HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-09, Page 5, THUR'SDAY,, SF,i'TEi1XBEtt`'�, 1�J3;71, : • • TIE IIJCKNOW ;SENTINEL Show Starts. At 8 •P'M.: ri ri Sat1,Sept19-10-1 -5I EC. A I, -- :, g• ay +$8104: �`" D r ♦ N n rr\ - c. •,�,'x2: +:• N "/ M1?•Mp�••„}Y,, .OTo.L TI • td. loveto the Gove bit i' i• u'. • • • ' �. ME V -Y -N DOUfr A screen" p.uc Lp Sidney 'uchnrett Tliomu; D1Itc6e11 :,"i'Lunro. null Itgplina Kettb- . Sp*ins Byingtoei Dirc'eted bp ; ItjcLard llotcelawaki A. COLUI17T3IA 'PICTURE AN ' INTRIGUING'LY DIFFERENT COMEDY. FULL OF • FUN lI• ALSO A SCRAPPY ,CARTOON 'ANI) 'SCREEN• SN '"I'SIIOTS DUETS'"35ic A.DriTISSION ed. -Sept. -Sept. NORMA SHEARER LESLIE • HOWARD 0 and 'JULIET'r ;+ ,THE AiMORTAL SI1AK SPEAI,.EAN; DRAMA PRESENTED ON:. THE SCREEN. INA MANN'ER WORTHY OF PRAT' ALSU' `1'If•E :LOUIS I;RA'DDOCK "P1G%IT ,. .(With ,l'arts In Slow W. Motion) CHILDREN. UNDER 16 YEARS.OF AGE WILL NOT' BE A°D- ;WITTED TO THE SHOW. UN. T,IL FURTHER. NOTIFICATION. ANDREW IL ROI;INSON �+:S.•and G PNTTi,;�ILuPx:•-r�I should •lik e'o call u on yon •all.personall'•'during the' campaign; but as the •time is lint'.'; hall not -be able to do.•»so, 7 , thereifor .'ta:e 'this meairs• 'ted, iS ,.n. . r ,:.. Y„ i ..i rt 'I'`atn- ti o5e l anti .s ilicilam au) supt.o. 1?P cl: H f introducing'Sic scl S t, �' o Y to the 1c>bu rn '.Government . (r.s e b fil rc d son g 'the �h ef o . which are:, 7 . • vho1csal , "distributi+�n of beer;Parlors and. forcing . 1. His • '' • them': 'unnecessarily i:l,.not •illegrl,iy, on lila,ces .that Were tin et The, Caniida•,Temper'itnee Act. •• ss�t+ f car Act Opposed by Batty -of hts•.owsi col. "' 2, Iris 'pa S f,e 'ti. .. , , , l . rted'tascs fr'oni public to' separate •:scl sols.. lowers,- wltleh ch�,e I ,T Y's'. act he repettleclh, . After' hcvod-}sinking, public sc)obl;. )stip` `e' + 'a i e trate school sup porters, to ivliom•he had?;;. 1 m S, 17'E. lictiaycd p 1,. �, • • how;ti4er given anther iirom'tse to do it in some either • way, G"att Youtrust, him, iioI matter which , group you :•be1oilg: to, at rti to»sari' lal'oui;• 1 ,art'• iii pgroemen't . with • � ,.Elis � .t..idt. , . ..•_ .. •, I-Tonourable' Hari Ro.ii»e:•that 1irl.ol.tr; haS the right to collective r Y selection of it% oivii..association, I am,as • bat'ttainml, .iitrl 'to •the 'so 1 .. • a i, .., •._ iepburn, and I, : much• opl osed' to la lessneas as the. Ioii. ., i i ,> -wish to point out Kole' "'hat if Lew�ih , anti Lawlessness have. made inroads in Ontario rt while Mr. I•Iepburn was Pr'enirer: 'rt' - 'l liege• oremany, 'o.tliel things which l . ;hope to• discuss pubs' lively with ,the. Electors. My desire is for o,, clean canrpaign, and t, '�.II try .t.t •drake it so i'ti conclusion,: let me 'say that my i,�i` �t1YSt g °i t wit;h ilio ritrini .'ea;innuliity, except for' thj'ee and" ,,r�y t 7s' 'ii :tbc. • aria . T have worked a • farm, • d? IY' ;IT; . "r .4 t Y„it l� �V lits .t J> Y�. �m rnti.tutue.;• to do s�'r 11d matter htti tlie',eluCtiatii. tUr'iis' • , t t 4 • Yours siiicetely, Andrew .E obrrson' 11111 IAL-COi SSI' li'V'A'l'1VE . CANDIDATE W,EDD,1<'NG.E • """ M • {Continued from .Page 1) iss Olive Kilpatrick of Mafekirig, attended by ' Miss Ella Hunter, sister 1r, Fred{ Anderson of 'Auburn were .of the bridegroom,, who. was gowned guests of • Mr. and Mrs. • Gordon Kirk -in black satin. with white trimmings' land this 'week.and alsg, carried. crimson carnations '' Miss, Elleda Hunter spent Sunday with :Fern. The bridegroom; was sup-; 'ttternoon.with: her friend,, Miss Hilda: ported by his: cousin,; William ,Taunter, Reid of •Pine '(fiver. of Ashfield.• Visitors with Mr. and Miss. Rctbt. Following the ceremony,..the bridal Andrew over the week -end- were Mr:.party .eturne,d to the home of the; and' Mrs Edmund Gardner and +Scot bride's,. parents, where a wedding Montgomey of Windsor. and Ml and supper was served, .with the 'grand; Mrs Silas Brush of Harron parents `and a few `Immediate rela- ' , Best wishes; are • extended .to the tines_ present. The table was centred. ne"w1ytveds-y,Mrf and; ''Mrs . 'Elmer .with the Iarge, ',veddtng calve and; a Wail, Mr, and Mrs Vernon Hunter, pretty color scheme of ,pink: and White I AWL apd. 1 . I d and G 4.q.Or -,,X . - � osoi ,.7.1 . sr.�„"�.l�h a, .,.... .,e .» ,i F,•. £Uig', 4ti"n'ra ituaerstrrt yr -Viii a.Ucn0It''sti•eamers 'Ih�p en iii house was' ai "" spent a few days; dist week with Mr •;,pr ofus an of =flog ers, In the evbning I. 'a pd MTS.. Fred Anderson:. " • ° .' a reception . yra, held at the. • bride's 'Week -end' visitors with Mr. an h , orne `' the .guests' numbering about' 55 Mrs W. T • Gardner•. were` Mr. anis bang' :received by the bride`s mother) i . NIrs. J'oe, Freeman and family of Lees., f" lac •:cr ' h r ow o k e wit whowoeag n„ b pe '. u'rn, Mrs.. Andrew McKague and ' tri nmin10;1.! a ., cut . velvet.,.. _ . g and. , corsage` . .daughter"Jean;,. Messrs...)}"m, ;Ken and boo ret of'''' napdragon : i Miss` 'Ella " ,Jack Mcha ue ;of •Teeswate; Mr, § ' ° a ,• g 'nter rrn Flier bridesnrat � n "of' c .f r .Gardo'i: ii:iti......, ?Wil Y, , ,••,.4i .w and Mrs. D,avid,. Rit,h_e,�.M.. 4 black 'satin"with- white' and. 4i•!) corsa e.' and Misses Jean and Florence Ritchie• of •Teeswater, of snapdragons,; 'received. 'with, . her. f Teesose attending Lucknow High,' The ,evening was pleasantly spent School this week from 'Zion include, with social intercourse; music and S is KathleenGibson Lorna' heed' `songs :, with ,. guitar apient of» Misses ,,, Kathleen_ ' Gardner Nllen'°• Andrews The. iful was the recipient of Messrs: Lane 'Gardner, Eldon Ritchie' beauti f 1 and teeuab'e gifts, expres •'ind' Jimmie. Hunters s ve o the: ea , m 'n which she is Miss "Elleda . Hunter began. her held. Guests vi :G present frim Ton, duties- as teacher at Union; S: •S. l?o: Ambe leci{and� other.rl lass. Mr, and 14, . Waw,anosh .on,'1'ti Y p, M . n y• •Mi s..hiunter •' left: later•' 'by •motor, 1. Mr and Mrs. Gordon:. Kirkland and amid the good wishes of all, and "af ;, .Mr., and. Mrs:.Isaac Andrew,;. visited �Ir, .and Mis.• S. J. Kilpatrick • of • 'ter a ;short honeython spent at Nia mafeking: on Sunday. .;. para •FalIs 'and other :places, will re4.• • Mr. and: Mrs. Will Ross and Audrey' side oh the," bridegroom •s farm; Sixth Louise • ,Of Lochalsh, visited.; Zion •Concession, Kinloss township For fr end. ,on , Sunday. travelling the bride' donned a navy Mr. and Mrs: Bruce•Holland .of, sheer :triple `hI epe witli matching..ac- : ;;linton,. visited•'. Mr. and 7 Mrs. Sani cesseries• apid. on Sunday:ii Serdfces were resumed' on the Ash= i1!RI.tIAGE ANNOUNCED` I. Patton, who with' his family `have BOYlE-_McCAFFIERY. risen vacationing for the past month' Mr. and +Mrs. M..'J. McCaffery.,of: `at-Sauble- Beach, in -charge. ; • -—1-Dgtton, Ont. wish`': -to announ a the Mr, and Mrs. WM. Fisher .of: Luck 'marriage of . their daughter, Marion' now, viwere'.guests on Sunday with' Mr4 Lucille,' to Mr.. Harry J. Boyle.: of Lind . Mrs. : Henry Gardner. , Wingham, son'.' of Mr.:'and -Mrs. W. A. Boyle, of St:` Augustine. The wedding 'Bill "Your'car..'is at the ddor, Dor-''ceremony was'. performed by the•Rev- othy Ierend.:'Father ., Donov .n, at St,: Peter's • :poroth.: I3ow` doyou 'know?. . • '.°Cathedral, ;:London, .on January..:4th, PAGES FIVE :field Circuit on Sunday,: With Rev.' W. Ihl,1;I'h'eartlui'oekrrrg ";: 0] ut on ` t. turn,�bckr`�• h at. the :b • h ver yard Bl 0 1 evue yesy I Imo*. But ' -why don t pe pe: er • earn from •; experience!'. - Brown suit: We've never' tried exactly this beverage room system before Blue suit:: No, but it's theagitators and the people wlio.,beNlieve thein: • . without knowing,the facts who never seem to learn. Look back; and. you'll see �that .prohibition, has -never worked .'.. it hats always caused, evils' greater.tthan the. ones it sought; to correct. ut-thingsaren;t. perfect now? Brotvn:8uu :'..Perhaps, b u ; s are a feweo le who o to extremes'. But just Blue°sots:. Of cn t?ae there , p,p , . ...g t . •, Y ,, ] • because of'that.we don',t have to turn�right.baek..utto, the hands of. • the 'bootleggers!, People are going to drink,'you know. And' the way' to get moderation, is, to make the drinking of small, quantities of.. mildly, stimulating''beveragesfboth legal and public!- • whitabout these eo le who don't, know. when to sto ?';' ' 'Bt+own suit:, But'P �P . P Suit: Laiuis won't chin e•these people. Rut in time Blue . g P P . • e education will reduce their'. number, stop young people growing up in their foot-» • steps. That's why I'say, look back at1iistory but. don't turn back 'and' make all these mistakes over again. And that's' why I 'say '. . the 'Brewing' Industry 'is; doing a fine thing in urging true temperance • eduucationl , '411 This advertisement is inserted by the Brewing' Indu'etry in iliac. ntereat of a better public under- ' stand nry'of • certain"daapecta of th'e. problihna of , •' tempetance and•local option • OLD ' MAN ONTARIO .speaks 'Mr 'the, great mass,' of our. citizens'' when he..says, "Thank you, Mitch" • Only too well he remembers -the.' sorry plight `into which bad • government had brought: this great .province.,,three, years ', ago: `Spendthrift rpoliticians . were dragging ,Us. . deeper: and. deeper • into debt.;' Their millionaire: friends'were being allowed to fleece the public treasury!; 'Every'; department;. of the- public services was honeycombed.with an army`'of . hangers -oh ' It was- thenthe people turned to Hepburn in the hope he could and would carry out the: promises he made • - Perhaps skeptics -may have attributed some of his promises' to youthful. enthusiasm -7 . but Hepburn kept hisword he'sl Ontario's Man 'of Action: Today Honourable Mitchell ` F H'epp" b -urn": submits `the most successful, record, 'any' Ontario -Prink. Minister ever presented • ,before .eke bar._of public opinion. Hepburn Earns. the Gratitude of •••the 'Electorate E has earned the thanks of 'practically .every . Man, .woman. and child the province. Wealthy beneficiaries -of' estates Which', had been; allowed to - W y be c `� ulct the " province to the tune of.22 million dollars will n mot thank ;him for recoveringthat huge sum—but" nearly everybody • -:else will; Timber ,Profiteers' rue the daon which Hepburn came:to .p y ,. , P ' (.4i , ` people of the North'- jWhen :they Queen. s Park—but thep p.rejoiceWhen Y »» se i 'u tries s rin in upand old 'ones�•revivin . see large new, i,nd s ••, p , g , g , " ' • , S ,he oin Old.;lv a . Ontario in his enthusiasm for the ending of unemployment' min the,- . mber ,area 'and :for turning- George - Henry's l' ..._ 4 � : deficits into surpluses, ' if, BBusiness may ' not 'be singing Hepburn •'s .praises -- but the cotinmon people the fact that eo le .a e . saved them. � , , , millions in :intertest rates. ' N He furn SaV eS. .Hydrodro IF the roe,lec' power baron'shad a vote m Ont arios it woo ld certainly'not go. to Hepburn butwOn�ario knows that the '6overlinent's Hdro 'policy not onl • saved thls great enterprise ., .: u' that. it'>has a read saved over four liill'it�n dollars Trona. ruin, but „ � y to Hydro users, and:' thenew contracts will, :eventually efiect total! savings•to- the province of over.six million dollars a year. Profiteers frons the !liquor toll gate that Hepburn: promised to•abolish will'not be on his side -.but the p' ople, approve his, prohibition; of the sale .o£,liquor in restaurantswhich .'che -Henry Government would have .permitted; ',,„ ep.bu+rn Prod.es to., be i• a .e�;s F��end ,• . HAT °"Thank�. _• Mitch" divers -A wide range• public cY . services, administered, with .'efciencY and- economy : . hitherto unknown It says "Thanks" for the' lessening. of murilcipa1 burdens -=that mill tin ttlse talc rate, the _increase_in: toy; rship, road-subsie s,.:tl e,.assurnp tion' and increase' of Mothers'`Allowences.and, tE, assumption of .• Old Age Pensions , "Thanks" for the; abolition of :the amuseme' r tax: • "Thanks" for: preventing; the: ' exploitatioc.i of Jabhur by,, riotous aliens:. . "Thanks" for; the advanced',labour legisla:ion, such,.a industrial. standard codes, i:f -e tendinp niini'num vac laws to in, en, and se.ttin' u ' a- tribunal to ensure a s t:, re deal to , em- • i a "ard and Labour Bo ' In du' industry an hi' new s ployees� and employers. , T s. Y, has:', already, Justified Fits, ,creation by 'effecting ,settleirients. in r" tandin ._ rte' of long s 1 dispute's 'vera se g'. •, g - 'ex of our h1 h� . .`"Thanks" for•the modernizitx and C�CensiEi>< o u motin ' tourist.. trade. a gr Ater' scale• than ways,, and.. for pro � g , ,ever,before. - ''Thanks" .for , the, improvement ent in . the: preventive .measures for , the health of the people, 'and. for the better care of the ';sick; physical add, mental, ' • 'Thanks"'for 'the ro ,re ssr' of 'education in Ontario .and for assumin • the costs. of examination fees. • - ' "Thanks"- for the advancement of every; Department within the ,jurisdiction :.of a: Pro , v'incial Government: • • ° ie r Id an • $ mbar of . a t'atef of pt:c�p , O M Y .g • intiris Speaks 'forthe reit mass, tf o t 1 Citizens when he says,: Carry On, Htpbngn",r Those.. Who Are' E,ititied To i /,,ote " Every British sub•e"ctc'21 )ears of •tl;e,.: it'd resident • in Ontario since bctober` 6, 1936,, is entitled to":Vote. at ch fortihcoming etec- ' i n but the name must to boon the'i'oters' i1 vote 'fo'r the 1:iberal cttndid,uemon°•October Gth • k the. practical way the Ontario elector c:t•n joi'n in YY the. ni:in<lau, CAI2R1'• •