HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-30, Page 7t , • COPAPV04700WWWCOmeeimel:P404A.040,41,400.1t.R.R.RAPAgkotgrAgt&u,p0,044, .T.M.7.70mrk.7e A : • . ,4 • . ; 1 4 17.,0 • k 4 ; 4 V 1 7 • rOr • 0-1 • 0 4 _ 04 •4 0:.:070.:+:4.7017010.0.010:0:•:4:0:0:0:•:00:07:0170‘0:0:07:0:e41.0.0:070:‹0:070 4:0:0:010:010:0, • AGENTS WANIgD MINER ,MINICERY, KINGSVILLE Ont, offers:10r Sale Quebec, J-Jah- rector, Yulton mink of rrelect bree,ding, otock. place yeur .order, earlY., • (.1E7* .strain mink-guataateed. stdck.Wt L°CA. 14 It E PIrt, ES ENTATIVES for full linforination;' Moss- Fr • Faress„ watilede,for ,BOlnier'IPtion Morh.--.•Re- Wanted lininit'-hreetling, sPeeleRstsh olyaLlIat',8applted:. Gond commis1oflj. „Sapawe. Ontario • ' Write Canadian , Magazine; 347- 'Ade • laide St..WesteTorente. 4 . . • , „ Nvcfc-, tIe 100 jr eentr 091.1t, ."WrIte •--fer.fren,„SamPlerrind_eatalegue. J't111,14.T.PkT k Eifel? . 4 •'SENE• FOR FREE •KIT manafactutere. for 'their .• •ewn 2,4 iiity atorea across ,Cip- ada, .want agents to becOrrie exclaa- ive factory repreeentatives! Men,' and ' women, earn hig nreneyl. Sell Sobie's guaranteed. Lingers iik•Ad fineties- iery.. Get late ,tbise'prckfitahle'busin- ees now; „Write todaY.for fee outfit. ,1 Sobiefs $iIly ShQpi. Depa„rtnient S.T, • Farnham Que • ' po,‘ glattlitr.” eggaiLY‘SELLING'r,EL.T. Rug. For full partiquiars Write M. Shedel.• Box 413, Mi 0. Ont. ANAINTIdAi. CH'EMIST , 14 RL,ES_ALLE 4..ANALYTICAL.' faist;keetablished 1926. siaPf P ultrY and stock feeds.' Bei.:117it• • lngers 1, Ontarle. • • : ; ' * ' IllF)CIAL LIMBS', • A126 Welllngton Street 'WeSL'1 TITGW:FfITINDARE, CIIV113-00,7; • redo. 'Improved light inetal_„1101) •.19W,Srtificlat limbs Withilut 'IMO:elder Straps... '. • 1 ' , . , . BARN' 1100.11Nt *--- FENCE -.POSTS' . • . DIRECTFAOTOltir.:...,PRIPES save- yeir-trioetey • on •,vanized 'reefing..,Sirriatior ,,eteeigviVeneer\ ,.posti; aiul ;Steel. granary 'IlairigfelliPer-, lor.:predei..'latirritert, ' ; ...• 11114,W,,,311/RECKElit •••• , E ,lititv OLD ' .0R 1,10141, •tderrinedhnildingis.to wreele, Green= ' woad Hos y e, W:teckeirk," 44 0' Greenwood Alre---Toi onto. BOLps. ,INICs. with a prolten. pelt record, , k ,the sane strairr. Which averaged, -06.50'1980 ' and s.$4.1.-5.0 in; 1037, • arid, that. after the beat have: beenrtold' , for 'breeders., O. Lee.., Fatiet., Alberttr.' t./SED:Ft.IRNITURE • .BARGAINS. prf.aat, •aavings, in '.o,ur 'F.Irtnitute Trad,e-in"-Departnient.: Oue tow Prices iia*.e,•.n1L4e• this: -department the 'larg, ',eat aad .P100.41SePtilar..1n Teten.to. ',Wet a 'few. of the' .hundreds of speeials are. listed here.. . If you, don't' see what. you .want advertised come' in • or ...Write._ :•LyOns are sere te have it and. at the' • lowest ..pribe in ,toWir..- Every piece of. ,furniture is sanitatilY.' , treated -' and tiai • e- f e .113710 .1t1 nn. Beautiful • A merican, , walnut • tedroont ,suite, large' full length triple ranter vanity tnd full size 47pdstet 140, with sagiese • spring. " Coropletely refirilrihed..' Cost • •- 'i$21.50.Walnut' finish; dresper;.t.n., • • .• 'perfect 'Condition, with full "I i steel bed Id :match,, sagless ng • And 'brand new all.feltimettreSe... . qtt9_gn, Selid•oalc‘-•-ifdiningracart.., 7,• ,sultes. large buffet, exten. 6', leather, upholstered., • chairs. .1a• pe,feet .Y.our. • ' ;golden or lathed ,oak. ; $RQ naBeOltiful srwalimt dire , Ing.toom., site large' brit.: let,. 'twin', pedestal. ettentio,n table china cabinet and d: chairs. uphelsteredt • ..4eatberkf-_reall*flao4,ui-" 'and loelie.b,rand new, ...,campletely" finished,. .Cost original! y' about <$47 00..-Eight-picee.: 2-ten.e wairitit F)31-TII:.ir EAR* MAcHIPIPTLY , trucks cOMPOSed Of:, Grain •Ch,01? pere-4!;40,--14?-;;fbaa , Tracters 8x•1 tir20".. X 40 114P4 Power unita•26 OK' Ensilage rot,' terf3; 21' ,Trucks• .frons; 3.4404,.:1-14).. We Pay, spa cash for phi traeters. Write', 'pr. Bee U. klanna'a In.ternetioaal Sales Servi:ce.• MaeDunTlell "0.1ielPh. Ontario " , NARCISSI --- pRINCEPS, 'MAXIMUS. •'• .-Early Trumpet-Daffedil. • Pheatients • Eye (Pciet7s Narcissus), • fri*ant; Evangeline, frag. •rani, white; dated yellow .chalice cup, initi-SeaSon,. All field run •belbs„ as dug, 41 Per 1,000... Canadian pacific. Bulb - Gardens, Dunean,: Yancou,yer . - BUSINESS .11ROICER.S.• ATTgNTION! .A/Cfy " BUS1NES.S,. .ailYWhere, sold ; quickik: „Confiden- tially for, cash. , Consolidated Blisinosi• limiters, 24 Bloor Toronto. • • ' UAfri,IPETS RE-.%VOVEN1NTO RUGS . . 11: CARPETS, WOVENLINTO jer_priee 'list ;Baker Cleaning Co; Ion:into 4. , .1.1e1F7-151t-A.,.• QTQP SUFFERING,. HAVE , YOU, 1?e' birraIng, scalding, •Wet or •dry Skin trolihie; so, ,e the guar• enteed !Pelf PegeMa 'Refiredy -Write, Inch Drug't?ompany, 1130 Weetop, ltd., MLSICAL iNsTnuNigNitc.' • • . • , • LEARN . A 'SANOPliONE •Tierirn p et,„ peConia •• muatelan.:%setai 'tor" Foray ter. elx,da'S'.8' Free'Trialy Ten h',terms4-pq In ernis •tereet.• i41leraure free.,Greeae. guide Coniparii.':^6.7 Queen...St., East.. Toreate? . • ANTED, CANADIAN •S'AMPS IN qnentity. Best prices ,for accirniu- , !Miens and cellections. Queen Stamp Toronto. , ' •: dining -room spite • Queen AnndOsiltir-ia-rg&-buffet, ex-, tension table and .6 chane upholstered," • -in, genuine, leather, • Completely ," ; $49 00:3•010(3' • field suite , (unclaimed --- Thie. spite: lias been 'rebuilt, and. re,,o ered In a' very attraCtiye“brand 'Lew, •'brown. repo::'has :Marshall reversible 'spring cushions end Is a real :bargain at .thiei Price. 'OrigluallY. cost $175.0g• ; ik•SxactlY, like 'new.' • ,• • .$29 50 • Full • chesterfield • t 'reothy 'chairs to match.. upho!stered in a novelty .reprv with reversilee Maishall cushions, and, show-rvood :wainat, trestle; completely. '• MISCELLANEOUS' • LEAF BURLEY; . FO\IIR POUNDS $1.00, fourteen pounds $3,00. 'Five, Pounds Virginia, Leaf Cigarette, Tobac- co $2.00. Postpaldwith flavoring. Nat- ural •Leaf 'Tobacco Co., 'Leamington, 'Ont. JAWEL WATCHES, ON,L:Y $5.95. •lady's Wrist watch,. sold anywhere an to $15.00: We will closely duplieate It • for $5.95 with,, written guarantee. Wilsdp's Watelv iompariy, • 357 • St. '• Catherine Weet, Montreal. CORONATION 'CCi.V.ERS ••.% 1RST DAY...ISSUE COlt()NATION • Tovers,-NeWfourullarid S'Oe ▪ Jiodder. Rav-r10-1.-rc1e, Nefqufld • land. • EDUCATIONAL T-ENOGRA 1311 Y : ;lot free' Sample teeson. l‘fiss Mac- donald. ; 3;.172":•We:Ift, Treadway;Mpnt reali Queber.: •. .„ . Sensational ,NevvDiacoverv- " 'RECHARGES RADIC1•-il's, FLASH- lighte„. drY..cells, guaranteed like • •new. Stamped envelope • brings , full•, 'partieulate. ,A, E. Lueck, Sox •,152, • Lock*god; Seek.: •• ' E GUARANTEE Y FIT • , best: quality, lateet'...e.tYle..eult • winter evercoat ' (elightly, ireed); yegu. • :ler to' $60•4/9 fdr $3 to $12::: .t.O 135.00 -for $4" to, • Spit -,coate, '..$2.50., •.$3. •New trousers, • d es .-a,nci;.•Wcireitedis; -$1.35, $2.2 os pa e- • meaenrements, 'coheirs,- kyle; ege. -Sat- isfac.tidil guaranteed Or Meney. refund-, ech ,Send. money order-83.3S,Icin & Peterhof(); :Ont. .. • TI•••••••• • „ •The tafferWas eelang his .13est ,fr:end aneW Bait: lad WaS, raving, ell. .eheat 'OP" garniellt•- • -"I'm 'telling Yen, 'Harry;''''he' thAtt-'7,4Y,O.1149,11.f.V.;.4.44„.001.0c..-41.4igt cpgn ze yOVillhat-SSitit-itte6ttite-'-a'e Walk Outside ter ti. Minute' and .get the feel Of, „Oa;gament .PartY. Went out and 1-R011;0d PragrlPtol': to 1m`with' a hannY-„strille.7". • . dad . merninng, • sttanger,"' med. 4,What cep -I .do.' for yelf?"':.-••••• „ The SoPwiths tie Lome ix 0 PIO yOu,Nteld•Mr. Sinitlitirat he Is the father -of, triplete."' •• "Not, Yet, iloeter, ‘he'eliayine...1 •' , " • . • First, Firemen. ---710Tbere 'were six- teen firemen at my. wedding." : Sepond, Firemen - "Yea,. but no os- cine." • : '• • , POST 'OFFICE BOXES OST OFFICE BOXES IN . GOOD •• condition. For "particulars apply. F, D. Ghent, Postmaster, •Eurliegton, •Ontario. , ' RADIO , FARM -CITY RADIOS - COM-. _ pieta. SiVe'half. 'Agents free offer. Amazi'ng' Prieee Windchargers. 'power plants. •accessoriek.!Marco .12^3X, Mc- Gee, Kangas City. Mo • . .' REMNANTS rEiconditian'ed' and ,dry ;eleaned-t .---' .., • . r l-tppi-•70•QIIILTING PATTERNSI .iir-45. "IA Large' '.Cliesterfield . With two 'big •,..elialrs... covered. ,.''fi.,:e Ggiapn.iitt.';aschfi oatzo4erriA ipetnStiMakess;".$ l,o0 . In a •French, ,IacqUard - Taupe. sbade;; • • ' °ColleCt". Sample ' bundle, 25C: '.ite- ,cpttipPtely.i.e,,wilt, and 'theibtighly drY -Cleaned: . , ' .. • ,. ' •,: • ' • ' • . :' ' '-flold,......gaatantee! ; .Maritinie ,,Textilea . ,• . , . , -,--Isarge7-aSsartilierit-7-df--Kitchian_Xels- " ' L_,,,0.49 :D6gasrie; Montreal.' '' ' • ' — . . TIRES ' A woinan Went Into. a hank. to cash a cheoue. The cashiet. asked her to ' endorse it, lint elle did. not 'know What . he Meant. "That's all right," 'Said the • cashier, °just sign your name exactly' °give . yen the. nieney" . :So,. she carefullY, wrcite on the 'back of the cheque, ."YOUr loving Mary." • Yiniiremensber, Willie, „how -yen -need ,, to -catch •.ine-in, arms every' night ?".• • •• • Willie • "Yes; dear,.. and now I Cateh yen In inY Pockets every morn- , . lag." •• • A: • yeung• actor applied for work t� :the .casting Airecter of,. the ;Big. Noise Film Coinpeny. , .••• "Nothing doing at preeent',"; said the •big rrian. See, me In tWo months • ...The Trincll. pectr•FON•elder • UIJONDERFUL•, NEly iNygwripN.(, . • ..Operates• from :•6volt hatterY.• .W.efds:-••SolderS •=•.-Brases.' • livited. tt. R. Anderson,Lindsay, Ont.' «EMALE•HELP.,INSMOTION • •A isfDRgtV'S'!' Actibgmy, OF• HAIR-' . • tesei fig; V iStto,ti.,:we 7, Write' ..for.4toipeetile,.., 9,6r, •Bleer weet,f • rento.. • • • • . ,. VIkRIST,MAS CARDS"..FROM ‘,Y.,.O,R.p, • • '..Iavourite negativeS;, 42' for ' 75; ' . 3 for . 350. ,complete„yvith „enveloPea. , , Satnele, 10c....Brightling, 29 ;RiChorld' E.,,, Toronto, • • . ' • . •' RKLINS HIGLOSS DECKLE: S• PA' ' edged prints, three veXtra • With • each,,r,oll finisheS t25c:,TwelVe.reprlistri ,25Pe1harity'S. Vifebbwood, Ont. • !nets, Sewing Macisines,_:_has_IStoves; • Library Tables, Beds, 'Spring,'Mat-.• t:resses, • f:Yde Wessel's, 'Chiffoniers, Studio'Couches, etc.; at amaziagly.leiv Prices, ' :TRAOE-IN OEPT•. .LYONS' BEDDINGAND • 'UPHOLSTERING •savc:._ads..: ;buy Direct from Factory . 478f YONGE ST" TORONTO ". GAMES 7 , FOR FALL AND WINTER,PART,Its ,• Ten entirely • new and original.. .hrainteaset .gamed, in att.i.actlYe book let feria, assorted t�' suit:all tastes and '-. .'occasions, 35- cents; • postpaid "any- ;, 7;--v lv iere. .CanadianAmericair-Naveltiesk 1221 Wellington Street West, Toronto. RIA4f,S VEVELOPtD AND' giO4T . , • .prints with free, enlargement, 2.5e.• • Rapilnts 8c each. 'Commercial , Mot°. ..Service, Dept. 8.. Otitreinont, Que. • • i• • • . , Elto PRICES, EXPERT 'WORK• , Roll With free enlargement '250. ' 'Trevanna Studies, 93 Niagara Street, ' St. • fiathafines; Ont., ' • • ROLLS DEVELOPED; , 'PRINTED; • One' freik:Orilargenierit 35C, Ile. 10 to •25e. Photo-.Oraft,• 1891h • IfineSt. 14.; Toronte; ••• ROLL , AND •• 77, one deckle edge.,Prini of each.' Reprints 3c, 10 for' 56: One •Freti Ot l'iargeinen't. With. eacharder • 25e or • mote ,Snap -V Pluita SerVic.e, Bort 72, pilitt Tortinte• • • • • MAI VArk•MING. DARK .1EASTEII4'MINK hem ftitrifilation ate& arid high • kit Prodnetion;:' cOrreSPOridenee -Markle Lent ' Mink, 'llatiC13,' Men. • ficial;ibut. • • • . titfette-No, ' 11[ A••=i• ' .• • SALE;1../SED "PIANOS . — , . RIGINALLY, :COSTING . tie*pp to-$809.0genitakes,.tipaxi-...' mehogany,. and golden Oak : ! baitairi!: $•39.50;$49.50., $59,00. ideal .for :schetils, eliticlies,.Write: for -641' • :..birgalti.". lit., s:Solieretn;ei ..g.itieS; 2419B Ditlferin • ..;•• , • , • .• • Q. " Spjwith, ehjerfuj despite:•.his .f allure in, lift the, ,Arrie'riCa's . •Cap With his challenger', Endeavor TI,, and Mrs. Sopwith are shown aboard 'the Queen " Mary as they sailed . from Ne* York for 'England. • „ Too Much Jazz_ Over the Radio Should Have More Classical Music, C.R.C..Chairman States —Live Talent In CaPacla to be • Encouraged. . "In 'rey -opinion, there .le 'too Much jazz being" broadcast, in Cgnada,""es, erted ., Gladstone, .'Murray,•Chairman, dfthe Canaclian'Broadcasting•pommis-. an. interview: '4We ' .have •elassical -MusieL-apprepri- ately • perferniecl-in our 'broadealter: be• asserted. .•. "I don't think it 1, - realized haw • Much the: public dell•appreciate seri- • gas _mbsic,", he. said. '‘It wbald be 'a geed thing to.: increatte.breadcasts df claesiear-nrheic„ anYwhere from. Gil' ',heft encl. Sullivan :to Wegrier:"';‘. . Mr Mintay as in • Toronto to at end a ',meeting, of •C.B.C. in-deters.to dis'ouss the 'controlhY the ,eetnusissien •.of-all'broadeasting stations,„ including, :priva ely owned .stations. •Tlie7idea,.he said is to set forth certain codes. inappropriate Subjects,. • . ,',"There . are certain thing:s," he , said, "which • are ,Inapproptiat'e.', Certain 'subjects- are to banned..O.ver..•the- • ,sign on now,'..'replied 'theactor, .."there. are Rite of other'icomparilee af, ter me" • "Oh?". qu'eried the director -clolibtful- iy. •eAndtivisat coninanies are their?", • 'The gas ,c,Oinpany, the water conk panyand the electric. light Company." • 'She yeu think that loVe .is ' • ' Hp,• "Yes. just tWo silly.". "l'oririst YOU ever get'lene seine ,up here?"•, •Mountaineer, •L• u0h; yes; but I 'have a couple Of good jokes .ta-tell,myeelf.'" °HO* Old, is .YOUr fa- ther?' , • 'Tororay • Teacher rnust• Set - Yon heme*ork•snore suited to hie.age." A 'Veryemail lay was waiting to • .croie a, busy road.. A7itindly-iiirariger respondence from :Dysert was regu, la!, and enCoaraging. , This einraner, tWelve years after leaving home,,,Roberi. Davies .felt his Position secure so, Ape -I -ding the .Duchess of York on July 16, he sail- ed back toclaim the bride' who, had Waited so long for him. hernistrty Aids •Fruit Grower • , • Data Provide ,Oracticat. Sugges.: tions to Farmer ' - EVery daY. succeisfril fruit. growini. becomes mor'el dep'endent on cliernis- , try, Results obtained in laboratory lyses, netritional`extierimen.t.S; dr, syn7 thesis; find' .a place the fruit growl, er's pregramme.- river0 13.0cOrne Old:Aftet .* •3 oth Yk‘,g and Are,Shaky Risk* - • Old And yOung "drivers Are a3Aoai •• those i.Avolve4 repeatedlY .4ceideats • pa the roa,I;hut -experierice In her of 'years Of: driving and iie driV- seeM, tohave little bearing on the' frectdeney •Of •AccidentA,; These "facts.. .were revealed:1)y, Dr, Harry 11, 'De. Silva Of the. • liarvard. 'BOreal!, fOr -1'41fineaVOITirrOf070-11/07ne:w1Y ar$41:1r'' 4e,d: Ameribaa APeociatoip,,ef APPed', and': BrOteselenal.,.;Bsieh0400. • • • • •.At, the 1.-1ArvAY4 pr1erC1t,nic.SPe; . have bp given to repeaters Ul traffic aecideus in an attempt a learn .mere .afaii.t. the :ehilitiegi OecearietY1911. . eafe.' arivirio, .te ealVage these accl 1.,ilentlirene,.",drIversao that' they 'peed .. „pot be .harred from 'the rciad„ and to, ,irapreve tire preeednies tOy lieetisF, ex. • • • •RepeAtera. Go Sionier , Despite 06, blame usuallyattached to steed' in donnection'.witn road atei. „dente, 'thereported speed , of :these ac. cident . repeaters was actia11y1Pwer, than, that Of, a grope of' uneerected drivers tested for purPeees of compari: • son,,Er. 'De 'Silva .reported.. : . • ;The • foreign -note spicing the acci!:' dont, repeaters outn,unibered :the na.-• •- til.ge4borOy.4bdut 10 to 20...per Cent.,. he said. This he attributed •not the, place of birth bet.to the .facUtbet-ths• foreiga7born had dilapidated -ckri: and were ignorant of traffie la,Ws and the ;• 'respdpaliallities. of dryers.', • • ' • , Deeline 'Serious After:...60 diseovered, to be a. very • inipertant.facter; and peep e hegin-49 grow old in driving,' abilitY at 35. :The decline is mor.e:fsericiaa after -60. or 65. It is in inability' to withstand glarei. in braking, and in steering , de•:ordiri- • •atioa that -elder ,drivers begin to ,fall;„ • • Soll'.fer:411rY'' is r&c°gailed a4':bPing Young driverg in. the Poor ,risk. moit iinportant 1 to 'any -'n 1RiT' eless are of twO contta.sting_tY0es.'ij. en•deaVer,':•The analystcaTi',deterrnine the ,quantities of „Plant, food prepent find ,Can ,estirnate ,the .quantityd:avall- e7=,,i basic readtien .of , the soil: he .can de- termine the •pregenee• of 'eSsential' min- or elernepts. additiOn he May tain inforniatien '„Ori:. the general. Ob •sica,1 characteristids -of the. soil. Be • interprets (hese data' and conveys; his findings' in prac.tleal suP-oestioris to; thefarmer. • • • ••• • _ ,• . Tbe Cause of an unbealthV Con • dition] Of fruit trees. may. 'freenentlY be' dis•-• .dovered by the analyeis of.. a ' nor.tion nt th•e affected tree. 0-7.• fruit. Mineral .deficiencies may he detected • in this manner.: By the 'addition Of: the rnies7 !rig elethent, or elements to the soil,, , the tree..malY be firelighthack t� nor-, mal health. • • ' • SPrayfrig .a,necessery ,prat -dice ' freit• grOwing. Effieient. • sprays. .end„ • fungiejdee' are ,ot•tremendous irnpnrt- apee to the groWer..; Cheniists are em- ' playe,i1 to stapdatdite :these ;predncte. In order to meet ever-changing condi-, tions, the H 'therniec'. 'is 'Continually searching toy, Prays, spreaders and .dusts • • Quality and Maturity` are. of 1.utmost .-imPertance Marketing- fruitl to the • . advantageof heth,' the grower and .the, consumer.'' ,Analyeis Of the Various varieties of -fruit: In eifferent ,:stages •Of niaturity hs : Shown what consti- • tutes 1,12.1.ty and what treatments 'af-' :feet it. • CheinistrY bas assisted • riving at yelialale. matpritY -'tests ,fox ;certain :fruits. . „, • For. one thing::•be stated; 'con -mien.* tariee . of . market prioes would be henceforth prphi•bited., "We've 'liad, too manycomplaints from people who've „ . _ -.taken a:dvice.ficim sense, of these , -corn menta.ries," -he said. ''‘They told, tis they lest ineneY. by , . Ilestrict•Patent Medicine Ads •There will be a• restriction on ad- vertising liatent medicines. description „of a patent- *Medicine may be; broadcast,';.•• he Said, "until: it has been approved :by the departnaent Of national' health' at ottawa.. And 11ke-4. no" treatment any . ailinent may Ibe, recerninended OVer the radie • Unlessit'has bee.n'simila;dy approved."' Other • sUbjects t� 'dome .under the-. • ban. Will, be', radio liquor advertising • Murray •said. Present 'reguiatione goV-e ,erning• Ppliticalbroadcasts *Mild • be ., .00ntinued; ,no 'ext'ension or modifica- tion of 'existing ruleals Co,ntemplatect. station will be allowed ter nee: • Mechanical', rep rode ellen between' 7.30 • p.m. and 11 phn.,:' Uurrei ex- piained,""itho'iit: the anthdrity 'Of the The,.-reastnr-for-Ai Is Lo en- courage -talent in •Canada. mgNz,i iispin TIRES $3.95 •IJP • for . 'Ford. • Chev,rolet, Plymouth nudge, Thrick„ Qldsm�blie. Packard, -Cadillao and all other Oars and trucks. Everytire giieranteed. 190 King West, Toronto. • • • VOUNG MEN AND WOMEN-POSI- •'" tions more easily secnred .1( you: train tor' Telegrapher or Sten.ogrepher. Become steaographer In 'ten ..w.eeks-1- notes Written in "English. TYPeWriter, Moaned, SelNeaching machine' loan; • ed' with:telegraphy. IneXPeneive- What 'Pourse interesteyou? Write "CasSanj • Systems, Toronto. • • ' • • ' 'U .BIAtS'• . , •. , . pLANT LILIES NOW ADE; TO .•* brightness ; 'Of ybue . garden •with UIes troin fliOntie.groWt3 bulbs rot re- ible varieties,' Also •otlier Perennial. tloWera..-and fruit treeS for ,;trarthetti getdensall of the' hardiest. Straine, Soria - for Antaitin :ca-taleglie With In. 'etractione ter' 141Itee,„ ete., -Arrival of' 'all Plaine: in.. geed .COnditItiri. giretari- Manitaba , Plant •• N_Urstri, F,'L Sktinter„'•PrO134 Dro , Manitoba, • • • • •. • • • • • • outi. NEW PRICES ON T8b1 • „ , . , 0604 8littp1ey., as, gato., afid fuel' .611 OrigintS, arid gtintlets. • Alga te.pairs for .BrafitfOrd Otrgines:.• • putros, •; A; Feildwe A:Co, FIrtintfOrd; Oat' • ' • . . " - pANN.iNct 80t,X. • arader,2 gultrantee,d: inereketi.cIoI Wtite, Kline 'litir4131. EiriPterin 'Croti4 Toreiste .„ • •• TRAPPING T CAUGHT 16 PDXES IN 3 • DAysv • ,Yeu -can “lo it. Particular' tree Wells Hadley. Stanstead. Que. ' 49 WINTERPLANTS • PERENNIAL' PRI..sok,. .13L8Dirtp.. • • liearte, etc., :10c plant; tulips 4e; Postpaid winter flowering., /lease , • Plants, etc: Write -fey list. Joseph I , . , Aiken, Shannon, Que. - WATCH -REPAIRS', °you mast be very careful' w1th-0F this traffic about," said; • "Oh, I'm ell right," replied the child ' cheerily. "I• always' Wait for the emp- • ty Space to Come; by'." • • - " 36. YEARS" EXPERIENCE S1 00 replaces,mainspring; jewel, 7• cleaning, hands, crystals, , dials repaired. • Providing no Parts ' • Missing. • 2 -Years • guarantee. , Orr! .nOstage paid. • rormerly -itantiltan-Wateh Fadtory: American • Swiss Watch Spee'alist Reed, Dept-. 4f#13 Tirebeuf..Mentreal. act to Walk 30,000 Miles .1" ••EdniOiiton Meter 'Reader .Aays, • Dogi Get tO Kniotit :•" • r: Weedruffe; an..Edmonton met - et' reader,eidiniaten•.lie hen *allied • alninst 30;000' nillee • In 06 'Past 'tett',.yearg; , "People have the funiiietit plebes for• hiding ,their gas 'ileters,'," eAta Wood • 'rare when reniarked, It wastir't,80 'trirreir Walking 10 to. 15 th11e 'day. Pe. ,elletka•Arid.;,notea, in a ,hOok about 400 'Meters' verY dai He ;finda Meters:, • Welted away 'in- baSeinent earners; in dining %mops •an4 In atmoat eVery, renin -possible, • • • • . Weedraffe .hae encountered every ' type nt hoiraeWlie from 'pugnatinus .to SWeet, Ile ha i3 explored nearlY• everY' • liOnie in; the. eitY, " And he- knoWS a lot Of ,doge, tea, • ,Terrat of "eyers-y:,dobia9.. •Aoor •dage. ga., t� itliOW • tire . regular Meter, reader 'Witir••his • ' don't 'tinact or ,:hailry, Woodruffe noted,' ' '•• • • •• • - • , •• . A stout Pair` Of thee tsleg is Wo"rti thi,ough in eix Week& On the heat but hi hie walking 'Clear aroUrid' the ,actuat. Vii,oetirtif„e 17 •tontid- and a good pb• hel.ti4YA, Used dock' To. Start' Gas Going • • Carl Belk ..4eargiii, 7744-3ear4r1d South Carolina With/ran in- ge,nione mind, exeCuted himself with lethal gee in „what was believed to be l`trailer suicide" on record. ' The -key of -an alarm clock :unwind., 'irig as the bell senrided lowered po- tassium 'cYanide 'tablets :into a •solu7 ly riz'of-eulphari cLacid:„pred fumes 'which. oVerpoWered. Mit :as be laYstretchedMit 'ots- the floor of , his trailer. , , ' On the deer a warning 'sign !:posted: "Danger! Poison. ,Only the ;law shalt enter heYe.."` , The •'hour indicator on'the*alarm. Clack had been set 'at dating he had be�n dead near y 12 hdurs when. , police broke inte • the ' trailer ertily'in the afternoon and. found ,ia.ce turned a Pasty- , ••• • • 'Officers were forted to leavd the :.cloor open several AniniiteS• sO,the gas Would escape. ' • :Yeargin was embittered- toward , life 'irr genera1fnot,c"showed. • Handbag bats are the- latest..Paris. , novelty; • They ,are • inhalk „brimless ;hats, rather` like Highland • bonnets 'trimrned •,With tentrastini; rib:hens , whith .joitr behind and' fi,stnt ' the • handle' t� a 'bag. In the , crown is a closcd , pocket containing powderi,lip. stick, rouge and handkeishief, , , ••,• • . Couple Marrsed After 12 Years' Courtship ;Twelve, years, is a le'ng time to 1wot before , getting married' but' it in no' way shills the' lueite.of marital 'bliss. - -.-ThatraV-leagfpie-•-ther-opinion-of.-RobL.- eft Davies, • • Harnilten'wheelsetter- 'Who' arriVed in.Can'ada abroad the, . . . Canadian Patifie liner :Montrose 14- bride, of a' fewweeks, he. ' had, been ,coUrting for ever .a. decade • L`13,obby'!.. and the i'hen' Miss Fran •ces Evelyn Parry 130' liVennidielivairT•;; • mere ,friends When .,ht left ,Ftysert; • North Wale,. i1925 te; establish • himself in Canada. 'Tour years'. later the"ilepreesion hit and, Davies receiv- ed a Setback. Froin that • time on ( it was a long hardfifight, but the cot -- STABLES-: tteliabl 0.,111," irtat4!1, • • • yrItien lioliOo• come, in to Ototto Olt*rn aiii410 Of Cow lmve Cala • tid4er,. ;Ito' 1,121,ig io 'do • bottle at Once,, ot t'.1Ad of GlenbOi:o. 144 writet I / ' tike to hae It. isi the honee. I lieve foetid tbut . httairdre • Liniment; eeneetilli stood '.for . bathed whir bate ob . , . nitelli dOettir reantel ' ' °Oat 50 yenre• ago. Still inviInehla In.' • •Sy.1144 On& •tieitiii :MOO; • ' •was :'found. First, 'there is the ; rich • anari's '.;•iim) to whom a "smashed, Car• • means Call • nothin It- the secoad -group le thelley Who has never had a • car •ef his: own 'hilt. Who:. drives light delivety trucks 'and drifte from one job to anether:. ,, "both grotips are charaterized by lack of social responsibility'," Dr. De • Silya aid' Lone Scarlet Lures Nguralists . . , SOW+. American •Bird Stayirg In • Pont P.elee .Mtrsh on„. •• Lake: Ere' ' ' • A lone scarlet ibis, stepping in the ' , point Pelee' marsh has • drawn the attention of !It •naturaliste .f.roiri. London, Chatharn and Hamilton, . saYs the Windsor Star: • . • • • : - ,• The bird, •native of' Smith America •• • anciff-seldpinTseen norfli ;liS. believed ;,,to have etraYed . froni a Zoe, altheugh 'it flies with ,per•-•'.• • fect'ease..an 'indication, that it may 'be -• • wird and may. have borne 'north for , . , 'some 'region or Other. ' Discovered, by George Stirtett,,, • the Derainicti Department of. Agricul- tures laboratory at 'Chatliatri; . last week; the ibis ,has already. attracted" 1... - vitae attention. ' •-Proditced Black Ra.-§ei seventy-four7year,old Catholic •pri Fither Shoener,' of Santa Bar-. .California, .has ,eknerimented . with, roses fer nearly fifty •years: In,, . his garden are, 2,30.0 varietiesMany are, Mit bushes,, but trees, and some are Sixteen to twentyjeet high. But his Proudest and ,,triost' difficult achie- vement is large,..melyety black' tese.'• •Which he has named after' his friend; the late Chief -Justice OliVer Wendell The largest of rather 'Shoener's, • trees has a.10 ,ft...spread, and his OM irtaiprOve the .roe: tree to -be a 'lira - class street tree in faVeurable cli Mates. The' apple belongs to ;the. rose ' family, •so, by,erdising the apple with - the Tose', expgcts to' .eventu- • ally'produCe At rose plant:with' ati edi- '•;ble„fruit, tasty)0(1 rose-fiavoiired. „ era Superbik The- lieseAnd mOst•,veonornical 'battery equiii.n%ntiOr your radioi • TkEYAAStibiSidEFt Wqie for:Pdttiphkt. on 41,6VR Ray General Dry Battities—' ,t1k • 'of the , -Stirreit- , made.. a -trip.to Point' Pelee t9 clie0k • pp On what, triight :befaund.. rit, the • Point for inerribers -of th'.d Ontarie..P.ed ..eratiori of Nateralists, whOate • an outing 'at Pelee'•on October 2; and. came :across, the lbis. ' • . • PapAng•••the, word:of • 'his rare. bild, among Uataralisti,.. he brought,: the'.•t bird quite: a. gallery. of adiniters 'Whe ; ?Spent • the'. afterndea looking It .aer through. •fiejci • glasses, and telesOoves', . . The scaret ir tiasels in rare toiii, • • pally, Whenit made 'a short flight; • it was acCompatied': by. a: ' attire N.e,rth Atnericau bird 'which for :.Setue, reasonOr oth*er also is ViSthng ...thasonthernmost Point dn Nowhere. :Else, Trn •Canada., • 'The. point,".. Said MrIcKo1ie" ig fust south: of the 4.2na parallel.; W1‘...ch• , is also Ithe ; northern. bonndary of ,.t,.11.11. • Jornia, and we: have fainni Wild life' in, the maithes • here whieh., hoSidee ; • being rare): le • seen, new,here else In • ,/ • Some. Lottery' ,Nuptfr.t.r.S ,Considered Unlucky Sellers ofFrench State ttc kersiliae recently itiade seine cutlet -13 . diSCOVerieg about likes and dilikes lil , ; to.,'ry • figtireS•:. , .' Even, When, an is sonietimes th(3. , cast, there' -is ari4 oryliekets; •' heefoarieri AuchIrsaolv,; thantae r,mthey eotso, licketa nuinb' red'. '5,55,5,65t;, 1:080i • "' 88$-„,,,,0,118,83,6,, and so on, • •.'. .• ' „For seMe strange reason, thee • 'peAted brimbers hre reekone4 to luviti Tar -lege, Chalice than 'tickets with, a u.gbb,c1 ..inOcOd nnmbdr. •, 0, '• • `Di aiiite• *the • aeSiltanees• of,• matliece • 'MatiCiaris thati 141.1,11I'is every IA' •ha1ikl td tUrn ,up 7,418,90, that 1.,114,1i1. tPIntains. unsaletiVia. .arrd. inittiberslike fl;,123;45.6 art. eelcO"' tebrbeeraiee they ere eel; sectitiVe. A ieicy....,ritnylh'er, •th, prepc*iititOs. 6111410i14 hi 4 0,161:otIgh • • ,