HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-30, Page 5•
5T. ••RILES. ,
Mr, George. McQuillan,' who bas
spent , the: summer months at thi,
Government Experimental Farm "ata
Barr, hm•for f,dr
beforeow;reswumasingohise . stuadiefaew at. the,ay;
OAC., Guelph, , o.
Miss •Irene Woods of Waterloo, and
Miss ;Myrtle Wilfong of Elmira were
week -end guests of': Mr. and Mrs.,
Robinson "Woods. , ' -
Mr, Neely' Toddwas home • from'
Stratford for the week -end. •
Dr E. C Wilford formerly of
a-. 131- .th«.•';who . is. -a medietry missionary
} "lar- trt."tOugif er' an'Y irr lax -kir tYa„ eus
guest ,speaker at the: annual` Thank::
,offering , of the Women's :Missionary
Society ', in .the United 'Church :.next
`Sund'iy'.'merning,at,.11 o'clock," •
The.' regular, meeting of 'tire yo—..
ancn's Institute will: be. held et ..the
home• of Mrs :12 K.r,Miller; on Thurs
• `'day;- October 7th. Roll call "Storing
fruits and vegetables• *Subject"" Ilow.
Hallowe'en, was originated, customs,
legends; and mperstitions, in charge
of Miss: ;Mildred '?dcQuillin. Hostesses
Mrs,. George' Stuart Mrs. Alain
Durnin „.Mrs, 'Will McCrostie.
Members of the local Institute ^will,
be guests of. rhe; Lucknow Women's
Institute on Friday, October 15th, .in-
stead• of October'•$th, as previously:
The regular meeting of the; Y. P.
U •w.as, held ,on Sunday evening with
Stanley -Toddy-pr,esid ng.__The_ : erip
'•tune lesson was read by E. W. "Riee
and the; commentsby Arthur Rarriag4
:The. topic "The 'Christian Patriot as
a• Christian Citizen' was taken by
Cuyler Ramage, who also led• the dis-
cassron.. Cuyler• !Ramage was appoin-
ted as a': delegate to the London: Con
Terence' • Y P.' U. Convention ' to be
.held at Chatham
'. Miss; Helen Burt ;•of •Kinlough • was
a-recent-•guest`s oiM•i'sr-IVI•ary-'Jrwirc'
At :the Stratford Fair last .Wednes-
•day, Laurine Miller won .third place
and Annie .Watson fifth, in' the 'pro,
jeets, "Clothes Closets "up-to-date",'
and "Cottons • May . be Smarty,, 'which
were judged' together. 'These • girls'
were' also awarded. fifth ;prize for.
heir-dernenstie ttion on "Clothes Clo-
sets up-to-date". '
• r .an •
, .Greighto
`. '.Ca
, •
beer Meeting'
he. ,
conte were recent..visitor3 t Mr.; F.„W:Owas • held'at the home of 'Mrs
;roe t Ackarts L• ' • •,
Mit. and'. Mrs. James. 'alter .spent Albert Cook. •The'attendance'was not
Sunday. at Mr,. Austr e;;e vei 1a eo • a• o nf'silofl1mgs
• ' We• wishto eatendthe sympathy .:and:th eshings. The meeting' :was op
..•••0 te, • comnunrty to Mr. an d Mrs.•e"b''aend llsingingthe'.',4014. .Leaf
:JohnJohnetoiand "tailS in,;their f:Y l, � •,
"recent:•berem!einent. . +m • , illgwet:' byth:, ;ord s: prayer re=
' Mr.A1viri .Graham spentthe�lc P,a.ted ,in,':unisn. The.minutes of• the,.
end ;at •ht''s�' .erne at' Tara.. 1 last. meeting Were read. and declared
Mrs.. Muuock of :: St. Helens spent coi;rect,' The, roll.; •call: was answered
' the past•wee:k•: ,with' Mrs =Watts : ' .. by' 'Pickle : apes:: • It was move• d by
•'` is'� GertrudeHamilton ofpChfi'ord' �, .
M s Mrs-McGil a 'd.. ,se ended b . -Mrs
�s ant the week w rth;';her ;stents, °Mi:. : , , G Y .
','and',11rs.-Andrew•Hamilton.. , Jamieson, that ',the club make.`• quilts
••: • `' Mr: and Mi<s. gorge Eckens and other "•benefit`: work'' in 'our : cam -
of ,Vancouver'; are visiting' with, the,:
formers 'brother . mr., Eiden' Eeken- min ty, . Toe program consr•sted:'of. ,it
swiller'at 'Present. • reading 'by Mrs: Jack' McIntosh, ' ;a
Miss.. Isabel ~Colwell. is . holidaying few' niin.utes wel esperit in. community;
•`Iiedle :at:,Kin- b
rovith. er si ter, Mrs. Y sm in Current • events 'were` read. y.
h week•, •garf tis Sv ;s l Mrs; Orland Richards,:paper,by;.Mrs
-"Messrs. •Stewart •:and Coyle Rus, e ^.. „•,
of at .Mc( ill on "T,here's,'44ways, a. chance ,:
'"'k v " re :recent>• visitors ,
•. of,'•Luc nog �
r.. r the
r des
- :I4Ir John 'Folwell s: .ir<:quartette.' 1 J . some. la. o
•;r u•
na .�•T
Spent -the: •. e
h s cot e r1-,a'diir •• bw.i;d . Coo n. r
.Guelph, ub• r c .
•• •'. . • 'ss y.;_Cox' of J ri P .. ,; R .. k Q
Mar _.-.-•.,,-,,. s
c.0 t, w r
eft, d.. r a d• e b z�
' ��ttr ._Lruen phi ui a
d 1,
o ' tz_. x � y __.
1c_err t .he>� me.
---=wee � --••�
` , - or-: d.•'' d Gertrude Rn n rcI that was
soil sen (' .. fie .a Ge t
clarets P Y
r `` :. I n.. �
: rI ..
' f thank '
.'is' d o s
' .�r ith Miss ei• amtch enjoyed, A .vote
,r' •„ ' ::' ; : dolt :of, M,alvertcin, visited ... v y .: nJ..
saki., w.,-„ ...:.- tl , . ,�;. w --T : .,n ma's ' iven- -to •-Miss •'C ok' for -the. use
$ell ,Ross~recon y � g a.
•• Mr, atid,.Mrs.,George Turner '1and or•:her borne, Thea National'Anthein..
rt `• Joopstown :win: and .Mrs was. sung, and a . 'dainty , lunch' was
. 'Stews.. , o.E . . .
Chris Hethei•inmton' of Blrevale,4' Mr. served. by the hostess. ;
,..and:Mrs, Leslie I•Iether.in;;;'ton o,f-Tor
• onto; wer'e'•rceent, visitors at 'Mr,. Al, •
.,,•t '1 hdrtinson'� ••,
a tl' ,. rl;,, .1,7rnr
i knit.11 r Ilii:ituir cif; 1, nr :h chi �'.ei:} .
S.rrnd;ry• ' ' r :
M r•,;', 1,1.111. Ihtr r is .S14.6lay ` ev-
„•„nc: •fr c ods;
("tit trolled 'For or 1'.n f V,,•04 1.)
• 1/Ir. rind MtS. I1' i 1 0;' •.\r'r
me heli ltryini” ; a1 th
:till hitter's:. hro
the r Mi lticli: r d ]lriher
Mr ,amid
Mrs'. T'•c(i, 1. ii iston• and
Mr. 'and: Mr sitOrlrunl •,lolins:tinr cit 1;i • :
• towel,'.spent" •Sund;ry:' rt ?Ii llaii•f:
:Iohnstoii's. ••. '
▪ and MSc . • Andre�,. • Tjantrlton:'
Mrd! 'Thos Harris; ,Mrs II'owar d
ris.also' Miss Mc(`arroll and M i,ouis
• . 'Turnbull of Underwood, were recent,
-visitors• et Mr. Robert Maiii)onald's:'
Mr. f;lifford;Johnston of l incardiiri
spent the week end with his parents,,,
•. Mr and Mrs; Mark -Johnston
Mrs:• George Harriston 'and Ed.
• spent Sunday at ' Mies ' rlizabeth
:Pier•ce's. -
'Miss : Isabel Colwell anti 'Mr s. Al;
, -mer •Ackert attended .the,W. I Coir-"
verv;trori• at Harriston. • '
Mr. and Mrs.. Richard Elliott and
family spent : the E,. week "end 'With
friendi. at Cookstown• '.
7,M r.,` and Mrs.' ;I: Nesbitt 'and 'family
oPalmerston' were Sunday Visittit$:
. around,'this vicinity: , • '•:
An: aluminum demenstrator gave
a demonstration dinner' on, MendaiY:'
evening at -the hofne of Mr', and,Mi•s
:John Sturg, on. •
Mr. and'Mrs. M. Coiling :and fain,.
ily, of Huron; were reeebt:• Visitor's
it the hole of Mr. and ..Mrs.'
Bushell. '
Mr, - and Mrs. Willis Neil, con, 7;`
left on Tuesday of •last week_
'Saskatchewan, Where: they have been
called to :the bedekde of his brother,
„ Sylvester Neil, 'who has - taken' .very.
ill, the .,effects: of a paralytic. stroke.,. ;
,- cMr -and = l i' s Campbell;:-Glarni:
Etre •with G'•"Neil con 7 for a•fe:v.`
weeks. • -
°'Servico' will be Cancelled in, the
United Church •next Sunday:,•, owing to
anniversary, services '111 .Itinlosfi When:. ;
Rev. Geo. Kersey of:',Iinenrdinc Will
preachy . r- •
The W. M, S. nieettng will be hold!
on Wednesday of this week at nos,'
John Stur'geon's• orae r
Mt • and. Mrs. Wm. Stout and fent :•'
fly visited ,Sunday at, Mr, and EIV '�s. '.
F. A. Ilodgin's
Mr. and Mrs d, Iluchatinan of St.
iilcobs,., also Mr. and Mrs Chas.
r :l irno,. Kincardine, :were Sutdny
;itot$ of, Mi q. • It 'i'.` Bro*n's.. ;.
Mr. and Mrs.'. Wm. R. Martin
Mr. GeIdaeMarta were recent
itorswith .Mr. and.
Mrs. Malcolm
Campbell and Mr. and.' Mrs Robert
: Gottschaulk '• and other • relativ'es , at
Tiverton: • t'.
r 'Al a a :b-
• Mr:.;and M s. , ex M eN y.,
er�rt and Donald attended. the Golden,
Wedding, anniversary . in• honour . •of
Mr. and M'rs.'John '.Howe at Windsor
this {.week.. ' •
Miss, Margaret Murray.: and Mrs.
Grant. • MacDiarmid:•were recent • visa-,
tors ,with Mr: :and, Mrs James Blue
at Amberiey.
Mr. and Mrs. W." Martin and fam-
ily 'attended the funeral',of Mrs E.
A. Huston•in Kincardine •on Sunday
afternoon, I'� �.
Mr. ''Peter MacNay`•'and Mr. Kelso
MacNay"• visited with•' Mr. John, Mac-'
N .
ay at Seaforth;'recently
..MANY . NA .,MES :ADDED . •. •
to ,� '_of��
to thevot rs i ts in, Huron and Hux
on Bince ridings ,as res lt Of 'the
sittin's-of --the:- revising-. officers -re-
cently .completed. .:2Of this. number
re added intheride
'Si'9. names :wee d ed . ng
of Huron-Erace. :
FOR, SALE 1,. 1926 •Chevr coach;,
1, x928 Ciiev.. • coach--N.:W Winter -
stein. '
:inter -stein..'
Mrs, . Hodgkinson Sr:,. is . visiting
With her brother,,, Mr. II. Pettipiece:
of Langside.' •
• Mr: and' Mrs: George- Eckenswiller.
cif Vancouver, are visiting bis" par
ents, Mr. 'and Mrs J, Eckenswillet•
and other relstives here..
Mrs H Graham is spending—a, few,
trays at LIistQv1e1 ;with yher dsughterr,
z; r`c9;«ani:.-•0� fl&l ;4'Fs•7.yr""+., y_u•1.1 a£.�r1.��v�,�:�,.:,...1.:.,.,
,port that ,?Irs. Johnston. is *proving,
after her :serious' llaress.
We, extend svtnpatliy • to the . John,'
stop; farr►ily, intlleir recent sad bar
Mr, and'•
Mt s., Albert ,EtheringtoP'
and' M°r s••, Jas Ether ingtc n of E:eeter
were" Sunday visitors at .W Boyles:'
Ser.vrce.in,tlice AnglicanChurch,w,ill
be held ;next'Sunday • at 3 o'clock
Miss Mary Cox: of, .Guelph ., spent''
the week -end at tier home, con. 10. •
'Mass, Helen 'Burt Of. Mount :'1+ crest•
is ,visiting: with parents, Mr. and,
Mrs. Chas, Burt. • '
The October: meeting of the .Holy
rood'•Wornen's •Institute, will be held.
at! the'. home,, of '' Mrs'; Charles Con
Convener.—Mrs. Howard Hier
tis.. Ass't.. conveners,. Mrs. Silo. Col
Nell, .Mrs.: Earl .Hodgins; topic -Child"
Welfare; ('11rent events;."Motto-:••They
child is ruled by love;-Ro11;caIl=My
favorite name for agirl: Lunch ;corn.
Ernest Ackert, Mrs. Charles'
Congrarn,, Mrs Richard' Ellie t,
The Women's Institutevvill meet
on `Wednes'dayy@O.ctober-Gth, at the --
home of ,Mrs Mason McAllister. The
'program 'Will be in charge of.;. Miss
Nary A. Brophy Convener', of the
committee on horde economics,'
The anniyei nary:'services of DonnY.,
,brook United Church• Which, were field'
on.'Sunday , were- well attended.. Rev.,
Mr.•,Tucker of Lucknow was the :spec-
ial" speaker.. at buth' •services ' ;Rev.' H.•
' .: f the._ church;.. as-
sisted. at the of. ernoorr ,service:.
splendid numbers ` . of : tare Belgr'ave.
'choir ;were highly appreciated - •and:
added Much to the ', success, of '-the
services,• '
iusslswm:,•R ngier of Brussels ,was
a:.: Sunday. visitor with With.. Mr. : ;George
Mills f.: .bon5
r' o Toronto is
M s, Ted- M s . , T .t
titin . at: the home' • of .Mr.",' Norman
: `' Sunday visitors at the home of:
Mr:. and Mrs, R:•• Chamney ;included.
Mrs,' J. H. Mills, rMrs. •A ilio'and Miss
Helen Alain and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Doerr and''_daughter Joan of "Strat-'
Miss Jean ,Johnston•' of. Sheppard
ton was a week -end guest with Miss
Irene Jefferson...."
•Mr; 'and Mrs...Cecil Wh ler and
family of • Belgrave, 'were Sunday:
visitors; with : her: parents Mr ,and
Mrs.wmj Robinson. •
' : •Mr,'., Alex Anderson :a� v' bt
`: e .
Barbour" of; Toronto are spending ,a
er' of home
fevv 'da .s•; of the form , s d
th cOth' con.
on e
• ani.
r ut o on
s R h --T m o W.
p g'
'YJfa e oo wa:s home; ;over : the week..
ishrrian and
r-,.:.and-=1C�Irs� ' ni •tie an
..-M. He y
family of Dungannon, were ' Sunday
visitors with her sister oMVlrs: John 11
Thom s•
•A ltich of a switch. or the touch of a button.,summons your personal 'Ginn.: You ehottld.
Iea;toirr h>tt+ra»tt..' . HiY name is'Hydro.. `
Zt io, h.whe, whil.•you siepl,'kept the' motor ihe'hlower of oil h aitirr, so'llhal'
ou awoke; to ai-warm coxnfortable .house. It is he who rnakeathe toast -.—cooks the mala i
to trio oakss--runs` the vacuum cleaner,:the washer and the ironer: : :•• •• `.
Waist,a.:friend wh.n you'seftld.down in'your€avorite chair dt night to read or 'Ow us►dst�•:'
light,, with youriradio;to bring;',the' best, in entertainment I ,: YOU: retire in .1ecurit'
our i 1 tI►.:,-;
rInt lhitt houid'aa .rgeneg:atr 1 . h , um zoned instantt ` `L'aghb T
What ether,. r '.enviee can you buy at such. low, cost, that • doea;rao° :
musk? ':AAnd•while the puce of practically'everything"we 'buy, has:
st.ad ly`: adeemed' during the; post two•yeas, the Hydro hue, and,
10; etewdily lowlring :the coat' of electricityto your .iIn"'addition;
� •ofEest is mode' to eittend'`�the be e ' of, Hydro;
oty , b�inq n fits•,every-,;
• where .f n the'Province ; oft Ontario:: '
a.' - 'in'.this::' ea'enterprise,you:shultales• :.As. Ps!*tt►ef ..4r,o d e a keen
int t iin ouerything' that' pertains to Hydro,, and its.; efforts'. to
- o 'wits 'still' *further...
'•w th favorab1eWeather; an
d bumpera
is 1l
m,. ei
cro .,_t es los willbe Well' fi11ed^ thirross. .
aMrr• ran .
Mrs aMcKay.
M a e cKa o Paisle Y g t were BZ. .
v;sr ors=:with-.lair; and` Mr Ralph
ax Friday .'' lath N on
N of st M x
Nixon .
has -not been--well-of late.: -We -.hope
she, tray' soon iMprove
M.cNa : 'Bros. are•bus 'with 'th it
. .YY e
silo filling• :outfit.: around, Zion; : and
a11itt<- ies.as-te�'._Gr-
_. a.arlid•_.lr1e1�ZisDia--uR
•.rt' h..,.`.r'.
Sun Wa_ stem er Ars,..,
a11' .
'miss.'' •er 1 -_:1nIit•-�ua nduMr —TGeorsdwar�r�kelans.
Ritchie the fr.;t .of week tiee Mrs, FredAiydeso ••issPendin nd<
Miss Elsie Ritchie and Mr'.Thos.` this week w_
daughter,Mrs.:J. ' •
•Reed •ofVarnaMr.and 'Mrs. ':'Jose , McDonagh,.' Belfatt. ' ,•:'.
otorist'driving in a mariner dangerous,to the. public,
"�Vllen you see a m ;� Y
take• his number, make' a:careful note of the actual time 'and place, and,
When .. o i-`reac -your destination write to , the: Motor Vehicles Branch,; ,
Department of Highways,Toronto,
. Toro to . vin full details. We' do not invite
reports of minor infringements Of the traffic laws; you are requested.
use sound .l udgment We: will '• a%dl adequately • with offcl'e' 1
As a motorist and a citizen of''Ontario,answer'
this:`question:_:How `would .you like to face the
your life know>Lng that you were tarpon-
• sible--through carelessness—for an accident life'
this ? Would, you ever want to drive a car again:
If you do drive, get :this clearly in your.mind
Should . you break yan Ontario traffic' law and;
cause death or injury, you may not be ,alloived
to drive4 drive:car. again ! We are determined to'eltd
' the treeless slaughter of our people:' Cutting
passing" ;oh ' hills and ,curves, ' crowding, r Ging
andother• breaches of the traffic laws, get
you into ,trouble =make no mistake about that t
Coe driving must. stop-- now!
• 4101401
r ..
t• bt01' V z1cle 1ranch