HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-06, Page 5:t
IfIlJR$DAIro, „OCTOBER '7Tft,, 1037
e •
'THE' 141C1(NOW..4.VNTiNET;
, .
1444°470•11444,1",0,'.1,, .
,.• •.„,,H.,•.; I k J,
iss;Sthx eNrned 1101110
fr*n $outjrnjtoj.. •
iiifise • Grace Walsh la. .sPqm,k0„)g,'
rew we*at r.. Tout:'
• Mr. ciT1 .Mrs. Frank "McFailgen. df.
TiVerton, jailed On. 'relatiVet artitind
the drove 'oh StIlidaY:. •
Friends re g.t., t'o learn, of the
iiegs• of 'Mrs!! Dore, r. •
ithie .Sc'ett2 •
grid Elia Whitley-
, „of:. Crewe, • visited with ' Mrs: Jack
•• !!!
! and • George r.ColWell`l'aii
Nisited at"Mr; ROSel C011iIIE
I driSayaha.,• ."^ •
., •
were' aiOne 'when Yon'
, .
COMmitteci the robbery
Delinquent: 1es, your, •Lotdship,
•ou seewhen'yOu'.'have got:a
yon 'never know .Whether. he is Iiimet.,e
tZ not • • • ' '
The many friends of „Mr. George
EinerSon, are 'Abased, to see him able
fp be around again. •
Mr. and Mrs. Pattersen, spent Mon-
daY, evening at. Mr, W. I. Sears.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emerson-Visithd
at l\i Isaac Nixon1s at Belfast last
, Mr. '.4.rid 'Mrs., Donald Meilerlane,
attended the fimeral Of the late .Mrs.
Manners Of Bervie on Tuesday:, '•
(Article.:::kritten by 'The Journal,: St Thomas, Oat).
, .". . . . .
' Sikeesifid, homemaker v.:otot1 wife . .
„ auct,. Mother, ..and • business f.. ' • Tedititil,i!tft*At the helm While 'the. Pre-
' , prOiett ability:,. Premier., "iniei;: was .att'enOt lg.. to die:Affairs Of state
•at Queen'S Toronto,.^ has.notjes-,
.sened• Mrs; , burn's Pride in home, nor
thing§ that :bear • the stamp' of Ahd.,
gentlewoniam. Ifer home: arid 'home tur--,
tolinding*-•both olainilier attention. % She
is an, ardent ,hotfieulturist.:, o.her A -
:finest, recreation is tO, get •oat .her
plousiNardots„..itit ;her two-
,drert„.•sixYear-eld ',Peter; and three,year-
old PittriCiai, Working :Aitieug her 'floyvett,',
-er: supervising 'some. new landscaping ,
.§clicnic'' or deedrativet 'unit.. A, great "oh
,clitere'd ,theAfenburti: hotisehold. witii-lhe •
arrival, of, !the, Pecinier's :And MTs. H:Rt,
lioriits 'ailopted•kin And daughter.. petti Th
children of' their. both have Opene
their hearts to: the'. two Children, -POO
was, Aire fit st arriyei ttur y
bey, alivityt',:isking (tooth:oil 'pertaining
'to the .litindred and one .woiiderEof • his,
new' life .and, every. tneli a! young fattier. ele
Then - came . ,Patricia; sunny -tempered
llttic'Patithiia Mere than rt. glint , 'Pe
red gQ10' in. her &tiled tre kg. NO, mother. be
could More,. Alevotcn •,,to;• the welfere,":"1,
. her el ii .Eveft. StiodaY, niorning
whet, th•ty :are' 'at. horne,Petet .airi Patsy; .:‘,;!,
••attcompany.their mother .to • the. ,vil-
Unioti lo.nttend SundaySchool ' str
the, little: 'clitir,ch that stand* not, p
far '-fli:stant.lrear the ,co,utitry Scheel
whop,: Premier acquired ..
kileiviedge: of :.the. alphabet '. and Sc
' wordt 0f one , • 14rt...",1-lephiirit. an
AVAA 11POcleit' tit PitOlYtttefl4i1 faith cit
-good S • tr iyteritinismt -but ! fott
10Witi." 'church '.vnien she affiliated! tu
thy , " e hureh„ ;attending : ,A10 'bine
chiwcllin Union where peter ail Paw
1.)0..;‘, attend Sunday SClietilfl .'• Ineidentailf
‘!a:s. the iaitte Pretnier
ntall(10(14t1.•iits 1.1o,,y1i6o(1, •
, _
: trst Lady. , Ontario it :a 'busy
btisy farin i'„Voiliati;*. She ,h4S
no Aline for 'snobbery' bat alwaYs. .004.
,trrlrorne. 'OM „Itiosh4
$1i6. is the silue Rya: 1.-repbarit
who .tt,As. 1'101'6 MI OW 014 f•Pott.'$timiloy.
thq hittorio Village -of', Vitlgal, ...a MHO..
:Iwftei', than :V year ago:, L'She'..14 the
smite whotfl. the. ititure., Pre:0104 rif
Otilario ',courted aTiont .18 years. ago ititd:'
took to rural. tlafirrs, tlitirth SOCIAIS' 'and, :he.
garden parties ;in, the, bld Ja! !pay. tot;
hasin 4ri..Hepburn assittant and co-
., :WOrker •whose : Worth canhot be underi•
estimated, ;;;..Thei. kit.st r LW:1Y .;?) Lthe re?
vinCe. it aViet„, home-loving:woman„.,:a
• „ !graciont hottest, to ;the! many, tithe. Visit
":•the. Hepburn. farm residence, , long miles
"mjutli..cast 'of, the ,•eitY of •St. Thoinat:
B�tlishe and the . Premier arc the 'Very
, hospitality. 'Their •hdirie is . for.,
Ways. open to, Weir friend t and, acquallit
. !,ances-,atid be. it said AO"their,'.dredit that
; their .warinett friends 'are still ,the • PcOpiC
• ,tylle haVe.lcnt4tr, thin ..for„tyears.
,12r'49,01,11ar . husband, 1, the. • Preriiier,,, • Mr*,
'ha • net : permit:ten !political
.1F,C.9§S• ' her head,: ; 8we the:.
sqp, Aillatteeted Pers.on the, Wei., 1.2, Years'
yfhor!locr,v.'tw4iborn jtist,
,htpig; yOang 'Elgin, County farmer:, `.
0111Y a cOmParetively few -people knOW
00 -appreciate' IIeptimu!s. husiticts
' :Filling the ,petition, of, Printo
Mitritter Ontario, ...treasurer of the
province, ...ntesident of the' eabinet;
as 'vvell At lpelting after two 'Or- three
..btlier portfollOt the . last '‘feW
• -inontha, hasn't .Loiven P.r.entler : ,ili-t.phortt
• Much time ..to devote. to his fanning
atiant,•47not nearly as' ittUh• as ha would
• like tojEeVOte theati And. Premier
:Ireplitird isn't a !small' fai'incr.. 1-1q has
nearly 1,006 *tot: .1.aiid under •ctiltivar,
• , Akin of under `.pasturage. in Saudi ,Var-
. Month!, ;m,;,hite i'armins aCtiVities 11 c
dqierstfietl, to' •say least., • Solnl:bodY
' big t9 Manage that farni „during the
• PRMierl'S • abSCiutt on 'official 'duty` ,and
the' rpiii6tUibitiiY., Mr's... ,i-lept;ttro.
has itiolod gfole the' farm . Manage-
Inent esceptionatly wt41; t-ettencliti
t10.,VariouS Tictai S Lapailly as ally -e,t.
Petteaced &Add, ••• • 1 ;
, , . ,
: The. Prairie!' ,,placet faith in;
Sptind judgioetit,2, 'torn , raised.
l5 i1 bNWY nwist
OrogreSSIVO and 04(11011 ..fartiters in
-4014(1.1#0,14 township, UrS,
niaatieal 'knowledge '.ots. lariiiituitfllid
Win life that bas t/ooa, ho,. goad
. '
.0kelucknow fe:atufe.
• ,BY: . Mae
„One thing , twhich • brought fame to
Laiknovi, 'Village on the• border : ol,
•the eotinties of Huron, and ' Bruce,1
was, the Caledonian Society
,...TOSt who was • the -first, to, . founc
the sciciety' ia not. known. It was
!howevet enthusiastically inaugur,
-atecl- during.- the -winter:of- Ili-74,75'-
•*-0,i4b*A.10,4-wait i1roi4e-nr-otte1cdrksi:tttr•-
tien!of the society!for giving help to
Seotchmen who' were . in need • oz.
to their faioniet. It Wa§' hlse design!!
ed develepiagiaatihilaY S.onthnent
Plitii•rinest Prortlinent, an the: -lictle
ing •Cif 'annual •getherings'' for athlette
That the'se...gathIering:* 'Were •:''*c!..1
opecessful. and so largely attended
May, be attttiliiited, primarily to the
enthusiastic- Scotch . element of the
surrounding- territory and, to the' un-
tiring efforts of the officer. to :Pro-
vide' attractive fea1alre4. The •• Luck -
now Caledonian Society was instru,
mental- in inducing the following te
their gatherings: "Donald Dinnie, the
letAtiing Ilthrete• of Scotland; • also
George Davidson, another faindus7
athlete from. the United Stetesi_the
Lennan,.'left Seotland for a' visit at
te'r being solicited by the society. In
1881 one Of. the attraction's Was Pip -
Per 3:_e!e..0.1...11,911_41".Y.f.-!to_rtneriE.,Of the
78th. Highlanders, and the iorind of
whose pipes were the first assurance
the beseiged n Theknow (India) ,had
of ,the neatriesi •the trooPS, sent
for the relief at I the .tie the'„in
The Manageinent atall gathering,,,,§?
was "eiceellent, and it is a reE40.0
eVerithing •pronfised ;the'
programs '!twas: :Carried out::: Besides
his; there; was -n,,,hearty liberal ":.*up-.:
TS -u.
illage Ameng, these who were co
eeteci' With the sOeiety' at its inee
ion .was bonal4 A. ittlackirnmon. 11
as thA ,eblef ofthe society .frOin" i
Orniation :until he left Iaicitnaw in
899; with thelexceptien ,of ,one Year
heti; he was taking :a:Post graduate
mate.. ' . • f."
' 'klirat.; Gathering
The first, -,Of the.;athletic tgatheringsn
as :held, in` Septeniber. Of 1875..Dur-
ilg this
And. the following `Year they
ere held. at Hugh; McKay's:grounds.
roM „1877'' to :1880 the.Agricultural
ark: ivveg Used.- After that aII the.
etheringS. were held at ',erne; Park;
" property Which ..Wae • Purchased by:
he ',a0Cibty; . •
In Lorne 'Park the sOciety bnilt: the
griculturel : . large frame
kneture of --datagonal."-Shape:.--of its
ht sides each Wa00,...:_feet.40.nic.
his building, •erected, in 18/331—waST.
estbYed by. •fire in 1900, 'The. 'first
thletie' gathering :was held in 1870,
nd a Prie :list- Of '0300 offered.
he attendance ' wa.S so encouraging
at. in 'the -billewing year the man,
genient increased' the Prize .' list
W0. AegatJgjnck
Ceeeding 'Yeei; , was increased, the
itet offered grdually increased
ow: hundreds to • thousands, and in
84., ail .13,rize list $1.;400 Was off,
P • .
In ;1882, there were, .12,000, ,people•
•attendance. ' .Sateh a largescith-
''.cOnraet was pnly' ,reached
.e."°!ljel4itgn Of the 'reikvaS' cein
which; in. '4875, .offered fares
exehrsion rates. Then; as •the de -
and .inereased.,•theY fuinished spec-
„traios..At the heed! of ./each 'Of
e programs was grit, fo/Idwirig.sen-
h' Canada I role ye well
4o' *Le o' thine;
ithin .thy. wide domain there beats
ae,•truer ''.•neart than min,ek
'I when, a-daY coin's .rount.'
!Scotia has her claiMs;, • »...•
e lflstle aye tipperiGit;
gang, to 'see !the
Of irse,, the Main ;features; Of
withthe, name an4 objects of h ,,
ty,. 'Prizes were, given .,:to the :best
rfotinet ozi the bagpipe*, • te, the
St' thineet'.of reel§;:;:strathepey8;,the
the 'best•dresSeti atria and.,.'boy in
Oland coattinie., jn feats :Of
ength..and: 'Skill: , Offered,
Vered a wide field familiar. tor all
otch athletes. !then there ...WaS. 8.
ettithhety, contest for wettlen
d t 46101-4,, toOrnimant,,,, The ',0x7:
ernent reaelied its elinilatt ;4var. `the
g,ofOvvar bitar'eeR'' toas chosen
:he.%en '0 Bruce anIthe
COUnties,• This. Was 'generally the ittat
event On :the '„ritotritin„
.Arootig tli0 gtiectat'etg„ the
ment was intense, soirie. Of them, be-
•irik .se carried away that lt,,'!yas
were 'prevented' ,,frOin
tlieit, side
to viotoiy:X14.e. hat tikerCillet that ,
,eted over the eetre line Each .tcaiti:
nage 'b' tlie cheers Of „their
friend' straltett, Ver hillgek!
ft,- Oat, slipped, A sliglttadvantage'
the Other side 11VOUldbe thus ab,,.
Mr, and MO. „.Ioyd» rY: and
IrlakY and Mr'• 'PorcY pf 4ur,O0f,
vVere Sunday vlsitors With, xelativell
here. •• • ,
'BeV, Lane -of godqich eallbd en
friOnsla here oa.„..Menq3,r evening!. ,
end Mrs', 0. Topper of Walk
,ertoo were Sunday visitors at••. -Art
'GrallailiN, • '
1, Mr. and 10S. Ay/1i. Bushell and
ROhnie - Of 'London, Were Week -end
were Sunday •Visiters At 'Win, PetcY'S.:,
111r..• Robt:' NebeAn .'receiVed wqrd
of her niether,
4;.' 1rnei••ginipatliy
tOided 10 M" • 111`„q,Tfatt ;-.4n„hery
„„ ! •
%Mrs. ANT':' Boyle .retsir,nedilfOrne !Op-
Moncia'y".; after ,Spending the • Past :two
week* with friends 'at Mooi-esviIk!
Mr. 4-nd. Mrs. „Alex McKay., and
babe were „Sanclay, visitors at John
Ross"„ con. 10: ,
Miss Mary MeLean' is, spending a
TOW days at her 19nnne'• • ' •
Anniversary l•setvices Will, be "held;
the PresbYterian' church on: oet,
17th, ,gt 11 a.rn. and 7.3'0 Pai:
,Win• young . be the
. .
kpe'eirktIllkeaChPr.Neit, Snndy
tPlindit§giving 'servide will. be hold at
the afternooniSetvide.
M'ii3e' ad Jean Lune ot
,weJi4od, 'Spent • ; the" week -end with
their Parents, Mr. and1VIrS.. Jnb.• Lane
'JVIi and Mrs...., 'jno. •ReWsein atid
sons :Cecirge anBiJ1y of London, and
Mit. .4,11c1" Mrs.:.•:Baker of Detroit re-
-Trewed ;old .acquaintenees !here. last
,week...; • ". ' !. • .:... .; • ,
Miss•-,..EarY Corrinierci,..of , Galt Was a
reeerit Visitor nt • Mr.',Thos„
Mrs..:itarold Thonnisori; Of Kinloss.
visited' last week :with Mrs. 'Art Gra
.° • •
' i
mr§:, Levi Eelcenswillei., viti*, n
With; her' sister :;11:14,-s;• VI Johnston at
'bp held in the 'Anglican Church:- on
the last Sundayoetej,er. .
Biersordivhs reeent
itor at.the 1V1e,Lectil
Completion., 4f, • the agreginent be-
tWeen. the Dominion and •Proviricial
govertirrilents, Whereby pensions ; of
$40 inol-nthly- will''be paid. to all blind
persons over the age of 40 1s. annotio-
ced at the Parliament. Buildings. Pay-
rnentt are to begin .at Once. The. pro,
• vincial goVernment!'ha.s Alivays. fav-
ored this tneasure but' had to wait
until now .tO''Pertnit the .• Dominion
legislation'. to be . passed. Ontarie is,
the firat •prOvinee, to • conclude an
, • •
-.-The-inan--vvho-advertiSos • conAtehtly
the Mari •who _achieves result*: from
10, hut the rhwhoadv_ertises-oneeL
arid, eicpeets.:a landslide of business,
. • -
is the. disappointed -man who ,•coni
plain's, that: advertising does Mit POY;
Say svvhitt you will, It -Lis who
hat -inners away, Week' after week With
his sale's ..niesSege • vvlic, :flees get .,re-
§uits and tells,:you',A*,2_ad.V`ertising.
:does': pay; • And -be realizes": that
-People will Ladvertisedmerchan,
Oise tar qnielcer than that which isn't.
Ile's' tight;they will. '
, • .
-StAllieii ”()Wiwi§ Wishing, •Inspe
'Advised 'To ..Get In Touch Immed-
iately With County Agricultural
Representatives ;To •Arrange
„yree.,,InsPections •
stallion inspectors
by '.co ties, in tlib three provincial
distrj�ts is now arranged by the Stal,
Iio Eiirelment. Board. In each county:
Stallion oWners should. communicate
'With , their,. agricultural ; tepreserita-
tive at Oe for further detail* re:
•garding...'trines, ,and places of • insime,
tion. within the comity,' :stAtes . I:. E.
O'Neill, Live 'Stock Direetcir of the
Ontario Department of 'Agrichlture,
and,. secretary 'of .the Ontario. Stal-
lion Enrolment. :Board., •
Mr...O'Neill 'points 'mit that no 'Per-
son can' lawftilfy stand, :travel or,
offer for lite or side Any stallion
Iessthe' Snine is piire bred ariduntil
such Stallion „khas. been 'enrolled ;and
the certificate of Iiirolnient. issued'.
All 'stallions INT tell were lsst, irt-
speeted. Previous t the fall 'rif 1984.
require inspection et this, .tinie, .Thie
inspettion .is Free. -Ho it eter,„ewhers
of ;Stallions' ;that reqnire inSpection,
'and d'onet preSent them at this time,
will be eharic.d 4a fee of $10.00 for
,special • insliectiori at , 4 later date:
Therefore it behoove*" every stallion
.oWner, to'get in toneh."with thAgi
eultural reDreSentiltiVe; of 'his county
immediately, •
Any stallion. Which''has never been.
itispeeted ',either" bectilige it it' a :Pelt
ii.tsticoining into service,. or a inat,
Itted horse jtist imported into • this
. province . requires intPeCtiOn; ,Mr.
O'Neill .,stht6s, 1i gdiA§e§ eery own-
er. of it stallion. who . has hot, re-
ceiVed the • 19.37 report the !Stal-;
Efirelinetit Board to Write for a
•report.to the ..LiVe Steek Braneh,
tarhi tDepartinent. ,of - Agrichlture,
taitiostl.."-Eiteduraged -therehy•I , yet,' ie
More 'effort Was' Pitt forth, and ..aakid
the thciuta of. thonSitticit a "illraw''
tva§ tritid$, and ,thelt opporiettii are
ttditerogs the liie.•
s. •
•411'•,,0,2;'),Y. •
kit6E ovp
" ;4.12.41,•*1.:;;:].
, • .
5* -4 1.441.-4:;ver -
•••• -%••./1- 01,; •
?her. ie an Unwritten law In the theatrical profesi3ion. , Regardless of what.
' happerts—A"the show inigs,t go OW" . In thousands of thecitree throughout. ,
Ontario this' same traditional. rale, still , aPPlies. , but in . ti.:differer4 way.
*:.TOday..."the show must 49 'on".....-'47ith Hydro.'
. ,the „Taikus„ anctilychit.: bring to the cities and the ithau towns alike:th. e.'
,best-the-theatre---offersTin--dranicc- Music, comedy,. while travelogues. ond.
the. majority of theatres now : provide
• . '.. . - . ,-, , '. . ',„ , t .
IlYcllio also Makes It•Pc.agstb10 to OrLiOY your theatre 'light -right through the '''•
' news-reils bring a new form ;of education....
hOttest season, with the aid Of aix Conclitiohing and coolinwsystents, Which
" TM" lictiniH*40-servtoe that is essential for the "Nall`cies" fit alsOitecessary
. fet--nitilitba—s-e13-4t-tertnis;lawn.glioWling and ether forms of night enterboixt7
=lent and sport, which electricity now irLakes it. possible to enjoy to a 'Much
. ,
Thus in the realm Of entertainment ail:a sport-:-ros.in so. many, other phases • •
of *ciCtisity,-Ilydroyour Hydro -.-makes an essential. .,contriblitiOnAo
better,. happier.' healthier livelihood for the people the-riviinCe Of Ontario
witlt..its low-cOst , power. \l`r . ' • '
The eucCoss of Ilydroin::being'able to lower tower costs in the pcts,t two years.'
,,r;;•. fab. Of.cigeneratincreasein•the priCe„Sf. practically everything we use,
6.1.,,,notewoithy4a*Levernent.c_-_-1*coatinuous,,efforittlowei'- ese-p-ower
costs still further, and :•eiterid the benefits which 'accrue throughout the
Province of OntaFieels 'et mcitter in 1which*OU sktpiald be vitally interested.
• :
'• 11.4 CANADA '
' • . • ,••
Beauty may be only skin-deep, .but
a:healthy skin, is the tefiection of the
health of the whole. body. The skin
„miirsits•_the_manner.„ of „IiVing„.:431:_the._
inchvidnal• t, • '
A, healthy Skin' generally means
thrit a healthy inede' of, life is fol-
lowed, and that the body is in „a ,state
of health: A.' flabby skin usually !Lin-
dicates lack ;Of exereise, .and srig-
gess that the Muscle§ of the body
,are in poor shape,
Paleness, blotehes, pimples and
other :such conditions very frequently
Mean that thehabits of life are fatil-
ty."It. may be that the diet is :not bal-
anced or that the need ' for rest: is
tover-leoked or that iniffieient fresh
air is not being secured.N . •
titfditurietely, all skin, abnOrinal,
,ities:, are .n,ot dile to unhygienie
life and Cannot be corrected by at-
tention to the. habits of .living.. The,
Majority, however, are due to '••such'
causes,and they ,can only be corrected by giying' attention to diet, rest,
fteth air • ...and the other essential
health needs of the bOdY. •
The skin is ,nature's battier to in.;
feetion. The brOken skin 'invites :the;
entrance Ofterins -which cause' infee-
tion. It is therefore desirable. to 'care
for the skin, t& protect it:and to keep'
it intact.. •av;e0one should , have his
own • wash clotti 'a rid, towel. Colvin:in,
ItoWels are:respensible for the spread.
of' skin infectibn. ,
: The skin " is, also ,.the Means by which
the dotistgot tentkeritiire,et the body
maintatned.: through Perspitatitin,
the skin ;increases sevaPoration aid
the .dissipation ,of heat.. It. is desirable
to keep the • 'skin clean, in .order to
enable it to. 40 it hist Work:
The. rininher of baths indicated for
anY'individuill depends upon hia,Mode
of life and 'the season Of , the
The 'person who • perapires 'freely..att,
the result of his work, oron account
of the heat, Should 'take a vertu bath
Vioo warm latitiAa.a, week are
'adYisablefor. evetyerie,.
.additien to'16eptOg , the skn
'clean; baths.. have , other, ,good effeets.
A teed bath eaeh moraine is, to any
stimulating: and tioSirable.
There are' 'others Nillho do not: react
well to a tool' or .cold 'bath, and. who f
ditned' 14iIt. SUChf
should 1Veid emit baths ait • that are
*hatinful for Hiatt',
• AS we have said, 111%11'04 ,Ca*es
healthy .skin is,'Sectited,0.446.0thsti.
ttl'ode• Of living and bk-:.170.1ea,ftsst.
Akin costlitione Which tie riot, rea0Orld'
to SUCli. &ire: require;niedical, treat..
healthy skin mitrota ,,iestidhealth
and is ,p,etsoital asset that •Cahriet
, be'. se:cuted . "Mteept tiitough
, „
Gritdori.; Beckett,' a yetnig :ward'. a
.the ,:Children's:.. Aid. .• Society, whle
playing i.'111 he : :wash room.; the.
Shelter , he're •Satitrd0.37-: morning,
• ,
WaSher‘. Some 'manner :get his
ttirtied: 'on• the tWiteh. of., the. ,eleetric
hind*: eatight hetWeen, the liners q
the .wringer.,, which happened to. bein
•OPeration. His ,ariri• wa'S draWn. livial-
,inOst 'to the elboW before the.machine.
v`;!ias. stoPnedc and he was •releaSed. '
. ,
was. necessary. to, secure medical aid
for the yomigtter, • but beyond 4,
badly bruiSecLand,.swolle .arm re..
'oeivqd -.1-Walketitint Herald
1,17i1'en asked to paraphrase a. sent.
tenee''''he on teeing:bee": a.
schblargtie' the • f011owingr "tiler
sight of her :Abuhled hitn up.'".:
f ,t)6
PAPER, AND yhipsi
'IZ'ENE1V: PROM ;,Ti[,,Y, r
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