HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-28, Page 6.• . Powerful Public -•• ••.: • Whatever ...t101.4• .aerferoOleut4,;.may 9f' if, the Ferleiat ,ArOL,21ands :tio apply .:. .Eginctions..- to Tape*"And - the publlc •; Toronto•'•!q.9J3Q !114,1044 1.1 • cirst.is iret, ClikteI' t ' Mr. *J'n'Oce McFarland sari' the .:44111g4ter on :the highwaysIs :beam - Ing appalling: With:a ,apeed, limit and-perkere that cannot he read, It Is to be feared that the worst bas net yet been seea.--;-peterborough g*„. •:.. ;miner.' • 1.• - • ' " Thanksgiving In OxfordL An old hymn for 'harvest theidnigiv- rimai, (!_lhe valleys ,stand so -thick 'with corathat even; they are sing - The -curteat report of the ,'de= pertinent. ,Of agriculture ,eays that in •••;'dir.ford "a great .many Will have corn left , oyer atter piles are title Woodstock Sentinel -Review. :• -744,444444,54,4,t444',44,":4i.'4"t t7T•44q,..77,4,777r, , 1r71.4., ---; Allied -Against -and Simla ,,. 4 ''°". ..'t!'''''V''.'"'''-',:t---t•*-, L , minutes •111-anY bialY tlitirenghtare In , . .. .. , 4 .. the „uity watching t e,' human,- .b.end Preashig.:theili road, - a Stream Of flapt,:in ving• •:trac, With-. irey will step into - . , all the confidence „Of 'taci;'elitidren, or. ;teraelpaiistrig)thrOlifh4erdara. It ;there ..Lr('' '7•Lf•trc",11!t •i'PrY:IJAC'rer *#4 '''(-',• 11'I,xr.q ,P,O!P 41.11,1}iF9qE1,11,4gp)Piim /g01,, ' :14.)14 .4 tiott voty to 4void 10.0,i. There Is PearcelY-S•harrlan ftlit that eari he' :comix.itted in. face .of, each, a WeaPea ,ef,dei!TuctiOn as a bus that the' fail. to commit. And motorists, it they.are sinned against, ' are. themselves': sin- ners, ;although ther rigours: of tini law .exact troni thent,'atbigher senseg re- sponsibility than pedestrians iffitallY reveal: But If . pedestrians , are afraid 'tO use Belisha crossings In •Claigew,,-- and there tead‘doubt that many are— It Is motorists who have made them • se., One May See.' too; without lotskin • very careteltY, many instances of. Self - 'fah and heedlest driving by 'mciterists' who lane* theinselveito relax .from ' the ceaseless vigilanee, and caution that is due from them as toad tteere. —Glasgow Herald. ' t ' • ' . . Ci'Aidtki..00BOYOOtt • •'*'heyaht.t. ainfefit:JaPlin'heettuse' her military leaders .'are bombing _China -•Might Work-:•terrible--hardships--mr-the-7- •:•Wage=:elayea, of ...Japanese " -industrY,` 'Who", .'„wlth• as It Is. WtrP.; Be4roory., enough to keep body and anul, • !4ngetbor...;,Oraa.nre' .; country :.''•.•acercely,....eottid, drive- thenito isvolt,. ivh11e. tiler are in the grip of. Military. Spectator, 4 '44 l• I g.;. the Wrong Man .f?,rh4pa • .mualetpaimea*.:alie!'hoiOoia • ..henauee'. tlieV..haVe• :td.ehoillder their, •'"pottion„01..the -burden ot..relIet. but thal the small proerty;OWner, sheald, haye:topay .teer. pr. flip ekfre. Mills on the.",fai. Fate ,After alife 0? effort ;and "Emeriti* indicates ;.!something *tong. Is beflig penalized .trecanse.,Of.,the.2; flsof tithero; -ariti".:'•hieagli'no 01,14' of • hiit. own. That,IO.WhOratiiSystenci 'or • 0904. lehleilat)OnIs...4f•. fault. • 'con- -„," ceived on false ,premises and has. • :tentleneY..,.tO-„,keeti: On '"tUe, Process of ,jr-741.110g1,5ePPle. ,i39•Orkr.•-• If there Is ax\y t44"...7.needs, a thorough overhauling, it:fa•the and Means devised :for ••• e),,•taitatica",for; a.;.!'d the 'd„:straintion'" State charit;.—Tjctorja.Colonist. 'f' •!: •,: • 704fiattli:Haara- F,titnre) ;1,?,erd,:revyeedsitielr!s notable' and. 'ad- Vent.ereut trin to .the „Far•.,IsIorth,.ot eetificienee,:. in- the bnpottance:, :the:, development ,• hat., lies abeteni , if.. will remain �ne' •":0,44he,Axperierrees•-•••.i.r.i-whichthie-terni:" •-:-.as--;k1o7cner-G:me-ol -Will -always • e. rernembered,:":IT has • Certainly Ihitieic, , ened the intoreet'-ottne.,Canadian pee!. , ••einintrt, In the - '• Atone:formation ;that 'Will inevitably' •fake place and inthe benefit to come f:. -,em• the develortnent' of nertherri,,te- sources. -;•,tywi RI.,1306; making great *teat :Pree'reep ln the odeveleenient' ' .irottlietn7rjegionto;and With the riehL. • nest of.. the..resOurces in, Darts. ef tho Canadian. NO!).th• a'reatly anciWn,.•Why, shou'!J we not ip'elt, to, a great -future 1'r tkat-part et:Calada;,Amig regarded • AS:: a'. permetnent;;wildetneee.Whini- peg , • • • ;174'idit-rcrocybrivoic ,".A.,:ikews.. bete recently repotted , .the , fact that in .a :stirvayi of .11id .American .,4a44-ctqlon garage It Was • discleeed 'pat, 1,599;900 motorists •ran. • ma of gas on the..re.adi-iii the 'United ,• States last year; in. spite of the feat' ....that there is a sorvlee station at frO' ''nuent, infeyars' on . all the highways: The eigninaance Of this is • that it, gli0517k thatthere a-inst.:ha a ennelder:, • 'able arm:Min. (if ,tareleatitese and ah- ,, sent.Mitte.ednecs on the (part �f motor, ' ' drivers, ' The pictnre, of 1,500;900' ; era 'on the toads • fort to ohtain gas is a striking inent on their inentalitc •'Perhaps thie noglcct may teein innocent • enough In- Itself,bat the dilestien that, arises leas to its relatiertitO.;serimis , dlsre- gard Of the rniet:lif traffic. The infer- • ` erica la' inescapable that ouch :irietten- •) 'non. as 'failute to 'observe the gasoline gauges:in their ::cars IS alnacist• :certain " to-refleet itself laniora Settees (Ikea., tione....AhSent•initidednest, at arlY tired er"):pleee Is somethiag,:tO. counteracted, and elineelally. in. , the ',di:tying Of, 'entoinebiles. At aay rate the -fact is worth pondering by ' :need who ,are concerned about tho in. Creasing nutriber7'of 'accident. on the h1gbWaYs...brantford.ri4Ositer. ' TI -1* E ElPIPIgE • :China Unconquerable • China is an aWkWata (nth id:swat, IOW, ;Like a String of (MaCerenit, sh�' Jo i(56 long to EiWallOW Whole, init. also too tough ,to bite eft short ft If Any- one fa, ittak, eaofigh to tette One end between hi teeth, he Anita -'hirnself , forded, :tO•• 'go on fivreaTioWing • till 'he se Hunian Hair Making Rugs Germany is Colleiting Barbers' Sweepings for the Manufacture -• of Carpets •;_,,,_Me!1y:. a 1;siv ;met' ,nor head -of hair uncut, In her' efforts to save valuable metals -and to utilize waste noatters In the Pie*, tioii ef synthetic materiels. 'Gold as a stepping or Crown .for teeth isstrong- ly ',died:enraged by the • German Gov- ernm.nt. And its place is being taken , . , . by an alloy Alloy, of . palladiam,a petal 'et the Platinum family,'Which is cheerier, • lighter and stronger thn gold.. The. "neW'illoy for dental contains only five per Cent Of 'gold; ' • • • Hair Cut froin customers', head's Is being''iwept, , up from ,. thefloor,' and after ,treatment used in the •inapatac- ture of caipets 'and 'felt, 'Hair of not -'ytos than one-third of, an:Anch; has :long been used in the marring or eer. tain, fabrics; but reee-f. researchhas shown that :still Shorter hair- can be „.commerCially_:...titilized... It. Is hoped :to- Celleet. 'and; use about 309 tons ' etthe men's , hair every year. Women's lorig tresses, regularly ,used tOr Making Ot wigs, plaits 'andbait-nets, Will be used • or---more-important—comni-ercial-PUr,- -:poses...in-the-futare ' ' Huge Prone'''. Lacks Owner .• • . •• :Valuable, Land in . • Hungary Has ;Net. 8-een PossessorFor • .26 Years-. Somewhere, in B,ritairviney.`,beiakel- derly i,ettrod!.sea Ceptain:nanicid,Bruce: for whom the Iiim•garian: authorities are•tearehing.'HOle,the o*ner„of vahi- able On the bfitskirla of Budapest andlf, he, orhis heirs.:6-, de, not :1Pgie a crab:a Within a .few.:Weekt. the :land will be eold'and.the Money will go to ,tbel,Iltingatien. Revenue, Office. The lend., 859. sque,re Yards;; lies: just. above., Valuable' :mineral' springs', ..the 'Water. fiom whiah,Corlialat teraantable medicinal; Powers. .. • . , ••• • Not Since. the War •• When the entheritlei' Werere-asses- that pert ,of 'the day .tor taxation '•purposee,, they 4loce.voeoft that • the .oweer "we's" .thitsing. They gent 1c.int ilo- hiand which *ere not answer- ed 'and: •eVentnallY officials Went along' toirite§tigetel •. They fonrid •., erphil'-.cotaage In 'the: centre'.'of (the property; OeOU loft by, it caretakeronemed Josef roecii, who.had. been :•glveti the job in In .1903, and who helped. his Matter: Certain ilruco, to dig wells and liettle' the waterst 'brit- .7„ carneAli.e.:‘Wat, and Cettialh ThOznas, Andrew Brace, retiirned to England, •The Hungaruafl ftuthoritlea' have not heard cithiM since, • Retired.Sea ',Captain. , "The, p.Wner toldf.sta lie was an Eng- llsliman,' poach:told the ' authorities, "He was a retired, See. captain and had . senle qntine.Y. Whielt he intended:td IO,OialbrtIng .tlit".initiOtal Water. , "r- last sitiV Oentain trade, 1914. know that tyli eti7 the' War broke ..ont he left 'HungarY ..and "Went -back to England,. hae..neVet been ;here at all 'Since;" AlthoUgh the giant 'Whistled ;Of 'the ..Queou. • iwaty; Englis)x lLnr, can: be, beard, five ,MME( tWay: 'they •ate ,• (id iid.lOW• that they Caned' he, distress . to the ears of i)itagetiget.S.: •• Noodled were fit Made ffithyat' • When the inakin.g a ten ,tias geed. tlaY'a Work, • `, . , • .! • '•••:oreOt! falooty.4,6,06.•ii1:1"Ohgr, ll1S 04 t. 4 in' isaster sir George Paish Sees Self -Sufficing Policy Ruining All Nations — Rearmament "Must nrentuallY Lead to War' The -whole world is following A PO ;Iey .which, if .continneti„ meansdisast- er for all Countries...without exee tion • Sir.14491,7ge: ri0Sh.t.1.3ritteli 00!?6;41.9t.t.•': ed by the Carnegie .0114eWMent . • faternatienal Peace: ;•: :" • • •:.• -.The ..PelitiOar.:arid ...00enende sifea, 'tierie.)he 047.4:eaCh. beComea moro ll- fieult as the other 'becomeemote dlfti- cult. Rearmament L•ftreuet: ,eventually • , loacl 4 1,' V r r 1.1•Li7ItT!,2T1,9,4,itte.re is a 04.1i.#P'1. 1 !9.c qi Aq4C1f: iiaq)real'dffrOel-i1.1 Aleit also Ito,. reyOlu- ' •": • ' Government credit, hesay's.: is: real- . ly tile final -reserve. •ot a nation. and "the Werld'e recovery has hat &nee •• In large. nieasure, becat se the 'Wend has . been UW1* itO ultiinate reserveta.: The- • ottritts buying,. POivor has been:great- ly increased by the 'use of theso,ulti,. eta reserves, and it will he reduced :correspondingly if ,and when those re, • serves ceMe toan end and are no Ion- ger.aVailehle ' • , . • • • ., • , • Depending. on ,Foreign. Trade , Because ; of fear that this may hap - nen; 'and.the fearof each: nation that it•-• will not be able, to ,isuppert, its people; eaCh , nation bee . been attempting,. to ' • , • ' becothe Belt:sufficient And it cleyerii-, richt credit ''is.,exhautteci; this policy of elf-suffteiency may be aneentneted, • and thayeault, Sir -George says, will . -be4priiatien-nhdt-starYation-in-eVerY7 country, for all..nationsltodaydepend • for the maintenance .of their Teeple, "Upon the foreign trade ' , which ....has. gtawn'iO be So bripertapt." ' • Frie-Exehaege•Urged Nations,. hesays, after pursuing '.a policy of lnereaaing; 111ter7dePendenee( Ing to be self -Contained; "and the tort. • Settumiee. Mast be :Inevitable unless • the 'policy: can he changed," Free .eichaage .Of natural . Wealth' and of ;capital,tet•Idevelppinent, of the wealth, is the solution' Sir 'George •sug- octot avertises o Stop uic1 e Is Thanked By 'Unknown. Voice ' Over Telephone' Desert Murderer. - • y, BufAtivaiV'Whg $h01.: P01100° golii41." ' ' • With. 'Forrisorieri • ArroW, Detinl flicitinted &mole a,.roif.i,oftc1Tblogithegreat,'Italaha4,p9s4;, • The wanted! -luau is one of the. few. 'remainin ,e-„mernbers., Of the priniitive reels of Bash/nen,•• ' , . • A ,PpIiee Patrol of eight Men Com- manded .hY Sergeant J. Upton, wltha . native 'guide,. raided a „camp of Bath.... .men 150 miles' northeast Pt Gobable.' 'The cerriP .Was seemingly deserted ' but Suddenly three arreW3 carne from •nrah.u.sh,.. one:. Of these • poisoned - ar- x-ows hit the' guide, A native poflee sergeant shot one.--of.,-.-thO--atteckert7 dead:: and the Quiet, fled: •.: .,The wounded . guide .lived .for two and a half days while SeigeantsUpton who , had slung, the .victira acroqs his eanieL middle, raced for thenearest` medical assistance.. But the guide died before •a,,dector .COUld7he ( reached, Now :t4e, same patrol has taken up the" hunt for the kilier.' Chinese Deliver_Blow SHANGHAI. Chinese military, sources report that China's north - 'ern' armies„,,spearbeadenne- ianied ,"Red 'Napoleon,' Chu Tel), have delivered netunning setbackto the 'Japanese along a broken 500, - mile front from Shansi to the sea..." The reports said Chu teh's veteran 'Eighth flouters, hard-bitten remnante of Chine's- old "Red Army," had cut through‘ the Shansi border into Ho- pei Proyince, and were 'attacking the Japanese froin, the rear. • " thanks doetor for year ad- vice, it , was • kind 0? 'top to take the : trciableof: trying, .to stop a. distressed :wonian front' dominating suicide." This . . . „ was the. riloss ge,flr. 1teou,r1.0_,Fontaine,„, ,..04uebec:.inedico=legal ;eXpert,;,r,ecelyed froan in unknown- WoMen,'OYet the telephone. ' • ' ' ' : " . Thedoctor, tried.. in •vain. to check, the---)telephorre-mmitrer,butlin-learired- --that-the-call had -ccme- over-aIi-auto--- The call leaves the etintinOlogist • perplexed because ,he does ',netknow v.r.hertber the 'Mytteripus, Wonian:oir the telephone was. 'the 'Woman who Sent hini; the letter' threatening suicide On Friday, or -Whether :it Was 'iutt'a, citi-', zen who was pleased".with the in '• 111 Whicli• he had bi-:Ought. the •inattet to • blic, , • Unidentified. 'Woman' , • 'Dt.,)Fcintairie has 'beeh'ihe recipient Of ,h,undreds. Of lettersandtelephone,. calls. at his heine 'and', at the 'medied. legal laboratory offering ' him • caeh: contributions; ranging. from 445 to 1? he could identify the unknown wom- an. In acldltlon, ,there • hive been ' scores of letters offering positions. • The doctor offered, hit :thanks to the Senders of all %these . messages' 1 of -7, goodwill and he had-deciaed to take a hand, himself in securing a position, for the; unknown beside beeidee-igiVing` her thebenefit of all the other aid offered, should•lie .siicceed in 'hailing .her. At :the Present time the -.doctor' ie wondering, if the wernaia is -dead, or :whether' his aPpeal. was Made in time to save her froth self-dettractien: • . Commentaryon the. .Week's News y dal**, InCas 1V445101 The British Horne.Office last week practised witli hal4e8 in a nursing hP.Mii, at HaWkellarst,„' Heat, as, medela ;4hgL;keet of Great 140. -7?i,Iii.iir----''4.ia737:0414; ;4' :t1i'c-:;;;i .t.4% xerao,!4:-.),gioe; wo thlnk, eteee: ahouht.. ,..ariPther war hr.aelc. out, is It net the. :baba iri Mins who Will get 'Abe- 'Worst • 9,t1:0! Stocl( Market Toboggans, • • r!Weatenedby a steady retrcatqlsince zti•47.:A4g,.usty,,..,:flo New tork,),,Motitreel•• and Toronto stook •thariq4s Went diiwk.' before a: selling whirlwind lust ;week' 'into the worst crash in more than four years.„. Losses in some leedihg. Indus. triel Issues mounted as high as lig a share, .and' sixty-tive, per cent, of the ,gains et the :past • two • years were • wiped out.., Though the eause, of the :Crash largely remakes a myttety;:aeme euthoritiee. Warned •the undue ,optira- • .10Witt‘ the beginning of 1947, And the • excessively glowing reports .on bilsi- --ness7-that-were-Tniede---atthat tlme; :President Roosevelt: refused to inter, • vene, would net close the ' Ne* York . exchange) nor lift trading restrletiOnS.-. "The dayti-Illowing.the:'cresh.,however, saw a; revival of the market when huga., international investment trusts, with bllhions OfIthallarala resources Stepped" in „and. bought from • speculators Who: .werOfrantle• to. Sell; It :was teated in lidmesuctriers=that re-naajor-'deireasion7 would folio* Close upon the CIAO', but It is now Pretty-generallY felt that the set -back Is only temporary. : '4etw.efia , the ).1jOinialeti" and tho: Proy- lnces—ln other words, "IreePiag Can- ada .upited"—inay he Solved -by the Royal,..Commission on Dorniaioa,Pra' • chit R.etarrineT•bendecr_177ciliefl- - Jnstiee-7Rowell. in- thel:eplitleitettre '4,4,44444 turned .troni. a confecnce ataeneya, - S,Witzerlend.. "At the, present time,"- ho 4�. have as outbreak et Beetles,' • • • (diem, in Alberta.that l fore:001e? • . • ` •,, • ; "1") 't Campaign Aglq040.• CZObrYIF,111; ), 1)(*4),ceaseItti gni r the. CzeChosloyal4an -Government ea' long as the Czech policelceptinue• to doWn Pre -Nazi demonstrations in that &ma - •tri. ,The:+Oerman Government alieges that the German minority In Czecho- slovakia are receiving brutal treat - meat at the heads of the police. The. pro -Nazi Agitation: in: Ciechosloyakia has, of course,' the, appreval, ot the . German dOyerninent which hopes •te gain .independence for the. :teglea in which .most of the:Czech:German rain= ority live. Asks -Improved, Banking •SYstem .president Roosevelt speaking at ceremonies dedicating 4the new Fed- eral Reserve. Bandies at Washington e, 1-,7-143----'vernment or he United States inustOinprove and co- ordinate credit machinery if it is to -"achieve and maintain an enduring prosperity, free .:from the disastrous:, extremes of booms :and depressions" The' banking 'system will have to be further • improved; 'he' said. • SecretarTiHull VisitsaCanada." . OT,TADA.-7L1United States :t Secre- tary of State Cotdell'„Hidi,.,arriVed at Ottawa on a visit to Governer - General: Lord Tweesnauir, was given. 'the :usual colorful reception accorded distinguished , guests, ' • I • 'Prime . Minister MackenZie King and .Arthur :Redfern, '•paivate Secre- ' ta-ry '.td the .Governor-General, head- ed- a -,partY-Ter-efhciala-Vilici,-greated •.Seeretary'Rell when he stepped from his private car shortly, after noon. Premier 'Mussolini, rennieg„tm against a_dangerena_Brit.7_, isii7itirench front, suddenly • droppedhis defiant attitude and agreed this week ` to ' collaborate in a' plan to ' vvithdraW :Fascist lilackshirts and other foreign "volunteers" from Spain. 11 l)uce's Conciliatory gesture, which, came as surprise even to Italian diplorpatr hopes Of solving a three-way deed-, lock with the Non -Intervention Coni. mittee And averting a crisis 'crammed with possibilities of way. The Non-intervention :delegate's' q , uick. to 'seize upon Italy't consent , to 'sending a -neutral "yelunteers". commission to, Spain at 'once, agreed that it constituted "a substantial ;de- gree of progress" and aSked that im- , mediate steps be- taken to put the, proposals: into operation. May Solve :OUr',Biggeit Problem Canada's. ".greatest : problem' • Ind- ing A satisfactory .hasisfor relations . Italy Capitulates • Fliadi-ng that he &mid no longer stall .on the Spanish war Participation issue, 'Mussolini, after giving all the corm- • tries. of. ' the ,world a bad scare 'last week, dropped his defiant attitude and 'agreed to co-operate lii clearing Spain of "volunteet" fereiga._„troepa,_pagett , - 7115-iiiiiinet a formidable Biltish-French ' • !tout, he disboVeree that ' • from his belligerent attitude w-ei the. onlyway out. Thus another ernes. cranimed with possibilities of war was 'averted. ) • , Itca• lir• Radio Station New Tubes Will.Be 1404 in, 111.40, toric Island's Single' Short, Range Transmitter , , , ,A throw back to the daYII...et the hs fOrY.thakiiikmatiny or the Britielt .tii! • gate Bouny is to,be found In the;lite• Of ' the, 'Petit:et( of: lonely. rritd.,,pacitie,:, • Pitcairn' id1O.O0,, Whlch is jal1y 1n;-- triabitod"ly. t4,9_0140,eig14110.1..MctrelTer. . 'wora.:44rot bo.00' roocityo4,1rom...ottio. „leis -Of ..the-JteA Manufacturing Comp.• •,.-any, that :they Were ..preParing-tp.,• 'Set :et traneDaitting and, 'receiving •„, .redle,• tube's.; te,,,Pite,Oirn.latand for In modernlzlng It -lone ratilo station, •-' ;.-*40pSIP!''#ft,'!11!.fr).4,1.=',10•111.P,4.,P41,.,:h or; . r; • 1 I 111 ;; I sertTaught Operators MC, call letters ofthe-island's only ' radiostation, It in charge of Andrew :.. • Young, chief operator, anty 4 .group of assistants, all of"whoin ,ore Self-taught •In Morse cede auil :iadre technique: .Alaa 'Enrich,' ,Writing in a recent ` ie. " 80 Of QST; :recounts that. even, the., ehtidten of • Adamstown,' the only .y114' ;,- .1age on the .Isle, are proficient .:Motse,' • ;experts, sending messages: to . each. other in" the cede With whistles: .„• ' . , Talks toH,•Ohlpi , Young's , Mtn& station has )been in operation: 'Sinai). the early 'giro .and pre, Yiens•td lit present modernization,OP, erated With one •iitorege battery, that had be sent to New Zealand, to be ‘.•)reelier.ged when, its, vower• ran low. But ! Pitcairn Island' ',hasbeen threatened 4 with even More Isolation from the. out. . • side world because the elinplasrYstal, -1"-Adio •,receiver and spark transmitter are almost completely outmoded., by the modern • vacuum 'tube, radio Instal. • .lations on Passing : ships. • • • 'Yetiee; :hes Made' it his task, to range with • sh ipinastere to,.; sten 'at taim,e,near ,dietenee from the :island, , He talks' with . vessels Within, a. 409.. mile radios; of.' the.. tiny' isle, •and ' has oe-cAlapn rece ve mesineees• from ye -stele "1.009 :Mlles away. Rad1i:0101.: regard :.this a; a -reinarkabh..featecin• .' sidering the age:of. his equl)ment. Kellogg:Brands:Iv 'Deelitrin" that he 'eon! e (mei apari's present policy ..• in: China; •'"neithet Avith the •letter nor spirlt Of '; " the Kelloggptiand Pea('' f"Acti" Frank' „B: Kellogg; co -anther of thepact and • former U. S. Secretary of -.State,• said at St. Paul,:Minne'sOta,' teat 'week,,,that the hope pf„the 'tor peacede. bends' uppn'the ,fhithful .adherence of nations ,•to t hei Pligh r id werd•-• The. -sobiety, of 'nations can exist only liven: foundationof;mutual-ionildencer-he. believes. - • ' ,;' : " • Monday And. for , the • first part of; Tuesday's trading.' , It wee, generally • agreed on the floors of ihe,exchangee,.. •'1 in the brokerage houses And in ,bank-, leg quarters that trading later in. the , week Was healthy and 'confident in , ' r Markel') .contrast .to the • "jitters"..1 More attention was bell* patd to-. intrinsic values and to uk-terT; prospeetsOf ' companies. , Aral; Attacks Centiiitze JERUSALEM:: •-• Elusive snipers kept alive t e wave o terronsin in the Holy Land this week -end by a -seriesiet.attacks...in hallowed Biblical settings: ' • • 4- The new attackswere a- continua- . tion of, the outbreaks whieit' have ' .teeillted in 'thirtYnine death—:six ; jewsazid, thirty-three Arabe since ' , , Greet Britain, as mandatory power, proposed the partition of Palestine. July 7,. • - • - ' Autonomous Mongolian: Gov't. : Formation' .or an 4.1autonotnens" -Mongolien • ,COvetriment in North: China was announced by a Japanese' Snokeeinen this Week. . , • The Government's Capital' Will be tweihua,.' ip ,Stiiyuen province, and .PrinCe. heredity ruler 'ot the .Stirinet tribes, presntnahly will be its ' :heed. The Market Recovers , Stock markets in Canada and the United States this week •continued the vigorous rebound :which started at the low levels of the security • Price avalanche ,Whieh 'thiew the, In- vestment world,inte a pante fast Italian Capital T4ed., -ROA/IE.—A io per cent levyon cor- porate capital to pro:videfends for lin- %aerial: development l armaments was decreed by the Italian Council of Min- isters this vieeliIt isexpeeted to raise between' five and six billicin: VUntoYet taxes Were raided libm 2%t�;3»etcent'. iiith-ininer stainp rhine-o Take Preeaution• s to Halt Invasion of Japanese' Fleet , Ono of 8tenniora that' (Jhiiia tc treVbra• the' InvOgili8A . i :hope to,tha*tOte0a1;41V.O.".Y; SO )." ; ;40o, • •/./,4,K i have: been Sunk in t angpoo 1.aTuthrige ttoo trihrits Utiatreant • • tanqings of Ja Dahoile tfoOlis an 444.4 , t - River, opposite*the'1,3und in Sliang.„ Ily blockfrig the riV,er, th� defend! .„ , , tt. duties added. ,At the same thee a Moire to attract foreign investors Was madeby nacal, conteseions and "free- n -dont from debt duties for 20 years, on capital corning to Italy befere ,Decem- bet 31, 1939, together •with a declara- tion, that such capital cannot be so .questrated evealn time of war with out indemnity.L. Brazilian Unrest • RIO- DE" JANEIRO, ' Brazil—Faced with giOwing political unrest! in Rio. oyayru do7Sul state 43 a..consequence of the resignafien of Governor J. A. FIA•es da Cunha, President Getulio Vargas this week decreed. Federarin- tervention. -in that southern state, • Gen: Eurico Daltro Filho, command- er. of all militaryfoices• there, was named intervenor for one "Year., ,: , .. • • Famous Seientist-bead —...CA-MI3RIDGE. d Ruthei ford -- one of the world's leading Physicista and director 'of Cambridge Uniter- :"aitY't famous Cavendish Laboratory fot, the past 18 years,i'died 11118'1w:eh; eked 66. Lord Rutherford was Mae- . • donald Professor ef Physics: at, McGill, 1LTniversit3', IVIontneal, from 1893' to. • The,emlnerit seientist, winner of the Nobel 'Prize -ler chemistry in,. -1908, failed to rally, froth an abdominal op- oraflon. • • 4 Sarrauts.Apoointed• PARIS —The Fterich) Governinent has annoeneed • that apPointment. tit forniet Premier Albert 'Sarrant as di- , teeter, ef French North African 'affairs restated' from a loss of newer by 'local authorities because of. •"top ;Much In- terference and outside !Influence." The, Cabinet named, hirn., to the ne*, pest and' gave him poiTora"of ••".tontiol, Arid coorditaition'? .ergeneral policy hi North Africa.. Trinidad Buys -afore Horses in.Canada Canadian,. hdraea of.the 'eaddle tYPO ate :ptoilag-emineritlY:'satisfactork for constabulary ..vvork: in the Britian #est Indies: ' A ‘ship'meht: of ,12 1iore, 15.3 hands high, • Weighhig apptoXimetel, ..1,150 'neu"nds each and from' 4-td..9 Years" old left. Montreal en 8.enteni er `MAU for the Trinidad Voilitalnitary, ,Ing the fifthconSeeutiVe annual 8100., ' ' 0011 froni Canadathat-bas been, Medd to that isisea.am.barliadOesi'The bor- 303 that Made no` the reeent,shiPriient• like the; other font Olpfnente; were all. 'hays and ehe(d.hitte; nab -allied 'toe 'saddle ntiriinaea, They were nureliehed in. the braninten-and..Allai drift. Oat,' ark), :breeding . stittioii districts, Were pertenallY,delect&f. by Staff Son," ,gOant 'Farrier .Of the Vrinidad • ConstahularY.." •' : So settsfacter.y, halo 'Canadian hors- es Proved; for denetabiderY Work. in . Trinidad and flailiadOeft that it Is tie!, dOestobd that, all hank') rnipplic's 0? mouifis lot the 'ISlandit Will be honglit' ( in Canada.. • • , , Coileae' Meht Need "Sell Therilsehres" Are So Ax!visea by - sttr 7-n tuffra isIn:eiig .Need.ior Siiccezs , 1.5Womne earl the ;' peeseesion:, oI krioWled7e theitinnly linYe been Mond -• by •educetrra to.,be,not: Al. the Mtar '0110e:ss 'for a. college nian. - In a repot 01 '.,•'erneiceTreent,ef ea.' leite gradUates"'iseued tV the Univer- sity of :Buffalo., inVestigators .declared that It ,becorning More and more Ini portant that "graduates' !'sell 'theni.,. , Selves."' . " • ' . . .. "At the close of the denresSion,". • . • • . °port...said. ....„ . -theu!',Ir-inntrle-Vinent..fi.gures maY -sun •:Daes:•tliete ,of,. the • 19211429 Peak,. rean7,, : college graduates ..;nre-ilestined: bl 'frequently .oneinplOye'd,.pr to ,.hold • Pe-;' . sitione:Whielt Are ''ordinarily filled, lees well-trained peonle.•.. ; • • Einpleyers.Flequire. It -"Empley,ers. through' improved i per; • sonnel serVicet; are requiring that the: graduates ‘Sell4emselves' More thin ''1 his ,means partly the possesdlett of good nmenere, neatnets, confidepco 'and apparent ambition. Above al) it is . dependent on submissive willingness to -Work hard 'as an apprentice."'.. • • •The report stretsee the imnPrtance ."personality" , in the graduate's Make-np, stating:. '"In !Spite of the ,frequent criticisms Of 'Unreliability of general ratings Of • pertonality. (by ptefess.ots), each type ' of indleator , seems' to have • decided, 'merit in predicting later succees.'.'. Oxygen e" Will Slice Steel '- A fine streainpf,liquid ixygenisthe • ,,lieWest 'knife" forslicing thronglithe, thick 'steel•glrdert, betund,: alatee _arid' !:rails, It Isrevealed in it patent just granted At Waehingten ,to 'George M. • . , ' Deming:of East Orange. 'NJ; " • 'oxyken' "knife" will , Cat` through greater thicknesses of 'metal than, It has.' been peasible to cut' heretofore, says ,the' Inventor,rwhnee ,nate.nt liris„been' assigned to the Air. . Reductieri :Company, Ine.,.Of New tora in eating, a .eteef •girder, :the !Tine molt, Which the mit is to be made Is pitheated to kindling tetnheratnre by it het. gas .flartie. Then the„liqUid'oxY), :geu. otrot'o” is' drawn oyer•. or tether • , diretted .agiiiatt tha heated riPOL The t'icnife" ciifs, sinoothly'.and .fitepit bY, rapidly Oicidfilag and 'ineeliaol-Cally, dis- integrating ;the Metal.. Streamt Of '•LiqUIci Oxygen . ••The IlqiiIcl oxygen slipply Is kept 'le • rt email lieht-hithilated tank.,-• .,A pipe froyjj ot the tank tanete Oft • . into •ti liotie,Wiiieh is ODeired'aUd eles!. ed by a needle Valve: It Ie tlirough this 11OZZle: that; the fine Streain of lIquUl oxygen whidlt ,totttio the ilturfew lij rotted unfrov•profiaiireigahiat the „Mei tal to he cut.jets through vhich shoot the hot flania ! that. heats the. :metalalong the line ct eattiam Mt the 'meOhaffithiti i aeteintili .ed to fella A &Minket Milt Whieli: Min ho tholrOd: 00.4611006m, to wakeaii,y! alto orf3.filiDe of eta ' • • '• s0; • 477--