HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-28, Page 1.4 S.2.99.‘A YvA.4.-,,s1;59,Ix.ADVA,Net --09e EXTRA•TO U A. • •• , • • KNOW,ONT.,• 77.1i.P.:10,0-Ay,;pco13,R, 28tho937 Dr • Treleaven - DENTIST E1fEPII9NES, •'PWIttiliC1AN ' office t,i!0.-333, OrBy' 141init ' . • • • 'MANX PAX •14AsT OEsPECT To J. G. ANPEli$01k.1., •TH.U1.1s1)4.kt 2111,11P247$S*4.tpf--';j-*:,igt Chuteli ••last, Thursday y was .. largely attended by ,men:.and:worneo.••of all ,walks.- of . life, ' who. : "gathered AO, Pay ;: • • .• . , 11,•••\„,• , 0},9afoo?•1•[99zyn,•1-'111.!•'-if !WI ill • ' Rev. Si.T ' Tucker preached • an pressiye service, 'Paying ' a fitting tribute to the <part Mr,. Anderson . • .pIayed in. the business and chard' life of the; community. During the service, !Mrs, J., W, JOyzit and, Miss Belle; Robertson sang "Jeans Lover Of My Spill”: ' Aniong those attending the service. were R. J. Deachinan, M.P. for North - Huron; • R. •Tonilinson; M.P. for Bruce and C. A. Robertson, for Huron -Bruce. • • • -- .Flowers that 'banked the casket ev'-, ideneed: the popularity and .'respect Mt,-AndrsOn enjoyed -nd scoresof, • . Messages 'of • condolence pc:kited in from wide spread' points as a result of" the associations ' Mr. , Anderson w • LITTLE'. PIGS, for sale -John 11,acr. ,LePd, R R. 3, H91Yreed. ,FOR RENT --Apartment and, garage Apply to Mrs, W. On :.johnsteete. , MAID WANTED -General seryant in family of two persons. Address re - rifles, giving references to Box. 303, Goderich. • • • API?.1..ES FOR, SALE -Choice ' No. , I, Talman Sweets, Spies and CoOking, Apples for. Sale ,at Joynt's , Cement *Warehouse at C. KTFC 'CAR FOR SAL -j930 'Whippet in good, cendition. ' Hot waterheater,'. new set of, chains,' .trunk carrier on rear, Apply to • NOWriali 1.;owey, • Tevvle. residence,, Lticknow. -STRAYED, to the premises. of •-the 'undersigned, a''-ted,.;rOan -steer, .2 -yr. -old. Owner' may.. have *same by prov- ing property and Paying expenSes.--7 Cliff: , Hackett,, R. 7, .Lucknow. • 4, • , • Relief tar FilleCITO PLAN TO. HOLD' ciRECkAlt TbURN.AMENT NEXT TiftlftsPAYJ (0,11.fra'etOr; 111SOCte a act f,LAndar 1 1 Destination 'As. Dinartiore, natiOn; Sinea! Bean "Receiv • And Shipping Of 4.,Seconct Car' „ r"1 ,C91!8Aqjr04 , , , ,er tunnament /-t-r patr c o-. rmplemeiit 'shop - next :ThitradaY eV - ed ening • November' ,4thi at'8 O'cloek; Der-T,ik SVpttlerls:. 04 -Rosa -MaeMillan :win „not-, be ',Chosen ,ni4iI•„0:e Ofl:1174'l.WJ1,1filed•Oart :le 1 ;'-,.• • :•••••• !! ,for Din more Sask. •This year the car • wa lied to its utmost capacity and the , , . committee in charge wish. to: express hearty . tkanks to the varlet's com- munitieS for their :generous donations and enthusiadin shown in this worthy cause. Our • faith in: humanity is eet- tainly revved, :when we see exhibited Such • willing effort to: alleviate the distress of, the , stricken ' areas of the Wet: The .connidttee: vviShea , to, •convey , • „. thanks- to, the CN R frsr:free, trans- portation Which alone makes .,thia: wok possible and to Mr. the local agent, for helping in everY, ay, and not fergetting ,the editor had 'Made "'during •, his business ..and _political career. . • Interment , was in , Greenhill *cem- etery With James R. Hackett, Robert -Rae,. ,Ilarry McQuilhn, J W Joyrit, Hugh Macintosh' and ,Alex • McCar- ronacting us pallbearers;. -FOR.' SALE- 3 1lereford: Bulls; .and JO months, old Herd, fully . accredited- and bleed tested; also one 2 -year ,Old. •Leieestet .ram and.' 3 rain lambs , George Kennedy, .R. 1. „Lucknow • FARM POE SALE' - 100 'aereS, choice land, goo & barn and house, --,running Wateepikot.,9; den: -3:Kiri1esS,. Estate of Colin 'MacKinnon.. For. perticalarS, apply , . ROD • MCDOUGALL FOR SALE-0"7"-rooni house, With , large lean-to' Wbod-sheC.,..first class • shape; Hard and Soft Water; % acys of good garden; two blocks north Of; 'Main street, Lucknow. Apply to Mrs:- l\i„:I• Darrow.: • P E.J2, S N A L.. ! uk-ki vicdR ONCE!, fisw..,o4TREx..Ton!C Tablets contain t•.tirinilants`.-One clese peps up organs, • glands.' 'If not delighted, maker • re- price paid -$1.25. Write 'McKiM'S DRUG STORE: • . . COURT OF liEVISION ••• Notice is hereby given ; that Court Will be held. pursuant to the Voters' Lists Act at the Council • Chamber, -'77-76on. Ashfield on yednesky-,----X-o-Vf•-• - ember 3rd, at 3 . O'clock., P. M. for, hearing all :complaints iade. against .the. First and 'Second parts of the Voters' Lists for .the 'township: of . C. E. 1VIcDONAGIL Clerk • • ' MEN - AmbitiouS, .active, ,:• trust- . worth, preferably wlith: Cat .• exper- ience helpful but not , essential, to , distribute: household, farm, medicinal', and aliinentary: p'rodtictS. reserved terriCories. Cash TermS. Fair, profits. No risk. Splendid business oppertun, 'Ries for .willing worker's. Complete 'information. • 'WRITE : FAMILEX BRODIJC'llS C(X; 570 St Clement St.,. Montreal. , I'LAir. AND DANCE , the ToWn. LuCknow'....Priday October at'•.8,36"feecloek,...Undet noaii.cea of ,Lticknow .0,.•• The Play,'.Sten On it Stan" Win, be,•pre- , sented by TeesWater Dratnatie followed by 'a, dance. General adrriiS- Sion' 256; Children MUSic. by, Ho-' orchestra.. • '• •', • MASQUERADE•DANCE • In ,•HolYrood„ Hell; .Friday, Octo- ber 29t11, under auspiees Of the WO.' reeres• Institute. • Prizes .giverr.-...qoli:,! Gen- eral Admission, 25c...'MdCartney'S4 chestit. • •• *.1 ' IIALLOWE'tig, • Mrs. .1,41ton's--tronP. of the W. A. will.hebt;s Hallowe'en bazaar in the 'United church this; b•lridast,:. October 39th. Tea 'frbrif thiep :to o'clock.' Silver ' "• MASQUERADE DANCE • . At P•rtrittrietirit' Monday' November Hogan' S 'OtelieStre..Genetal ad driiSSiOn 25e 4 PriZes.--fliney and teitil&' lady; ' Taney, and • tondo • gent. doSternes- judged at ri'elOek.. • • ' • ntittN VVV3STEitin Clinton:'Hospital, Oh Monday,. October 25th, to Mr, and Mts. Watson Webster, a; daughter. • Considerable improvement was re- ported the first ' of the week in the condition of Mr.. A..E. 'Silverwood, head or ilverwoed Dairies, who ,suff- eted, severe head 'injuries in n motor: accident 'near Haniiltori Thursday; Mr. SilVerwocid-, remained in a semi- •• ,e_onscious,:condition ;InIlernilton- Hos- we pital for many hours 'follovving:. the. fir Mishap: • • co of the Sentinel, for the notices in- ,Perted::--The---cenimitteralSo express thanks to the St: tielen.'S NVoinen's. Institute . for ;their-, liberal' donation • and. Silverwood's Dairies for the Use of trucks and to all and everyone ; who. helped .with the trans- portation ,and 15ading of ' the, car. Since the' car has been ihiPPed,. .e.s„;.eral.,ido-nat-iorrs4ave.,,ecrirfe"-in'r'afitl are "stored at the station; reSulting 111 the committee • considering shipp, nig 'e second car. Will the key men,. or others, please let us, know of the feeling in: their. community. regarding the. possibility ofi, loading : another, cat. The. committee feels! that, owing to the bed weather conditions, ; many re „hot-a,b,le.,-to-:cantribute to the st car,but ho,1n two weeks' time uld do. so; •^ -OBITUARY • MISS IltAGGIE ..LXONS, -.Death on Monday 'morning' removed en, esteemed. and 'One of the eldest :reri•--iclents the' • ceintininitk- in the porson,of Mis Maggie l• 1..Yons, who pessei)' away at at._ her ..home in the vil- 1:i, after an' eict.O.ndd 3lisi-7Ls.rerni has, 'been ,a :continuous Ihe vi1lag1. for Sixty -Six years Coining •h.ere•-as 'a Young: lady, 14) keei 'imuSe for her • brothers",.. fia'in mid: 'James 'Lyons rest-, DIED . Clinton. on Tuesday; Oc- tober 26th, 1937, 'Isabelle Kirk, in ,her 83rd year: The., funeral service. Will -•-'be -held „on: fridaY- at 1.30 o'cloelt.- -at Davison's Pi:Mei-al.:Parlors.. Inter- ment in Greenhill Cemetery. ......- :haVe-2beetr•'411119inted--!eaPtainSe Aides 'is oPeo 0.,!everYcineiand Ian.: evening 'keen. eorntetitien cen. be loOked fot. •••••HALE1.- HOLIDAYS END This afternoon (.Thursday) Is the last" half holiday of the season; and the Public are asked to bear in mind that c,ommencing next weelt;:buainesa places.: will remain open all day each TbutsdaY. - 'Coinciding with this; the •majority. �f bLisiiiss dose Wednesday even- ings, which .will also; •become .effective neict, Wednesday. night. • *VETERANS JOIN' LEGION ' A meeting of Great War .veterans of • Lueknow.nd iicinity, was -held -in the..Crange, Hall on Thursday,'eVen- ing, ,when seven of those % present be - :genie Members iof 'the Winglia.rn 1.e,4 ion, With Other 'members expected to join •later. . The meeting , was in ?charge - of Kenneth Weaver; ,zone representative who,, assisted by W. W. -Arrnsttong_ and ':Scotty" b• ' Wingliarni dealt •With,., different phases Of the• Legion,. its. 1,,Vorli-, apcorriplishment's and objectives; . ' Local . inernbers. join the yfingharn Unit, until .stieh a tinie as they may be, 'strong enough to organize loeanY. LET'S HAVE A • LETTER A fol.& isStis ago, we inVited ,Sub- scrihers and- espeeiallY LthOSe at distance to contribute' letters to The „Sentinel, suggesting 'Something: Of an -Auld .Lang s.Syne nature.' So far, we haven't heard from ..any of .enr: readers' ,aricl. 'Well be clisepriffinled if We don't', hear ....from at leak a 'few; recalling • some iriteresting_loccurxen- ces of days that are. gOne, as wel)) as telling us Something- of.: where', yell are and what yeti are doing new. re114,,_ ry'Saiw, EXPresses Satisfaction '', With.; eon-. .stitictien And -/IitteriaLlAnliding 'Is' /Pink, .Braced ,T4r,*;lifinizk' G;Y1: 211.14:',M9ra' Th,ap,,11.149111,8irength,.*, .t1 !WadrrSda'•1•11.814,',',•11the,C•!.'frP!rnfe7,1, iwork ecinstriietion. Of the .:arena • had reached about the • half* ,way mark. Observers who :are shoWing, 8imarkedt . now ginetneerreasltlYiP•of*thViosptrinrorti"th::: it 18 going to be a :fine Strong 'building. This. is in eifrittast to .a flood of: eriti- cisrn that reached a peak Yollbwing the collapse ten days, .ago.. The structure 18 approved 8130 by, builder .and Contractor,: of long. 47'. Petienee„: who was sent here • by the. Roofer's •Supply Company on: Mon- day, to inspect the building. Henry Ogden of:Ingerioil who conducti---his-own--budding---bustnees;• and who:a few: year ago was with. 110 Roofer's Supply , Co., was the nian appointed by thia firm to insPeet he -*irk:. " ' . • ,-,...- -7X,EVICreirSie-iTtqhe day het, eon - lilting with and assisting L. We- er, who is in charge of, the work. He ave. some ' instructions regarding a bracing, to b0 uettvv,:in14:icaloitg.41itahgean:t4; es of .the. frame. and Other' Miner detaija that ill add to the strength of .tho'build; • Mr. 'Odgen, in meeting with OW , f :the members of the .Conricil- and remittee assured.. them - r .41,11t=pt. 'A'••-••• 14-011b. • OUR .mario QUALITY AND SERV/et 1 .1 I p.1[N.Apt.1.4 LATER CAKES - ,CHEI1SEA BUNS .14ONPY. & RASPRERRY;JAATS'• . • •. ,• •• ' AND MANY • 9Tugg vAtiltrig$ .To glifOR7i FROM HOLLYM 'BIBLE INSTITUTE OPENS THIS FRIDAY ,The Opening Eiercisesof the Loc.- know_l3ible Institute - • the Presbyterian Church instead , of the Town Hall this Friday evening at 8 &deck, '• t• • Mr., Lleyd. C. Clark, B.Th„ of7K-P-71.1ondOn...Bible- Institute bring the message. of, the 'evening. The inusielwill be in. charge Of Mr, Hartill,'• Music pirectet, and tet of students also froth the, Insti- tute. Rey., E. M. boney, Th,13„ pastor of the Wingham Baptiat, Church, Will act as, chairman. ' • . OrtrFxrdar- evening 1-•NIXelfiriff7-6.fir• •• • • • ,'• • • • • ' the regular classes of 'the Institute will open in'the 'Class, Rooms above the Express -Office Following. a a list of 'the sUbjectS construction was .quite:satisfaetory. kore bracing is being. t ' b tiveri the :trusses, .' he . dieted, than ia custOroary in. buildings Or' this type, •of Which he has had: Wide :ex. yerienee___M„,.. grafting' niid-coriatruct ing. He approved 'of. the lumber be- ing. used and :did. not hesitate to give his stamp �f • ailli31oVal. to the build-, He. will twain ,inspect the building: when the framework is completed rnaneteheest.eres ,the placing of 'steel coin- .• With more faVerable, weather this week;_"the,..construetion erewe-ik mak,: - .ing better progress, and by the 'end ix the 'tveelc th majority of the bu ses should be izi place and braced. t and the teachers' who will `. Neve charge. "Synthetic . Studies . of 'the, Bible and Its Books!•', Rev. Job* K. MacGillivray, 'Teecher;. ."The. Great_ Doctrines • Of ; t 'e, -Bible; ',Rev, !-David " :Who.; was .7fatally E. M. Th.B.„ Teacher; •amis_ jilted in a ;motet necident in .4014 4ienS".,•-this. Margaret TU1'ner, Tee, field ihent 5.301' that afternoon. - cher; "Chapter ASimithary" Pearl E. The young Man Nives.‘ returning' iiaderson: The last - two Eire.oftern Work in the Township, with _Bea for young 'peeple; 14 to 20. Years: NPaerakr, jdariitest vv. g:b.a light model car • 'first Siderriad, west of the . Gravel 'Acoad; between. the 1.th 1414 Atk con- muLLEiv-t4POgs - k the iron rail. o mthrecda;upgchetemr,uHpettri7IToMr,oanrgtou,ersitiitne :hitisis.c;beealtiheVed over the heart., calisi:g Within .Et ,learn` orients, Rintardii*-• The • car- 'was. hridlY--Wreeked, If....A,V1.11..,....;:'11444-61 Y.° . . • naturally equipped: to read eleir- IY• I, You mist, secure aasiStance. „•,:,•„THEN the.....type,.. is .-plairk,-.-and•-- ..yonr eyes • are not subjected to ; strain. And there is .then no reading problem lat . all TRIA-SIR° . . tYE;SIGHT, SERVECE, ,Luckitow At SelimicPri Jeivellery. Store,. • All Day .Each Wednesday and • ,Eich Saturday Morning: d (DUNG.ANNON . 4. gloom was cat. over,the' village ,on Monday :evening, • when it was learned .of ,the 'tragic 'death of one ot the ,young men •Of the commtinitY, • WEDDING BEL Aing of a bridge, spanning the Ni t the-kone-.0.1-1/4K-arld jai River. Two' of the Ailing' r° A. • Geddes, -,Lucknow, the marriage pierced the car striking 'David Nivens of dents, of the village, who engaged in tbe: cooper trade: William.. predeceas- ed her 1,6 ,yearS' ego. and, her brother „James, font years ago;.. ' Miss: I,yeiis, who: was in her • 86th- -veal, Cid:righter of the la Theiiphilbs' and- Maria- Lyons, ; boi-n. bunover, 'hear; ,Belfa J re la (I, on May .1st, • 1852:- • , , The: -area .h‘i'd at .her '11 rdsidence . ,Wednesdity, , • 'Conducted' 'by Rev:- C. H. ;MacDonald . . of Lyeknow Presbyterian, Church Iv filch • Miss Lyons jvas ' a ..,lifelong mid fait,hful ;Member::• interment wile it! Diingadion 'ceinetersi. •Pallbearers were Albert McQuoid; J., L. MeMillan; ,W., Win; Spindler, D. C, morran and •Jarnes PiCkering." te nd st,., • Appreciated Gift— The :following. letter tojthe W. M. , and :Home, ' Helpers :is an apprec- iation' Of the ' wedding gift sent.' by 'these SopietieS to Mrs. Annie Nigh- , .• • lson (formerly Annie Hughes) of • . • • Tiodord, Oct.4 16; 1337.. To the Moriberi..Of South Kinloss • W.M.S. and Horne Helpers. Dear , Friend's - Received your lovely gift,- and I Will always prize it y9ky much. Words fail me to express my thanks_ -I feel of Trite unworthy. • , •,. I' haVe. a, warm Simi., in MY "heart for South Kinloss' V.M.S. The meet; nags; Mere always so education at and inspiring. Have attended • other W. M.S. Meetings, but -none of the, ever 'VVILLAAAA". ItORERT DURNIN ,Deatli. came • Suddenly to Williana .Robert ',Dtirnin. while Working" in-: tOrnip patch at. Nis heine Ttie day; . morning. His ',death • Was 'Et'.• di tinct shook ,to Mrs; W. S. Reid Jean .Durnin) and a A08e friend;:r4 Joseph lion,1,,*iio were 'close by an ieceived no warning' of the .seiz until Mr. 'Durnin ' ,Naeliward While in tile midst of his work. Treat Was inetantancens: • death ()centred. just one 'wee sifter his 'Sister, ' Mrs. lingh -Thither 'ford; .had been laid to rest: in poi gennon ceinetety. : Mr. 'Durnin son of the ° lite Mr aiid, Mrs. Wm, Dni•ein, 'wits.' in hi 77th year, and ha been a•long tini resident of the community, reSidirik tor 'Many years.. just :south , Of ,.the Village.: As' el cattle buYer, and for , • 'number Of years, asso,cinted with the late' Alex Nicholson, Mit DUrnin twat ..ana„ttlyOkAbly known. • ' ‘Mire,....f9hriet131. :Jennie :ernitt.! noy, predeceaSed him tweritY -years ego, . " A . funeral service will be held compare 'with,. yours... '; .haVe only :been at one. Meeting •out bete, but :invited the . ladies here •. for the,Octoher meeting!, We go, id.. a littIe country church,' two and_a: half s- niiles east formerliv Presbyterian, but now United. ten, , families e ourrniniater,:'and r. his Wife are , frein Sentl4d. I • iik4). d thorn 'very, *eh. Thanksgiving ' Sciri7 e;: day, .01.irehHins. deeorated'. With' S sheaves •of gteie and Vegetables and h .floWet,..s.. :The brotighi boxes and '.'baskets of garden ,produce and Pk they were afterwards ,Presented. , to s,Mr;,:,Eurt. ye,11„,. wllt„he l'eading PaPOrs about the cron• failure in SaikatcheW , an; , We. :arrived* 'here on July ist. s Drove 1:69 Miles that forenoon and o didrA eroo.On the wnyl: The . heat woo' terrific, .'registereil 140 :de- grees. The ,Slqr. VAS the :Color .Ot brass: It looked ste- o• as though every lfv., thing , would' perish. Mini add. Any crop ; until we • 'go within five 'refits of horne, There Wiia kit§ Of rain here: e' SP:ear :age and the groUnd, was ,heavier aria held the 'moisture. There viad crops 41. this neighborhood, and the gardens were. very good. There,,IniS beentrain irt Sonthern Sea.- kateheWaii this fall and their :predict the: dronghtois ended. so' 'We, are look- ing.forward ti bountiful hithre' t in 1.633. ''otie"societk .6etst.'sn'eces4 toid"ttgoift-thotikit* you for :stout kind .reinernbtatiee,,,, ' :\*) " rents sincerely, Nicholson.. this afterneon ,(Thuttday); O'ne o'clock; at hig:_late-residene, condiie- ted Rev„ Maloney of.: pt.- F,e tees A n Chnreh, with inter, 'tent ateOthill cenieterY, • _ -ai6.teray Mra. Anther. rOrd Etta urg.,, Thotridd of 'St.. Helens and fOtit bother% Torn, of Alberta and ' Min; ' end ehailas ot West Wawoixosli# 1 , FINAL--01.17cE, Regarding.' Our past due. accounts, we wiSh. to: advice our • cuStorners that Payment may ••be ..made at Wm. •SChzind's --Je.welery Store or at inSt 'residence,, until November 8th,, 4937: After this date those accounts will „ . be placed in ether hands fot tieri.---LF. T. 'ARMSTRONG: ' • Present Newlyweds FriendS and. ,:neighbora %gathered' at the home of. Mr. and Mrs.' Robert' , ,recent newlyviedstO spend a pleasant ..social. evening and preient, -them Avith. filled 'Purse of IneneST• as Well as to , extend to Mrs. Reid a hearty weIconieLto_the-Tcom-! munity: . • The'. addreft was read "10Y- Jack Mcliitodh and atter the :preSenthtiOn Mr. and, ivrrd: Reed 'both made epPro-, priate replies: • . . . . Lueknow. Ont *Oct. 15,' 1937 To. *Mr. and .-gra. Reid, " Dear •Ftiends • TO 01•Ji ',FRIENOS• AND : CUSTOMERS, PLEASE NOTICE polleck",S •iand • McLean's.; IStOtes, Whiteclitirch;,. -will elesed • every Tuesday nnd T.hiirsday :nights ; start- ing ,t1qoveintier 'ihroughout the ,AVinter 'months: • • h • , P. FUTURE REVEALED: By ....Card,' palmistry; Tee.)Cep or.; . Astrology , Advice In . Personal ProbleniS ' Appointments on Monday, ;VVednest day and Friday.; ' Hours t 9 to 10.0am, 2to4pni, \MES. V, S. DUENIN; ,LUCKNOW eci.... la . C BARING , SALE OF FOOTWEAR • iicrifice pleating sale, of ladies' ;silo s dies' oxford's and .children's , school . ShoeS. These lines are being definitely. discontinued and pi -ices are 'Shished •to..elear the stock ;quality footweer.S. HOLYROOD 34ORN • Wednesday,. Ocioher 1.th, 1997,, to ,JVcr, and M-rs.',Ajbert Little* Rinioss 'doghten ,-joYee •Elitabeth..Anne,• ' It'pgys to save the CoOolis. nrinit; Ii your cOupeii8 and get, Seinething for them.. TIIE " MARKET: 8TORE, • • SUCCESSFUL, 'MATCH t. South 'Bruce .PIO. wing ,inateli,. 'held at TeesWeter• Tuesday OP last ,week, was. quite' succeisful, with an .increa- Ssd attendance and COmpetition. In the classes for KinleSs Township, tesidents, Gteharn morrat wi the sod ants and „Fnrrisii: ,,the Stnbble. elasa. ' • A At the bnnonet. that. •oveiling in the"VendOnie Mr, Poster Met, fat, was tenstrimstery ....With. 'Mr, G. Platter' ,or'enItu MI` re')` lin ,•„01, , jle.ei tiVe, and Me, tt7....,;.C`, tattle, the. judge fionI alt, 3 being ' the f - 11 teek-7Place:'-et-higirrie*.ir. . err"Mond,Yi the; driver escaped •unhurt and :hut- October- 25th. Thet.eerereohy. Was P9r.'• 'riedlY • had •,medirial. :aid. '"siirinnaned ',.. formed beneath '.11;'...i'rdi 6f..' EI:Irtunin., end ..police,',notified-. .1.:1Pini. reaching the leaves and ,palnis,.• With. ReV...: •Phsrles• 1. Sberie;•.• Or.Arnold vOkes 'Pronounced': .igiono.nald," c'fiatin.k.' gr- E. 4Pat" I the •:Scontb to be dead. The .hndY Was • ., ling, . Kincardine,-PlaYedthe wedding later 4!dinoVed• to?,1McArtitur'n'' flint ' intraic and Miss • Margaret. •MaeltaY• 'et.;ai ,iintletS,. ••where a '.:Iiest• Marten! .Kincardine, WAS, soloist': . •.:'.. ; • ', .yvss•• held, •arid,,n, limy empanelled by • , Given . lir;.niarria:ge by' her:- father.:c'ok;hor., . Dr, W. F. Gallowt i viewed •.• the bride Wore a. .e.oviii • of blue [Chi::: the •renutins.;•and • the :Scene of the 0'7., ffoa. Velvet with ., Matching' ..hat, and cident; A' 'farther. heeting,Was set for • 'Carded* Arnerican Beauty. roses.;Miss. .NOvernbet .:10th..• ' • Members of ..the . Jessie 'MacLean of. 'ICincardirre,', ',hi; jury are, WM.,•Crozier; G'..',IAT..,Twitnt,,.. Pabdrinet velvet. and. catrYing'-'.1.4"'. lei, Herbert. Cnrran. Raymond... pin- .Ged.t. lea, Toronto, brother of the bride,' ,be,rt. :attended the .bridegroOrn. Receiving , • His ..-deetii..1..e.__. 'aim :roSeS;,, was .brideaniaid;.-5,1r. :pert riegarii•1113ert., Treietlyen,„ .4,i.our. pal: • . and •Cliffomrdp'y:C.el'16..akitor;I',:iii:4r:„";,,;:u.tli• : , , • . . . , . . , he, '',;bridegreern'S., !Mother, , was in r. aekvelour hat and 'corsage' ef'.rOsee..' et6rvit'llor:'.n;cegroe•Willn°noYt'•ftulleehisi6ar.ild:c': With Weirs' active andltilt of fun. .'lle 'W,tte., . , _ . th°' hist', reaChing. manhood and one ' al• .• .nhieteen',yeara. old, :and ilon. of mr...... : . tine' . Mr ".:. Wm, ./stitrens of Con: .41 Ash-', ' siek breeeded Oei3e,uvdthreo4ege'ef, Aeill,,..oeti , ! tirmaii.ncli; • ., ....,•. ,,..,, ..,. , ad,: togiej.i:i'., Aftfl'' Yo'::vPiidiPe. trip • te! .. •The 'firnet .. ' • et*e ': Will: be:. held .'. etrOit and AlPano.; Mich, - Mr. • and at. the. home of , his Parents this after, rs:' Mallin_will reside in ,Toronte.. day,. October 2$rd.,at,,Liirooji;.00t.; A quiet wedding took , place, on; Sat:. :,... otrie9:1:1;:ic'ino(t7shiniti.tusii,:i3,40ntpnloln:uee:etie,iide.'tebrY;1.te:: A., A, Maloneytine...of Luckno*,:„ with lit,„. ' , • •MbititiSIONIRVIN,. '' en ,Miss 'Pearl • Irvin, : daughter of . P.:lePorta came fro in London IloSPi- . 4 • .._, . the, ' *de irir,.•and..Nrs,',Robent :Irvin tal..that Bernice and Lorraine Durii.'no . • Of :the 9tir don:, Ashfield ',:and Mr. I anughtetti of the late ,IloWerd, Eur,, . :Charles , Morrisonl 'Son.,Of:Igra.. Miir., •nill,',CieWe; ' are rallying fr6,111,' infOl- .. rison . and •the late Donald Morrison ;Lib.... )4raly, is, I3erince..hayint, o 114,, . ... of- ,Luelcrievir.; '.ont.:were , united ;..• in i a slight weakness in. her.• legs and het ' • #atriage by *II.e3r. S. A. : ,,W.OStCO3tty ie1(1,60.. year,. old siater. LOrtaine,:. al:- . pastor: of Adelaide' St ,Baptist Church,. ri,i,:ist.' eon' ple tey recovered,' ' We: hs*ve..... The 'wedding . 'dinner was served • ••• at lie ',,i'd of . no .mere: outbreaks 'in the • . the home of Mr: ,. and Mrs, , Alfred, coiuniunitY . and. certainlY ,iiOne .the • the - Armstrong, English • St.- • 'The •..feble ep'Aletnic4is., star/toed •.ont; entirely,,,. • ' :We's' decorated • with. large' 'innina. and • ' Mr,,..Wesley._,Alton of 'London,' vis,•,, • fern for the :occasion. .Mt.. and ,4784..;•: Ito -a. ,,111i, *4and. -Mrs.‘Ilerber-,t • Alton on Morrison will reside in ,London, 004 ,St *iiilay, • { . '. ' • i . ''• • .. ... ' • - • : inCiAt. ' A.T- IN. '0E-11' 4. ‘. '• 'a,ciia 'V-isited friends ..at !Bittatferg on •• .'' -- '•• f,- -' '• - - ' ,,•,. . ' ',„'i , .. 5it, arid ' M..7;!,,. _it, J. L. Eel, si :end: '• ; • .' • ..„.....,,,,, •. .' '..'•:- ' ,ScinclaY.: Their daughter Lueille, te,. • „. ' :"God's ,CcitintrY.:"•and The Woman", tu',., bed : with thein after' spending ,4. . screened in 'teelthicoler,, is •the special week visiting, ' .. .ittraction at the LYeenni. • Theatre, -• 'Mr. . David -McAllister- and; sister .• : Winghain• this ,. Week -end,, -.George .ilasephine ' ,.'.tri§itoa .,.their .tausiii;. 'kr.: Brent ,artd. Beverley itoberta,•stat in W. It to' report Sunday. We ; are this-pietiite: ..fi•Oin the feinotia ' tieVel .glad to rePort that 'Mi.; Andrew ;:iS ...., ; by Soo§ ;Olhiei . Cutwood, . ,..„• .. obie to be,!:,uo and When the Westh'Cr. :The- first ,of next ".1Week,, :Joel' Me- jiermitS. 'takes a... walk, ' , ' ; •Ore.41 and .tarbara Stanwyck are ,:fea, ; Mr.. Jasi! McWhinney Of the .viiii-go '.... turett.nt 'Internes ',„trit't, Take Money', .4 spendioe* f6 -;,i .days assisting, cit•• ":.: . . •, . -'''ttie • libme ' of. • his brother . Bert's, on „ ENGAG'EMENT ANNOUNCED ' • .the.o'd• con,: Of.,,Aalii10'd;'' during the . . ,Iii, iti ta.. 'Alex lqiiebcniald aii' ,lzIttei's nbience While .bil it!' trip Weit„ . • . . . notinCe :t etigiikein,o(it. of , their,' Clan- • Nita, ".Cnrinaii Hayden..of ..466C1'.= ., ,gliter, Sarah lean; to linnet' .1tiehiird , ton,''Spent . the week -end ' with , her West, *ton of Nita, James West andriitether. Mrs.. Win. Cart and family. - the ' the Ike 'Mt: ' West *both of ASlifield, I • The •I').titigaritionc•titerieli of the Wei-, ' The ifitittitige.ie ke• pledei Nevem, ', nieri's iliatitnte iS holding theit,,Men4 bet, 6tii,- ' it • '• • [ ' . (Corithirieit 011, Page 4), . ... . g ut ,• at your-;. friends and: neighbors-. th gathered here 'tonight to 'spend bi • a.6social evening With you, and join ieXtending euriiiteartiest corigrat#-'bi ::1„leiVi and ue6 rot 11° 101. at. 4)4 :gas Mr 1p well 'aS a true and •faithful. Wife: Much ..ltaPpirfeie is !extended o you - • in your new, hone, and hope:you may ur be , both long spared as helinuates, wh for each other; • • . Your'' kind; genial disposition Bob, has, won for you Many friends, You are alWaYs ready' tb" lend- :a •helping •hand At any 'time, and worthy , Of the high :.'esteent at Which you ; are held, in, this cOrninunity.. This' happy event • Could not pass without' showing la "slight ,token of our .go9d , wishes,' :and, ask you to accept this purse, ' With our best re- gards -for yonr, future success. • Happiness; Wealth '„ and . a heap of good ileadth, , Is the Wish We are tied to extend; Signed irn behalf Of your Many 'friends. ,Alvin , :Ed, Johnston, YVEATIIER, IMPROVED , This week has brought' Some im- provement . in the , weather, and on Wednesday afternoon, sOf 'raaae ,eae 0/ his rare .,apoeariiices.' of the* ,Month, . which has been one of con- tinued rein, snow and eold„Ing , win Varniers'haVe been unable to harvest buCkwheat. and What potatoes and .roots have been lifted have, been done tions ,toth iinclert6et and. nVerheltif under; very', adverse - :Weather condi-, Wineries are 'Short, lieWeVer. but inahy ' Will tell you "they never saw 'the, ' • , 4.1