HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-16, Page 61"••,.! DAVID DRESSER , • • Janet Duane, daUghter, ••gives a'..Party one .104;14 ,aboard her 'father's palatial . yacht °anchored , off Miarni.'Oregory 'Paden' tricks her:intO , .• ,..being left behind' with him when the, guests are taken ;shine. He pays .the 40110 tender not to COnie, back f91. them:. AS far as he knows, no one else 414 4. . cripPled.. Watchman is!!Ieft aboard; . • „• „CHAPTER 11. . 'Gregory, Oaten , was A • :thorough'',/ rogue, ,•Confidence.'eaniesk. card4titerp-•:! •ing, and ' discreet blackmail had• • Ailed SIM. With funds. (Or yeare...,,He . had. waited , a long lime for an oppor- tunity such as thls. Cyrus Duane would would eager to any Ohm f • to.keepZhis daughter*naine, from the . •. tat -CMOs of gossip -mongers. . With only the crippled watchman 'aboard,. the. cltuation Wei sufficiently. compromis- ing tomake the ,..millionatie. submit „to bleelcinall;rather than let it 'become ...hnowth !..•' • ...Tittle: ran ,Gregory's theriglata as he • Sat , with Janet in th.e Yacht's, lounge: . .11e-.-wOuld:have 'been ;much discon- certed...• . had he been able to see through the bnilihecid 'separating thatolinge fro* 'the ,adjoining"cabin;''.whero Janet's Negro tiiaid,.Croliched on• • the.• :againt the waI ••- • , • Fa,de1la •waii);erVentiy devoted to .. her 7itilatreas. Janet had, • brought hor • aboard :too .aseiat the guests at. . the, . ..Partirif•end Fandella had stayed aboard ;becattsa_ahe.:•bad seen:Greg- ory . Pass As bill•i,(O.:the'i launch tender .:-earlier..in the Olniing,.. and because, .her intitit"lon .liad,Warned • her that Gregory was. Was., a. 'bad .un" , She 'was sliaiing. now With: 'r,riiht. and suspense. She had. been ,litricing': • In the cabjn doorvay whe Gregory and Janet had .entered the lounge', and r'•• •• she was.,ioutherlyLpOisitiVe'.:that: Greg- ory Meant thei giri nti.:•gtiod. .• • .. •• These four :aboard:::And;•the. Fleet - wing. Ailing Serenely,„.A.C'anehor.-Mere and there,. dotting the ,surface'of the ' hay, •glimmered9i4 red . and, :green lights 'Of 'Other anchored' yachts. ',A • silenCe, • enshrouding the scene,. •• The •glow of Moonlight upon the water ren- dering .,tlie. dark khnike" of tho,,,Yachta .indistlnctly ',visible, , '• , • •';.: The stlencewas softly '1;rehon by • the .inufried chug chug of 'a ,aquartgg- boat,•)inaing • in ,through` the. channel-. . }'ourTmen-were-atandiii-g-Wthirecickl.' pit. A.1fth,figure ;steed. before, •the • wheat and eXpertlY• guided The Sat. between''..the :channel 'Markers. The men ,Were 'agent; and -The ilat's llghts • Were,•4iefully• .dininted'.•to.:•nikke• her „ -• as ..incoasinduonst as POSeible. • •.The..Inan..,at the, wheel was broad,: shouldered„ His. face,,Was•poek.merked ' And ;.•efuel.",'Citi'n, ;Jiul, and The pit. .'s.w0q,)piswa 0,01341 Bimini . as a .pair ready to „bp. hired- for, any .clandestinenteittria9 • :requiring: the •seagoing tug. ' TwO :or the gretni in • the , cockpit • 'Were •,.riniMpOrtant !, They ' wore', - ••„stainett•:sclungerees •atut.. were . tinguishabie from a thousand .pf their ••- fell0W8 who nhir1str.to:the,•needa. of •'erigiae-ilriveni Craft •upon'the seas. Dusty" Lanion,and ."Snitter",Scaft-.. lon,Conipletedfllie group' that atOod,itii-v • int iteereci,..toward„L •th kjeafwfpg.. • Snifter was was, short,. .';wiry„ nervOus.:•tii0 fabaWas' thin and eyes.,rwere .disproportion. 'atelY large.. ander glazed with. a sttieky. lane, A; rat -like •, who drew emirate trent a white pow- der ••• he sniffed fra:m • a 'twisted Paper in dines .'of Stress: •• Dusty had a 'Whole-anated. cont'enapf for human Off-agebringe such : a. Snif- ter. 'Hiit#, Snifter" had Courage , sort, 'Mid could .he depended uonas long a.'3 Mt.' he .received regular' ;rations of te,-White powder. It • be sqrieamieb,.Dnety.i041,:fottilk.when One was bent upon an undertaking of ' this magnitude. • . , • ' • • !Dasty w4s, tan, and. 1 slim -waisted. When he moyet.i.,.it-NitaS' With. a Recut, - far lithe ,grade which ceased -men to 'underestimate, his strength: His face was,stem and 2deeplY. tanned. The War liad done queer things : to Dusty: ..quiet,'. dreamy stripling; thrupt. Into the 11141144de; inferno, he hademeried' grim •tifid embittered. Somehow' . he had found he could net •-•retrirn home atter , his .discharge in 4919,, He had drifted to McAfee .with. construction company • .; There, *ad- venture had, claimed •him. , • A .reveln-.• ' tipearY faction liad needed. Men. Pus.; .. ti had • volunteered. ' , Vine fifteen. yearen,previouelly, had begunthe career �f Pusty: 'Soldier or .tortuoi. Rockiest!' actvoi- tatei:A .naine to: be emblazoned in a thousand headlines 7far a tiioupand foolhardy:exPinits. 'A name to conjure WitbWherever adrett • tures congregate Now,:,,Duaty needed," a, boat. , There was a cargo of arms and ammunition ..qacheci heer7a little dove en' the. Keys , :Pathot Miaml. 1.,Itev,ohitie,n.iitts in ;.Dybit had Offered •it.,large anin nt ceek ' go on thaVizhait shore.,• Oun4Anning• Wag- ne,•new. game to Dusty., ,But,hig teat . 60it, had been stink' off the coast of.: Honduras some some,' Months •previoualy„,. Perflapa Dusty had bad; some •hand: ; , the wholesale-,.desertionof ,lierhans :not.,.Dat he had marked the ,prey. since ..thae 'occurrenc.e. ;His plane ' were carefully laid.The ' ..•'• crippled .'ivatehinan was „ready. when:-.Ttie Bat ciept 'catboat sound1eis- 1Y:ender • tha:, how of the yacht. A'• •tbeiving-,ilas• „whistled athWart the , • . , ccieltpit.-:, Stout ernts .dragged a 'thy,. line••alioard- the fw And' it ' was .made. . DMAY. 'Slitnteit i1zj t4etraiflng ten- der and -rowed tentiously:fore :and aft, to slash yieht's. ino:orinerapea, He 'came aboard again Its,:that:poWer.,,.. 'fkil• engine oi'the'tug..throbled.;raight; ,ily, Se' „linperceptibly •I did:. the •:Fleet - wing. gather way, that • three,,persens 'aboard were unaware of thatranaltiotti• . . rom; anchorage le gentle movement. !'s..'...,:watclinten; standing on the: , knew. Abet., the ',yacht „ • . ;'.el m t Int°, 'the' 'open Sc.....Lenten, , soldier 01 fOrtune,. was. in chargeOf the tugboat,. Which was straining against the stout .• '.• •• :.rfeW'm ,1 'eann the., i•,..teel easily and grinned at Paiti. ":;verYthing looks •sweet." :DnetY's, face.' was rialrn, though there. Was •,a. glint of excitement in his eyes... • :.41Ves,Ye 'pulled it slick as, a. whis-. eap'n Jud boasted. "Right un- der ,thuh Coastiduard!.e.':noee-too."-_-He- gestured einrestivelF;.toWard the ". Mu- nicipal Dock; Where • they .a doeit. Guard . cruiser .,WaS moored. • • "Looks geed' so. far" ,Ditsty •"Wha.t. 'I'M worried about is.--the•tinokeutir on ,Sem•df these. other' yachts. ' naigh get., seeing the' FleetWing ed off On the'*44.iii. !Of tight' mtiffledyerigine.-"- apn Jud sPat 6vrthe side 'and ,swung,' the wheel. to straighten: The -tit into the chanael..leading'tO tile:, open sea. "And they Wouldn't 'lie- Ileia',,theY'Wee-seeiti'' right, if they did - Make AS, out. Nohody7d- figure 'there' was a man .big etitiff,foot tuh snatch . a million -dollar yacht • outita Biscayne eet erinalY as,'I'llaglanc•-•• • ed. 'back at the Yacht. • ,,guess ererythibg"s • MI, right Were , alinoat In • the- clear. go ' a ,, • 1 ia er, ten al Tradition:. Most 940.ataloaf All Far Fault. • • ern blanch , Roth,'White elephants and Plantese. ettla are*Virtually extinct in Siam; but the country is the most Oriental 9( all., Far Eatern ' " the. telaplati• 0f: SIM!? 'aro as muni- ficently ,tlaSsliag as any, 4reani of• the Orient :could be. Oritalda'• they tower impresslvely. in mu1ti-coored grand- aad lnside there is. Or'.erY atniled tilbute td'StIddha- that the deyOut-andl Stath. 0110 finds Buddhism in its pioSt• IlitariShing,pregettt forma•aad the TOM - pie of the Emerald, )Juddba In.B.aag-, ,kok-Lwith ics eight ,,Vividly' polyihrO7 Matta.. towers, iiytnboliiing the Eight- Fold',Fatb. Of :the Gauta.ma - is the most Striking 'Onine":-.5t'011s leligioll '.:e?EtaI4 with ,the liaasibfe.eicetitien..ef : the Shwe Dagon,4'Pagoda in Itarigebii.., 'In atmosphere, too, Siazn cadrarras.' to occidental notions. ,of what the •East should be.. There is an ...attitude of lotus -eating. Tarigeer,•• and any allow .of ieelln. work that may be observed Is by Chinese immigrants,. The Siempap vieWintint,expressed in one old Prove:. 4.ra., Pan MaadelYi,ValiegnYer,, Walt tho • pratportion to Mount the peak tower - Ing : root above :the 'floor; ,of her 'P.4r9.11ta, alill'.1:10Ory P. PAO. Jr., Ogaton oPer0Iary, of the Ameriealk pine Club. ntnlinta)lieering trip,' recently, it .was 'reported, ,agre .,thia . , Fighting fiends, .avelenche37-4 'anti. snow squalls. the party ascended' StaPE111401.1S," Mika' tin,ritt of Van:, , ceaVer, ,c.O.Mpieting,•-the 04n1 eliuib %from their intee 'cainn hOure, • f. '‘ 4. PerocrbEty Strange, hht in 01`er;.„w17.";c• 14e roses blow, ,.. to. 'See MY gar:ICA. deeii'•ia , ".• .°, •With brown leafless seed,'!, :•Stal'ea. apringiwr. tall, •• • . And scarlet rotegt.ps Citistered on the wafl. - • ; ; Orb, Is •that "in the Water, thete Is flsh and in the •grotind •there is rice": which With, the sparse population ,Means. that nOt.mueh In.ddstry: and no worryare required for their sbriPle wants.,Sn they takelife easily -and ' smilingly:- • irl First to Scale Mount Stupendous Vancouver Girl Climbs Peak -• Named by Alexander Mackenzie VANCOUVER. .774.A. 'teen -aged girl' . has scaled the , lowering . mountain which 'Alexander ,1 Mackenzie, first ,,white Man.' to :cross the Northd. Amer - can .Continent north ot•MeXtep, natn., eil"Stupelidous;" jn Edith :AllandaY, daughter of Mr. and And the •A• in. v,vin:ter, When:tile snow! 18 thick, , • ' ' 'I seemi to see beneath it grpsa-., 'greWn brick, ' With hollyhocks,in bloom, serene and lag, • , • 'And:crimson ramblers away,',ng on 'the -wall., . • 7 --.Margaret Ashniun, ,No.Certtfied Copy Of B.N.A. Act Here CALGARY.There is a single certified copy , of the • British ,North America Act in'Cinada 'CI E. John - eon, Social Credit member of Parlia- ment for Bow 'River, told a party rally here this week. , Mr. Johnsen sad he he had Minted in ' vain through` the Jibraries•.of the House of Commons and the Senate in Ottawa for a certified. copy of the: Act, The parliamentary librarian, he said, was unable to direct" him to where he could find Such a copy in Canada. , . - "I atmconfident there -is not , ifiec14•00r44.."1Atr*ettrealcalirlre ,declared. • .•'• • YOU'LL BE THRILLED WITH T}IISLAURA WHFFI PR HOMESTEAD, QUILT- HOMESTEAD: QUM:T.' • °P,ATTEON .1.P7Af. •, . . Trulycaliadialt is this enchanting "Homestead" quilt! _See, .t•but three simple"patehea go' to make: up its quaint applique pattern: Do the • houses in scraha : of material ,tit keep the pine trees uniform. • - pillowthroughout, "You'll have a,colorful quilt. And why not make,a matching ; :01-onel,of-The,-.8-aitich-11,11oeke.-Tattern15 76 --eaftWirilil-qftliele;!. and simple instructions for cutting, sewing and finishing, together with the • .yardage chat% diagram ;of quilt to help- arrange the ,blacks„ for single. 'and double hed'aite,and a diagranrof block:which serves as a guide for ..Placing,:the Patches and Suggests 'contrasting Materials. • Send •20 cents. in :stamps or coin (coin preferred) for. this pattern' to Wilson Needlecraft Dept., 73 Adelaide 8t West, Toronto. Write •Pleinly• • pattern. number; your.. name ,and address: • ' back, Start easing off When: yett.pealt hatic•and'i-gd aboard,'. Their you- game alopet,W.and take Otto Off." •'Dusty i.Pcike: decisive- ly., , • yult 'iforgettilf " ottih, • Inxity:Aeok a reit 91 bilis., • from fiis pocket anii°7-Corinted them ruefully: .‘.".1'heres handed the roll to Capin Jud. "That's the last , you ;CO*, 1410,..ppt 'you're. '• HeclappedCap'nJud on the shoI- der, • then • harried ; to. .'.:the •cockpit, :Where three Men„aWaited . ,hLet's ke,- 'he 'A.;•said,,,' impatiently': be past' the POirit in,S •few Weve zef to be aheardand get the .yacitt's: engines:Started before she begins to drift." ' •..• • (TO, BE ..TEviee1Budded Trees "DOuble-working" apple trees ia 'horticultural practice which has not ,been +Weil to any extent in Canada but is. e'ropl6yeal, kenerally . in the tnited States,, Poland, Germany, and Rolland, "Ilsoniale-Workine simply lileO1214 that trees are twice budded . , ,pr, grafted, In contrast to • the ond Oration in standard nui,;.set:y tree,m, A ;pamphlet showing, how the, inetked "double,WOrkine is carried 'Out has been prepared and may he ob- tained on 'request from the Publicity and KXtensidn Branch of the DePart- nient,eit 'Ottawa: -Issue No. 38-'37 ., -2 .• - Students .1ntieresie . . , In robleptis iiiternat*Onal••• student, • Conferences took place in Europe this Summer,from •,these.; of the extreme right to those:of • the .extreme left, but inaitily. consisting- ,of trals. The agenda generally cienfon-• '-s,trated the . groWing• Concern .,iniong_ ittidenti: With :"aeeiat and political •problerns: ' " • important from' an internal t:enal •viewpoint .haVeibeen the Meet - Ings, of SiX, organizations represent- ing 2,000,000 sttidents;. the World Student A'ssticiatio,n1„ Pax Retrial -fa, ...the Catholic' peace organizatiori;• the •'.'410tid Youth 'CatigreSS‘ student' caMP at La CiarnenVe neer ;.Paris, ' Which ‘,Ceriduated the interriatienal Youth Peace Pay attiCities on Aug. ;Abe International., tNiverety,,,' Federation �r ,the League .:))f Nationa; Meeting ' at' I3U8apest; 'the Iizna.tio61 stt.t: dent Sekvice at ,NiCe; pi.ld the Confecl eradon rtern'ationale'dea-F,tudiants • • Pas$0,14er Service 'May Oigin. in 19391 teNDON,-ItIS confidently eg. "Peeted it authnritatiVe circles' tha., the regular tranX-'atlantic • 'air- paas. enker aerVice will he 'inaugurated" in,: the sutninek•• of 13 The fire ia lexpeciedto be in', the neighbor- '}j'cl'ecl of, .60 pounda atertng(ab'oUt• $2604 ' ' w •^! 7,7 If • you.'liveci along the .Caribbean, one Of the joys of your, life would • be sampling the• freshly -picked coco- , • . • nuts brought to you by little native h9Y1',•WhO.weuld Obligingly back Open ,the. shells and letyou semm .014 ,the fresh, tender' meat -rich, moist in its Awn • sweet milk. Delicious -but not. half , .deliciouS as coconut, you yon ean have Eglit 'here at home, thousands of miles from a palm tree! Por now, Caribbean 'coconuts are 'Shredded, sweetened and peeked, still creamy and moist, -into air -tight tins and come to you as, fresh ,is the 'day they iitre picked. These •„.tender, `•curling shreds,' of 'marvelous .• good- ness, 'give' exciting ;new ,'flivoi• to cakes, Cookies, and 'pies. a ,EspeciallY good is this Plain White cake .with a. Seven -Minute Coconut -.Frosting • COCONUT LAYER!CAkE 2 cups finely. sifted' cake flour • 2 teaspoons ".baking powdei teaspoon -f salt' ' 2-3 cup butter:or Other „shortening .. 1 eup sugar • • '1 • '3 eggs,: Unbeaten - 1:3 cup milk 1 teaspoon :vanilla. , • Sifl. flour once, measure, add bak- ing -powder , and ,salt, and siftto- gether three, times., Cream butter _2thoroughly-,--add,sugar gradually and cream together until light and :fluffy., Add 'eggs, ..one , at a time,' beating thoroughly after each addition: Add. flour, alternately with niilk, .a small amount At tittle, beating well after each addition.- 'Add. tranfila Bake in two greased 9 -inch: layer pans in a moderate oven j(375 Deg....n.) 25 to 30 - minutes.. Spread. Coconut' .Seven - Minute Frosting hetween layers and ' on top and aides , of eake. COCONUT BE*EN-MINUTE • :•pttosInsta , • g egg whites, unbeaten 11/4 cups 'sager, . l• teaspoon' Vanilla tablespoons • Water -1..% -teaspoons light corn syrup. Conthine'egk whites, sugar, Water, „ . and corn syrup " in . top Of a dobble. .'holler, 'beating with .rotary egg , beater :until thoroughly mixed. Place ' 'ovei• rapidly boiling Water, beat' con- . atently. with ' rotary _egg' heater, and , cook 7 minutes, or . until frosting will stand in. lieinove frein boil- ing .watervanilla and_leat„Until, thick enough to: spread: gakes; enough frosting frosting to .cover tops and sides sides two .9 -inch layers,. :or . top and Sides, of. 8 it 8 x 2 inch • cake; . • ii2ook 2 dozen cup fakes.. • ' BRIDGEPORT, Conn. --A couple entered the emergency hospital with. a• barking dog. . . "He barks all the tirne and we can't •••sleep," they expla!ned_te a ;physleian.--- -','We want'. yoir to give him a sleeping': powder." , TheiThysician, couldn't see it.as, an emergency, and the couple left. with the, dog -still barking. , , '• LIGHTEg T,HAIN ALUM. INUIVI STRONGER THAN STEEL!! _ INTERNATIONAL :BERYLLIUM Mirslif4G SYNDICATELIMITED, FORMEB TO •ENPLCIRE .BERYLLIUM,•.:R.ESOUR,C,E8" IN CANADA PROFITS FOR INVESTORS IN TRE EARLY STAGES OF FIX PIONEER .ENTERPRISES ARE. INEVITABLE, THE BERYLLIUM INbti$TRY fN CANADA IS CAPABLE OF LARGE: gXPANSioN: . • • , INTERNATIONAL,.oggyiLtium' MiNiNe„s..ieN6ICACE .t.lmtirEp • 13,IJSTItY„, • ' ' OFFERS A GROUNLOOft OPPORTUNITY ,111S1. A , PIO.NEER *rite' Pr ,OuF Booli4ts WozrvElar MHE 'WV.IitsaU ws.* reti"zst zetso ...:TaPr?I'0,:r.eir0tA413arLyill-131 eflaAa43T,18:0°70 7 • tinsh74.3k,000.e4w1 ii*otcYhcaosliLhgiarbileli I inures, 4 ' • , . to be 4,oriniar Later 000 »E 8Z1AZ 1,:!;,eCoupOn•Below for Full rriformatin or To Place Your OOlder . . P ... , ......1. . *--; "..-. , 4...... .......1 . 1....... Lt.'. ' ••• ' , . ...• ww . . , INTERN/A-110NA'; BEitYLIUM Isill/giNG-SYNDICATE 14IMITEb. 71. BAY. 81`.ttlii.;1,l; libitOS'I'C. Tel.! Eltgln 3915. . rl E„nter my :,,rP&e,/,intion tor : . . .., ... . „.„.: . f. shares ty; 1'rt6rliational Beryllium '..Mining• Eyodiente 1.,:,td,•,' at t1,09 pot i,lerr•Y .Inclosed please find the 8iiin of '$..• „ ; :,. :,,..., • .. a 11,,,,,,, „,,„I me f,t11/ intorrriatIon, ' , NAMB.... , . *,.A))1)itIti8I3 .......,..-......• . v .. • .. • .. v. .... .4 ;!tois4i...+.. ....,4..,.„,,........ . . ... . .. .......,,,,.....„ . .. . 7c o icewomen Mint Have Good Looks Fair andidatez f.9Ir AlletraPOitan' __VOrce of London Maiit, Posies*. 'INIumher Attribute:s-,- Stank: ant of gc,IprO!o' ititsect,., • : 'C iris. with,. perfeet teeth, clear cloar oyes, "IniaK linir, slipi nnkles and 4.4rdY,• 1 who want ' 'I'hls Is tf;C:10:;-b.?COPP;1111l171;111rellellaserde. by °facials: of the London • (Elie.). Met,. • fopolitan Police, • wit°. 'e been • • .:t,11-161;CP.21117:51.141t.'iie:47'1 ;10•4reler.' engaged,:•to,' be timisrriod need: not ap- ply is only,. Single: wenion are en.i,;„ • ' • . ; •:. ' „ Theymust have. a ..i)igp or pcii6tiolf;.":, tact; . ' alertness; • and, 1111(1, tsiCeCyr;. hcahr14. i�tei and- linutt° less than 5 'feet 4 inChes: _in stecicioged-; 1'en•44'.'the ,P.44nti;1.224. ii.ohii°t1.sik';'In..er.e: 'than • a thousand' girls from uaivaisities, vicarages, hespitalS, .factories cind..shops have applied [Or, interviews' with the .3i1etropoltuto 'selection conintittee. , •. • • Out of. 1.090 applicaets Oily 21 Were - •chosen„ Common causes 01 failure; „ Were: • . • • • • • • Flat feet, eYe•troatile, fairial• deforin- ities.,',defects of •heart. or largedtonsils and 'defective steeth. . • Mahy of the • girl's giould' not pass ' the education test, as the 'standard' ' 1934, wonien attached to the Metrooitaa Police; against t3:8 phut a dozen train.: when there were only. 60: ;Mike,• • .est”*.caerepi'c'een4.1oldilliriatletfiwld4htbthe.e,Dr.elt; • Herald."' 'Because of 'this., resigna. tions fer;tharriage; any other rea.,,• son are rare," •• 'c Forty pollee w (Mien • are still • , re, ,a quired to bring the estabitshment" c4e,::.•142 the 'number s1ePlikilnon h3 ° ; , . • ESkirnorrloo aliY'ils _ca Visit,Ors to 4r.Ot2c Struck tive Eat: Effeci4y,e .Me:1.71cd3 ' •CH' SSTERFIDI:D.*. - eight otanEakitno 'cerryi*.ra child oz• hei". hick ,never fails '. to fascinate' White people "Nieiting. ithe nat1es 0• the northland for. the ,,bret time The young ,Eskinie Spends Much. ..,the. firsit year and: a hilt of his 111 ent sight of ti e' woi it ry'egesust, ini n. .0 ..ng :7fisytic d mother and • and: lookink•• ont. with '.The "artesie" In Which the baby h Carried is the standard- upper garniein for both; melt andv, treriten natires".. Made. somewhat like pi...Bever awent 'rbo tit 'en'a• .garttents are • • designed . vide apace -la Whfeli7fli-e7ba es may:. .• be. pladed. . • ,•,;• ,..,. • ; ••• Atoned' • dholiterileld, where ,t'Ae• •• len cloth but farther nintli,vihei,e, the. e the;:"artesie" is Made'. ol. 'Weal tivea long have been 'in 'Contact ,..With , , • natives are more primitIva..catilleo 'skills are •"§: • , " • .. 'Safe. and S•eitt're' : .7be baby:. alid, up , from. ,t.:micr • neath. the ,garinent -tetweba' the ' bal•e - back of the. InOther and ,the ek, 01 ; through the Inose 'neck .•,the the :"arrleaiesi,',•:„.t.t.ntil its.. head :appearsi... ' gii ili•eT,4hlotti• the 'WO Man ;ilea t: Pen 4 . . her waist •atni.'9,.the baby is .sectire. is the neck, is toosniall fot it t' lip out when ''the mother.' beads OVert, „'.. When the babies, 'a'te very ..3t9_4g. t:: ;r6:,:laiie..0 skin -,IcCeldctirth, vreort ;et; , ;bat they are' ant' Yery. Old!. when 'they by t)ie wat in thothei woik :"1"h41-iChjelt.-b4-al.1:1 The Whiner; , • es clinging 10 then backs; scrubbing. floors. arid.ileing,otii, „ .,er,'-honselteld• Work people. ' , while Abe' babies ' eitloY the scenery 11.1"1,`,11Pisr" their. 'babies withont• 'taking ' . front the garinent,'. ' • "'• •••• "Missing Links" . Among reac3 . • Durban'.Monkeirs 'Play All. Soria ` Of Pranks,Arbund Sch�ol • • Annoyed.' by the ••• tnisdeedk :of: mon-. , keYs at his, nchotill inclUding: one 1010. tlit'Oe() the...handle Of 'a tap; th the • groblitis tid had L di•Ink of, wittet-, •irle, • it. 1 Iltile, headmaster 'of .the, Stuli WOO& elerVeriitnent .qchool: itlYuchan,;, Rotith ,Africa( had tomnlaii .1 to. the 'Town, ClerkIro , . • ' allegos,,Inter 'nun,' that Tito anon- nieni ptIPIIS hinchen froth‘•, their' nclioni :bilge', "snatch fruit froin'hild roil :in: ilia ninygroulid,fait at the cifiSs, :mein wfn doW '(1111 111g .Sehoolworn,' And ,cIunl oo to the,ront of the huittling. "LaSt year t chlld was brtten Ly innbitOY;*". he Said,' ftitut aSht Wh110, • ogo teacher' ad* ,eneof them tJt ": into a..,teco with a Itnicti pad:fret, In hLf, the thild' right, Abou#k " the, te'aelier but when ;he went ii• . the Stet ff'11)611 Of ,e1i6,terteliore, 'he nigh fnuhil that it hail l'Atut 1 1ddt1 Tht inonitei had hip „ • ,