. Of Mrs. Lydia, Car*, ef .:•A.'seceiul inanslaeghter 'charge ;in Ellen Heron,. who .alSo died that.daY; :Was net then. proceeded .,with as the ing onlY With the Cardy .case. ht the preliminary . hearing, as in 'point Of tune, that case 1.s.at seven, hoUrs in the ev,idence, the apdtok'ivild Pre -1 scribed Ier• Mrs. Cardy, stated that:. the Preserintio'n called for .PotaSsitun ;he ResUlts of 'a nrodern eye, :exaniihaticm smallest -imaginable degree, The the proceduye,..,henee the 'findings t an always .be depended 'Upon: EYE SIGIIT. SERVICE FREE BIBLE cc, B$Es .Eirrell now' in the Free Bible las- Which opens this Friday evening In. the clasS, rooms above:: the txpress.' 1.0-8.36 Missiohs 8,30-0.30, Synthesis bargains -in ,SW"e& "AIM tlanziT0e-'ler,tyiitilie -pee* tets; UtikIMIWear, .Work Cloaking,— 14 to. 20 Years. litAftitT' $TORE, 1 Pot' further' inferniation call 1.'661v.