HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-30, Page 1li.
0,00 A YEAR:4160, 11: ,ADVANCE- -50cEXTRA,, TO U S A
T.., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER, 50th, 1937„'
.tb31.4tiviYl,c.aivwW+,• .w.!.
Dr _ Wm. • Fow
PH... SICIAN' . ' & "5URGEON•
,Office Hours-''
0,=3.30; P.M.', 7.904.00 P M
:Sunday's -sr -1.30..-7-2:00" •P.M.•
Or; By Appointment
Iliad 8 .6:
FOR SALE - Comfortable . frame
dwelling. :Ideal situation -good, gar-,
i a' ears 1 T.:Arni
kn , end ' g ge: A.pp yF. `
• FUR SALE=Car 'of good .quality
feeder: heifers; a •-number of .. choice
Ivhite face ; calves; and ;a number of.
choices heifers, due to freshen soon.:
.,-J: W. ,loynt, Lucknow..
AUCTION SALE=of Household
tniture:-a-t-Dungannon=on Tuesdays
October 5th, - at two : o'clock. Terms,,
1.. rash. See bills for list or '-articles.:•
Matt. Gaynor, Aug.- Richard Twani:
ley, Prop.'
Diesel . Engines require 'experienced
men if you , are •ambitious, mechan
ically inclined, furnish character
reference;, expert training given. •t'o'
those qualifying, on . reasonable mon-
thin, payments;'. -state ' age.. Write
Diesel Engineering : Institute, '20,0A
Dundas 'St.,.London, Ont:;
NEW OSTREX •:Tonic Tablets . contain
raw oyster- invigorators and 'other.
stiiu ants:.' a ne • ose peps up ,o _ • s
glands If'.not delighted, • maker :re-
funds price paid -41.25. Call; write
Of valuable ,`Properties In The
Township 'Of Ashfield
tinder `,nd by Virtue of...the. powers
of sale co ed in two certain snort -
gages which will be .produced at the
• time of sale there will ,be; Offered ,for
sale by public Auction at the`' office of
Joseph, Agnew,' Lucknow, Ontario,,.
on' 'Friday, ; October lst, A.D:." 1937;;
._.at . one o'clock" in` the' afternoon, •-by
Wellington • Henderson,'; Auctioneer,
the foliowingproper},ies,. namely
• 1 The. South: half ..ef Lot 'nurnber
Thre in ,the Third Concession, ;East-
ern 'Division- of ''the_ Township,. pf
shfield in•the County of Huron. con-:
tanning` 'one hundred, acres.of ;land''
more' or ,less
. 1 '2 The southeast quarter of •'Lot
• number Three in the Seventh Con
et -eaten, 7:EaStern"`Division of the
°'�Tonsliipscif Ashfield _contain.itg_,.fif-,
ty acres of. land .more or less.
' s3 The `:northwest `,corner •of . tot
number: Four in the Sixth Concession,
Eastern Division. Of the Township, ;of
'Ashfield) containing'' one-half an .acre'
of land more or less. •
• On •the secondly~ described pro
{ • perty is said to he a frame barn on
stone foundation about : 60' by' 40'.
• The soil 'is mostly.sandy loam.
-'On the; thiidlj'-,descfilned preps t =
• is said to :''be a sin -roomed,- frame
hoesse ;;. . •fig.
The, properties ' are situate .a out
five . miles from the • Village of , Dun
Bannon and eight and one half' miles,
from; the Village; .of. 1.,iicknow,
, are` mostly watered by 'a• • spring.
creek :
The above properties wild be offered
en :bloc and if notsold, will. be offer" -
ed; separately
•TERMS`:OF'SA.1,E•,_`.Twenty:. pe?:..
cent, of'the purchase money on tl•►e
day of 'sale and the baance ` within
thirty: days thereafter. `The properties
will ••be offered , subject to a reserved
Further particulars and conditions:
of sale • will be trade. • known ori the
day., of sale or may be had on appli
cation :to .the 'undersigned:
DATED 'at Wingham;..Ontario, this
twenty-eighth .day., of . August,' A. D.,.
�c 1937.
Lucknow, Ontario, AuCtioneer.
• J. 'I1. CRA FORD; •'
Wingham, Ont., . Vendor's Solicitor:,
COME TO Port Elgin Fair, hurl
day and :Friday..,.Sept, 30th and Oct..
Torrilinson, M.P., was
.town On 'Friday; having -With
'.'the plans of the new Pent Office in;
" Luckhow, Some disappointment :has
been •expnessed that "this is not 'to be
•s,nw.`the Plane ate; tatiSfied it *ill .be
Ginger Rodgers and Pita AStaire
"ShitiL We Paiide" ie. On the mrdeii
at .the Lyceum: Theatre' this week aS
• Screens' best coniedians Combine with
• this dance team' to' ofake it ;_a treat
"Meet The] MiSsits",
R, 'NEXT :
Last 'fair of'' the .,season,: will.' be,
�F riday llc o' h milt` n1,t1 :`l4ile
fair is -definitely going' ahead. • . An
attractive program :ia arranged for.
the "•day ,'including three . speed, con-
;..tests'ns freaks conveyances; hurdle
!.jy' }Aping contest, ' •potato. s race : on
;honeebaek,' calf r'ace,.duck:race, etc; A
' concert and dance mill be held in the
:hall; Friday evening;`. to•concluda what
• directors• • are. endeavorinen• to ' make
the biggest and best fair in Dungan
non''s history,.. '
Tuesday night, cement work on
the arena foundation ,was ' completed
. a
and. An excehent job In apparent.
%:Work of levelling':;inside -the ,,wall
commenced on Wednesday,. Mr,
Weber and his construction gang re
Rini he and netting to work
:rem ng ire. � b
at once preparing to. erect the shell.
At G. S. Robertsons produce shop,:
an: automatic; egg : grading machine
haa been. installed that is being, view-'
ed` •with a' great deal, of interest.
The machine simple • in 'construes
niayet diflicult`'sto ''describe, 'auto-
ticaily wen hs 'each • egg' and AO--
Charges' it • into its proper.. 'tray`, ac-
eording to its grade.
It` Is •knewnas: the Phila `-1 hia.
Egg Grader, which leaves nothing to
chance, 'giving the 'producer 'full .yal-.
ue'foi�.his eggs and assuring -the_ cons
sumer Of equally •accurate: value. ,.
• After theiwegg is "candled for fresh
siess,': it is placed . ;on • a .revolving
lute; which rotates to a point where
two egg shaped hands pick up the
•egg. t;is^, plaeeci tsn�a Y c le an.
sufficiently : heavy . tips the bar, : the
egg rolling, off '.onto' -the. rubber trap
as en. extra.. If. fiat; a .second : cup
caniiee,•it on. to the next scale, where
it is..: weighed . 'for the • next grade
There Mare•-three-=-'weightsLunder_the_
present ;egg grading regluations, and
of the egg is' lighter, than these; three,,
it is rolled off by, ,the' machine into::a'
_fourth tray 'which classes ,it as ;8
Midget . pullet. -
.11A11M-In.kificardine, on Tuesday,
September 28th Thomas Blaney Hall,
beloved husband of .'Eliza Hall,' and
'formerly of ' Ashfield. A. brief service
will" ne held, "at. his late residenee;
Kincardine, on ',Thursdays , at 1.30
e'dlock. The..-faneral service will '-be
emidudted at ?be home of•hia.brother,
Mr, Godfrey Hall; Concession 9, Ash -
'field, 'on •Friday at teen: o'tlock.' Ins
dee, September 19th, to Me:. and Mts.
Lockhart residence:, one bleak 'south
'of • the Post Office, mill be used fee
Goenels Serviees, each Sunday evens
commeneing Sunday,. October .3rd
In 'BruCe And Huron CountieeKin-
. : loss Farm Bey Hits .Teaching. And
' Business. EXperien'ce That 'Tint
ha,ss been aplomb. d dire tor of he
U.P.O.'s neW. educational program
for the, fall months in' Bruce end
and' having, had beth teaehing and
ground which fits bine particularly
well 'int the Work 'he has Undertaken..
farm. theee 'and a half 'miles, ,nerth-
east. of Lucknow; hi's. - father, Rod
MacDotall, is to -operative lineatock
at naticknow and Davidson,
businees course in Vandoeyer sand
joined e cotnenny at Jasper. Park,
takint charge Of the, office . and be-,
firm. Depehdint ,sis it Was upon it
high-class , tourist ' trade, the' depress
siert destroned the business. there and
in 1033 he get his ::introduetion • to
"educating for action" as one of the
leaders of the New Cahada Metres
ment, The laSt 'As* 'years he_ haS
Whitt se perhaps more inipottant
ie :the -feet thansite. is' firmly- cotivins:
all and particularly for farm people
'lei in the adoption of the: nOsepera-
tine' plata of: doing husinesi and the
adoptien of ,co-operation, in thinking
and.,,Ucting apd :living, as a way, of
Fat ono NVeek each menth, Harvey
will neMain in -the office' to ,nssiSt.
ikith the editing' of Th,e Rural Co-op-
erator. The rest of his time w,ill be
stient, field Work: ,
Thi program is expected to stitif
community-. enterpriees-
initia)1Y tried out in Huron and
Enke "Counties. Under, Mr, r Mactiou-
g.all's direction, The pragfam
erative ;methods end ,Other' raideeS,
of the new Program.
eats l r jury Fatal' 'o
-Year-Old: Kinloss Bo
Melvin Orton. Johnston' Injured ',tin
•” Prong'. Of; Hayfork Last. Wednesday
:Seriousness•.• Of Ininiry NotsRea
lized ; ,tis .Lad Resumed • Work -4
LzLped, •TUncioss'
Andater�LPasassed , Awriteay . Incons' .Winghusneam
Hospital,'A Few Houre: After,
An• i iur y to :his'"Need received
while •Moiking workingin
barn 1est
nesday, and which was at • first re-
garded as quite minor, resulted in the
death of "Melvin': Orton: Johnston, a
Kinloss :you:th, not. many :hours. later.
Melvin, a' son :' of '''Mr.: 'and Mrs.
John Johnston,•Cori. 9, Kinloss Town
ship, was fourteen' years••and • five'
months old. He !was 'a diligent works
er, a handsome chap and popular in
.the. community. where his death ,,carne:
asa:;. distinct , shock, 'and leaves. his
parents,brothers and sisters;'. heart
The accident ¢. .occurred as ' Melvin
wee'`goings,into• the, mow to work.. He
tossed -up -a .hay -fork, yvhich-•fell'back:
striking him on the head, It was, later.
revealed, that a prong had pierced
-his skull,' causing internal injuries;
' With , no outward bleeding, and
little evidence of'anyinjury, the mis-
hap was given: little thought. In the
afternoon, Melvin resumed work and
commenced"' plowing,"'bet net'-feeling-
well`.after a couple of hours or so,
went •to,.the house, where he shortly:
lapsed into unconsciousness: He was:
rushed r to• Wrath= '; ;Hospital,.'. but
near' midnight,, that "evening, `death
came to the young 'man.
The funeral service,' a particularly,
sorrowful;'one, was held at the :home,
of his p rents ` on Saturday after
noon,' 'wit: interment in .Greenhill.
cemetery. . .
Surv'_ an • e ides hs.m,otie
athe , areree sisters,
Irene and Ina• and two brothers,''
James and Stanley
Jim Ritchie painfully ;:sprained the;
ig"aments in his ankle oirsThursday
evening.. He ,had just' finished-: work
at Ewart Taylor's where they'' had
been silo fiuing and on coming down
from the silo :wrenched' his ankle
badly • as he reached the ground.
For' the firat time since taking up
residence it:•Leinbeth, Mrs: Richard
tertained-, at a, recePtion on- Friday
afternoon..Reeeining with Mit. 'Bow-
en *ere her mother; Mes: E. L.' Good-
win arid Mns. 'J Bowen. both
The hastess wore a smart gown'
M• ts. Goodwin chose deep. blue triple
Sr., was smart io blatk cut velnet
with. hat' to match. Bouquets:of many
-hued gardeh 'flower's made *rises'
table was prettily . arranged with...a
bowl' of rases hnd cream tapers:
' At the' hoMe tif their. daughter,
.Mrs, Ernest O'Neils,'Maidstone, near
Windsor': Mr; and" Mrs. John Ilowe
tunny were present for the happy
'event and the gatheiing Present on
Monday numbered six y-tw perso s.
Present fronts this 'vicinity 'Were
Mr. and Mrs.- Robert Button and
thefamilsr, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.; Macs
Iteuzit •Mr find Mrs., Charles Burt
greom of , fifty years ago, is 82 years.
of, Age ancl"wag theoldest person pre-
-D:• BOYS:'; WANT, .TO,"
It has been suggested by s'
.m . 1� a . rkn.. 't,: ni • trhnt
e �o.,.R � T,tt. _�vt 4,lla lk�.. _
-ill'dubhcript n"iist ii`e'"opened I0'`
help; complete .the construction". of
'the. .Arenajr: These;''two former
:«.'Lucknowites •`lidve ,expressed • a
,1 desire to donate ,,to, this, goga';"
' ".tails@-,and;i similar• desire •has,;
been 'expressed by one or two. ••
;; local 'residents.
Acting yon these, suggestions,°
the' Arena` Com ittee: has ;decided
re will subscription'
t I k
and Girls, • and, all local and com-•
' munity. residents'". • who Aright,
wish to donate to the: fund,, in
any amount.
y All donations will be very Wel-
cone, as' every dollar that can; be.
secured,' will be needed -to fully
complete the interior of` the: beild
Donations, may•.be sent'to or
left; with Wm. Murdie, ":chairman`
elf the. ' commitrtee, : or , L. C
Thompson ` secretary
MacDonald ` Bros., .local ;motor' lies
e'nee issuers, got their "•supply of new
markers'' 'on Thursday and ' the ' die-•
tinctioxn of • getting the first "set went
to Bert Wai;d:TAndTtlir best: par of"
it fon:' •Bert'. was that; the plates this
year for,,.�iis . faithful ' Model T. Coupe
cost 'him only $2.00. .
hocally sissiied plates :'commence
at nueiner 9-Y-201. An advertisement
.of, interestto all motorists' appears
on: page.•three of this'issue. . •
Well Pleased.
a sed..
Audiences WV a
With. FaiirWi - t
:Clifford .°Blake Rushed To-. London
HosPital On Monday, 'eased -Away
WedriesdayHad4 Been Released'
rissis owhere .He Was: Under Oh-
mervation As An, Infantile Paraly-
This districr‘was. shocked' and -aid"-
dened on• Wednesday, when news wan
recerved of the death in Loudon . of
'Clifford Blake,. 19syear-oid aon of
at • London. „
Early. last week, Clifford develtild,
ssniptoms. to that ofshis sins
ter, • 'and -was thken. to London where
he was mnden obsernation foe a 'Short
time, where his illness Was net ,diags
noied infentile,patalysia end later
the ,week; he ves discharged•frona
Pair. day, On .Moriday,-„further
hire being, rushed to: Lohdon • Ileft,&
pita' 'again that,eyetdrig, lion', lung
treatment lime to 1,qhieh he
And 0.n....3144n9Sd4Y„
been cdnipleted. at tithe of 6going tet
"Paying The •Pidter" Was Well,Re-
Likely 'Be presented AI Later Date
•With 'the general public taking
tile paralysis epidemie,ithe 'attendance
it the Fall Fair eoncertson Thursdny
and Eriday fell far below the meal
comecnr-dramas "Paying The Fiddler".
left little ,to .be :desired 'however, and'
these who. heard itS wnre well Pleiased:
with the 'plan . arid ,the inanner in
It wag an • ultra-mpdern play, qUite
clean and :PeseeSsingsa fine ;Menai.
There Were neenen that beoeghn same
of the eudience: to 'tears, 'but"sit Was
ent Withont plenty • of ., wholesome
•.:The play :under the. direction of
the". Arena, Club; ,:mas ; presented -by -a-•
Miss , 'Gerald Bethwell,
Stewart Collyer, 'Harold Thotiipson'
, It has been requested by tile Ag -
which the tast :have •agreed.
Between ads .enclesniglit___of
favored withS vocal and :instrumental
hinnbernssansn• on -Friday' nitht• Me-'
Cartney's orchestra furnished munie
sored the dance' which folleWed.
CommUnity Organizes
For Western Relief
,tive • This Year - Wide Area • .To
'Contribute-D4,mations, To, Be Col-
lected At, Central Point lit Each
Onee. again Ontario is called Onoti
to 'send relief ...care to the needy sec-•
an ,nronably never before,. the, people
of °Jinni° have.'been, blessed with an
ebupdanee of food of all kinds. We
receiye' bountifully. and May we have.
the spirit to ihare willinglY • and
gladly what :has beep' given ' with
work in, the LucknoW feel
that this near it should he ',passible
to send twe car loads.' It pleads for
it spirit of willifitness.and zeal on the'
;part of ;evoryane to giva,zest to. this
,greet, eeportupity of ,shotying
ardship. Committees • have been ap-
pointed to canvae tbe village ta meet
:those Who wiSh to 'contriloute cash 'et
be the seMe 118 last year: Which in -
'Andes yegetRblea, ,:excePt cabbage,
munities are; • AShfield=Rev: J.
aid MacLean, Dan MeeDoheld; „South,
Helehs-asaae Miller,' John Carnets
Intosh;• Dentannon Ben:, Turner.
:WM. mole; •sti ,Augustine-uGus.
alsh.-D, A. MacLennan,
As ben beeri the ettetotin etieh cones
! 1 �t!! •'
air ft..'ar :.
Fall F "Paralyse
S E'id i rih'
R a c,..g
Fair Day. Attendance "Dwindled In
:Spite 'Of' Fine,•Weither Livestock;
Parade: And; Address By • J.:
ir, l Were Opening; Features=Eng t,
Boys`:In calf • Club Coinpetition
Lucknow's 720 Falh'"Pgir.;wak';lit-
ally`, fine ,"shirt aleeve" weather 'the
eP'id � a
em nd � s i- ice ti n -
c n too
p of
eratly paralysed by the polioinyehtis..
attendance- at the show dropped to:;
about one-third the' attendance figures
of •Previous years. This applied also.
to the fair night concert attendance,
notwithstanding the high.' order of;
the entertainment.
The dance '.on Friday' night,' was
called off ..by the .Fair.. Board; but
•McCartney's Orchestra sponsored
this part. 'of theentertainment with
a • good •crowd 'present,but far from'
the "usual Fair night ."jam".
: Mr• J. A. Carroll.' superintendent
ef4grjesulturakSocieties''was, Pnesent_
to open ;the Fair.. , His address !was
preceded by a parade of ' livestock
headed' by : the Lucknow Pipe Band
which. provided music during' the day.:
::Exhibits'. in ..the Sall •':were , not so.
numerous as some years,particularly.'
in the baking ''and flower classes.
Under auspices of,,the War Memorial
Hospital; London -pictures ---,were
'shown,.regarding. the treatment , of
infantile paralysis and `literature on
this .'subject :Was distributed.: Tre-
leaven's, Pious. ,Mills and: Wm. Murdie
&: Son had merchandising,displays.;
Mr. Carroll, •• in opening his address
expressed.: satisfaction in -the fine
quality•of• 'horses `and- cattle in the
parade, Which he was ''pleased ' t'o.
tcnew, practically all.carie from. a•
.few miles .'of Lucknow.
:e •congrrat hied. the c ors
whom he 'said, could 'certainly- pick.
fine. ;weather,: even , if . they couldn't
overcome' health 'conditions. r. Car-
roll referred to his opportunity. ' of
•..comparing: fairs and he found out
that the location or difculties:: en=:
-countered-:did-notSso-much .affect the
success oes ;failure " of a' fair, but , ra
' cher the ' enthusiasm • ; that ., existed
among the Management and people
of the .community.
IJe, urged' eliminating ` the "pot=
hunter" ,Who :he 'explained ; was .the.
exhibitor who ' made. a' 'Practise • of
showing entries he neither grew, , bred
or • raised. '• , Concerning' ' the profes$-,
sional exhibitor, he told the directors
if they • could get exhibitors :from
their local' corimmunity and still: keep
the fair , open,' they Were doing fine.
Butifeyou can't, therestricted area:
:is something to be considered.
• Fairs can't carry on as they • did,
twenty years . ago. You must .go
ahead, or :eventually • go backward
he • said; Stating :that •he' understood
the Society WON. have' a new build-`
int -next year, -lie `-'admonished-the-
Board to keep' up the standard' and:
aim to improve t1► F -sir In this re
speck • he.'mlentioned a few ways
which impronemonts might be made.
One was to• build hog pens, or disi
continue this class, ,he advised,. for
you can't. judge or show hogs in
wagons.and on _trucks
' Itis evident this is a :strictly: ag-
ricultural: ; fair, he said, in referring
to the lone refreshment booth On the
grounds, which ----•was . •the smallest.
"midway"' he sed `:ever; seen 'eta fair.
Many societies would be well- ad
vised to 'restrict their. midway's "eon
siderabin I don't like: the gangster•
and _` the •rackatper • at • our fairs, lie
concluded,;' in declaring the show offi-
cially opened
Mr..Carroll was • introduced .by Mr
John McQuillin, • president of the
Society, . and who later • thanked I the,
speaker : for his timely remarks.. ;
, :Considerable interest __et atm e4
aroend the *at Club competition,
when • the boys' calves Were jedged
and the. boys _pieced:6e the shpw-
This' event, noneltufed with a , calf
race in which. two :goats", -were run,
to depide 'tit* four wilineiss who were
Prize winners were 'as
'Foal, 1931 -:--Peter Watson, Patter:,
son 'Bras.; 2 -Year-old gelding' or filly
:---:Robert Moffatt 3 -year-old mare or
gelding -Peter Watson, Robert Mof-
fat; Span -Peter 'Watson, 'Jas. Fors-
ter; 'Female. any age-Peter:Watson.
Brood. Mare -Bert McLellan& Pet-
Meguillin. Tear -old ge ding or
Wm., ,McQuillin. 3 -year-old mare or
,gelding -Peter Watson. Span -Bert
,MeLellancl, Peter. Watson,' Vemale,
any age -Bert MeLelland. '
Ian. One-yeavold - Patterson Bros:
George- ,;Alton.* 21year-old-George
Kennedn, L. G, Mutton. One-year-bld
, Mare 'that raised foal in 1937-LJAS.
'Forster. Two,year-o14-1-George' Ken-
nedy, One -neat -olds -John, MeQuillin.
Lady Miners - Bernadean Alton.
Best female -Bert 'IdcLelland, Peter
.Mequillin, Halter broken foa&-:-Ik.1-
bat, Ganunie. Brood mare Slid, ws 9f
het prOgeny-Albent Genii*: Best
Mare Or gelding in' It. 0, or AltgricUl,
SepteMber 21st; 1937.
..s.t.e.Lossuie you that the Candidate of your Huren-Bruce
M.ember • • of the Legisl ate re, • i$ the 'official Liberal Ca-ndidate or the,
And further, thee the 'Ontario Liberal: PartY recognizes nO•
ethen .niersoti ' a- Liberal Candidate' in year:, 'Constituency. .
General $ecretary.
Bert. Metelland, Albert Gaminie; Foal
Oaminie, Wm. McQuillize Best 'roo-
valuable span,,,Peter Watson.
yr.= -A. Gaunt. Bull Calf -,-Wm.
Kenzie. Co* WM, sMcKenZie,
1st and 2nd. Year -old -heifer -Win.
McKennie; 1st end 2pd..11eifer
Wm. McKenzie, ''Ps. daunt, Wm, Mc.-:
Kenzie. Fetnele; any age -Wm.
Kenzie. • ,Jr. IlerdWin.. 'McKenzie.
McKenzie,' A. Gaunt.,
When It s
needs, eYe'Attention, Is not an
titimate or ,guess. It is the re-:
Stilt Of Mitch insestigSti, n, •a
the stateinent' .01 int eltat 11
thaghtful parents.
Ann, Other Pure
MeGewain Ram lamb -O.
Kennedyis2nd and. 3rd, Cow --Jas. Ly,
year - old heifer --:Geerge . Kennedy,
Jas. T. Lyons, George Kennedy. One-
yeer-Pold heifer-3ns. Lyons; George
Kennedn, 2nd and .3rd. 'Heifer calfs.
Gpire. Fem• ale, any ages:-.•Geotese7Kere:
'riedy. Jn:. Herds, -Jas. Lyons; George.
nedy,: Jas. Lyans.
Polled, 'Angus--
fei47-F. G. Todd, One-yearsold :heifer
Holstein 'Cattle -1s:
CoW-H. C. Dimlop, 'Alex Andrews
One -year-old, heifer -H: C; Dunlon,
2nd, ',.2-Year7old heifer -In. ,Catteth-
ers. Jas. T. • Lyons. YearsoId heifer -
D. Caeretheta; 1St and 2nd, Jleifet
calf -George :Altinn,'McItenZie Webb.
Sheet 'keep steers-De;Cartuthers, "1st
and' 2nd., Yeaispld Steer -E, , Todd,
D. Caerethers. gest, three, steerS-11:),:
Carruthers. •
DS PaAircenis7'-Cfotui As ee xq d'iD• ewe', "ClaSIJ tal t'4i1Seiri
Fat calfesE. Gs Todd, .WM. .MeKen-
Kenzie. pem, .Tedd. •Wne
:Brea:. Gee. S. ArMstrong: Item 'lamb
-s-Ash Bros., Geo, B, Armstrong:, Ag -
ROY MOM, EWesleanb--s0:. Mennowan, T" feith, is, interdetimninatibrial in. 0'01'
cS. 1;a, :Rre. teiw. e - ,NME.me. Govian. , Ewe
arket ewe -J.
and under ln •Mps.Sein• Alton,' 1st
and 2nd.. Boais • under 6: ines,-Sam
2nd, .sew 6 months and ender 1g mos.
hen -W.' Miller. Leghorn, Win te
ce•Tle, deo. Brook's. Leghore, White,
bested 1:- Miller; istS d
2n•L• 'Plymouth Rock, 'barred, hen
W.• T. Mtller. '1st tied :Plyteneth
Elyinonth Reel:, white nosks--
an rats, hers -W. 111111m...1Si, and
'14 end, 2nd., Onnder,' Teeloess_Sesss.,
AnconaS, cooketel--:W, 1. Miller:
.lico•ns white., oackerel-,.,Gop, Alton,
Plymeutit. Rock barred 'cackerel-W.
Millet, 1St 'and 2nd..Ply'hibilth. Rock
2rid. R. I. Red, coekeren-snes
1st and .2ndS:Wyanslotta,' white. each,.
gindOttd, white, ,pullett-W, I; Millet,'