HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-10-06, Page 2,
091, Officialti:st Border : The Movement is PrOrn. Enr90.e.
'efly of Agrien1
• •
4.1tbaugh Canada lie not activ -.
„ .
CIRTagtng Migration, Of, settlers to thin:
country„ immigration Officers: .manage
ietni,irePPAnleer, e- . - -
- Janet Duane, niiilienaire's dumb -
ter, 'eives a party..nne night aboard
her father), paIatii1 yacht, anchored
off Miami. t'Gregoky:Gisson tricks her
into being lef behind with him when
the guests are taken ashore. • the
only other persOne aboard are a erin-
pla`cl, wtachman ,isztri .Janet's. • Negro
mald.'Meanwhile, "Dusty" 'Lanion,
lawless" adventurer, has .laid plane to
seize the yacht to. .carry arms , and
,—ammunition itieeCnbanerevolutioaistsee
Belzevhig theeboat to be desertedeex-
cept for the watchman, , who has been
»bribed, Dusty and his mean are about'
. • • . •
.board .her.
"So! 4 You heve, done it?.' Sakara
EtzinOff gated& Duty's hand. "You
are magnificent," she told hiin; her
. dark eyes glistening. "I did not ,be.
• eiievee,--e-efeel-e-cceiltienoteeleelieve-- the; -
boat would .'he here, 1- keen telling -
Dort . Martinez,. all the long trip. in
that so horrible track; that .it could
not *he." ••• e„ • ,
Sheestood very- close to Dusty and
--:•-reredecret-ofehet ticlin. a len or
-,ey, • and 'Janet,' watching' from the •
e„decke.ef the Yacht., could see it. in
,• Avery movement. Dusty eves Strong.
and 'ruthless -the twO'qualitiee which
*Sakara admired. most in e man.
e•She, in her. owe way, was also
strong and ruthless. She had, fled/
from •-•riUsgia during the Revelation,
claiming she had been ''Meeked for
cle.ath,'„Iieeause. of ,ber noble .ancestry.
Perhaps it wee': tree... Certainly the.
had not ' Sought „ta. evade :death . after
•iscapiete from Itaisia, beauty
and her daring not make 'ter a
life,. She seorned..eecaritVe
•-Dusty had been here* only't*ice
. before, She was :known to, him as •
an important in the. Cuban revo..
• , , ,
le0onery machine...For years,4he had -
'heard.' Of .the: of Sekara Pit-.
• Stnnething .hitd • hippened to Itm‘
since 'lest they had been. together.
, .
Her ardent. „glance now Vaguely irri-
tated hi*. He withdrew his arm
from about her waist as they near- •
• '
ed Don Martinez.
My friend! You have wOri the
success!"' •' •
Don' Illai•tinei tookbusty's hand.
He was tall and, slender., His face
was gaunt,. and dark gloseed".be:-
--iieatli-hrilthe• brows: ,,,' ; • • `.• ,
t."EVe,rYthing's •on,,Schedale,". Misty
assured him; ' e • :
"It is colessal!'„ Don ..MartinezeiX-„
claimed. "Even.' you . . I feared'
you would fail in this so ;hold :ae.r
.tempt.:" ,
• .• • • These Passeiteers, .
)!4.11 , had 'freebies," Dusty
eeknewledged'"Thinge didn't go ,jest.
AS . I'd plea -lied.. You see.. .".ee He
ei setieee\e-kwardly,"--,-"I' Veeegeteethree-
.passeegers, on hoard." : , • e":
-,"..Eb?.." Don .Martinet ,loaked 'star-.
tled. .
'"Its rather •awkward," Dusty said
eiowl . • one of them
k•r.',, • ,
"Eh?" 'Boit' Martinez said again.
Salcare said neeleng. Her hand
rested, on ".Dusteet ...arm, and he, felt '
her, fingers tighten' convulsively.
"Janet Duane; • her , maid and a
man," Dusty said, briskly. "Thy all
happened' to .heaboard last. !night
when we gat the Mee:tying ropes and
towed the Fleetwing from the -bay:.
They .didn't know anything was hap-
pening until we the ,eagene.''':
Don ''Mertinea. was 'eloplussed? •
",Whee will we ap •
• .
"Carry•Dusty ' told- ',hiirn
promptly-. •"Exactly • according ,to
plan. The 'man doeep't, count. He's
.been ' sulking • in his Rabin: all clay.
He'll ''eatiee no trouble. The `girl -.is;
different." He paused reflectively;
"She has courage. But I've exPlain-
ainoff-of heeeeeelcrese'deedre and her,. , ea the..situatiOneand she realizes she
•reekless Ak last, Meeting litr '11°...b°0.1ine "eEt :w4lr
After we land the cargo'?" He shrug,7
w"'•Ie bul§. cf)a , •
fitscinatealitiAngely ged his shOulders. "Quip!) sabee
ka" ra was unlike cany *Oman_ he had • ad planned_ta run thi''' Yacht_ to ,n__
anchorage -I Know . , ,
- known. Here he had .recoginz7 off Honduras tits-
"er ' ..**. ' -.2-6Wir- man e * 'shall re-
tl --her--andemaliee-hereuntecoget-
-'*"5 4-:silitrit-ta-niateins ' nizable. But now -I think I
But he was, troubled now , as he
, smiled down` into her eyes. hadn't turn the ' 'girl and the ,Yacht to her
' dee! Don Martinez to bring a- father •when , I am done. ,
S ' • "Fool!" Sakara - . said angrily.
"They will hang you!' , '
ar a. , ., • .
:-. , „ Strictly On Sr-bedule ' "Perhaps," Dust- said casually.
"Why .clidyou etirne?" he asked...
"Though I. think it '-unlikelye I.
,"We'll be all through on this side
ae• semi as we get the, cargo eeaqecee. haven't hair intention of sticking my:.
head inLa_nciosee-P.11.:„seethe girl-
- ,"'lliat is, why I temefeeshee-eaul ..
. back safe/y, And, then disappear.
. .
eliey tarte , . "It mattersnot." D • '
• Don • Martinez
.,s cl eo. move toward the ' • •
treek, wher.e,- Den Mertinez- Cuban rit_ruttered? "after the caege, ks, landed
rebel leader, awaited them- A dozen ••••
"That.s rig us said: I, We
pe more , neg-eoee. had 'climbed down
Will weary about the rest :after
, .from the truck. and were starting te
we et this stuff 'elided."
carry the cargo to the •yacht, through •
"Shall we go abroad9" "Sakara
the .ehallow. Water. • ' ' -
tooK Dusty s arm and urged him to.' .•
---'.Salmi%el-a-d-glit,.'12/utty's, band: it
.she \yalked• beside hen,' drewieg it ere.. ...Weed the shore;
to eneire*.e'•her She.siniled UP'• /nest ..See about • stowing
this -cerge„eweyesafeiv,". bust • -
at ,• , • . ' '
volt Meare'44.1a,` '•
"What dowhs.. ,ed ,haek Den' Martinez' "Suppose
you :stay bri shere, and see they: get- '
'.;• You carne?"` :aa!ed
He was :censeimie that they •Could ' •
"itight,•"..the :ether-. assented., 1. • •
..he' seen plainlY frein the :deeli 'the
• •
and• genily sought 'to 'Brautr ve: Beauty; ,
. • ,
withdraw hit. arin, .1.mt akara •W9uld, _Saler% wai,•Silene .ehe. and .
pcange We are threugh • herie.,," .seious of a feeling of ',ante-agoniSin ,
the.: eaid,'"..."There: 'it • no, rhoree Work JeWerti her. Why the devil,, he .won: •
.„.for neete• do here. I -sail' .With Y,eu dered had she ..'corne. ,foriight ? • The
tonight.: • She •glariced- up at' him ob-' fine edge seemed to . have been ,tak;',.."
seeining to say, sail ,eri from the.. adventure. • He thrust •
• With -you ' • , , from . his !Mild,' the tlibtight of
: DtietY7 . deregardecl'•, ;het' glance..., Janet and Sakera. On hoard the ,Pfeet-
qa- she ver' beetitiful, this
Janet Duane ?"•!Sakara raurinuted,, as
they neared the water's edge, ,
-natty growled. •,"She's nOt'
pretty at All..." ',I7.1.1e vision �f' Janet's
lovely • face 'obtruded. • He felt 'Mean ••
and disloyal. • , •
;."Notg beautiful at: I?"' .Seitara •
:stepped befoee , the '
,fler• encircled his - neck. "Pat :
bee Ashore When WeLsAil; she
jeered late h eer. "'Whet, • right has ,
. she to spoil the.. happines8 We might,
_knew' t,ogether? You and •.I , ....•
will!. take this yacht' arid. tail. to
,the 'thidt 'of, the .tath togeth-
Sbe:.wes ,eteinhlirig,.. The . warmth Of
her seeffied' to flow into( busty,' ,
ening hin1:: Her found' '•He
gave Way to her allure. for a inp-
tnent:.' then abruptly thrust her
he said harihiY!, ••
...,....,,t1Very-wel-1/4.• 'Salt ata--- ieily
"We " see. Abe ;turned toward
the yacht; :‘" •
'not • let. • I. r • •••• • •bustv .turned away. as He was. Con-
, . ,
, eumatism an euritis
stiffered severely
front Rheumatism and
Neuri6s;" writes Mr.
W. J. Traci, of Toronto-.
"I could hardly vac
' Upstairs. or .elose my
hands: After taking Fruitatiyes .lour days '
the swelling left my hands and knees. I ,
could dimh 4air' iiittladder."1 adeise ane
persoristiffermg as I did to 'take Freitee •
; tires.% They give quick relict", Try this'
••• rest fruit luke herb and tonic Preocriftloo
• of t famous Canadian &are. If you suffer
they might deli up *Ma cue too. 2.5c:,
and 50c. No substitute. eat.thuggists.
tie -No, 41-47- -
director of fMn11040.64'
at Ottawa • PrOcticts.' examlnatlons of
-krpcinki t border nehits this- year will.
,lotst. 27,909,000. .•.the. Increasingntldw
of .*;4'glPtk•UO:,';*61)440114.0 • for raising
t10: figure 2,000,000 In
1035;i border e exarainattelia: numbered
221150.000;itatt in 1934, 21e000.,000: ;
" Assisted' itiff " 44.
The question • of .assistedlmmlgra-
has;againatirgeted attention with
thei 1sit ot. Sir Richard Linton faun.
dee,of the Big Brother •movement, who
will cross Canada on his way to Aus-
tralia where assisted immigration -is
again to he put in operation.. Sir Rich -
Aid is, making arrangementa, for the
movement of settlers to the Antipodes.
It is expected Sir leichard, will cell
on Ottawa 'ofheiale•andpossiblyesome
members Of the government, but it is
corieidered lifttelY the 'conversations
will Leitelie to 1:`teiieetions -of :goVerti-
'finent pehey. • : ,
Boys and Girls-
The Fairbridge Patois, Incorporated,
an organization .which i participating
in. the' AaStralian, movement, „ has. A
'farm j on VaAcciuyer. Island and, Sir
Richard. may visit it before sailing.southward. - •
, „
BOYS-7fird gilis are beought to the
fariii'from Great Britain, are educated..
and •1„trained e until they. are .16 ' and
•then are -placed on -farms or in domes-
tic,serviee;• There are about 150 giris.
. . • .
And 'bora at the. Duncan BM • farm
and 5$1 more aro on ..the.. way from
1elttflginclZ2rhOeftrg0P kattinteht .0111,04orte:.
Pritiell iihilanihroPlet13:
, Por several years the Caaadian.,
erninenOtifteed, 'w itlialne, ',United Icing.,
4-.0.1*.0.07** iu"lsistIng Juvenile
!iki,44t,414%0}9taaf,klaafti. itihaale;cieT1
• 000,1Britleht boys ' and, airls.Were....ebttlea'.
IA this ettantry,,'oot*goo'leza,Aod!).934.,
..'• !No soi;o.6•10'o! During Depression
..• Only 12.000 ••people g.,,year are now
poi:env to, Canada to meike- their per-,
manent 'hontea• here. .lfneinployinent
restating from •-adverse geoncanigeceii-
ditions.and'weetetn crep', failures have
disecatraged th,e k,overnmegt from talc. `
Inge any action to silmulate• the .
meet of eettlets from the '.United
Iceriedoin or other'liarte of the. world.
Since the beginning of the depres-
nal seliemes., for aStisting iwniV
grants at governinent,, expense hav,e „
been in operation. -:beetiera, haee
been .erected,. hoWeieee. against l3ritieh
settlers who are able to ay their own.
seeamehip fare to Canada ded are able
• take care .of themselves.' • .1.
proin1,-EurPpe. the em6Lteneent : has.
been conenetleto agricaltural families
whe have money: enough to. establish-
theinseleep: and to a few relatiVes of
'• alriea-dy-eitahrialied here ;;
Every yeer,. a considerablenumber,
TinoptIr etleritieleestieekeeeroaethethore:
der from the United Statea•to"settle
• • .
carry your" . • • •
,.."Shee waited silently. Pasty step-
ped' forward „and picked her up' Pelee
'.1y, Her arm encircled •neck, and -
She faintly. He Waded into
the water- doggedly; trying not to
-br:eathe :ie. the subtle ••fragrance of •
her 'hair, sternlySeriving to pay , no
relaked. in his eems. !, • •
To be iontinned..
Berlin school Children have started
on ' their second skitchen-to-kitchen
hone, collecting eapapaign. This it to.
help Germany to be independent 'and -
give. her, glee, and fertilizer, base. • :
• .
!,,••••:. • •
lee•Thenkstitirig • an , homecoming!
They • Seerre:synopyMbas; den't' the?
Sons and daughters .britiKag'. their
Merida home :fereni- boarding schools
and • Colleges: for ' the holiday week --
end? fiature.,tailient. fn her autumn
colors,' and radiant faces around Your
family, table! Make .this a real day,
in the life .of your family and serve;
meal, the :memory Of Which will
last till next. year. •
Here is A Saggeeted. mean that
coyers. • everything .from ..cocktail to.
nuts..: It, can ; be the basis on which
to . plen. your Thanksgiving dinner,
with whatever Changes' and additions
suit:your owe particular
Grapefruit Juice .
;Celery • , •• • • Olives,
Roast Turkey with CotoetiteStaffing
•'• and 'Giblet Gravy .• •
,Stuffede, Potathes, •Pittteteel' White,
, Onione.,
„Green String Beans
•••••••• Cranberry. Moulde,
„ Head Lettuce With •Raieitui ,rireeeing.
. Pinipkin ,Pie •
• flees; • ; • .•:.• 'coffee -•••itaisine
s. There are -a -few poirite...to retnem-.
°here when eihrehesing your teekeY
and here are some that .may help. .4:
10 -pound turkey serve six'. to
eight ‘peesorii generously. , Pet •,one,.,
that is well padded with fat and Make •
sure the the 'breast bene is Pliable
by. moving the eend' 'of . the. bone
',Orthest from the; heade,frem' side to
,Another 'Point to remember18
that the 'legs-: or a- yealig turkey are
black :end smooth. ' ''.thote of eld.
bled, greyish .'end ,
'After, (,)1..11.4.*3s•atiteci; singed and
drawn the turkey; _stuff it and then
truss and tie it. PlaCe, On back on A
trivet a „roaktiiig,J)am and, rub the:
eeritire Outside itirfeag with saltePaste
frequently during .tlie Yeasting.: If
there ie. not `epough fat the pen for
...bastiag, • tise a -'iniktuiee ,tip of
melted in, twe;thirde
yritter.,,,,, After.' it gone; use
fat' in pan. %. Turn turkey ,frequently,:
that it nay brown evenly... Turkey :
should be 'Oasted, itt0 Deg;FF., for ,
.the wTlde period, Jtowing 20 -minutes
AO the pound'. •. •
". Coconut Stuffing • . • ,• :
2. :bouillon ":"•Cifbei .,(Chielten fletvoi)•
1'1 can ,tert bread'. ettinibes'' •
,4.141)Jlespooni-r'deleree, Antly •cut,
(6F14 tedeption celery telt)
.' lableisPOOS 'parsley, finely cut:
141 teitpoons .
, etP talk' scalded.
. . ,
_.1_2_cups coconut. prelpium shred
b.14. teaspoon sage
1-teeeppon scraped onion
1 'egg;Illihtly beaten
2 tablespoons melted butter'. ,
Dissolve bouillon cubes in hot milk.
Combine ;with emaining ingredients,
mixing Peek staffing Pi.'
loosely., It eXpands. while 'cooking;
This stuffing tan also be -Used for.
duck, goose, pork, veal or chicken,..
For stuffed' Potatoes, use large flat.
Bakeeme-hot oven', (450 ,to 500
:Deg: F.1.) 45' minutes, or ;until done,
Ite.niove from oven, cut lengthwise in
,aptl scoop out insides. Mash, -
season With melted butter, -salt, and
pepper. Add hot milk' and *hip un-
til fluffy! :Pile Mixture -,into potato,.
shells and bake in het oven (4§.0.D.g
, F.) 5 to S' minutes or Until lbrowned.
Stiffed potatoes are aeeite choice per ,
. large' dinner, because they can •be -
prepared ahead of time. and siMply
heated in time for diaper:.
The Cranberry Mould will be a; -
lightfal• change: frein , Ordinary cran-
berry sauce. .It's neve, delicious and
lovely to. look at.
• Cranberry.Mould
package lemon .flavOred -.jelly.
' pivder ,
lh can •ceFeey; 'finely cut •
Cep , thick' eranberry , seine,
1, 'sweetened
1.1/2 '.eupa warni 'water
'Cup!. canned. crashed pineapple.
'Diteolve• jelly in Warm water:
When slightly .thickeneci; add
celery, pineapple,- and the cranherty
sauee.- 'Turn into mould, 'Chill until
. •
0 The Russian dressing for -.the salad
is Made1 combining:: '
'1 tablespoon chili. sance. •
24 teaspoon 4inegar
'I cup, nuiyonnaise'
teaspoon '.paprika
'1 tablesaomi, pimiento,'
' .11Knely,
Pumpkin Pte •
Epps' coconut, preMiurn ,shred•
tUni peeked Meshed' ptimelila"
/.; enn, sugar •
teaspoon Mace
4. teaspoon cinnamon
41 teaspoon allspice
tablespoonmelted ,butter
3 egg, ightJy beaten
C'ups Irak., 'scalded:,
• Line a., ineh pie:plate withpastry,
rolled' to 1-8 inch thickness; Combine ,
lagrediente in ',order given and Mix,
thoroughly. Pour into pie shell; Bake ,
then deereaite,, beat to liodeislte (360,)
Dg. P.) .,and,,,bakel0..ntintites lonteir-
. .
• •
Airwan SetFlfkfe.Oarl:n7".SS°,trhwa°*tCitso.:ltn-haeertra:PSun,'C'a'7.E'e.
. .
.74...ts into the . stratosphere • by
• •
. airplane and balloen may -make 'ad-
ditional observations . of the ' suns
corona possible between the times of
total eclipse. . • • •s
concluding' seisien of the American •
Astronomical. .keciety'e Me•eting• . at
,College, • Major
Stevens' ofethe AtMy *Air Service
stated that from the AltitUde reached
on such flights the sune ebiCria MaY
, he..1?110,tographed without Waiting for
an eclipse. • •
• • The carnere eniployed .Would 'be
similar to. pat deeigped and used by
Dr. BernardLyot of-the-patiee'ply.
.....ServaterYL With : Which ,;•suecessful ,
photographs of the brightest iletailS•
of the 'Ci?1*Oha 'have been mede froie
the du* Midi,. in the Py,ronees.. •
„ . . •
:".Focu's"-ng- Of the .Camera
ee,k_lerieefoctis tees the iniege.of the
's /Ten- j.tt
P .
. then • :another lene picks
tip the faint •iinage .of ethe ,,ceeena
around ' it -and foeuseei it a second
time. 'Great care is takee to keep
all' the pptical. eurfig.4 sCrupulensly..
clean and to have all the lenses per-
fectly clear... • , • • '
With the ' gondola; below ..-the-Tbal-
loon, Which' eats offthe view .directly
:overhead, the .cannot seen near
noon. • Therefore ,observ Cone. wetild'.
have to:be.madeen the ornihg, 'froni •
0..to 10'• o'clotk, or at corresponding
tithe •in the afternoon, when :the sen •
ia.notetea::high:'' • .• `11', '
• -- Only One. a :freer •
1-iP011 hali?'On,i'.1!9f• new
. 'design ; ieeehd,7.1O 25;u00 i feet,
Major ' Stevent'" said, did notl
.1cnnw whether a'new flight Would be
,ntade. : Not more than one could
easily be made a ,year.
Will Finance.
.45,000' F4mille,
. .
The Dominion.will provide direcere;
elief,-:fore45,000...femilies _in • SesItateho, -
wan this, winter Jogether, with feed .
and fodder' for their. livestock,
tuic tlinister -Gardiner anammeed this
,week. , ., •
Ravages of persistent drought have
raised the number oferelief families .
from .25001) -last year. Estimates. for
drought ,areas in , other- parts 'ef the..
\Veit are still to he:made. ,
Ominous signs of scurvy have AP -
and as . a result the ,govefnmeat
• latuich•a schethe to move large .q,uanti, ,
,ties of. sinplus fish, cheese; Vegetables%
.and fruit from Other parte:of:Canada
intb thedrought areas. , •
hi addition, to providing. direct re-
lief la the areas of greatest. suffering
-aid to ,the proeiacee to help Mane. '
ciealitiee,On..the •tiorder of the •ArOtight•
• • .
• Sebeine dev:sed. by the ICWangtung
(China) ProVineiel Govethnient: •eL
Dvery fainily will be •given a chielcen
worth 20. cents.' Under penalty,. of
imprisentnent.: they will have to, feed.
and •libuse 'it. until it ip.reclanned by
the Government., The reclaiming will.
be done.' when% the chic en worth '
fire t nte's its Orjgihat
• 2, ..,
: •
Need a bit of colote• in your ream ?..Nothing -could be more f..,Celling
than this qeaintsemPler. 11S ten -to -the -inch crose stitch end cells fo1.
your gayest Dose. Pattern -1187 comes `„to you' With a...transfer 'eateern
,.124 ,x• 151'4 inches; a Color chatteand, key; • materiel requirements; inns-. •
tations of, all -stitches used., . . . .• • : . • .
• •
Send 20 cents in stamps, or -coin (eoin:preferred);for this, pattern to
*leen Needlecraft Dtpte 73. West -Adelaide St., Toronto. Write plainlye
‘PATTE,ieN 'Nel1413aR,•your.NAME and Ab,DR .• 1:„ , •
• a
u.ggests CPth-
On Homewor
Mr, McArthur condemn.s Rad'As
•Hair,Raising Tates; Puts •
.1ElePith First
ceeeemeing Behohl hoineWerk,Where
it iet'erfeFea With bealtb, ,andl' radio,
when it prodneen • sensational' pkee •
Punueil McArthur, Ontario,
• 'Deputy Minister of: tEducation,
cneeed?randern ednealitfin before the'().'
• fineareceOeuebe-Marltinickconveution ,of'
i'e•Fike.feetteeerl-efeeeteteer•ele, eee .T..feerilefroe
-V•-•:-MeAribOr. ,
• I'•api not see sure at • times our-
have. ineasuredeeup (.6 ;the rer
.catieemente Of health, •and. I tell Yols:••••
thet when ,• the hoMeworkiintefferes
.7101 ,!•c!II!41•1:1'el011\,.health, through lack
of Sleep, 'limn .!forget . (be homework.
f,'No', child. under • the age , of leo, ,y/drif, •
ohOuld- be'perinitted to. dk each Woithe
• t 'eTeci 'frequently' also have•eour
schtiols -erred in the. Metter of work,
• ;lag uiier poor lighting • egnditions,.
imPalring the childreVe Vialen: Alt
'too,' frequently also have our, radios, ,
been. breadeeeting stories which have,
become a Strain tipoirthii. perves or .
our.,ohpdren. Mien they listenLO.
overour loudspeakers they are laying
these. hity*aising stories which Come
a foundation for later neeveus. disor-
ders.." ; 'Tee
New Vegetable
rying Process•
Takes Water' Otit ...of' Potatoes,
Carrots -Great Flppes
API.a4d In...It ;
• ,
' D-I.COVery of a. hew Process to • take
• .
the wetet out offleshy. eeeetatileo.
„seeh as potatoes beets beets and Carrots,
so they maY .be steed •elthest
nitely witheee, 'Acres • from ,rottng,
notinted by' the U.S. • Department of - •
A'griculture.' • • ' . " '
, .
, • The cliseevery wasereede. be Dredge
Hopkins At the new' •SW',eet:Potota • -.
:starch ,taborathre at:Laurel; Miss.. His
worlc .rOlaleti that it is peeSaile ti
• store the' dry poi -tion Of• .sweet p:oth-
t'oes so that a'cominrcia1 plant may
• operate .en.a Year-rband 'bass • in ep
• tractipse the . stareh. Such an :advanctil';'.
was, necessary e the fleshy' .
• vegetables could 'fbeWited effic:ent-ly.•,
for obta'nino• •starcb. • • '
Neee Stririnf,CNPt!'h8'
...Eventually, • officials beiee toe
process: may be :applied to new meth-,
ods :for Sterhige foods 'fpr•humen use
and Ultimate'.y. Will 1411.4' in; nOw-••
:concentrated feeds:. ,
the '• new dehyerAting process,
Any on of .at least .eight • hdrineteo' '
Chenc.calt is . exposed to he vege-
tables.. Best results ,are obtained
walls_andniatteda possible -to -recover
rhe!uriegl they
c s n1 si ar.;nLdd rt7I re' !end ,; •
cent•ef. the 'water in.. the vegetali',6'
• •Thel preSsed 'residee . then is dried at •
relatively' low temperatures' ar.c.
,• • '
in 36 hours is in the ttate which' mny:„.
be preserved. almost indefiedtelye,
Le‘ , • „. •
: ;A crooks' ,",.trade„ paper' '•
.• .
. .
,*.lication this week -ori the request ,Cit.
. the Warsatee..11olaild, iipliee.e •
•.The- pub:ictitine. ,citited eGur Life,. •
, .
,printed heIpftiI :hints • and ••••ancial- and
professional •neWS fea thi•evds;,':inirglars.
and ,ennildeiicenien.•:, • ; •••••••I'oIic said •,'.
the pa per • vas, widc ly
the feinici.4 ind eelter..
et...the ,philot! was • said to .be •e 1,7107..
. medical studeut Wheiee;iiitrodeetion, to ,
the initiertverld, etipie .when"elie1fell,•ii•
.1.Ove with Aa..eentidetice. Man',011 the •••
fl'Ont page Wee priated•.a liSt,...
Of Wc1Lltlly Persons who had gone Pet
o1.1 town, leering thelr'lfeiiiee utigienle• • ,
•ed.... Many s.ucli • items Werea etleze ,
• eel led by a ti,eaeription of .the prbailses
.einul ...their content's. • ,
'1;liere were, artielei'on -professienel
8.0•1°,ets; os .,4)egal ' counsel and
.practleei" and, a. social events :ccil.nut,
witir 'chatty totes about convicte1feeed' e
;from eitismi and uhder'world inerriagett
' ane engagemente. '
Olt A. „din), -
. •
-NOW distent voices whisper,
...Vorgetteit dteente awake, :
..Attd memoil is weeping .
As if her, heart. Would, hreake ,
.• For Mirth and .est and viohins,
• Tina Were' a Song 1-4,..ine'
In days \Oln love arid nue:lite)"
WOVO MCCOt 8yitIpbOt13,..„
.enl°08:te. fqde,,
Andbear with them these loe‘gings,
' *These thoughts that fret and Ride.
Alai with the wild' atorm'i priceleg
And th•ying tither tears,' t
A tnp0 in the heavens.; • •
One Instretis stet AP:poets!
: Nellie Morrison,
will lil futtire be allo*ed to all "old
1oy& o ,tkie'Getvindil