HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-21, Page 5TIVURSDAY, ,QcTopR 21.00
I 4.
TME tittittiONV,
'AD The, kink of going that makes heavy weather for ,
-ordinary tires is "pie" for Goodyear Studded Tires. They
bite in and keep you Moving —under control every,
second. You waste no dine —or ,gas and oil —in wheel 1,
spins, slips and skids. . •
Goodyear Studded
Tires are designed, built
andproven fOr off-the.1.
pavement driving and to
defy deep snow: Farmers,
sakesanena Postmen—
'all who 'travel muddy'.
-roads-neekthem. To the /tat
country doctor they are.,
well-nigh indispensable., /tilt
Studded Tires give a new
Smooth -riding Goodyear
to every off-the-paiement
sense of driving security
064Year dialees -at the' :
,same to* price as Good -
•year All -Weather Treads:.
• . •
board..i. The. Yam$0: am. En Route
.SOPteftd ber et'e, bines people
Dear. Sentinel: Eyiendi,. ; . eieneriee- They- cepa . to • 9.prA. To,
• • 1..at•-parts of Japan; and China..., the
,JnOt,' few nOtgla fr() amr4" "a» rwas the chief topic o con-
wva47;7.tel,ifin.13,11,1ilaefoci,rtit,'. gtoe0.11;4i, IwTrilrp iao:n. , this summer:. That • grcRIP:
spadecalled P
.1)eri,r404:-• 7won't be 41310• frOin • alraosteVeryildWaheQ;eTWe**Or7.ari3rPea:i
,cannage Ynnt trip. tot.trJaPerif proper to inside and out, elsrlIti's Not 'In the
aPP: y.c.fpr •faillliV at all tbs Yeer,•.Thli
tr9rf.h. China ..4frAir 4:1) ,pg::,..tivecl)?4t4° Qrpef.,aptieir.easfw. :CUielli!Cnietliete' '411407: : winitser7 t
'bigger meas. than . "Readirig ,newApapersi
' bp.1 enan.bad,
few moments on the way Cipium!,'• •aaid one :"Liet's turn
the • Chrietian, Movement Voila or, itloois., Ieav the newspa-,
eOrtinfithe'Toichu$ city hall listSlltng pers and:return to the mountain caves
reciter."19,111, to• Ahe ,10m1.,..where • we csA :per.PaP•
_ I • • ,
1,00Sic11. lyfetb4c6011 444914,
NYAs0, 17,6r.P.1°.,P?•'4.1.4•11g,E4 ,tellt"NpthistianIc.sighed-
.:firat.-experienee' of ‘'nearingror-.,.This state • 9f affra!ir'i §floixis how
rnlesarii not Janalleie nyer the radio
•• Weak:Jet are our ferces of gcrod-will
Formosa. Must be • pretty; imPortant
broades 1'.1.7•F.:," n,ig'711f711-1•.r.1,,,.' '1 ioni.!. •ieen
• 29tb,..the.1 ; • IA u
neWs, I thought "Th N th Ch' 111::the world'' *
...Japanese farmers. around ...Nojiri
resistance..ppsition taken _..rushing are: beginning' to grow Western veg-
etables and. fruit. fel; the summer
troops •• mopping up.,.......reatering or -
foreign cOmmunity market,. rl'esies
"What if this blowLup should start of fruit, Yegetabres' met 6nd
a. world erniitiOn a all the world's are.: more like home thins than the.
vOlcanoes. This :is.the last flatness of tropical' products. . Theit
'half of ,the;az.e many things we lienot
my frienerecalled. , • stt:sste7td4:n:itjfa:y4ne'a7111.:11:ersbh-'-wat.r-(1-.fids%'t:
I began. planning 'nly'reiairs ahead.
We' Were reminded of Lake., fluron.
-"Po-morrow morning the: Youth Con-
apples, pears,. peaches,
fere/ice- closes...Then comes the 'dele,
gates business 'ineeting. The the
grapes., We could :easily imagine We
were, in Western Ontario or the Nia-
train Inane. Then a day or so of. office
correspondence. Then'a ' boat for Ja • • •
:pad proper, ----things- may ---be .pretty One day1 had: occasion. to 'hike
:t.O.Psy-tOrVir In China, but in JapAn, through the fields to visit a tuber
culosia .senjtarium • operated by, the
tuber -
business as usual will likely' be the
Canadian Anglican .chilreh.• not • far
r9,ler Let's not let. fear of coming from N�jirr • As trudged along a
cataatrophies interfere too Mdch. With
our tlans. ' Fear of catistroPhies narOW.....road;:tlirough. 'eT°Pa of rice,
c,orn; mulberry, vegetables and frnit,
Cernes. from the Military. mind. But:
a Japanese far
so out of •A
So ,cloeS "carry on" Let's say:.carry
path trailing a rubber -tired
on that's the beat ° ar :114i0riC'' I cross
MONUMENTS' at first cost Nik,,FE KING
Having our faciory,..equipped
the mot raodern MachinerY, •for the
e7cecution -of.bigh •class,,work,... we •ask •
you to seethe largest: display of mop:,
uments-Of-anY-retail factory
tario. , All finished by sand blest ma-
chines. • We import ,:. all lour granites.
frond the Cid Country „quarries
•ect, . in the .rdiiih:-.Voti-C-Ar-C•save all
• fecal dealers', aients, and middlenuin
profittbY seeing ds. • •
' ' • :•:
E. J. Skelton .8f.:Son
At 'West End .Bridge=WALKERTCiN
Will. tinlaY left' Monday for
Victoria B.
. •
Mr;. 'and ' Mrs.: Eldon;Tivamley and
"fimilv of .Clititharn;. sflent the•weeh- real noite • foi. opt-, it .: rrwar— ?Pr
you peed to get Off for a•
it. of 4 change," said My : friend,"
and if You think- you an da it, gc!
ahead." • • •
• • A g.ropp of young ,Formosaiii kept
up. Continual chatter all 'the WAY\ to
Taihok'n by train.: They mentioned the
*rth China incident but ,oricei :and
that 'indirectlyThe anticip,a.ted, a.
TriSe-in the price of clothing': as 'a...re-
ault of the ."-inciderit". "youwill be
getting better pay;", • • ariggeated;
"which will Make 'Up, for the higher
prices." .
"No fear," they. ,
,chorused, wages
don't rise •so easily. as Prices!!
To, Japanese the. "North
China .Intident" virai, at that thne
like a rieW: toY." So •neW •they :hadn't
end ..with I Au. eta- Mrs George • ' s•'
u-s,IF•-"dve$rarts Legit -
Part of the read' Made .him •telltatiVe,
"Where ar-e'you•going,st.i.yer;,to the
senitOriuml" he,. asked. •
.--"yes,•:to "the •Sanitoridin„".. ,•
"The head; ;over 'there is a,• ,,..Poreig-
ner,• isn't' he?"'.
"Yes.- I.:believe he. °is."
•• ."What-, countryman 'are yonl" ' he
asked, • •:•': • -,••• •'
° "t pever know:. • one • •couritr,yrnan
from another," :he . Confeased,, !They
look 'alike to Inc, German, French.;
RifitIsli.;•Anierican. No doubt you are
able • to distiagiiith?",'he 'added;
"Oh, .yea, sornetinaeal can. But
not ,surprishig , that you C4rn1ot dis-
tinguish: We. .Wat,ernera •,h.a v e
great • difficnity in .4istinguishipg be-
tWeen JaPariese :Chinese or Koreans'
. • . . • ' •
. . Oh no. That was or,ie .name, they were
T I • • ' " ' . • . ••• • • head of• t at insti u ion over
. Wain P3'.. • , • ' SURE 'didn't 'snit •,Thl e .age • . • •
Mr' J-...,7411:--4C41-Patiqok--- attended -a, --"W .4S4 '. •
• , . a !:1 W there' isSirristian Are you" he ask-
inectirigrid banquet -in _Hamilton' nY--:-Peeple--2SeeMed--
•• gracal-nm. but-P-d-like-
FriciaY and *.Saturday: nf•laat Week. know What..toreignere. would' cal b •
Misg Jean :Andarson Einiodgh, A' (let me d call him ."Scotland • Yard"t° °CP14•In'
) . "Are 'there many • Christians
. rar-`•
Spent the wpelerid at her home. ' -Japanese; .friend of 'mine, -wanted eund boy, asiiect,
ned rpostly 13uddInst or, TenTri (the .Iieav,
'Fruit and Negeliables. are • being to ' know ',Whether the "Mirth China
f•• 'e 1.
'taken' fn. at the church Wed d incident" Would i i f th
"'eW,th .pe°pie.- :here are
enly '1;9 ;do pp ed ' about • My :plans tis he did, about Whe- se'et).'" : '
of this week, for the Relief Car to Plans: He. didn't seem so ,c neer
pronotinced: Off. • " . •
,1.. ana „greatly. annoyedi by; :a, cop.gli•
Which..1 • fear:. .1...1i...ill. ,rieVer•' krigels
.•• , •
• When, a lady ,1' meet..
On ishady. .stre,et
with 'trortililirig..,-my '.,liapc'au I
• ' • &nigh. .."1 •
2.,..prononneed • : ;
' One diiir when • driving a,. plough
got into 'hit .0f:a rough •
.An :farmer...struck:Jae
With a gad ,frern, a • tree ' •'.
• ' Beeapse. I, ran into,: sough..
One. day,:.Nthen. I• felt a bit tough.. ,
I inhaled a, lifg , snOugh,
,,It ,naade po'ae•aoro• •
•••• .,-.86'ir.got•'• the:whole 'store .•
And, bleW away 'pith pough,
4, 'prenepneecl •Od: ' ' • , Orr ; •
With Toeing .1 •swear, !ant: through
Becalisia :editors., Sair they won't •ciongti;
• Their neer take pains:•
• EOr',...iyikhOut. any' biaths
.They edit with .seissOta arkl,glongh,
Proriothiced , „ .
.felt that cake Was: all . dough
' One • day When I I .weiat for :rotigh::
, fett 'e greet
. When iny-:,:boat' struek . rack'.
, the' blamed. .thirig., cetildrit
, rInake •: . • •'..
• 6, •pronounced 4.
A Man. With a terrible hid:cough •
Told inc MY' hands. quick to. iifiti,7•
•cough, ; , • •
He save, Mb one 'blow
' Hut semi leitole go
When he saw what a' fuss 'would.
• *,•lticcough,
; •
"Veheouver,. 13. 1''
'APril; 1929., ,
• 1.4),'
r r
"Are you Christian r: 1 aSked.
Mys-.7-Dennia•Donnell-sr Of Pinkert -On t13"1 t°°k
r. 'and Mrs Thoi2:Ariderson i• tIMnght • 9.f.. the 149rth China
• • "Well no "
• • Later another "S Y." man asked what
was a ,recent visitor at the home , • * •
Air'. and 1\1,vs. „Richard Gardner' of
/ion ii Ali JennieFitzgeraldof
Dungannon, visi,ted oVer the •
cnd with 'Witig,ham friends...
W[1.,., anii tharlie Thoinsen: and
pc",yeen ().,f. the -Second Con, Kinloss
vited-o4, the Week -end with friend.
in Turnbeit'y;
A' very „enjoyable, , evening was ,
spent ;it the •,.horne Mr.. and Ars:
Raker' 411itat V.ridey,", ,'who W0e.; .119st_s.
to a ntunbelf 'of friends for ;an' event.
Ole' of fun and •frolie.' •
The Lower ,Town prayer inecting•
will' be ,beld on .Fridfly everiing.nnder'
• the kliCiershiri of Mr .I -Topper thp,
hdpie of Illr, and Wks. Georp,s,
We NVekoine Air: and Mrs. Bealann
to, our burg Who 'have, moved' fr.*
Wifignam to reside in otii• locality, for
• ,
the Winter'. •
' Mr, n'ini Mrs:, Mark Gardner, Lorne,
Dian and.*Yvoritio.,viiited• on:Monday
last •with 'and, MrS, Alex Havens
Of LticknONV.. '
My. , and gra; .1 -Tarry • Champion
visited on Sunday w„i Lower-, Wing-:
ham :friends
„ ,
cuLneF8 coRNtrzs,
Mk 'Ind 'Joe ilamr-th have re -
'tithed hOme from a. twoWeelcs) visit
in Toronto with Mr, Mr.
' MiSs dors...Wall IS visiting' with her
.phrenta,. Mr, and iws: ;Iiie Wall.
'Bert -Thoinparon and Miss- Florende
IL:Aging. returned their
sebooIS aftoi. Spending „the .hcaidayS
at their linmea, 1•„. . ' •
' nimetsarY . 'services Will• be held
• • " tethellsk., bet4'ber,
Yest.dtdaY 'got W.,Parrot fo'r' r*ith abrVies 110,0010130.O'elae`14,
41te, • •••••1• rielEY; Ti391 ha cthurned• to
,like that, with (her 'parents, M'r• eti& learia • -^tritiali, Clerinati ;08 • • Pena. Of 'the oven'?"
"Are you Buddhipt,?"' I! 'Raked. He
dent. .I .anaWered that 1 hadn't .been ‘Yeuidn't say ,Ale *6.'. "Are Yteu ' Til -
xi r:', He Wouldn't: eek., Yea to that
following the PaPera•••• recently:. and either 4
didn't: krieW. What. it wa ' l about
. ."Christ vy.as a "*JaW, wasn't he?"'
He 91ert i,aire. me . a five 'infinite .r&•• :
cit,al of events ' to date' : he. ais."44;
, the beat .teruitig :up:. • •,, an ,S, ..,1 „ ,-, "He . was ' horn - ... in Palestiiie " 'I
eiCplainecl. • • .• ' 1. • ' • ••.'. '
man :carte to my' cabin every incirti;-: ,
. , . •
age; tian, age," herernarked.4thoughtfnliy,
my naine; nay nationaliti," • MY '
"Ail ntner• religions .are. about Out of
where I..., was 'going and why '-•Eiii:. '
date The 1, iniaerable ..,'state.. of ---niaii-._
dently his job depended on "his', dolt*.
on.t4ii ..did4r recital yfr. oiibili.•••.4)0y kind in the woyld 'reqUires..a • religicin
..• With sympathy in it. I, knoVir. 4. n
vvii9 had 'a much Mere sense' of humor'
4g4 he, , papally:, came • along': 'With (•4he.4 ..,T•Oigidn with• .4.1t. sPirit in it:
•' but byristianit,y;, ,This is • : really a:
hirri.td answer my' questions. for: me. •
it Christian ' age,"•. he Went on.
t --,Once 'inggested to.,-a..friend that: '.
1..1., told him a Man ..ef' his ' Mind' might'
.welIld• :never .: do to • haVe: 'htimonristS
for detectives.. ' .Ile disagreed. saying l'o'• be ''fell°Wing 'al°1*'• that line of
thought :further 'Belding good 'beohe
. that nobody blat, a 'real ..homourist' .. .! • ' , ,
COuld be a ,CletectiVe. ' laPaneSe' de,: and •IiVing. 'conversation and 'fellow-
. ship with • like-miridecipeopie.'
tectives%, are • nice diaPsi. most 'ap-: .
prbachable and . quite . chatty.' ...Their l\l;°‘i.: E•19na.,14e• and 4 :aitai:returninii'
4.., to Eorritoia" again,, We left Ruth and
cpiestiOni :are .jiiat like our riee-
„i Sandy in school in Kobe,. :Those, Of
daily diet,. but: ,being.: daily ,'doesta
„make it . lese. ,pitlatable. .. . . ...Y lYlli9e' 'cliiid.ran ..°6' co' €(•)'S'6h°°1
-•::. At Nejirr where '.. Dcindlda, ; Birth, armind tlie'l.c°1;"P ” come ; 11°Me'• f°*,.
. Sandy and I spent ,a • inenth,•• the -re is likil' °:i. 4t lest .aftei'f6dr., will And
understand What it
a little lakeilliernt the size of !Silver it -•.dlill'alt • to
feels. like to 'leave ton : and. ' tvelve
Lake Kinloss, tewnshin. All around, '. 1‘1,.. ; •..
,ye.r , O,...; ,".• a: dorriiitory School
the lake, pine and cryptoniaria.clad
across .a . Sea, iit's A Very •iiiiideal ar-.
minintaina riae,,to:'five JOY six. tholls- • 7
,.rapgernent but it, ,Can't :he' bettered;'
and feet:. pot spring feed, : into the
it,tike iceepiing..othe. teMperatiire of the'. If .the •):".5-'1inger gsnortion .ake tO get
water at Perfect apitnining '! Point, .'the '1°6iiiiiingS :.°1 li' modern etin°S.'
, a en- who ;spen 'the summers at ' '•'. • .... • - ' .' . " : ' '
Chldt I '' d ' ' tion
blajiri ."Ii,"iwith' hat, This is the rea, !salt !hutninpited
The piano is. being',
'Nojiritake to water, like Adc,Ics:':Prad: '''''
'tically,:eVery child. 'WhiS the white iist;'n°,..,•'Y in •the Second as cl g
room wncre ,I siit. A Japanese Mother
yetir. old', , "Shall ::we gather .itt, tbe
'for an •oar-loek, itn, six feet- of Water; '
101'6:Wing' „life savinehotels, trailing 'ail *11;i:::'''fi..40T:t1s.,,i18:th.%vhii6,;;Kiiiningit,; ',1''yi.orlew.,1
towioat.• 'fifty . Yards,' Paddling,
tither. Ja.panese favorite.
oar,. and sWinaining hereSs' the:' wiatn . .i. .
df, the: like=nne Mlle,' Children; eight; ''
s aXeetittli6401Ii6 ;• Mtilal'eMI'L LAN -
nine tind, fen usually 'get their *white
4-N", teen-agers Sport blue and' red' , '
's,' "I'lles-e 'tat, for',inueli . 'more ' '*lslewlyWedt "ibid y.OU Make these
DU M G. -A -TWO -N
• Mr; and Mrs. Max Ileffraan.
.tune4 with some, friends to, visit for
while at St, Themae Pneng
'Mrand, 1119kle and
family and Mrs E. Yanidi were giieats''‘
•on•.41144.1'' with Mr. an4 Mrs- A- J. L.
Mies, Lucille Eedr returned
with them foa' visit. •
•MrA. B. 3, Crawford had as guests
far. .th-e..wkek
Rebecca ..Theiiinsoli ,Of Augdatine
•,,Vlid • s remainiig for • .feW.:
lOngr.:••• • •
gra; es Id fe.7. Spend-,
eeWithk4e7'111.3Lr'. '
701i' k
1,ItiOlTatO•j• ••94T.u.97,-1.,••1 •• ;;;•• •-• • f 'the
• ,Agsrleiati9p ` .. •
''"°1*1*1 sr"1"'‘'it'after.
'Uniied;Cfnirch me,. "Issai Friday
'noon at ,the :parsonage with gin atten.7
dance of twenty,tive. After:.the .open-
ing hyrnn, and pryer • by Mrs. Ditirict
.Sproul,°: Mrs. J. D. Richardson read
the •Scriptdre'lesson: The minntee of.
•the last meeting were. read and act-,
9Pied and the roll call' was answered
, •, .• .
by naming "a, leading .inualcian"
The' topicwasthen tail:Eft by Mrs.
.,(Rev,), T. R. Tin -net., who giro an
JriterektinedeSCIliptinnIrSerine ofthT
'musicians who' proved fampee, and,
alio of 'their comPositions,
whch;„s'ome• were:given ea this Era-
mopbone, to. cOmplaats her, talk. Hrs.,
Turner:labs° rendered' a solo, entitled,,
"Oolfig Heine": • Altar ...a, 113'14 4and
the ..,bene -diction, •'ben,cent test. was
'ser.ve-d by Mis. Wityara's group. •
Aged :Lady. Fratteree Nip
Citizens '2.Vvere ,very :sorry. hear
of the. Catastrophe whichhefell
Robert •TreleiVen on Thursday .even-'
ing, ',when,from. a the kitchen
doorl.she....fraetured her hip bene. -She
to her, home Sunday. "
Treleaven, is in her 85th year and:all
"The presencage is really a ' Chris-
ing. He vveuld put his head in and ask
• ., • ' • , .
Who . know. her, have always.
inimum Pares: Adelts -756 Children 40o
from LliCKNOW .
. .. ,
Fri'.14t et 29 30 To (-)Shaw°'.. P°77Manviter Part 'Ii0Pe,f
, .,, •
. s, • iv •T . . . : l. • . CO.ourg Trenton Jct. • pelievioe
A ' l ' P '
NaPenee,' Kingston, gananoque, Proekville, . 'Prescott,. Morrisburg,
09inwall; I.Jicbridge,, LindSay, Pete/bore,' Campbellford, Newnlarket, .
•perietarig, •Collingw9od, Meaf.erd, 'Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Graver-.
.hurst, Rracebridge, liuntaville, Callarider,, North Pay!' Perry 'Sopildi
, $.4(Thtii'Y'r Lengine." Cieralcitdn, ,Jellicee;. Beerdpiere, " '
t 0 t•30 I A s° t° Br4ritfercl, °Chatham. ,
a ui. c oron.o. Chesl)r,* Clinton, porhem;
Exeter - Fergus,• Goderich Guelph Hamilton Hanover Earriaton
Catharines, „ soritha mp
Walkerton, Wiarton, 'Wingicara. Woodstock: • . T.4,44B
ro Fares Run .1.LiMits; •Trarn'1nformation Tielrets,j. y eonsult
nearest , Agent.' Sl handbilli for complete Het of :destinatione,
, ee„ , , .
.'Ask • Al'..enis' for partieular of..canada.14- Maple
00\1,Seven. ash .pmea.• You nay wia,$19.0.,c9
sion in the wider setup= e -
• The following .tae'im is said to• have come fro"be* the .St. hittl
puipitiilaiiiitirne161..... • ',lb. t413es , 07' '
wood -pile'
Times. It clever,:: besides being appropriate,' and we reproduee it •
in wide' Pleasure, because it ersier to convey the desired- iinpres-
. • fai
112prinvei.le,n, LET:pe ILLTgIrsc.1-WRCElintil • .tke
The 'Paster • w°121i1
soon ' tpore,cli • to
no • jut
pewlins9.1 iretio," _
• Regular! •
flaaPtY borPOial:
turned from attending
oi.e.feehleitkrbn4s; arned 11,4. only
the funeral of her sOn.'Fred; atTor
,Witli.-her daughter, lkrs. Court7
-ice Who.-reaideiV.'with her. She is being
'nursed since the acelEisiat by 'Miss
and -latest re
ports. Are that she is .ggtting• along,
as Well as cai expected. • •"
Mrs John ChiSOlm.'e on Wednesday Home. and School. Chili:Met' At
last. 'Since it was the' first "get to-.
gether" since , the Picnic'. at, the close
scheol the sunimer, the meeting
was inestlY. a • discuiaion of Matter's
and making -Plans' for, the fill' and
winterontlis.„0,Was decided t ask,
:Mr. Beacom; the 'inspector, to attend
the..next meeting to explain the neW
-60.11.rsenf thoie
interested_are-invite&-to4aet,at the-
. •
parsonagefor the -Noirember meet-
Miss Elizabeth ,Elliott and Mr..
fred Elliott of Calgary, who, are ex-,
,.ecutoi:s ihe' 'estate of their late
brother, Vni, Eiliett, •are having a
sale . • stock. andproperty at the
•cleceased!s_40,rine--heme •
• ....NendaY was "blue :Monday" 'alright
ila it.rain.ed .all' day,so that. any Who.
still have potatoes and 'roots in the
'ground must wonder when • 'they wil
. he harvested.; 'Ni that :we've had
"s4uaw"winter let's hope that'. Indian
.Summer. , soon •• .
Brown :entert,ainecl on
Siinaay;'Mr1, and: 'Mrs. .Toni,'Fanson
and :daughter Eileen of Munro, Nre7
as„. 4.413;4,.. LcinilOn,•
Icenrieth. afid. Mr. •
and ;Mrs.- Yung, 1:)iingannen,
. :The Ladies'adild of .. St, 'Paul's
,chtirch had a,qiiiiti41bee'iirthe P.r-
Hall; 'Void* aftertiorl., ,• ,
A.'greup,ATieeting. No. 6, ebraprising.
'eight corripanies 0! the Mutual Fire
'Irisurance.. CO:.-iS TharidaY
of:this. 4,eek,in the Pariah. Oall:
ber's conilpaniee • irfill.be'
preielit and the' Weinena Infititiite .1s,
serving .dinner to t.hem. , 1 . the
Ward for swimming 50 yards, `diving One...fingering for • her little six'.
roW-boat' a hundred y,ards with °lie Phony," "Ilome Sweet. mut
..riced aWitnining, with yOur 'Own little .hi'lidalYf
VAiSS Nojiri atinitrier edininunity is tride: "Yes, yes, darIing.'i •
trdi Wditi,tlifft Alin& AO: eitdilhtige Ternrito tt.ter. two Weeks'. holiday, otiltp interPai "grptrii *Amerrnth = !Veil, N,NyliO helped '-iyvott. 1th diem'
at the home .4 Dr. Yokes,: Blyth, was
holne for,the weekeiid With •her par7
ents;;Mr... and Mia, J. B. Young.:
Alissi Charlotte: "Crawford' of Port
Albert is assisting "Mrs., David Er-.
ringtcin On the 6th, with ber' hbose-
. , •
r Mrs. Rebecca Caldwell on the 4th
concession, has , been'. staying ' 'with
her friend Mrs. Apiie Stonehouse,
being :1 elsepthere erisploy,ed. throngh:
.the day.
After . residing in 'Kincardine for
the past fourteen Yearslhd ,conduct-
ing a stationery and book store •fer
that period, 'Mr Chapman will
leave for 'Owen Sound shortly to Open'
a-nevr store; Tresen -plans---cind•`,that,
the ,store—in-Kincsircline
retained :under pew m,anagerne,nt but
owned ,by Mr. Chapman. '
The change will take place' diming.
tile coining month rs. ..apinan
-• • .NO BI,Ak* LAID ix
• ,
vsAt'igSiPtiarilige:rt'llhi;judieyeAck4 °t•Wd'aol'''1011: -
Toronto *omen, returned a verdict
laying no blarae; hut' eaming .kr. G!
Armaircing • • the diapenser Of ,
prescription that-, Contained poi:weal=
cyanide and Caused 'their deaths': The ,
peison. is one of, a inost .sud.dert
nature;' paralzing the. respiratory.
organs.," ,
, Arria:streng.' faces two . charges
of manslaughter. .
, .
Charged, With; Assault
Frank •Ca,saidy of .ItiversdalC v.the
Was charged 'with assaulting and 'oc:,'
.bettiniseh of Walkrt 'et dance .,
'in. Greenock in the Month of„, Septem.,
bei, to. 'answer 1,to
when it' was'called ill cOurt here •on •
Tuesday, ' and the bench :direeted that
adri Miss Vera. Will • InaVe Owen a warrant be issued for hie arrest. --
...Sound early', December, • • , Walkerton Herald-Timee
• .
Shower Bride:Eleat •
One of Our -Popular young: 'Iadies,,
Miss gvelYtt ,.61bert, bride -elect, was
honored a a,snrptise,,'party.tit tho
home f one. Of her girl:friends,. Was
ora 'Dickson last' Saturday after-
noon when a' iiiiiirber 91-. her '6.11tr,a's
*gave' her a lovely kitchen shoWer:. A,
doll', carriage ,.decorate, in pm .an
white was *heeld ili onts.inint,the
.gffts. • The recipient was • inso mucb
taken by '.'guh5r1.8e,' and • thanked'', ;the
kfog in, :a . well Warded ninnner,
toCial nfiernpon -wee Sent• With a
dainty slunch •folloriaing, • ;served. by
;MISS Dickson, the"haSteSik "
L.; O. L, binders' Meted
L. o. L. No '84, :Wcis hold tecently.1
VAlieli the* folldwing .Were :10elet,e(t
to °Mee" Irardld tigertpabe-..
putyr:144, tensed Fi nan Os:plain;
Melvill CiiiberV tee tei'Y . 13
Young -Raymond' Brown';
W A. °teen, ; Lecturer,
Divtd G1enii I1ept teettirt4-,,*
Dieke.oh;. Mai31144
Miss Viola 'Young Who- is ehiployea
a FRQM NOW iiIsiTti,;; THE END. OF.
14.113 NiAJORITY', cF
' TO np$EV.v OtowEvuir.
' • .
• •
••••.' ritok-0..•s
• •