HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-21, Page 1, .
• • .
:01 R. L. ,Tieleaven-
• , • .0fPse:
L.00 -1-r3.4(' PAL,
By Appointrncnt'
tone116. • ' •
• FOR • RENT -7 -,Apartment and. garage
• Apply:. to: Mrs. W. C. Johnstone.
• HOUSE FOR SALE -Good (prick
shOuse,... lights', hod and Soft Water,
furnace, good garden and garage:--:
• Mrs. Joseph Tayror, Ross St.
FOR, ' , SALE-,; .3 Hereford' ..Bulls,.
9-; and • lo Months old. .Herd, fully
-2-year old Leicester rain and 3 ram
Georq Kennedy, R. 1 Lucknow
. ,
.FARM .FOR SALE = 3.00 acres,
choice,: land, 7' good barn . and house,
rgniiing,witer, Lot 9; Con 3 Kifiloss,
For partieulars apply' to -r ,
FOR SALE7-roent house; With
large lean-to wood shed, first plass
.shape. Hard soft water; '%; ares
, • .
of good garden two blocks north of
Main street, LucknoWi. Apply to. Mrs.
NEWOSTREX' Tonic Tablets ,contain
taw oyster k invigorators ,,Envi other
stimulants. One dose Peps OP7Orgarls',.
glandiI not:.delightecl; maker re-
funds, price paid -$1 25 Call, .,write
as geintinian; Nordheimer, Mason
tisch.., Weber, and 'allots; at rea-
sonable prices and. terrai::. Write
Heintzmaii 4. Co.; 242 Dundas St.
London, fOrfurther' particulars. : 'N'o*
'3,43 .19;Y.3* •
ourr. 01? REVISION
. Notice is'.hereby given, that court
will bo held nurinarit to: the i Voters'.
Lists Act at. the Council ObaulbOr,
Con. 9, .Ashfield on Wednesday, NO
oniher •3rd, ` at , 3 "Mock. ' M. fOr
bearing all eon -Plaints 'Made against
tlre-TFiret .and 'Second ',.parts. of.t-h-64
Voter:WTI:4sta for the Twii1iip of
C. E. MeDONAGH Clerk
. Who cares, tospend a life frea,ef
trouhles Who cares -to sup-
ply the . needs .of his family 'Who
ares7toork-Ltfor-hiinself-:..ahel thus
eain ,as much . as he desire...S.'? For
these who really- care the :FAMILEX
PRODUCTS 'COMPANY with it-.4,ne
Of 200 househOld necessities' will rad,
ly forward :in, interesting plati
• out ,obligation •-•Win'tsoever. • wRitt
AT ONCE.' prio- Bt, Cleinent,;Mentreal.
NOTICE, OF coLigT , ciF
:Notice is ' hereby !given that; a
court will be held.. pnrSUant to the
Votcrs'List,Act at..tbe Town, Hall
.. in the Village of Luciendw,'.011 .'filurs-.
day; the,: day of October, : 1037,
at 2.0,6 o'nhinh:' p.m., for ;hearing all
complaints made against the First,.
• and Second parts ,,of, the Voters'
for .ibe Municipality of, .the Village• ,
of Lucknow. for the Year1,19§7.
Dated at LacknoW; Ont.; 'October
13th, 1937. ,
• , JOSEPH .AGNEW,'" . •
Clerk of*the 'Village of Lucknow.
, , ,
'A reorganization iieeting,-of. the
Lticknow Badminton Club will be held
in the Town Hall' on, Monday evening
it 9' O'clock All 'interested are re-
Auested to attend, *Note :,the
In tha'ToWn Hall,, I.,UcknoW Friday
• October 20th; at' 8.30 o'clock, ;under
stuspiees of LricknoW V, F. W 0.. The
play, 'St On It Stan" will be pre -
'stilted b teesWatet Drarhatic Club,
followed by a dance. General tidniis-
shin 25c, Children 15e. ,
A Meeting of the Great War Vet_
orane of 4.,neknoi*.W111 be held in 'the
Orange Hall; Thursday evening, Opt,
. .
.ober 21st- (tonight) * at 8 o'clock:, All,
. Veterans are requested to attend. The
• *eating. ° is in Charge of Itenhetb
Vireaver;';`Zono epretent4itive.;
. In liblyroad 'Hall, on Friday, Oeto,
bee -29th, under ,auspices of thei..-‘0,'
tneti's "Institute. Prizes' given.
era, adniission, 28di McCartney's
.Het WOW Tat errigon.
service • 'Church .in
Ttacker§mith:. TOW.#ahiP, ;the 'day
Marking , thel5th Miniyersaty -of:ti,11c.
coPening' a that. church,' ,at 'which
Ur. RobertsOri 'was •also Present' 'as
' lad', of seVen: ,years" of age.
the :Lfterfloon servicel '140.1
,Robertson Was the ,only 1..On'elpresent
who. had the idistintion 6f lming
,present at tilde", two wide :Cpread
memorable ocicasionn. .He also at -
'tended the and . the Toth
anniversary of ..this church: s
On Friday eveiiing a 'nnmher''-"Of
'ered at the home of Mr. .and Mrs.
,Garfield: :MadDOriald. to present them,
with a .purse'of Money.. As Might - be
. • .
well imagined, the aliening was spent
in, Playing the game, but inability 4
sorn. of the , inernbera to be present
prevented .the tournament , that, had.
been planned , • , •
dainty Inneh was later .served
and after singing, "FOrthey' are jelly.
good fellowt",:tfie:plakeri bid Adieu,
,well' pleased with the „Ireanitable re+
ception by Mr. and MacDonald
and an enjoyable': 'evening at the
"silent garne". • • ' • . •
On"Tueaday :e,vening last; following° *
-the.' Masonic !Chanter'. presented. MK,
1VIanponald with a lovely floor lamp.
,:EarlY. Tuesday', morning the death
occurred :of - Mt 'George r.'ecniegnat;
°I. Kitclieneri-fellOWing serioni. OP-.
etation'' he; .underwent on Saturday.
Mt. :'pequegnat, who is 80 years of
age,- is. Mrs. • ROY Itudson's .father.
Mr. and Mrs. Dudsbn who f'Were, at
Kitchener over the Week -end returned
there on Wednesday to attend the
funeral' which "7,iS being.-. held today.
,This,Past Week' We receiVed, Peat
card from a party ,Toronto in
os to send the ,Sentinel to a
new address: on •Sherhourne, Stt, The
SUbteriber however_negleeted_te_.sign
_nainier to g-the-4he-.7old
address. Let ns have your nettle,
Please' and we will • be' glad to make
the change.
St. Ilelen's 444 Were
Guests 01
Visitors Provide Interesting Pregran
Featured By A Demonstration By
. Misses Lau'rine Miller -and Annie
'Meeting in the .Town Hail on Fri-
day afternOodthe '1.1041 branch of the
.Wornen't Institute 'Played. host tea
goodly Puniber Of. members of .the. St.
„Helens' Institnte., „There ..was an at:
tendance 'of alotit eighty ladies., .
The 'meeting ,Was opened by the.
Ideal president,. Mrs. Clarke, 'wel-
coming the Vititors. Comnaunity
ing was enjoyed ' With Mrs Warman
Wilson presiding at ,the' piano. Dur-
ing the butinett -.period .the .-:,141ck-
noW 'inatitute ,decided" to have Alice
Dunbar, • prcsc.n a c,Oncert here in.
Nbyernher,..on a date suitable to 'her.
It., was; decided to again sell poppies
for Remernbranee DaYand t� buY
Wreath:, A: COminittee !Was appointed,
tO'L arrange. for 'the "annUal. Reirietri-•
hrance.', Day memorial., „service. ,
Roll tall': was ansWered by tit-
nouncing..the. talent of the PersOn: to
the tight: A, vor,§e on the,Motto,
cheerful -grin 'A ill lei you. in" Was
read. by Mrs.' CaniPbell
Mi -s. 'Clarice. then' vacated •the l chair'
Which *at taken, bY.Mis. W.. A. minor;
Who expressed the pleasure with
yvbiCh they had accepted theinvitation
and at the 'conclusion of the Meeting
thanked '-.the local :branchfor, the very
Pleasant tline.•' '
'Tije St: Helen's- btaneli ,Ptesented.
'the pregrain; including a piano, sole
by Mis'S Jean Thom, Hallowe'en 1.016
ings by Mrs, E. W. *RiVe' and Mrs.
MOXeh?10 Webb and a sole' by Mrs.
E. W. Rico with accompaniment ,by
Mrs,. J. IV, hynt, 'like...toPic on Hall-
nwe'en was well taken by MiS§
snQuiiiin.,A feature or the pro-
gram W5s a very Interesting' denton-,,
stratiOn • on, the prolecti,,, f"Clothes
Closets •Up-to-date",, giYen. by ,Missea
Laurine Millr and Annie Watson.
contest was held Among the four
groups I into which th9:,ladies kite) bean
dividecl as they arrived. Luria* was,
served by the loeal branch.
.With refrigerator car avaiift,hle
't} i�duce - for;drought,- stricken
Weitarn. Canada' is ,k.eipg carrieflgon
this week. , • • -
• ' 'Frequent . rains.'that have , made' it
difficult' ,to haiyest' potato ,,and ,root
c.r,000 ' and 'llOsfPoneinehf, of the • !Pad;
iig was ;
C(rridelt!' frPT14}
have Ib4d, ,e0tie,chOWeIver?!
ant with ,e refrigerator car available
this week .it is being loaded as first
"decided. •
'London, Ont.', October 18th
Editor Lucknow $entmel, •
' Lucknow; Ont.
Dear Friend:
Following .iny accident :at Bruce -
field on September 2004;1 Was taken
toSeat Meinorial Hospital :at ,
Sea -
forth , Where 1 WAS given the Yeti
best Of ' care. and.'medical,attention.
On October .1406 • the stunipwas
permitted to return:'horne.Although
,I;.have, lett , considerable weight
feel: well link would be Pleased tu
See anYOne from LiteknoW Who hap-
;yens- to .be '• in .tendon, , . it will
probably he a":,couple of Months yet
'hefoe I will. be going full blast Again:
.was greatly; 'pleaSed to read of
ithe•• fine iproikoss beirg 'Made • on
ug now's "Arena. It is a out 'the
only thing the --old town 'ever lacked;
With, best wishes,, •
Rae: J. Watton
OiSE,R 21pt 1937
Death Claimed Iiro'nriinen I
Funeral of J. G,:AnderST4 1:.).x9.11TP.nt.
LuckriON TIUsilsees: Man And 3lanii-
facturer, To Be ,Heid Today -Was
.#0Tnac:11:ee, n;i7j!.if
Rrnfe%., ,
.Thel. death 'ef,J Anderson
Purred • in the: early hours of, Tuesday
Morning, and in his Passing Lacknow
and district suffers the :loss of an
outstanding , citizen andprominent
business , Mari and mapmfacturer.. •
Although in failing hea'lth' for ,the
past few months, Mr. Anderson, ever
'active, ..icontinued ,at his Work until
a' few Weeks ago when he•- was con-
fined to his twine after returning
'hospitalfor a ,week, He ,had failed;
rapidly mince then; and for the past
few days_ it was • apparentthat the
end was tiear: 1 •
Mr. Anderson has heed a tesidezit
Of 'Lucknow for -mote than forty years
chareh life of the . -village his. asspeia-
tions. have 'been, 'many during • a use -
full Career:, that „terminated in his
Hydro users have., received their
billi this week and 'vvill• note, with
• • ,
satisfaction the ten per cent: rebate
that:is being receiv_ed. The rebate is
based' on the 'total billings' during
1936. '
By Card, + PalinittrY; Tea; Cup.:'.
Astrology ,
A4 ice In: Personal Problems
Appointments -.Monday, Wednes-
day and Friday. ,:°1-lours:".,?•f6 1030
a.M.; 2 to. 4 :P.M.
Sactificei• clearing sale of ladies'
shoes, ladies' oxfords and Chilciren.s
school' Shoes. These lyieS are being
definitely discontinued and prices are
slashed- to clear the -stock of'OalitY
2F011 1 .gAI,E--;`;
P.' N'..15at:ersOn's,',Nyal 2 for '1 tale
is on next Wednesday, ;Thoraday,
Friday .and Saturday, when you Iniy
one _Ny,al,prodiict". at the .regultir' price
and receive, another, or ,. other INYal
prodnet's • okyalue; absol-
, , . •
utely free. . .
Bibie.SOcie ec ure On
• SpainQtiite.Interestkg
.In tdvance -Of the annual appealfor
support in thi5-. cominunity to . help
to carry on their connriendable work,
'an. illustrated .lectiire on .SPnIn' was
Presented in the Pr,es,byteririn .Chuith
on Monday evening ,bY 'Rey: :Walter
McCleary„ district 'secretary Of the
Bible •Society.
Rev. • McCleary traced; the work of
George lEcerrawS, one of . the 'most
.outstandingcelporteurs to have ever
served the Society, who introduced the
Bible into Spain; a little niere, than
106 'Years' ago, and had it translated
into the. various languages Of the
people of that country.1 He •toriclied
on the persecution' ' and • difficulties
that followed hisefferti in this re-
SPeet.-• • -
An interesting fact is that in !Seville
.Bibie.depot °Petted, A hundred years
'a6 is stilly Carried'. on, in ;the same
• .
Rev. .Medeary outlined preso4
'conditiena. in' Spain' Where work of
,the Society is still being carried on.
Although ',akin, War raged.. in Spain
for six months' of the pit yeai.,. it
cireulation. of .211,000 bOoka was
chieVed.: Right through the, siege of
kaatictth tibia depot was kept open
with ,the Society's representative at
the Post of duty,•
• In appealing for support this year
Rev:McCleary itatoa, that Ontario
dependod %on to Make' good.- the
falling. off .of toutribittions in the
drought strickeni *eat,
72nd ' Year ! ' ' °•.*
• .John. 'George. :jAnderson was one 0
a' 'ffinily of teh children of the lat
Thoma and Mary :4Pderson. He vva
pci,rn ,FOrnary 10th, 1806 on the farn
ily lioineatead, -north of Dun aimo
now 'owned .by .•his. brother. Edward.
Covoing to T',,UcknOw trona the 'faint
in 1895 be:':firet 'condueted..,a feed
businetss'here. • Then he beeariie ex-
tensively engaged 'in the buying- and
hipping f apples, which:resulted. in
him °Puling a wholesale fruit
ness the Wet. He did a large :ejc-
. „
port business to the Old Country and
,one Year during t}i haight ot .thiS,
business -Mr. Andersonhad
the dis-
tiiictio11 of being'.i4 largest.' exporter
in the DeMinion.. •
In the Years following the War Mr.
Andersen diVerted.hjs attentions to
the developing of a flax growing and
Mannfactoririg htiArigss.. In '1924; his
sen -joined the' firm. of J. GtsAncletson
,and Son, who now •OWn •.SiX mills' in
Ontario' and .which r has becoine the
.outstanding flak industry iti the
But his; lousiness "interest 'did not
-fOundl*inte to. Setve his ninnicipah,
In 1905 h Vas elected to the:Coupel
and for three Succeeding terms served
a's: reeve. A. stalwart Liberal, he • cul-
minated his public 0466.. by rePre-
'serail)* South BraCe in the Provincial
Legislature for four years under the
party leadership' in the House Of 'Hon:
N..W7-Rowe11...i-fis most recent' ser-.
'yke to his ninnidipalitY • Was ., this
spring 'wlieri Mr, •Anderson headed a
deputation te.Ottava seeking to have
the Federal- Government 'build- ,.:Pest
ditce in the village, an. undertaking
Which was latei,,aPproved.• ••
A faithful,,,incinber ',and .attendant
of the 1,iicknoW .united- Church, Mr.
AndersOdhaS. serVed'fOr :many yeare
a a Member' of thn iloard of Stew-
ards. Ileas a Member -Of ,the •Green-
hill''.CemeterY' 'Company,. where ,
interment, Will be' nfade this afternoon
ttt, r:
'artnient,id.the Congrana lock were
cause for a fire alarm Tuesday night
4hOlif 'flin6.-.,'Fd194CT4e4.1 .11: high. 77104,
Wass, blowing. No damage Occurred,
however'bue cin§e watch was kept
until the red boot kiP4
f.”'i)P.T1141',..4'i}ft#ri the gale was
*14",CP°Iiilib1e.:19r, a break in' the hydro
service leaving the village and as
far north as Holyrood, , where the
trouble 'occurred, . darkness.. The
short circuiting of the system caused
a'blinding flash on the 'tell Telephone
switch board. •
• Sixteen *embers of the 'Arena Club
ere -resent at
night when planfec,', further fall
activities Were discussed.
t It was decided to again present' the
poptilai play "Paying the Fidler",
Which' was presented at Fait time to
small'croirds,•'diie, to the paralysis
. . 4
icleim*-1,49,4psoceeds • of the play will
again be divided with the Agricultural
Society: It is planned ,to Present, it
On Friday,November 12th;
i The following 'financial report :was
received:. .1 , •
Balance Carried Forward $856.59
Receipts froin Flak ' • 33.00
• Itre4,41,
• . . ' • • ' •
noi',17.• '44z : RASPIDg100..T.A‘ .1"'.4.TIr'17$4;*:'BUN$
Acid ,Fine Assortment
Of Books At ,Library
*More Than 125 New B.poke Now
Available At Public Library -41st
_Includes Fiction, Non -Fiction And
Juvenile Volumes
1.4UCknOW Public' Library has added
nlore than 125 new be6k.'s, which are
now available to the Public., This 'list
is a fine assortment,. qf the very lat
est '0111111es' And includes fiction,. non-
, p 0 provid ng
a further wide „choice of 440esSing
.and'ednational reading ,matter..:The
are -like Most persons Your. eyes,
are about the last . thing which*.;
you consider From year to .3ree:t
they are neglected and injured.
Surely they are more himortant
;than THATF.,:
. .
At Sehmid's Jewellery Store
• All pay Each Wednesday and
Each Saturday
fiction juv b bk i
Visit the new §c to $1.'„departanent
at the ''MARKET' STORE.
(Thurt.day);.following a .piibli"c ser -
Vie in the United . Church at 2.30w
0'0604, conchicted by Rgir, S. . T.
Tucker. , •
Mr: Anderson is survived. :by his
,Wife, • and; one ten Wilfred D., reeve,
Of the village. • •• , '
Suivzving also. , are; two:: brothers,
Rose Anderson,...Godericli; . Edwa.rd
Anderson, Dungannon.and tWo sisters
IVIrS,, J. C. Pentlarq (Frances), Grim-
sby; Ma. ''Massey• Berry .(Anna), San
Frai1cico Thee brOthers, Arthur
and Will of ;,8t. T.Jou0; Gordon of the
West and • two sistetS, Mrs Hugh
GirViii and 111r8,. Itiehard W '
ebater Sr.
of LaCknOW*. Predeceased' Mr, :Arider-
We' are indebted • to',. Nri,8.• Frank
Algno• of NeW York City for thcp op-
tiltir illustrated . itagaine •
The Magazine features. .twenty-one
pages' Of pictures,* of •tho,Ameriean
Legion's l.th annual convention • held
the, latter .part of 'September in New
York, • 'when lio,OpA Legionnaires;
wive* Children -.and folloWers,,'Swept.
into, the Airierietin Metre:Tic-Es' like an
inading.'armY 'fina "ino101the city''to
the" blare of half a thotiaainf'•liandS,
4:Pd the banging of firecrackers and
toy eannntia: ,
This four.day eenventioi. is . the
greatest Mitts yspectacle in American
Wei, When Fifth .Aveniid.,..depdr,tment
atorei,..board u1 doors andwindeWs
and New York nitty
xpen Awes.
Wallpaper, etc..... --.7.$2.34
Papering and repairing • •
Stage 4 85 '
Lunch for :Past -...-,. '2.25
Play Books ' 2.98
. , •
Less Notice Cards and °Postage 1.06
Cash In Bank 374.21
Outstanding' Acconnt.--.-..... 3.00
Actual' Balance 07141
Sunday broug t destruction to that
part of the framework that hid. been
.erected-for--the-are ,Eight-trtisses
orTateut onequarte;rthe number that
go into the construction. had been
raised by Saturday. A brisk 'Wind
as liloWing. on Sunday .and, abetit.
o o'clock • the arches, only, ..teiapor.
aced, :buckled in the centre
and collapsed,' leaving' only 'the .8hatt-
eiTa portion of the 'first :trues and
frontif-frameWork Standing, •
Forttinately there was no one about
the 'Structure at the time; /and if
nothing, else, it shoitld :serve as a
waiiing :P°I.enicitiedtreirnh; to thkeeePbnialdivinagY
is 'under conttructiOn. • , ,
D; L. Weber, in charge .of the Woik
donSUlted with -the Roofers Supply Co
on Monday and the 'foil -Owing day
work WaS recommenced in clearing
,uP and. rebuilding , t4edainaged
trusses, and With break • from the
Weatheririan they ,thijuld. be ready in
raige, about :the end of, the' week.
. • •
Gravel Crushing Accident
Fataf,To•.Young .hian,
young, Man Was Son ;of John Fir!,
rish; Former 'Resident • Of .CoriCeii.;,
•sion 10, Ashfield -.Suffered Multiple
Injurjes, When .9tright By Crusher
Kenneth .1Farrish'"24 • died , in 'Kin-
cardine hospital on Wediiesdyof in-
juriesreceived in a gtivel, crUthing.
'aceidefit'SeVei Miles /lOrth*of Kincar-
dine on .Tuesday. While doing & re -
'pair job on the 'brUsheri.'Farrish .Was
clothwere: tern .frotri.< hie
caught: by.a SWiftly, revolving Shaft
body .and 'he ..•Was burled to the
ground, striking a rock that caused
a skullfracture. As well he was
ternally :injured', • bruised and cat
witiie in, Contact with the Shaft.
"COtOnet John Ferguson has
ed an iriqriett,:, • •
The Yotifig•trian*at a ton of John
Parrish • formerly ' Of Com i3O.'ASh,
,fictdo but who moved to a: farm ',Pear
'Ooderich some thirty years
• Kenneth Parritli„.uf Ashfield, 46
died ;,suadei)lk a. few ricentht age at
tonhahdi;*0,1ari unele. of the victim
Of ,Tuesday's trag:etlY:
bog$ ,
iLiii Winghain oiiTneAddy
, 't.
ovolYthing PosSible that la breakab'OctOber 1087
1e. VV. Vt. Oninnb, §oo flr and Mr,
Adalt. Fiction .
Murder it Endor; by W. A.' Wolff;
Gappy Ricks comes Back by P. .13,
.ICyne;• Saint Goes On Charteris. Pur-
itan IStrain, F. Baldwiri;, Dream With-
out. Ending, Parrott; 'Trail Driver,:.
Zane Grey; Happy Jack,. M. Brand;
Beauty for Ashes, G. L. Hill; Crystal
Tree,, Hauck; Lam1 jji His Bosom,'
C. Miller:;' Mystery' Omnibus, Eberr•
hart; Omnibus, E. Queen; Mine is the
Kingdom, J. Oliver; /Dragon's Jaws,
F. .L. Packard; Able McLanghliris, M.
Wilson; Honey in the Born, H. L.
Gnu Smoke, Senders, The
Streak, M. Brand; Cards on -the Table,
A '
A.Christie;.Greatest Pages of, Amer-
ican Humor; S. ,•Leacock;iWhich Wes.
Did,: G. Clark;. Texas'Sheriff, E. CUn.-
inghenr;r Spring Comes, B..Rucki;Jer-
emiah and the .Prineets, E. P. Oppen-
heim; Lost'llorizon, Hilton; Out from
Shanghal,..Parkinan; ' Much Loved, . E.
Wells; Kid- Deputy, W. ,
Jenkins; Jas-
mine ..Farm, Elizabeth; Tatiart and.
the Leopard Men, E. R. Burroughs:
Peel Trait;:, .Lincoln; ' Safe.' Bridgeo
Keyes; Blandings Cattle, P. G. Wode-:••
'house; iiMits.,I,..LoOks• On, S. 'keir;,
Vititing. Villain, Went; Best . Short
'Stories Ii3.7.,LO'lltien.;:. billings tiling
Aged.S. Helen's District
'Lady Passed Away. Sunday
Death on Sunday morning reMoved
on of, the oldest andmosthighly
respected residents ,of this community
.in the Person of Mts. •Hugh Ruther-
ford who liaised: away, at,,the home Of
her -..daughter,. Mrs, John Bennett, Of
Pott •Albert.' Ms. Rutherford- who
spent Oe past six months with her
daughter had not 'enjoyed good health,
but was feeling • 'Mich' better and her
sudden death caine as a' shock te her
. . .
friends.; • • .
The late. Elizabeth Duurtin.waS born'
in Goderich Township .near Helmes-.
:ville on February 14, 1850; •coming'
with; her parents; the , late 'Mr. .and
Mts.',Wm.• Durnin, a, few: years 'later'
to Ole farm now owned by Mr. JaineS
Burin!), • . Jr, .,.In 1$78 • she married
e;ll,uhgetir. Zwithe:Ji2f761,:dc,.; 1.1,1vahfo,.t.eop,re,ant:i.
they came to: liVe on the farm Where
her son Will. now resides. •'
iSurv.iving ,are one. soh Will, ' two
daughters,, Christiena, Mrs. Bennett
of 'Port -Albert and 'Elizabeth.. 'Mr.'§.•
0, G. Anderson of Belgtave. two
.sisters, , .Mrs: J. 0. Rutherford and
iqrs; Thos. Phillips of St.' Belens.' and
.foit;v F btruect 1,11 Tom aohoitf:A.,lb.,yearnitae,sRobiteoidi
Charles of. West, Wawanosha.,T*4
eifterey Mrs. perneth 'of Wingliani and
Mrs. 'Courtney. of -Ainbe.rley • 'nrede;
ceased her;
A, short service was held. at Port
Albert 'on Sunday and the 'reinainS
were brought to her old home: here
*here funeral Servieei Wereconduct-
cd by Rev: C. 11; :McDonald on.'Tites"'.•
daY,'',:taterriOod Intertnent in
Punganhon: cmotery. Pall bearetS
were ' her six ,grandeohs Hagh., And
Grant 'Rutherford, Greenieand Ross
Anderson •.nner.
Pe8"Ciaid'`MdCOtkitin bt"Blyit,whd
hi.4. 1:recent1y itetorned froth China ,
• ‘‘Colifilailed on .Paie 4) •
the Mohawk, • Edmonds; Rep -lance of
India, T. Mundy; OPpenheim
bug, ,E. Oppenheim; Wheel Th. at
Vaned; K. M. Knight; Omnibus, Pi
Bread e alCd3;innet;o Roses.Mar'Kv Martha,Nori•i Fargo;
of the Tani, C. Wells; Busman's Hon-
eymoon,: D. L. Sayers:
Seven League. Mots, Hallibuiten;
Roaining • through HaVai, H. A.
Franck; 'The. Dirigi'ele 'Eeok;: Pryor;
Hew to Collect Stamps, E. A. Kimble;
Things.,,o make in your home •Work-
F'firafinnogk;f4FiXtili NY°.0s,uire:le:,Cor.ftlt'de,
and Feeding of Dogs, Ralvit6srecigh;ha,'Ejiit;;,Lal;vrtel
•ing The Universe, H. Ward; -X 'Word
'PuzZle0.0mitibut, Ed, by•stair of judge''
Wond-r---Deninalk Mel:Cooperative'
Along and Like It, M.
Hillis; Sawdust
Way, E. 0. Howe; How. Writers
Caesar; Seldes; Bulb for YOhr Garden,.
Write, Tilled; A Speech. for Every,
Occastion, .Edgerton.;.:. Modern.: Debat-
Nichols: .Ba.cus; North to t4O
'Orient,. A. M. Lindbergh; 'How' to
WorrY., Successftilly, Seabury;:',Ptine.
George's • African Tour; A. A. Frew;
Green 'Fingers Quips and Tips for a
Good Gardner, R. Aikell; Every Man
HFoisx;°wnTaMbleecI7Dnecie;oraMt°idotarns, beTbiaPttoingn;
Ghost Story Omnibus, French;: WhY..
We Don't Like People, Laird; Three'
Minute. Plays, Wilde; Design in, the
tittle Garden,. Steele; Rotes in the:
Little . Garden, , Stevens; The Little
Kitchen Garden, Giles; My Candy .,
Secrets, Elizabeth; Romance of tha
• (Contintied'on Page 4).
The Opening ExerciseS• • of 'The ,
Bible Institute will he., held in the
Lua,:noW..ToWn Hall. 'FridaY„ eveniag,
OctOber.. 29th, at eight 'o'clock:
Faculty, will he the guest speaker..,
Mr,. Hartill; director Of. music, along
with:. a .quartette of 'students
pipvide the pPt Ofthe 916,1
:•The. regular . classes of the School
bpen the f011oWing. Friday ,eYen++ .
p.,.; with "the TOIloWing; teachers
'ch.irket Rev, E. M, 'Loney, Tit: B.,
Pz.StOr of the ,,,BaptiSt CharPh in,.
•Wingharn and .graduate :•of Toronto
Bi ,le • College,• and the Southeih
..ti.;t Theological .Semindry, :For 'tour.
ycats he s6rved on the 'staff Of: the.,
Tronte Bible, Collegeas teacher of
0.roek., Rev., John K.
A,;'; Pastor Of Ashfield Presby.
terian ; Church ' and • graduate'
.Princ,gton Theological ;' Seminary, :
to the Scofield Bible Correspondence
.School,, For many years he served as
Field Worker' in -Christian Education
in ;the, • Western States ana. New
,tnOttil. Pearl E. Henderson, gilt& •
Chicathe go i7:1•PY Bible Institute,
servedbl1)11 the faculty of thc Dotroit -'
Please note otiangi of ilato,to'vott
ober '6th,..•
, "It Pas t se the netipens“
bringin Your dOtipons and '
something for thoin,,,TRE .AfAillt$'‘t • *