HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-09, Page 8=on TEE LUCKNOW SENTINEL:, K CAL andGENERAL. ` 1&lsa' M Ross of Regina, isvisiting' et J. McPherson s, • Mr, and Mrs V. S. Durnin •of Oakville; .spent the week -end with, Lucknow friends. ' Mr,: Levi' Carter ha$I Purchased qt 50 -acre farm on the 6th con,. lot 5, from Mr. Peter Carter,' Mr, and Mrs • George D. Stockham of •Detroit were week end visitors. zth hlr, ilex MVlacDiarmid It `ll .,4 iie4 li.a6...... - ,. in McCharles Grocery, „And ti ommen. Mr. Adam McQueen. is attending .in the •north.' Doug., has chard a r'" the, ,Toronto, exhibition this week.'. Mr. third ro 4- in. Powassan school cr it.} ; McQueen has not missed the C. N.E.Jim:• teaching at Matheson, in over thirty. years, I! LOOK OVER our New Fa..1 it .regret. to.'learn of:the Samples of ;Suitings• ,and Overcoat Friends will • e illnessf Mrs Thomas Aitch i ings ' made to -measure. Any :style yo,i seriuos , . l o ., - , .. Pon,, who 'has • been • go nSned to bed. wish,,. tailored' strictly up -t) date,- for' more than a week. • , .TEMPLE .CLARKS.. ' • � ••� •a,. 'Recent• •visitors at. "the 1>fomie of• Mi e beadmeeting of the; W ane• a. pte#b I , •Andrew'; et Mrs a men's. Institute•will-be..heldLat the- and , Mrs; W. 0.o oto M►.. a,ri, Mr: Pete Carter,;Jr., ihapiirehaSed from Mr. -Peter Carter Sr.'. ,' with her Siete!, Mrs. Hamilton•Cilittan and Mr. •Clutton Ccilborne; There remains little change in the candition of 'Mrs. John Button, who for some time has been quite . Toronto were visitors last week. with • Jim Stewart of the lake freighter, last wpek! while his boat •;,as in pert'. Doug. Clarke and' Jilin' Henderson. Mrs.' Congram s residence, until re- • daY at, 2,30 p!clpek; Note Change of Mrs, 'Silas Brush. ef Schmid..: Mr..—and 'Mrs• Oliver 'Tremain,, Mr.. Will Tremain and three sons, and Mrs., Alpert Tremain of A'rthur,, vis. lied . at the home 01..the latter's:• dau• 'ghtor; Mrs. J. C. Campbell and Mr. the,viilage. • .Wingliain• laSt Week. First Place Went. Verna -Steward', ,ancl.. Arlene Jewitt eomPleted the', Pavement. " and. MrS. 'Ed.:Franks' an& son that wits taid i$ <new open, tOruffie, „ Corden, Mr...TOM:is Of .Hainilton%and .'.11•1r. Ed, Snider of Detroit, -• wiks Miss Doris, Takryor of Clinten, were "week -end Visitor, With Mrs. week=end viSitors with, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cameron and on' hie 'return mary McKim; wlio .lias quite 'children, Who.'have. spirit 'the summer seccessfUlly concluded her education with, her parents. , at the local High School, recently Mr. and Mrs. -Jitek Leith and fam- commenced a course .at Shaw's Bus- ily moved last week frem the -Mur- doch residence •on 'Havelock . Donovan, visited at his home ere iness .-,College. Toronto. • Campbell,; on S}u�nday.' MeeMa. ter Tonuriy - Bur'ns. who Bass tet the ` summer here with his. grandparents, Was put aboard . a train in Chicago on'Monday night, on the last'Iap or his return journey to hie home in Los Angeles.' • (� Mr, and. Mrs.:Watt of Vancouver'' Mit, Stanley Burns of Toronto ani'' •Mr. Thomas Dougl a of Ottaiwa, ii,hs. Thomas Burns,• Mr.Douglas remained 'fora few • days, to renew acquaintaneea here Attend Gold n -Wedding; Mr§ • Janes Forater arid Jean;. spent`, the week -end in:' Palmerston,:. with; =Mr. 'and Mrs 'Cecil Forster and eon Jimmy` .and' accompanied them ! to. Guelph: on Monday,' *here 'they at;- tended the 50th wedding' anniversary of . Mr. and•Mrs.; .Alex• Morton.; Mrs. Morton . is: a sister of Mrs. Forster, BftcytHER.: OF' MRS. :1111URDIE DIED • IN SEAFORTH, THURSDAY The ,death oecuyrecl in Seed Mem- orial Hospital, on Thursday morning e Ontario Election, October NOTICE OF SITTINGS 00 • REVISING OFFICERS . TAKE OTICE ' let ,t111 slt ings o t e Revising Officers for the purpose 'of hearing complain! s by aoTieals '•vith regard to the Voters' Lists to • "be .used at the pending election of a member of the' Legislative Assembly for eaCh of the pectoral Districts of Huron -Bruce. ifid----Huron, will •• , be held for the respective municipalities in said Districts,' at the following timee and placei, m ntioned in the schedule below, with the names of the Clerk of the Revising ,Cifficer for each Manteipality, and the last date for making compl lints or•appeals to .the said. Clerk. , MUNIPIPALITt Date of Sitting . Brussels Village; : 9th Huron 'Township ' , 10th RiPley ,Village ". 15th Culrosi Township 16th . ' Village " 21st Ashfield 'Toinship, .SEPT. 8th Suther Mar* of swam,. a lite long resiclent ';•,the town, and for izens; aS wen as one of tne Most. *idelY 'Town men, in Westent.P47' .1906, Mr. Sutherland was, nnited with' a family of one 'son ald one 'daughter, Mr. Slitherland of !Seaforth,„ and Miss' Anne -Sutherland, Lucknow, aod:Miss Margaret Suther- land of Laudon. - '÷' ."....10143 ''' :... "J"a,l) 'TV:Ile"! F,9;ing_lieP . * ' * ' aril... 'Tj.°9:91ni! ;tell'. Brussele.,-., " . -........-.2 0.0.-P.M..-4.:.a.,:',Ls.'1?inrwiaLvibm:R.11.2iith:k.._7„.... ,:: ".i:,:,'.,,,,61tth .. J hnl'iitoni7ha0;nce7,' • .ivii-71-d-MOV.7:-1,0..00 a: :in' .,---t.17''''.:44....- Atoo. 1: "1".• • Township Hill; Ashfield , .2.00' " E. McDonagh, LucknoW NO. 3 ..-.SEPT: 4th Township Hall, West _Wawanosh ;.; 2.00 ": Login:IOW " " " -9th Township Hall, Ilolyrood 2:00 ". Lane, R. R. No. 2, Holyrood " '1.4th MUNICIPALITY `, Hallett Township gth Seitfortli Town • 14th, Exeter .Village ", 15th Henson " 16th • Clinton Town " 17th Goderich, Town 21st iHURON. By His Honour Judge Costello •; PIACES"'OP"SITTIN. G Time -of -'Sitting Clerk of Revising 011icer Lastday for complaints _ ownship Rall. urich' 10'00 a.m. tt F • 'Hess, Zurich :,...;..• • ' SEPT . 6th Community Hall, Londesboro��- '2.00 .m. _. J ►es W. McCool; L-ondesboro Carnegie LibraryHall, Seaforth•, .` 2.00 I John McNay;- Seaforth, No. 2 " '' 8th Township.Hall, Varna _ „ • 2.00 C C. Pilgrim, ;Varna ..... .. " 3rd Township.. Hall,' . Crediton .. 2;00 " H If.' Silber, Crediton " '9th • Walker:'.s Hall, Brucefield„ 200 `'" '1)•'F. M'eGregor•° Seaforth Ne'4 "' 4th Township Hall, Elimville • 10 00 a m .. A W 'Morgan, Hensall, No. 1 " " 7th Town Hall, Seaforth ', _ 10 00 "- D:. H.' Wilson;, Seaforth " • 11th Village Hall,; Exeter ,10 0Q ' •` Joseph Senior, ''Exeter • " 1.1th Town • Hall, Hensall 10 00" _James ..James A . Paterson.,. Hensall , ,. . ,_ , " . .13th HHall Clinton _ ; . _�- ,-10:00• Spm: R. E. Manning, Clinton ". 14th' olmes' Hall, '; Hol nesville G: Thompson Clinton " '15th :Court'House, .Goderich.......:-...,-10,30 " _ . L. L. Knox,.Goderich • " ;.16 Court House,,''Goderich .L 10.00 _, L. L. Knox, Goderich 17th` Ty0§SEgSES, OVER •• THREE- HUNDRED ,TEARS: OLD "new possession .Of'S yerY a present, nine years . Mr: has discovered -lahel :„Within. the vialin. which. reads: This • violin is one hundred - years. 'elder: thin - one owned :by G: A. Schitte of. Whigham whose violin is Similar to 'One of a" col- : lectiOn, in the United Stites,. which worth mony thousand II age cOunts for anything,* may Yet he' diecoVered 'that mr. MeNall'n, Violin is an extremely valuable possession. Come URSD4Y,. ;SEPTEMBER; 9, 19,7. ,:and: WINTER • laripeO. rink and, Blue Borders. No Adynnce" in Price. POW COOLER DAYS,PURE WOOL4ULLOYERS • high Beck. ES -4114 jrAMIp''. A spetial session of the legislature to deal with farm relief :problems immediately after the electinn. at ep urn Nailing! lie Said : "The. fariners niust stand on their ovnt feet." 'Help in improving livestock, grants to help agricsiltorn, • Goderich ToWn _SEPT. ‘20th Court* !amuse, Goclerich 8.00 p.m............L L. Knox, Godench , SEPT. 16th . Goderich Town • , '• " '21st Court' -House, Goderich 8 00 - " L L Knox,- Goderich ," 17th /What Hepburn Did: ' He wiped out the Farm Loan Board—stopped bOnuses for pUre• sires and grants to junioce judging'. competitions cut off $300.000 grants made by the previous government to aid the farmer. 's , - - -- -., ' .Wider markets and better marketing faciliOis., s. He closed the marketing agencies at Montreal. Ilifinnipig and ' In the ' Maritimes-.-eloied OntOrio HOnse in London, England, which had created , 'markets thereby inCreasing,Ontari6 farmers' annUal blame by $18,000,00k• : ' A string Of ,colci storage warehon.ses Ontario, fir the benefit of the. What Hepburn Did: Ali prson's .•arr0 Called 'tipon to', eiiinine :the Voters' Lista 'ito, odeertaiii that their nainia are correctly ' entered .therein. . . . AND' ,FURTHER. TAKE .Nt•YrICE , that 'the' liSt to . be,' sb ievised' is. Part I and III' of the Yoters'.' List Prepared 'for :the. above, ineotioned • . AND FURTHER, TAKE NOTICE that ' any voter. in any of. the said municipa i les.. w o sires . to' tomplain that. his name or . e name • .. , of a ny. '' person entitled ' to', be ',entered on the said hit . for , that *municipality. hail been omitted from . the seine, or. that the nanies .of any persons ' ,Who. -are •not•- 'entitle& to -he *..oters . have-% been entered.'" thereon,,may „as obeve . set out aPply, complain or appeal. to 'hive hiS ' lire Or the nome ' . ' AND FiJRTil ER TAKE ; N OTIdE • that. suCh espeeis' niest 'be 'bY•• notice. •in 'virititig in. the Prescribed. . ferM ' (in. iiiiplieate) ogned .e'by tho •• ComPlainarit, and given to . the, Clerk. of the Revising .0fficer , pr• left for him •at hia. nehlresa as' stated aboye, , . , ' : • •• ' • The li t of vOters play be seep iitt the. Office of'. the Clerica, of the ,Re,visiiig.,OPfibe..r-,iyi esen, ninnicipa i ,y as a ove, . ,,, ., . ...r.;• !4•1° .C°051iTaiigr.ljntifri (Pr', th'e Elec'tion laiiard of i.tht CountY of Maori , Dated at Godwrich the 30th day. of Augast, ;A.D., 1937. •• colleeted,in-taxation.80% more than Wai collected in;the last year 'the' corsaeriastive 'of *hick, farmers .pai4 tiieir share. `° f at. Rs' Sauce fox -tile Goose .1...:Is Sauce for tho Gander tothe farmer "you must stand on your , 6inwriagrife'cti'turanadtwboaglisestt!illige owffas$.31:MassIQR on a bonus to Sir James Dunn of 'the lik mint of the taxPayers' money." Agriculture '.and industry are both. vitally necessary to the prosperity and welfare of the Canadian: people. The' farmer . says, however. ` that ;whatia_ sauce ' forthe goose is sauce for• the gander .:why take • away. our bonus to bonus Sir:; James Dunnr' rus SE 'issued by eatiipaillti Commit*, (it th• Lib•tab:Consarvativ• Parer of 0.•tatio. • optoo*.;t:•:*iiit.b.c.••••* o.- • 0.04S ale