HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-28, Page 3t " "
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PROBLE' (lInterna;tional, Teln-Per-
ance Roin,nn*
Corinthians 4,4p-1-1; CaT.a.,tbi
Cr;i1.1,t, and sball Pot fulfill lust •
g 'Galatians :fi
• TII.g.1.,ESSON IN ITS f'.',411.T.I.NO
Tine. -._The' epistle of ?.hl -'6 tIe
Romans was writte,nabout' A:D. 57.
N4s w1j40:11,AID1):41PO.I A,P,••• the
' 1
:!pii;t2e to ;ther4qaiatiana was, written
noiablY In the Year 61 '
.Tlace.,--The epistle 'to the, Romans.,
vas, v.vritten to Rcape from, the city.
f Corinth, in 'Greece; the First Enis-.
le t•C • the...Cerinthiani Was 'written
ront'the city of •:pheslis; while the
,piatle, to the •Galatians ,was, written
rorn•the City.Of Corinth,
12. The night, is 'far sperit, and the
ay is at hand. (See Thess. 5:5)...The
assage may refer t� our. Lord's First
Ldvent, When the,"daricrimolligatit_.....
niSin Ulan to,..pass, away and the.
ay of light and, iospel purity con!:
iended; it may_also refer to'tlie." ap.
roaChing•day., When.' the LrcI Jesus,
!hrint Y...otild come: baels aiain. "-Le
s cst of. the 'winks of
'o doubt the, word dark.:
ess Suggests `the .nowera of, the
rs o'f the darkness;' 'Who terni?t• the.
)01and,. intensify its. -telidencies • to.,
vil. The habit resulting front these
eedils here figured as.a night' robe :
hiCh .is to , benut: off is the Sleeper.:
.ses: to conflict:" ',And let ,u§ put, 011
•arnier! of light. . "There• the
gilt of sint_•.erity.; the iikht, 'puritl,
le lightof love' :the iight Of. joy.
3' •
le day;-„not,,in revelling. And drun-
eririeSS: • -Not. in chambering. (Pro-
!s•Ser. Moffat translates this word
lebatiChery,") And ..wantennese.
teat's' :net • only licentiousness., boot
taWleiS• insoleride and'tit-Amis.
' .
Strife: That 'is , con'.
dition,:-Whether it best home
among neighbois, in soeial:
gelds in.:busirier in 'a Church
nd jealOnsy: ' • ,
_gilled., With Thins of he IL ra•
4i. 'l3ut utye on the -Lord Jeans:
,'Christian life isnot Che'eMP-
Of the' tin nris Of the 'World •sci, ninch
..is,-erie.:filled with the tl,ungs of
kvalk,h1 dark -
on ' the; Lord' Jeans
' And 'itialce,.net provision for
p•.:1.1eah,, to fulfil ' the lust': tb*o.t..
,et the evil thing die of :farnineEthe ungodly ug,eston. perish or,
eer. leek Of food:, 7. Kill, your
1. eneinies' by starvatien...
ars to:the th,e_nrincildea duo eate&biL,
3 spiritual, ••••• ; : • ,
Or '•,k,noWire,,,00t *that- the 4.rintight-;
as' shall.: net. inherit:the:kingdom of
..0nrighteouSnesn. is Wrong' dO- ,
rof-.417:kina: A'*rnen who- Jive,
unrighte.ousnes.i;, the ,afieStle
tlsus herei and eishwhere,.ii•oite."
10 "cannot ...enter into the•IcingdOm ,
God: ,not neither
rhiTaterS,'2n4r, iffota-torai
rs., nor 'effeininate, nor':abnsers., of
thselves' ' With • , Non,:
eves; ner coVetone,'•ner-drtinkardS. .
revilers, nor:extertionerSkshall
.Orit ':the..kingdOrit of God
Lt.,. And inch, were sein of
; were. : washed.... It ..iipasibly
aria -that 2wh.enthey,.Wero
ing aecepted "the .-JeStfs
they deliberately 'put away
'filthineis of .these Sins .f on their..
But -.ye, -ere sanctified but'
were Justified.. r."It' in beat td take
ictified'• in the Sense 6f dedicated
lod, and `justif:ed' is referring,to ,
; nottial,; mei al righteouSeesS ,
'which is hreught tibotzt-,bytirtion '
Christ. ' the' name oi..••the
d•Jestis-ChriSt; and in the, Spirit
D nt No rria Ito r.'Low great;
peWerfial, .thesin .viili
t easUy hesetS, tiSi• the.Ahroe per-
of the, .'Geclhead can. certainly
itie :this' Sin, and deliver US; for
from its newer,' •
.nd ye shall net fulill.'tbe.
�f -
flesh;. `•••;,The'.,,,tneaning. "slinnYy.: is •
);• in its' entieing shall 'not .04;1 ,
in indlikence Of carnal::Iffeetions,
1g Other:WfSe occupied, coecij-
flhled up." .
'•,. 7: ' '
1.01", Foe the fie' sh. ltethganst
Spirit,- and the Spirit againstthe
ilslor 'these, are contrary. the One
tQ' the other; thatje „pay not do the
,things that, ye WOuld. 18.. I3ut if ye
aro' led by the Spirit, ye APo. net,nn-
der the. law..4 Paul.doe not mean 'that
auirl not
inadian Arctic,
Maps !mproved
2,000 Squire Miles' Acided, as Re‘-•
suit of Year's Exploration '
Two thousand square, Miles 'have.
been added to the 'map ot the Canad.,..
Jan Arctic through explorations' this
year ;of two young itglishmen, R;
Q. Bray and P. D. Baird. . •
They crone -out on the Mission
pt. Teresa, in' Beiteniber' aftei Year••
in _the Areile--.-Antt--- ,-intend_rpfurning
be sleles.to fleshly desires, but shall
live' in bur bodies as the 'Hely Spirit
dictates, not aT bodily. denire§ dictate.
This• qinilict':inet • present the'.
'.Iif‘reS nnijoevers.,
4 pw he flesh ae,
Taal:fwhleh •-are fo,rnica:-
unclearinesnt lasciviousness
Idolatry, sorcery, enmities, Strife
jealsOuSies, 'Wraths; factitms, divisions
.parties. 21. EnvYings, drunkenness
.reyelling§, and such like ;, of which I
forewarn you,. even as I did' fore.
warn ,you, that they who practise
'such things shall not Inherit the king-
dom of God. A" fourfold claisifica-
tient- of the fifteen sins here niention-
ed has •been sudgesteth (1) senspal
vices; (2) religious vices' connected
with heathendoin. _Malevolent...
vices, Oninities. trife jealousies ete.
(4y vices. of 035,c.ess' or intemperance.
WaIkIn the:. Holy. Spirit • ;'
',What should ,be given: the gr.eater,
ciriphasis in thiS••„leason is not •the
vices which:We are t� put 4\4/ay; and
deny, aild triunlph over, though' these
•certainly should he Spoken of, but the
_meaning:A:4, ancLithe--daily•-experfence
of .the &rums priytiege of
,the power and finder the,guidance
of the ,Holy. 'Spirit- ' The Hely 'Spirit
is ,a •person,.- the Third Person ' of
the -'Godhead.' 1 It is by the Holy Spirit
that We are indvirelt, „ As a Person,.
lie has 'a roost intimate knoivleelga of
each, one, of us. As' the Hely ,Spirit„
his desires for us are ,always' th'e. moat ,
13ray'and Baird,. who are classifyIng,
bird and reek specimens' at. thecanati,..
ian.ar"chives; Were' menibers of .4fan-.
-long ,ek.pedition, from -Cambridge Unt-
XersitY.,, '
, Many Ihaccaracies Exited '
waa fol•Jrld'tbatti man.lnaecuracies
:exinted Oti maps of the western coast-
line Of Baffin Island arid at 'least 2,060
square nilles of territory, were. added.
'Baffin Island wan foand ,to be a huge
• deposit of liroestene.
Baird, a student of geotogy, doubts
if mineral deposits will ,bis found In
gommercial .quantities' on , Baffin Is-
land. • ;
British Weald Laugh
Dtctator to Defeat
• 'A'
dictator would be Inirtted out
, 6f:office:In-pm montlis-iirT.In'glatte;'-
,•corkling.' to Sir 141tEcipc
legal adviser to, the foreign :office.
Speaking, at Dury ' St. Edmitrids
, :School, he said,: "A dietator mant,
. ,
•'; ways be taken seriously. If he's• not •
„taken seriously-lie--cannot,diiltate. •
"He Cannot possibly govt.' to be-
come an •Object 'of 2hu; er bu.t if a
dictatOr 'ever 'aticceede in establish- ,
,ini himself in 'England,; the .t,:nglish
-sense of hUmbr. Would have him out.
of 'office in abeut 'sik months:"
of the 'Spirit
: these grace*. :spring put..of one
living rept. • The origin' of this .fttlit
• :S. the Holy Spirtt, not man's spirit,••
; buf•;the tIolY Srdit hlmself Those
who are led by'the'Spirit'llot :only der
.,net do , the, •Wor'is -of; the flesh,:but
they bring forth the' 'fruit • Of. the
Spirit.", Irove: , This.... itends...1•:'firet,,'
the root of all: other graces .10%•e.fori
:God_ and Ao'Ve fdr . one , another. ,Joy.
"Joy -is OppoSed to (tallness, despond-
ency, indifference, and. all the• de
strnetions 'and rentorses 'which , are
*iatight by the wOrks, of, the, flesh:
•Aihis:joY:ia :the spring' of 'energy and
• praise wells •out' Of .the Joyful :-heart.
Peace. This first' peace, with.
God; Which has been-',obtianed for- Its
;by the Lord Jesus Ohrist., This. peace ,
leads, to prfect tranquility• -•-in the:,
+littrnan:•heart,. Longstiffering, "It
enables 'u -to• bear injurY without at
„once: :avenging ;•ourtelves.." ;Nindness:'.
• a:. lovi ig aircltsyMPart_Wttzing----th
.•GOOdness. is diffietilt'. to -
distinguish ...between ' goodness and
kindness,- 'though „probably. the latter.:
word meana'Itheactiral, isib1e manl, ;
festation.and 'ekerCiSe. of the virtue of
,kindness. Righ one r-
rnreeibei.....tht.•,.1Ovi joy,: and.peace. are.
virtnes that we haVein tiurselVes'by'
the Particular
regard to. -'other; 'except ocl; While
,loTigsufferizig, 'kindness, and•geodness,
'are never :developed extent -as weire
in ,corttact, With others. They are not •
virtries',...that have to do vith our-
-solves' as we are living iniong.: Men;
and WOrnen • • : •
. '23: ' 'A',grace of the
neui-• which 'consist§in Intbitnal- sub-..
Mission to the, :dealings: ef'66d:,.. aris-
ing ..froin the' senSe of • his' greatnens
• andthe thirid's Own • readineSs' to sin..,
Hence -then, .we are to pass over the
insults ;and .Wrongs infiicted by. mon•,..
as:permitted by 'Gad, and a part of
'his di§cipline."7 •That is; the holding..
in of the. pasSiOns and apPetites...'
Against' sUch there'is no law. Yen
can' neVek firid;nnY, laW•en anY. Of the
siatute-bool§S- of any•;Clirigtian nation,'
,.legislatingagainst- the. • virtues here
eimitierated;.. '
-24: And they that are of Christ
:Jesus liaVe: crucifiej. tho fleslt 'With
the passions'and 'the inks thereof.
.erticifying% tho,' fleSh and its pea-
,SienS an,d ItzAs •ineant .taking. a der,'..
liberate ,and. Pbeitive, ,stand agantit
dentinatien .inditel.
Merits, areekoriirI of ones Self to;
be dead...Indeed unto in, but to .be
alive' 'unto God.
• .
.Gold Used m
; Itiections Have •. curative Effe'et.
• • •
*jar:fie '
, • . ' • •
void. often' chaiged With money as •'•
being. , the . root of a71 evil;'!• , ere:
dited with Curative ,e fleets., 1 IT! setae
cases of :tuberculosis:
Fifteen of 26 .triberctear: patients
who -rebeived an inie$tion of prepared „
gold shesited,. ' fairly •encouraiing".; Ini-,. •
provenient; pr. lurelviti Tess reper,ted
in the ...letanerieau rteilew 4 Tahercalt ,
• .
. ti ^•-! !,.Y.;04. -•!411.41404;,i,it*IP.111".V.,,f,
! -41-r
. 1 •
• . ,
, •
• • .
PF,-• Ji a Hole"
tt...1.4t lierob
• in Chilut, so' they Play safe ,and,. skid for a du, out when. the planes''
start droll Jug overhead. The cameraman snapped. Nelson T. JohnsOn,
the United "St.atVa Arill3aleador to".011ina,"; on September 25, stepping ..•••
, .
, out of. h•ialprivate dug -out ,On the Ema'asapgrOunds 111 -Nanking. during'
' • •• was,din for 'three' days early in the
, •
Tests .,flosv That'Whiskers ra:r0*
' That Much ,Faster in Warn!**
11194thsi0 FlPrida
• To Florida, whi3OlcOra. - nearly
*twice -as fast in Bummer as in winter.
The Fl0rifla heir growing•
si,incLfn el Ortckli,..gfiilf,-
indicate .w1i84rs -probably
do' the same eVer'yWheio: else. in .the
United tates ,'•
Wheie'whislieit, red.
•, ,
,Fero ,kenVf,er,otte .ctitire.,yqar;'.qt
-wan� It?;,01qiicoVe.r the :effect
,!Beroj,'WeathelN^).hocanse the 1owe4
:av'erage'teiinierattir'•- 54". ••
- wa• , •). ) 1
•7:N:,•-,' Critical Temperature 65:
Put it 'appeared that aomethine krLp
pens: to whisker -speed at' about 65' Fa:
hrenhe it. That; 'Eaten observes,: Is the '
'average tennierature at, which heat, is
turned -on in honies andefftees,:.
That is.' the e,'critical" ,teroPerature.
.for whiskers,. the dividing: line. between
,tast'and slow g,zrowill. In January,„With-
.an average teinperature•Ot58, the
ly g•ro Wth,of whiskers' Was. 4, h ft over. a
hundredth ef ne inch on thef.aCeinen-
stited by the EatOns . • • ,
'It wait tWo.'Inindredthe of air irich in
. September, when the average tempera-
,the Whiskers enPareetly inalnng. New
:k,enr'e resOfutionsto grow bigger, and
:better, Front January to -October the
Florida ,Whiskers. 'grow progressively
:faster ni,onth :by month: . • ••
. •
• ,
' .,leptember-rva'H.1-gh'''
• Senteraber was..their,lhigh:.• then In:
'October, Nov:Onti.er.• .and •Decenhber
they: :declined. The,. 14barpdrop hOW-,
ever came in Nev,einlier whea: thehent,
Was:.iiirned' on: • • ' „ ' ' • ' '
.Tbe, Eaten•thethod• was to
whiskers ••;three trines a , Month.: This_
, .
‘' . Increase Resistance. ••
In,:the same 48:ratintit study"; Only'
, . .
• tOiir: pationti..iti• h. Control' group net:
,-,redetiting.the gold lUiSc'tiopS lmproved
;';411-fthoiie ;treated' Were ,advanced 'cases
, .
"ht ,HoCh•-,,Hespital,: a ,Sanateriairt,"N6w
. •
' • t
, (WA ,,„,•.1 ‘,1 tin,401 c,'•'11..). 605e4
4 Oilllv;'' ta.
• • bet
INY1004t106,1).144.0,04.1,-B.Eg.F!AYPOR, .
•.• ., • . • , • , •
Bathtub Songs
Of Men "Best"
Science has eXPlaified AVVIty
superiority eVer • a woman as a bath;
roorn singer. Sir '•Jaines Jeans goes '
into the sitbjeh, ilia fieW•hoolt ;of,
"Stieneo .and
, . - •
A ,ro,onl Of.11111a1,1 dirnenarens -like' a
batlfroein, lie SAYS, , Will •Make any.
nate below any.' .,C On echoing
rotind and:a bass-t:eriOr' voici)Wlfl
i•060;uhd ih 'It§ i•iciVie§ti Since ite.
harnitiniei:nre OnlY out h
slight' degree, •But thin' Is -not trite Of
s; soptaiio, ilonee the pedillihrly
'pleasure -of 'Singing in the hathroOrn;"
',Discussing the:bOok in. ati 'editorial.
headed "IVIttsio• of. Spheres'?" 'the' Lott -
:don • NeW84:Thronlelo deelareS; '"Sir
Sateen, Jeans etplitined .Why Men
giftg in. the bath 'HOu
e ght to ,g0,,
Mid ,(611 he.W. Le SOP ,theih," •
87 4 per cent • . -increased .• the • .;
• • , , •
botlirireey*thnee and' 0,t1mulateil forma.: , . ' •
ttleiret'S.cartitfetie;,'Df:-.Tess, ,.said.,,,
..teniperatitre; a.fgainxin...Weight and a•
•Mere. favorable.plood' Peurt..„.`:
'From Sp:. to, ettklitgranis of gold sot -
talon . were., injected a fter.'"a,,12-hput,
• faat, p!..Tess expia.ine-0., Only -a light
meal follows
lions,. Chief of .Which,i1Vni. Apalry.-met al
PeisOriing, . .• •,., , •
. Dr. 'Tess stated . `..‘th'ere- is h
sinall riuniber of: tubereulesle petieets, .
.probably one Or tWo. per 'Cent, in 7:them
the tis of gold' is'indleated. This 'group .
WW•tild torinist of patients- With.reCe.nt
,yolVernert -if Whom 'the disease is
act4te oi sub acute
Warned..against,.:Use of. the gold
• treatment ,by gneral practitioner's .but •
'added, ot 'hesitate to uSe-
the.•*futitre,,subj,edt to certain
itatiOn§.". . • •
Ctirative Offebte-or kot (I. were 61aini-
• ed, ;ea : early : .12 , years •!')age,•,,:put• the .
StinintY, just' eonipteted.as the -first
with. adequate Ihlieratory te.ste'
„ throngbout,'`..ile -physician a'sSorted.
, • . ; '
Bread and Beans Diet '
Leads to Long Life
13read, beans, ancl cheese inay be
the road to longevitY.
Pnvel 'BiskUP; a Young .Cieeh doe-,
, tor who has pased two
• ingatahnetl.S.andresPn:hefpohr
re'ihtl: fst.)3
district, Cable to the preliminary con-
clusion it had to 'do • With unifOrtndies -
that.,•for- generations seem to
have' ,been eSPecially stilted; 0 the
' In most cases, bPead beaffis •
were'the most important fobtls; Lit-
tle meat was,eaten, ancl.hen only in'
winter. , • '' .
: How Srnoico Inhate'd , .
• „. „
„. 'Moly 'people have. tbe...i,dea thet
Whew e. -seielor thealliOko,'
koes to his Inifia.rtild in then breath..
-cd 'out ,•again through the
It :vvOttlil . be inipoSSible ?Or' e..perSOif
to stand 'So n1uchrnoke. in *his hingd
--Withent Violent,. coughing. :Even 'a
• .einall 61nel:int of • Sniolce*, accidentally:.
. breathed into:the Ittrige 'bringS about'
instant eoughilik. 1/16164 arneke
inerelY toes -lo the beck Of the mouth :
where /the neStrila On:tot-With- the
.throat,_ and thengtibi1' up end- Oilt:
through.- the nostrilS: • -It Mayhe
ptished On1. of the .nos , '
exhaled' 1;ietitli trom the 'twigs.; :bilk::
:hone Of.the 1.;111014:i itZdtt
• 0, •
'the . •• :"„.
• • -4 . • ' ' •
• .
Grim=spectr udaii4e
, month, :three in mid.month and four
..•Sample .whiskerswere obtained by
taking One.,strolre of., a stral0f.,repr.•
titi,the right.eheek in•front of the..eir. •
,An area -of a -square loch was tiara liar-
: vested:, •• • '
, • , .•
The', Whisker cutting Was'. done at:
. ,
,•a4olit••• the .;saine ;hour 'ever), test day
' • 'and 'alwaYn With the sante, technique.,.•
1C'IS".of 11 b- itiossun,;•ors of. .deat11,_
• So 44201y ilscd, by. Japanese bomber's on ratdingi exPeditioas ever lart37
°Miles° citfp's, 'Iniye 'been ei•ecteci., in the parks' of Nankitik,... cbiea,. ; to
make the People there di :'iid npncled T119 gioit.„gytriliols are ,four f••
times the height Of a nornial : • . • • • r, •
4.: Shipping handled •at the Port of The richest grOwtivoi bambeo is.111
Glasgow, Scotland., in the last fiscal tropical Asia; •wliere. the , plants, thrive
year totalled' o,Ver 15,600,000 tons,' an as far north as . Japan and 10 T10000
all-time reterd, , , ,feet or on, , , •
, ; .
, .
Learn Chinese -
Etiguette from
Book of Rules
•Cei-„?es. in Handy,•ta Tell Holly,.
Natives'Ehould Act
" in a-:FIhn • •
•., Patterns '• Filial •
:••,P.ietYp' Proved- a valuable,.referende in
e.:411 The_apott
ag7for7autlret , . .y Iude
: pitting; chinese dep,orttnentSpeeeh
oncl'ruanuers',.Sidney' Franklin, the .d.i.•-•;,•
,,rectOr; Viand rePeated:pceasion gen-,
:suit" title' voltime,'. cerresPoildilig
.46U-olV: to American', 'beolcsr.' Of :ea.'
enette but a much mere iniportant
',.facto: 111 the 1!'. es of :the:Chinese, On.
the set;'.0.1:se,'•whs.,Cene.ral7heodore'14:
.tlinical: adviser; lent ,by.he' Chinese..
, 'Luise Ra the -O -Lain ; of; Die
toplay,, Could not walk •',8146,',W •Side,
'With Pnil Itinni".aa•Miarig Lang for
, that would' lave •beeti,n, .13'rea:ell, Of Tub.;•,'
,lie etiqUette., ,A .Chinese
'behind. her..lerd .MaSter., . •
-6owto Youriger• ".. • ,
/it One 'frsenttence :Waiter •Cennelly,
lYaS, -ealled, Onto.111,1 his
slIpPoPac6inVzahiasnii/rilyes,1:s:. eb,10;. Yede.drr,•.,u•Cbe:xnpoloalilny.,,,
could no, :act,
Cording to ':fho.."PatterriS,7 how tothe,••
younger, when children' -ad::
.,dresetlicir 'elders .they may 'not...adept
'1n :nfoi mal 0:•ettatter,lone..,- An honor
.able.prefix rind••beW Mt.l.st.: Ceornii-
any eaeh.Sainatatien••.;
fel; cliiid-e'en`:We're. • Most
.eate. 17tVlien brothers 'were, 'shown
'..qt play, the'elder,:th„Piigli .he va ,ohly
' eight?, had , liesed a.te,..Wh i le • the, s
,'7,0;11•,ro1d.' romped " and frolicked. -As • .
brother'it-,:wee neeelfserY for, the' .
ei.g.ht-year-old 'to set, an exantlile. in,
felityw• truititi'g, but regarded it mere .
lv as the folly o youth.
• •
•* • .4 • '. 4 . •
, •••
-•• 41V.
edding Rii Mad','
Into 'Ammunition. •
Chine4,6 W.Orten
' OrY-lo Help War Fund °
• kov-e,d the apnea). of ..Mnie,
an Itli-$11e1; for' belt., te: fight
• •• .
Ohitiate. Womee, *re Convorting •ther
wedding rfngs,fnto buriet.5. . „
, gay thoUSands. Of plece,e cf •
014. '404•• silver Jewelry are' national. , . _
411 41U
r Whole, piles of •heit!Poios' we-e:seen.•
.• today at the central bank of (Thina's • •
atatibn-', where • thewere •
,. contributed •tiaPaYMeq,•,',for %var. Joan ,
-b9N•Tr7:1(;'st'llo7rn'.7y'' 9, .°;:lii F''';40'"I'r‘,11' Vq•ar•riti''aA'n%CV7:p'b..fT''f'itphr-11'1'.)"ji:/'11.1:1:111.1,\:ti711, f
: ; "tif e r. Tr;e' 1 'F',,,,,-,,,!,.a7,11.,,,i .thZ..,ir'PTWOotti ' ' ' , ''..' ' . :
. ornanienta, but the ricl:sha...coOljes,.and : -* . " '
. • peananta.crowd the , recef yin,: '1'.1—n.•;‘,1, ...
. ,.. ..
, co ,t•Ull.l. 411,•,th.,el.7 last faTilllY. Vallbl..eff;.• .7:-":"..,::. •
, for bonds, •
One Jman was.
'seen to give .
set of gold teeth. • •
- a
Burplar Pauses -
To Do Maesage
' • '•. .
• He. gives Victim Etiff Rubliingl •
How a burglar storoned werit long
enciught to massage his victirres'neck ,
to relieve pain.caused...by n n'sirius in.,
fection was related In district court •
by Police Sergeant James' M. Igoe, et,
•• Sergeant -Igoe.: prosecuting Robert • . .' •
Ulrich, 25 of Rcriton, and "StoCkton.
Calif, on a 'Charge of an,rned•rehbery at
the home Of •Mieses Elsie - turd Rosa„ ..; , • ,.
mOnd , Coolidge, of Watertown: %said .• ' .
the ministratfOns Occurred in the.borne.. . • • • •
of John Cron m • • .
officei. said • Ulrich awakened' • -
'Nri Cronin,. who; said Jn ic1 don t. •
make. an ..n is ” '"._
• th). inr? en d et,'"Iaart
hie •
trouble' •
. .
• • 'Rellevea•Vietim,'s • •..
. , . •
1 The-, burglar recomtnended a.' Mes- • •••
• sage ..to'relieve:\sinus treuble,the.,offi-• • .. . • ', ,;
'per added, and :acliniilletered a stz,•• ."":
rubbing,T1101, Ser.:giant. 'Igoe told.
Judge P Sarafield. Oro! ;
1.1;1 where-t.k,...'!"JeW '40.1lisarS" •••",•'•;Y: • . •
, were: hititleri... and.I.Thich...toolc .thetn.aoct :
• • •
The testimony came out .at TJlrzch s•
arraignMene on :the '1C,Oelidge charge /
only 'in Which ',$425 In •pask, and -two, • •,1)
)"wrinegr,a akviliethiadn;t„p?tgar,veekabt?e,eTr.i.Vautdeierif..i.":;!Sr,iiiocio..
:Cane as Continued and Ulrich' Wair,'•••• •
held ---in ,$25',006. baih, •• • ' • • ',);",•''''.I"•*' •
men's .Feet -
re .Now - Four
, • •
• , .
Past' Two. Decades Have SeeA- ,
Change of Average from 81z.e.
4 to Size'S •=•--- Still Crowing .
'Milady's foot, once distinctive and
smart OnlY if appearing ultra smatl
has grown an average ot four sizes 'in ' •
the past to decades and is, growing.
. •
.. • , . •
Furtlierniore, modern, alt di '
• ,
3v0Men n0 longer 'object to •• WearIng, . ' •
larger;sized 'Shoes,. , ••• • . ",,,,
'They ak for them -They ..liaVe re- '
`notinced the tiny foot as a criterion of • .:
:feminine loveliness and are:, going in •••• • '
tor' ComfortAn their footsyear., ,
ipng .te 'the president:of a shoe Store' ' • •
. . • .
. • •..... ; • Shoes it, Setter •.,•• ' •• .•,... •,, .'„ •,., • ....'
',,-• Woirit,Wsf eat Witt continue'. to gi:;6* ;.:' • • :: .
..,but!!‘to'cl4;5*,:it-is'ari:'8:9- -.- . ..... , ' • : - : --',-,.. .
1.70fity years agg'wes a 4," Griftin said,
,`.'The .ave,rage "size of worneri,,s 'shoes .' • ,,
, .. , . , •
, , :
;la. 'tor. f,or !e.Veral ,s;ears,t; 'griffin ', be
lieves..new,,t1ntt slioe§,:riettialIV fit :Ind.'.
"parrn'it preper•pedal ,clevelopinent. ., •' ,,''.' •
• ..'"Most itritiorta:nt of 'ail: wolacn to- : • .•.' •'•':
day'don't'-werry,about their teet'beint ,' :,•.; ' : ',,:",
1': g' .Tliey:,,a're willi.m.i, iri .i be fitted, ' .; ' .. ", ; • .
; instead -of ddniancling pertain Sizos..tis.
rally too .small, Qriffin 'added. •'. ' , • ••
' ',Ho' explain'e'd the inereasing Size * • 1
, . .
• ,
•ef.wonfenal feet n's. aim to gi6a
ai - dual...' -. . - ',
-, .
. chahge ;.fro.h1.,..•tpd-zhiall,• . •crhiTitiiig,..;•: .. :---• ..,•
, StYled:for-CoMfort Aill,• ilot..tor:,lwov. , "
..'olio,' to .narrOwer,longer.ttnd rnhtlete..,
fit shgee whiell. the wonieri of tedAy in: • ,•
•sisVon••,buying.. • ' • . ', • .' :. ••• ' . , .
- ', ' . ,Atiow„Normat GroVv.til" •, ; .,':
' ' "It ,a116'w•alirerplal. feet' gro,w,th, d Ht.; •. •
fia"eX,plaiiied„ ," W'onlen sa)', too,. to'ht .'•
' corns, and butiongrare ninell:- leS,s, fce, ;
i. :: '
• .. .I
II C'1:1eCirlt"
lif1;:t' Said t•imt ifi .the 20 year; liC. ' •
II:id :geld. 1Vorilefi'ls silee:ssizes, indi•ezia.
• ed te;the•Ne,' .8 average:.--.,' ' •• . -,
• "I'lle',neW. don -land Or -rt. '80'1e...that ,." '.,
..,,' : '
,fits' the' fobt',..instead Of 4110 fancy, 44 '.
'I'low,T1' by:,the• fact 'that ninny. shoes'
. trent rs A'S to -triple It's .-4-' aro , sold, , • • .
• now — .a, thing undreamed 'of. a y'otif ,•,'
,l'oday by, fiir, the' greatest titunhor
6,f shoes. are Siie 8 )fhito .pooti.oti'ild •.. • -• :'
fittingstin 08 and 10's'Ure liet11.1;i:t.'111)..) •
., .. ,4.
••••• No Looper Atliehled.)'' • • "
,').•Afero WOrkitur • aMt ,(7tt
tbOr feet tory tlihn 20 '61,..-,11 ,yocfrs
ago, and obt nn5at/t411Tailil
lige of 111061"' 10 in3140 ' '
. .
• • ,
t,11661;!/11:1:61Isi'r:ly,11011allit118; :11 "11:;); t,,r‘;;Olttit!''.111t;)
no I on arii.; h in a" Of • ,
‘1 tlt&t W tit .1 IT of siie Oy..7
..1100$(1,...1.10t.ter .ritowth 014
coultort. ,
• 4. •
'. •