HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-21, Page 3• 1 - f. oNgt101.01,K*14:0X#X0X+X•I•X0141+.7.41•101•14X0X•KiXt:•:07.<0:07-•:•91 , XA " • 1 1Nass! A. - I•• 1 .... '•• K4,7,0.14:4:4:gia4.7.4:4:4M4:0CF4P4P4P4PNO,WINONIC4X0C40.1,NOW.41W4:4:414:4:10.X4:4,X4:4:1' AGEN1S WAN.,ED 1 FIMNITUqE '--- AgENTS.--TP 'SELL. MEN'S NEC: 'tIes. 1'00 per pent. ,profit. Write for free samples and catalogue; Mur- gatiOyd Agencies,. ypnge.. $4, 4„reac10/,' Toronto. ; 'BOOK$ EVERY MARRIED 01.1P4E . and these onteinplating Marriage should rad, ateang 4.40Tiqe:', .24 ' ..,..ipg.0)740k, al 1.5.06,:antlrAo woructz:-., „illoStrated., Catalogue 'eff.:::-.hOelfs. • drug,. Onetplies.,and. honsehold'OVelties,:. free UV rsatiest.. Siinente'S.Pecialty„ 19 'N'Pttge. Toronto ,,I.Y4.'PRS.P..DOLLk. '30c •,TWO '.66e.7.' Lazge 3e4 preadIng Doif .414, :!.r1,0,,),P ' .,oxed: East. Torente, Kin . . gdFORD7 GUARANTEED 13LtTE Steel Blades, $.1.00 Per 100, post- paid. Free samples. J. .Dennist 4227 :Mareuette,,- Montreal. :0 . , . . • 0AL.'11, E PR ES N'T A VES , . • • wented.:for•suhticription. werk, Re. new.allist supplied,- Ocsit'eaminission,- , -Write. Canadian 4agazine,;.347 Ade- laide ,'St. Weat, Toronto. • • • • • . • MEN.. ,WOM0N; ALL AGES,. MARE . . . • -nroney-sp.arti tlinelp-homerexperi- ,ence unneCeSSa1y..Writo.Blisip.ess.A• t3: so.ciates; ChatIrani, °Marie: „ SALESMAN WANTED BY, "THE • 01.0Ate1tah1e Nurseries,- , centennial. • Catalogue . end. Special. Lines. -Start, new; exclusivejeridtorY .In town or etnintr,y, libral terms.,.free : „ out fit , . „ kosENO* OPEN IN:- triet. Double • your money', Selling our delightful, 1)10 English 'Vender • Shampoo, Pal -Utile' fifteen cents. inion» Speeialties, : 213 Pearson, :Toronto.' . •• , • " ' ' • LyoNv. 1.1.Er.) FURNITURE , . . ,,oreot 04,0pgs •U),' OM' Furniture Trade-in' Department.. our ;tow prices have Made thip 'aepartn.ient• the larg- estyanclonioat .PoOnler in Torento: .ipst feW, eft the, .liundrede..pf 'specials are, here,;If you don't:see- W,hat„,you... to*iest. price lalti*o, :,EVery. piece or furniture' *is fignitarilY. • treated. and' ' ciimPletely'refinished,to look like 'new' „„ . „. . ,*! ,9,0. 0 pp,..4ilottl;;A:olericap walnut, ,,'robe le,a0th triPle,',/nirrer Y.Ahlty and.fultnigen47poSte,r.hea„, with Sages , .004t A.neW ;ever $20000 . .$2150 Walnut "fin": dresser,' in • • • '. perfect Condition; with full, -else 'steel. bed to inteten.„ sagless spring 'had brandnew all -fele mattress. ..•. • t1Q•cn. Belie °Oak', ..ellning-rcioni •suites. large ,bliffeL exten- sion. tables and .6 leather upholstered chairs. In pe1tect pOnaition.... Your •choe . of golden 'or" fumed $tItcf. nn peantifol. gelid •walnat din, 97''"..1' -'r -r leg-et:tem. sinte,• large, bur. [et' 'twin 'pedestal. 'extension table, .chine. 'cabinet arid 6 chaiya" apbolstared ;n genulne•leather. • A 'really fine: Suite, lind7r1OOkaz-1fram1tie1v: eelantetelY-re,' finished. Cost originally ebeut4300.00. • $47'00. Eight-Plece, 2-tene. walnut. dining -room Spite: Queen. 'Ann design:, largebuffet...ex- tension tablo•and 0 'chairs upholstered • An genuine leather.Completely ished., • . " •-. $49; 00 LuzUrioue 3 -piece 'Clies,ter. fleId. snits (uncialined)::, - .Thig.suite has been ir dbui. 1 .4, and eecoy.' ered in" .'a .very. attra'etiVe brand.'new brown .repp.; hasA.Marshall reversible., •sPritig, CaShions and is areal. bargain at 'Oita Pride:: .(1r1gitially•Oest' *175.00, . Is exactly. like' new... „•, . . 9,4An length. .chesterfield *7 -7 -..and two roceny. .cbeirs:.tO paten, upholstered. fa 'a novelty' reop.with;-, reVersible Marshall: Cushions and , 0•wwos.fl rame„; e e ..re-tonditieted- and, dry eleA•thed...,• $35.00 Large'.eheste11,fielii .,•wolth.• '07%. -two% :big; 'Cliairs, covered: .i4. a'',PrertZ11. Jeenuard -Tatipe. •shad.e::' Conipietely re‘built .and,,thorottgbly .dry • ' Cleaned, ; . ••. • Large assortment' et • Kitthea• Cali- • Sewing •MaphineS, Oas''StoveS.,' Library, ' 'Spring.' Mat,. • fret -ties:. Odd,: DresSers,'' ..„Stuldisc4Louges,....ete,41,,,ar_pAspigly4o* • prices; ',!, • ; • ' • DEPT.:: • • LYONS' 'BEDDING 'AND:4 UPHOLSTERING %CO,' Save 40%. • Buy Direct • from -.FaCtory 478. •VONGBP'ST. " TORONTO ..; - each town for SubSeription 'work. Renewal, Tist supplied. -Coed corn- •,miSsien. Must'b& energetic and re- -.liable. ;Write Canadian. Magazine, 347. Adelaide ;"St.. W.. .Tartintti: Ot•SimortICA!.... ci*Nist CHASLES 'ALI:VI:IL' ANALYTICAL S Cherplatig at Pent*i. and atOlt eree926. naIy. ds Box 117... established dilirgersoll„ BARN . ONCE ,POST . . . . . OUR DIRECT . , FACTOR y'. .pruots save "Yon. MoneY•on Siipertite • vanii,ed roofing. Superior -steel Pe.nee • Past Ft .andi,steel.,granary Super,' Limlied.;,Sarniti.. Ont.,• W,REC,KERS •-• (1-4ApsEAC.H. THOUS- , , . . tti• noose iyom. •Ttvelve sent E WILL flU.Y. 01,0 Ott ct's,', to 'So!'e'd trete., SatipfactiOn guaraii• _.-Iterm-Tied,74/iiiktimes=-141walack, • teen ' 'Pitman Optical • fionse Vaiaccin. . . • wood ' House Wreckers. 440 Greenwood . ver, 13.C: , • • • •• • .• . , . Ave., Toronto .. • Chinese Dislike • Drinking Coffee • 13VB Not Buy the Eeae'S For Penny A Pound , 1 A little4t4oWn peer liarfty -'tof, -the Chinesetheir of .coffee. down in South Amerlea, thonsan•le • tons of good coffee beans are nsed fer stoking railway 'engines,' bureed on rubbish diimpa or thrown into the sea, :- in _order,tO,Iceep. theprice ,tho - 1,7 --1,1••••••••-••••••*, • BI BN GOES' fl)PTH,ER • RECAUSE: VE141 CHEW LASTS ..L,QNGER • • 011itiese 'merchants for:a foW PePRie3.' pound but the, offer.waS.not snapped pp Ia. the tuitetl- $t4te,S amfeters,,,ara., Jost the otlier'.way, tonrid, "Large •sunis harVe.b,een Spent in trYing,o persuade the ubiquitons .,cOffee-, drinker to tin •to, tee;This ,is haying I Sorne,,sileCesS, • lint the „Aineelcan'etill prefers coffee."' :OTHER -ritaTioisip DO Ireland thinks very -little ceffee but ber eonsinrip,tien ta more than flire• Jicat of. _Chine, although _China has.' more tnaa 30petiole 'against, -abotki four 'Million ' peoPle a'gainst about ;Our millipn' in Ireland. • The , Danes consume, more coffee thatiany other nation -7- mere thati.1.6 POonds'per head in. die 'cpurse el! the • year. Each SWedp tirinks about:15 Ibs. '....e.aCh Norwegian about 12 pounds. And. then • come the 13elgiansi. tthe Amer- . ' • \ • leans, he Dutch, the French and •the , , UlToWakeUp t. With A Headache • .. 'Now frehs'arid..Liveiy.;Cvery -Morning. . ' Here lis1.,:rrian Who 4vehe PP every morning, with duR headadhe.. Then Kruschen trans:fen:tied' his tlaya. Read ..his , • ' • • ' 'used t�wake. 'up in the morn- •.' tirA4,--thAldAdkeidaohe•.--z---.A agoil 'Started taking lia.uschen alts Iregularly. . wake up freso,‘, ankliVely 'and can 'do 'My day's Work": Without' anY exertion: I- gan reconi- 'mend .Kruschen .for. anyonesuffering from. headache's ,:and constipation,, -! end f,or: putting new 'life . hitt) You: .'I. intend to: COntinne with' Kchen..1 :tor. the reat,,of my, . :Headaches' can :near.iy alwais be traced tce a disordered •stornach; 'and .1ii--theunsustieetedLyeteatiOn--2.m-thez, system of stagnating waste material Which poise.ria• 'the ',blood: these ,Poitenspx.event them from forming againHaticryoiell never have. toworryany more: And,--thatis..just, hew Kruscheir. Salta brings ,quick and .1 lasting relief •from.headachea.' , . MISOE.LLANEOLIB• Wig'§ olsrLy, 495:. . Send• .us,,pieture•Of 'any, man's. •• BULBS. • -SrT- , 'Early • .0Yei1thi; Trunipet:Daffodil. Pheas,ants‘ hlye (Poet's Narcissual: fragrant, white, late. Eltatig91111g, frag- rant, yellov. oluilice fin). "All„field rlin bulbs, its 'Aug, $t per 1.000. '.6.41nro!iqn Paclfle 'Bulb • :Gardena.. Duncan, Vanctiuver: island. • '13USINESS.'BROKERS4.' . A.T.T.ENTIDWAS,X., • BUSINESS confitleri- Gaily • for ,cash, 'ConsOlidated l3t1sineSs Brokers, 24 Bloor West, Toronto. 'CARPETS •IRE0•wOvki,..i.iNTO. lams, OLO OARPBTS WOyEN INTO 'BE• r, vereible'lluga.-Write fer.,Priee list. • • • Raker Cle-unn. Co. Totonto'4... , Fox-77AM) BLOOpes - C. .111)°071"n dpups,° PtIfs71d: 111.-a .$6.; s...Alien PILMS'AND PRINTS * • . , pulti,sTiviAs oARos FROM YOUR 'favourite- negatives, .12' for 75C: . '3" fee 25e, _Ce,nipletWith ,enve1one4.' Sample, 10c: Brightling, 29 ,Itiehrtiond St. • E.., Toronto.' RbliLS `-_,OEVEL4OPED: PriNTir,o, ."!"" One ' free:'eniargement 2e. rte.- . pinta 10 -for .'25c. 1hoto-Ctqft,;1831/2 King St. E., 'reronto., , • . Fl.,.114,, !ARMING A... . VINE DARK .tASTt,IIN MINK 'from foundation :knelt. and 1010 kit 'prod netitni t eorrespbnde11,thvlt- e&MapIeLea. , helm, Ont. ,. • : RAISE MINX FOR..PROFIT owr Started right -With Mess ' pet co mitik=guararifeed.stotliZ Write • for InfOrtilation, Maid •Pur ParthOo ' Limited. (taint( .1)reeding, sPeciallsts); Stipti'we,'Ontatk. • : • *, • con PALL AND 'WINTER. PARTiES A Ten' entirely new aria original ., club, and parlor 'games., ,in attraetive booklet forth, assorted 'to 'snit . . • tastes and occasions. 10 cent§. dam- . dititaii-Anikridan NOVelties, 122, Well- ington Street GREAT 'SALt USED PIANO CiRIDINALLY • COSTING ; I1EN new unto -$800„, geo.d.make , beau. tlful Walnut, mahogany and golden 'oak Cabinets,: ki :real good ttined, bendiest. ' bargain prfces.• $39.56; $40,66,;$56.50.,. Ideal kr• 0. •iteltoels, cliprOttem Write for hatiOlti „Price 1I,. .sbooteigwe • Salt/4.141811 Dtifterin •St., VOraritee , . • r .• w HAIRDRESING SCHOOL A NDRE1WS'' ACAriEMY 'OF HA1R, --7-:''"7-d-resisftig. Visitors:welcome. oWiite - for prospectus. 96 lifOor .' west To. roete,.: • . ,I.ILY. pLANT'. OWES, ..ADD • brightness Of* your '• garden with. Linea from 'fionie•groahi bulbs.;�f re-'. liable iarietieg: Moother, perennial' flowers -and fruit trees for northern, gardensall of the hardiest strain.s. 'structiOnsi for • Lllies, etc. Arrival of '.all ;plants, in gOod condt1�n guaran- teed:, The Manitoba HardyPlant ,Nursery. ,F. 14, 'Skin,ner.. prop,; prnnt, Mere,: 'Manitoba. • • • • ” MACHINERY liEBLIILT*ARIVIIWACHINERY" AND.•' • fru c Om664 of: Grain Peri; .8". to' 15"i .0an 'engines '.1.% to14 h.P.;'-'1`ractors8 x 16 to 25: ir • .POW•er Units 26 h.P,' uP;', Ensilage put,. tot's; 21 • Tracks froth Wton u. We. 1.0a,Y, spot, cash for Old fractora. *Write '-u-i-Itte-a US; Satea' • Serviee, IgadDentiell St., .• Guelph, . Ontario. • . MEN" WANTED . • • WANTED -4 AMBITIOUS MEN 18 ,t years or Over, --to learn detectiye Work. Big p,ay. Rewards. Interesting bOine-study. ctitirse. Free 'information, Write tO Mprris L Jelien, BoX 25, Sta. ' doh T., Montreal. : ' •• ' '• MEDICAL C0NSTI1ATE1)?-1MMEDIATE, RE•.' • • lief (Money, 'back guarantee) feet -(brand). Lalative Pills, 35c' :b4-, g bokeelf.$1.00., Mall -.orders invited.. Perftiet 1eMkaI 460 Richmond ;W., . Terento; • • , . • ... g TRONAC1PS STOMACH POWDER, ' Quick ,relief *Indigestion; Dyspep-' sta Sour Stomach, Ileartbin,ri, Bleat- ing, Billibnaness, Nausea; SitOcessfully', . used ,nianY ,Years, •L,arge- package ed :postpaid 5ile:;strimach.,Nfedpes, ••.,t36• DOYercoin•Q Torontp,' 'TAPJEWOrtiq IttiA1- " •edy; s1mp1e ineipetialvectfc tive. Wfitp -today 'for conipiete,. infor- mation. 13RING,t YGV 43 issifts :. • . Magazinoi ' n meti'Vellous,gtilde to bettor, health and iestftit Acelaitrie,d,„ by; 20,0.00 "Ganatliani InteOsting.. Story of herbh •in the life Ortho: American Indions • S611Wit• Cr,eseY, Ilerhal ,2POrimi1aS fOr 'p.01'0111611 aliments. Frank discussions of,liyitiptoms, causes. and treatinetit, Dietary Hints. Qaestion and AnsWers.. Every lesne of this Won. derful magazine eMitains ,valaahlo cettbdild h,tivIng you tip, to One .on ;ptirehaseti '6f .herbal 'preparations, Send ten cents to Teepee: NeWiti: 1536 Dnnda W Toronto. „ • lady'inOtsV-Witelrrsofd•;atlYwhel:et-c0- t� $1..5.00..' We • Wilr•plosely duplicate '\4 E PEFtFECT Chewing Tobacco W *de , afraid. Ohsr, tit at • :yon.doi not leve me any lam.° least, not is intiCh.aS yeti used. to ,Wife •"l3ecduse 'yen 'always • it ine.: get. up to Tight the fire now." `NOtisense, my - dear! -YOu're',getting pp to irght ,the fire makes: rae .leve" you all ',the. ' own e,onceite nor .make, the take ...of 'taking •the Coneeit if ether for Wisdoia. •••''11 - been"out„With Werse- „looking.. fellows. than 'if:- ern,. haven't': notrreply; been out • With , Worse: . than1 dini:,.haven't heaiil, • yen lie, first, tirtie..:•. Wee. trying' 10 Ever nOtice that the: fellow who is • . ..alWays in a burry is :uSuaily, late.' • • •I•lusliand ti eveiwohde1. ed.wbat yo,u'wOuld do If you batiliock, - • . • Wife :.--.7...4'Nbelt 1.fteu .wcintiered. .what,•he,werulfi ,„haie.tIOITSTif train",; • •. "• .1” it' . for' .$5.95 with 'written guarantee, - • Wilson's ' Watch. Conilaany, .357:, St.' „Catherine 'West.% kistatre -1 • .- SO1O MTEMUStC-,--- . ;Anthems, hynma revised ready 'for publicatinit. Henry; Piave.% Ans.' Bac. • 42,06 :'Old Orchard•,.AN'e.,..Mon •MUSICALJNSTROMENTS .. • .1 ,_EARN 'TO PLAY. A. SAXOPHONE Tratripet4 Se.eome. a • M nalcian. Setitt'for, Form, 'for terest. aterature •fredi'' Greene MuSio•-•1 Col:nanny- 57 Qiieen PATENT AT°1 ORNE.Y. • ' „ •• • • ,• •• ROY L. ICNOX,.Regietered Attorney. Information., Infortnation regarding Invention patents:: DraWirigs:Registratipni;, Sales. 14 Metcalfe. OttaWa. „ PATENTS liNVENTIONSPATENTED, WRITE 'teday for heInful:fillit strafe cl. :lets free. W. Irwin IIa,skett, 18 T',1, Otthwa.. , . • AN OFFER TO -EYERV tor, List of inventions, and full infortriation sent free, THE,RAlVfSAY COMPANY Registered' Paterit ..At- tortieNis,..278 Bank ,SL, OttaVia, Can. • . 'PERSONALS: ". r • , A..lt4AN'B.TONIC-MEN*B FRIEND (ForAnen ofilY), 50 pills ; directions enclosed; Mall orders Peat- „pm4ao4i rint.t?hroornattpoitl.,711,: 04n0e0.11.1wilt:. *PROPERTIES WANTED. , GOOD PRICES 'PAID FOR: OLD Buildings anyWhere fey Wrecking.. .t;reenwood House !Wreekera, ' 440 • Greenwood. .Teronto. ,• • , REMNANTS: VREE!--i7Q. QUII:TING 'PATTERNS! a -',,,,,,.-e ' , , Giant waiihiatit reninatits.i - ma,ses five knits° Cottoria! prints: 41.00 'Cellect";' SainPle biindle, 2A. 'nee- ftintr guarantee! ,Matilline Textilea, 3'0140;•Degatitie. ,montreoto, , ..STAMP,s' AND COINS r!OlIONATIONS, JUI3ILEE, COM- 'inoinerlitives, Triangles-'• 40 forent 'stamps* 10c to OproVal ° cants; Edgard, 10S Maple; Windsor, tarith WATCH IZEPAIRS' YtARS”, ExPtgitNct $1600 replaces mainspring; jeWel;• handS, .erystats, (Hal iwepaired, Providing no parts miAsing. 2 -years guarantee.. Re- turn postage paid. Formerly • with,• Hamilton Watch Factory. • American 8wiss Watch' Spedialist Reg'cl, Dept. - „W.,, 431S Brebeut Montreal. e • Fall Fertilizinrr Aid to. Pasturpa nef•it Which •MO•re.ind More Farm:ern Are .Reepgniting T ;reit e Of the application of or • 1i1ize1ifl the% fall to ?pas-tureS, and al! falftt;'• and •Partiett,larly to. perMaterit pastpres, iS bee'oming more le erallY recognized,. The' •fertilizers use'd ' for this. compoSed-iefL;;phos--, :Ph and and potashes, do,' lee,ch . frorri •willter snows'end .01118; and the : . plant fond they:Supply •is -ready •to.giVe. • tile desired reanits With ,the .first , .grciwth.in. the Spring: Fti.rther; the fail : 'appliCatiterAs.'a saving, of time in, the- .• spring 'When. se. many ether farm OPer- • 'ations ,demetad, attentiOn„ .The appllea:,.. • aftr the ' • • , The specially.iralapeed 'fertilizers for t pitrPOse • re coin intainled.... y Ihe i?rovincial Fertilizer :Boards are. 0-12-6. 0-12,10; 0-1245, 0-16-6. 0-1640. and 0-16- 12,. to be applied at the rate of at least '00 pounds ip.'pOuttas lpe.s. acre.; . It Weilld, he • wasteful to apiJy'a 'complete ,fertilizer fu the fall, that id, one conthinind• nit rogen in addition to thephosphoric acid and potapli, RS; most of the nitro- • gen- would be Oat by leech/it* gr 4111. • . moniatioi:Pefore Plant growth bad- ster4077m thelP14.11Z- . , World's Oldest Human Portrait arved in Ivory Tiny 1-lea41.,Of Stone Age, : Discovered at Vestionice, Cze- ;choploirakia,, 30,QQ0 Years Cilti ep'aDistitts:aecliot:";e0iprcyoi.t,h,X1:4' ;t9l;t4.1,.7.:71140,:isr,oththnan ey4.7 -.Csaterrr-71:2,107n, been aTnouned by .Dr • 11"4.toric Mammoth itUriters..ef. . . , . The ,portrait' is.' a; tiny ;:head.,of iVorrr., .I.Nra's!:f9t1,10.4t e.ct net mnnoths'4110 ':pt,oer rds Lt •'; Ice. Age ,Artists , Sly Arthur Keith, Wr.iting in Ow • • current i$soe ef „the jIlustrated Lon- don NeWS, regards it, as .''definite •,• 'and irrefutable proof that there. was , . _ , A.I.Leonardo '` ea Vinci amongst the '11:14Trithel7eth.i'S 1147,ttelr.Sace,131.0.f. Mthoreavsl.en people 'who When Egrope Still in the "grip of the Ice .Age.. . , Alone ,Li,sa, . expression "•in tli lump of preh•storic sculpture whieh scientists ,ace:anneti.....ne-ref-Htha • most astonishing' .finda; 'of .arelinee-." legy in many yeara. Photogr'ephs-of • • • 11 ret By/tarn brows a long slightly upturned' it shoW-a. noble 'arid senSitiVe igtCanc rt s. .witharched ridges over...the eye-, • . A .. Expel ts of Canadian: eggs to. great, Britain in the export. 'season' whieb _ , , . , . , • startedpcently are ,N•lie*c.1 to ag•-: • 'th ' theod-cone- . and ene-quarter million dozen' egji,'ss,.., Tiaexport 'Seaten..eitends f rorn the Middle' of ; SePteinber. . to 'the, latter part NeveMber • an'ti ..at ,the 'end t.of. eth. To ee, rn:tep bt:ez. r ta nOotOr this ),h,ee.issfe 000 eggs, -..h4: gone forwaid season is made'. up 'ot I egg's 1,11d in ther7spriae* e abipping-date., • ,SaskatclibiN,an,; .and: ORiarin arc the; chief 'eXPorting •provincea; With Qebee and Alberta-. making smaller shipr,nents. • ' •. "Ai inslirance cOrnianY:i11 t'fl you that. Women.are otitlig-•'. the „ . , • eat! • Ft; ..144 re ass on • Opinions are ' tivVears,11YThis -own; . , . : Crook "'Mr. MePhersen:,,boli.abont buying the,:latest' ' •••• • .' . , Mr., McPherson •,---. Irian; - I'II' Wait. 'oiatiE the. 'a:frail:8.'1n Europe are more'Settled." I. . ehatartliiie:if the•crilatas_goctd,,/ . , k."',6me 'folks ..irisiat on . figuring lir& the 'filling • will • get by. ' '•' • Fignre this put:for „Yourself':' , ,"What des ' thehride,. think, when she:Walks: Jae the Alttr Eymn.• • -Thelatel.Thomas A,. • Edisonwas sheing:'n.,partjr.-of.,,frientis over heentiful .stninner‘ residepee..equiPpett-: -With. Malty laber4aVine, exc'ePtion„. boWever; ,,,was •0 tut-to:114.: so surf, .t hut .it . reanired.- cOnSiderabl.e”: st.rengtirtO force a paSsage:„.s.,:;_. .gaests .puslied `their., Way 'tfil'eugli At length one !of ,„lbem, yentured. .Etitsou, yon, have Orthing:s6 nerfeet ek- eWfid arnttile,"' , "Alf," ..replied the: host, . 108 eye "Everybody• who .pushes. that . turnstile. atetind,PuMPS,,'• eight gallorta o4,water in(ci Alto taiik on my Ont.° • ' . „ • . • ..At. iwealtiitistsone niltirning; toWn . . bapheior'nopee.a. some hamt-writhig•nn one Of ins: tliree4niripte eggs- Ex4e114- clo'selv he ..rnade,oitt the foiloW-• ineSsnge.; ."This egg Was packed' bYt who is Prepared to Marry the nran, WIte. rietiets,, this Message; , ,She liwtaid,tet Prettiest 'girl In thig,otighherhoov, , • wrote/ 'fiAe Le'eorresr With.Yeti Ohject'niatritnony."• Severairdayti,latei• he received a re,' PlY.:• ,6I.entifiettered by Vint offer, but I /lin tieWiinerriect.'end lutkee;three ehil; . "ITurnaii , netnr.g15 an.oild MiXfure of credulity Mid incredulity," remark-, ed ..Y.On tell a inaii there are tAve hundred: hild , Stars, hell 'ACCept:yeue Werd fcr 'it, But if YOU; `pitt.110' -111 Sign, '',Fresb :he's neer satisfied • iintil,• lie piMea it iS fresh, tHE Sitts106 beatify ail About us: here, 'And hOitt \VISO itgleSS that pon't, be... 11410 Let's, pa 111106 it! , . . . , . , lisrge No. 43—'37 , • • • ‘Nlyt,1 Ft.7141t • . ' Net- "Thinking .of-lietireinent ,.and enlY '..the, .haPpleet ,ieharacterized theti• 't WO Weeks 'of • camping together. • n ad I afr-S couts-:-.in a ile-74W-e,:‘,.: tTle.len epresented thcpaiiiiiiion in -the:.yer-- hine reviewt. in 'the great, :•opening ' March ,Past before. Her Majesty Qteen... '.Wilbeiminzi, cf ,and • Le'rd B. Canada') had: the .honour of leading. the pritish-Emnire Saction ,;„ the largest divistoti of the. rev'-',e,.'xt -largest Avisiliing:, conf; • the, Frenelf,shoe 2000 ,••• ••ionti•-.;•1; sfileindliPipPoir-ance. ••OifiCial denial 'elf .a „runiOur circul4t- ',.ed 11 London 'f011oWing the. cleie, Of • the International Stout .Tamboree,,ia_Lael:: 1d,-Baden4PO wel Fives eon- tenipiating.recrenie.nt as, World. 'Chief S.eout,:waS made by M. Stew.. -.art: of Tors:into, noon rils return' from • , • the Jamboree. Wherehe- a,et,efi as .0:4" had oft the 'Canadian Scout ' . contingent. 1r Ste:Wart iS •• Chairman be: the Executive 13dard , of the Canad- ian General •Counell :of: the Boy ,Semits' . „Associati,bn: . • • 2 • •",It was officially announced by the'. -itrinerial..§cout HeadqUertere in, f.,en- • tho.n," '.111r. Stewart ;Stated;.: "that. there. !was•abselutelY no.fonntle,tiOn te the :ru. 'M wife wife and 1 hrid: ibe...pleesni,',"of •apending a Week -end. at Pax MIT with Lerd. and: Lady Baden-Powell,. rvid the Woi•lel- Chief Scout %yea, extelleet., health, fell., of :energy! a,e1....disevssing •i a long list_ of: St,out,„' entigeirients. , Stime- Of .theSe were two -eara ahead. A. „This winter •he: will 'South Africa . , , :end Rhodesia. .exp:vts, to attend a Scent the West Tadieetrittl--aire4.11 r 11 - NOW , Wales, on the 'of hr O,t. the 4011d, .•,Iie.also 'plans try. ,attend the. ,neXt Rover Moot; to be.lield lirS'Cote , . , land in 1039', • . • ?' No,•- the cid chief is Still the ii•re, • p reSS.i b to ; -erLy 61:-YrOu f ill • i1,1•P':;.,atid he is,not 'toe h.inoment thinking. of 'going , en the ehelf."•" ' " • • ;,T10 ,interna'tio,oal eath6riOg:,•0 the ' Scouts: hi lielland MrStewarC,r, Port-. ed. es a. splendidhappygtthoi-in1 that offeredaii un.for.gettable example of pi:. i'ertiation ;youth friendliness, in ton treat to, the strain [rici 4urnioi1 that, :characterizes so Mach of • the , adult World ttriv *Seine' 28.000 ,knv 'wede . present. from 32 different #ohntries,, . . oak 00 ; 7/00 .„ LEONARD, For thee; Who Are HARD OF 'REARING ' ',1,6;crEarPilLeonard, E:ro°1uri is i 6bad 13tt:8IdSbackbf:ar;I tedIni 1901. Read rstfrlsa::ve1put nda ebH0:rinirinraliovesctarStops had .vty4tka0noisesEty tuse4 ltvoordgt • "Ditltributors Cdnhda:•2 CAUtitNIIANI AGENCIES, MONTht,A.11' ; STOP 'THEM SCREAMING! It'yon•ti+OrrY=-witti thr#,:titreei ittO !colitis hi , your etnirdith-take PUS E. etonotnitel drops inch 'kitty 41411 help , eteedy thosee4god ncrvc1. ithprbv4 jYdtre nOpefit4,, build up yePli.strength.,;, At druggists ad, $ite Anti $1:60. OSFEEINE)I ER_ElONIC T„ nose and a king -Chin.- • - But prehistoric ac -r. • Cording : to., ...Dr. ..,Absajoh; ;heretic, some 'seerilegious Iman Ts7fre7dt-,Pie-"7"Terigion: Of,'• his 'fathers, ..and in • defiance • of ,all..,traditien. . . the portrait. of a trite face?" . • Dr:. Alipalen placesthe aeof. diaeoVerY at80,.600 years; Sir 'Ar,, .thur Keith reduces It:, to, 20,000. iears • but exults over it , all 'the isnzne. • . often," he Writes,•i "have ealistic POrtraitef."the:'. extinct men they .they- sting/it' to reeenati‘nei. 'item:the .hafe :hones ef Skulls! And now they. havo ene'. It isnot rnerelitlie early: ,hiSterY of Moravia that Di AbSalon • iS opening up; but 'else 'the history of enr Euto5eari ,ferefatlie,ra and 'fore.' Mothcrs. soon,lafter theari% . . . . Central Europe." INDIGESTIO Otkillft WAS MISERABLE, , NO _APPETITE._ L I TR DOCTOR SMD ALIZE NUWrAt THE fIRST SIGN OF ACID -INDIGESTION USE PHILL/PS' 'AND I FEEL LIKE A NEW 'PERSON, ALMOST -IMMEDIATELY,/ • . „ Ite fastest 'way to „ to .• ably your dlkdlizer with you. That's - :What thousands do n.iiw that gen- , bine Phillips' cornea in titiy, Peppert, • • ;Mint :flavored tableta--in a flat tin :forPockOt Or ptirte. 'Then you: ar.e ;always ready:. • . „ : Use it this way,' Take g phimpe.... • tablets -equal in "alkalizing" effect • to'2teaspoonfuls' cif liquid Phillips* , froth the bottle; At (jade von feel ' ruintea, "OVer-etoWding" ' • from' hypertacidity.begin to -ease. "Add' headaches," "acid breath," • evr,neitrstotilach are corrected at, the Sotiree. This is the quick Way 16 tate OUT* OWn ' distress ---,avoid offense to others, NM* IN, OANAdA .• . ,• . Trip to Arctic • Missionary Ship Returns to Qu.e.4. . be:: with iMusCSpecjthenS .The, little 'plias:unary 'ship, •iit'arie. .Francolte'!.k,herese, slipped' into Qe bee Iliarbor.,. lastweek n the last July, On za 7,000-inile' voyagethat , ,carry :her ..to• re/nOte',refssion stat ons conducted by the !Oblate : Lder:_iii:4e Eastern Aretie., .. , .„ „ . . • ,the order: from an aminyrnonS.'donor;.• braught 'back .to-Civilize'tion,.:1Vgr, . . Cla.dhaud, newauxiliary • bishop • at 'Hudaell :Rev.. Duplain.' ChuichI4 Man, and Rev Artheme• DuTillY,SlArctit:.natOra7iat: • • ' i• •• • •••:. ',Huge:Aar . the long trip, Made s&atcd stations ' and retilenish.,pne7. v:siens 'and the • thie.e. priests , bad :little to. pay. ...Storni:S.' and rotgli• Weather the i accepted ap . the *duty, •,..," ' 'It; was the "skin ..Of, „huge : polar bear that •artiniedthe of Ether He hi:led: •Ihe '80 Tounder. with . a --sitigle „shift- • rent ...gungiven71' him: by a, : Qu . before the •exPeclitiOn left uebee:list.JUly 1th."1„ o' ' • -Eskimo' Uteaails AJsoin his little.-chlifnWhi,-...11 . he: • was tidynv 11) _preParation_for•a„,v;.'sit • - . front' Cardinal Villeneuve,. 'Wert :seine' 200,, v et es of old' hone Spearlica:ls, 7 hrucs Witt) (PiPMPItt ,t1114 Ls i 1110' ,codlil1gtej1s wn'eli Father' • DuTilly: • Will • take., tb••,...a.tt.7Ntand. Washington Where •• lie .• ,.'",clottinientary ,speciaiens. . Veteran 'of the -AretFtither „,. hrn klierVodi.,uS' rilot on thehp ' deinmanded ,hy..,Cept. .7oseplt •ciuo. of ,Quebecf,' and manned by /1-;ne, . .,Freachl...Cehaclian acarrien:, The W,:re4 .., less v;•s, 'handled •by.,,Fa.'ilier lluTLlly, ;who kept,in '.totich ;With •the,' • headquartt(rs,,, at, 'Churchill while;,the:, • lode, krei, way 'tip.' the, Ct).:',s.tOfx • Labrador. to. ,Hudson l3ay ThrhetSse!' ',first. called 'at, :Cheaterfield . • Inlet 'arid nttrniied a',, t °tigress of ,•Catliol•ie iniseiontir:CS of :the.p.ktrIeL Later, she ploWed, ,to,• lOnely .tles,ta"at l3alter Lake; lfilae Day and'iIgluliki, ., ::Cleii,irtJ4-it airk . ; . ..:'ii . ' Is : rii.tiftg: aye , ,.,.., Adeorartfg. to seic;ntitts Britain' 1/ becoming lit,glier aboVe see. iev,,el in . the north and kwer,in, the Sot ill. 11111 there is- nothing .unusnal alio ,14,v this, ,EXperii'lleiffs Preve that. rist: an,1 falls - nre occurring Pall over }the :,wor1.1, dile %to' tixpAnsion and dont'entit'An oftb,the • earth's surface. ' • The intelior of the earth is iyuch ' more ,selid t an th8u e tineo: fvoci in; ' `l‘N ,.terior 'moven ,nts 'are II c)cfore.. ' trenSmitted on e easily'', Bult. titer IS' no iteed to b*0 alarirted.-•Tli. iota rise ntul fnli 'ilf Britain' in the 'la* Yettras IP' ottlp even itehe; ,. . ( . , . . • 4