HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-16, Page 8momme. .A31 AGAIN APPEALING' To YOU ' FOR YO U S151).•:. PORT ON EI,ECTION DAY; OCTOBER 6. I BASE mx AP- PEAL ON MY OWN RECORD IN THE. PAST AND ON WHAT; I' HAVE BEEN ABLE TO DO FOR THE PEOPLE OF THIS: RIDING DURING. THE PAST riffEE YENItS. IN THIS. . LETTER I WISH TO EMPHASIZE 'PARTICULARLY WHAT • TOE. DEVRCRN 'GOVERNMENT HAS MEAN'I' TO, YOU IN ACTUAL, SAVINGS AS PROMISED AT THE LAST ELECTION. - The : Previncial Goveremcet 'has 'assumed the total east of all highwaYs.Fees; for examinations of "pupils::in our schools have been abolished. The Amusement Tax. has been lifted. . Goyerdinent at the, last 'session :assented the total of • Mothers'. ' - Allowances and Old 'Age .pensiOns, and ;extended • tfie blessing ' of the Mothers' Allowance t' widows With one child. This, in itself,: 'cost the Province a Million dollars.* . Two years ago the nihniCipal income tax, (whichwasonly optional) was abolished and .a Provincial lucerne Tax; substitu- • led for it, thus' bringing into our treasury many ndllions of -dollars. Erten these, :fends a' °direct subsitlY of one mill on the local assessment :was given to , every .municipality. This means , that every in thefuture will be reduced, by One dollar for ettelt thousand "dollars Of assessment . .THE . LATEST SAVING: WHICH' BENEFITS ALL . MOT- ORISTS. IS A r•FLAT, $5; REDUCTION IN AUTOMOBILE LICENSE- pEg§, LICENSE FEES FOR COMMERCIAL' VE- HICLES WERE. REDUCED BY 25% *.LAST SPRING. • Later I propose to give ‘yait figures indicating the amount saved by each municipality inthis riding. Briefly, the Say -Inge- which I -reduction in Hydro :charges which now makes this great service - available to all withinreach, and a' 10.%increase in the gov- ernment grant for township roads, reside in al decrease in local taxation which aniOunts• to .:hundreds of thciniands :Of dollars in !IRIS RIDING, ALONE.'This will .be quite Apparent to every taxpayer when , his tax bill is presented to -.him-both in :the, county-Inte- I would like ts say further that in 'spite of allthis sgener: osity to the local taxpayer, .th'e government has been ! able to. balance its 'budget-, and show al handsome surplus besides,even after charging all relief expenditures JO Current expense. This ' • record hate never been ego shed, or even . approached, by any , other Canadian ,government. , • MR. ylEPBURN.,EAS KEPT ALL -IHS PROMISES AND . INFINITELY MORE DUE TO ECONOMICAL ADMINISTRA- TION AND A DETERMINATION TO 'KEEP" FAITH WITH • THE ELECTORATE OF THIS PROVINCE. I ASK YOU ONLY. TO EXAMINE HIS REtORD BEFORE - YOU CAST VOTE. •••• •• Talus 'faithfully,. BERTSON '• LIBERAL M. I.: A.. FOR 'HURON -BRUCE.' THE 'I.Ji.ICKNOW SENTINEL fi NOTES. United: Church M. S. The UnitedChurch W.M.S.'held their regular :Meeting on. Wedneedel With!' the President, f4rs. RathWell, presiding for the devotional' weer*, es. Mrs. Ty IL Alton's, ,group brit charge :of the: program. .After singing and. prayer by *Ts,. -1-19dgias, Mrs.. Andrew- rend the ,f,ri,P,tere lesSon, • Mrs. " Almer Ackert Pang a sole, Sweet DAY". Chapters 'of :the, study book were taken by 'Bush- ell and Miss Alma Alton. Mrs, Alton, gave a Temperance reading- Meeting • - VI THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 16 19$7. • . presbyterian W. M..S.: • Mrs; HoraCe~.`AitdhisP4, Presided at - Abe. September' meeting of the Pres,•. . hyterian,W. M. S. The meeting, "."Pp6,,, -ed with; a bpi*, Mrs.' Aitchison read - the scrinture,lesson- And!Prarer WAS: Offered. Minetes'or,„last' Meeting were , read; the roll „called and business At- tended to. Mrs. Portent's gave: •the Bible etudyand the topic was taken: by Mrs, C. Agnew; Meeting closed witha byntnand, the Lord's prayer , • in unison. FALL FAIR- DATES Atwoed 2445: Ailed .Craig . "' Bayfield' . _ . 29-30 Blyth . . 17-18 Brussels ....... 30v Oct..1 Clifford 10-11 • Dungannon 7-$ .ignibrn Oct.7 , Exeter - Goderieh 21-22 Hanover Harriston- - 23-24 Ingersoll 30, Oct. 1 Kincardine --------------...Sept. Kirkton ' Oct 6-6 Listowel ------------------------Sept. .22-23 London TIVSterii .....:.Sept, laicknow :.. Sept. 23-24: Mildmay • 212.22 • Milverton .... '16-17 Mitchell 28 -29 - New Hamburg ' Sept. 17-18 Owen , Sound. 4=6 rr •THE. BELOVED . PHYSICIAN Citizens of Thornbury and neigh- borhood were ,shocked beyond meas- ure - on August 26th to learn of the sudden `passing of Doctor James Free- born -.M4c.liee, 'Although' Doctor :Mc- Kee had., net, been in robust, health. for over 4-,. Year he heereannlad his practice '4s wolf 'ashis other 'aetivi,' ties. But. the exhausting • demands of heavy practice tOok heavy toll. Of. his • etrengtIt and after a meeting of the "SchAl: Beard' On Tuesday evening he took „fil And on Thursday after,: 44.7. ,Jamea 'Freebpre McKee was born in, • -Wellesley, township, Watel'IOO" county, sixty-one 'years • ago. His father died •whi1e.hb wae ,still young and the family • moved to •"Toronto, *here he. grew =manhbod. &Work in conneetimr•with the .praetia of 'law. 'first Claimed his interest and in „tile' service 'of the he Made; use. of his legal training. But the,Prac-':' tice of _medicine held e larger place in his heart and sq, after graduating from Toronto University in •1906 and service in Toronto General' Hospital .and Wastern Hospital • he v came to ,United Church W. A.N ; Ileathcote in 1911: About .this tme ' The September meeting - of - Mrs. Armstrong's group was held pp Tues- day afternoon. at the home -af Miss. Hazel4Nebster,. the president: presid- ing. "(rhe 'Meeting,opened by singing a hymn, followed.' by repeating till Lord' s prayer in unison. Minutes of last meeting were read and adapted. Mrs. Dr. Fowler favored with a Nana I'. solo'. •Which‘, was followed by two in- tereeting readings by Mrs. Duncan McDonald and Mrs. "W. F. Reid. ,A Vocal, solo by Mrs Almer 'Ackert was much enjoyed. Business Matters were attended to, after which a .social ; half hour was enjoyed. Meeting ....closed by repeating the MizPali benediction: The October' ineeting is to be held at j the :home of • Mrs; Wellington Hend- erson. • 4 s Ki0104..,:cOutc1):'.141,0* Kinloss.' Municipal council . met on August 30th, 1937; a's .per 'adjourn - "nen.. All members present,: ' • rainut-ertetlititir'fireeer he was asked by Sir Edward Beatty to reenter the service of the C.P.R.- in their head offiee in Montreal, .and later, when the Royal York Ilotel was built, he was again asked to serve the company as hotel physician, but ,tlie claims of a ,country. practice and, the inanY friends he had made, in the ;Beavcr valley - held him.: there., , In loll he Married 'Alexandria Mc- Donald of Ducknow, :who with their 'son, James -Freeborn and little' Mary Jane survive him. Three 'brothers,: •Williain Spence, Samuel, and:•. David and a sister, Margaret all of Tor- onto, also trioarn his passing. , Dr. McKee .was a' member of the Thornbury School Board; Medical .Officer of :Health for town' of Thorn - burr a...member of Beaver Lodge F. Sz' A.M., as ,well as ,Scottish" Rite Mason. He also:vita:cermet for Grey County. . , • The funeralservices, which were very: -largely attended, Were held in Grace Ujiited. Church' \Ow 'Sunday ev- ening. In his ' sermon the minister,,Ouricaltrimirt4eolirrtribtit ing were. read, :approved and signed, to the memory of a beloved physi- on motion ol :Graham . and McIntosh. cian, a faithful friend and a worthy Ross - McIntosh, that the sheep claim of George MeClenaghan ., for $6.50 be paid and John Kennedy be paa.:$1.10._lnepection." ikOtAkandkG.ENERAL Mr, D. W. Mathers of Engleheart is staying with his Sister. Mrs.Alhert Hewald for awhile , , Mies, Myrtle Berko of Clinton .spending a few, days with her .aunt, Mrs. Albert floWalcit • ' 4'. Mr, George Greer, .who has been suffering wAth. arthritis. was removed: , :Wingli4in • HOPPitalt•-laSt week for treatment: • "." • ' • Nine Evelyn Aitchison Of Kirkland •-", *:11.PaTi.3170!.!..f!!are nlinti--t.ghreUnPdaPstWateSe-,,A-k 11Mr. and Aire. Creen and daughter . Luella, spent a' few weeks visiting" in : the States of Ohio .and Kentielty, with her daughter, Mts. Fisher.. ' • The condition Of Mrs: 'Walter ILA- gihs, is considera:dy improved, fel- lowing #4,'"pay„ere: beert, attack *Weh. she suffered. on ';•Sunday: Mrs,. N. L. Campbell of 'Toronto and her daughter, Mrs. Win. Barber of :.Cranbrook; B.C., visited the past few days at the home of Mr.• and MrItSThRtrnidand s:n Mrs.d Eldsiln-of:Oril- sliti, Austin Reid of London and. Mrs. G. A. Newton of town, are on a two weeks' motor till). through . the :Mari- times and Eastern States. • AO'S. Glaclye. Vandewater of 'Well- , . ington, who is . convalescing .after lengthly illness, is spending ,an -el - tended visit at the home" of her sister Mrs. Garfield Ostrander. • ' • Joe Bartlett; formerly ofthe local Bank, of 1VIontreal staff, visited here' last week. Joe' was moved to Kings- ville from Luekijow, but: this :slimmer. has been relieving at various points. lie" had just concluded relief duties : in London and paid a .flying visit to town.- en route • to Little , Current, where he, ivill be stationed until' Oa- tober. ' • brother in Christ. Mrs, H. A.:.Alex- ander sang, "Oh Love that wilt not let me go" and "Jesus, Lover Of' my soul" was sung by the choir?, On Mon!, -day morning •the'.•bedY"was-7.takeri7-te- Mogenzie and "Grahain,-- that the 'Toronto, where another Service ".:*as sheep -claims of • R. Elliott for $8.00 held at .the home .of his brother Wil - and. Chester Pinnell ler .$10;00, be took part: $P2ai7d0 ainnsdpc•Illtitin•k;, E. AnThnietes7441-7idTlaoivroitsof, he Paid Toronto;: formerly of :HeathcoteN.;and MC'Intash:Ross, that the . sum of and; •.,Reir. Ilarvey Howey of $10.00, paid for cutting:weeds:on Lot. Duribritton," both ' forinerlyThern. 20;, coli. ,be -Placed': on the 437 .tax bury, and the present nuni'SIZr of roll for collection.. - •'Grace Church, Dr. S. S. Duncan: .$tasa,iittckenzfe. that S 'by-law be e. Many beautiful floral tributes were prepared ,fixtrig the rates of taxation received. Aniong those. who 'furnished for the current year as follows: .these were the 'Staff Of Collingwood • For county purposes a rate of :8:3 ospital, ?aver,Lodge A.F. 'A.M.', , , mills; for General' Township pur.. lhornbury.., school.. Board, Staff ;of POsee, a rate: of 1.5 •mills; for Gen.47:Thernbury Public- School'. 'Staff . elf • eral School :purposes, a rate .:of 3:3Thornbury Continuation 'School, Owen Mills.. and the Triistees levies to be 'Sound Chapter of. Eastern Star, accordance with the Requisitions ses of : Thornbury : district and also. •of the vatiods Scheel boards; : many Medical a n d .professional • The General Township Rate bell*. friends . a's, well as many others. reduced 4 mill•by reason Of the Pro- Among -these present from a 4ts- Visiting In Ne* 'York , , Dr. and Mrs. W. V. Johnston and ;Mr. and. Mrs. J. C. McNal3; left Sun- day on a twelve -day visit to New York. Dr:- Johnston' will take a course at Presbyterian , Hospital , in New York, .• while holidaying, and during of St: Michael's Hospital, Toronto, will have charge of his practise here. ..., -yineial Sais451. .ta. munieipalities. , • tance,:ike .-reaWilli-ai--n-,:SpInce_andpSairi-...- . .. ------''.7714-co-i-1-14.elrttosh,. that „13Y -law no. 1, net' MeKee of 'Toronto, ThOrnas • And .Teeswater , .. cle.t_s..6 4937, „ be '. amended - to read .as follows:' Mrs.' MacDonald of . Kingsville, :Dan, Tiverain . ,. Sept 2-24 :"•C011ectOr • D. ET-Stattere, salarl'$.11'5'. aild7•Mrs.""MaeDOrld of Sinith's Falls Wiatton.. . .. ...... .... .:.. ... .' 'Sept '23-241 ;IM.eKenzio'iMeinnskl., that - We. .do Alex and Mrs. MacDonald and ;Archie Wi.P.glialli . ' .4 ' ' SePt:F.• Sept. 29 t6 .:30 now . adjourn meet/again en' Mon- and '. Mil: 'MacDonald of Stratford Zurich.....-........, 27-287.1aY , th 27th day of September, at Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Jamieson. 0 . Clearing lines in Men's, Women's uria 'Childi.:en' . Undergarment's. -•--,-- TilE MARKwtiSTOP,g.-:•-•-•:-L-. .. .usual time and Place. Cheques E. P. C,,, hydro at . hall $4.30; . Geo. MaClerinhan, 'sheep, $6504: John ' Kennedy, Insp. above, ;$1.10; , Wm.. Murdie &. -Son, relief:".$2451-E--Htillsrinftic-relier $4.80; Elliott; sheep $8.00; .;,,flhester Pinnell, sheep ,clairti $10.00; . . IliTh 'Wear: Badge . .Mark Jolniaton,' abOve $2.70.; ters•-•-in''Ontario,',intist, wear 'al. A. E..,Tlitimpson,".' weed inspeCtor 'badge when they:, gt. • shooting this. 40.;..•Robert .cutting: weeds, fall. The tleixirtment of game and $10.00;: J. R. Lane, -.postage, and tele - fisheries has made a . :this Phone $3.00-, Joseph •Agnew, :: grant to 1. A. Soeiety $20,00., • . H,ighway chequeaLL.AleX-Perey, par list: 04, $25:95; Robert Donaldsen,, pay list 65. $17.202 E. Ackert. 'pay list 66,. $19.66; :Road- No. 3„ par list 67, $17.80; J...S. Craig,, pay • ist 68,115:20 effect, and .with, each gun license is. sued, a metal badge is to be worn by. • the hunter when he goes out with hie, - 8.!.? : n. • ,Pre:•,?0' ' • . . , Wesley "Guest,69, 'A despatch frona: GodericiL last Road No pay list 70.. $2:55; Alex • , . Palmerston 27.-23 week .reported the first cage of:. McLeod, payliet No. 71,, $21:60;•. Or - Parkhill • fantile ,paralsis in the Anbarh sec, ville 1 ilhin pay• list .72, $16.90; John. Ripley_ 23-29 tithi,*Oh Harold ':Killough, son • ;of J3ushe?l, ay hist 73, $1,1.2.51 Dan •Hal- , ' Seafor,th •Mr. an Mrs. Albert- Killongh; the laban; pay list 74, • $419.69; Dennis Stratford vietim.. Seruin, 'it Vas state,d, .was •Kennyi, pay hat 75; $23.s82; Mlan St. ... Ct. 84 ritshed 'from London to treat the: Nelson, paY •list 76, $773,75; %Mi ss • S: l'avistock 16..11 Patient. Cases 'atelalso rePerted 1,,in„PurVis., pay list . 77,, :$300. • ThedfOrd ” • Sept 2820 :Goderich and East Wawanosh. Montreal, rs. S A MacDougall of Nipegon, Miss ..Marie . MacDonald, ence '' with officials , of :the Radio ° 'That night Turner•was arrested At Miss 7 -Estelle HaMinthid and .• W. H.'; Branch, Department Of Transport at the home of his Mother-in-law in OPen . of Toronto', John S. MacDonald, ' Ottawa, a, few Weeks ago, :word wile Chatham,' and next day was charged. Lachlan and Mrs...MacIvor and many received at , •OKNX this week from wi,th the slaying. ' . • , • : otherfriendswas committed ' for 'trial fol Lucknow ' Air Service that. a apPlicatio • f lowing'a .tWo-day preliminary hear Bargain igri634 = BOUCLE DE -.LAINE SILK and WOOL ICNITTING YARNS-, Plain Colours and Stripes. Reg, 4125 $1 59 'MISSES' PURE SILK CREPE BLOUSES -Traveller's • ,• _ . Suits, Pang, Sweaters and*arfa.. 1.4g. 4§c°. 20c tut up, in 5‘, %, lbs and 1 lb.: bundles. Suitable fpr Dratises. E. BARGAIN 0,7,mpietons. Per QS,' Bargain OZ CHILDREN'S' UNION PULOVERS.---V Necks .„ • :LAbits, WINTER UNDERWEAR -Medium , r-- IiI,O4NMER,00Mbed, Cotton, - English Make, 12, Ladies'. and Misses' Dreams. Size• 14.-20Reg $3.50. Bargain BOYS' GOLF *PANTS -lined throughout, -belt .straps. Reg. $1.59. FACTORY COTTON -strongly woven , for, hard service -free from dark spots. easily- bleached. 37e wide , • WIND BREAKER ELASTIC -2W wide. Per Yard 25c:: NARLMAN'S SMARTEST LL T fa LW; LADIES, DRESSES AND COATS -There are many. new &eases which have just been received. These are in latest styles and • smart new. colours for fall. The Fall Coats, which are without, fur collars are in. fine. wool tweeds and in new styles with fancy • skirts. The Winter Coats with fur are in new styles with 'fancy Collars. . MEN'S SUITS-LThese are in fine worsteds or tweedp: TheY • are in styles with plain •or sport backs. There are many different ' , Patterns to choose. ,. , • We also have our full stock of Melts Overcoats in tVOKNov.v, Orzt, "PHONE .85. iaidicNow. Bou6nT TElat , • • • • . TRIAL 'FO BRUCE COIJN'I7 • At the Q. E. :horse shoiv. in •the • • . Coliseum. leat. week, the Ottawa ;City ," Crown Attorney Smith,' scavenging branch., displaYed. a . new C., of Chatham, announced ori Friday type of 'garbage wagon with :ndlse- • last he had received advice to the less 'gear and • Pneurnatie . effect that in. Order had been Issued i A'. feature :Of the'.display.. was the at. 'Osgeode Hall,' Toronto, directing Smart teem of brown :horses driven change of venue in connection with into the ring witlebthe 111'' 'the trial . Of • Waiter Turner; 35-,year- hbrses were .13eUght by the city , four; old Dresdon, man; •"who istanda.charg-• Years ago at Lticknoiy4and are 'nem, ed ;with the murder of his- wife, Ev-. ed. "Luck" and "Icxinw".. Iney. are elyn. The trial7WaS: ',slated . to take seven and eight, years, of age respeC.7. at the assizes which open at.- tiVely and. their aggregate ;weight is Chatham. on Sentember 13th, Instead approximately 3,80.0 pounds. They it wiR be held •at Walkerton, in Bruce were purchased for less. than $590; County, : , before' Justice Jaines C. but so taken was ' a horse •fancier Makins starting on November 2. :with their:, fine appearance,' tat, • a The application for . the change of year:ago he Offered' $800 for the pair. venue was made .bY: Goldie :Elgie, K.: • I • C. f- Toronto defense counsel' and , , o , , I. was based on the claim that the ac- AOM-Fi--ST-A.TION--To-DOUBLE,...used,:inaa"4eriuld-not--hope-to•Lobtaia- , ' • , lug. to the. publicity. given' the `case. -Cruickshank, ; Manager , Of="7-:"The--"7.bodr-of-MrszTurner;-,TV-year-- CKNX, :Wirigham;"-annatmced . this. old Mather. Of one „Child; wag found week that the station will double its 'under Pile of wood in the shed of: pOvier to 100 Watts,. day and .night, her. home on. lIughes street, Dresdori, by Nov 1st Asaresultof a cOnfer- k'ebraitry :25th. . •-7-77-AT-TORONTO:.-HORSE:.--SHOW.r-TRANSFER KENT MURDER :.° 35 Medical Officers ef 'Health from the? two. counties, which wita_s.ddres..:-.'• sed, by Dr. T. Pliair; thief Medi. car Officer Of :Health of the . Ontario ' Government; Toronto, • in which , he discussed ,the whole queati,V4,of feat* paralysis, ..preventive meas7 iires. methods of treatment, etc.., , Phair Was -accompanied by. Dr...Fraser' • of the stiff of ,the Sick . children's Hospital, Toronto. ' • • Dr.' Fraser has been secured- by the Department of Health as. si con- sultant :in connection with infantile Paralysis; and :his headquarters will be at the Hanover Memorial Hospital where his services will • be available, through the local 'Medical Officers Of , Health, to Any doctor in the two coun- ties wishing his. services. lle. Will , make lumbar purictureS, do .. 'cell' counts; ete. . • • This ••• -f- wait TOW,EIC-NOvEmBERTIST Clair ffiarin Crithant ow- thin /4'Y thiS7Dispartiiielit 9 II irto born ' McKee, Son 'of' the deCeased,,.1.11 The pallbea,rers were James Free - pro ni creased ' power is no' ..ap ro e .- Mr. Crickshank Said that many inl- higblight&d. bY evidence °f Dr* E. E" 0 v d mg on April 23, :thetestiMony, being. brotherS, . and Thomas , Harold and new transmitter beforethe neW. Ve erits .wilt; be • installed in ', . : ' the 'Frankish medic6,,legal. expert for pow_ Ontario, who produced in court the Williain Spence and Samuel McKee, officially On,- so that the woman!S which, v he .! clahned had ,been tensed Arthur- McKee, nephews. Interment -er Iskull to . 'reveal fractures, -Wry, was made in *3.11oUnt Pleasant.. Oenie= . • Ontario will now enjoy vastly iraProy-, , , , y--- ...,-..,,- . ' , • northern c u e "" _y _ _ ti s of 'So South -Western by; a tremendous blow 'hY. a bltint,in- ed, reception Of "The BOAS Station 0.: strument , .• .- PRESIDENT -OF SHOW • ber 12th„ 1986, CKNX officially open, . ' Less.' than a year ago, on 'No.vem. , ., . BRUCE AND .G.,,Kgi. ormAivizt . • • . ••7-•-,-- ed c,ornplete new broadcasting studios , , t,Tori- . tti,o Fate James' Agar of • Belfaet, is., Vereary of that • occasion4-the nev4.1:10D ili;.na4r. Itlasnitiel Will Be Headquar- i Charles Agar; M,L.A., and •son, of in Wingham: On almost' the anni- , , FIGHT INFANTILE PARALYSIS president of the. Saskatoon ' feeder -Watt. transmitter will he Pot. into 7 show. This is an outstanding Vreatern . service, giving to this 'section of the ters 'Par TwaCountiek-Bleed 1)(iii. '• and including an auction of feed-. 'radio stations. in. Capadaz The new d • . : . • . A show offering $5,000. in prize ;Money' Province ons of :, the most .niodern... ors , Wanted or cattle: It is held on SepteMber 29th ' station .will have `the Same oower as 1.1 III' .,s. a. - d f fa I . Ina g atino• : n ' intensitie catn,:l and 30th, and friends here are p eased other.' Ontario stations t London, -p ign to co oar. the sprea o in n- , hasthedistinction. of being head Of C , es,.a. hath in 'St: tile paralysis in Grey , and .•Bruce,.! to learn tlat 0 former Ashfield boy Kitdhener„, Brantford : C a , • •• •-VV. ' atherjh Sault Ste. Mari and Fort counties ,a meeting s , • *a held ini Han- :thes g e event. k 1. •• , over on Thursday night attended by , . • ' ... , . the control ' of. the diseaser-LL1. -Mr.. Pinar - also emphasised...the. ne- cessity of securing • more donors from those who have recovered from the., disease; Stating that the Department IS prepared to pay from $10., to $204 depending on the amount of blood obtained. The local M.'0. H. Will' be glad to forward the names • of ill dont.. ors to the department. • .FOURTH CANDIDATE ENTERED . ,v IN HURON-BRUCE:,RmING The Political situation in this riding. of Huron -Bruce, becera..'lnore• Wird- ' ved With the, announcidfiant last week that ' Henry T. Thenison, creamery.' owner andtovitif Wing - ham, will contest the:field at4 in in. dependent -Liberal -..birididate:.;_. It is. •, expected ;that, Mr, Thomson• will ap- pour on a straight :tettiOranee ticket .As •the two candidates already.' :in the field, C A...•''Robeitson.. and. W. II. Logan, Conservative, 'alio appeal to the temperance voters, the situation is ,rather confuisink.. : Entry.: of a fourth' .candidate' waa. reported th3 firat of the week , with the • announcement that ThoMu J. McLean of Wingharn would enter the field ,as an -Independent candidate. +.4 e fl r.