HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1937-09-09, Page 3°
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UR:4 e:SEI'TEMBER:9, 193•x,;
-f. *� .:.-, •A THE . LU NOW SRNTINEL !11`--- -
1 01,1E TA-Lx7s:•':
,l you fight away!"
Bob Watson carne home bursting with
the news.The big break had come at
last., He was now Department •Manager
at a big. `.increase in salary., "Your .'•
Father will be delighted-!" • beamed '
Muriel.,, his arlrife."Why _ not call him
up?" "I certainly will: =' news like
this , demands ,Long :Distance.. And
while I'mabout it, I'll'call Aunt' Mary,•
The frown family have_found. '' •
that' to spread. goad' nems or . in•..
emergency, Long Distance a; Oldie.
pensable. Are you making best use
of all- that Long Aistance offers?:
Low ,Night prates begin. every evening
at. seven, and _apply ALL' OAY' 5UN4AY1,
ORUMEN", at: Mit, t, ,cost
Having .our factory ,equipped with
the moat. ;modern Machinery. for tilt
execution: of high class work, we ask
you to see the largest display of mo
uments or any retail, factory in On-
tario. All finished by 'sand• ,blast ma
chines: We, import , all oiir granite!
from •the. OldCountry 'quarries'dir.
Wit; in the rough. ,You; can; rive an
local dealers', agents' and middleman
profits, . by seeing ug. , •
!Sehool reopened here on September.
The . Mary Hardie Mission: Band
held their' September meeting at • the
home of Miss Jes,h, Bissett •on Satur-
day, the
aturday,..the fourth, ':with Miss; Margaret'
MacKenzie, representing ,the W.' M. S.
Mr, ' Sleep,; Mrs,' De" Claire • and;
Marie. • of Clawson, .Mich., • spent the
holiday with Miss Barbara Bueglas.
Mrs. :7?, Lumbers of• Toronto, visit-
ed with friends here over, the week-•'
� rorz
e�.. 7r
home, after •spending the summer.vac,
ution in Chicago,
Labor' Day passed off very dared
here. • Those who were anter sted in
sport spent the afternoon, at Pine
River Park where - a, , full afternoon:
of sports were carried out.
;Miss Marjory.; Bissett has gone, to:
Goderichto attend High School.
Mies Catherine`' •MacKenzie: left this
week for Detroit ;on an ,extended visit.;
M. Beacom paid his „ official ,visit,
to.'Laurier school one day last •week.'
... .,,• . . .•. .
Y411f- ,i/f---Mi$ J `",11E1WO
Sunday' with, Les, Ritchie's.MrsE.. Gilmore si?ent a ,.fFeilw
ays•,with l..
friends tin .Winghaint•'"and
Mrs,' Geo, Calhoun • of Calgary was
the guest" of her brothers', ld and
list: Gilmore: a few'days ;last week.,
Mr. and; 'Mrs-• Robt• "H„elm , spent
Sunday with Mr. rind Mrs, J. •Henry.
Mr and Mrs ,John McDonald. spent
an afternoon 'with: Mr.. and, Mrs.
Archie Courtney, . f Amlierley ;one
day • last week. ,•
Mr. and Mrs.. L. a.eKinn:o "
Mc nand
Bruce. and Mrs. J. •MacKinnon' and
Jean visited with Mr, Will • Hunter'
and family;"
Mr. and ••Mrs 'Bruce 'fl;plland; of
Clinton spent'th'week end with Peter,
;. � � r - .e � ., v _. , �`- . , ntly`wik� Dfrs .�iss,I mma,:;McDonagh and friend;
A W' .. K.• MacLen.zlan w . of Londan,. spent. ttfe�iweekend wrtlr;
At set F:ad 13 t WALK>ON Miss,Bettte.liamilton has returned her parents d
%-1i 'J
OW � . e�Cep ra
nut : O PAY
�� r The' �� �
S a
uiidt►r the
f®�, S `- HOME
•'Get .the . finest - roofing . '•
. money. can buy. on eaayr
ppsy,mexits. spread .over
three are.Tite-Lapand . •
l. are
durable. handsome' °in
-dppearance, fire'proof r—
aven -
even - lightning -proof g•proof if
erected aocor,fing_to_the•_•
W` Lighteing Rod Act: - Byy.•
'from' acompeny,that has •
• ' served you house♦ -3y.,' for •+
years -whose :prodncte
set the.: pace -Eastern '
Steel. Products Limited.
Both•'Tite•Lap •and
• Roll are.cosily put on
over your old roof. They
'save you money by cut.
brig upkeep costs, pro-
tecting your • crops and
liveatock. Be. sure to get;•
schoed,. • the genuine E.S.P.pro-
,..d law duct. Send ridge. and
�• rafter measurements for '=
,N1ot. , free cost estimate.
=1k drive -screw n.il.;deve1
wentof the Preston Leder
Hed Nail Takes ten Unmans
-much force to draw it ont of
a sheathing board as a sten- '
deed barbed roofing . nail
Write .for .literature on the
famous namesww.yyr•��Poultry
Equipment.Completeline of
incubators. brooder stoves,
poultry house equipment of .
ellkinds: his yin.
vppeoo , tfrayti6n and housing for
The Praeton', Pertilator
'attached • to your seed drill
enables, you to sow fertiliser
with your fail wheat. •
t""l'`Yt $feel produ,Cts
706'G..' h Stn.t. , limited' .
b,. Faetale+alto'�}
(Continued fro
' mYga'
Gladiolus. •3- spikes, -A.' W. Iamilton,
S C..,Rathwell; ,spikes -4.. C. •Rothwell, A. W, , Hamilton;
Gladioli, single spike—•,Mrs: W m.' Mc-
Kenzie, • S. C. Rothwell; Gliidiolus;
..Rathwell. A.tW .Henna -
ton; Gladiolus, Smoky—R. H..Thomp'-
: son, A. W ; Hamilton; Gladiola`s,'; par -
'•Ole and red --R 11. Thompson, S. C.
`Rathwell; ' Gladiolus; collectiort-•R.'
Thompson, •, S. C Rathwell;
oras; ,' 10 blooms—S. C.. Rathwell,. R,
:. • Fisher; „.Stocks—,Mrs.'. A.. Solomon;:
Snapdragon;. dark.. =R Fisher; Mrs.
Wm, McKenzie; Snapdragon, , R. ,Fi• shes •Fishes, • S. C. ; Rathwell; '.Scabiosa
C.. Rathtasell,. `Mrs. D. • Huston.
Pansies==Mrs. A. Soloriron • J. ' Pick-'
ering: Perennial.' Phlox= -Mrs., .T. J.
Salkeld. Mrs. A. •Solomon; Nastur-
tium. H, Thompson, :Mrs. T. J.
Salkeld; • Marigold;' French
Wm. McKenzie;. Marigold, • African—
R. H.' Thoiinpson, S. ,C. , Rathwell;•
Galendulas—S. C. Rathwell, .J:'. Coll-
yer;' Cosinds—Mi s.. T. J.' Salkeld, S.
C. Rathwell;' 'Petunias,' double
Pickering, ..1.„ Collyer; Pettin'ias, single
,—Bert ' Wart Mrs. A. !Solomon;, Coli
lection, • An tMls' .. ;. S. C. . Rathwell
Solomon; Collection Of Per-
ennials — S: C.• 'Rathwell, Mrs,
A. Solomon; Collection of Roses.—
Mrs. Win. McKenzie, 13. 1I. , Thomp-
son: 'Roses,, red,Mrs,• A. Solomon .R.,
•• : Fisher; Roses, ' pink—Mrs. , A. Sole
soon; `Roses, 'whit—Mrs.. A. Solomon,
R 1'1(.•' Thompson; Carnations - R.
''Fisher, J. •Collyer; Table. Bouquet—•
." Mie. T. J. "Salkeld;• J. Pickering; An
itual' arks}lur—+Mrs; A, Solomon.
Potted Plants
• •
Begonia, .'Rex—J. Pickering; Tub-
erous' Begonia,• double Mrs„ H. Ilus-
ton; Tuberous Begonia; • siigle�•-�Mr s.
Huston✓ Coleus -J,• Pickering R.
Fisher; 11esi ;Gloxinia✓ -=Mrs.• A. Selo.
'mon Mrs 'T.:•L Salkeld;` Geraiiiuins,
ringie--Mia H. Huston;'. Geraniums,,
donble-Mrs. D. Huston;: Potted
Plants' in ,liltio>irMrs. D, Huston,
Mrs. WM, McKenzie;Ii
r I.. .
Mr... and• Mrs, Hiram Moffatt, Keith;
and Donald '•of Union, : spent Sunday.
with her parents, Mr., and Mrs: Rich-
ard. Johnston::
Mr. 'and Mrs.; Will Andrew, visited
friends: in. Clint
• , pn . on `Sunday..;..
Mi • and Mrs., Herman Wader', of
Toronto and two neic'es. of. Port Stan
Icy visited on Sunday' at the home'
of :Mr: and, Mrs. I: M. Kilpatrick. Mr.
and Mrs.',Voaden have just returned
from ..a -very enjoyable' trip' through
f+ uropean: countries, including, France,
Germany' and Italy .. r ,• •
••1V1r. and Mrs. ,Palmer 'Rlilratrick;
of Tordnto,rwlio have!been` holidaying
With-: their parents. at-'Benmiller and
Mafeking,had their `tonsils removed
os ital last'
week. 'Both are gettinga
ong very
Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Webster'and Mr.
I;anacCr•anstonthe. Toronto
exhibition last,week, ' ;attended •
The Y,P. S. are p1 "lining on' holding
IX 'corn roast down. 11t the 'nail next
Friday .evening.,.; r
Miss 'Winnifre'dBlake of St: 't elens'
spent Sunday at 'her homer.` •
' Sundiiy visitors with Mr, and. lllrs.:
G4eor•ge Saunders'' were; Mr. and Mrs.'
Wm, Tutton and. three children of
near 3enmiller and Mr, and Mfrs'. Ed-
gar, Ritchie, and' family ;of "Zion. '.
Mr and Mrs, Harvey.r:Mole of Durr-
gannori, visited with •Mr. and Mrs.'
Arechie Johnston on Sunday.,.
• -Mi.,and''•Mrs.,Alf Arrnstrong • Gorr
don and Miss ,Dorothy ,Berry of Lon
don, visited' during the•week end •with.
Mr. and Mrs Diiid Little,
5 Miss Rita Courtney' of Jackson,
Mich,, is visiting at her, home' here,
Mr, and Mrs James promote,Mr.
and Mrs. Ada* .Johnstone,• yrtle
ands Gordon, visited with -Mr. ttnd Mrs;
Wilfred I Plunkett, of Auburn on 'San -
Teeswater lat- week:
Mr.,'and Mrs. ,Jno Campbell visited
'with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter and,
#amply on.
"Messrs. Wilfred, .. Basil', ' Wil! and;
Connie Hogan spent a ,cpuple .of days
at Toronto exhibition.:
• • Miss Lorena, wain. Hogan' has ret rned: '
to, Priceville;:,where she ain w, has
• been 'engaged to teach for .the 'Com-
ing yea><:: We also• congratulate • Misa.•
Hogan on her success in passing" her
music exams. .
• Mrs.: Win, McNamara.' and son of: :•
petroit.Tare_ n .
Y�� .,g 'ruitlp Mir >ensl'
k tT,ir
s l
Mrs, "A Martin ,and, MVlicha.•visited'
with, Mr; and' ;;Mrs: ` M.: Mogan - on".•
unda; -°
resents ai, taterrent
Realizing the ;anxiety which exists in the public mildttoda with; respect to the increased '. revalence of Poliomyelitis•
(`Infantile Paralysis") in Toronto and other parts of the province, the Academy of .Medicine of Toronto, which
_" represents more than one thousand physicians. called a special meeting of its Council, September lst, to review;the
whole situation.--To-this were -invited `invi representatives, • W . . e T ,.. in
meeting a ted from all departments of medicine interested in this
At the
conclusion of the conference, duringwhich time
e all of the pertinent factsof thepresent, t situation
were presented and discussed, it wasfelt 'that, in fairness Ito
the public, an official statement should bemade to
set forth the `facts exactly as they exist. To this end,• a committee was. appointed to; : re .ate and: issue an official
statement, .:whichfollows• I
.. P
P.ohomyelitls ("Infantile. Parol y sis:' • 'Is'a communicable disease
': Iris defrAtely 'mown that it is caused .by the entrance into the
body of a minute foci n of life•known at a virus.: 'It: i known
also that this virus entersCommonly through; the upperppart of
.the nasal .tract;' There h nb evidence' that the' disease 3s';coii.
veyed by .flies or domestic 'animals,
When an "outbreak`4of the disease occurs, healthy :pe'rsone as
well as those ill with the disease are found to harbor the virus
In the secretions" ofthe nos* and throat.'.. The disease• Is, there:
fore, spread through the Contact of., 'parkins one withanother.:.
Usually -the Arai occasitonss only.• mild; Illness but sbme=
tholes, the vlruii enters' the central nervous system ivhkh;.may .:.:
result in: paralysis• The tnajorlty of .adults; are not susce tible •
to the`ditieaee. P
• Preach. Shan'tiou
While' the number.:ot.case r .. ... •
. reported: neater -.than- -.
to an rev.'
r f
sale .a
.deer '
nd a 'trio i '._
y P ease
� n
to, ,preswno that the incidence rate is likely to decline .within
. 'the : next two or three weeks, it must be borne in mind that not
'1.'S,% ,of these cases elbow an evidence arhatevei•'of .paralysis."
• .Furthermor thoso
e, ,vel In al :sis she- ma
. I�tY ••
eventually will recover c°om etc � � paralysis,
r.. , p,1 of thele' paralysed limbs.
k.sti a _ p.1.
ould ar _ retoro • toss while -
Ppe, ,. tRie k thero'�ilsevery :easoq,tot:,,
the. public .to view .the .;resent situation with coilce.0,. there. is ..
n justification kir undue
slarni or hysterical behavloeit.
• According to figures . computed by the Department, • of
Het.lthY, Ontario, osdate,•tbers''glre:est1mat�ed to be 750.csses�in
• Ontario,. of Which 285 have occurred'; in• tine. City of Toronto.
'Of'this' number, 212 t ses have been, admitted to the Riverdale' •
Isoladon 'Hos ital onl , 54 of 'a4 otn'. develo ionte degree
of Paralysis, sis,'Th 'Werra l
.pa y here were ll,deaths ,In• this; -sou . •Sicattstics of
a similar nature a .l to the i , . g p
p Res of f of Skk,Chlldte which
has- received Its ca es p.
., ; not �aly.tr�,Torauo;but:>tt�oal':ocher
para of, dr, province
. .n
l: ca
the' attict isoladoti' of
RU tsotw Ill •w►ith tht;
also .
.sae end thee. uttraatln of.pe
a occas wino have. 'been m
dicta confect.
• r ,q•r• •
• 'riT1,:
In as much as it Is t1 known notl koOwii. who are or are not_carriers'
o,f this disease, it is advisable' to reduce to a minimuft , 'contact
with .;tither ,;.people. In other words, keep . put: of . crowds. As
, children •are' particularly susceptlble, it is most important that'
they be. kept' as far as possible from mingling with other per-
sons: For thio, re the 'opening of'the schools of Toronto
has been deferred the De
partment of health Of the Pro=
vine' of Ontario has r - , ,, ended to ,paretics that they, see to •
'It'ttiiat their children•avo' attendance at theatres,,;pp'la rounds;
bathing olsand `bea` es' and other laces'': of: amusement'
Where children congreggate. The Academy agrees with the ro-
vincial and Municipal eel& authorities thatthe
'foe the control ,Of. the acdvipes of; Children is rimarily'' "•-
duty Olds
The Department of Health of Ontario las , completed •
within Its: own :organisation •:plans .whereby ;serum for the •
•-treatment of • disease is available in•a nY:pirt of the province,
upon the, request ofthe,attending physician..
•Nasal Spray
.Experlinental• work with animals indicates. that Poliom. itis
, -
can be prevented by,spfaying: the extreme upper part of
• inside' of the nose with a :hsrit less.solu' "' p
son of zmc"�sul • 6
. •'was'discovered : dur ,the: • _.. sulph
i•a. est ear: To .dare its. value ,.. the. .,.,.� .:P, Y , sue n. .,
of Poliomyelitis in humans is not known T °
revenpop , . . _ . i . , •
be an• any degree effective. the spray must be applied . hi 1 u
only be" Y ' ;
inside;the. nose.. done•. with• g Up
' q �a speciallyro n= . • '
by y roughly' • ainiliar.with:
strutted atomizer and a ,physician the . •
this di wock. The application location of thin or
tYPe• . lip any other spray `...
by an, Ordinal;.. atomizer 'or to 'the lower pia , ' of the nose.is
quits useless.he. 'possible value of th ;, nasa spray ra '
9 Pio e , ,.: P Y roperly .
administered' is being determined at the present time in Toronto. •
Academy of Medicine .of •Toronto
Council • of the ' • . q, , .. _...
endorses the, attitude. adopted by the:. provincial De p ertinent •of •
'•Healti>r and; the local Board of "Health in .respect to measures, 'w,•�. ,
desl g n to control •thepresent 'situation - " 'r
g �. We would res � .
,fully suggest' that'the;general ' ublic will best serve its own
Interests by
endeavoringp r . >
, to #`allow. the, advice which ,H being',. . .
'givents b these health authorities. R >y
Vi y!
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EMYor MitotClhtE�
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