HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-16, Page 5• • • s. 'SHRSDAY; :SEPTEMBER TSH ;LUCKNQW .SENTINEL. . PAGE Figs TIPP .1 4'. icy �u a ion Qwners The 'regular Fall inspection of Stallions in the ' Province of pritario commences Sept. 27th. The Agricilltural Rep resen ative ' eacliCeunty is`arranging the route of the inspectors • his � .count" a iculturalre rese to ive' 'b S t. 2. t th for farther' details ` regarding time and places of ' s, ect'oii within the. county. �•� , , t' This ins ctiou: e� e: At other times it c, . . Ten Dollars. w � •. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.'. BON., DUNCAN MAR HALL. : JAMES B,;FAIRI3AJRN: giralite,r Delay Miniater At pries f farm commodity prices POOP/NC COSTS LESS room" than in � s9 33 nereasee in: the rice Of steel have Qom• r R' nece4eitated s; t increase is the P re • cost of metal roP Rbut it actually � . buy ate you selatty tob- 00 ely • HP :: I Roll or Tate-i'mp Y'op8netLau . today. �r.. .; . itdid in•198.9.�`: ` ... , Look attl eseflgures Bare lswbat v it cos yon in commodities. to bay � ib-Ro or t =QO �R Writeusfordetafls:orseeyomt banker. He will welcome you. Cost of i0D q. tt. Ras►t1n$ Ui. ST tllTatEDntEtrWA.it3 - -= T93 19d7 Lead on:;the 'bead positivelf ` Beef 720 lbs. 1121ba. seam 'Ili" nail hole. • A drive wheat f . 8 86. bu. 4 bn• . screw nail test holds like a Salm . :. 14 tut. :9.876 bn. bulidoa. : Barley. • •. BA bu. AO bw Bacon Hoge Nibs. 881bs So. -don't put off•$ettiug:a new • JAMESWAY POOL roof to yrotect your crops and EQUIPMENT.. liveetoek.• Get one of.Canada's 'ie. .tter-how+large-or two best rooiing,valuee . .your Sock, there is Jeme.fw�pays 1 RIIi-R011• and TIt•=LaP equipment, 'of every ,icuy •Roofing—Easy to put on right to suit tons '•needs rs,ven over "your old roof. •They save tspecialistsin incubators; van - money by cutting upkeep coat.. Writefornd poultry hoasiag. Be euro t rgettbe genuine E.s P.- Write for literature. product and . have no regrets., There are many' unsuccessful The Preston'Fortlloter imitators! Send ridge and rafter ' attached to tour. seed . drill tneaauremente for free cost , . enables you to sow •fertlliaer ead alae estimate. with your fall wheat. e; a FaiterliStL2e1Products 706Gwl Street imr.Ped Pichia -last PRESTON, NTARIO' MONTREAL sad.TORONTO • WHITECHURCH Mr. and! !Mrs.. Albert? McQulllin, spent 'Sunday with Mr. ,and. Mrs• • Ben Naylor. • a Mr: and Mrs. $ugh. McMillan of Detroit. visited 'recently with his .'bro- thers. Messrs. Patrick and Jack Mc- Millan c-Millan, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bowden and little son James, and Mra. Alex Leitch, of Detroit. visited recently with Mrs. David i li and other relatives. . _._ G 1 s Mrs.:' Elizabeth 'Bolt of Lucknow,. visited, .on• Tuesday with, 'her cousin, 1Vliss ' Annie Kennedy, whose birth - '.days wero ,the same day. Mrs. James Ms,. n c borne o ''Goderfch s. .r Iia: r �``� is spending:.a, few; days• • ; with, her mother, Mrs. David Kennedy, who is ill. We hope for" an early 'recovery.: -Y Mrs. David, Gillies 'spent Sunday with Mrs. 'Duncan Me'Donald son, the ' , Waste . • Lett tt:'attended` the.. fen-. ,1VIrt • era on Saturday. of, his brother+ Mr George Lott . of Wingham ',Hes .was buried in Brussels cemetery. This 'community . extends': sympathy to the bereaved relatives. Messrs.: Peter Kennedy, Allan Mc-. Charles,; Alfred Patterson and Walter Myers, attended London Fair on Tuesday of this. week. e r - ANDREW ' E. ROBINSON LAJI ES. a � and' .GENTL);1VIEN -=I, 'should like to ,call . Upon' • you all *Person' during the cainpaign, but.. as the 'time. is shM- ited, I, shall not' be. able, .to do so. I' therefore take this means •_.of- intr'oduciiig Myself and • soliciting your suppoi..t.. I ani ' opposed. to the 'Hepburn. Government fol . several' reasons the chief of •• . ' which are • . *'wholesale g'' dgtriliution of Beer :parlors.' and forcing : them, unnecessarily if ,not illegally, 'on••pIaces; that, were .under -The Canada Temperance . Act,; •;l �: • 2. Ilii' passage' of an. Act, .opposed by';many -of his own •fol- lowers, which • diverted taxes from public to. • separate 'schools.. w is a'ct• he repealed'. After-l:ood-winking, public, school. sup • i rs t whorn he has r ` h �•' ti�a ed sc, -rate •school 'suppo to o , ., teas, c be, Y p _ .:.. . ,C en another' promise .to dosit in some other way,. Can • y you 'trust him, 'no matter which group you belong to. [ 3, i.' attitude "toward labour. I am - in agreement with Honourable, Earl • Rowe that labour :'has the right to collective'. : 'bargaining and to the selection of; its own, association.• I am as ,'much opposed to• lawlessness Al the Hon.' Mr. Hepburn, and • I . wish to ••iio'nt .out that • if "Lewis, . and L'awlessness:" have i made inroads, n Ontario it was while Mr. Hepburn was•'Premier•. T: ere' are -nu ny other things which I hope to discuss pub • lcly• with the Elector's. My desire .is for a clean campaign and. i' .Sall trY to . lecke it. so In conclusion, ,.let me, say', that'' my • , ,1nt-t fat is Lahti1 the farming' toi tine:tity, except for three. ands ; +., k 1 i '17'44 4 ` tv'ai j . was 'iti the army,' I. have worked a .farm :i-nr1 sh 11• Sot:thie:M stO do so, 'no; mutter how the election turns' . , , • lours 'sincerely, ►ew E1' '•Robinsons Ilif:I'CAL CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE. BOUNDARY WEST The`"Septemher, 'meeting of the U. F.W.O.. will be; 'held at the home of Mrs. Albert .Cook. on .Tuesday, teinber 21st„. Roll call •Pickle•„recipe program com.-Mrs. O.''MacCharles, Mrs. Jack ;Jlamilton; papers—Misses Rhods' Cook'and 'Mary There e will ' also be a ten cent • tea. ' Bring lunch as usual: Mr. and Mrs. James Richards frons Flesherton were ,',wee ',week -end visitors with Mr.' and 'Mrs. Richards. , Mrs., A. Miller he not as well ` as - her . _many:- friends would like. • Mr. and . Mrs., George T•waniley were week=end visitors ;with Mr. k and Wm. Kempton: ; Recent visitors NO Mr, and Mrs. Albert Cook, were Mr. and ' Mrs., Deere ; ;f rorn Auburn', . and' Mrs .and Mrs. Wm. • Robb,"and'• Olive- Robb of Lucknow: , , • Dr J. • Ovens and Mrs. Ovens and son of Chicago, visited at Mr. Sam Emerson's last week. Mr., and Mrs. John McFadgen Tiverton • and ' Miss' Beth Walsh tjrerlC"Sunday at Mr ' Will Welsh's.' Mr ,Kenneth„Robertson is spending a few' days at Mi•.. Goldwin Huston's: Andrea Emerson :,received;. Word' that her brother Mr. Al.Steil ing of p.c. had passed away., The sympathy of the community is exten Jed to the bereaved ones Mr.: and • Mrs. Albert Scott spent' Sunday at Mr:” Malcolm Lane's ” Mr. Frank Currie spent the week- end at his home here:: Mr. 'and. Mrs Arthur Heemer of. :Marlette, Mich., visited at Jack Em'- erson's recently' • Mr. and. Mrs Donald McFarlane and babe spent the weekend visiting. the latter''s ,Sister at Creemore. OLIVET'' • 140LY>#OO.DI :Mrs Rachel "Culbert, Eire and Lorne and Mrs. _Jame Baker were recent visitors at V Wm Eadie's;'.` Mr. and 'Mrs. Harvey., ;,Ackert, and; son Clarence .of Kincardine, spent the week -end at Mr. Ernest Ackert's. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris and; Mrs. Thos. Harris, spent' Sunday `with' Kincardine friends , • Miss Gertrude iramilton of Clifford spent' the :weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Andrew Hamilton. Miss Ross. of Regina is visiting at present with Miss. Margaret Mac - os • LOUGH .C,,ox� has returned ' to: Miss': M. iY Guelph,• after, spending her; holidays, :at' het home here,: ' , Mr; ' Albert Bell of, Buffalo,: visited last `week: ;with his parents, Mr. and LMrs H. Veil: `d Mr: and Mia. '. Art Graham' .'and Mr. and Mrs. A. Haldenby, were Sunday , visitors, with Walkerton friends ' • Mr and, Mrs. Harold Coprsey' and: daughters Margaret. and Jean, Mrs. Jno. Coursey and:. •Mr'.; Dick Neil; of Lucan, •visited,- on Sunday at . W. Boyle's. • - Mrs. H. Graham was called 'to Lis towel lasts; week,; owing, to the serious 'Mrs 'M. J illness of her daughter, , hn- o Ston..• Mr: and Mrs;' Jas Ensil have re- ttirned toChapleau after spending a few days with Mrs. F. A Blackwell: Mr • and Mrs. 11 . Pettipiece Of Whitechurch, were Sunday :visitors at Mr. 1', ` Pinnell's. Mrs P. McMullen of Toronto spent a few ; days last: week -.with Mrs. M. McLean. 'The' school was -closed last week,. awing to , the illness 'di the 'teacher, 'Vf iss; Jean ;.,Anderson. :. •' • Rev. Benson. Cox Nasi returned : to, New' York; after • holidaying• . at his home, Con..' 10. ' A.• number from, here' attended the fiftieth wedding :anniversary ,of Mr. and Mrs.;. 1f. Pinnell, ;Con: 10; Culross. I,,ANCSIIIE, Mr. Paul Hawking,; who has epent several weeks, with Mr. and' Mrs. W; Scott returned last week to' his home. in Indianna. ' •Miss: . Grace. Richardson of, : Pine. River .spent Sunday with her parents Mr.' and Mrs. J. Richardson,; Mr. and Mrs. Don. Cameron' of New York, • Mrs, John -Griffin, Mrs. N: Taylor•„ and Eleanor 'of Toronto, pent last ' week with. Mr. and, Mrs. J, B. Morrison.- Mr. J. ?frown is these days completing' his chopping ,mill and ex ?eset- ::within�.;s days ;to_:have'. it p s,c,ktry rri>T"•aL•�=fa..,....i+,:•s>.� r :a' d is 'ol Johnston ` of :. M .. •n Mrs. I r, ,d, ,.n .ucknow, , spent the" Week -end .with' ,.Mr. and', Mrs,.. Wm. :Conn: •' The Whitechurch.•,Womens • Insti-` t1 d u ': el these Se tember meeting :at. ,. the. • home of ' Mrs. Lance ,'Grain.' The roll, call was.- answered by'' "Historic: spot m Your own CountfiY The paper. "How best tii..preservl, the`.records'Eof our Pio, deers;'' was by, 'Mrs' A.', Purdon.:,;•,The Grandmothers'.picture display' created much interest.. The cotest sewing' on o patch,: for the grandmothers, :wae wonby Mrs. ',B..• Naylor. The delegate to the convert tion held at.Harriston this week4'was Mrs..' 1. Naylor. • Mr.. and •Mrs. Pery, :Pennington wi andth :faMrmily .Wend, of `Culross, elTaylor spent Sunday .4th; CON., 'KINLO.SS, • rs raBurgher and Mr.;.and M, F nk B , g Mr.: and Mrs. Joe ` Burgher . of ,. Los Angeles, 'are Visiting with M r, I and Mrs. Dan• McKinnon 6th eon. Miss Katherine' Campbell : of Kin- cardine spent' the•, week -end at her home, • Miss. Elizabeth Robinson, .returned home from Detroit and was accom :paned: back by •Mra`: R. Snelgrove; w k=end ere. who spent the , ee ,, ` the1. ` eedl o can't thread hi fi e m : 9 't : .I h. d ., Why, son? • • Well,. every time 1 •get the thread near th'e eye': it 'blinks. . fpecia/ Bargain EXCURSIONS t - ...from all, Stations 'In ':Eastern; Canada GOiNG DAILY -7, SEPT. 18 •. r OCT - - ' Return Limftm 45 days 11'ICKETSe GOOD, iN,;, 9cuAssirs at fires irm4 t.Iy is t,. wK• J 2 - 4t �,�• ..w„ `.444;4Y"Y r . ,.. Y . ,K, ;hc -'.'.ilii. , •...... ✓,:STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at'fame .pproximetetylYecpar =Sc. •" COST 'OF ACCOMMODATION IN SLEEPING CARS ADDITIONAL • • sr.sess. •. BAGGAGE, Ch .rod.: "s atP Arthur. Asmats t toyws. ° , .. t .;.. ora. Chicano sad 1► ' '' ARM. Gar iaww iaw.t rssnstltit.as, ssQ aJi.iatonasltor ASA POR''8.tiyD ab -safe. BTtl�. CANADIAN i NATIONAL 'GODEItICH DROPS' OUT COLTS IN. PLAYDOWNS Chealey and; Penetang met yester day in the 3rd and final. game of the first round of •the playdown3. Chesley won the first game with ,Cee. Wilcox. entering the Hall, of Fame by pitch- ing a no-hitter to shut Penetang' out' 6 to„ 0. Wilcox received brilliant sup - Pert and only Penetangs to reach• first base, were four; who received Walks' and one \whogot in front of. a pitched hall. Penetanghad no difficul ty. with Wilcox in the. second .gamer and yes erdays battle wilI tellthe tale.' DEM,O NSTRATING, 'SCOTCH EEL. : . ._. ROMAN 'FALLS.' BREAKS ' WRIST Demonstrating '.the: intricate -steps' of the, Scotch' reel :at a, dance follow- ing her daughters, wedding, Mrs; Ala 1 Maelver ` i e fell and i of. RpIY fractured� her ,;" ght wrist as sre' threw 'out:her ar " tobreak- the fall after she slipped.. Goderich ball team has 'dropped out of the Huron -Perth League •to end a very hectic 'season. After God- .erich 'had entered this independent:.. - league, Lucknow -signed up several players who wanted to play vt'ith the local club in 0.B.A.A.. play; idow :ever it wasn't 'long until the Goder ich management ,attempted to get . a • bye , in , the, 0.B.A.A: ' and sought the, release of these players. As theY ..,. could not 'play 0.B.A:A. ball: with 'their home. •town this season , after ; signing.` with •Lucknow the local club' didn't ;grant these', releases. '• A short time. later,' however,' when the local `club had prospects of mak. ing the` playoffs;, some of the Gorier ich, boys personally requested their - releases, which ;was• :one.•of the .mai t factors :in. Lucknow ,dropping.. out' of , r a rac th , B c League. e e u.e g e Goderich since then has ieontinue d in the Huron -Perth league until"last 'week; when a disagreement ,Over al leg' ed loose n1 nagement: • of .:.,,•the Ie ue resulted in .them dro in : out. ag Pp g The W.M.S..met-•at-the =home _-;of 1Vir- "Jas MacTavish on Tuesday -rid= `� ernoon; or'"theirr lar—Monthly- _meeting. Mrs.: John•;Colling - presided and ,opened' .the , 'Meeting with a; hymn, followed by the Lord's; prayer :in unison. The roll call "was answered by •a verse of scripture Mrs. W. J. Roulstan 'read the `devotional leaflet Mrs. Ross' SBlack"'gave readings from '•the "Missionary monthly, A temper- aiice •reading'was given by 'Mrs; W. S. McGuire andMrs. H. ,Vogan ',took• the chapter ,from" the Study. book. Mrs. Wm. Steele of Pine River :fav-. oured the meeting with a solo "Dear Lord, •.Forgive", accompanying 'her-, self' on' the guitar.:. Mrs `Alex Mace Tavish'clo ed the meeting •with pray` er. A ,dainty',,,lunch 'was .served by. the hostess. ' ' Miss • Patsy Lever has returned home ;after 'spending "a few'. weeks of the holidays with her 'aunt, Mrs. Jos. Harrington of Palmerston .,Mrs. ''Jos. 'Ceiling'ris at present Vis- iting her 'daughter; • Mrs. T. .c- Wil-, kinson::.of ,Fingal Mr.; Ernest MacTavish has: returned to his home -in„London. after spend- ing the• holidays''with friends hi :the community. Mrs., W. S. McGuire has returned home after a visit' with, her^•'cousin,' --Mrs.-Henry H -owe -of Mitchell. HURON AND KINLOSS s TELEPHONE SYSTEM September' 13; 1937 ' The Commissioners of the Huron and :Kinloss' "'Municipal Telephone ,System` met, in the Secretary's ' Ofrice on the ' above date at 2.30 p.m. John. W. Colwell in ` 'the chair. Members were all, present Moved by 'Dan D. McDonald, sec- onded by Neil McKay that the min 'utes or last meeting be adopted : `as [read a Carried) • I : ' Moved b�'. _ Neil. McKay, ;, eeeOnded by' Dan D. McDonald that the fellow ing accounts be paid;+ Matt. Gemmell, salary : $100.00, operation $35.00;. ,Ripley :Hydro,.. account $5.80; Control-. tler;,of Revenue, tax, $27.07; .Bell` Tel. ephone, ,July tolls - $70.20, ..August tolls $7140• Listowel Transport,'cart- age $5.58 • 11. 11. 'Mitchell, freigt and cartage $15.68; 'Harold Emmerton,, Wages ; $3L50,.$24.75; Duncan McLeod, wages $28.00, $22.00; John MacLean, wages $15.0(1; Francis ;' Gemmell, wages $35.00,,$27.50, use ,of, car $22.- 45, $12.50; W. J: Lane, 'Salairy Aug - est .$135.00,, stationery, 47c: Northern Electric mdse $128:64;” Stromberg Carlson Co., 'mdse: $269.08; Bill Mc-. Lean,' cartage & labor $13,75;' Archie McFarlane, poles $122.50; Canadian Independent. 'Telephone Association, membership . $15.00—(Carried.)', Meeting then adjourned ' to ' meet again on. October 9th; 1937. '' R. H. •Martyn, Secretary, • Fanner: I miss the old cuspidor mice it's, gone. Wife. You missed it before then;.. that's wh3 it's gone. • II If 'it hadn't been for a foo �;lhardy, reckless, criminal 'driver this accident would have: been 'avoided. ,As . it is,; one , victim wastaken. �hrect fo an.• -undertaker's :Parlours and two to ' a h'ospital., 'the driver who caused it is hopelessly elesslY.crippled,,for the rest of:hie life. : OU 'LL : BE,1N TRO,�UILE IF '' OII .:DISREGARD; ,TIDE , LAWS ,. '.: • .:, •.. . .' • • • gid` highways, �.� • :' .:. .. If -....you are a reckless driver ; travelling the `Ontario hicutting in, passing on curves and ;hills, endangering the lives of others, you will find' •trouble. The a allin •. death;toll must stop—and you yourself in serious ph g ..:. p _ Y who are responsible ' for it will ' be put off the road! A thousand , eyes • are watching you; so be forewarned 1 Ontario' /Motorists Will Coy -o erate pWhen you See a motorist driving in a manner dangeroua'to the blic; take .his number, make a careful note of the actual time :'• and pieces rind when. youreach, your destination write to the ' Motor Vehles Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto, giving, i'nlf deta►ld. We do not invite 'reports of minor infringements • of , the true lalwa, You are: requested to use 'sound judgment. ' We till deal. isdegliately with Offenders. • •