HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-23, Page 3• ,` ••• • 14 0.0!,41,4111" • „; .eseere., LESSON XIII'. GQDJ1J THE MAKING Of ••:" NATION — t-rg..i'.e4e, • OPPE•14,17EX_T:i—PeWare Iest thou Irfciri,01" the Lord .thy Gad, in not :keeping his -coMnnandnients, and. his ordinaricee,' and. his statutes, whjeh ',Command thee this idaY Deuteronoiny: 8: ,11. • ' The 'Leeson in its Setting ' All the early 'chapters of •• Deuteronomy .record discourses given by Moses on the east side of the Joe- • . dan River where the Ieraelites:were encamped in What are known ad the: •• , plains of Moab (see Deut, 1: ' 1459. • .• . . . The word "Denteronomy", means' the "Second law," and, in, this ,boOk. • tui the title WO1114 ,indicate, there is a .euninting up Of all the lewd and • regulitions •which pod had given to )40'seir in ' the -forty yearie of Israel's .wItndering. in., the wilderness: •,Ter a proper understanding bf this lesson, one should read the first ten 'verses of AIM chaptei; which are not assigned in the lesion -itself.... Four great ;benefits are, in these opetririg. ;Vetoes, said to: haWircrtiee-trisratl .' • team- .the •hand i'l Of ',their gracious • God; by -him they wore4 guided for fq'ttY years in the. wilderness; in all, of their suffering and I hardships, God had a.gracious purtloiie toward them • —that they inight...com6 to know hire, , better; the Lord .had Preserved them • (hiring .ail•-•-their.lortY, years of ware. 'tiering and -Jehovah :theit'..Lped was now to bring •themi into "i geed land" •ere Wa er a pun e e•re 'Cereals and fruit , could be grown in. :abundance, and in whose hills valu- able 'Inetele 'would be found: This . beautiful description-, of God's .'graci- ousness to reel concludes with this , admonition: "And, thou shalteat and be full, And thou. shalt Jehovah thy God, •for ,the good land 'which he • lath -,givea time." • Neededa Warning "BeWare, lest thou -foigz.t • Jelid.: •vah•thy God, in not keening his com- mandments, and his ordinances, and itatutes,l, which I 'command; thee, : this dtV•': ‘(See also De0."4: '.7 -That lsrael greatly needed': such warning : as this, her later history sadly proved. the ' early days- of, the judges, ,we read that •"the Children of Israel 'did2that which was evil in: the sight Of Jeho- vah and.. forgot, Jehovah .their (Judges 3: 7). 'Notice earefully)lioW Israel. She revealed she was forget.' ; ting God byriot. keeping God's com- • Cern cannot ,forget What ,one does not know. To, be ignorant Of god' is a tragedy, bntto ferget ;God Is deuble 'sin. Forgetting God., ; .. i.e., leaving God Out of, our life, not ,fartogaw,/••••••••••••'"rit reckoning with him,. ',rm., considering his will in out piens .and purposes, and plensuresL 18 expressed. in the word ungodly. • ' "Lest, when thqu, hest , eaten .., and art :full,' afer hest built .goodly 'houses and dwelt :therein; end, when ,thy fields and thy • flecks -multiply,. and ;thy silver and,thy gold is, multiplied; and all that •thou heat is inhltiplied; then' thy, heart he lifted ‘up, and, thou , forget Jehovah thy God, who brought thee:forth out of .the land of Egypt,, Qiit of the house or bondage." — Moses exposes,. in these three year's,. the deepest; meetfrequent cense for men's forgetting' God Who, them- ' selves, have been the, recipients of his gifts, of Joie. That condition "which is most conducive to making the thought. of God :Vague in the Mind, and obedience to. God Something. 'al - mist never considered, in 'other words, living. (ley by • day without - God, is what We inight iMra , up in one .phrase as a gratification of all 'one's .fundamental 'material' ,desires, i.e., .itbundanbe of food; delight- ful homee,.coitiparlitive •security from disaster, sufficient wealth to relieve one of worry, a. good_standing inthelri lovely family, a Inrge. library, leisure and means for •sport, :an automobile, , two • or three .club' memberships, the opportunity; for , travel, the 'ability' to perform what- ever 'tisk, one •earnestly Undertakes, ,ete. When e' man -has these things, he Poems to.poseess.all-that he -needs:" , That which would :drive a Men to • .God is, meet of. all, need,' and the :- moif.Y.owerful needs .thoug a sad commen 4;7 on human nature, ,are those that have :to do with Our; Material well-being;., 1.3y 'nature 'a Irian will hasten to God': if, he is in 'the.. midst of great tletrble.,' or feats a • tragedy, • or one je-deeperately. ill. What Moses Wants the Israelites •,to that, in a time When they. do not have Much to :risk for, they should, .;i1eVertheless, seek fellowship with: God, if not in, their petition, their•in their :thanksgiving and ,love o Why Israel Should Remember. "Who led thee- through' the great.- erid terrible wilderness;' . wherein were fiery; serpents and ecorpIons; and thirsty .g-tounti .where was ina water; Who brought thee forth Water ,out Of the rock Of 'flint; Vvii9. fed 'then,' in the wilderness with manna, which thy lather's; knew not?'—The warning• against forgetting God is • both pre- ceded eridXollowell. by, a setting forth f-Arsti-ereif5.1-reepons-why-"-the---IstaelL-. ites..should, -foreverremeinber God, proving:elearly that 'they had no,;ex- cuse Whatever fee:forgetting • him. In theips,,two. verses, God is 'Caen again 'set forth as the one " who had • graci- ously brought..thei)e:ferth ', Out of BgYpt. • ." h.teBeautu ow, Can You. t. Adtt i6e Postage , HAT: is what everyone says • when they. see this new OXFORD - BASKET WEAVE,' • BIBLE, No ill'ustration' could ' adequately Picture the beauty" of its warm -toned DARK BROWN cover, with the, ; nay , attractive .basket -weave ' grain. You, tool will .be sur- prised. that so beautiful a Bible can be sold for :nicht low price: The Basket Weave' Cover • , , The coyer is a triumph of the book binders' art., Unieue, in. appearance, it Offers a volume • • which it is a delight to own no ••-•• matter hew niany. Bibles you may have. ' Not Only is the , binding beautiful; but it is ilur- able as well. It is made' of the finest quality DuPont Fabri-, kold. The peter -is overlapping Protecting 'the rounded brown ' edges. ; 1 ' ' Interesting elps • • , • dentains.interesting and inval- uable "Aids -to Bible Study." and'4000 ;questions and and*. , ors relating to entire Bible. • Colored Pictures and ' ,PreientatiOn Page „ . Hes eight full-page berietifullY colored pictures -by the famous • . illustrator Arthur Twidle and the new Historical Presentation Page , printed in two celors. 1‘1: -se e..htfOrd Reference Bible' • Also contains six co ored rnans ,• • a linsland In a new 'and. beatitiott Of Bible lands. rIc In•ce typo specially cut- to , till edition. ",,krinted on Oxford Bible ?tiger; ,eizo of page Bcsld Type. 7P. ,x CV, thickness Cover is, Moreno°. • ette.`„ overlapping edges; round corners, , gilt The , bold, black -faced tYI: edges. :Iternarkabla Value. • • si .24 makes .this Bible a Pleasure.to - Add go Postage '• read., Although minted ' With slime pea eyeay .emesole • t (sd , Off OT 0.• lar a limits lime at thief ftt)a,.”.. uch easily rea. ype, ve the . % Prices and every Bible te Old With the Abe°. urne measures only .x lute guarantee of sattstaoon or reo X 1 inch, Pecked, in an at tract funded.% /fa/MO(010h met e at par -la Tor-.'ive brown; gift bolt. "' •otito. dUt4 to theta& ,Ipoetaaa. , •Publishers Agency �f Toronto 73 ADELAIDE St: W. ."`" &he421 • TORONTO, 2 4441 'Oat he might htnilhie thee, and that, he might, prOve thee; t.4o. thee good* thy latter end: And lest thou say inIhy heart, :My power and the of my hapd ituith n me this wealth. But . thou shalt remem- ber Jehovah thy godfor it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth; that he, may c.Stablish his •covenant which lie sware nnie thy fathers, as at this day -"--A deep conviction of this feet wehld tura human history . into a sacrament. Receive into the ; .,!.P4P4 the., to,1,1-1.!tli),F9*.°Ti..°Ltki,s-,--.4.9,-%ii ••tf1tie;---a011-'-yeu-----wii1=-nine -yen ite-rr* working side by side with God, in .the Add," the„wai:ehouse,,. the .bank,' the ' shop, the offiee,,, the pulpit. When a young - man reeeiVes ,first pay- 1?"1..90.t. Pt his Andustry, to re- Meniber that the Lord his God ,gave , "him iower to get WealthThus the getting. df: nioney :becomes • a sacred., act. • Money is A mighty; PoWOri wealth *Occupies A proud position in .••all the parliament of .civilization. Trade; thus ,becornes, a Means of grace, and commerce . an ally of'. re- ligion.. In one word the true .Citttion of this doctrine would ,restore , every act of life .to, its 'direct _and. vital relat:on to the living God. • Our Dependent Strength • "And it • shall he, if. thon. ehalt..fOr. 'get 'Jehovah •thy Giel„ and walk after other gods and serve 'them and Worn; ship them, •I testify against ,youthis day that •ye 'shell surely perish." Men must ,have a god • or goclii to wor- ship. If :their do not have the true God " -they 'ivill have false gods. • ' If Men allow themselves to forget *hat • the true. G.othias dime for ther--11--. they .will soon Come to the ,place •where they,will'begin to 'doubt: if this god. • whom they have paver seen can 'do anything for thein, and they Will turn to, visible, but dead detios, 1n.ade of Need; stone, gold, and silver. -. • . "As..' the nations that • lehevali, maketh to perish. before yew.' So. shall --ye perieh; ',beceuse ", ye would not . hearken '•un o h ' ex*ith' your. ocl.'%-1-. For .God's gracious promise • Israel- if she iwPuld obey' him, see Deut. '7: 12-16. Israel's security demamted. Upon her relation - to God. We ritaYrilet 'believe it; but. the Security, welfare,, and the strength of our nation are equally de - Pendent upon our. to the &Amendments of the. Lord. God's. laws are reasonable, always for the • welfare of men, anif in obedience to them,: men keep their strength and, Pryloonrggettthei;0 '.11/Oct, Firci., 509, is our., ,strength, is., synonymous with wor- '---141iolirtra'Pj"ttVOYS":11" -44417e:.an..rdilklarl.Ca7eNt11'44-411, weaken,. mea Kai:orally? .Mentaily,-.•and, physically, l'o , forg't G�d:is to self... If Canada, is de- :terrnlned: tci Continue, mere, 'andmore to forget' God, 'mid "gh,te, herself the'thngs of thig,.:Werld. it woUld''bo h.:- real bles'Sing to our nation, if we should be brought, by,,, the,hand of. God, int .times of great suffering and distress; as weli•as great danger,. .if it only made ,uS •realise; our. utter intpaency, the absolute insufficiency of man, as man, to live without god, and .13rIng ue,,, as a .nation. on. our knees, to the throne of grace,.:cOn- fessingour sins, imploring the for- giveness of God,. and Acknowledging that we are, at least,'willing to live righteouslyand 'soberly in -this pres- ent t life, walking Worthy of his name; inthe light of 11:s countenance. • See Deer Grazing . "AltrinitWith Horses Newtz•Series of 'Your News Parade' ". ERin C ace reporter and. pews cemmentator; has been signed for..a new eeries Of his•'wOrld events', 'sumindries; News '• Parade" to be inapgurates1 'over , .seventy-five; :Celtitabia station, comtnending, Men:. .daY,,,,Bepternher 27. , This Progrannoe. be heard Mondays through Fri- day, 12.15 to .12:30 p.m, standard time.Itaieky, Strike Cigarettes bring. You this 'prograrinne. Hill's- vivid style and flair for interpreting t' -e .,•real stories behind the happenings of the day are refle4ed in his radio 'work. He .made his debut liefere :the microphone in 1932 as a. Play re- viewer and his, Iltnnan Side Of *The News Programs started in 1933 and ..reeived in' 1935.: His repotting Car- eer -starthd in Indianapolis. • -Known as the :best dressed' reporter in New round e Dial RADIO HEADLINERS OF THE WEEK • G. C. MURRAY 1 .is. former Kansas City giri, who, trained •f er the metionelit.iii, Opera •raised :by,- popular ..eub- crintloti" •ain'ong, her townipedple. At the height Of 'her 'career he start- led' the niu`sical .World by enoupe..7:., „ring -her •••• ratirenient;;; . The ' rather. . plump. prima donnas Lwerie still in , fashion, btit' Mies •Tolley. went, on ..a strict diet and 'emerged nfew years later at the...filni capital as a trim • and chic young v.ornan-Weighing 195 00,00.ds. , • • . Lucky 13 • When her Goldherge returned to the air :Monday, Septernber 13. ' Ger- trude Berg, •alithoress, producer and intriri character' Of the seriee added another link to the amazing chain of. 13 s which are woven into the pat- • York: for nearly 25: years;', he was tern of her career. Mrs.. Berg was theace reporter of one of New first signed ..by N.B.C. On November ,•York's leading dailies. .His assign- • 13, 1929, and "The' Rise, of the Gold - menta• have taken him- all over the ' bergs" was introduced the nation's Farmers coming to Welland market world and he has been the friend and dieters. '• Several ,rnonths of stain - to he"W,ellend ',market • , this week • eerlfidant of Presidents . and 'kings. ing, the: serialwas first presented as r Wainfleet Toweship,Jord-a-:swe-z-- •.-"It;is...tromithinwialthrfef-.-PeriOnft14:er-,-. —a--sponsoredr-program"--!•01r-4o1Y-43: ieg!n full • 'grown deer gtazing with periences that his iadividuid, 1630. Pear years later vn'Zgly.13. hories on a farm owned by Charles tatioa Of 'the news is. drawri. 1.93.4,' to be exact. the . Goldbe"rge begin • a personal :appearance' tour Of • vaudeville housee, : tit lcOv•...cities. , . Mrs. • hoe. Wrote a new 'series, :The House of ;Glees, Which •Wes .sold on April 13, , In answer - to an av- alanche of requests, the ,Goldberga Were! brought to the. 'alp 'again on.. .!January 43, 1936) and continued un er years vacation; Mrs. Berg was signed , write a.' screen c.'vehiele for Bobby. Breen "Make a , Wish," Whieli' was Sider, Perry Station.... ' ;.• They watched the • sight.' until the deer suddenly looked up, Jeaped, over five-foot fence and trotted along Wabash Railway tricks until it reached .another field where horses . were gras'ng,,TAttanireal leaped nn - other fence gracefully and resumed .. • Spill In Battle The Mad ,Waffle- Ei.tter. • The Raymond Seett, QUintet, made famous on Columbia's Saturday Night Swing ,Club, are the latest . mueic- men, to head Hollywood -way. ',They are particularly noted for the crazy• titles of the numbers the Yplay;,- ••-atteliei,bir-,4*4‘10ederh,q0iPpoPer41. ranger, Raymond soot.: scptes mait • popular tune is "Powerhouse." Three. 'recent additions. are 'Shine,: on: Vesting. Machine) Perilous Ride on .a Running Board , with • two 'broken Marian Talley Returns . 'Signin 41:52 -Week' contract, Mar- ion Talley will return to the 1•113t3,crtet4 worki!Sundey, September 26 to . star in the new Ry-,Krisp program from Hollywood. ' • 'Miss' `,Talley -"gehieved suceese•as an opera singer ,at the age of .17' and, then, retired; .. attaining. stardom years • later in Moviesand redid. She will be beard Sundays' fibm.5.00 to 5.361.p.m, over the Red • Network. The Programwill include :Many, popular •and operatic the PaulTaylorChoristers •and Ken • ..Carpenter as announcer. Mies Talley, • 4 .4tee:* Bitsy :Grant being.picked ,1.10 from, he ground after a had spill dor,. ing his garhe;'butiosing battle With Baron 'vein. Cremip in the quarter ' final round of the men's tennis singles t Forest Hills, Long Island. Will Study Nazi Home Life • • , • AMerican boys Who will live in the "homes of Germans. Whose sons • will ,shortly Arrive in the United States to RV° intheir homes, wave, , farewell as they sail item NoW•Yotli. On the. Queen, Mary. This , • , trading of koio 13 ane* idea intetkuttionil exchanges . 4 , .completed on ,JUIY 13, 1937,„ at, which tirrinshe was signed to Write antither er-NaTi yOrk''-:-. On Aug- • .11,st 13, 1937, she was signed 'e con- tract ' calling for a •five 'year radii) run, of "The •:Goldherge,”, which ;started September, 11. We "wonder • what would happen': if a black cat criissed •Mrs. Berg's path On. a 'Fri,' d'ay, the •thirteenth,',... Girls Dig Up Aged Skeletons HelP Excavate gigantic British . E, arthwork 2.000 °Years . Old Beautiful girls are digging -.up skeletons at Maiden Castle, near Der, ••". clester, Eng. • They are holiday Os, • sistants frein • the ;'leading ,ni.rrsi.s'. Britjsh 15.'kl4W11-e1447P4e'Wrialei„trnlivteld, arriggi Yt°. etaft hl.haarno",P,u: nrgolbi.lv'Ya lin:h1; ,:'0101'0,'hi;Y;e'a,ta:.;e:s.'afiRtg'n:;..'",. „ing rows, of.graves containing the,,re- There ate., roariY "ConipletO• ' : itn*g.si'nw.ttlie.th'stercirn?.TUsn9..in, t.'ee,-41•s:h•111; ; Horrors have no dread .for .WOmen who revel' in"their thr:11:ng . work; and the' tliaCoveriesare at. tractirig more wenien than men., ' They are . even Making trips by. • moonlight to the lonely graveyard on the. •A party , of girl and boy: holiday- • .reakere climbed Up the steep slopes to the earthwork' and, ,with torehes, surveyed the skeletons .which are be- ing • left' •lying .; as found , in their graves.' - '. ' OThe .rt)WS of graves present an eerie; spectacle by night." one of thn, holiday-IlifiiCerS said. • ' • "We enjoyed ourselves immense- • Not ler away from the graves are istat wtnhoger.k7t.eak. jaedicTeet;ir, er:v, virhornorT- . , • British Li For - Canadian Poultry Grow rr Frozen,Fowl Re refit at's action: on Id Counby Market , . . Canadian 'frozen poilltry is giving great satisfaction on the Engliah mari' kelt, according . tO -11enry-_,R;icipith,-of' • ..111dpitth' Brea.. Ltd., a ,leading lmport- ing Arm of •foodstuffs.- Oftendon and ' • Liverpool, ' who recently met ofllclals of the Marketing and Production Ber- .:Viaegt of the..Ikiniiiiisin Department -of Agriculture at Ottawa and latei. jour.." .r.,,neyed to. Toronto to center with:ten.. ...reseatatieep of the leading Meat pack- ing coMpanies. From. Toronto he went. to. Western Canada e.rid called on 'Mini' whose ..prOductahe. handles An , Eng- land. 'Oe, is, en route to Australia and /ste;zeaiend, :and It *ill be • early in 'the New Teat.befere..'he: back In Lendea.:, , .•' '!Business is gee& in the.,Biztish Isles" said Mr. 44.1path, and there are 12100. people , in :einploym.ent at'.Pree• A nfniature electric meter which • claimed to .-be the smallest Working Model, in ;the:world, lai• ficen made • by a :1('?. -Year -Old,. boy named yleter. 'Wkitashenkoi“of Kiev, tkraine. •, It" weighs; jtist.under one -sixteenth of an ounce. • -• . . . • • , „ • ON•illand, • • , He may he only 11-Metithi Old, but ilea every inell deWboy frOni • ” )113 .half.,pint bat to hie turry. ebana. Maryie jettemi, that's' our minutive ;Cokyliand, appeared at a Rodeo out Wostioattract,ed a lot " Of attention and was in turn faecirrated by be inaip•tited cowboys • saw alt Veating ten-gallon hats. ' • •„. '-ent•-tbari there have ever been in the' • thdIiIffiaI -history !,of,the„ bountey ••• ton: .rthere; in a ,b-eisk-demarol'e good priCes for all kinds of foodpro.... duets. entr'there is an exceilent,:opeor-.:,,, tunity.ter 'Canada to send larger piles • ;Ask More Of, Better Quality , ."While the Canadian poultry that Is being exported to Britain is highly satisfactory'•• •Mr..: Itidpath said 'A. -higher-proPOrtioirofihe--better-grades; would find."a more ready Market. 'rhe best weights to ship are from 3,1/2 to 5%.1ba,,. though 'there „is aIdetriOnd. for ,.iiirds,arOand 3 in the, lighter class and up to 7 lbs. in the'%eavier. Cana- dian prodlicers would be well ‚advised - , to .consider the,. .advantage I ofbetter finished birds, which Can he produced • , , • • „ by pericidcr,ate. fattening fee. at • . • , . , least two Weeks before killing as done , Engfand!, •..• llidpath st'aNatit mightb& • ,Of interest. to Oanadia Potiltry,rafsera . :l • •;t6 .knew that "there eapidiy • in-._ .creaeleg liking for Poultry,. eadjf.tlie aualitY that has, been' going 'forward in the past two; or1b0e,YearS' . an be maintained and intsproVdd ,a •.intich :larger market in,. the British Isies . . 40 ert. Has.Collecte d 1,000 .Yards 'of Ticket' --'---44W-11-6111---Wgra-Vellew,Jurir • 1:8S7, tWeoty-.fiVe centesimi„ for, a lifec:. one' irilliery. marks 13Crti.n of, 10..2(1."."."•Thfu• ,would' imaginethat' tWO;ertlitisiasti,:i. :stamp, COilectorS were: trying to •better•, .pach in some philatelic deal; aetually • it isthe lafigutige ot thc 9111 and ; Bus tiCket collectors. 7 One ' such 'Hainburg experthas' a • cOlietiou".' Of mi,er ?5,00-Q- diirernt t'icketa ,iastio4 by toni ,and •bus com panics t he., w:orld, o ei These . 'ire. kept in ten allnitris 'divided A-crording,:, • to the Co..MtrYef oilgin, and arrarg4,•:' ed. in' their' dates ,of issue and face 6octly i, stomp-collociors .1() then st tfllps Fiol rn alid. bus ifld tyalll are ropresc.nted; . 'And of iOtiie t11C niden ,trolley-hus," The 1887 Turialms ticket 1 the pride Of this ,celleetion the ecu: -ilc nt of' • the i.d blue flatjsh'Guiana, O'f -the , stamp collecteri • ' , • . The tickets hearing the „. highest facei-Valties Are tliOte Of -Germany .tied it the titneof ber' pot %'.1 in- 'fiation, witch,* o Oct., ride, cost the year's. ineOnfln. of e illtoim ire paper. ,lapori.e4e aria .other Eastern' dountries heed tram tieketncleeerated ,..With picture, and are "much More elaborate than th�S we iee in Chia ' etnintry, jeined tottethot rn 6,etteight , line the ticket. a thh Vtrould streteh over 1,000 Yikrtikaiid Show every eoloue in the sPettruthi': ••,. •