HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-30, Page 6t. , •,, tismitue,PY.••••>•••••,!6er44r04,PasreirsoffirOro,' roun t2 iq IMPRRN,7 ,• " 4 P,Pell;n Program grA.-e'-'"Weclneaday Septeih- her 11 'the .new Elizabeth • , Arden ra Q7511074' will he heard*over .LESSON - ciillisTIAN so,NpAIP him, neither Icnovveth: 'the N B. C--B10'.uetVirerk. The pro- cti)I.:DE•N TE4T-=,', But .iisymAny.as received hirfir to them gave he the •, right to; beconde-thildren a GO4'• , even to. them that believe on h:s." e. :LeSv4:.in: .Settiai The "'first Bpistle qt. JOIM written'' about A -IX' 90. • Place. do ndt know eicactly., • • ;Where this epistle. Wa§ virittPn, but probably in thp: City. 'where; it. is thought John ,lived for, the greater' Part of •his 'life after the •Eiscensien. of Christ,- ' '•• • • - • . The first dplatte ,:iroha noth- ing leis than a leve ,letter, a 'letter, • revealing the wonderful love of God; 'to written:,,,only :for„ -;.the-• of God. Its author was, meet*, ippropriately, the .apostle John, "thc one, whein :theone in Whose Gospel the:. love' Of Chtitt. is most frequently 'Spoken Of.'••• Tb6 very voeihurary of this epistle mistakahly: ifight:fieS ,it. as in epistle' to those -who are, in Gees , The Scr:pturer....teacli--that: all who believe on Chest Mita .salvation are - son Of God; not on the ground of , their „first or natural birth into,the Adatnia-faMilV, bitten the '.grelprIcl-.,Of tke.ir'seqcold. •birth 'into the fartily:! Of Cod (John" 12;• Gal. B:. 23; 3::15; , We See ,•,, ; "Belielcy •what 'Manner of Jove the. "Father hath:hstowed iis, that IS.' very;',..interdsting7peiht that; .• .aiiiitiet eVery-Where in the,'NeW.Teata-:•• , , • , Ment where the love. of God is spoken , of, it is',-inimediateiy 'related to •tlie .iiadetice,•ot 'the, Lord Jesus Christ, ,God's son, :on; Calvary'. .I,t, is that:. sactifiee for. ns that. we mot clearly ee God's . love for tia. John. 3;:.16 is ..the . great statement of this 1'11070 - ma truth. the apostle goes . , , .tell net, only has :the...Lord Tesus'••Chrilit, saved OS,: bY'• his.' death tor us, hilt that God has heeolne.'.to 'tis our ,Pitthei and that • ' we are Made th44„.1didreir•-a -Gad. "13eloved,: now are we children of God, arid. it is net yet ;made ,manifest Whit We Shall, he. We know. that; if he .shall be .manifested. --.,The per- pcn referred Ur, is, of course, .the Lord Christ. His home always was in 1-..leaverf;', but I once; . tineteen • hundred 'years' ago' :fie was • "mani- feSted."._ i.e.::: he! .reyealed,,'lpinself_to men .,on 17:73r117TirTf.73.:7 .16;72-Trint..41:10r-rPettljr2Orlt.-Jiihrii.' 1: 2; .3 d,.$.; • he • Will „he, Manifested , , • • 'once again, when he Comes • back to earth. the ;second .1iine,• ,,te take hs church hp to .glory where. he is. "We •, 'Shall be like 'hini;•• for ", ,Vve .shali see him even as he..,ia.--We•cannot.here 'help, thinking the Wade- e . • • • apostle Paul—"For now We, ied in,'a mirror, darkly; bill then fade to fade: now; I know in ' part. but then shall I know fully, even as also •I was fully , , , .,Inown" (1 Cpr„,, 13:•• 12). We'. will have' greater powers ,for apprehend - ng when. we are. in : our new :Spiritual bpdies.'. and then e see. Christ in all Of his glory -(ied 'Sohn 17: ,24),- all of loVe,..in, all' Of his infinite power and ' ' , Hope of .Hik Rettin • • "And every one .that:hath‘this'hope Setorihirn,Pirtifieth himself, ,tileA AS , hive hete, spolteri ; of :of 'Course, .•the. 'hope of .•our Lord's return. and hope of seeing. • hian•..again-trice--to face---Itheffectr-- • of the hopekot the riEkt'Uth of the Lora , • 'J'ealti':upen Us isto,be likened to the effect Upon. ,Us of, it letter We receive" from our dearest „loved one who has Albert 'away, saying that he or She will.- be'leck, again in the home on ,a „Cdr., • tainiday,evetything ' the home, is • •,. rriade , ready; and the very 'heart. of the 'Wilthig lov,pd ' One , is; also ,Made ••ready, arid 'Ali itCthoughts end.; , „ , • inge ate toward the • one'jtetutning.. "tvery, One that doeth' 'sin' doeth • also laWlesiness;., , lawless - hese." • • :aao ahide' in-the.Lord Christ gram Eac,bIP, -.111,4-110:1)16i1 ••. , Or, 'as • 411.e, 'Lord Said, .t011ia„rly Was. br:OtigIl. ;Jesus and a -member Of his ,Iler•rt-:(oTrica." Alt01)10'1"4:41i.li,4r*;i:r$ himself be is the vine. and • we are. the 14'460'Reisman..:land.111i'roivantic ,:btanehea. ,(John 15:1. .,se. style: of rimaic. made, .13)ri: 02.11M:riot " 413140, illChrist, • WO .:sliall'•:;-'keep, the IC. faorite. ofNeW.-,Totk: Seciety,, -denrinandinerits of Chr s 10 c Duchhi'is. '27' yeai old, so • of 7 shall de, please-II:1/W OWn.er• .df• a*,diag •store chair. - Eddy • " 4t04i0(1,44491,10,1Y, 0.1 100,ttePS 'Love 4. ••`' • One •his father, when a*Vacatien ;ah4t4gd;'' , The apostle, •White.hahas; :Often :be-; hia:dothea. ,While working as a Wait. fore spoken of 10:e for one another,, er in a boys' camp ..ohd StirnMer, ha, now returps, to ,the ,sabjegt, present- * became interested inorchestras. and.. 'hig' it in its•practiCal ispeeta.....•LoVe feinted a 3 -piece band, playiri‘r.jazk, • for one aaother.is :not a flew message, improvisations r Of Bach end Beetho! • but is trivolved in the .vvhole dospel • von. Earning extra money plaYirigat',• e h up ills and story, ,and .indeed, is • an Old ..Testa,..„ localdant s, e gave p inc-nt. reVelation, (Levi '1:9;,' 14 ..34f 'PoWdeia*Upon his graduation tb fol.; . Matt. 5: 43, 44; lb: 19; :22: 29; ...John • '13: , 34;06.5:, 12). -Love is the ;anti,7: thesisythe enemy, and the death„ .Of ' hatred. , . , , The • great sul3rOhle' incentive to love: and the perfect ideal for of love ,•;:' for Others, is found in the very life and:death' of the Lord Jesus ' ghtt§,t,. who laid , down'' his life because he levectue: ' : • ' , , ' ••,, . , . , . .Though the A.Pogtle 4ohrl 4.-4,0a116d:,:i. the great 'mYStic of the • NOW Testa'''. ment,,' though , he writes- concerning the loftiest themes that can e•Cer ,en- . gage ;:the , attent:On., of - Men, „.=41iff.: tfiougi;:4t:, times : he. seems to ,.speak , to us 'frosin, • the very ..heighta :al' il,eaven,. heye4heloss.:. be is exceed- ingly. practical, and, inis.:Very dis- cussion regarding.,then c , love-'in.orit life,, he :point ,.out 'he* t.1\ of essity.--• .tliat ..ho'• inan possesses this Wetld'aP n•ootrand refuses to share, theni:with'., his brother w p, is nr•lieer. 7...an :ever, . claim to have the Jove of 'GO& in :•'"My little children, let us not love, !n word. neither With tile longue” ,bni , .in :.deed : and '-truth."—Love ' is dutiful', • :in thought and deed. A • little child . who -Was': asked what, it ineint,';:..re- "plied: "Love means'. doing errands." • „ f,filerehy• shall we •,know that„. we are of the truth, and 'shall assure Our heart before him. -• .Beeaude it.out heart condemn ta,... God, is greater ). , than .- our heart,. and knOweth all things."—We 'shall,. know ; We are of the truth, ,i.e.; that we are in God, and that we are his children, and our -hearts will have assiirahce in his Very presence of our own intimate. rela: 'tieriship ,with'him, it we hive in ' deed . and in truth: A. man :will dertabilt know if he loves, or if he hates .his , fellow -men, and, if his: heart is 'pea- Lseseed-with4rire-,11Ove it2.strengtheha- lir coiifidenee in his conviction that -.,'Ite-i-s4la`T'chltd'ot-God. : . loW a ;Musical career. ' •;' Ilgranit Central ,Station" Thrs new 'series has its setti :in Grand Central Station' in New forI, the gateway -to the hat:on-Starting Thesday, Sept. 28 over the NBC Blue^ ; network, and titled.' Grand Central '.Statien Othe program will be beard 'Yteeldrat. 9:39 p,in.. The sponsera of ,the prOgranr-feel that • the station With itsy.ttliousarids Othurrying cOrn- -Mufeig%O. (Rd with-tnthq thousands7 of -traveller's: bohnd. fOr,,POOts vrest ,offers an 'Unusual settihgfor the set - play, cempletein itself,. .-Will'beght: With 'a -*bp' in the: sta- tion, so Marty, dramatic --Wel- 'cornea ' and-;partingf and accidental day.: 4 -Kcifteliatett oil the Air ' . 'Chester:flan , ,Cigarettes pre- • Setting'Andie ,XeStelanetz and hs 45•.*. l'oesd'O'rdhestra :each WeillieSdSy frOM, -78490,--ttek.-:,439-stattirispte i, 29 • oyAk the e.ntire Columbia web.. Bieeina• Taylor, rattaie .critic and composer servesas commentator .and Imaster of ceterriohtea, 'and-Paul-Douglas-in- nonnces.. „A.. galaxy rof 'fanifiusober- , "Beloved, if .'eur' heart condemn ns • , not, We have boldnest, towarct, God.:" '—Just' as a sense of sin separates ,us• from. God, a censciousziesa of like in. •his Will, every staiia'cleansed by the .bhicid of hia.,Sori;..giVeS ui, holdnea'a.t to approach ;him • "Ahd:whatsoevei • WC •ask we receive Of--hina..becarime keep his cerianiartarnerits 2ahel do. the things that are pleasing in his„. proMiie has . teferente, to our ptayer ,life., ' ' "And this i. his conimandinent; : that We should 'believe in the ilame . , . of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one 'anotherr, even a he gaveus.' cora-- trlandpient.'In a .prepeding section, we notice that the -commandment em- phasized had reference to .tionshiP to others, namely 'thatwe should one another. - /fere', the_ cemmaridmeht has 'reference •-to, our relationship 't6...,Otid.:.e,rid. to his Son, 'Jeans Christ, 'emphasizing our belief "And : ye :trio*, that he was :Mani- fested to take away sins; and in him • 'fs. no sin." -Two 'glorious things are . here said . about, the 'Lord •Jesug. Christ. ' In the.. first place;,, he .earne :+0, take away .Ohr. sins. ' Every Man has .sinned. Sin shuts us 'away front ' -„Godand inerit4 the Wrath of God.!,If • We are to be the,thildren of God, din. ' sins -.Meat be dwelt with..., We could • -not deal with Oben •outadlires,. we ' cannot cleanse OUrselVes. fkorn 'sin.we kicannot pay' the debts they ihear„., we jcartridt-blit-theria out.: IT sin to' be leit 'away, another must• do • it; and hat 'Must be one who has n'o'Sins of. hi. own, tor Who had his own sins t� tithed for, he CO'uld tieVet atone the sins of Others. And so, We odd of the One who came to tako Ls, -.away- our slits that%qn hiin it Ito l'WheificieVet abidoth in litni„slimelli whotiOeer innth hath'liorAieert atic"and cone -rt si,-rs will be bronght, hereto the. Microphone as guests of the 'pro--alr: •' • jiiie • Penrer Returns • • Carrying on with the same theme which was such a °comedy auecesi lett- seasen-,---Joe....-pentierr-the--throaty voiced comedian -of the .airlaries'will return to the Columbia network ,Sun- . (tar October •third, from 6:Q to 6:30;! The entire cast Of last. semen's show: will .return with the exception e Joy ifeidges,„who. will be_rePlaaefl-bY the "Mystery Singer," a newcOlner•to ra- dio. •' FOR ,THE CHILDREN, Orphan, Anne's Seventh Year. Little' Orphan Annie zreturned to the N., B C Ret .INTetWItk‘ Monday :.-September 27, and is heard at and 5;45:. standard time. This makes it, the sseventh year for this radio.: feature. The script is edited by Dr. .Tblin J. 13. Morgan. Iminehtchild psYcholOgist of Nerthwestern• , ' . • TOin Mix'Is Ektek • Tem.'*ix and his Ralston, Straight Slioatets, thrilling .radio: adVenthre : . series based On the career of the fa- - ' mous cowboy actor returned to the +air for the fifthseason on., Monday,: 'September 27 .at 5:45, p.m., over the. 'N B G Blue Network 'A series of. new episodes from (the colorful cow- boys ,' i 'ices as Marshal e e . , Texas Ranger, Sheriff:, and •• Movie. Star are being dramatized. The part of -TOM Mix is again played by Jack HOlden.•,percy•Tevnus. veteran BrO44-' way character actor, returns as the "Old 'Ykrtangjer". • Jack Armstrong Carries On Jack Armstrong, the All Arner.can Boy returned to ,the N B. C Red Net- work on Monday September 27- at '5::3:6: :p::::im:.; his.. celebrated juv- • 5.20, pan: • His celehratedluveriile program based on the adventures Armstrong„is heard daily etthe Same ' CORONATION, Alia.-L;e Miss Alidd Cline; 4daughter of :a daitylatraer; is ieekingteplaceinerit of a' Cheque:- The cLe•u • ;: men ' for :.cream; as at: I •1-7, ' 'PORT OF "SPAIN; Tririidad,,-:,-Fear'- :=hrg ii-turnored decision of, the govern, . , • , , Merit to deport' thent'l'hy stea,rashIP., from this West 'Oaten 'Island woalS .result in their finding. theinselves, Once Mere in dreaded Cayenne,. three Oi six J'rench fugitives .Whe•landed in Trip,' tary ..dash In,p,ri" Opel) heat :"for..Halti, 759'mlles s. • ' ' -• . • ; • " •Rayinend •Vaude,, leader •Off. the We,' .said • "I Ishudder .at the thought Of gding back' to 'Cayenne .. and I prefer to risk tlie,• dangers of an open -boat' flight to Haiti. j•,, • - " ' know nobody there', but ;Ulla :1.am'Certain-741aiti is,a• free': country. - .1 boPe'• to cern my living there as .a ateWatil.-•,', ' post for two years, ,when: the .."'Preitch '.:;t4t411'..VaUde, who:: IS 35 .years Old, was Sentenced to. five-year • tetrii: With hard labor for lardeny, 'and" robbery: tached to. cans when returned td the Cline farm. A calf ate thecheque and only the stump wasleft" when Miss Cline 'caught it. atient.to Ha Own Inside 411ew, ist.e.;:titre„ ,414X0:7414,44,7,. 411 • Xl..0''f3grO9rY MItIrPly . less ,Imil"'h'ArWiess...ati4 Witteh proval, a look ata lIco 0? hjs or P(31';1:°:.1:1(01:(1Y51:Pr7t1:4:i' •• This' .,relatkre17.'Oevt`...: 'Of ••1Prtiya with ,,a• 'Maehine,• wit4c1;:.. aatotnatiCaili•• 01:ti:iikaeaS•.a'Pkil!Plia%ttlig171ii';';11°.ar4"„:1r4'•.49.-ii!4J11;11°,'` at 'desired, was i cribed by Dr..opi.woody.,Ooorp)1:6041-,:•,'" ..7.91:iif°11i;e4fdt'• $t: . ; - . and andiuni. treatment' from • thirty.- conntries/ who, gathered at .00. ,c011••• grass dertiCrihed the Worh. the isui7 • chine, known as tha:. olArnipagraPh".., • 'fastetouling • and ainiciSt unbcliev tclie9Vretlk.o pha, an X-ray 1)Xe-eritn:Y' !"11. inacla(lehsia41;.-1Will9.1:141" would foeuti'a beam of rays as ,gIASS lenA focusses „Tight "tais, and candor.; thera .ai nhiitOgraphic plate, • Ivioiire 'Said. in:',explaining his scientific 6.7thihit.„:',. Only Within the bast. year has : a ileperAable machine been perfected •. , And. applied -fii-flie7A-iitgaosis-, of -human • diseases. • ,Tube and *Film ploVe. It 'Consists. ofari X-ray tube mounted • „; over the•ptclinarY.tre•atment table ae.4., -7-1-Mketr.wit4.4e„,..photpraii.ilic,11.1ta.nnder; the ' • ' • „ • '' Ile, • tube • and niotion, mem 111 op.poSite „dijectiona„ nrodricing,..the fociissing effect. With A Patient Or ;sitting,. On.:the table. the ,machine, • ea,ri'he.adjested. to .pick ,mit the frea'ge of tvillee:Of,tissue•at,,abz.depth, When the fihn is ,develhOd (t will show tliat greater detaillthati his ever,' before' been • obtainable ,, .Xray 'reachinearpr,.,,..1Vitiord ••• Kieffer 'added', ;• to. tise Cie; 'ray treatment. ..diseases..7-Thiel' a.. per, • ami, With: e ;tether .or cancer. lying •deep „ .insicle: the.,liocit;'•.these`growths which . have been' almost imPosSiblecte 'treat. before, may In :the future'receive the certect ,dosage • of ••X-rays pri :•the,grOwilt -•Witlient mass, Irradiation of' all. the tissues above and below it: irt , Fellow citizens Of Gwillimbmy Township, who knout!! Earl Rowe • best are enthusiastfc admifers of his. ster *ring character and gift for leadership , A Public Servant For'. 22 :Yearp I ‘• -1---4:Atid he that ;kpeth,his coin7.4 mandmenta abideth in him, and, he, ih him. And hereby we knew that he abidethin its, by the Spirit which he „• gave us.” , Powerful Lamp Visible Stx. Miles :* If an automobile 5 driver' is not blind,... temporarily :or ethervViid, he should be able to tee the .new head-, belt. being.....tried by the Chicago & Northwestern on its high Speed train 'between Chicago: and St: Paul.-. , • , •.The lamp throws ,a 2,500,000- , candlelpewer beam that kyrAt'o,sf Chit. tintially in the pattern of a figure eight 1/4at.font' 890feet in :fdiarneter. Thus. it Sehdao its,,wathings Straight' 'ahead,' to bc'thside of the right -of. way, And high" enough to appear • an:apPrOneliing*,pillar of light. A re- flector rhov6d,by:. a 'Motor oscillates the beani, :.• • " • Tests Show that. at Wirth 'the, light: visible for. As much as Slit Milc S. at night and 411ree thilei by day012lie 'pinit i to. operate it by, day ki well as br night to dinpliaslit its furidttott as 'light that distinuiShes-rui ,usuaIly 'fast; train. • • irbting."10ii "hit thinklag et atilt, Mg Seine •girl' te Mehl rot, What dci you think Of the fdeittir • .1" - f9weet Young thing , a great idea,,lt you asic reef": . , you had a large Scale map. of Ontario, You-would-fin&Gwil-- Iiinbury, Township marked ' in :the County of Simcoe. But you, would have • to possess a very. large scale Triaptindeed,in locate ihe'r town, of Newton Robinson.' -Of'•:a town is ...beginning, to find itself iet,pyint• , Afequeatly these days: :the ••:11.•,F,ensilee1 4_,Iikt 'this, only •to ' be •' ',;:.e9iipt!irodsio7bt. Earl Rowe, iof,gtohienigr to b, they are confident,' Pre- • -Wei -Elect Of • Ontario the night, •• :Of ticti3ber .6th. .SOine qtheold-time proverbs are wearing, a little thinthese ,tirdernclayS, and th4i4iITAV kno,,Wn-pne-='"A Prophet' is not • Without" honor save in his own •'cotintrY"'Ineans' nothing; simply •„. nothing to these sturdy Wizens. of 10Wi11icobtcry. They. .honor ROWA.Wause they. know • attil,admire him; , the oldsters.' liave been watching him for • wentyLtWo years; ever since .he • WA:elected ,a Township 'Court-, • ;•Cillor on his 21.st birthday. , ';Airtelita]Cabinet. Rank -They start them young in pub-: lieSetYi&in,Oese Ontario towns • but only one in ten thousand • . forges ahead to the. Provincial •.Legisiature—onlyofie in a huni`' dred 'thousand keeps going until •' liel•eaChei Cabinet rank at Ot- tawa. Such a man is Ear,tRowe and'Ovvillintbury Township , 'has, followed, -with .pride, every , step of his:progress.- • • The Most importanteYents in 1.144(,,yOung , „twenty-two , year of public service can be rtefly Stinutiarized: ' :4915-41etted to Contal of T o W ; 1916—tlected, Reeve re- elected each year for ,fiye„yearS:i• • 1923—Elected ,to "Ontarie. Legislature., 1925—Elected to , Federal •, -Parliament. . • - 193022-Re-e1oet.ed.: 1035-1'n:40i:6d to the Cab- inet by Honourable R. B. Bennett, then Prime,' -' Minister. Re-ele,etedteS • • Federal Parliainent, 1936 -L. -Unanimously seleaid as leader of the �. ...tad°. Liberal -Conser- vative Party. A Happy Family Earl Rowe, whenever his pub- lic duties will ' permit, 'hurries' back to Newton Robinson. For there: he finds awaiting, him his sturdy refj brick house—his wife • and \three fine children—lis 22$ acres of farm_lancl—Vs pure- bred Yorkshire swine, 'Durham. cattle, registered Clydesdales— his old Township friends. ' One cannot!, hope to under- Atand;:public_man -solely by ob- serving him in the midst of puff- lic affairs in Toronto or Ottawa. Follow Earl Rowe back toiNew- ton Robinson—have a meal with • itn.in his big kitchen—walk with hirn over his fertile acres— see hint feeding his swine and his cattlev— talk with his aged par- -..ents-rwho-live-across-the-road: ' Then you would reajize even more fully than•ever before how completely , this man 'possesses • that something without which all, else is So much chaff—and that something is 'CHARACTER. Heredity must get 'some of the Conservative credit. Theleader • comes .friifin old British.'stock Which Settled in Siincoe County many, many year's age.. His father, Still active at 88 andliis mother, eight years 'younger, were. terra ,folk; and Earl Rowe, ' when:. little More than: a young- ster, bought- his farm from his father on Credit and paid every tent Of his 'debt 'fromhis profits as a dirt farmer.' • Virtues of the Soil 011 his typical Ontario farm— in his typical rural Ontario rest - Rowe leads ',the regular routine of.,s farmer when Parliamentary Work doe's not , .caif him to the'cities. His is •a • friendly home•-,-lnado' happy by the presence of his wife* and his; children, jean aged ty) Bill aged 13 and Lennox aged 8, Here are enshrined the homely virtues of 'the toil— thosc. virtues which, since earliest days'have" given. Strength of Character to.S0 manY, of Canada's greatest public. ser- vants. ' 66 ON. EARL ROWE , Wititnt .Personality This has been written of ,Earl Rewe by a -long -tithe associath:,' • "The warmth of his person- I . . 'slay is contagious. One . cannot cerne into hfa,pres- ence , without feeling his forte and 'Sincerity,„ tem-. • perecl by a natural kindli- ness and interest in his fel- lowmen and tgek prob., lem: With his splendid • ideals, backed by long and, •,honourable Parliamentary experience, he is uniquely, equipped to. Make 'a great• , •Contributitin to the public • • life Of Ontario." ' Newton Rubinsonisn't seeing much of Earl' Rowe. theae, days; ••*. , tt is a blessing that he is still in the prime of ,life and health • 'forhe.has mapped out a speak.:, ing program which'Will keep him movingbaek and forth, through- , out Ontario until the eve of, October 6th. HiS friends are ' glad, of this bemuse they know that every Man ,or woman Who • sees and hears Earl Rowe,who• shakes his hand, Who mines' under the influence of his warm Personality, will Say, ",This is • the type of leader Ontarioneeds." • For that's the kind of 'Man Earl Rowe is—likeable, sincere,. earn- • eSt — a statesman whose good , character and -good judgment are written -indelibly in the record; , of his tWenty-two years of publi:, seryia. • • • You Can Trust Iuud b io tibstiil-Corineivadol Party el bdiark ' anada's Incowne Grows In 4 Years ird of Depression 4.0Z3e3 gairae, Survey ,Indiz.atea Pahado's. national.,incorde has . cieased by 2.8.H. per cent. •during the last. font...Yeats, the Bank of *Nevi" : Scotia reports..-, • ••• • • The ''r,ggregate of all the incomes from the production ' of: goods and services becoming available to 'mai-. viduals,. whether as wages, interest or piofits; the-tbank-stateS;711as--in-,:.• creased from 'the!' to* level of . 335,000,030. to about :$4,050,909,000. In the first year of recovery, frotn: • 1933 to 49,34 :the • expansion waj equivalent to 11 per :cent. Patine, the •folhiwitig yeat, itamounted to per cent. and:from 199,6*Hte.:1:938 • the Prelitninary,reitirnate;indidated a rise of 7 per cent. • , • Asa•,result of these increases; the bank's. review ,states,' about thitil • Of :the 'depression Llosses • .in. Canada's money indoine has been. te, • gained, . • ey Celebrated , WiongBirthth aylight ' Saving Time.g nuSes. • Mixup :and Controversy For 20,000 Children • • Twenty. thousand Chicago children barn "iii --"%e-1-9"2-0 are CeIehratfili the Wrong birthday: Herele •why. All Of.`,..thehr. Wet;e: born between midnight and -1 ,ii.m. in the five months of the•year. when Chicago, ' .seryes daylight-saving time, if .the 'City' had been On Central', standard . , time their births would have, occur- red on the:. preceding 'day.' , .Barnett Hodes, corporation .counsel :said Yesterday that state. law.preVides ' that birth records 'should. be kept, in ' altiOiform manner.- He ruled that tho. tithe' used' at the Springfield office 64 "the state department of health, .which administers the laykri should pretzel!: That time IS Central standard. ' Tsahesktudforestia,oriexaurniier,g'tipon the When4Hay4 od, 14a birth of.; a yoUngster, ,horn ' at 1243 • daYiight-'saving Hite, Juno 19, June 18 was his 'arum Arrqijiay Rum.• v, geld P:thOperit)i thO'f,et.,016 ecoilditie ' conitnitted this•Wehk. lasted A warning that politidialxtippeasenient in Ythe world was neeeSsary hetet° theta could he ithy far-reaching ImpteVe, meat in the .edanoliiic situation, Enor- 11101.13 eXperidittireS ori, ittrharriehts, it :Said, eventually' may strike n bio* at WOO& prosper' Y..The'oreient indu- trial actijt :in, the iron ohit steel insist s and even In consumption ds was attributed partly toJarg expenditures.in almost every ecitintrjon • I ittinarrien&, • ra