HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-06, Page 3t'T
• f(Psalm 121; Rook of Jude) •"-
, pnimrEn 17-2-25.
GOLDEN TEKT=Iteep yourselves. in
the hive of god; looking for the
mercy of put ,Lord Jesus Christ
nnta, eternal'•, 21.
.The lssontn Its Setting
Tiine.=-Inasmuchas, the 'author of
the 121St ,Paalniis 4not known, its
date cannot be deterinined: Jude
• wrote his ,epistle • about 65 A.D.
have .no Way of determ-
ining where:. the. 121st Paella, was
4itten.r. Strange to say. we we haye no••
•. information' of eny. kind" that . Would:
,tell us where the epiitle.9f. Jude was
salein; ' may have :en elsewhere.
: •' ; • • • •
. ".A Song in Praise of:Gocrs Preser-
vations," F,'salm 11211,' This beautiful •
• psalmis the trustful expression of .a
' heart rejoicing in its Own Safety
...,both•the Makerof Heaven a d earth.
. and the Keeper .' • • The
••:,Creatior, of .; the nitlyerses,' Keeper'
, ,ef the, heti on,...is -also . of
' the *individual'. ".• rniyitibt, illy the
'Charecterieties• of 2jeliefah'revealed in
the 'prat two verses of his psalm are
stated to Set ,Tehe'Vah in .contrast
with the ;deed gods of the heathen
.thations its:hind-them, who, on the one
hand, did- not •makethe heavens and .
. the earth, aneikwo$ the other hand,
were even acknowledged (at: times)
lo5r thOr, wershippeta to fall asleep ,
• rid 'thus :to fotget. their subjects. A
fled who has ereated the universe..
' 1. as riower.enough to easily keep and
rrot,' individuals, no ,matter how,/
• thrnwen ng, or how powerful adverse.
. • .
C reamstances . or external antagon-.,
isms might be., • • . • .
From physical „dangerS, the Psalm-
ist. rises to:: moral ,clangeit,.. assuring
.these to. Wheal lie wrote that Jehovah
the Creator; ireuld actuallv. keep his
own from! all evil contamination of
epistles "Mercy" is the ..nntnerfted
sdurce. . 4tPea9e" and "love" are the
blissful results,. 'Whether by loye is .
meant the mutual Imre of the readers,
, or their. love to God, tor God's love. to ••
them,' or all three
Trou e
' in the Church ••
". „"Beloved, . hilec I'' was giving' all
• diligence ;to. write -unto you of our
cPmrimo was.t-eonStr' ained
to Write unto you exhorting , you to
contend earnestly for, the faith 'Which
was once •for all clellyered .unto the
Saints: ' For there are certain men
in priyily, even they who Were
of old written of , beforehand unto
this 'condemnation, • ungedly., men,
turningthe grace of our God' into.
laSeiviouSziess, and denyingain. 'only
Mister and Lord, Jesus •Christ."
teti-ible.titUatiiiiiTharatiaen in the
Christian Church at the time Jude
was writing, which Was probably
about ' 35 yeas after' the aseent of
our Lord to glory, possibly ' A.D. 65.,
t'er 06. ‘. Certain. Men had ',stealthily,.
eome into the church, who alloWeir
ehnreb, but. who Centealed •both their
heretical beliefs •and their impure life ,
frOm,othet•Chriatiarig'; and were 'thns
hyprocrites at -the outset. They were
false' both in theirbellefs and in their
conduct. ' The two go. together: Tbese.
terrible conditions .- led Judeita urge
his 'readers to earnestlycontend fOr.
the Very •feitli" which these men were• •
denying. „ • . '
..itnt ye. beloved, remember: ye' the
_words which have heen spoken before
by :the, apostles of our Lord Jesus
Christ; That they said Co. you, In the
last • time there Shall be Mockers,
walking. after •,their • own ungodly
f Jude ternindi his readers
that theapostles' had often said that
mockers would: come and then- pro-
.Ceed."to.quote an apostolic doctiment',
in which this saying was recorded in
a particular shape.
"These are they who Make sepailr."
tions."-,-. 'It was .characteristic Of the .
false -teachers and•--rifockervtinit...they-
-drew lines-•-•-efr---deniareation-,which
BY HELEN' wEL..1-0mEF.
e thank Thee,god, fpr: shaded lamps' at evening,
For crusted loaves 'and firelight and the ram,
-WhOSe gypsy songcniake musmc for our dreaMingsi
On dark.hhile ilighte; against kshihing pane;
For wide, green .winds, and 'iuni-hright fields ot SUrnmer;
Sea-lightand: dusk; and high,.i?ravetreei that bend°
TO, Sking. hack ,Straight,: and rainbows 'after showers,
And homing paths with laughterattheir end.
, We. thank Thee; God, or seedtime..and for harvesto",
. ;For: Vikitett" atiferirl:mgestbanks,•
The hurt we masked With gaietyuncloubted
.011 -mast of all for bravery wegive thaiiiis:
. , . . . _ .
voicd Andy 'd.f,PBoVerlinne:!7;Lstenz:40;',..,:::
Beblepperrean: Hearp,. who's
Stranger7, has -.been; missed during
; ,
Canadinn;„ '!' •
• The' Good fIntime•Aniateni Hour':
ei lingt second
0 d Y!:eicrtS.13! p°Yree: ethhte-
. o;one.. %I:we new stations jein, the,
'hook-up, C P'• C F, Montreal and C
F C 0, Chatham.. ,I1 M L, Ham-
ilton; C F, R•13, and .0 K C L, To-
ronto complete the chain, . C 11
M L, .Hamilton to carry Rugby
gam -
c of Toronto:, flathilton, and Guelph...
univeratieS.: Sport fans will have a •
fulJ aftcrnpon
these games- will be followed by the
.Big. Fent-. ; Games', 'Wondering
what happened to Pauline Drake;
.rheie charming Voice pleased many
racV9 listeners While pinch-hitting for
another female edinnientiter; .
Lou Snider and Murray .Rots have
gained: many, Many friends across
Canada on their present CB ,C net;
work programs. This two Piano tea*,
is S one of
Canadian Radio: . . •. ;Horace Lapp
and his musicians Move back 1.into•
their Royal; 'fork 1-19tel•spcit, and will
soon be hearddispensing smart dance
•2tunes over the air,' They have :just
• returned fren?•Bitiff.. Alberta, •
,XhristitednetLdrawiti-Lbetweeri them
GOA s I _omiSes• selves arid others, or betWeen differ -
This exquisite psalm' is, ASlitlytiere, j ent.'clesseS of believers; . "Sensual,
...a 'Condensation and: sumniary Of 1. having not the Spirit."—That is, they
prornises of. Grid in the ekes that . were !*ien• who lived only.. for ;the
had gone hefore, as, e.g., ..111e."•Nyord: 1 natural: self Men .who make the
of :'God to Jacob the night he• fell . sensuousnature with its 'appetites'.
and pasSions the law of their life."' r
Keep in ,Gods Love ,
"Mit-ye, beloved, building up your-
selves On pita.' most hely-1630h".
Probably these phrases, Of which this '
'is :the first. form . as . perfect': an illus-
tration as can be found in 011' of ,the
New Teitainent of the words . of the,.
apostle Paul .••• "Be not, ofertoine of
evil but overconie cid with good "
The way to build ourselves up on. our •
faitL' is by 'doing the things which
Jude new admonishes. 'r "Praying' in
[the' Holy Spirit". To Pray ' in the T
1., Holy Spirit is to:. prey in accordance
with the... leeding, of the Holy Spirit;
'Who dwells in 'us. Consequently, all
prayers will be characterized by hell-
*isand by spirituality.. • --
. "Keep . yourselves in,the. love. of
God."-.-- It is God •10frig
yeti." • But we .need' to keep in the
cpriseimis • enjoyment of it. We keep
ourselves in the, love of God ptiinerily
'by :doing ,• those things which please
9„Looking. for the mercy of our
Lord, 4CStis Christ' mite' eternal life.",
are ' to cent:Wittily, leek: for,'.our
Lord to Come back, at ;Which time we
know ,that 'mercy Will prettil: At
•thisitiiiie We' shall come. into the full
apprehension , of, and the full ,
tion of the eternal ,1:lfe: which, asn
gift, was bestoWed. upon us when, We
accepted our Lord' jesus."Chriat as our
Saviour. , • ,
"And On .seme bait.° • ine,reY,who
are in doubt. And , some .save, snatch.: '
ink thein • ctut • of . the Are"; andon.
senile have mercy with fear; hating
even', the garment Spetted by the
the Lord has beep meri-
toward ii•S; so should we he merci-*,
hal toward others, and especially
must thirbe.obseryed as we deal with
those' '‘77116 haVe."'ecInfe into .the dark,
nesS• Of ..doubt, or. have , fallen into
Some great: sin. • ,
as)cen. at . Bethel; after ' leaYing his -
father's home •in sorrow. ' "Beheld 'I
• ,
am. with. thee" and Will; keep thee
• whithersoev,er thou 'go.est, and' will
• , tiring thee again into :this land; for
`I Will not ..leave thee,: 'intik ' have
done that vihieli have Spoken to ,
• thee , 'hundreds of: • years
later•!:the,..LOrd said to Moses— "Be
hold i 'send an angel. beforethee to
'keeP ihep by, the way, and to bring
theeinto.the„Plaee which I have tire- :
• "Jude,:a. ',Servant Of Jesus :Christ,
and brother ofjpines."— There , are
•different, men 'in the New Testa-.
• merit Whotlibear' the nemeof Jade or
:Judas.. The 'Anther of • this epistle, of
one chaptet."-Was , a hi:ether of James.
who,: wrote' an, opiatle; and; conse-
quently, a brother Of the Lord Jesus
himself .(Matt. 13; .'55; Mark 6: 3.).
TO - them that:.are celled: That ,.is; 'fa
'those .Who have heard the Call. of the
gospel Messfigo to • accept ' the Lord
jesus . Christ, and have hearkened' to
• :it. "BeloV;ed God the
It is' Ged',s ,leve which :sent the Lord ,
••jesua Chtist..to' die for 'us,' and ;then
• , sent that :•ineSsage to us "ht..oitg:11' his
°.'Word 'and. through' his • .
those who are 'celled of God ',fruit,
are the; belofed •'of • God, "And • kept,
for Jesus • 'dhrist.''-f- The worct'inat,e '
•,„ trazialated;,kept °dears live tinies
• this single chapter—here, twice in V.
• 6, MCC, .y, 13, Where it ' is .trtins
, .
lated "reserved," and a` final 'trine in
v. 21: :The word expreSses Watclifill
Care and. is Stiggestive of present poa-
is. the 'Same •Worl three
ti • 'meg used by cAtir 'Lord .in his, Won-
. derfill• intercestiritsr •praYer in John 17.•.
., ludo is SO denfident• of,. God's:purpose
to isbp„ uS that 'he, links ingenar-
•". ably with and 'inakes it to be a very
_pat6. of mit calling, and ^tile feet Of
Our being loyed, by God. Are are kept
• day by day from those things Which
wOuld berth. Mit...89111s*
, . ,
• .That which, alone can come he- •
tireea us and God is Ain.. It is God
• ;$1600., who ettit deliVer /Us frontthe
popror of either these, -and front
the, Weakness and wicked. inclinations
our own flesh. "Mercy'unto you lAnd Peace!. and •
• laid.' multiplied."— This aeritende
' What might truly be called an 'in,
trot.fris wari•-•4‘ alt. of Paul's
, :"Now unto hini that 34 'able to
guard yen front ,
• concluding Sentence of /tide's epistle •
' is one Of the richest,if not the richest -
doxology to he found at the end of
any of the New Testament writings.
"And tosot"you befote'.-tho-presener-
bf his •glory Without
ig)Ary hero referfed..t4.
• the41eiy of God. the Ontahhitaket
Of his divine attributeif. qn,eitetialt,
.ing joy.',!., This probably refers to the
• joy Which ,is God's and the joy 'of the
Lord Jesus Christ' in bringing to 'com-
pletion their great task. '
' "To • the , only God our Saviour,
through Jesus Christ our Lord, be
• •
,glory, ,majesty, dominion and power.,
before. all trine, and now. and for
evermore. „Amen," " ' •
War-onTatalysisFoundation to Determine
• Cause
- ,
P-ublielheelth 'Service oiliCials. this •
Week .weleMped president Reppeevelta-.
enaotincement ' of • the impending or-
ganisation of.: an 'infantile • paralysia
-Trout-ifs' •resegrchTthey..'said;''Tnctey
come the a11-iinPortent exPlanation 01
What.. eat seS the • •disease.,-. •
Many,'malty • labpraterles. still .are:
•'fumbling for . the cause,". e,Mipininted-
Dr. Itohert olesen, an • atisistant' stirg-•
eon. 'genetal:.• "We ."Itave..iiiitde.. had -
.. :treat in Mit; .614: .is for cause
.ond •prevention.. we still lisiyo.to. talk
In . 'littering generaiitlea.":
RoOsevelt.dre* on his oWn•
periences as victim Of,,the• disease 10
describing, the...need for an '
adequately -financed cainPaign through
NvIt!pit ono national hOdy. would
direct 'and iniifY the tight, On every
phase .of this.. Siekneas.." •
•: Dependent Heinen •'.13.eings,
• "T„h.9Se Who 'today are fortunate 111
being in : full possession Of..theit, Mne.-
pular pewer,",. he de.
not understand What '.it mearta to a
human being paralyzed this diSeatie
Ito .havelthat.Povietiessnese lifted eien,.
.a, sitnalt degree.. • „•.
means 'the difference'. between
a htiinaii being dependent OU others,
and ',en iriefildttai; Who can ..lict'Wh011Y
` The diseaSe, also. Celled poliomyell-
Wreeka it's;' greatest 'ravages • On .•
eydiren. The Children's bnieau. re-.
Ported :last Year. that 'three Of every
ten crippled 'children Were the vietime;
of infantilet•natillySitt.:
• .
. The foundation, as •as ..envisidtied
1?..Y the Prettident,. Would carry eit
vest1gU1oris into the e•mise,. preven-
tion, treatment every. ,meclicet,
pOSSibility ief. enabling those,' se af-
flicted•:. to lieeeinit eceitorniCally hide
Pendent" • ,
Gasoline Froin Clover-
• Two 'Young •.men . na..med. William
Mahle. and Berard Ohlgr.en; white en-
gaged on research: work at .Macales-
ter College, Eng., developed a 'secret
process • for innu`faciuring gasoline
from • °rift -di -4 field ' clover. Their
gasoline would be far 'cheaper . than
that •Marketed at present, for Over-
head charges would far lesi.'
• ,There is ,no, doubt whatever that
. their prodtie0ai e cominerciar, Value,
for already' •representatives from;
various, governinenta have appreach-
ed• them . and offered to purchase the
secret: Patriotic motives have corn,
exploit, the new, product.
, • •
S_ca_rles Opera Fieictis
ormal Tissue Often
as Malignant Celli
•So D4nish Sckntht Believes
New Method of Creating Can -
icor in Mite Demonstrated,
Tho,creation .Pf cancer fti a., PeW
----wAy...vir4j-1,4111.1.*4Pq4.- this Week. .
in test • tubes' led the Danish 'Govern;
&tint to &Nip and present him with,
norroal.,: 40n4alicerons
mouse fiom •oe part of the body to titiot1cr. •: After two or more
• mal tissies turned into
11' ..• •.• •, • . „.;
•,.101•'.7111'14`e.n!:°t7,.(1Liralnr,,r:;1410,isris'914:iiLrr(tint •!J
'!iseaSes-The ekperlitentii,.. led Dr. -
,Fischer te a new theory, of; cancer. .
„body oentaik fully developed'
That, all •. the normal" tittpea : of the
.uant cell.C317itawt 4Canitionelre.starta
Cancer. appears When, for, so ni,e, tea,- .,
ton these malignant eel's get the up-. .,
'per :hand. Dr. Fischer!Ei experiments '
are. announced ,in the Ainerican Jour-
nal of .Cancer.'.. . . .
starts bypointing out
that the wild grciaTEli that makes' can-
cer iS not confined to this' disease.
.NorinalcellS of the body 'show It When
repairing wounds. This is true even
,of hew flesh stops hen the•:' wound
and , canoe", fa that. the.. rapid ,groWths'''
in eldege. The difference between the
Is 'healed. lit cancer.it does net Step;
repairs the body makes, on a • .
• • .
4uca.fion 'Should:
„ •
Said Preaident.Chriatie;Or
.1 Aii4r46 at Ontario College' '
• ..--,.0frPharrnacy.
Itepresentliig.more..t an 0 cies.
toWne and villages In Ontario stu-
dents fromi , Parte. of the prOVinee
_gathered in Toropta.last ,week for'thl;
opening Of the 1937.-.38.••sessionatif the :
Ontario C011ege of Pharmacy.' :Regis, :
tration Was the highest: in. the C011ege..i.
-In 20', years and included '16' l:girls • in-
tending to take up pharmacy as $
life Work.
;Opening .ceremonies, held in .the.'COP
.lege '.atielitorinm. had, unusual interest
..the college was the ;first:: edeCa.-.
thine', institution in th,e• eity. to .
_ , .
.`-nienee.. activities this Year. President •
'Christie; , Of the Ontario' Agrietiltural •
College, was guest speaker fin-the:oc-
casion. ttideifts were welcomed, .by •
Dean , R. O. Hurst.. prizes were pre-
sented. by Prof.: Paul Scutt Greet-
ings .from . the. college .ebencil., were.:
extended .hy-,Fresident M. Corbett,.
7f,peprpeoerint4onriet.isfor scrvice to the
conininiaity offered in the Pharmacy
:business .were stressed : by. President , •••
Education that tailed to train a manta,
do things for the 'communitY. was ..ti„lse.,„ ;
• less he cleclared,.warning the students .
ageinst. acqViring information
vi4t1t: medal
• of ' Di? itis :se; f :e, doed°t• a:PP e's
Colborne, • ' as ,a recognition: Of. the high' ,
Year's, aCademie, work ' . • : •
With vice president F. Lemon, of.,
St. Theinei',..otiter, meniberS, of . the•7••
college en:tit:mil 'present for the .. Cere-
monies included Ebon Wigle.- God-
erielt; R. 115...r-rericins, Ulf:Mies; ••
V...Merfeertinidsay; Hoag, ,
,kingston; 'W. J. Abell, Brerepton; T.
S. Brandy, Windier; 'IL .L. bairipbell,
t 'Hamilton ; S. Tapseott, Brantford.; .•
H. P..:Brongliten,. Sault. Ste. Marie; : J. •
W. Preston .end E. .11aahain,. Of To-
ronto. . • •
• 4,
• Ten, was gist intredueedin EuroPe.
en e edintnercial,scale, duthig the ;lett
ter .part of the 17th Century, It has
hpen ;Used AS, .a beverage in thine
since, about 506...kb,' Before the -dot
*volopitent' of tett cultivation in India,
Ceylon.Japan and the East • Indies '
Netherfaricht, China 'enjoyed ' a world
inonOPOIY::' T6,ditsr China .Supplies
very striall-percentagor Canada's tee,
ternaittinenta (611 In .1.936). The. ditty :
on China.. tewimPerOd-zintcr,danada- ist
isenta pet ioundiiihereaS Indian and
• Ceylon :teas enter tlts!bootlition under.,
tire ,Ettiplie preference tate et 4 Centit
Script. Writing No. Cinch
Some authors 'spend . months, ,Or
years writing a single, novel, but Irna
Phillipa,. anther Of The Guiding Light,
Today's Children, and the news or-
, ieg The Road -of Life; ;three N B
:Serials,. turns , out more than. 30,000'
wordi, each week'. Her job is no ,snap
days it week in her Chicago. of-
fice- dictating to her secretary. To
get the natural tench, faithful char-
acterization, and seOn,' Miss. Phillips .
invite's , such people-•;: as. policemen, •
storekeepers, etc:;.•in foria chat when
shemust. Write a part: for such -char,
actor's. ' - •
' :Chose Hard Road Bond to :SuCess
.Joan Edwards, Edwerda, pretty '19-Yearold
rhythm .singer, ' ', determined ' to
make' good ,On her. own: 'Although she
is a niece of Gus Edwards, famous
for discovering and developing stars,;;
Joan • wants .none of his influence..
And' so, She suffered many dis-
appointmentst' and heartbtealcs. Her
„father 'is 'a song publisher, her Moth-
,er • a formervaudeville singer. Both'
encouraged .Jean's ambition to' be-
come a singing pianist: . ..She made
. her picikessiOnal, debut in
-Where,-,,She Was presented by. Rudy
'Vallee, and later, by Fred Allen. She
'is..ndw' heard on the bliie...netwerk• on
Tuesdays and Wednesdays. at '10;15
The News. Is Out
About 77 More days till Christmas
—hutwewe know now that Arturo Tos-
canini wiil conduce the N B C Sym-
phony orchestral consisting Of 106
'hand picked musicians on December
25 from. 9:00 to 10:30 P.M. and each
Saturday thereafter,. ,-The prograin
dio City Studio and will be 'heard .
from coast to coes.t • .'•oyer. the Red.
web. •Toicanini,' in ,ieturning-to••••Ain.-
erica about 'December. 1.5' to take •P
Over the baton of the NBC . SYro-
pheny, comes back., to the land Where'
he has had. ninny great trluinphs. It
• was during his seven years of asso,
. dation with the orchestra at. the
Metropolitan Opera, from 1963: to
.4915 that he .rose front the rank of .
• fine conductors to. the pinnacle of in-
; Supremacy' among them.
1920., saw Telscaninc returning, to La
Scala in Milan,. Where in his e.arlier,
• ,
years, fps great genius had. .matur-
ed, LaSt. Yedr he ',left A•trieriee, and
was thonght, to be lost to musie lov-
ers here until lest Winter he con-
sented•-• toreturn to . the States to
conduct ten radio concerts 1for N B
C for Which he will yeceive-49,000,
- Benny Rides Again -
October 3' Saw Buck Benny beak,
on 'his Jello 'spot A with Mary,
stone, Kenny Baker, Don 'Six Delici-
• "
, .
• •
• •
• • .. •
• • • • • • • • • •
••••• ••• • , •
••• •
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• ":::,:t:,*,:t.::t5iiii:,:mii::••1••.::',••i•.*1.,iir:::.,:i,i.ii,1:i,1:.• '''ii,.•1,1*i1i1111,i,1:•:::•:,:"::•:•,:::i1,11,'Sv.::`i
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, ••••••••1*,...""1.1.1.."1•1
hfii °girl; Ylo orl angayft ol h °ash l•
ed a three-year contract with the
Chicago Civic Opera CoMpany, She
" •will‘tnake her debut as a coloratura
soprano 'in, RigolettoiIn December. • •
• 13riteiiri* Income Up ,
By 'f350,0,00,000
s grosShatiOnal income lias
, gone -up -b,y • ,C350,000,000 since' .19:35;
according to :a 'detailed ,estimate
, iven in; .a.tWorli-.. Inceine
and OutlaY by , Mr.*.Colin
University 'Lecturer on Statistics.,
Cambridge, published sbY.":"ik.lessrs'.;
• ,Macmillan ' " • • • .'
• .
callipered with, :fiefl.,926.000,000 in
The .total is ./2`4,176,000,.,0Q0 in: 036 '
• Regarding tlistribtition hf 'We:1100'c.
Mr. Clark say S that "`,onertenth of '• "
, the whole Working popu:atiott (those
mth ineeines over ',2250). take •n•Ari
ly half' et:..the' 'national ineonte:and
a small eass .cornprising. 1 ."2
cent of the 'popiiist!ion itiectneii '
o'Vet .41,600) take-,,One-nuurter,”•,.
totvs Like Mtthic :;
rarrnPi! ,, lee Bryan!'s itotiiented
• Cows-L.:hi:add, that way,- he ryported...
recently ftoni Portland, Indiana, to
the ..departnieht: of agriculture...by.
•ittus:c--tion't ,care fer -soitrane.
get:",nervous,;" ',Bryan stiidi
in t1iing how • th'd*iigh ,kind of
sooths' edWs timd niakes
•tfiVi give mere Milk; "when they
. Iptyttri has a ratho in his hig barn,'
.nOrthw,eat t here'.-tf
.• adft inatintitental nip 410, . Ile aid th�
• eetWilieep happy.,
• •:".!