HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-30, Page 2LIT �­7*-`7 7.7 7T P, 7�777­ 7� _77 44 -77`� 77 4 a :7777 �M4 XP4 ead. 04YOW0, hie rJe hi, this, ,W W #pT.,no an;10 alat Pe ko, 1316ind 1 01" S, __100-10I " ,other �yq 01 1 , 4 q, like, -77-7 jibed. Oii4 C WP He� hesitgtp tb�A open.? i a�,,WW­-Oief. ankA; Rn-; n- q4!.thq 400.k,. a:nd we 'Wii;64 a . . "I . . I . , .1.1 .1 ­� _11 .1 1 ­ 1. -0 � . ' F hrd glA 94 d ex, , y , 1 .1.1 -C , 0, 1:00M., ouoto.a ' back nee. Slow 09m, 14� op, om, �C.offigq id to,� #!Dat man, F � p 611t 'A4 �'S me Growths, AWO b deep conviction, !#he s hati, _bQ.*e4n, W, or rqke�s"' I I . ' , nq* gon b i. a 11, , , J "ina g' It *hai'..ho go e; Say., '' H calft Be "Cagght'o e, goi d aftpi;', An'"Tigbt, now, I I'z Ja06i""i A'- i0i puigeA over, ,,, _ ___ _'se. common dy -g he..dp eat toot Q;, qiieL. i..Suddonlyj a f half ike; felt giipog, It 01114' YQ _p!,, m dat MW gapp, Yol`m�% I we t is ta n Iii thbo ght against d I III willptl' Science'. her 1 r, to Wopp, m4l, wo'do. Dat. Xi�t4ll, Q�sop longer w1io D stole., boatpi., sitid. ran, d eal bad. Un..' M " '' , " Two, New, yofIE44(y phys'Iclitno" ))il, mn� with, cool. Audacity;. yet, fliqplipd, Ar ROL �Ioff man Was 4q� 't ,&bqy' --oy ti. he, covej.. an, 0. ..t A - o groff e af, .7 Studied, h 'Jc. 'tWgrdup.'i "fou. t aterially 'plows 9; 94"i *40, �Ac g ea er. "o- bri g irections in in. icAses ani o es'J To the, criticlirii. that go e. er e p. ge xp fin -V '.,94ucom grg8vtho td. be a] AAitej!�; mqnj. ' , .. I . - k " �, i ' . '.). "' ppo:ituffiti�w of 6w .'d f Wou d HIJ ES n,4c iiie, wiii Pe li 'Farik1ng,,F@imfIi0k,V t d do I't e, to t of some . eo,40, ad f6iled. under, an,,e fier� -deEii&iA­ "A iogantly sur� lor f ,, a' , "d` N ft"At Xf,men..�ihore"- All a tei.� A ye - er A �q.o It C a -,,HOSTAGE R, a�,A frOgl�'a I Mor6' e h).vaY`th6 B - peiline`ntar. a �aA�he, i`ii',.,ttio iindeibrush.� III mals :an. enabldd the. ayo�, her'. ne.ith IIT',�,be caught'" y P4VID )DR 'r :. Attitat, 0ea.0-se-tight ng pilecha isina, n �O e younger,, gvn0atjh*- r.. :BIAc4:. h, part'. U` Qna a Ad sertnitZ.,,.as tho_'twil pls,� .. V N.` Wficial,'; $a1h` tght d bo, h beon;, f OPr*, Pr6 . tou Ing in o 2 to Find 4110 0 'mefitr.1r'e , d e,`dyi hit :W �egory'. wae� su father t.,movei,'heav &4 ZT: p pgg:' ra J ely.th Janet Dq'A.ne,, "inilli6nairets daugh-�- .-.was, rfully, rbOovefod. 8`n"A. earih 'to had, me "an. gabiiI" ' ' by, 'StEV04 Ai an the Maritimes,� 'yet the move. that she highly' useful in controllin m4ed- at.ber.placld, ac- g. lie imirp, .,th all' 'a to fit. Gregory nibnt d, 1, his, porlod to th Vni- tti�o culosig;'.plqu1r�oZ.,' o party one,'469ht, aboirO wled as, �h' iried A.P. elSeWherer Q bages. 'due: tq. sitfiation. bad been'. er, gives, PT Ggson i'siunlii. -if ..,He shrugied.l., �"My dear, Ina dpptA#bF of this strange ebt; anthered I into the, picture. I've, td 'Sta Ad s hea r than off Main 'for Any .6ther ire, waq one,',h, decide( making -and er. eren,, uicer her fathees, 1palikilal ya Qregqry Gaspri. tri�kg, her 'pyerth guns,., and Then th' s ty e eve Ing Thot,,,,C na a avb' In ca0prj and a StJf1h tivity ore T or MAri-, , : .. 0 .. . . popidatibn if it 18, to fulfill' tite d 14o.w been,: f und,. the Ne# 'behind w '9ry.'hgd ittem b` *oern tor 15 years- t eharsh'r6a�,,�' d nust- It Watts Cefl A; 9 by .- h a .�part of th -Do' I n., Tel iienor ino h In Ing hift, ith him wkeq smirking,ex true m: ring tbe'� rutted es-. r haven Ogbt�':,aq`�oul lu be times had. not e efited ..'.by it' and.. it' hap t i e. guest , .0 . 1 ..., ., r 11, .4 Ainy t t hature'inten'ded for it York, Specialists said,.that the dye Ape altod it 11.1 1 1 1 i, WAS, ate- -takei The planation of' his, presence. when, e a ng b h s Asti h, ro d. It b ear fie sh6re. there o believed, 'enny - stimulates t e uti-vity ot -'persons aboard are a eri -Dusty Wcommaiid Of,#Q�*q4_r 'put wr,.e r e inany t day wh, h ,re Qund:, the contention b6f re, ilie. 61111al con, only other. 0 pa; demand' that you ut'us a,bore Iflux. -,of farin families would, �ofiie'. of the blood which �fijh vatchman, lilt 'gzo 'Sel but Dusty ad' -him bliort Janet saw the: figure of' 'a woman vent il of 'the , Canadian Chamber -of- d Janet's,,. No h S se'4_and iiin,to leap, fkorIi..the'fr,,n1: Y-. t, -:6 omm4 . prqq_ meeting; in. dncouv.qr,:: of have good effect. mebb. dl�case and,06, d sq4se d faid'plans .61 the girl as, he bi 6, he maiiisins—of the spleen' lymph, -glands, maid.� C hag The,,visio wihat�s' "practicalil e us y. 1f was too dark, to see hei but a suad�n� . distuibing' - ugh reas. on nd' . :be 116 niarrowe IT in the.::Prairies, Dr. Blac said. the' sad In a-sorles-of-ex lawless jid'onturer t, to] Dr.- W 4. Black Dircdtolr*,�f Coloniz. to' okin g' t, tlxe Or t a Fry, hring find had i&, [A'iiergeniiy,.�ai. thbug)i Weth yacht to. ­611 oorwa�. pe'ZO' fitted hi eation and, Agriculture, for -tho ana., �8" 20 nall ptem.onitl�.bn. ipped Ao CU an dian' National -Railways. aiiinubiti6n reT0111U6111i6ts, niained. with Dusty through" Ong Uurg: c4ild. t es gr periment on nalco, f u 0 stilir, di notljustif�. a form lovipg1be. boat, to'bo 4esertk -e I s thbr sw.aw yo I -0. x", as'bo had gul�lediho. Fle6i*in$ oil to' -R, n qnco.r p and jungle: befdrd'. Cdhtinu6d the tr"n lanted -sixteenth nt in' re . . . . . . . . . . . . ler e As W ere" -and,! used experimen.' one which grownt� land in th 'w.di d A mote. than fa:milies,.. -egri Succeed. 6 ley AfidmN �f iaborato I' a whtcbiiin. w I beenr eOt. or . idry�, detail bf'her ace ab e e nd bat ed tally in ir eg' b6tV AR4 his ut' And - her. eaiing I was etc �A fraction.: of the" -world's natural -perplexitie men ar" aho b' of the. iaii some of the, t S, When I t was i te41h, I h. :und ad d. It to pippioryl., d't, seini a, �evei�tlieleg.- - �'h resotirces�­Canad .1W d u lniections� Of . ongo rq . caki6ed the tion -attracted to industry- high 50 per er that would have. anything tb�'db with only -half qf '.oiie p'6r— eent of re ue. flowev qpt,ln sizet, 4 HAPTER. IV A,; snake -like G dale 'deye Wages pygyailipe, dtiring good h n -tran I.ation., Cana lo�mept wgs planted - Into tbe :is, and always' has been, tiod.'up wit W Ac Jectl As,. of, the dye 'caused the— busty'swo: h: just, -in a grim me, a I a ion, e said. -farm withou',,f unds cancer- � to, 6o completely' absorbed, hy himm th6 *ho' . : -ir , the' re She ',Iailied He stopped. �4t' to, the' 6ck. 'The years ppabllb t6 'nd- its, k to' in, in . 11 ­ 4, his 'lips set mart tr. t U4 w he '.h 'thought- ever3 rthing,was 64 'n '*the 2' nfected.",:.. o& d6w, .�otnpanionwky. 6 ei.'cent 'of the animalk I �.#Ike t In,ihe,y6main thing wop 0- have ..to: be- d.. �91i der the OM 'of the can. b 0 "s. a ,oi, some.,. timli. er—wm red _r _e_1 ardl And he to�fdFt_T0_rh_i_ �r e lewqrk Tka s ovie lihick now., an' urideistang, ai.once; : ip Complete Irnmu�ity es Going still. 'further - Mr.- Atone, and E#ifed. Voic to im� ..She�'Receives,a Visitdr outsid the wheelliduse as he knelt 1 10. ., . .1 i. . I � -nouk -Dr. �861iqiqff, re-inf6eted ib� ';piImiil janeVs vo.ie6,aUswerec1­. lils I by.- Janet. -to,-.see. Snifter He lo?ked, ncergus, he" Ioqpge.%,1, 'MO which- had absorbed the c. :vain y- r3 A nng - to. 'hold ba'ck a 'I .t o" the door �of' t "Kay -1 come - in. growths andfound t iat most bent, be called., .0ti t fte neiresi.- A,torrdnt-'ef w orasiouied d" W oever you -'ai P" It " rom. . rin f . . . . . . . not. .. ... . ...... . ra �: resery _To� thefit ........... . . ....... . YOU! III hero, Ill": U,: J U W6 all' d on f heir ips, . . . . . . . ...... he :w el-. usty,open he ,door.' ibruptl�. t t. a t ed i. to ut,up good r; ea,.:, n 0� get, busy-, no -to' in aptorg. wliidh.! couch -gazed, at. nds I t , y Swept ffin hot 11 At' eig 0 e tic I re 'him: Angrily. is eyes swif. I a asses.. ousei crop. OU' e. a es: 11, 1 66: Iasi f: the, grape aire'diffeteint,;'froim' t1iQs'e I pe -comin j oney. te,, coriiin" lihidt, little�',,kiajry by: this tinme% o ance to inf,eotibn1s based". and'.04 the oungi -was. conscious 6, may h e. ','He ist but �it- Ripe drape 6utt�r. I" it -iiighly import� �_Ainl '.man. gonna.7 he!, me, backi, 11-1.1 t odye. apparently 1) ays, eg,dry wa., -au ­d'eVe1UFffi.efft 'or tnat� d' 0 hiie e,,:wai e asJas e.droppe r_ -4 My' queer. re ie oney,. am g0odnessi Gr - -9. lb m . ...... hil 111-A ore. S--, P epAre :pU 1) I b 0 while- -4., e, or, res'litance, they, said., got, 61f�rt.,hnd 7,�.cups (3 lbsi) sugdn, ctej 'fim, eouhtr , 'that. one Pusty. ega )io� _vin6yAid I assembl6d- -30 il�g beside 'Jahet I In er.. yop, b6sO. uscious. e ��ed� ind: fdtiched:� "I dont,; I e to, ;clisturlir yq�i o They suggested' to* raii i n boitbM fruit� p;3. Jteiiiful y, b �o e sugar an -e ared p.ulp ,her Co. of, t Me''asur d'pr 'you. Jelly, )ngQ:. ied can `bt� U d �Vl 11 grea. -c rn I I its us.e,to.stim� 'MIX W=01 � d`.u,g,':-' Vshould�n'C think-., y- ZPA 'Ag" �. I . as repare , d above,. I nto grge,,kettle,' vantage by o 9 she's 'just' fail And kidnaplit p you, :to a full* rolling we gkia& bulter, ited 'bilsty grunt- the ulp to tmake' 'Oti'd, hesiiate'ab6ut -disturbing 11, and likinkI "T41ce-Ail to '06�16ungr- - Wwkinds-'of conserves wMcp j boil ov U e ,the ksease- con�; t4.t e 61 resisting _unetionm br dwn er� hatteA, fir'. Janet. said'b t: is very pra-ct,' d' body with iX-Xay and' I- qiunt 'stantly 'before and" While -boil-i' He turned:;bAc'k, to the whee as Adin." Ica anet 'up in er .-c Ag ents. to OC�,Ot`: C frorri ,Onomlea h .-Dusty closed. the door cireftilly be-'. A arms, crooning to her. gently AS Sh �h,lnd 'him' 57)Jnd like 'i 1p' Boil', hard. 1 min6ie':, RexAov-e, 107 '1 Toron: Car -in 1 etwhig nd elan stir, A great many ,,A can : arIng an,d Ieg§ can le, when' r e. 'Makes. the Fle ng; 'mssy fit d' iectin. our qoicicly. caimie a job: but it, is reqly very -simp ac'ab�ard 41s '-an a'ceri, V'affin h6i,bit6f At e d 'bet aw 'y. rot be. saved i amputation, i pectin It was ii'' D was jusk.',. reaki When dent. , ic. ards, f Toronto, told the. your i.pre�ei you.,use, 9_ About il:tpikh -4k- t-ounte glasses. b ou know that. ni�.ps as, e-lett-.�x El. III h r for Jelly malcers 'brothors, :correctly. b' 0 Ing Sorry as you a e., discov-' . ............ locating lid dig., WiSty wearily ni"odt;vrpdA�o wl the; VOR THEtkCURE er ..... . . . . . . . n s� ... . ...... . .............. -cell tumors,'.o e -he*.- I rom. nobing: the dAffl6uit lsedse know -Janet'' flung-*rself, lhfo: 'a chair," od �6'extfiidt 'pecti f gp,,oin -Winli.�-iiiid,,,a�sihalfL"co"ve on tho:­'ma Eiff Lind ... iegarde& Min. d' . . . . . . . g ant, ngerus fruitq�� that -Tat, p drity -of it,.-,,and,,.to, f th �'boites,', land �:s6tith, �of -'MiamiL * R1 d �:`eg'gplan " fit %�.Jittle 'in 'Calm., Thbs� -gro*ths d6mmonly agge pa aeon, I the ar 4hil 3, tA_hlqS'po'onsb' for to we e tmottos grew, , A ong ui 'ter W t It '. s' ZL,tablespoo�fis butte ic at f,ornf the f'Bor'rowin woulan?i be i L aY name .[Ackang., in it. Thb,, pectiz� -.you.: pur" .. .......... ries o t e pine, he `,said hi* iretcheA out�to' r Whefi located can be-�. treated .:stic for W,� chose in-bottl f 777 fully �Jth pa_d�lu�d_X�xas_t -Ifift- -6 e ege o k riging e� di!dk 4 the fi)rm'-is re ined and' 2 'tablespoons flo r . I Ur KPTNOAK ni-an an&Lbidlnj - be� A -PA TTE iIig er t an th' I t .:to d�fhflie lellglog, MOtIFS. . in_a* amPtItUtions. vou. ngh,-an r s _e -a -1 oil _ying-gaZd­ pr -Je H ld�': -Ibg_ga�t - ou e- 'e �ect ra tomato. e e�.. on o e. s im, e Anchored"in. a. dove you:uge iL-, Asp o6n, salt'� e sq Lrelyi "We're' ea ed injo, d, geaicb. 14' to elf; in :t an oo ness r6t lc'tur6 the loyely Water es bro, I cup grate� spe qu tan e t Wdls, And. iIl6W:,cAS6g,- d 'th, d dowil the c r' I t 6 ge rfs, 6 pec Astroio'ifie in -ing, he :an one' t'�arl Fcolori,' tter "Every I a Worked ut on ider o� 'schedule. ,stay here. today;,, A.. trhdkAs.. due here' 4. SI tAins,a, transfer pattetn'of �,,EVdryth Abil&dl' , Ing eveningi w 2, 't bl' .men o, 7. j/ cuis, oti '6� X. i r P f s of al c U.I. t nt' r 8 1, btit'lies 'used' e. a ps r n rc pass face, n 1h. ottle eu -Pee.1 the 46� 10,'c; �6iis:�' 'd� in S. 1 ' . . I led it giplgnt_�Ijd .: clit into., ,e fs '6� St a exee,�., ad ammnition b p),' �'boft the:'cikcUmStanq,'e ' ith 1 2 ��bd_tfere �ru b r q nsfS k 6 1�4' ifidh6S, 1124te 't . .. 1 1, . . f� it - I a erfgers'� abdaid load armb Iku, hiree r 'to� n ee lec raft,. Depa rtmtnt I 'the' Consid 'Ted pec in hardened ai.be titua oing,.to run�'t' uba. ht.' t ge dice'. �'with c I ,fe I �r&d) foo:thi's pattern Dust a Uve t -stay o . 1, I .. - � .� I : 111 t n y u -the juice ste'rri About igute in the bacon fat' until, "golden A'a"In a Pnw Mber, your na 11� address.' . b1pr o 'are A 61 ide St-, Toronto Write Jinx� Ja -k o rie y. tt .9. the, -job�As do jerash' JKown 4ke- n- 6oard' un.t n6t'hadii1-rear. thee. FA _��qs u neared's* -water,. ter�.and flour;,�adding the ��a carrie r he - -7a ere, is to, I cup Good 07W, - --- d­4k:-e7you_y00lves. Oil but the bridge. ' ; . - de he from �I 1. . I ­., :'thor ig y. Add bal as, comfo . give" had ­br' i '­ " "t gna.siiiatner 5'minute 0 b di 'I d rta le,i' 'bl - - s� inat i ':40 ' '0 rd b as. possi e.:. er'. xQ cu 9 , isso ve . in- wa+ but Shi t r, h t �bim` *0' "ThLi todn, ffi ust be ek, 'jelly -seasonings:' - Pill A,.bak* g disili! t' in -46th or ba D'Ap u .,and in 9. Y., 1110114 - nAte Ayers o f eggplant, ta 'commented -Dr; with :a.lter sai land. ju- ice,, Spiiinkle, noted -se.lentist'and roftomp" ice AS prepared 'Meastike �sugmtr 68t I, when the buti0i6d cruhibs And ba�e twenty. a ove fie". landed 'at, VAnd6uvelr �Iito,., arge; saucepali an mix. hoil 6ver'h6ttest.!fir�.Afid' mthutes in, 'i mode ��tely hot ;0�on ip 'di'tioil Ill-toAlie mid -Ta' r -an. e. e ........ 8 g to� n in �conr 50.to 376' egrees so .,of 'the s u n t 'J it ii, He spi anton island 'F' r If � iii d ' �lew thd w' .................. t so tip camp Itli:11, scfcn- A�ter Spending a, short time bn tl a , B t nd 13-a' Ut his op'a'rent augury-�, Tdwaids Jourfley, plateau lialf, of the pay. wi, reittrii of. hat a I.o t e north rim., to' finw mea s. Mitche I Il.s'. partyi, took gomd. vel,y. ei.' ling W Thron'd, a' C� ota �s 0 Island h Sky, Born -i�, Kingtt9n,',bnt.-,. I)P,, mitel.011 emPle,,' sbut'eVen more formidable ...... 11 Scientists Clin rqm 'Qpeeh's, t7nivcr,411�, I mb up t�� latend an graduate(] �f Sup tMil; and Him H' li ppes'. 0y. Para hut� 1894 with big mister....of umg a" :He recYlved - his - doctoratp' from 'Jolib ftplle the to s will, be,'Oblipe'd. A.,",'par ty 'of scl�nilsis w nge aciro scl6ntl6ts -,by parachute... The 'top. Of 0Al'n8'1Jh1vbrslty in and is- n0v b'k Gran, Car Me- Lean flieJemple. is so:deripei overed'with' d' &dh. of krlioha, director , of ...... 6n� the 6f, i.p,brilous J 6orey. �fomt'thai land!Ilg;�a plane Id be WPU - . to. iglslAfid in the Sky"' th6k 1Yo Conditlon`6- Rarel ed, �'T irough6tit th total phase "of t �e etllii'so the skies ov t, cIr tb' III th e t em' ydars"bAck into i , k hi UnIcAte vith, his ory;', he, pa�tk ill comm. the. outside",World by .0 radlo; P_Asl�nd we short wav an They, plan t eiin, a g�uelliitg Tb ree of lidze and o.ur.:0bser-_' clear 'd,f b If -vat one were ut, Shi*a'S. Teinble, A. intle and �'h made, lunder, cotirlitions a om. been elle d Ito,' thteat that Juts. straight �O fr tba hav 'rare fl 0,506 Calls d, atop. this -voo(l- Tho e lition, trdvdJ16�1 en e less. 0)_-�ebAhe suit col'i ed reflc,of'tlfat'aneldnt� time wh' Jr Pse for,213 e, c Boring o4dng klaclers� cut., away" the! -soil, was al Society' And they do not Ttim States navy with 1) Mit arouna it and'Ieft.strandled all, the' t ashi�r Claims it , -,111irk cheli as sofen. -Not in. P noer Into'a CabbAgO,, eaving'.1 011011flu -May 0, thei Role the th6mdry:oLmAn has st traelled 1:;700 mije6 of, tl,6'V,'S C 'th ii00.01,� viars. 01jr: anti reNtu king e most; mpno onous, Adw,6 -des�61idbait6'of ihoi6,Mar- t to 'SPOnd 2V,AAjR on 1(!*nton y Work:that: a, man. can, do., tbrh hetle Amelia NoL, furnail, viorr U bon6d� er6aturesi�v-probab')I,- only opm if 1110 vieffilty,W. ce 8 am ou a t' - I 'h h, him Ititp a he hd dt with A� Ave, ou v 19 . T-,Iadiak wag.- �olloved_ � IoS 'H A 0 Yoti'll he -'the n'tefests, 48 J1 . side 1, djIIq'htj'j r ' r What the: hcjd�tlgtS h6dded,' bk . br th t f VV. "G. IYA �Ath 'thks , a rom, nt,, a L64ido'h' OnOY4 Harold, Jk. Anth6hyr of-Ahe' Ame0can , -4hoditAtively t Full Results- )#,t- U�knb,Vvli vit "looking ba6 lavin CLS So Musetibi, of Natural -.416tory, And. I Ed, 4j4 , I, -the 13 nk of t� ngl6,hd,. 'The q C61ce. L, tj .4 ye s a Xpl- 6�" t r6qdlafe. -obably thd list of ou the' d Oct0l' gaide, I Iii old6st moffiber if:the.etaff, h6'rdflrbo. full, results of but woik will .�not 14' so A Grand C atk, soeikjo-L Bryant h". seen a netv Bank .69 ......... OV10114 'It's CL Pleiisure fdr­seveval'��ears a sh' Mr. I . . - I " uu106'' aet traps and, rettit n I bg P *III have to,be go r1it.11117.6a UnIC'mid to h a n, d I.e. L a a v e HA: will s C, 'rnUl.h C ago %L ah than Y�dr-old outtfwall. 116 Me seen WOrh- L 17 151JUdimUbs, compare th6in 9 their hdrd fuels. T *6#er9ihva'd6 the, cItY,)'"th6y OIA4. 0 ;y Q� *fth- thele.�e6uilns descendant's "0 u r bxfiodt:16 A IAC 0 Ina II'Wai� umber men no* nough t67 6s. that VQ, saw'06 lon'6st dtaritl'011�6f., thboo beaks "forton Ate L has 4'06b tit Coke, Ordai, ilatl6n�wfi6wthe gtiefdr klided 'grow, 7,,),three and 'one 1141f e. -'by this they hope- to'l6ath srafroih vdut,lodal ItAmco 0 -PR HAMILT N BY ODIJC C-0 OV Nt, OOAITED, 4a'a 6 16 ho destIV05 e irripbribLn0aefs c6noernftig the btfe6t Ind e Victomai but, A efiftrige. 'that that th :sun Whowedlipsed lin& 10ux, lual, bttslii6isl. #4 AW'AbA f04 sAli oo Itp , law Illn-Ifiatt' " a A ears, r, Ahth6h, swill ie fdMe a—ls'-tbdAntrodudtloft'6i the, al pp touch" -into e an or, laughed when he wao% asked' if Th," ag �iodckvdo thd sooN S I IS T 0 N 11AMCO CANADA'S FINEST COKE mys tekioun, atdbt oorg&14, ho!, 0 ........... &i , om